Friday, October 11, 2013

Is there a Doctor in the HOUSE?

As someone who was raised as a Seventh Day Adventist, it pains my heart to rip Dr. Ben Carson- a man I admire for his surgical skills- tonight.

The good doctor likened Obamacare to slavery. Imagine that for a minute. A health plan that makes it easier for people-even those who have a pre-existing medical condition-  to get coverage, is the same as an institution that brutalized an entire race of people in unspeakable ways.

But this is what happens when you rub elbows and share the same air-space with "values voters". You have to wonder about a bunch of people who call themselves "values voters" but have a flawed value system, themselves.

I bet Dr. Ben will be on FOX News next. Wait.....

Anyway, I think that they are supposed to be all Christians, but I heard nothing but unchristlike things coming out of their "summit".

"Towards the end of a sprawling, fiery speech at the Values Voter Summit, outgoing Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) predicted that in the near future, the Affordable Care Act will no longer be referred to as “Obamacare,” as conservatives originally intended, but rather as “Deathcare.”

“This egregious system, that will ultimately be known as ‘Deathcare’ must be defeated,” Bachmann declared. During the speech she set up a dichotomy of “police state,” symbolized by the shuttered World War II memorial during the government shutdown vs. “Constitutional republic,” represented by conservatives like her who fought to reopen it, only after directly causing the shutdown in the first place."

Nice. This woman of "values" accuses her government of promoting a plan to purposely kill people. Because nothing says Christian like an angry mean spirited political loser.

Still another one of Dr. Carson's palls accused the White House of wanting to take him hostage.

Ted Cruz, as you might have noticed, has a high opinion of himself.

Trust me, the last thing the White House would want to do is to get rid of Ted Cruz. Ted is the best thing to happen to this White House since Mitt Romney ran for president.

"None of us know what’s going to happen on this Obamacare fight right now,”..... “In my view, the House of Representatives needs to keep doing what it’s been doing, which is standing strong.”

Don't believe it, if you keep doing what you are doing, the values summit will have to feature a lot more praying in the  future. 

Finally, if you want to see what's causing the fear and angst among those folks down at the values summit read this article. These people truly believe that they are losing their country, and that Barack Obama represents the type of people that they are losing it to.

The Democracy Corps study might be surprising to folks like James Carville, but not to me; I saw this coming from a mile away.

"What they found is downright frightening. The study, titled “Inside the GOP: Report on Focus Groups with Evangelical, Tea Party, and Moderate Republicans” and written by Greenberg, Carville, and Erica Seifert, opens with an apocalyptic scenario:
If you want to understand the government shutdown and crisis in Washington, you need to get inside the base of the Republican Party. …
Understand that the base thinks they are losing politically and losing control of the country—and their starting reaction is “worried,” “discouraged,” “scared,” and “concerned” about the direction of the country—and a little powerless to change course. They think [President Barack] Obama has imposed his agenda, while Republicans in DC let him get away with it.
From there, it gets worse:
While many voters, even some Democrats, question whether Obama is succeeding and getting his agenda done, [core] Republicans think he has won. The country may think gridlock has won, particularly during a Republican-led government shut down, but Republicans see a president who has fooled and manipulated the public, lied, and gotten his secret socialist-Marxist agenda done. Republicans and their kind of Americans are losing.
Admittedly, the Democracy Corps report is impressionistic and based on focus groups; therefore, it can’t be exaggerated into a scientific study. Still, as pundit-blogger Andrew Sullivan accurately notes, “It’s a sobering read … and definitely helps explain the primal scream now threatening to take down the entire American system of elective government.”

The report is at its discouraging best—or should I say worst?—in the way that it illuminates the thinking of the focus-group participants’ fears surrounding the changing demography of the country. Nobody made crude racial references or spoke in the offensive language of bigots, according to the reports’ writers. Yet a fear of racial change lies at the core of the GOP base’s concerns. The report states:
They have an acute sense that they are white in a country that is becoming increasingly “minority,” [that] their party is getting whooped by a Democratic Party that uses big government programs that benefit mostly minorities, creat[ing] dependency and a new electoral majority.
Or, as one evangelical man in Roanoke put it—apparently blind to the irony of the government shutdown by a small number of Tea Party activists in the U.S. House of Representatives—“The government’s giving in to a [racial] minority, to push an agenda, as far as getting the votes for the next time.”

Paging Dr Carson, paging Dr. Carson.



  1. Anonymous9:46 PM


    someday when it is far too late

    you will FINALLY realize that you are both a house nigger and a slave because you refuse to admit that dr. ben carson is telling the truth about hobama

    dr. carson knows the medical field.
    and, u clearly do not!!!

    as this relates to hobamascare, that makes him a literal field

    hobamacare is causing massive layoffs/poverty/insane premium hikes etc...TODAY!!!

    wtf are u seeing hobamascare do ALREADY/NOW???????

    do the math!!!!!!

    as doctors flee the profession, we will all pay more for less

    how dare u libel dr. carson as you ignore HIS front line reality!!!!


    ps: kudos to bc and fox!!!!!!!

  2. Anonymous10:01 PM

    hobama has pimped rich and poor nazis with his hobamascare hoax...

    what is MOST tragic is that you are acting as co-pimp and cheerleader as u dupe the poor STILL...shame!!!

    medicare and medicaid will both be gutted
    poor people and all of us will have less and pay more

    wtfu and do the mf math asap!!!!!!!

    cc agenda 21/genocide/gmo food/toxic tap water etc

    kudos to mb
    she is the new sarah p
    cc death panels

  3. Anonymous10:22 PM

    that racist bankster hobama is a global slayer!

    all african people are being slain most globally!

    cc hobamascare/africom/ndaa etc

    and u r cheering him on fn

    cc your karma


  4. Anonymous10:33 PM

    kudos to the heroic bc & fox!!!!!!!

    is a sane angel who will eternally slay that insane eternal demon hobama

    cc ww3/drones/ndaa/assata/africom/mumia etc

    cc drones/africom/hobamascare/ww3/jobless/homeless/austerity/grand bargain etc...

  5. Nick Digger10:39 PM

    The ruling elite mocks the traditional white majority incessantly, celebrates their demographic displacement at every turn, and constantly tells them they have no place in America's future, and you are surprised that the objects of all this opprobrium aren't happy about it?

    Where might they get the idea that they are powerless to stop the government from confiscating their wealth, taking away their healthcare, and importing their replacements? Why from the very same elite media that crowed about how the election results confirmed that they were as good as buried. Every advertisement, TV show, and Hollywood movie reinforces this theme.

    Those of you who think this narrative is the whole story are badly deluded. The Black and the Brown are just tools used by one group of whites against another. Non-elite whites have been pushed into a corner. Injustice on this scale cannot stand, and will be resolved one way or another. As history has shown, white people can defend themselves quite capably.

    This game is far from over.

  6. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Anonymous said...

    someday when it is far too late

    you will FINALLY realize that you are both a house nigger and a slave because you refuse to admit that dr. ben carson is telling the truth about hobama

    dr. carson knows the medical field.
    and, u clearly do not!!!
    I agree. Dr Ben Carson has been my hero for many years. He is the MJ of the Medical Field of Surgery. He is brilliant and stands as a shining example to children of what is possible in America if they persevere and let nothing stop them.

    However, it doesn't surprise me that Field wants to reduce Dr Carson and portray him as someone who is just another non-thinking, not too bright uncaring Black Republican who has turned away from his race.

    The truth is, Field can't carry a candle to Dr Carson. Jesse Lee Peterson is more Field's speed. And even on JLP's radio show, he had his ass handed to him by JLP. That's pretty sad, considering JLP is uneducated. I question where Mr Field got his law degree from? Was it one of those affirmative action schools where they gave law degrees away?

    You see, I don't believe brother Field has a law degree. I can tell by his posts that he is not a lawyer. He got his degree in English, and a BA at that.

    As a matter of fact, so did Purple Cow, except he got his degree online.

  7. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Have you noticed that the most successful and brightest bm are Conservative Republicans? I mean, look at the CBC...they are a bunch of dumb asses. Look at the progressive ID Blacks on FN, they have no idea what's going on. They just vote for Obama simply because he is Black.

    PilotX voted for Obama because Obama is from the Southside of Chicago.

    Black Sage voted for Obama because he is Black.

    Field voted for Obama because he is hoping Obama will invite him to be on his staff. He would fit in well, there...nobody has to know shit.

    Then there is Desert. Who knows why? Rumors have it whatever Field says, she agrees. That woman needs to turn to God.

  8. Wesley R11:24 PM

    The Good Doctor doesn't understand that he will become a target just like my man 9-9-9 if he gets too big in Republican circles. The Good Doctor is only useful to the wingnuts if he's presents their agenda to the masses. Once he gets there the wingnuts will throw him under the bus. Just like they did 9-9-9. Earth to Dr. Carson, they will never love you.

  9. StillaPanther21:07 AM

    I think Brother Carson is trying to navigate himself into a position whereby he can lead the Republican ticket in 2016. Knowing at present Mrs. Clinton is a lock to lead the Democrat ticket. he has to play to the whites that are thinking "never again" will a Black man sit in the chair. Demonizing the Black race openly and verbally while being Black has always been an endearing quality that whites have loved in the past and probable will continue for a time.

    Working with doctors that are high on the food chain, I can understand that just maybe this doctor has spent an entire career competing against non African Americans and has lost a sense of history. I will say now that I don't know the man "on the daily"- but have seen many doctors that are so specialized that they lose focus of their role toward humanity. One such creed we have in medicine is that "I will not hurt anyone". (Loosely expressed)> Doctors at the top need challenges. I hope the Brother is trying to pull the "rope a dope" like Brother Obama and pull off another miracle. Maybe if he runs for office he will learn some history and respect for the people that survived slavery so his butt can disrespect my race. Dang Obomacare. Jim Crow, hangings, burning live humans, cutting live humans hearts out, raping the females at will, throwing people back into slavery by use of police. on and on and on. So if the Affordable Care Act is worst than the aforementioned horrors... where do I sign up to be a Republican?

    PS I am not a Democrat nor a Republican. They are both gangbangers. What other gangs use the color reds and blue. Like a previous commenter stated, both parties are white controlled... and I strongly know the whites stick together at "crunch time"... that why they keep us nogroes at each other's throats. I used an o instead of an e to note my people got to use their numbers ... Tea Party creating havoc with such a small number.

  10. "Yet a fear of racial change lies at the core of the GOP base’s concerns."

    Hit the nail on the head with that one.

    "Have you noticed that the most successful and brightest bm are Conservative Republicans?"

    Alright Field, I see you got some funny trolls. Nice.

  11. Anonymous2:03 AM

    Not sure that we will get through the next 3 years w/o these nutters going Ruby Ridge on the rest of the country. Idiots being egged on by half wits......


  12. Maybe the sane folks will vote in 2014. Imagine how much we could get done with a rational congress.

  13. Nick Digger, I say start a revolution against those "white elites". Just make sure you keep looking behind u when u storm those Wall Street gates. :)

  14. When black people (like FN) tear down other blacks and call them house negros, has anyone considered they are doing exactly what the KKK can no longer do in public?

    It's not like FN is tearing down dropout-drugged-gangbanging-criminals, he's going after a world class doctor.

  15. Checked out the FN/Patterson youtube video.

    Patterson claims most black people are racist.
    FN responded blacks are not racist, it's just because of some preconceived injustice or something else.

    FN - "No such thing as a bad neighborhood." Except for poor white neighborhoods in west virgina.

    13% of population, over 40% rely on government assistance. And FN responds "yeah but so are a lot of white folks."

    FN says Patterson will be getting something from the government when he retires. Patterson responded he earned the money, it's his money he's getting back.

    Patterson - this is why we can't have a discussion on race, you refuse to admit you're racist.

    Gotta give FN props for admitting he had certain advantages in life. Hhmm, like having 2 educated parents that wanted the same for their son?

    FN - "black people can't advance their position because of forces around us"
    Hans solo is a racist? But black people born to 2 doctors can obviously get around the force.

    FN - If you're white in america you shouldn't have any excuses for anything.

    Patterson - Can you name one place in this country where blacks are in control, city council is black, mayor is black, police chief is black and black people are rushing there to live?
    FN - "um"

  16. Nick Digger12:32 PM

    field negro said...
    Nick Digger, I say start a revolution against those "white elites". Just make sure you keep looking behind u when u storm those Wall Street gates. :)

    I am very careful about who is behind me.

    And if and when the revolution happens, there will be debts to be paid.

  17. "Can you name one place in this country where blacks are in control, city council is black, mayor is black, police chief is black and black people are rushing there to live?"

    He should have asked me that one. Ha! Jesse Lee Peterson is a real life Uncle Ruckus. His act has to be a joke.

  18. Olympia Fields is a village in Cook County, Illinois, United States. The population was 4,988 at the 2010 census.[1] It is the location of the prestigious Olympia Fields Country Club, and is also noteworthy as one of the wealthiest "majority black" communities in the United States.

    Just one example in the Chicago area.

  19. StatisticianX12:54 PM

    Wow! You found a community of 4,988 people that might not be a fucking disaster! I guess that really does prove Blah people can run a city.

    Are you a real person?

  20. "Wow! You found a community of 4,988 people that might not be a fucking disaster! I guess that really does prove Blah people can run a city."

    I know racist wingnuts don't read well but I said that's just one in the Chicago area. If you were familiar with the area I could go on. But yes, blah folks can run cities and much more. SMDH.

  21. PilotX:Helping Slaves off the Republican Plantation said...
    I know racist wingnuts don't read well but I said that's just one in the Chicago area. If you were familiar with the area I could go on. But yes, blah folks can run cities and much more.

    I think patterson's point was about being run by blacks, not blacks/whites/latinos like the village is.

    I'm not implying anything wrong with a village being run by the people that live there, just pointing out that wasn't what patterson was talking about.

    The village has a president?

  22. PilotX said..."But yes, blah folks can run cities and much more. SMDH."

    We know all about that in Detroit, Newark, Birmingham, St. Louis, East St. Louis, Flint, Milwaukee, Gary, Camden, Jackson, Trenton, Memphis, Cleveland, Baltimore, Atlanta, New Orleans, and Oakland.

    No one but a moron is going to buy your argument that the existence of a handful of gated communities where the top 1% of blacks go to escape Eric Holder's people somehow balances out the smoldering ruins of America's great cities.

    New York survives because of the financial industry and because Jews can play by different rules. Washington DC survives because of the federal government. Chicago has made is this far because of its commercial importance, but is inexorably slipping into the Black undertow.

    These cities suffer from too much 'Diversity', or too little real diversity - there aren't enough white people to keep things going. The only way to save these cities would be to allow whites to establish their own neighborhoods, with their own neighborhood schools free from desegregation schemes that import perpetrators to victimize their kids and disrupt their classrooms.

    If blacks could resist immediately pillaging white neighborhoods and destroying them through Section 8 financed integration and bussing, then tax revenues would increase, businesses and jobs would come back to the cites, and everyone would benefit. But of course they can not allow that, and therefore these cities will all eventually be Detroited.

  23. StatisticianX said...
    These cities suffer from too much 'Diversity', or too little real diversity - there aren't enough white people to keep things going.

    I believe it's not white and black that divides, it's green or lack thereof.

    When you're poor you think the rich are cheating and taking advantage. The rich think the poor are lazy.

    Doesn't the village PilotX talked about prove my point? People in different races yet the same socioeconomic class thriving as a community.

  24. StatisticianX3:38 PM

    The village PilotX talked about proves that America is open to all who embrace its promise. The fact that it is such an exception proves that the racial resentment philosophy that controls black politics works to destroy that promise.

    Life is infinitely easier when you are rich, but the disparity between black and white comes down primarily to culture. Poor white neighborhoods are not war zones.

    Blacks, egged on by liberal-progressives who farm their votes, reject assimilation into the mainstream culture and jealously cling to the dysfunction that ravages their communities. Conformist African culture inside a Euro society results in misery and mayhem, regardless of how much money you have. Ask Adrian Peterson.

    Living right would be acting white, to be a traitor the Race. Field Negro labels such people House Negroes and Uncle Toms. No doubt, most of the black residents of Olympia Fields would be at risk for earning that designation from Field and his ilk, for whom nothing is as important as racial solidarity. White people live as individuals, but to blacks race trumps everything.

    You can't help some people.

  25. "Blogger PilotX:Helping Slaves off the Republican Plantation"

    PilotX, you mean "PilotX: Flying Slaves off the Republican Plantation"? LOL

    Figures field would attack a brutha who dared leave the Democrat plantation.

  26. parvenu5:40 PM

    Let's get rid of Dr. Carson first...simply put the good Doctor decided back during the Romney campaign that it is better to be a rich SELL OUT than to be a middle class iconic figure and inspiration for the Negro race. Brother Carson would rather put all that Koch money in his bank account instead of just settling for the satisfaction of knowing that his name is included on the long list of black heroes - a list which is retrieved and celebrated each February of each year.

    Now to the second part of Field's post that pertained to those white middle-aged and older folks who are scared, confused, and concerned where America is going under the LEADERSHIP of a BLACK MAN! First of all you have to out yourself in the mindset of these people. They have been told from birth that NO MATTER HOW LOW YOU GO YOU CAN NEVER HIT ROCK BOTTOM BECAUSE YOUI ARE A WHITE MAN (OR WOMAN), and you will always be better than any NEGRO all of whom will always be below you in American society. These people have had this message drilled into their heads, and YET here we are with a BLACK MAN AS PRESIDENT!

    Part of their shock is the exposure to the irrefutable FACT that the conceptual notion of WHITE RACIAL SUPERIORITY, which incidentally they have made an integral part of their belief system, and in particular the CORNERSTONE of their societal COPING mechanism, has been nothing more than a self-delusional traditionally accepted customary whimsical myth.

    The reaction exhibited by these people is consistent with that displayed by other mental patients who have suffered similar extreme psychological disruptions in their lives. These patients also exhibit deep emotional trauma ranging from fear, paranoia, confusion, and depression. The CORNERSTONE is gone, what is left to hold onto?

    The trauma animating the Tea Party members and their spokespeople will continue among these white folks long after Barack Obama has left the office of the American presidency. As a matter of fact it could be considered a sort of an Obama legacy marking the final years of the traditional ANTI-NEGRO American racist in American society.

  27. StillaPanther25:57 PM

    whites live collectively also. they are fortunate to be able to identify their culture from Europe. I have lived in neighborhood that was totally Polish. These whites have solidarity that don't have to be put on display. they live their unique culture while be able to interact and respect others from their race. The Jews are always displaying their cultural solidarity. Europeans have a pecking order and this allow them to respect each order. maybe when Blacks find out where they came in Africa, they will also develop some unity and respect for each other.

    Wouldn't it be great to know you are from a proud and powerful people such as the Mandinkas of West Africa? Warriors they are, I would be proud to be one and if I meet another tribal relative, there would be an instance acceptance. Seeing that one of the first actions of the white man was to take our identity away, I contend that if Blacks retake our identities.. just maybe we can start accepting each other instead of comparing to how Americanized the person you are meeting.

    I know this works because when I meet a veteran I instantly feel a kinship towards that person. Think of the feeling of being able to hear and maybe speak a language that is connected to you and your fellow kin. If you are like me... I have learned a smattering of Spanish. I got tired of them converting to their tongue during conversations with mixed company. If all else fail, learn some Pig Latin to keep it even. Blacks have never been even in America... it time to develop a link to our origins, have a sense of connection to our past. Just like some cities have pockets of different whites by ethnicity. Maybe Afican Americans can also practice this method that encourages familial bonding to help assuage our emotional pains and therefor maybe just killing each other because we have no kinship towards each other will end.

    I am sorry to be so long. But let me give a short quiz to you. Name a dish from Africa that you eat on the regular? Now name a dish from the Chinese, Polish, Italians and Greek that you eat. After centlet reclaims reclaim our unique kinships here in America, everybody else have .

  28. dbc has NO interest in being a puppet of the bilderbergs/illuminati/cfr HObama

    dbc is far too sane and noble to EVER be anything like that lying racist bankster cia drone hobama/the pinocchio pic prez

    dbc is also exhasuted from years of supremely expert pediatric 36 hour surgical shifts etc

    dbc is a hero

    he is far too heroic to ever slum as a politico/hobama/gwb 3.0 clone

    kudos to fox and dbc!!!!!!!
    i will stay tuned always!!!

    i have always adored dbc


    i will always adore him even more now that he has slain hobama

  29. You think Dr. Carson could be as noble as Marcus Garvey, Booker T Washington? Makes me sick.

  30. "If blacks could resist immediately pillaging white neighborhoods and destroying them through Section 8 financed integration and bussing, then tax revenues would increase, businesses and jobs would come back to the cites, and everyone would benefit. But of course they can not allow that, and therefore these cities will all eventually be Detroited."

    Let your racist flag fly buddy. It's ok, I know it's a slow night at storm front.

    "I believe it's not white and black that divides, it's green or lack thereof."

    Nice try to salvage your fellow conservative but as we all know racism runs rampant through your ideology. And some wonder why we avoid the gop? Maybe you can lend this fool some of your raationality Bill.

  31. Anonymous StatisticianX

    Just out of curiosity are you white? you seem to believe ridiculous stereotypes about blah folks and lump us all together. Acting right is acting white? Not really son, we have many blah doctors, lawyers, cops, pilots, nurses, fire fighters who act "right" and live in moddle class communities all over the country. Sure there are some challenged communities but all races and ethnicities have them. If you want to see examples beyond O Fields here in the Chicago area I would suggest a visit, the X man can show you around and you can tell your fellow storm fronters about the good time you had and how much you learned about blah culture. Of course you'd rather wallow in cheap and ignorant stereotypes but hey let me know if you want to take me up on your offer.

  32. Still a Panther, you weren't long enough. Great points!

    parvenu, you always bring the logic.

  33. StatisticianX9:45 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Acting right is acting white? Not really son, we have many blah doctors, lawyers, cops, pilots, nurses, fire fighters who act "right" and live in moddle class communities all over the country."

    And Field thinks they are "House Negroes".

    Question: If there are so many blacks who have successfully adopted the ways of the majority culture, then there must not be much white racism around to hold them back, right?

    So all this whining about 'white privilege' and 'institutional racism' is just a bunch of shit concocted to attack whites.

    Glad you agree.

  34. "Question: If there are so many blacks who have successfully adopted the ways of the majority culture, then there must not be much white racism around to hold them back, right?"

    Interesting question but like so many conservatives you seem to think this situation (and all others) is a zero sum game. If you are a student of history your argument has been used many times in the past to deny anti-blah racism. There have been blah millionaires for over 100 years but will we then argue that anti-blah racism ended over 100 years ago? Is there opportunity for blah people to succeed in this country? Yes. Is there still anti-blah racism? Let's answer that using your own words
    "White people live as individuals, but to blacks race trumps everything."
    The real answer is complex and would take longer than we would have to discuss it completely.

  35. Good point of view brotha Panther. I think one of the problems in this country is the internalization of the view that whites somehow know what's best for us and we are somehow childlike minions who need their approval especially when it comes to our views of self. Take this blog for example or any Black centric blog for that matter, it will always have whites who only visit to express their views and try to undermine any positive interaction among us. It has always been that way. Is it whites with low self esteem who need to feel superior to us darkies? I do notice they have the need to constantly remind us how superior they are to us in any and all circumstances. As we keep expressing, if we are so inferior then are they here to gloat because they certainly aren't here out of a concern for us to offer solutions. Anyhoo, Tom Burrell made some good insights into the marketing of the inferiority myth and points to the fact most whites see us as dark skinned white people but in reality we have a vastly different culture and norms. I guess we just keep on keeping on as shrug off ignorant folks because they've always been there and don't seem to be going away anytime soon. Just like Tulsa 1921 huh? Peace.

  36. "Question: If there are so many blacks who have successfully adopted the ways of the majority culture,"

    BTW, success is not determined by "adopting" the ways of the majority culture. Wealth, education, success, family and overall prosperity os not the sole dominion of whites or "majority" culture. I know that is the common view of racists like yourself but throughout history there are too many icons of color who achieved success we can use as a blue print and succeed on our own terms. Most I meet in the majority culture are ignorant, selfish and downright churlish. I don't want to be anything like you majorities. Ha!

  37. StatisticianX2:24 AM

    PilotX said...
    "I don't want to be anything like you majorities. Ha!"

    Then stop flying airplanes, using computers, wearing pants, and reading.

  38. StatisticianX2:30 AM

    And I do not think white people are superior to black people.

    I think white culture is superior to black culture. Not in every way, but in the fundamental ways that lead to successful lives in the modern world.

  39. Quote Statistician X

    "I think white culture is superior to black culture."

    So what is white culture exactly?

  40. PilotX:Helping Slaves off the Republican Plantation said...
    Nice try to salvage your fellow conservative but as we all know racism runs rampant through your ideology. And some wonder why we avoid the gop? Maybe you can lend this fool some of your raationality Bill.

    Fellow conservative?

    Oh yeah, since I'm speaking out against obama and democrats that makes me a conservative.

    Kinda like you saying you're not an obama supporter.

    SO no words about my thought it's all about the $$?

    PilotX:Helping Slaves off the Republican Plantation said... the internalization of the view that whites somehow know what's best for us and we are somehow childlike minions who need their approval especially when it comes to our views of self.

    That is exactly what conservatives say about how democrats treat blacks. Remember, conservatives believe in self responsibility, democrats believe blacks need government help doing everything. Are there any democrats preaching se;f-responsibility, pull yourself up by your bootstraps?

    When republicans talk about welfare, why does msnbc (liberal media) always show pictures of blacks as they attack the republicans for being racist?

  41. PilotX:Helping Slaves off the Republican Plantation said...
    ..acting white? Not really son, we have many blah doctors, lawyers, cops, pilots, nurses, fire fighters

    Too many black youths believe getting an education is acting white. Tragic.
    Who do you feel put the thought in their heads getting an education was acting white, republicans?

    The schools that are failing the black youth, filled with republican teachers?

    The parents that are failing black youth, republicans?

    Getting an education is acting smart.

  42. "Too many black youths believe getting an education is acting white."

    Where is this the case? Are you around Black youth? I am and this is a common myth.

    "Then stop flying airplanes, using computers, wearing pants, and reading."

    White people do not have a monopoly on building/flying planes. Reading? Really? So racist and stupid.

    "The schools that are failing the black youth, filled with republican teachers?"

    Republicans hate the public school ayatem and have been trying to destroy it for decades. Just like now they're trying to destroy the government to prove their hatred of the commons. The school systems work where they're intended to work and don't where they aren't. Poor people have no lobby. Nice try though.

  43. Anonymous11:32 PM

    Focus needs to go on the Revelationalist aspect of the teabaggers. They are actively promoting and trying to cause the end of the world through anarchy, chaos, and confusion, because they believe these are the "End Times", and the sweet baby Jesus is coming to take them away, ha ha!
    In any other country, they'd be shown a wall and offered a cigarette and blindfold.

  44. GrannyStandingforTruth2:08 AM

    "In fact, I remember Granny talking Revelations' stuff also. And she sounded like Rev Joyner."

    Smh! I sounded like Rev Joyner? Puleeeeeeeeze! Maybe, you should cut down on your dosage because it's starting to make you suffer the side effects of a surrealistic judgment.

  45. PilotX:Helping Slaves off the Republican Plantation said...
    Where is this the case? Are you around Black youth? I am and this is a common myth.

    Myth? My wife is a school teacher in the hood of pasadena. She see the sad reality every day. How many kids have an Xbox, how many households have a set of encyclopedias?

    Republicans hate the public school ayatem and have been trying to destroy it for decades.

    What about vouchers? Why is it rich people (black & white) take their kids out of failing government schools? Vouchers would help poor children get a better education. It's not republicans refusing poor parents a "choice" in their childrens education.

    The school systems work where they're intended to work and don't where they aren't. Poor people have no lobby. Nice try though.

    Porn capital of the world, San fernando valley. 1 corner, el camino high school, winner of many national decathlons. The other side, van nuys. Rumor has it some kids actually graduate with an education instead of social promotion.

    And you believe that's what LAUSD intends?? Rich white neighborhoods get good teachers, the poor non-white schools get the molesters/pedophiles the union protects?

    Isn't that making my point about government schools?

    When teacher unions are negotiating salaries/benefits, is there anyone in the room on the side of the children?

    Unfortunately, the poorer the neighborhood, the worse the school.

    And you believe that's what is intended.

    And you still protect government schools???????

  46. Its medical issue and medical issues not depend on black and white. Healthcare is important not politics.

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