Thursday, October 10, 2013

Ted's Waterloo moment.

Poor Ted Cruz was thinking that he would lose a few battles but ultimately win the war. Now, though, it's not looking so good for the Canadian born golden boy from Texas. This is getting ugly.

I just saw the latest NBC/WSJ poll and the republican party is taking  a serious hit. They lead O in negative ratings by over 20%, and just 24% of Americans have a favorable opinion of them. That's not a good look for a party that wants to win future elections.

Maybe the rest of America noticed that O put on his best Sidney Poitier face and invited right wingnuts to the WH, but almost all of them declined. (I guess they just couldn't face their constituents after breaking bread with the black man. )

Oh (pun intended), and get this:

"What’s more, Obama’s political standing has remained relatively stable since the shutdown, with his approval rating ticking up two points since last month, and with the Democratic Party’s favorability rating declining just three points (from 42 percent to 39 percent).

“If it were not so bad for the country, the results could almost make a Democrat smile,” says Democratic pollster Peter D. Hart, who conducted the survey with Republican pollster Bill McInturff.

“These numbers lead to one inescapable conclusion: The Republicans are not tone deaf; they are stone deaf.”

A ‘boomerang’ effect for the GOP

Yet what is perhaps even more worrisome for the GOP is the “boomerang” effect: As the party has used the shutdown and fiscal fight to campaign against the nation’s health-care law and for limited government, the poll shows those efforts have backfired.

 For one thing, the health-care law has become more popular since the shutdown began. Thirty-eight percent see the Affordable Care Act (or “Obamacare”) as a good idea, versus 43 percent who see it as a bad idea – up from 31 percent good idea, 44 percent bad idea last month.

In addition, 50 percent say they oppose totally eliminating funding for the law, even if it that means a partial shutdown of the government. That’s up from 46 percent who said they opposed that move in a Sept. 2013 CNBC poll." [Source]

Oh my! What's a good wingnut to do? No matter how hard they try and how loud they shout, certainly they must now realize that Obamacare is going nowhere. And why should it? This might be the best thing to happen to real people in America since that great social program that FDR started in 1935.

"In a football game we all cheer for our respective teams. I cheer for the Houston Texans. It’s a good thing to cheer for your team…This isn’t a team sport. This is life and death. There is a fundamental divide between the government and the people.”

Ted, your team, like your hometown Texans, might need a new quarterback.





  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Anonymous9:45 PM

    "What’s more, Obama’s political standing has remained relatively stable since the shutdown, with his approval rating ticking up two points since last month, and with the Democratic Party’s favorability rating declining just three points (from 42 percent to 39 percent)."

    Field, that was a skewed poll. When asked how the poll was taken, it turned out that 70% of the people polled were Black. Of course, Obama would tick up a few points because folks like you will vote for Obama and Dems no matter what.

    So, your post is meaningless. Sorry to say you wasted your time. No one is going to fall for this poll except folks like you.

  3. Wesley R10:09 PM

    My Premiums will be a 100 and change a month after tax credits, because I have a Small Business. When I worked in State Government 15 years ago my insurance ate up more than half of my check.

    Everyone is waiting to see if President (please like me Republicans) Obama will give in again. He has the high ground. He agreed to the Republicans spending levels. So The Republicans are lying when they say he won't negotiate. They got something, what has he gotten? Nothing. So hopefully he will get something first that will benefit the masses like a clean CR before moving forward.

  4. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Wesley, I hope Obama will get something but we all know he is a weak President. I sometimes wonder how he is able to stand, considering he has no spine.

    I am scared to death that he will cave for no reason at all. It doesn't matter that he has the high ground right now. He isn't used to the high ground. He's used to giving everything away.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The biggest nightmare for the rethugs is if Ocare has positive outcomes for folks in blue states that fully implement it. The Bubbas in red states will get calls from their cousins telling them that they can now get healthcare and then they will resent their republican puppet masters who scared them into thinking it was bad. Ronald Reagan scaring folks about Medicare anyone? We've seen this scene before, Ronnie tried to scare us with talk about socialized medicine but now they just use dudes with uncle sam masks. Now medicare is one of the most popular programs around.

  7. StewardessX12:07 AM

    PilotX said...
    The biggest nightmare for the rethugs is if Ocare has positive outcomes for folks in blue states that fully implement it.

    Not a chance.

  8. Rodney12:10 AM

    Obama is a weak leader who has tried to rule like a tyrant. Half the country has had it and wants out. He has brought the country to brink of dissolution. The only solution is to split the country now.

  9. Whenever Detroit's pension fund performed better than expected (as far as investments), rather than keeping that extra money in the fund, where it could grow due to compounding interest, the trustees sent out "bonus" checks to workers.

    In other words, they paid them bits and pieces of their pension before, you know, retirement.

    They also -- and I don't even understand this -- paid "bonuses" to the City of Detroit itself, to, you know, waste.

    Even worse (as if that's not bad enough)... they also paid out "bonuses" when the fund did worse than expected.

    Why I can't think of anything that could possibly go wrong with this plan, except for Everything.

    Net effect? Well, the pension fund is now absurdly underfunded, because of all the money sucked out of it before actually getting to the pension years. Of the fund's $2 billion shortfall, it is estimated that half of that, a cool $1 billion, went out the door through "bonuses."

    Why would the people administering the system do this?

  10. PilotX said...

    "The Bubbas in red states will get calls from their cousins telling them that they can now get healthcare"

    Who is preventing bubbas in red states from getting healthcare?

    You do know most will be paying higher healthcare cost. Your Democrat masters haven't told you yet?

  11. Democrat crook and former mayor of Detroit, Kwame Kilpatrick, was sentenced today in federal court to 28 years in prison for public corruption, the longest corruption sentence ever handed down to a public official. Kilpatrick was endorsed by Obama and was once mentioned as a possible candidate for president. Kilpatrick named himself Detroit’s “hip hop mayor” who was “anointed by God to be mayor.” Now he is known as the “worst mayoral leader of the past decade“. Kilpatrick was running a criminal enterprise stealing millions from the city of Detroit, his convictions included tax crimes, racketeering, bribery and extortion.

  12. Sad day in the fields- field negro Kwame Kilpatrick got 28 years.

    Course Kwame is innocent. Another blah man framed.

  13. Rush Limblack12:39 AM

    In March 2006, polls showed President George Bush had a 37% approval rating. The exact same 37% approval rating as Obama’s today. But, the difference in media headlines for the two presidents is disgustingly extreme. Blasting and berating Bush with insults and doom and gloom projections, the same media emits hardly a peep regarding Obama’s plummeting approval.

    In spite of the media throwing everything they have into spinning silk out of the sow’s ear behavior of the worst president in history, he has the same low approval rating as Bush did with the media throwing everything AT him. Obama, along with his Democrats, should have an approval rating sky high and the Republicans’ should be a lot worse.

    The Republicans are NOT losing.

  14. Anonymous4:36 AM

    Kwame Kilpatrick got a sentence of 28 years. That kind of sentence is outrageous. If he had been White, he would be a free man. No mayor in the history of America has 'ever' be sentence to 28 years.

    Will there ever be any justice for the poor Black man, who is now called Blah man? Field, please post about this grave injustice by an all-White judge and jury. What could Kwame have done that was so bad that he got 28 years?

    "FREE KWAME!" "FREE KWAME!" AB, help me out here: "FREE KWAME!" "FREE KWAME!"

    Field, make this cry the title of your next post...."FREE KWAME!"

  15. Anonymous4:49 AM

    Bill, feel free to join Field, PilotX, Granny, Desert, and the city of Detroit in the cry for brother KWAME's release. Please Bill, join us. We want this to be an integrated movement, not a segregated one. If you join, Field will have to apologize and call you "smart."

    After years on FN, I think I have finally stumbled upon something the nation can get behind.


    Black and White(half&half)

  16. Anonymous5:01 AM

    Field, "Maybe the rest of America noticed that O put on his best Sidney Poitier face and invited right wingnuts to the WH, but almost all of them declined. (I guess they just couldn't face their constituents after breaking bread with the black man. )"

    This many Republicans would not turn down an invitation to the WH by a President. There is something odd going on in Washington. It looks like racism, but Field has not said it is, so it must not be. It must be something else. But what?

  17. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Spin spin spin. Poor trolls. They must feel like the captain on the Titanic. :)

    Kwame the Ronnie Raygun/Ollie North school of politics. His mistake was thinking that as a black man he could do what white pols do and get away with it.

    Field Negro

  18. Purple Cow, have you ever heard of "mind your own business"? That poll showing an increase in favor of Obama and a substantial drop for Republicans was not a reputable and honest survey. Besides, you are a UK Negro. What do you care about a black President in the USA? don't you have enough racial strife where you live? I mean, there is not ONE black face in the British Parliament.

    When are you Brits going to enter into the post-racial era like America?

    There are quite a few black faces in the British Parliamen numbnutz. Try doing some basic research before you make Shiite up next time.

  19. "Basic research" would require reading. Reading and wingnut troll doesn't go together.

  20. Anonymous9:39 AM

    u r so pathetic and predictable fn

    alpha males are blogging about hobama's poll numbers and they are FINALLY far worse

    reps = dems

    the ONLY reason tc is hated is because he has slain hobama

    when will you hobama nazis learn that what you choose to ignore remains true???????????

    the losers of this hobamscare war are the sheeple
    All politicos win...and ALL of us lose
    the only winners are pharna corps

    cc hobama's charter school cronies

    cc hobama's FAILED legacy

    cc hobamascare horrors/ndaa/ww3/africom/jobless/homeless/looming misery index

    We'll still have Obamacare, the cynically misnamed “Affordable Care Act”.

    The problem is that Obamacare was written by a health insurance company lobbyist to prolong his employer's parasitic business model, not to make health care available or affordable. A third of the health care dollar goes to advertising, profits, fat executive salaries, lobbying and the paperwork occasioned by thousands of insurers who make more money denying care than providing it, instead of a single payer, like Canada, Medicare, or social security. As Physicians for a National Health Plan [2] point out, Obamacare will not curb medical costs or stem the tide of bankruptcies caused by health care bills. It won't force most employers who now don't offer affordable coverage to offer it in the future, because the administration is allowing employers to write its enforcement regulations, and it will leave millions more, all poor and disproportionately people of color, uncovered altogether.

    Worst of all, Obamacare's 2016 effective date reveals it as a promise the administration never intended to keep. Back in 1965, when computers with less power than today's laptops were the size of boxcars, the Johnson administration passed Medicare and put it into effect the same year. That's the real comparison between the achievement of Obamacare and the effective results of a previous generation's struggle.

  21. Anonymous9:45 AM

    We'll probably have reductions in social security proposed and enacted by a Democrat, something no Republican could have initiated, that sets the stage for further reductions in benefit by either party.

    In the tradition of Democrat Bill Clinton, who did what Republicans tried and failed to do, “ending welfare as we know it” in the 1990s, Barack Obama has promised Wall Street that he would curb “entitlements” the code word for cutting Medicare, Medicaid and social security.

    With poverty at record levels, the ending of many defined benefit pension plans and the broken promise of retirement security from 401K plans looming black seniors will still be more dependent on social security than anybody, and the value of real benefits will be declining, if Barack's first negotiating offer to Republicans is any indication of his stance on this issue.

    We'll have solidly in place a new tradition of bailing out banksters and speculators, and lots more immunity from prosecution for corporate scofflaws.

    The so-called “Bush bailout” was only accomplished when George W. Bush in the last weeks of his presidency, and opposed by Democratic majorities in both houses of Congress called candidate Barack Obama to Washington to persuade reluctant Democrats to vote for it. After failing to pass the first time, Obama swung half the black caucus and enough Democrats overall to secure the passage of the $3 trillion Bush bailout. Once Obama assumed office, the $3 trillion became $16 trillion, with a free pass for the Federal Reserve to shovel more public money at Wall Street at will.

    And for corporate lawbreakers, whether you were Goldman Sachs, knowingly peddling worthless securities to pension funds, or Bank of America, which foreclosing and evicting tens of thousands in cases where it couldn't prove actual ownership, a phone, cable or internet provider handing over access to billions of calls and emails, or British Petroleum, murdering its Gulf Coast ecosystems, livelihoods and its own workers, the Obama administration's Justice Department has come up with infinitesimal fines and immunity from prosecution for past and future crimes as the answer.

  22. Anonymous9:46 AM

    When Obama leaves office, we'll still have gentrification as the only model of urban economic development.

    To be fair, this isn't the exclusive failure of President Obama, it's the failure of vision of the entire black misleadership class, stretching over decades. But as the most powerful actor in the land, the man whose career is the crowning achievement so far of the black political class, Obama absolutely deserves to wear the jacket for leaving things as bad as or worse than the day he assumed office.

    The day Barack Obama leaves the White House we'll still have the world's biggest prison state, with three quarters of its inmates black and brown, the insane 40 years War On Drugs, and a black person murdered by police, private security or vigilantes every day or so.

    The best the Obama administration and its allies in Congress could do to address the 100 to 1 cocaine to crack penalty disparity was cutting it to 18 to 1 without changing the sentence of a single person already serving unjust time. Hundreds of thousands of black and brown youth are still doing years for mere grams of crack or minute scraps of marijuana. The police and prison state will, as before, remain the nation's preferred means to address poverty, homelessness, mental illness, immigration and many other social, economic and medical conditions.

  23. Anonymous9:47 AM

    We'll have US troops in more than thirty African countries enforcing Western land grabs and the corporate neoliberal order, and keeping Africa barefoot, sick, hungry and afraid, but well-armed. And we'll have an even larger overall military budget with more troops and more overseas bases than under George Bush.

    During the Clinton and second Bush administrations, the US bankrolled, trained and supplied the armies of 52 out of 54 African nations to ensure that the continent remained the poorest and most war-torn on earth. Under its first black president, the US has stepped up the game with actual deployments of drones, mercenaries, special forces and other US military units in more than thirty African countries to enforce the neoliberal order in which Africa's wealth is diverted from its people into the economies and overseas bank accounts of the West and a handful of native kleptocrats.

    Martin Luther King told us decades ago that the number one purveyor of violence on this planet was the US government. Barack Obama, who many fancifully associate with King, hasn't changed that one iota.

    When Obama leaves office, it will be legal and acceptable for US presidents to unilaterally murder with or without announcement of cause anybody, anyplace on the planet within the reach of US drones, special operators and mercenaries.

    When Obama assumed office the US was secretly imprisoning and torturing thousands in at least a dozen countries around the world. We are told now that torture and secret jails are used less often now, that the preferred expedient being simple murder via special ops team or drone.

  24. Anonymous9:49 AM

    The Obama administration will have closed and privatized more public schools than at any time in US history.

    This is already an accomplished fact. Under President Obama, the US Department of Education has extended the authority to certify school systems to private agencies controlled by champions of privatization like the Gates, Walton Family, and Eli Broad Foundations, and allowed the same actors to write its Race To The Top program, which allocates federal education dollars to the school systems that disband, privatize, and hand over their assets to private actors the quickest.

    We can cherish the memory of 8 years of watching that pretty brown family in that big White House, along with unprecedented black unemployment, declining real wages, and the most drastic shrinkage of black family wealth since we began tracking and comparing black and white wealth.

    Who needs economic progress when millions can take down those old pictures of Martin, and the Kennedy boys, and replace them with the likeness of Barack and Michelle.

    After 8 years of Barack Obama, black leadership and black America will have decisively lost and forgotten the habit, the inclination, even the example of standing against unjust and abusive power, and our former reputation around the world as a people of struggle.

    The height of the black Freedom Movement was only about 8 or 10 years, but it left an example of what it was to stand for justice and righteousness against bad laws and bad governance that inspired us and the rest of the world. Black youth who will reach maturity in the middle of this decade have no examples of struggle to look up to, only accommodations to power and excuses for inaction and ineffectiveness on every front.

  25. PilotX said...
    The biggest nightmare for the rethugs is if Ocare has positive outcomes for folks

    Check all promises Obama kept about Obamacare-

    [ ] You can keep your coverage
    [ ] it will lower the deficit
    [ ] You can keep you doctor
    [ ] Obamacare will create jobs
    [ ] Now, you can do it for the cost of your cable bill, probably less than your cellphone bill.
    [ ] will cover every American and cut the cost of a typical family’s premium by up to $2,500 a year.

    The reality is nothing like the promises.

    Obamacare has many promises to be kept before anyone can call Obamacare a success.

    Ronald Reagan scaring folks

    Unlike the scare tactics of Obama regarding-
    [ ] Sequester
    [ ] Shutdown
    [ ] Debt Limit

    Why focus on someone that has been out of office for decades.
    Reagan Derangement syndrome?

    Like Obama said about bush, the buck stops with the president. The current president is-
    [ ] Obama
    [ ] Bush
    [ ] Reagan

  26. Rush Limblack said...
    In spite of the media throwing everything they have into spinning silk out of the sow’s ear behavior of the worst president in history, he has the same low approval rating as Bush did with the media throwing everything AT him.

    The same approval ratings as bush?

    Damn, why doesn't FN ever do some basic research about what the media won't?

    Research and allegiance to the democrats don't go together.

  27. ""Basic research" would require reading. Reading and wingnut troll doesn't go together."

    Basic research would have shown Aaron Alexis didn't have a AR-15.

    Basic research would have also shown the Obama Administration stopped death benefits-on purpose.

    We must keep negros dumbed down. Keep them beleeverating they are in the fields.

  28. Anonymous10:19 AM

    kkk + "fringe"??????


    trayvon's lawyers THREW tm's case....
    why would any sane family ever hire those fools again for any case????

    pastor manning is correct
    black sheeple have no honor/souls/brains!!!!!!!

    cc hobama's racist kkkiller kops/ndaa/africom etc


  29. "Basic research would have also shown the Obama Administration stopped death benefits-on purpose."

    So why don't you demonstrate some of this 'basic research' for us, buddy?

    I'll wait....

  30. The Nobel Peace Prize this year was just awarded to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). Congratulations to them, although it's kind of head scratcher, since this year saw the first use of chemical weapons since Saddam Hussein used them against the Kurds.

    I would have thought Putin would have got it for stopping Obama from attacking Syria.

    I mean, Obama got one 5 days after becoming President for....what was that for anyway? Putin makes Obama back away from his Red Line and he gets nothing? What's a brother got to do?

  31. Cruz is behaving like a kamikaze or suicide bomber. kamikaze or suicide bombers also die in their act!

  32. BARBBF1:14 PM

    I heard several times that Obama's approval rate was down to 37%. But the main thing is that in so many states the actual number of persons who managed to sign on for ObamaCare was in the single or double digit range. I suspect that might be the reason that after 10 days the administration refuses to divulge how many people have signed up for ObamaCare. The Affordable Care website design was contracted to a private industry company and cost the US taxpayer over $634 MILLION DOLLARS. At least, that's all they admit to spending.



  35. Approval ratings STEPHEN???


    Who gives a flying fart about O-bombers popularity at this point??? Only those who are desperately trying to protect his legacy of failure.

    A Child could tell you both of the crooks in D.C. deserve to be thrown out in 2014

    Can you post ANYTHINNG thats NON Partisan??? Do you have any idea what "Responsible" Journalism is ??

    Oh thats right your a liar....Um Lawyer by practice.....

  36. @PilotX

    Racism caused the shutdown?

    The democrats with their half-black President have the perfect argument: Every disagreement with what they want is due to racism. End of argument.

    How pathetic. And you eat it up like a good boy.

  37. Truckers and Veterans marching on Washington!:

    Finally, the people have had enough of this petty Marxist dictator trashing their country.

    Throw the bum out!

  38. Juan Valdez2:58 PM

    Our first Black President has been a disaster. Not because he is black, but because the wrong person cashed in the chips of Black political capital that had accrued over the past 150 years. That is true shame of Obama - that he has been so bad for the country that there will never be another Black president.

    The Democrats themselves have Moved On, and have decided that their Presidential candidates will be White women from now on.

    I say it's time for the first Hispanic President of the United States, and that man should be Ted Cruz. I have faith that he will try to be good for all Americans and will not attack the other half of the country. He will show the rest of America that Hispanics want to be a part of the country in a way, thanks to Obama, that Blacks now never can be.

    Viva Cruz!

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. "Racism caused the shutdown?

    The democrats with their half-black President have the perfect argument: Every disagreement with what they want is due to racism. End of argument."

    One, I didn't write the article. Two, the article makes some good hitorical points.
    Did you even read the article troll? Read it first and then comment.

  41. "
    Field, that was a skewed poll. When asked how the poll was taken, it turned out that 70% of the people polled were Black."

    Yeah right....

    You have evidence for this of course....?

  42. Anonymous3:36 PM

    your increasing hypocrisy is worse than hobama's incessant lies

    all of u hopeless unchanged
    hobama nazis have no honor/souls/eyes/ears/hearts/integrity/sense...


    who has been more "kamikaze" than that bloody serial global war criminal/drone man hobama???????

    who has been a more lethal and inept "QB" than that fumbled sacked sidelined bankster hobama???????

    what belated illiterate fool has yet to notice that hobama is a brazen cia agent with COUNTLESS fake amoral "faces"?????

    what moron would deny that hobamascare has already failed and simultaneously slander "FDR" comparing him in ANY way to that icy failed elitist global warmonger hobama??????

    cc intl drones/ benghazigate/gitmo ii in libya/nsa/fbi/cia/global gun runnng by hobama/opium wars/ww3/jobless/homeless etc


  43. Anonymous3:43 PM

    reps = dems
    this is all a pre-austerity show
    but ted is the star

    every rabid dogs meets a better dog eventually

    ted c is a hero who has mauled hobama

    he has never lied about hobama or hobamascare

    he may be the next prez


  44. Anonymous3:48 PM

    hobama's wars = eternal

    hobama = eternal warmonger

    every evil deed by hobama is deliberate indeed

    he is a shrewd amoral bankster

    cc death benefits/death panels/death of ALL employers' health benefits/death of america etc???

    cc africom/oil/opium/gold–afri-con—the-african-american-mask-upon-the-new-world-order-inside-africa/

  45. Poor Jason Collins. In an effort to save his failing career, he tried the Gay card in order to get a spot in the NBA, yet is still unsigned:

    Imagine that: Going to the extremes of taking another man's penis in his ass and still getting nothing for it! That sucks the big one.

  46. Rodney said...
    Obama is a weak leader who has tried to rule like a tyrant. Half the country has had it and wants out. He has brought the country to brink of dissolution. The only solution is to split the country now.

    The common people increasingly feel no loyalty to a central government of elites who treat them like milch cows while ruling them in an incompetent and self-serving manner. This growth of secessionism should not be surprising to anyone. Bob Prechter and others have long observed that political unions take place in economic booms, while disunions, both violent and non-violent, tend to take place in times of economic contraction.

    And we are not even halfway through the Mother of all Contractions.

  47. PilotX:Helping Slaves off the Republican Plantation said...
    Did you even read the article troll? Read it first and then comment.

    If "helping slaves off the democrat plantation" posted a foxnews link, would you-
    [ ] read the link
    [ ] discount it because it's foxnews
    [ ] mock for posting such a biased link

    Your article didn't mention grand kleagle byrd, george wallace or gore sr.

  48. My premiums have gone down. Way down. Ha ha ha ha ha!

  49. "Tony Perkins, who leads the organization behind the Value Voters Summit, called Cruz “a de facto leader of the Republican Party” who was “filling a vacuum” at the top of the party. According to an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll released Thursday night, 44 percent of Americans don’t know who Ted Cruz is. Among Americans that do, twice as many have unfavorable impressions of the Senator as have favorable ones."

  50. Anonymous4:20 PM

    dl gobbler of peters:

    only a complete fool like u would claim being out and gay would make u MORE popular in the nba

    jc is a brave gay legend
    courage always has a price

    u r a dl moron
    ditto for abject ignorance

    cc all of jc's lesser/cowardly closeted/retired gay nba peers

  51. You ain't worth it4:25 PM

    Hattie said...
    My premiums have gone down. Way down. Ha ha ha ha ha!

    Hattie in five years when Kathleen Sebelius pulls her plug:

    Ha ha ha ha___________________________.

  52. The Purple Cow said...
    "44 percent of Americans don’t know who Ted Cruz is. Among Americans that do, twice as many have unfavorable impressions of the Senator as have favorable ones."

    44 percent of Americans probably don't know Obama is a democrat or Boehner is a Republican. The Low Information Voter is what makes President Barack Hussein Obama possible.

    As far as Cruz's favorability goes, well that is just the DemocratMedia doing its job. One must hope for the sake of humanity that the truth cannot be hidden forever. As Ronald Reagan pulled the country up from the depths Carter had taken it, so perhaps Ted Cruz can rescue us from Obammunism.

    Viva Cruz!

  53. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Playing taps for the wingnut party.


    Can you hear it?


  54. Anonymous4:59 PM

    If the dems weren't afraid of Cruz and his message, they wouldn't be so intent on paying so much attention and effort on diminishing him.

    FIELD NEGRO is shamblingest house negro the democrats have.

  55. Anonymous5:00 PM

    That sound u hear is your approval rating dropping.


    Can u hear it?


  56. Anonymous5:03 PM


    Big changes are coming in 2014.

    Keeping jigging Field, keep jigging....

  57. Anonymous5:07 PM

    What the pundits, and pollsters, and Obama supporters do not realize is 95% of Democrats disapprove of the GOP. 45% of Independents disapprove of the GOP. And 70% of the GOP disapproves of the GOP.

    Conservatives who are 70% at least of the base are livid with the GOP, Be careful what you are celebrating Dems. When the establishment Republicans are out of the way, a Conservative tsunami will wash away progressivist tyranny.

  58. Americans generally find Barack Obama likeable, and have consistently expressed greater favorability to him personally than to his policies. This is because he can be charming and because he gets a lot of slack because he is part black.

    But he will never run for office again, and the democrats will have to run on his policies and record, not on his personality. The next couple of elections are going to be bloodbaths.

  59. Dead Ambassador, do u need some bandages?

    Don't know how to "jig", but I can do a mean skank.

  60. field negro said...
    Dead Ambassador, do u need some bandages?

    No, I stopped bleeding soon after my heart stopped. So to paraphrase Hillary, it makes no difference at this point.

    Send them to the White House.

  61. Dead Ambassador said...
    democrats will have to run on his policies and record, not on his personality. The next couple of elections are going to be bloodbaths.

    We saw how the country responded after jimmy carter.

  62. "Your article didn't mention grand kleagle byrd, george wallace or gore sr."

    Because they weren't relevant to the article but that's what we have you for Bill King of the False Equivalence. Any thoughts about the rest of the article vice Byrd, Gore and Wallace"?
    BTW, you could probably infer they would have been included with the rest of the southern dems or do you really need things spelled out for you?

  63. Racism is the least of black people's problems.

  64. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Hattie, "My premiums have gone down. Way down. Ha ha ha ha ha!"

    Yeah but your 'out of pocket' expenditures before the insurance kicks in have gone way up....WAAAY UP...hahahaha

  65. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Field, "Basic research" would require reading. Reading and wingnut troll doesn't go together.

    7:24 AM
    Field, you sound exactly like what some of our folks say about us. We don't read, let alone do research....that would be "acting White". So, maybe you ought to 'go easy' on the 'reading' bit.

    "FN people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones."

  66. Truth Hurts8:46 PM

    Nothing better than watching the repubs/conservatives/tea-jihadists scramble.
    Looking forward to casting a(nother) democratic ballot. You "Know Nothing" Whigs are on the way out and history will show what terrorists you were.
    As far as Socialism; "You keep using that word, but I don't think it means what you think it does."

  67. "No, I stopped bleeding soon after my heart stopped. So to paraphrase Hillary, it makes no difference at this point."

    Ok, not a problem, I will bury you with all those soldiers who died in Iraq.

  68. Anonymous9:53 PM

    tes cruz is a harvard legend who has slain hobama!!!!!


  69. Anonymous9:54 PM

    ted c has slain hobama!!!!!!


    i am sure the irs is auditng him now etc

  70. @ Anon @ 8:46:

    The Truth will hurt when it comes down like a ton of bricks on your head.

    Some day a real rain will come.

  71. Anonymous10:20 PM

    that racist bankster hobama is a global slayer!

    all african people are being slain most globally!

    cc hobamascare/africom/ndaa etc

    and u r cheering him on fn

    cc your karma


  72. field negro said...
    Ok, not a problem, I will bury you with all those soldiers who died in Iraq.

    Did you know more soldiers have died in Afghanistan under Obama than under bush?

    MSNBC no longer keeps a running total of dead soldiers so I thought I would turn you on to that fact.

  73. PilotX:Helping Slaves off the Republican Plantation said...
    BTW, you could probably infer they would have been included with the rest of the southern dems or do you really need things spelled out for you?

    I wasn't surprised that thinkprogress would leave them out.

    It's what I was expecting.

    I just pointed it out to you.

  74. "Did you know more soldiers have died in Afghanistan under Obama than under bush?"

    Yeeees, and.....W started that war as well.

  75. field negro said...
    Yeeees, and.....W started that war as well.

    And just like bush did in iraq, Obama did a "surge" in afghanistan.

    And to think Obama was against the surge in iraq.
