Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Not all "thugs" are created equal.

Oh, so I get it, if you are an old white male "thug" you earn millions, but if you are a young black male "thug" you get shot to death by an out of control vigilante. Nice. Only in America.

"Fox News Channel host Bill O’Reilly appeared on CBS’ 60 Minutes on Sunday night to discuss his latest book, Killing Jesus. O’Reilly opened up about his show preparation, his media empire, and how he has matured since his youth. “I was a little thug, and now I’m being paid millions of dollars for being a big thug,” the Fox host said of his youth" [Source]

Anywhoo, we are almost 24 hours into our government shutdown, and  the gangs on both sides are digging in. Let the battle of the talking points begin.

I know that most of you reading this haven't felt it yet, but my fear is that we will feel it in unspeakable ways down the line. Our national security is at stake. The safety of our air travel will be jeopardized and the lives of poor children will be disrupted.

Michele Bachmann can kiss a million veterans in a DC national park, it won't change the fact that her party is responsible for the park -and others like it- being closed.

"Officials said roughly 800,000 federal employees would be affected by the shutdown after a half-day on the job Tuesday to fill out time cards, put new messages on their voice mail and similar chores.

Among those workers were some at the National Institute of Health’s famed hospital of last resort, where officials said no new patients would be admitted for the duration of the shutdown. Dr. Francis Collins, agency director, estimated that each week the shutdown lasts will force the facility to turn away about 200 patients, 30 of them children, who want to enroll in studies of experimental treatments. Patients already at the hospital are permitted to stay." [Source]

I bet Michele won't be kissing any of them.


  1. Anonymous9:23 PM

    All the women that partake of the WIC program here, which is many, as the salaries here are so low, found the offices closed 'until further notice'

    So they were not able to get the supplementary checks for the formula, milk, cereal,and whatever else it is they get for the babies.

  2. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Funny fields- since the Obama Adminstration blocked attempts to keep the wwii memorial open.

    What does the truth matter when you can spread misinformation like Aaron Alexis used a AR-15.

  3. cc hobama the global thug in chief...

    africom/NDAA/ww3/osama/libya/syria/mali/nigeria/osama/drones/nsa/dhs/fema/fbi/hobamascare/cointelpro 2013...






  4. maybe hobama'a starving fans can use their free nsa cell phones to network food services etc????

    yes they can????




  5. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Blogger Desertflower said...
    All the women that partake of the WIC program here, which is many, as the salaries here are so low, found the offices closed 'until further notice'

    So they were not able to get the supplementary checks for the formula, milk, cereal,and whatever else it is they get for the babies.

    9:23 PM
    Have we been funding people in PR? WTF? Now this is something the GOP and Tea Party led by Ted Crutz should look into. I mean, PR is NOT even a state.

    Field, what the hell is going on? Did you have something to do with this for your own personal gain? This is bullshit. America is waay over budget and you've arranged with Obama to spend dough in PR because of Desert.

    1. PR is under US jurisdiction as well as being a protectorate of the US so it is like a state (privileges of empire and all) that means the citizens of PR get benefits. We are over budget currently in large part because US corporations have become multinational so we have lost trillion of dollars in revenue. We are over 800 billion in Iraq alone. One would do well to consider looking beyond Fox News for their information.

  6. "What is our present condition? We have just carried an election on principles fairly stated to the people. Now we are told in advance, the government shall be broken up, unless we surrender to those we have beaten, before we take the offices. In this they are either attempting to play upon us, or they are in dead earnest. Either way, if we surrender, it is the end of us, and of the government. They will repeat the experiment upon us ad libitum."
    A. Lincoln, 1861

  7. Anonymous10:21 PM

    AB, TELL IT!

  8. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Whitey, thank you for the quote from Lincoln. It is fitting and proper. The only thing is Obama doesn't have the strength and heart and color of Lincoln.

    Do you think he will be able to stand his ground as a black President? What my peeps think is not important because we carry no weight. But White American people probably won't stand for it.

  9. Wesley R10:36 PM

    If President Obama had the same interview on 60 minutes that O'Really? had, Foxnews would be crying on every show that it was a fluff piece.

  10. FN whined...
    Our national security is at stake. The safety of our air travel will be jeopardized and the lives of poor children will be disrupted.

    Chicken little and the sky is falling.

    It's the fourth quarter in the sequester game.
    I don't want to scare you Americans...

    Just like your chicken little impersonation before the sequester.

    The reason you support Obamacare when the democrats you voted for exempted themselves/family/staff must be because you feel that one day you will be one of the rich elites. Just like all those poor republicans believe someday they will be rich millionaires and vote against their self interests.

    As a lawyer, do you believe laws are just when they apply differently to the ruling class than the citizens?

  11. Mr. Obama is as clothed in the great power of constitutional democracy today in his battle against these reborn confederate conspiracists as was Mr. Lincoln in his against their great-grandfathers. The American people will no more see our common bequest demolished by these traitorous profiteers & vandals today than our great-grandparents would then. Thats the ultimate inherent power behind him in this fight: the determined backing of all loyal Americans regardless of party.

  12. he Democrats never should have pushed this through in the middle of the night, using parlimentary tricks, on a completely party line vote. Especially when the majority of Americans did not want it.

    There's a reason that usually we don't pass major social changes lacking popular support on party-line votes - it is a formula for conflict rather than consensus.

  13. Anon@ 10:20 foolishly said: “Have we been funding people in PR? WTF? Now this is something the GOP and Tea Party led by Ted Crutz should look into. I mean, PR is NOT even a state.”

    You certainly have some darn steel nerves. You are correct on one thing though, that is, PR isn’t even a state. This is why they should be left alone without your US gubberment getting involved with their internal affairs. Puerto Ricans didn’t ask to be claimed and subsequently colonized by that butchering henchman, Christopher Columbus and his claque. Nor did they request to be forced into slavery and intentionally infected with diseases as a control mechanism.

    Phuck it, … you know what, I’ll stop here and allow you to go and brush up on your history, come back and then propose a more civilized question.

    By the way, perhaps this is the reason you remain ANONYMOUS, because you’re too embarrassed of your dumb ass posts? For goodness’ sake, THINK, …. THINK and THINK again before you post, whew!

  14. Anonymous11:47 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Field, what the hell is going on? Did you have something to do with this for your own personal gain? This is bullshit. America is waay over budget and you've arranged with Obama to spend dough in PR because of Desert.
    10:20 PM

    Yup! Thas right! Pa'que tu veas ;p

  15. Anonymous12:05 AM

    Black Sage, "This is why they should be left alone without your US gubberment getting involved with their internal affairs. Puerto Ricans didn’t ask to be claimed and subsequently colonized by that butchering henchman, Christopher Columbus and his claque. Nor did they request to be forced into slavery and intentionally infected with diseases as a control mechanism.

    Phuck it, … you know what, I’ll stop here and allow you to go and brush up on your history, come back and then propose a more civilized question."

    Black Sage, may I call you BS for short? First, let me tell you I am a historian and know fully well about PR. Fyi, PR has always wanted to be part of the USA, but we kept turning them back. I remember when they finally became a colony. They went crazy with exhilaration, they were so overcome with joy.

    Other islands such as Jamaica and others have been begging to be part of the USA. The GOP does not want the US to have anything to do with Jamaica because they lack the integrity and trustworthiness that America so proudly claims.

    BS, you must learn to face a great truth: This planet can't make it without America and it's noble ways.

    BTW, what country are you from, little fellow?

  16. Anonymous12:08 AM

    "Yup! Thas right! Pa'que tu veas ;p"

    What the hell does that mean? fyi, we don't allow any language but American English. None of that British bs. That's improper English.

  17. Anonymous12:17 AM

    Anonymous said...
    What the hell does that mean? fyi, we don't allow any language but American English. None of that British bs. That's improper English.
    12:08 AM

    That means something like: Yeah check it out! or: Yeah so you can see how it is! (said with a sassy,smug attitude)

    it loses in the translation...

  18. Anonymous12:17 AM

    Dear Mr Field, thanks so much for finally giving O'Reilly his just due. You FN folks must admit Bill is one of a kind, a Godsend. He is brilliant, fascinating, honest and a man of integrity. He is both fearless and compassionate. No one can compare with this genius of a man. FYI: Fox doesn't make O'Reilly, Bill makes FOX #1.

    Some of you leftist progressive ignoramuses would do well to listen to O'Reilly. You just might learn something in that pea brain of yours. Sorry I don't mean to insult or offend you, but sometimes the 'truth' can be biting.

  19. Anonymous1:13 AM

    Field don't fall for the drama haven't you been fooled enough yet?

    80% of government is working. What you should worry about is the debt.

    It's bad, worse than you love for Obama will let you realize but it's bad.

    Here read this, or not. But you might see something coming if you really read it.

    You can only borrow for so long and so much.


  20. Clara1:25 AM

    The way Obama is handling this is, as usual, a disgrace. In order for Michelle to finally be proud of her country, all decent Americans have to be ashamed of it. Instead of leading, he acts like a child, shutting the zoo, and doing every thing he can to point fingers and score points rather than be the President.

    He is the worst President ever.

  21. Talked to a TSA supervisor this morning and he is working for free. Better man than me. He was telling me about the FB posts that said (now 800,000 people can get real jobs). Can only guess a conservative wrote that. Oh well, I hope the furloughees remember who is responsible for their plight come next November.

  22. (Instead of leading, he acts like a child, shutting the zoo, and doing every thing he can to point fingers and score points rather than be the President.(

    Sorry Clara but a reality check is in order. he was the first President to get a health care law passed that would help millions of uninsured people get insurance. He passed more stringent EPA laws that will improve the environment. Equal pay laws? Done. All the stuff Republicans will never do and it is the GOP who cannot allow a blah man to revive the economy and implement a health care program that will become more popular when more people start to see the benefits. One has to be blind, deaf and dumb to see the unabashed hatred of anything he does by the gop. If anyone is being childish its gotta be the party that reads Green Eggs and Ham.

  23. (The reason you support Obamacare when the democrats you voted for exempted themselves/family/staff must be because you feel that one day you will be one of the rich elites.)

    Field can speak for himself but the reason many people support Obamacare is that millions of people who would normally not be able to afford health insurance are now able to get it. No pre existing conditions exemption, kids can stay on their parents, policy, ect ect. Some of us want people to be able to have insurance. Not so difficult to understand when you think of it that way is it Bill?

  24. (He is the worst President ever.)

    Nah, pretty sure most presidential historians peg W. in that slot or very close to it. The American people must like him, he was elected twice.

  25. While in a near state of slumbering, Clara said: “Instead of leading, he acts like a child, shutting the zoo, and doing every thing he can to point fingers and score points rather than be the President.”

    Sorry Clara, it’s impossible for Obama to have shut down the zoo, he doesn’t work there and he doesn’t point his fingers. The President works in either the President’s Study or the Treaty Room at the Black House, pardon me, … I meant to say the White House.

    By the way, the last time I checked, he is still the President, not a zoo keeper!

  26. I have in front of me a tag I picked up off the Wembley pitch at the Vikings game. It's about 6" long, by 1" wide, it's made of rugzak type material, and is royal blue in colour. The outward quarter of the tag at each end is sewn-off and filled with what feels like beans. The inner half of the tag is just flat and bears the number HL-36.

    My brother says he saw an umpire throw it dramatically to the ground.

    What is it?

  27. Anonymous9:44 AM

    hey fn:

    what do u "feel/fear down the line" about:












  28. Anonymous9:49 AM

    fyi fn

    there is oh SO very much more to fear from that racist global warlord bankster hobama...

    cc the furloughed newest poor pimped to mask hobama's newest failure hobamascare

    cc false flags/drones/ww3/africom/fema/fhs/nsa/fbi/PIC/MIC etc







  29. BARBBF10:06 AM

    Some comments from OpEdNews on why ObamaCare is lousy:

    Obama administration, needing a victory, went to the insurance companies and told them to come up with a health care plan that the insurance lobby could get passed by Congress. Obamacare was written by the private insurance industry with the goal of raising its profits with 50 million mandated new customers.

    Obamacare works for the insurance companies, but not for the uninsured. The cost of using Obamacare is prohibitive for those who most need the health coverage. The cost of the premiums net of the government subsidy is large. It amounts to a substantial pay cut for people struggling to pay their bills. In addition to the premium cost, it is prohibitive for hard-pressed Americans to use the policies because of the deductibles and co-pays. For the very poor, who are thrown into Medicaid systems, any assets they might have, such as a home, are subject to confiscation to cover their Medicaid bills. The only people other than the insurance companies who benefit from Obamacare are the down and out who are devoid of all assets.

    For millions of employees, Obamacare means cut hours and less take home pay plus out-of-pocket expenses to purchase an Obamacare health policy. For most people covered by Obamacare, this is a lose-lose situation.

    It is also a lose-loss situation for the vast majority of the young. Most young people, unless they have jobs that provide health coverage, do without it, because the chances of the young having heart attacks, cancer, and other serious health problems is low.

    Obamacare, however, requires the healthy young to pay premiums for coverage or to pay a penalty to the IRS.

  30. Anonymous10:10 AM

    see hobama's bff warlock peer jay z slain by posters here.

    ditto and kudos!!!


  31. Anonymous10:20 AM

    peggy noonan on that icy racist warlord hobama and africom




  32. Anonymous10:37 AM


    hobamascare is a pharma corp casino

    we will all pay more for less

    the middle class will be bilked and robbed worst as always

    death panels and diseases/genocide will soar

    cc agenda 21/sarah palin/tuskeegee genocide/lsd tests/radiation tests/aids bio war etc






  33. Anonymous11:05 AM

    hobama has failed

    babylon has fallen

    we are all doomed

    cc msm/hobama nazis/ww3 etc


  34. Anonymous11:13 AM

    that evil clown bankster hobama is a joker


    hobamascare is an evil joke

    we will ALL be punched out by its endless punchlines...


    cc the fed shutdown PR/looming medical layoffs in DROVES/etc!...









  35. Anonymous11:21 AM

    more proof that hobama is the new hitler

    cc his peer celebutante drones


  36. Anonymous11:35 AM

    cc the pookie hobama nazis

    waiting for new "free" hobamascare...shame!!!

    kudos to michelle b


  37. Anonymous12:01 PM

    warrior daughter slays pookie pastor!

    cc hobama's real pappy
    frank m davis



  38. Anonymous12:07 PM

    kudos to a chi warrior!


  39. PilotX said...
    Some of us want people to be able to have insurance. Not so difficult to understand when you think of it that way is it Bill?

    For some reason you are assuming that opposition to Obamacare means one doesn't care about people needing health care.

    I believe there were many options to try before the government takes over healthcare. Have you ever talked to a doctor about Obamacare?

    Do I need to point out the crappy healthcare the Native American Indians have courtesy of the federal government? How many horrific stories have you heard about Veterans health care, courtesy of the federal government. And this is what you want for your family? Seriously?

  40. Anonymous12:30 PM

    class trumps race

    actions trump deeds


    banksters trump us all


    cc the blackish racist bankster hobama


  41. PilotX said...
    Talked to a TSA supervisor this morning and he is working for free.

    In the past federal employees while "working for free" are paid in full once the shutdown ends.

    During the last shutdown, in 1995 and 1996, lawmakers decided to pay workers after the fact.

    So a shutdown means government workers are paid for not working.

    Do you get paid for not working?

  42. Anonymous12:35 PM

    class trumps race

    actions/deeds trump words


    banksters trump us all


    cc the blackish racist bankster hobama


  43. Anon 12:05am said: "The US want nothing to do with Jamaicans because they lack the integrity and trustworthiness that Amerika so proudly claims."

    You're correct, integrity and trustworthiness are virtues Amerikkka could only claim. However, this sinking empire will never be truly endowed with such goodness that you mentioned.


  44. Black Sage said...
    You're correct, integrity and trustworthiness are virtues Amerikkka could only claim.


    Do you know any country that doesn't have a racism problem?

  45. Hillbilly Billy Asked: "Do you know any country that doesn't have a racism problem?"

    Truthfully, I could care less about the racism issues in other countries. I live in Amerikkka. Besides, your question is sorely out of context, I was seaking of virtues. Something this country certainly bereft thereof.

  46. Anonymous3:19 PM

    reps = dems

    they are all exempt from hobamascare

    and they are all fleecing and robbing the sheeple
    even as they PROFIT from the shutdown/hobamascare distractions...






  47. As usual you miss the point Bill. I never said people who oppose the Aca don't care about the poor, never made that allegation but YOU assume those who support it do so for only political reasons and want to personally avoid it. As far as different options well there was a public option but it was opposed by the gop. Remember? Trust me, a lot of stuff sucks for our Indigenous sisters and brothers, health care is but one component and most of it is because of racism. Lastly some veterans have good interactions with the VA some don't. Do you have an alternative or like anything with problems do we make it better? Government is necessary for civilized society and since we have a party out to destroy it of course it's gonna suck. There is a blah man in the WH so that means there can be nothing that works or helps people because he may get credit for it. Bush's term ended in disaster and no way the beige guy can be seen as putting us back on the right track. We all know this.

  48. Also Bill, yes government workers will get back pay but grocery stores, credit card companies and landlords don't take iou's. The biggest problem I see is most conservatives lack empathy.

  49. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Kevin Holland said...
    PR is under US jurisdiction as well as being a protectorate of the US so it is like a state (privileges of empire and all) that means the citizens of PR get benefits.We are over budget currently in large part because US corporations have become multinational so we have lost trillion of dollars in revenue. We are over 800 billion in Iraq alone. One would do well to consider looking beyond Fox News for their information.
    5:40 AM
    Exactly, thank you! :)

  50. PilotX said...

    As far as different options well there was a public option but it was opposed by the gop.

    This is exactly why I take issue with Pilot, STEPHEN, and others here .....

    If you recall Pilot....

    Obomber mentioned "Public Option" quickly , and NEVER brought it up again ...because

    The Republicans didnt want it....

    Really ??

    If he wouldve pushed public option and lost while fighting for it...

    Hats off to the man, but Public Option never even had a chance, and Obomber didnt Fight one bit for it....

    Just Tell the Truth Pilot...
    Stop trying to spin it so it doesnt make him look so bad....

    O-Bomber never really pushed for Public Option...

    Never Mind what the Party of "No" did or didnt do.

  51. Anonymous5:50 PM

    kudos to a real godly father!

    who is not a holy evil fool!!!


  52. BIB said: “Obomber mentioned "Public Option" quickly , and NEVER brought it up again ...because the Republicans didnt want it....

    I feel you BIB, the Public Option would’ve made things a whole lot more competitive amongst insurance companies by forcing them to keep costs low, if they wanted to retain current and attract new customers.

  53. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Dear Mr Field, I'd like to call your attention to the video re: THE DECLINE OF THE AMERICAN FAMILY. Please post this so your FN Negroes like Black Sage and PilotX can get a clear understanding of what the problem is in our black communities:


  54. PilotX said...
    Government is necessary for civilized society and since we have a party out to destroy it of course it's gonna suck.

    Regurgitating extreme left-wing talking points. How creative.

    Let me suggest, visit some extreme right-wing websites to actually learn how they feel about government.

    Your belief that right-wingers want no government is proof of your refusal to listen to both sides of an issue, no surprise is that PilotX?

    Right-wingers believe that government should be local. Why should some hillbilly politician in kentucky have a say about anything going on in California.

    Please explain why YOU need so much federal government involvement in YOUR life.
