Tuesday, October 29, 2013

"Play that funky music white boy"

"Yeah, they was dancin' and singin' and movin' to the groovin'
And just when it hit me somebody turned around and shouted
Play that funky music white boy
Play that funky music right
Play that funky music white boy
Lay down the boogie and play that funky music till you die"

I am not going to front; some of the most soulful music I have ever heard came from the mouths of white artists. Please don't tell me that you can't close your eyes and picture folks like Tina Marie, Simply Red, Michael McDonald, or Phoebe Snow being black. Because if you did say that you would be lying.

Which is why I am not feeling what the folks at Hampshire College did to the boys in a little known band called Shokazoba. OK, the name sucks, but if the fellows can jam why in the name of Phil Collins are they being discriminated against?

 "There's still big noise at little Hampshire College after the school pulled the plug on a band's appearance at a Halloween event for being, as one band member put it, "too white." Shokazoba keyboard player James Moses said a group of 30 or so Hampshire students complained to the party's organizers about the Afrobeat band's predominantly white makeup, and a college spokeswoman acknowledged the critics were concerned about "cultural appropriation and the need to respect marginalized cultures." As online debate intensified and grew ugly, the school canceled the gig and paid off the band.."

Not cool. "Cultural appropriation" and "respecting marginalized cultures" has no place when it comes to the boogie. Jamming is universal. If you are a white boy and can get your funk on by all means go at it. Just don't water down the funk or suck at playing it.

Now, to be honest, I have never listened to Shokazoba , but apparently neither did the students at Hampshire College. They should have given them a chance. Judging their level of funkiness based simply on their racial makeup is just wrong. Music is universal.

I remember, as a kid, hearing Tyrone Downie telling my cousin how the Wailers would play sold out shows in Europe and that the only people who were supporting them were white folks. He said that they would "cum a foreign" (play in the United States) and sadly they could count the black folks in the audience on one hand. The reality is that if it wasn't for my friends on the white side showing love for reggae music; Bob Marley probably would not hold the iconic status he now enjoys in the world of popular culture.  

"..Moses said the organizing students blamed the band for increasing tensions. "It was just absolutely a disgusting experience," he said. "It felt like we were demonized."

Let's book these boys at the Apollo as a gesture of kindness from black folks.

James, if you and the boys do happen to get the gig, you just better not suck. [Source]


  1. "Give em a chance Butthead"-Bevis
    "No one should have a chance to suck"-Butthead

    But seriously I agree that they should have listened to the band first and then made a decision. There can be musical divides between the races. Take for example Blues. Every white guy who plays guitar calls himself a "bluesman" but Blues means something entirely different to white and Black folks. If we played Black blues at a white Blues club they'd call us boring and leave, if you play white Blues here on the Southside they'd call it whiteboy Blues and leave. I'm with you in the abstract but as the old showbiz meme goes "know your audience". When I was in college at the height of my militancy I would have wanted a real Black band too. Nothing personal. You know the deal, if we're gonna spend money let some folks that look like us get it. Then again I went to school in St. Louis and there was no mixing.

  2. If you want to hear some whiteboys jam check out John Brown's Body.

  3. Anonymous11:33 PM

    I play a lot of kinds of music. If you got it, you got it.

  4. I really don't mind what race or color they have, as long as they make good music, I will support the artist. Talent is more important than anything else.

  5. see...THAT comment @ 10:28pm just caused a flash of anger that i actually took time to give a thoughtful response last thread.

    then i gave thanks for the neon sign + call to focus;)

    Pilot, man, get your own proof if you 'curious' in the information age, no less. i.see.you. since you got time to post B&B quotes. lol.

    Lady Bug posted the chem trail link, hit her up with proof requests! figure out where she is coming from and if she can stop all that extra special + super equal she got going on. that would, again, be helpful to humanity.



  6. Peter Tosh never clowned UB40.

  7. Find out what they sound like first before immediately dismissing them. The ironic thing is although that it's starting to make a comeback , how much modern black music is band based anyway? Not much.

    There's not a whole lot of young black blues, rock, funk, or soul bands. Young blacks have turned their back on/been driven away from that music. Exceptions duly noted...

  8. A sizable amount of that classic southern soul music was performed by white or integrated bands. People from overseas were often shocked to discover Muscle Shoals musicians were white. Before they saw him some black people thought Duane Allman was black because of his guitar style (and name).

    Of course as mentioned there are also white performers who stumble (badly) through a 12 bar blues and are immediately proclaimed as the next BB KIng/Hendrix/ etc...and make a lot more money than black performers.

    The only way to tell the difference is to listen.

  9. false one7:21 AM

    there are certainly white guys who can play, but cultural appropriation is real too. Check your history Field.

    At the turn of the last century blacks invented jazz. The record industry immediately found some white boys who could play it (badly), promoted them and they got paid.

    Blues morphed into rock and Col. Parker found him a white boy who could sing black and made him the King while the original musicians (Little Richard got robbed) struggled on the chitlin' circuit.

    10 years later the British invaded by imitating music they heard on records by American black musicians that weren't played or promoted in the states and Jimi Hendrix had to fly to England, surround himself with white players and be imported back to his own country to play music he learned while playing in the American south.

    when Rap took off in the eighties they brought in the Beastie Boys and Vanilla Ice to become the Kings of Rap. Unfortunately for them the emergence of Gangsta rap made it impossible for the suburbanites to take over.

    Wonder why blacks don't support our own historical music? The record companies only promote and the radio stations only play "urban" music to black people. If it's not degrading our kids won't hear it.

    Yeah, "music is universal" but you take your black behind to the record company and tell them you play heavy metal or country rock and see how far that gets you.

    Don't be in such a hurry to give away our legacy.

  10. " People from overseas were often shocked to discover Muscle Shoals musicians were white."

    I doubt that's true. The national success of labels like Stax and Volt were built on their sales in Europe. The Stax/Volt tour of Europe 66 and 67 featuring house band Booker T and the MG's is legendary in European music circles. (the albums are still worth buying).

    That and the o.c.d. nature of many fans (such as myself) of the UK "Northern Soul" scene...


    ...meant that European fans were much better informed about U.S. soul music than their white U.S. counterparts.

  11. Anonymous7:46 AM

    That's what happens at an all Black College. No intelligent logic, just decisions based on prejudice.

    Field, congratulations. I never figured you to ever call racism the other way around. You are beginning to grow up!

  12. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Focused Purpose and Alicia Banks are proof positive that when you get beneath the surface of things there is NO sisterhood between straight black women and lesbian black women.

    How can an out lesbian be "friends" with a straight woman who thinks and WRITES (for all the world to read) that gays are mostly pedophiles and Nazis. FP is a religious Nazi herself.

    AB, how could you have ever thought FP was your "friend"?

  13. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Question: Are whiteboys who play funky music unconsciously 'rayciss yo'? Serious inquiry.

  14. "Pilot, man, get your own proof if you 'curious' in the information age, no less. i.see.you. since you got time to post B&B quotes. lol."

    I'm good. Just curious where you were coming from. Thanks for the reply.

  15. "The only way to tell the difference is to listen."

    I disagree. White "blues" is almost always Texas rock while Black Blues is often characterized as R&B and more rhythm based vice guitar.

  16. SickupandFed11:06 AM

    Or Edgar Winters Band.

    Check out a song they did called "Cool Fool". They recorded it at the Apollo. you hear how they turned the crowd in less than a song.

    But please, please, tell that miley girl to find a Waffle House to buy. She's gonna need it after she snorts up all her money. And tell her to put her tongue BACK in her mouth! PLEASE!!!

  17. Music based on color...

    Reminds me of all these liberals in Los Angeles.

    Next time the Emmy/Oscars are on teev, take a look and tell me how many black people in the orchestra? Black musicians are okay for the grammys, not so much the other award shows.

    The old post jerry lewis telethon band parties, a collection of white musicians. The best part of the parties is when they used to go off on bush/republicans for being racist and I would looking around the room open my mouth and ask where are all the black people. Not the best career move, putting white liberals on the spot.

  18. PilotX:Helping Slaves off the Republican Plantation said...
    Every white guy who plays guitar calls himself a "bluesman"

    What would be your reaction if some white guy wrote "every black guy...?"

    As you know, making blanket statements about groups gives the impression of bigotry.

    That said, ALL accordion players should be banned from the country.

  19. Anon@10:04 AM, the Stormfront website is that way. *pointing down*

  20. I understand our history of racism even when it comes to music, but do we blame the artists or the record execs who tried to categories them?

  21. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Music expresses emotions,(well, most of the time)so to me,in that sense all music is universal.

    If the musician/singer is skilled at expressing the emotion through music, then the music is (to me)automatically good.
    No matter what language or instruments are used.

    I think that the more worldly or traveled the person is, the more likely to accept and enjoy all music from all the different cultures,countries.

    But, sometimes people are very closed, and won't give the music a chance. They will comment negatively just by looking at the
    cover of a CD or the dress or language,instruments, anything about it that is foreign/unknown to them is automatically rejected.

    Some will even go so far as to ask, ugh, you listen to that? (nose turned up:)!

    Missing out on a lot. But to each his/her own. Can't change the world,you do what you can :D

  22. Anonymous1:13 PM

    bugged haunted butch td fakes

    u lie like hobama

    my archives are more diverse than any blog online
    your ongoing "blog's" looping psycho sermons ...not so much

    ditto for hobama and his hobamascare lies since 2007

    i told u so
    cc chiraq
    where we know that demon hobama
    the very same way that satan knows all deranged demonic buybull toting fools like u

    u holy evil shrew


  23. for the 'religious', 'spiritual' folks that seek to play nice, get along, or run when confronted with devil foolishness...know this:

    the demons/devils laugh at how punked out+ weak you are. it is common knowledge + a running joke, that folks running around screaming about 'J-esus' are the first to fold when confronted by a bold demon.

    those suddenly pretending to know Almighty but won't stand up and regulate this madness in His Mighty Name don't know Him nor me.

    those watching this spectacle should be able to see first hand there is no respect in Lady Bug for herself nor anyone else. THIS is why she gets shut down.

    i have ALREADY indicated she is a poor lesbian/all gay everything rep. anybody considering thinking of gays as 'normal' would not walk away with this impression.

    you lying devils need to scroll back a month or two + hop between FN and my house to get up to speed. then KNOW, Lady Bug got exactly what she should have known to expect. it was not like no one told her ahead of time.

    this grown man that hosts this blog asked her to connect to normal socially acceptable behavior and she could not do that even. i don't own that. i AM sure if she connected with her home training she would not be permanently banned. she has been acting a hot glazed steaming fool on this blog for YEARS.

    super special + extra equal, disrespectful as all hell gays and fp will NOT be friends. run up like i wrote the Scriptures talking reckless and yep...folks got problems all day.

    may ALL that profess to know + roll with Almighty STAND UP and Speak.

    decent gay folks should be ashamed of this blasphemous, vulgar spectacle. i did not make up nazi homo history nor the truth about ped perv kinsey. i AM just not interested in keeping it hidden so folks can flare + flame their way through black boot stomping anybody that is NOT down with the gay everything everybody starting in kindergarten agenda.

    additional questions/comments should go to Almighty...

  24. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Oh, and I did forget to add that while I enjoy all kinds of music from all over the world, I do have a favorite, jazz.

    Jazz incorporates all types of music from all cultures, and that's why I love it.

    Being an orchid lover,I find that jazz and orchids are alike. In that there are so many kinds, colors and fragrances!

  25. Anonymous1:31 PM

    did he lie?

    rainbow pookies are all rude!!!


  26. Anonymous1:39 PM

    i am not mad at him



  27. Anonymous1:42 PM

    My God, these are black college students acting racist. That is shocking. Colleges are places of open-mindedness and willing to try new things. I guess the only colleges that transcend race are predominately 'white' ones.

    Mr Field, Will Blacks ever learn? More specifically, will they ever learn 'how' to learn? I think you know the answer, brother.

    PS. Have you banned AB from FN? That's not fair.

  28. i agree:

    Music expresses emotions,(well, most of the time)so to me,in that sense all music is universal.

    If the musician/singer is skilled at expressing the emotion through music, then the music is (to me)automatically good.
    No matter what language or instruments are used.


    folks that can't sit, listen and appreciate it all...i do not understand. though i would encourage them to challenge that inclination and be truly blessed on many levels. of course be alert + pray without ceasing and listen to the words. what's the message?;)

    incidently, i have been toying with a music post to explain why i rely on it to convey the message He told me to Stand Strong in Love and speak.

    your comment i see as confirmation that this is the next post. thank you;)

    it is interesting to note that lucifer/satan was not only quite wicked + beautiful...he also had his hand in the music side of thangs. look at the music industry with understanding and then look around the world. what role does new school 'music' play in all of this? take a real close look at who Rihanna is repping hard...THEN take another look at CB. who is now in 'rehab'/anger management.

    i don't worship bm golden calf. i do see clearly and will speak out when someone is being handled publicly for 'entertainment'...


    speaking of MJ...i take back my words on Corey Feldman. looking closer, he seems pretty tightly wound but one can't tell for sure what way. most folks talk about G-d. those that stand up and call Him by Name plus speak Scriptures...got it coming. those talking about g-d that hate Scriptures unless they are heavily twisted + edited seem to be the trend.

    duality all day...

    after watching Feldman speak...i am not sure if he is programming or de-programming. i need more info and time to devote to the project;) other more pressing stuff on my to do list right now. what i will say is he is NOT pooping on MJ's name. he is NOT repping the child molesting homo flow folks seem hell bent on pinning to MJ. MJ's refusal to shun the very appearance of evil did him no favors as he tried to shine Light on the evil doers. we are all human + make mistakes.

    only Almighty knows + can judge what the real is. i pray MJ rest in peace + Corey continue to break down how handling is done. the fact that folks adopt + birth children for the purpose of programming them. he also indicated that it is the media censoring his efforts to name names. i can't call it. i pray for abundant blessings from Almighty to cover Corey's house. from my heart.

  29. "What would be your reaction if some white guy wrote "every black guy...?"

    Bill, my friend, it happens everyday in any comment section of any internet stroy about a Black person. In this comments section it would be an improvement. Here's a taste of what usually comes my way.

    "PilotX is the ultimate democrat house nigger. An unfunny one at that.

    Although LBJ sure would get a good laugh over him.

    Keep on shuckin' your way through the skies, sucker."

    I know, it's hard being a white guy. You've been through so much.

  30. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Dear Field,

    Greetings from the time of Booker T & The MGs. On behalf of everybody who could not get enough of Stax and Muscle Shoals, thank you for the post today! As usual, much wisdom.

    (Wrinkly Old Redneck Man)

  31. Anonymous4:27 PM

    I miss "Dr." Queen. She was funny as hell. And the guy(s) who reminded her, "You will never be a doctor."

  32. As far as I'm concerned, if the Republicans can obstruct President Obama because of his African heritage, Hampshire College can cancel Shokazoba's show due to their lack of African heritage. It isn't fair, is it?

  33. Anonymous5:37 PM

    fn has not banned me from posting

    he has banned me from slaying td fakes
    he is still helping her fight me solo
    and allowing her to keep posting to me solo

    it is the only reason that holy evil hyena has not been bled to death
    as they always are when they run up on lionesses

  34. Anonymous5:39 PM

    fn knows i will continue to fatally mall that demonic shrew td fakes

    so he is unfairly declawing/muzzling me herein....

    shameful LYING cheaters BOTH!!!!

    karma is real

  35. Anonymous5:45 PM

    it is really easy to talk bs
    when the person u r talking too is silenced....no?

    u r impressed solo herein.

    the sacred gay porn u and bimbo staged share makes that lewd loon your only ally herein...no?

    is jesus proud of your posing u played oout babbling holy evil fool?????

  36. Anonymous5:52 PM

    td fakes:

    u lie like hobama

    fn has only banned me from perpetually ripping u to shreds herein!!!!!!

    hear that?

    it is decent gays running up on u
    and i am the lead lioness

    we slay!
    ask somebody!
    as hobama!

    i have been slaying holy evil dl mfs like y EVERWHERE for decades

    and i will do so until i die

    god and jesus asked me to.


  37. Anonymous5:54 PM

    td fakes:

    fn comtrols this sections of the jungle called the www

    but u will roam no where else within it devoid of much bloodshed...

    ask jesus how serious i am

    bet on that and walk on...

    u holy evil shrew

  38. Anonymous7:11 PM

    i miss the bro who used to slay that holy evil td fakes

    he told me the truth about her dl misery induced self-homohating obsessions long ago....

    long before i saw her racist exclusive slandering of dead white gay men/all nazis/all homos...

    as if that will somehow mask her own dead dl white hot charred evil gacyesque/dahmeresque demented soul..

    i owe that man an apology

    shame on that holy evil demonic dyke pastor shrew!


  39. td fakes?

    r u a lush too????

    cc mjj's jesus juice etc that mj gave to boys to make them agree to being raped...

    cc that flipper aaron carter too

    cc mj's sex haven condo in westwood
    adn wabe robson too




    stay mum on r kelly
    u holy evil screwed shrew
    he is a serial het pedo
    no homo


  40. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Anonymous said...
    I miss "Dr." Queen. She was funny as hell. And the guy(s) who reminded her, "You will never be a doctor."

    4:27 PM
    LOL, so do I. Unfortunately, Dr Queen couldn't take it anymore. The truth was hurting her too much...she couldn't take it. Another Sistah bites the dust.

  41. td fakes:

    i love slaying holy evil hyena ass 23 trillion times MORE than i love research/links!!!

    ask jesus


    stop hating my consummately grander skills/shows u holy evil shrew

    your demonic rants wikk never fade my legendary slayings/"spectacles"

    just as your illiterate compuslive slander of kinsey will never fade his spectacular sex research that eternally busted holy evil hypcritical freaks like u

    kudos to kinsey!!!!!!
    he is the king of sex research!

  42. SickupandFed8:00 PM


    "Black musicians are okay for the grammys, not so much the other award shows."

    what are you smoking? Professional musicians all read music and, therefore can play any type of music. You sir, are an idiot.

  43. Anonymous8:15 PM

    @Field Negro
    Focused Purpose has exposed her religious based HATRED of gays and Jews. Is this ok with you, FN?

    What is that saying: evil triumphs when good men do nothing (or something like that).

  44. SickupandFed said...
    what are you smoking? Professional musicians all read music and, therefore can play any type of music.

    An observation, not my opinion.

    Watch the shows and see if I'm correct.

  45. Anonymous9:31 PM

    alicia banks said...
    td fakes:
    i love slaying holy evil hyena
    7:38 PM

    Glad to see you back:)

    and FP stands for 'False Prophet' LOL!

  46. Anonymous9:40 PM

    SickupandFed said...

    "Black musicians are okay for the grammys, not so much the other award shows."

    what are you smoking? Professional musicians all read music and, therefore can play any type of music. You sir, are an idiot.

    8:00 PM
    My dear brother SickandFed, I am not trying to defend brother Bill, but not all black musicians can read music. For example, BB King and MJ couldn't read music. There are other Blacks in the music industry who don't read music. But they can 'feel' the rhythm and hear tunes in their heads. That's where the wm comes in...he writes it down for them.

    You see, Blacks in music have soul, but they need a little help in writing down the notes.:)

  47. Anonymous9:44 PM

    AB, I am glad you are back, too. I want you to know it was because of my 'persistent' nagging of Field and screaming how unfair he was. The man DOES have a conscience. He must have turned 50 last year.

    Anyway, you owe me a debt of gratitude.

    BTW, what does "td fake" mean?

  48. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Anon said, "Glad to see you back:)

    and FP stands for 'False Prophet' LOL!

    9:31 PM
    You had better be careful how you mess with God's prophets. You need a lot of humility...God does not take too kindly to folks who harass his 'chosen' ones. Be careful, Sister....Be careful.

  49. Sick, there aren't that many young sistas and brothas that want to play orchestra music. Maybe some outreach could be in order but for now not too many of us in orchestras.

  50. PilotX:Helping Slaves off the Republican Plantation said...
    Sick, there aren't that many young sistas and brothas that want to play orchestra music. Maybe some outreach could be in order but for now not too many of us in orchestras

    My kid is in the orchestra and has played the violin for 8 years now.

    To your point, she is often one of only a few Blacks in the orchestra because generally speaking, musicians aren't "cool". However, PARENTS need to step in on this idiot idea.

  51. PilotX:Helping Slaves off the Republican Plantation said...
    Sick, there aren't that many young sistas and brothas that want to play orchestra music. Maybe some outreach could be in order but for now not too many of us in orchestras.

    Technically it is studio orchestras that play the award shows, not traditional orchestras.

    Unlike traditional orchestras, "studio orchestras" use electric instruments, drum set instead of individual percussion instruments, saxes, flugelhorns, etc.

    And it is not "Orchestra Music," it's the theme songs from teev, movies, pop, etc. The music of alf clausen, not bach.

    Hopefully you learned something.

  52. People from overseas were often shocked to discover Muscle Shoals musicians were white."

    I doubt that's true. The national success of labels like Stax and Volt were built on their sales in Europe. The Stax/Volt tour of Europe 66 and 67 featuring house band Booker T and the MG's is legendary in European music circles. (the albums are still worth buying).

    That and the o.c.d. nature of many fans (such as myself) of the UK "Northern Soul" scene...


    ...meant that European fans were much better informed about U.S. soul music than their white U.S. counterparts.

    Nope it is true. Rod Stewart was surprised when he came to record at Muscle Shoals and wanted to play with the black musicians he imagined he had been hearing. This was repeated again and again. The Staple Singers didn't know that Muscle Shoals was white. Muscle Shoals musicians thought that Duck Dunn was black.

    If Black Americans did not often realize that some of the soul music they were listening to was performed with white backing bands, why would White Europeans know this? They often didn't. Black Africans didn't know. Idriss Dia, a soul music DJ from Senegal, thought that the Muscle Shoals players were black and was greatly shocked to discover otherwise. Much of Aretha's funkiest music was done with all white/mostly white bands. That guitar on "Chain of Fools"-done by the white musician Joe South.

    This phenomenon, why it started and how it ended is all discussed at length in the books "Out of Whitness", "Skydog", and "Soul Music: The Birth of a Sound in Black America"


  53. I disagree. White "blues" is almost always Texas rock while Black Blues is often characterized as R&B and more rhythm based vice guitar.

    On "Lady Soul" Aretha Franklin brought in Eric Clapton to supplement the sessions because Bobby Womack was having a bit of trouble getting the hardcore blues sound she was looking for.

    I do not deny there are a lot of well paid white poseurs, fakers, and rip-off artists. But there are a few who are recognized by black artists as highly qualified at what they do. Either way, you still have to listen first to what someone is playing before you can judge them.

  54. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Thanks for the Phoebe Snow reference. I never heard of her until I read it on your site. I looked her up on youtube and instantly fell for the song "Don't Let Me Down". In fact I just knew based off the picture it was a light skinned sister but come to find out she's Jewish woman.

  55. Anonymous11:23 AM


    i love fn most of the time

    he is an alpha male i adore when he is slaying racists and proving he is a real het by not hating homos...

    i despise fn when he is pretending i am not real
    and helping that hyena td fakes wear a lioness costume and taunt me/pose as me herein...

    thank u for all u do to help fn be the best alpha male he can be

    td jakes is a reformed dl homohater
    with 2 gay sons
    i love td jakes
    i hated td jakes when he was gwb's homohating poster boy
    td jakes was once to gwb
    who the dl rick warren is to the dl hobama
    rw just tortured his gay son to suicide
    just like hobama's pal tony dingy drove his own gay son to suicide

    this is why i live to slay all holy evil mf serial killers like td fakes et all

    td fakes is a play on td jakes
    it is befitting of that poser pastor holy evuil mf fp
    flailing perp

    she calls me lady bug
    because i am a real lady/real slayer
    who bugs her as i slay


  56. Anonymous11:26 AM

    anyone else notice the hypocrisy of that hypchristian td fakes?

    that shrew is always demanding "humility" from others...wtf???????

    td fakes is the least humble jim jonesing mf on this blog???!!!

    holy evil nig pleez!!!

  57. Anonymous11:29 AM

    to every lying mf herein:

    i am elated and proud to be a legend for slaying holy evil mfs
    like td fakes on this blog

    thanks for always reminding me of my legend herein

    i am a lioness

    it is what i do


  58. Anonymous11:45 AM

    see this true story about a boy who had a mom who was a clone of td fakes

    he killed himself

    bloody holy evil mfs cause millions of gays to kill themselves
    some do it slowly through drugs/alcohol/toxic sex etc

    others just overdose/jump off of bridges etc
    like bobby did

    that is why i slay holy evil hyenas with no mf mercy
    i always have
    i always will


  59. Anonymous11:49 AM

    td fakes/fallen poser:

    cc your holy evil bs to the 2 best gay couples in the bible

    u holy evil mfs are mute about them
    as hobama nazis are about ndaa/africom/hobamscare/ww3 etc

    what a gd shame!!!!



  60. Anonymous2:41 PM

    @Focused Purpose said:
    "for the 'religious', 'spiritual' folks that seek to play nice, get along, or run when confronted with devil foolishness...know this:"

    When you and AB were "friends", were you "playing nice" as you put it? If so, why?
