Monday, October 28, 2013

The potato gun affair.

The latest piece of red meat for the black helicopter crowd was thrown by one Audrey Hudson. Audrey is a wingnut journalist (that's an oxymoron, I know, but play along with me) who peddles her craft to wingnut websites and newspapers.

Anyway, Audrey says that the feds raided her home on a flimsy warrant for a potato gun, and they took "sensitive documents" which could compromise her sources.

"...And Hudson didn’t even know they confiscated the files until a month later when whey called her to let her know she could pick them up.
Hudson told Carslon it was “clearly intimidation” and was worried about her sources and the kind of precedent this raid set.
“I needed to let my sources know they could have been compromised,” “I want to make sure this doesn’t happen to another reporter, because we can’t just have the government coming into your house on a minor warrant and walk out with whatever files they please from our work product.” [Source]
Now, as is to be expected, all of wingnutland is not pleased. "OBAMA GESTAPO RAIDS REPORTER'S HOME" they scream from the their blogs. And over at the television and online version of  Der Stürmer, they have given her an audience to talk about what the evil Socialist in chief and his regime are doing to this poor little reporter.

What happened to her reads like every god- fearing, gun loving, wingnuts, nightmare.

 "Audrey Hudson’s husband had just left for work on August 6 when suddenly, her dog began barking. The nationally-known journalist walked over to the curtains and peeked outside to discover her Chesapeake Bay home was surrounded by law enforcement officers wearing full body armor.
The phone rang. It was her husband.

“I’m in the driveway,” he said. “The police are here. Open the door.”

I need a break!

I did a little more digging, and this is what I found out about Audrey and her dear husband-- from a wingnut site no less.

"Flashback: Hudson’s husband was found guilty of “resisting arrest in 1986.” Yes, 1986! It is illegal for him to have a weapon in his home. The search warrant called for confiscation of all weapons and nothing else.
After the search began, Hudson said she was asked by an investigator with the Coast Guard Investigative Service if she was the same Audrey Hudson who had written a series of critical stories about air marshals for The Washington Times over the last decade. The Coast Guard operates under the Department of Homeland Security.
Hudson said that investigator, Miguel Bosch, identified himself as a former air marshal official.
There is more about Hudson’s husband, Paul Flanagan and guns and a fearsome Swedish “potato launcher” (he owns a golf ball launcher) in the three-page piece at Daily Caller.  SWAT walked out of the house with weapons belonging to and legally registered to Hudson. I find nothing saying Flanagan is under arrest for illegal possession of firearms, but Hudson has lost her Second Amendment rights via her marriage.
They did, however, confiscate small arms belonging to Mrs. Hudson that she had legally registered with the Maryland State Police as far back as 2005.
 The search warrant allowed for the weapons to be confiscated, and Mrs. Hudson says the agents told her that because her husband had pled guilty to a resisting arrest charge nearly 30 years ago, she was not allowed to possess the guns under state law. The guns she owned were for recreational shooting, she says, as well as for security concerns resulting from many of her investigations. Source: Washington Times" [Source]

It's funny when you read behind the lines and get around all the wingnut spin how easy it is to find the truth.

 Audrey Hudson did have those guns illegally in the state of Maryland, and so it seems that those agents had every right to search her home.

And let's not forget another little thing:

"Agents took Hudson’s records during a search for guns and related items owned by her husband, a civilian Coast Guard employee. They also confiscated her legally registered firearms.."

Yes, that's right, Audrey's husband is a civilian Coast Guard employee, and the story says that the matter was being investigated by the Coast Guard Investigative Service. It looks to me like my man has been running off at the mouth to his co-workers.

 “This really can’t stand,...... You cannot come into a journalist’s home under false pretenses with a bogus warrant and just waltz out with confidential files.” 

Oh please! It stands every day in cities all around you. Average citizens get their co called Constitutional rights trampled on every day for activities that are way less suspicious. Why should you be any different?

"Come one Field, because she is a journalist"

No she isn't. She is a wingnut propagandist.

Anyway, maybe now she will dedicate her writing skills to focus on the injustice those people I mentioned feel at the hands of their government.

Oh wait....that will never happen; she is a wingnut. If the anger and consternation isn't focused on Obama there really is nothing to write about.

Got it.    



  1. Anonymous7:02 PM

    focusedpurpose said...(from last thread)

    Did you know? Public Law 87-297 calls for complete
    disarmament so the UN can "maintain internal peace".
    3:29 AM

    OMG Mr.Field! That's exactly what FP said the government would do!!! and it's happening! That woman is a prophetess for real!!!

  2. Anonymous7:27 PM

    focusedpurpose said...(from last thread)
    yet have no care nor heart for what it must feel like to be MO. .

    it can't feel good to watch you 'husband' go off on vacay with his man lover.

    get it right...there are a grip of dishonest married to women gays. masquerading as hets...

    at least folks are now calling BO the homo that he is...

    now look at the BO gay political love that results in re-defining a het institution--- with that filter.

    it is no accident that folks rightly attach nazi to BO.

    7:05 PM

    Hey Field! Just one question. Aren't these slurs against the POTUS and his wife, just as bad or worse than what AB posts?

    I don't see the difference, except that these insults come with Scripture before and after! :)

    Which to me makes it even worse.

  3. "It looks to me like my man has been running off at the mouth to his co-workers."

    Has that been verified...??

    I mean the silliness of pursuing a person having weapons for a “resisting arrest in 1986.” is kinda weird....

    This post sounds like you want everyone's home searched for weapons...

    Heaven forbid if you read anything besides Daily KOS.. The Grio, The Root religiously.....

    I guess in your world there could be no other sources of information other than those that choose to promulgate the party your cheer leading for. ...

  4. "She is a wingnut propagandist."

    Like you field negro?

  5. from last thread:

    'HB 666 crushes our 4th Amendment Rights. UN command of US troops (PDD 25)'

    4th Amendment =

    'The right of of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.'


    ps. calling BO gay is NOT a 'slur'. dead folks don't bear witness...the Rev. Wright church Black gays attached to BO are just that...dead.

    Rev. Wright earned his spot under the bus. what is done in darkness comes to light. running a gay love ring for het married high profile church members is WHAT part of the 'Christian' game? the Law?

    pale skinned Sinclair might be alive..still. nevertheless, the info is out there for those ready to get up and stop worshiping at the feet of the forbidden BO golden calf.

    the gay saga began long before BO turned up at Rev. Wright's church. i AM not sure why Black folks keep telling themselves this person gives a flip about 'em...or believing the msm story about who he is...

  6. Anonymous8:37 PM

    focusedpurpose said...
    calling BO gay is NOT a 'slur'. dead folks don't bear witness...the Rev. Wright church Black gays attached to BO are just that...dead.

    Rev. Wright earned his spot under the bus. what is done in darkness comes to light. running a gay love ring for het married high profile church members is WHAT part of the 'Christian' game?

    pale skinned Sinclair might be alive..still. nevertheless, the info is out there for those ready to get up and stop worshiping at the feet of the forbidden BO golden calf.

    the gay saga began long before BO turned up at Rev. Wright's church. i AM not sure why Black folks keep telling themselves this person gives a flip about 'em...or believing the msm story about who he is...
    8:20 PM

    It's a slanderous slur! Everything you've said is slander! You've got some nerve, you crazy,rabid dog!

  7. I think BLACKISCLUELESS is finally coming out of his shell.

    You can only stay in the GOP closet for so long. ;)

  8. awww 8:37pm's head is cracking;(

    egg heads resisting what that risk.

    i did not make this madness up. i just read+ understand and will call it.

    you will be alright, maybe;) that's the Good News.

  9. You carry on... you Right Wing chaser... LOL

    Cause you certainly give them a lot more credit than a weak Pres..

    but continue.....

  10. Anonymous9:42 PM

    FP the crackhead,or is meth more to your liking? I'm guessing both,judging from your paranoid, schizophrenic rants ;)

  11. and when folks get done with the devilish sad little tantrums...

    keep in mind there are all types of laws on the books. already. stockpiling food. anti hoarding law = outlaw. what i AM called to do- speak His Word-outlawed.

    don't take my word for it. the only ones NOT paranoid are the sleeping zombies. for now. let's hope folks wake up before they have to pledge allegiance to...somebody. you will or they have a guillotine already waiting for you.

    folks are 'paranoid' because somebody IS out to kill US...ALL. google georgia guidestones. get hip to the meaning of flags...then go into any court room. walk into many churches and see the occult all in your ignorant faces...

    ticked off devils= funny;)

    and i haven't even gotten started with you..yet.

    i AM waiting for a thousand of you bad boys/new school girls to show up. it is lone voice puts a thousand of you to flight. so let's go!

    now...because i know that the prayers of the righteous availeth much...

    suffice it to say...ya'll are NOT ready. when you know what to ask for that He might get the Glory...

    if you don't know Him, it will do you no good for me to tell ya!

    but keep running up. you WILL back up + BOW His Word. as it is written.

    with Love,

    PS. you might want to report back to defeated beelzebub, i mean, Lady Bug and let her know...she's serious.

    devils down a thread bring it on over here. i AM not moving back to address. we ARE moving forward...powerfully tonight. know this.

    i mixed some world in there for you, too. Lauryn Hill ALREADY told folks sometimes you got to add a 'mf' so the ignorant ones can hear;)

    ready for chuuurch?!

    LOL! ALL praise+ gratitude to Almighty Yahweh and Yahushua Messiah!!!

    (why slow devils STILL talking to me about J-sus? smh. po chile...she.will.learn.)

  12. correction:

    'you will or they have a guillotine already waiting for you.'

    should read:

    you will + they have a guillotine already waiting for you.

    either way.

    or you get to be a completely modified slave. chipped up, flipped up + sexed/worked down. what gender you are REALLY won't matter. homo = mo better;) hi haters! lol! real life snuff films on the tele for those that think they might have had enough...sanctioned get it out your system society purges -'new school' entertainment.

    this is not a body count folks...but a soul count. those tripping over the flesh, are doing just that...tripping.

    trying to keep flesh comfy + cozy in a spiritual war. tripping over flesh= all bad+ dumb.

    noahide laws
    anti hoarding laws
    D.eep U.nderground M.ilitary B.ases

    think you are about to go into the woods and hunt to be self sufficient?

    you need to re-think that.


    why you think these folks have dum dums chipping their animals? you don't think they would just take it upon themselves to chip wildlife?

    what's left of it.

    watch the wildlife and see they are sounding the alarm. i believe what one sees is called 'plagues' in Scriptures. wtheck is wrong with folks? are you REALLY having that much 'fun' on the road to hell? (i know. i know. it doesn't exist...some of ya'll are convinced. just a hot devilish mess...)

    japan ain't over. it just isn't on the news. the west coast is being fried, right now:

    but keep arguing over whose party sux the most. racist rethuglicans! no, liberal lying democrats! i'm progressive, idiot!

    just all so distractingly DUMB.

    for real.

    ps. we are already under martial law...

    playing with the time is called 'war time' + outlawed in parts of the world not located in the belly of the beast, greatest nation on earth, crash test dummy central... USA...

    americans need to wake up, stop lying to themselves to protect their idols, + get brave/bold with the Word of Almighty.

    'do what thou wilt' WON'T work out so well for folks...

    this time is preparation time. it WILL hit the it is written. then ALL will have no choice but to see Him.


    Proverbs 21:30- There is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the Sovereign.

    Proverbs 28:5- Evil men understand not judgment: but they that seek the Sovereign understand all things.

  13. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Oh yeah, good hit huh? now preach gurl! LOL!

  14. i would take a nice green hit ANY DAY over a big pharma pill. BIB has already told you folks re: herb.

    folks seem rather close to blue pill OD;(- all up in the matrix.

    trip if you must...but check the info i share. then ask yourself why it is not been widely shared? why folks forgot all about the world wide stockpiling of governments around the world?


    this post is for my defeated Lady Bug friend + minions.

    dig the message;) pay close attention to the 1st verse Lady Bug. then try to picture it verbally with Scriptures;)

    the message is in your language with some 'mfs' thrown in so you can hear- with your woefully ignorant selves;)

    there is a part that speaks of jamming frequencies in your brain when you speak to me...


    Nikola Tesla- if you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency + vibrations;)

    then know that fp will rip a demon to pieces...righteously;)

    bob your heads + enjoy:

    hope it helps folks stand in the Light of Understanding.

  15. Anonymous11:58 PM

    Yeah you right. them beams hitting my brain right now lololol. Aaaaah,aaaaaah, blue beams in the midbrain!

    is that what got you like this? them blue beams to the brain? lololol!

    I have tin hats for sale...

  16. Anonymous12:07 AM

    By "folks stand in the Light of Understanding" you mean the beam, the blue beam? or the "beam me up Scotty" beam?

    Ahahahahaha! at least you're good for a laugh!

    Nah, I'm just kidding, you're right, of course you're right...

    (they say to always humor them ;o)

    No but, for real, I really know you're right. We are going to be...umm..beamed..and um..zapped..and whatever all those things you said..I know, and the world is not a happy place for you right now. It's a scary place.

    But remember, just take all the meds, you'll be fine, just fiiiiine. mkay? ;p

    Love and kisses, nighty night!

    Don't let the bedbugs bite! :)

  17. Anonymous12:09 AM

    Are potato guns 'rayciss'? Serious inquiry.

  18. "I think BLACKISCLUELESS is finally coming out of his shell."

    Finally coming out? How about been out longer than Diana Ross. Ha!

  19. "It's funny when you read behind the lines and get around all the wingnut spin how easy it is to find the truth."

    Don't worry, Bill Mahr already told you nothing can penetrate the conservative bubble they live in.

  20. Let's just dismiss this audrey lady because she's a rightwinger.

    AP chief to Obama: Spying on reporters is ‘an unconstitutional act’

    How far left does one have to be to call the AP rightwing?

  21. Oh Field. The daily klanner isn't even lowhanging fruit. It's more like rotten wormy windblown ground apples weeks after the harvest.

  22. Anonymous4:28 AM

    Obama admin. knew millions could not keep their health insurance

    millions of Americans are getting or are about to get cancellation letters for their health insurance under Obamacare, say experts, and the Obama administration has known that for at least three years.

    3 years the Obama administration knew and they kept repeating the lie you could keep your health insurance.

    Could Obama have sold the idea of Obamacare to democrats if he had told the truth?

  23. 4:28 is my post.

  24. Anonymous9:45 AM

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  25. Anonymous9:48 AM

    your posts are glaringly more deranged each day fake nig

    no wonder u r bonding with holy evil psychotic peer bitches like td fakes


    are u actually excusing/condoning MORE fed home invasions???

    just as u excused and condoned MORE racial violence visa pookie mobs???


  26. Anonymous9:53 AM

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  27. Anonymous10:41 AM

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  28. Anonymous10:43 AM

    busted doomed td fakes:

    holy evil lesbian juanita bynum used to hate gays and slander gays precisely as u do

    for all of the same holy evil self-hating reasons
    she was miserable and closeted

    did her ex husband beat her for being gay???

    is that why you pretend jesus is your husband and beats you with the buybull???

    tragic indeed u holy evil bitch.

    u stop that holy evil bs asapu gd fool!!!

  29. Anonymous10:46 AM

    bugged butch td fakes:

    cc jb asap!!!

    ask her to bless u and your "blog" asap


  30. Anonymous10:53 AM

    bugged td fake:


    i have never met/seen a homo
    a white person
    or a jew
    who is more evil and fugly than u

    get a soul and a clue asap u torrured holy evil lying dl bitch

    ps: what mf pedo law u lying mf?????????????

    cc the blackish dl globally evil hobama

  31. Anonymous10:56 AM

    bugged td fake:


    i have never met/seen a homo
    a white person
    or a jew
    who is more evil and fugly than u

    get a soul and a clue asap u torrtued holy evil lying dl bitch

    ps: what mf pedo law u lying mf?????????????

    cc the blackish dl globally evil hobama

  32. "I think BLACKISCLUELESS is finally coming out of his shell."

    You would think that Republicans ran the White House, and controlled both houses the way Pathetic Pilot , and Sephen CRY everyday about the

    The fringe sociopath party should really have NO bearing on a Strong President....

    ...Ok back to your reguarly scheduled Programming....

    Never mind Eric Holder meeting with Jamie Dimon...

    The meeting came amidst a Department of Justice investigation into JPMorgan and Dimon related to a slew of criminality the Too Big To Fail bank had engaged in prior to, during, and after the 2008 financial crisis...

    Consider the odd spectacle of Dimon reaching out like a potentate to Eric Holder, asking for a personal meeting in which the two of them could hash out the penalty in private. The head of a bank and the attorney general of the United States held, in other words, a kind of personal “summit” meeting.

    Such a pact would only have been possible if the government of the United States is itself afraid of disturbing the operations of the bank—and in fact Holder admitted just that back in March when he warned that the biggest banks have grown not only too big to fail, but too big to prosecute.

    Yeah he told us 7 months ago how it was goin down...

  33. Sorry Bill, in my amusement this morning I forgot to post the link to the debunking of your latest idiotic Obamacare story.

  34. Even NBC has to report the truth sometimes...

    Nancy Thompson, senior vice president of CBIZ Benefits, which helps companies manage their employee benefits, says numbers in this market are hard to pin down, but that data from states and carriers suggests “anywhere from 50 to 75 percent” of individual policy holders will get cancellation letters.

  35. PC, did you read what you linked to?

  36. Look at Purple Cow towing the party line all the way from the U.K...

    heres what your really saying Purple...

    "Ok, so we lied when we said you could keep your plan. But you're going to get a more expensive policy that covers a lot of crap you don't want. Because we said so."

    There... thats your whole argument in a nutshell...

  37. Anonymous11:53 AM

    hey fake nig:

    hobamascare is an evil bankster's lie

    u and td fakes lie like hobama

    i told u so!!!!!!

    we will all pay more for less

    some more new news on hobama's newest lie:

  38. Anonymous11:57 AM

    td fakes:


    u holy evil mfs have been exposed anew!

  39. Anonymous11:59 AM

    td fakes:

    stay mum
    we homos had nothing to do wuith this:

  40. Anonymous12:01 PM

    cc hobamanomics

    poverty & starvartion are global weapons of war

    cc that demonic global warlord hobama

    may god bless us all

    more new news on hobama:

  41. Anonymous12:05 PM

    pookies will wild and wake up asap

    cc hobama's grand bargain/fema/hungry/jobless/homeless/hopeless/unchanged/ndaa/martial law etc

    this is why we all need our guns!!!

  42. "You would think that Republicans ran the White House, and controlled both houses the way Pathetic Pilot , and Sephen CRY everyday about the

    You would think that Black is really a white guy would have something to say about the far right because he claims to be a lefty. Strange, he only has disdain for one person.
    Maybe one day he'll be honest and admit hiw whole agenda is to try to turn blah folks against the first blah president. As if we can't see right through his charade.

  43. Anonymous12:37 PM

    fake nig:


    dumb people will destroy us

    especially dumb amoral cowards who love hobama
    and pretend their slayers are not real...

    nahmean "bredren"???

    your hobama nazi deranged soul and mind bettamustsooncome o reality sanity and c;larity asap!!!!

  44. Your a real special character Pathetic Pilot....

    and "Your White" is not a acceptable retort ....

    The only thing you have to say when presented with the criminality of the administration that you worship is...

    "Your White, and your trying to convince Black People to NOT like the Pres...."

    Really??... LOL

    You could make it interesting at the very least...

    Its sad really....

    but there really is no defense...

    So I dont blame ya...

  45. Anonymous12:40 PM

    i hate that racist bankster hobama and all of his cia handlers and his entire wall st bankster regime

    hobama is a drone

    i hate his entire crew of peers

    cc hobama's creator
    george soros

  46. Anonymous12:58 PM

    when people hated george bush
    when they bashed the kinder gentler less acist and warmongering gwb WITH me for 8 yrs

    before inept senator hobama/gwb 3.0 ever blew up to be prez

    not one soul EVER said to me or anyoneelse EVER :
    "oh no ab...why r u so hard pon gweb??? nto blame poor sweet gwb...he is nice is not gwb...he is just a is dck c/fed reserve blah blah blah..."

    the dumb people whom the amoral lying fake nig dares to fear
    are the very same dumb mfs who are enabling hobama's evil
    as they collect his posters and tees

    that chi thug hobama is an evil bankster who makes that retarded gwb look like
    an afrocentric pacifist slacker

    cc africom/drones/ww3/serial global war crimes/endless wars for oil/opium/gold etc


  47. Anonymous1:01 PM

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  48. Anonymous1:08 PM

    hey td fakes:

    stay mute

    he is not a homo

  49. "[The White House] gave me a bad quote and then they said it didn't occur,” Durbin said. "Now it's history, it's behind us."

    So Dick says he didn't lie.

    He blamed it on the white house.

    "You can keep your health insurance."
    "You can keep your doctor?
    "It will lower costs"

    Dick made a good point about the white house.

  50. The Purple Cow said...
    Sorry Bill, in my amusement this morning I forgot to post the link to the debunking of your latest idiotic Obamacare story.

    Not my story.

    It wasn't a rightwing rush or faux news link.

    Any problems you have with the story should be directed at NBC news.

    Just like you wouldn't accept a rush or faux news link from me, I don't believe the extreme left wing links you provide.

    NBC reported the truth.

  51. PilotX:Helping Slaves off the Republican Plantation said...
    You would think that Black is really a white guy

    Imagine how PilotX would react if white people started calling white people black to insult them.

  52. Anonymous2:22 PM

    reps = dems = banksters

    that racist bankster hobama is a soulless liar

    hobamascare is a pharma corps casino

    we have all been robbed and bilked and hoodwinked and bamboozled anew!!!...

    cc cc's hobama's scariER grand bargain

    more new news on hobema's newest lies:

  53. Anonymous2:39 PM

    cc hobamascare = manna from hobama's heaven for pharma corps

    we will all pay much more for much less

    cc his cia international whore mom

    new news on that amoral bankster hobama's newest lies:

  54. someone just hates hates hates hates...i hate this person. i hate that person. hate hate + more hate+ LINKS for days. lol.

    yet, thinks satanist/ped/deviant kinsey a 'hero' to be revered.

    keep pointing out everything but the role homos play in all of it. if you act uncivilized enough, maybe the slow folks won't notice...

    why 'scholar' would you still be talking to me about 'J-sus'?

    i will ignore all putrid ticks BUT that try to focus + answer that one simple question. i AM trying to find out what you are not getting?

    now, if you must post a grip of already posted BO links + homo flower/animal references+ State approved indoctrination enforcing books written by folks that don't even claim to be Almighty inspired- i will understand...we did not just meet;)

    not only are people/civil liberties/america + the world under attack, which you highlight in your hate hate hate all things BO is everyone also under spiritual attack as a whole. there is a defeated already war to stomp out Almighty Himself, in the hearts/minds of His people. as if that madness would meet with success...but devils stay bold+ defeated. as you already know...

    can you see how the homos in light of their hidden nazi history + hidden satanist ped kinsey truths might factor in? think there might be a few homos with a society bone to pick after many years of persecution? or are all gays good? or the bad ones so 'rare' they don't really require attention-- therefore anyone speaking up= homo hater/killer/closeted? you correctly point to BO nazi connection. add in the homo connect/nazi germany homo history if you REALLY want to get at the Truth.

    you had REALLY better recognize Almighty + the devil when He/it is ALL in your face. i tell ya, because i Love you. Bible style. 1 Corinthians 13 full chapter.

    get familiar. for your sake. then pray for some Act Right;)

    i suggest you write the whole chapter out and post that very important Law like it's a BO link + flower/animal reference when folks are discussing HUMAN sexuality;) human sexuality/kinsey convos find you in Scriptures cherry picking, tripping + blaspheming anyways;( flip the script Lady Bug. flip the script and correct the record in your head despite your hosted lying devil supported by no Law anywhere spirit. unless you ready to cop to satanic bibles or verses;(

  55. now, when i refer to BO as a nazi. i don't do it pretending kinsey is a to be revered 'hero'...

    i understand nazis + homos go together like peanut butter + jelly. hitler himself was a gay, jew, homo, nazi;( you know this already. stop tripping and look for dead gay wm that worshipped the devil + idolized aleister crowley the beast- mr. 666-do what thou wilt, in the history books re-written as 'heroes'. do this and a pattern+ blood related family emerges. dig deep enough and there is one small group of deviant, homo, satanist/lucifer loving, mammoned for days as lucifer DOES pay- dupes pay MORE- white men doing all in their power to make ALL humanity do what these sick creepy whipcrackas will +suffer then die- for eternity.

    IF you would challenge your desire to 'revere' kinsey as a 'hero', it wouldn't be hard for you to get familiar with the truth. then rep the kinsey fraud Truth as hard as you insist FN rep BO Truth at his blog. or is your golden homo kinsey calf more sacred? or are you so special + equally gay, in your mind, that folks must act like they don't notice the hot glazed heathen hypocrite devil you insist on letting out in public spaces?

    how do you 'hate all peds equally', yet revere as a hero kinsey? how does THAT work? these are the things i would like to discuss with you. start with the 'J-sus' question. that's the most important one for me right now. keep plant/animal/all books but Bible references and step up with those answers. or step off and stop talking to me. keep my name out your loves all things profane + un-natural mouth. i have wanted to ask you if you eat with that mouth...yet somehow that feels mean;(

    it makes me sad really. i understand after you start writing to dead gay teens i did not murder in the middle of our kinsey/human sexuality convo that you believe Truth= more persecution/oppression. i send you back to Love-Bible style. that is my heart and in the Spirit i speak. that's what's real. what you believe is your business.

    you can still support a great deal of what else i say;) to the point folks get mad. lol. we just both know that kinsey + all things gay is where you lose your marbles and get ghetto messy with it;( like BO worshipers do with BO.

    i AM not a homo killer nor interested in bedding a homo. i AM focusedpurpose + approve this message. lol.

    though i understand your script informs you that i must be both because i see + will call it.

    hope you liked my effort to speak into your listening over at my house dj;)

    forgive any typos. blessings all!

  56. oh Lady Bug! good to see you notice chem trails + how they are relevant to any convo where you are trying to wake folks up.

    you were all brand new + confused the day i mentioned it.

    one can see chemtrails...yet folks don't notice. chemical warfare folks...right before our eyes.

    nwo was born 9/11. it is here + has been here for longer than a minute. laws in place. dismantling middle class in full effect. folks are seeing now.

    then what?

    whose spirit do you host? who you gonna serve? who you running with? you do you represent? by whose authority do you speak + act?

    asking the right questions= very important.

    Almighty you cannot see. but He is Real. so is the enemy to our souls...

    create a beautiful day...that's my plan;)

  57. Field, I just don't understand why you choose to stay in the USA at all. Clearly the place is totally fucked.

    Not only is the USA a failed state, just look at the insanity that pervades this comment section.

    Fifty percent of the posts here are from completely insane religious nutters, forty percent more are from far-right Stormfront bigots.

    I like and admire your blog, but I'm failing to see the point in continuing with this comments section.

    Get ye home to Jamaica is my advice, and fuck America's luck..

  58. Purple Cow-

    you sit in the fallen UK pretending you are in utopia.

    maybe you could look around you and figure out why awake europeans are going off + fleeing.

    did you miss the racist that gave you a heads up? in addition to the eu memo? europeans are planning 'race war' as well. i have seen ripples + rumbles about it myself. though the convos of foreign troops disarming americans are of more interest. that said, if your pic is probably won't see it coming. since you think there is some place to run to...still+ uk= happy land central.

    upside: you fail to see the point of continuing to comment.

    i agree. until you catch up on world memos- especially the european ones...your comments really serve no point nor purpose. additional BO worshipers sowing seeds of dissension are not needed at this time;)

  59. "Your a real special character Pathetic Pilot...."

    Says the guy who regularly uses the word YOUR wrong repeatedly. Do you do this on purpose? I remember another poster here long ago who did the same thing. Is that you? Can't be a typo because it's consistent. Don't get mad because we know your game. Let's see, you used to post under a different name but got called out so you change your name to one that screams I'M BLAH and supposedly post a picture of yourself? Really? Nobody goes that far to prove a point. Nice try but we got your fake ass. It's ok man, white folks here hate on the prez all the time. We won't think any differently of you, you'll still be the same troll who hates Barack and can't use contractions correctly. No harm no foul.

  60. F.P. just a question. How do you know the difference between chemtrails and regular contrails?

  61. *additional BO worshiper*

    That exactly where Purple Cow is....

    The evidence is all there for all to see...

    S&P hitting record closing high after Fed annoucment to keep quantitative easing going for several more months ...

    meanwhile ....

    Our Great Justice Dept is in discussions with JP Morgan for a new settlement to avoid criminal charges ....

    In a draft settlement circulated late on Sunday, JPMorgan sought a provision that effectively shut down any criminal inquiries into the bank's packaging and sale of mortgage securities, apart from an investigation by California prosecutors that the bank has already disclosed, one of the people said. The bank had previously agreed to keep all criminal probes out of the settlement.

    One one hand you have the Fed buying up 85 billion dollars a month in mortgage backed securities, to keep toxic assests off the Too Big To Fail Banks books,
    at the very same time allowing a"Too Big To Fail" Bank
    (JP Morgan Chase) to write their own settlements for criminal wrong doing in the housing crisis from 2008.

    No problem.. Cheap Tax Payer funded money to keep your books solvent, and if you get caught.... Just pay a fine... Dont worry about any criminal charges...

  62. "Says the guy who regularly uses the word YOUR wrong repeatedly."

    Is that a defense of the criminality of this administration?

    Will you correct all my sentences for me...

    Pretty Please...

    English Professsor ?

    The only response you have to any thing is ...

    BIB is white....


    excuse me...

    You are Pathetic....

  63. Anonymous5:07 PM

    hobama was OUT for years as a bi whore in chi/at tucc etc


    td fakes is out only among her alleged pedophole lesbian bff pals

    will she go see/call that???????!!!!!!!
    hell no.!!!!!!

    because that demonic mf bitch likes like hobama!

    just check the archives

    fake nig ONLY deletes my post
    he retains all of hers

    all of her gay libel is documented well herein
    cc gays who will slay her asap

    go ask fantasia u holy evil bitch and get a mf clue!!!!!!

  64. Anonymous5:08 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  65. Anonymous5:14 PM

    scripted played out preached out bugged out bugaboo td fakes:

    u dl homoharing homo hypochristian nazis make hobama and hitler look like slackers

    trust trick for jesus!

    cc eddie long
    ted haggard
    john w gacy etc

    how do u bash kinsey and never bash mjj and his grammies?
    or your evil gay self?
    work that out asap

    u repulse me
    and i hate u more than u hate kinsey
    u can never hurt him
    or fade he research that busted dl freaks like u

    he is dead
    i am alive
    see and call that????

  66. Well yes AB, I do delete hours posts when u constantly use the b-word.

  67. Anonymous5:17 PM

    scripted played out preached out bugged out bugaboo td fakes:

    u dl homoharing homo hypochristian nazis make hobama and hitler look like slackers

    trust trick for jesus!

    cc eddie long
    ted haggard
    john w gacy etc

    how do u bash kinsey and never bash mjj and his grammies?
    or your evil gay self?
    work that out asap

    u repulse me
    and i hate u more than u hate kinsey
    kinsey is dead
    u can never hurt him
    or fade his research that busted and exposed dl holy evil freaks like u

    i am alive
    it is the living that holy evil mfs like should fret over...
    see and call that????

  68. "You are Pathetic...."

    Thanks, much better.

    "Is that a defense of the criminality of this administration?"

    Uh no, not defending anything. Only you are obsessed with Barack. You need help.

  69. Anonymous5:18 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  70. Your insane jabbering about Obama is fine, but try and have just an ounce of respect for yourself and others.

    PC, I will let u in on a little secret: I actually watch the EPL instead of the NFL. What does that tell you?

  71. Anonymous5:23 PM

    fake nig:

    respect is earned

    and i have nevce posted one lie about that dl warlock bitch hobama

    u and td fakes are lying bitches

    when u earn my respect
    u will get it

    until then
    u 2 bitches will get not one mf iota of respect from me


  72. Now see AB, didn't I just warn u about that word?

  73. You are just like these republicans in Congress, always pushing your luck.

  74. "PC, I will let u in on a little secret: I actually watch the EPL instead of the NFL. What does that tell you?"

    Whaaaaaaaaaa? Oh yeah that's right, you live in Philly.

  75. Anonymous6:34 PM

    PC-"Fifty percent of the posts here are from completely insane religious nutters, forty percent more are from far-right Stormfront bigots."

    Who are you calling "insane religious nutters" you non-believing jackass?

    Field, this UK PC guy has got to go. He has no right to degrade our religion here in the greatest country on earth. It IS OUR RELIGION THAT MAKES US GREAT....GOD IS GREAT!

    PC, you are an evil wretched fool.


  76. Lets start with your first statement...

    " Uh no, not defending anything."

    Then what are you doing??

    At every turn I speak about the collusion with Big Banks , and Wall St ...

    Yet the only thing you routinely retort with is BIB is White...

    as if only Black people voted for ya boy..

    Come on... you feed the sterotype every time you reply back with nonsense about White people hating Obama... Heres a clue...

    Black people werent the only people who voted for O-Bomber...

    So you cant say that ALL people that dont like O-Bombers policies are white... It makes no sense... Do you ever even think about what you write sometimes???

    I know your in a rush to get out the next nonsensical retort about me being White,but you really are looking kinda foolish when you go down that road ...over , and over again...

  77. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Dear Field, why are monitoring comments? This sucks. Who is causing this 'extreme' monitoring? Surely it's not AB? The girl doesn't mean any harm.

    She's just trying to make it. Brother Field, have some compassion for a lonely breed.

  78. Turning into MSNBC... huh ??
    I feel you STEPHEN gotta keep the propaganda goin... LOL

  79. Looks like the crook is gonna whip the snot out of the kook in the Virginia Govs race. Poor Cooch, looks like he's running on the sheet-sniffer platform one cycle too late.

  80. smh @ poor Lady Bug...

    momma said- when you are forewarned, you are forearmed.

    BO is related by blood to the wm, banksters, homo, sex cult folks around the world are sounding the alarm about...

    that's as close as i can get to helping you to save yourself baby girl. though you are chronologically older.

    momma also said: there is nothing worse than an old fool.



    new school 'het' with boyfriend and all...sell drug = more jail time than raping a baby on video. porn star! thanks kinsey for the light sentencing! wait til they do away with mandated serial offender registry...

    lust is a powerful demon.

    these folks are clearly possessed. though folks will keep calling it 'mental illness'...spiritual bondage is real. those spirits with visceral, violent responses to Scriptures usually out themselves. i can smell + see these spirits (on/off line) and by nature desire to take them out on sight. as i have confessed before. i praise Him for holding me in check;) folks better know He is real.

    off line...i will walk right into your face and let you know in a quiet this is what it is NOW are about to BOW DOWN or flee. or if need be all cap you in public. depends on the devil. ex.) YOU WILL BOW DOWN WHEN YOU SEE ME. I AM NOT A JOKE NOR JOKING. ACCORDING TO UNIVERSAL, then i hit 'em up with His Word/my Spiritual Sword. this is if you are a big grown Black man, mean looking Latino man, entitled superior White. i.don' when He says Stand Up and Speak His's time to go!

    police officer hand on gun won't stop it. i AM called to be righteously respectful + bold. think i AM joking if you need to stop playing already;)

    get reckless and His Men just show up out of nowhere + walk dogs. it's funny really. like the Truman Show almost. lol! only i AM in the show but i know it. lol. Set Apart Blessed Deuteronomy 28 style...

    new school femme women with wives had best know what time it is and act accordingly. we could do this til Shiloh come...then He got it from there.

    but i already told folks this...spaced repetition;)


    Pilot, i AM not trying to be funny nor disrespectful.

    what about, instead of bickering with folks you go do that little bit of due diligence and come back and share it with these folks?

    that would be to use technology meant to divide + destroy to His Glory. flip the script. now, i could go and gather the info compiled by other righteous men that work with planes, are knowledgeable + problem solving producers.

  81. however, i AM not a mule. nor a bm golden calf worshiper. i AM not new here. why folks acting like i AM? BM are going to feel much better collectively just as soon as ya'll get up and go to His Name that He might get the Glory. as soon as THAT happens He will give you the it is written. ya'll are behind schedule. suffering mightily for your sins.

    all of humanity is...and needs US to pull it in to pull others out. dig that, Law Givers.



    2 Chronicles 7: 14-18


    please know, each time one of these compensated to tell a lie devils calls me unfocused, i ask the whole host of heaven to flip that lie. permanent bind it to the pit of hell. final word. instead, in its place grant me in His Name triple portions of focusedpurpose.

    fool errands get a neon sign ever since;)

    this is not the first mention of chem trails, man. they been spraying folks like we ALL bugs (hi Lady Bug! lol. you will BOW DOWN to His Word...spaced repetition for you;) for longer than a minute. plus messing with our food, water, education, air, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. BUT i AM 'paranoid'. lol.

    i AM called to give His Law in the midst of all this with focused purpose.

    now...that said; as time permits i will drop links here. though Lady Bug needs a new link assignment. and we know she loves her some links! maybe you could get her onto a new topic? chemtrails could take her away from the need to have a kinsey convo unless she learns they, too, are gay in some instances. nazi BO + coming cross-eyed at me because i believe+ will speak boldly His Word...yep, kinsey's going to keep coming up for sure;)

    help increase Knowledge + the Peace, Mr. X.

    lol! ya'll crack me up. for real.



    John 3:16-18


    Good News indeed...

  82. "So you cant say that ALL people that dont like O-Bombers policies are white..."

    Never said that and you're missing the point. You're a supposed lefty and the only policies you find fault with are Barack's? Really? That if befuddling beyond belief. You criticize MSNBC but what outlet do you watch? MSNBC not liberal enough for you?
    It isn't about being white per se it's just that I see through your game. You are too obvious. Maybe your next handle will convince us because you failed with this one.


  83. "this is not the first mention of chem trails, man"

    Granted but I was just curious. Many talk about chemtrails but have no proof of such. Same folks talk about HAARP causing earthquakes and such. Just seeing where you're coming from is all.

  84. Anonymous1:27 AM

    lust is a powerful demon.
    Don't you just know it though ;)

  85. You're a supposed lefty and the only policies you find fault with are Barack's?


    Hes the sitting president why WOULDNT my comments be directed towards him ? NOT some Republican Tea Party Boogey man that your constantly using as an excuse..??

    I have to remember that the programming is really deeply embedded in you. You are really an extreme case to be studied.. Unbelievable.... LOL

  86. Anonymous1:38 AM

    focusedpurpose9:05 PM
    smh @ poor Lady Bug...

    they been spraying folks like we ALL bugs (hi Lady Bug! lol. you will BOW DOWN to His Word...spaced repetition for you;) for longer than a minute. plus messing
    is this really necessary! To be taunting her calling her names when she is no longer allowed to post back to you on here?

    FP you stink to high heaven! I'm sure it offends our Heavenly Father !

  87. Anonymous2:27 AM

    FP you give pastors and truly spiritual people a bad name!

  88. Anonymous8:04 PM

    How much bootlicking can you take, field?

    The Department of Homeland Security coordinates a raid into a reporter's home at 4:30 am in the morning on the pretense of searching for weapons - because in 1986 her husband had a resisting arrest charge? Taking files that contained information on internal sources in the DHS who were whistleblowing on the agency
    s activities?

    This is cool with you?

  89. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Hey Mr. Field -

    "Wingnut media", eh?

    Like the Daily Kos and NPR?

  90. New to this blog.

    Relieved to see the commenters taking Field down.

    All the info as to the Crash is there- economics, etc.

    And he just refuses to see.

    Good job, guys.

  91. Anonymous10:42 PM

    This is not about her files she is covering up for her husband I know this guy and the USCG knows he is unstable . He uses his wife position to keep his job with the coast guard. Her husband is truly incompetent as a technician, trust me I know. Keep digging it will come out

  92. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Did anyone ask how did the husband get a security clearance if he had a record?

  93. Anonymous7:08 AM

    How in the world did he even get a job with a record.
