Monday, November 04, 2013

Hail to the bully.

Chris Christie will win the New Jersey governor's race comfortably tomorrow. Why? Because people in New Jersey, like the rest of the country, value perception over reality.

I don't live in New Jersey, but I really need someone who supports the good governor to tell me what he has done for that state that earns him rock star status. (Sorry Shaq. Stick to dunking basketballs. You don't know  anything about politics.)I know he is good at bullying people, (he would get Richie Incognito's vote)but can he really govern?

I mean the facts tell me that he hasn't been all that.

Here is what Catherine Haig writes:

"Republican Chris Christie, current Gov of NJ, will be throwing his big pants into the 3 ring circus that promises to be another fiasco in the ruining of America – the 2016 race for the White House.

But be aware, the people in NJ were LIED TO BY THEN ATTORNEY GENERAL OF NJ, CHRIS CHRISTIE who became NJ Gov. on a list of lies like no other candidate before him.

Talk about corruption – Chris Christie embodies “THE BIG BULLY” Theory as if he wrote the theory himself.

These are what Chris Christie promised NJ: He promised not to raise taxes or allow property taxes to go over a 2% cap however it was a SOFT CAP which allowed Municipalities to skirt the percent and ours went up to 8% giving us a whopping $6000 dollars a year to pay for what exactly? We don’t have kids, we are gay, we have two dogs and a house that is valued $65 thousand dollars lower than what we paid for and now we have to pay $6000 a year in property taxes?

How is that not raising taxes, GOV Christie?
....New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie largely avoided factual claims in a Republican convention keynote address that was heavy on generalities, opinion and platitudes. The pugnacious former prosecutor exaggerated a bit, though, when he bragged about his accomplishments as governor, and he repeated the common but false claim that the president’s health care law interferes with the doctor-patient relationship.
  • Christie said he delivered “three balanced budgets with lower taxes.” Actually, he cut the state Earned Income Tax Credit for low-income residents and the popular property-tax rebate program for renters and homeowners. It’s a matter of interpretation whether those are tax hikes or spending reductions. A proposed 10 percent income tax cut hasn’t been enacted.
  • He said he took on public-sector unions to reform a pension system “headed to bankruptcy” and “saved retirees their pension.” That’s accurate as far as it goes. But the state is not fully funding the revamped system, and the pension liabilities gap will begin to grow again.
  • Regarding teachers, Christie said he ended “the guarantee of a job for life regardless of performance.” That’s correct. Christie worked with a Democratic Legislature to make significant changes to the tenure system — even providing a path to fire tenured teachers with negative evaluations.
On state taxes, Christie said “we have three balanced budgets with lower taxes.” First of all, New Jersey, like many states, requires a balanced budget. But did he balance the budget “with lower taxes”? He did sign into law some business tax incentives, but broad-based income and sales taxes have not changed. He has proposed lowering income taxes by 10 percent across the board, but that measure has yet to pass." [More]

Throw in the fact that he is against things such as proper gun control and same sex marriages, and I think that he would be right at home with the Tea Party wing of his party.

 “What do you want? I’m tired of you people,”

Governor, I truly wish that they were tired of you.


  1. Anonymous9:33 PM

    A lap band isn't going to "save" his fat ass, he'll croak out while running(sweating beads of sweat as large as grapefruit), for President.


  2. and SETPHEN agree...

    Im in direct opposition to Christie because I live and own property in N.J.

    This guy has systematically prevented NJ"S Medical Cannabis program from being implemented he way it was intended to. He is in the pockets of Big Pharma, and the Prison Industrial Complex . Poperty taxes have continued to go up with nothing to benefit from it. I live in Trenton where they have literally turned it into Camden by laying off over 100 cops because of budget problems. He plays lip service to reducing the prison population with drug programs, but is quick to shoot down any form of decriminalization for drug gangs most profitable product cannabis.

    Hs in the same category as O-bomber on this issue..

    Oh, and make sure you slap Shaq's picture up on the "House Negro" of the day award. He certainly deserves it by comin out for Cristie... He is definitely...most Un Clean

    Now this doesn't mean Im on your side in terms of O-Bomber or anything... We are still in disagreement on who he is, and what hes about...

    I still need you to WAKE THE FLUCK UP ... on that note...

    I know... I know... Im White Right?? LOL

    come on Field ..
    get on my level...

  3. "Because people in New Jersey, like the rest of the country, value perception over reality."

    No shit. That's how we wound up with President Obongo.

  4. "But be aware, the people in NJ were LIED TO BY THEN ATTORNEY GENERAL OF NJ, CHRIS CHRISTIE who became NJ Gov. on a list of lies like no other candidate before him."

    Did he tell them they could keep their doctor and their healthplan if they wanted to?

    Did he tell them no one who made under $250,000/year would see their taxes rise?

    Did he say that if he got a trillion dollars in stimulus spending, unemployment would stay below 8%? How about the one about how he would, if elected, end deficit spending?

    Did he tell them he would have the most transparent administration ever? That he would end domestic spying? Close Guantanamo?

    That motherfucking liar!

  5. Christie was great as long as he was helping Obama get re-elected, but now he is threat, so let's start that two minute hate!

  6. More insight..

  7. Anonymous11:10 PM

    That picture speaks volumes!

  8. agentX11:15 PM

    Damn Field! Parking in Philly is like parking in Iraq: You can't get out of the lot without a shootout!

  9. FN said...
    I don't live in New Jersey, but I really need someone who supports the good governor to tell me what he has done for that state that earns him rock star status.

    Let me point out again you are starting to sound right-wingish.

    What you are asking is exactly what right-wingers were asking about Obama.

    And when has accomplishment meant anything in politics?

  10. Anonymous11:38 PM

    Your criticism of Gov Christie reminds me of the same shit Obama has done to Americans. It's funny that you never list the lies and failed promises of Obama, which is damn near 'everything' that has come out of his mouth.

    Amazingly, you haven't mentioned the O man's multifaceted lies. In fact, you have endorsed every one of them...which are far greater than Christie could ever dream up.

    Mr Field, you are a big shameless hypocrite...

  11. I guess everyone around here owes me an apology, right?

  12. I wish I knew. I wish I knew what any of these politicians have ever done to win the admiration of the public to the point of reelection.

    We're a country of over 300 million people. Politics in general should be a one-term-only volunteer stint where pools of vetted people are nominated to run for election should they choose. It shouldn't be about careers. It shouldn't be about power.

    But we have fought incredibly hard to become saddled with the exact system we deserve.

  13. Anonymous11:44 PM

    From the previous thread:

    Blogger Desertflower said...
    Anonymous KoN said...
    "You are way too stupid to be a lawyer. There is no way that you could have graduated from an American law school, and no way you could have passed the bar exam without some kind of an Affirmative Action assist.

    At least you know your audience.
    5:23 PM
    Aah Field, Field, Field, will they never learn???

    and jealousy will get them nowhere ;)))

    As usual, Desertflower from PR comes to the rescue of Field...from the Truth. Give it a rest, Desert. Why on earth would ANYBODY be jealous of Field? You seem to think any criticism of Field to be a mark of jealousy. Get Real....What's with you?

  14. FN said...
    I think that he would be right at home with the Tea Party wing of his party.


    *IF* you believe rush and coulter run the tea party, and the tea party runs the extreme-right-wing of the republican party....

    How do ann and rush feel about chris christie?

    I believe a part of Obamacare covers TeaParty Derangement Syndrome. If I can get through on the website I'll look it up for you.

  15. Jesus Hitler11:58 PM

    The Field Negro appears to have developed a respect for the truth. Well I'll be.

    You're right about Governor Krispy Kreme. Never trust anyone who is that fat. Pudgy people, okay, but not someone who is a boatload of dysfunction.

    I hate to break it to you, but skinny motherfuckers can be dishonest too. That President and his staff that you worship so much sure do lie a lot:

    • Both Eric Holder and Barack Obama stated that "Fast and Furious was a program begun in the Bush Administration". That was a lie. The Bush Administration had, in fact, shut down any efforts to track illegal shipments of guns to Mexico because it was a dangerous and untenable undertaking.

    • Hillary Clinton, Susan Wright and Barack Obama all stated that the attack in Benghazi was caused by Islamist spontaneous reaction to an anti-Islamist video produced in the United States. We know now - and they knew then - that the attack in Benghazi was a well planned effort by well armed Islamic extremists with connections to Al Qaeda.

    • The President assured us that "..... the IRS targeting of conservative groups like the Tea Party..." was an isolated instance of rogue IRS employees in the Cincinnati office. We now know that the senior levels of the Administration (e.g., the Treasury Department General Counsel, the Deputy Secretary of the Department of the Treasury, and the Office of the White House Counsel) were acutely aware of these plans to target these conservative groups and were worried about these

    • The President and the National Director of Intelligence reassured the American people time and time again that the phone calls and emails of Americans were not being monitored and recorded as part of our intelligence programs. We know that to be false and, further, we now know that our electronic spying is international in scope and technologically sophisticated.

    Then of course there were all those false promises regarding Obamacare.

    You can respect the truth or Obama, but not both.

  16. Anonymous7:18 AM

    "....value perception over reality."

    Hence, Obama's election.

  17. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Gov Christie, will be the next President of these UNIED STATES. He is just what the doctor ordered to heal America.

    Christie has a good track record for keeping the races in harmony. Obama can't boast that. I am a Democrat and I say "Go, Christie!"--America needs you.

  18. Anonymous11:12 AM


    u r a liar like hobama
    and like hobama
    u have no soul

    ditto for the dl td fakes

    alpha males fight fairly

    they do not help holy evil hyenas cheat as warrior lionesses slay them!!!...

    they do not adore that lying racist bankster hobama...

    i will never ever post to your blog again

    i have lost all respect for u and td fakes

    you will both suffer greatly from the karma you have earned herein...
    i will rejoice in that


    your eternal enemy

  19. And here I thought Chirstmas came in December.

  20. Rep.Joe Wilson if it was up to me u would be in Guantanamo.

  21. field negro said...
    Rep.Joe Wilson if it was up to me u would be in Guantanamo.

    Thankfully, it will never be up to fascist progressives like yourself. Your days are ending. Obmacare was a fatal overreach.

    I speak the truth.

  22. We will see, wingnut. We will see.

  23. "Romney by a landslide"

  24. field negro said...
    We will see, wingnut. We will see.

    I promise not to put you in a concentration camp. You will still be free to be wrong.

    That's how we roll.

  25. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    As usual, Desertflower from PR comes to the rescue of Field...
    11:44 PM


    :p << That's my tongue sticking out at you!

  26. Ace Freeley2:52 PM

    Obama at 39% Job Approval

    It's not a new low -- he had some bad months mid-2011 -- but it is a recent low.

    Furthermore, I think this time it will stick. Because his personal favorability is now also underwater, at 49%.

    BTW, if people give Obama personally a 10% bump over his policies, how can anyone make the case that opposition to Obama is fueled by racism? If anything, he seems to be getting a break for his race here.

    In any event, fewer and fewer people seem to like what he is doing to the country. With the news each day about his Gigantic Lies in Service of His Gigantic Incompetence, this stuff is going to hang around long enough to make an impression.

    The old take was that, no matter how bad Obama was doing, he was a Nice Man who was Trying to Do the Right Thing. His serial lying and new round of serial lying to explain his past lies obliterates the Nice Man who Is Trying to Do The Right Thing narrative.

    He's not just a failure anymore; he's a dishonest, shifty politician who lies to the American people -- and hurts them! -- to get what he wants.

    And then who, having lied about just about everything, also fails.

  27. Good luck with the tea party types. Christie would have to backpeddle faster than an NFL cornerback to explain many of his positions such as helping Sandy victims and gasp, working with Dems. He would never survive a primary. GWB did the passionate conservative stuff almost 20 years ago, that act wouldn't work today. Say hello to candidate Ted Cruz.

  28. field negro said...
    "Romney by a landslide"

    Good job reminding that troll he lied about romney in a landslide.

    "if you like your health care plan, you can keep it"

  29. field negro said...
    Rep.Joe Wilson if it was up to me u would be in Guantanamo.

    I wonder how many people were jailed under Marx?




    You're in some good company with wanting your political opponents jailed.

    Lucky for you that you don't have a youtube video or you might be blamed for the crashing of Obamacare like the youtube video was blamed for benghazi.

  30. Maybe FN can explain how his "racism and guns" theory applies in this situation.

    Tanya Mount says she is being targeted by the administrator at her daughter's school after a meeting between the two several week ago.

    "I feel like a criminal. I want I want to be heard. I want a public apology," says Mount. On Wednesday, Mount says she was handed a notice from Richmond County Board of Education police.

    "He tells me that were going to issue you a criminal trespass warning," says Mount. The notice banned her from McBean Elementary School where her disabled daughter attends.

    (Like good white democrat newscasters always do, if the story is about a black person they bring on a black reporter.)

    Instead of teaching, school officials are looking up the parents facebook pages. Only in government schools would that be tolerated.
    If only the school had enough power they could have done like FN dreams about and thrown her into Guantanamo.

    *I wonder if FN knows Guantanamo is still open, that Obama only promised to close it.

  31. Anonymous5:21 PM

    voter fraud fn.what was that bongo boy said about health care fn?i can't wait until you have your health care canceled by bongo boy fn.why don't you post your grades and your bar exam grades?

  32. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Bill said...
    I wonder how many people were jailed under Marx?
    You're in some good company with wanting your political opponents jailed.
    4:03 PM
    You forgot Castro and Pinochet,and Pol Pot,etc.

    But let me tell you what I think he meant. I'm gonna explain. What he meant was that Bush created Guantanamo! To imprison people.
    You get it now? No? Okay I give up...

  33. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Bill said...
    I wonder if FN knows Guantanamo is still open, that Obama only promised to close it.
    5:00 PM
    Simple, because the Republicans don't want!!!
    Don't you understand anything?:D

    Besides the big Pharmas (republican backed) are selling their Ensure bottles by the ton load for the prisoners!

    I wish they would send me some! I live offa those X)

    I have to pay $29.00 for a case of 24 little bottles, and those suckers are getting them for free! What's not to like huh???

  34. Desertflower said...

    Bill said...
    I wonder if FN knows Guantanamo is still open, that Obama only promised to close it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    Simple, because the Republicans don't want!!!
    Don't you understand anything?:D

    I understand Obama did what he wanted with or without republican support.

    The republicans didn't want Obamacare passed.

    So, why is the place still open?

    Big Pharma is in the pockets of BOTH reps and dems.

  35. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Anonymous Bill said...
    "I understand Obama did what he wanted with or without republican support.
    The republicans didn't want Obamacare passed.
    So, why is the place still open?
    Big Pharma is in the pockets of BOTH reps and dems.
    7:12 PM
    Oh....whatever! just don't understand...You want another government shutdown over Guantanamo? Is that what you want? Because I guess that's what It'll take! #-#

  36. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Blogger Desertflower said...
    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    As usual, Desertflower from PR comes to the rescue of Field...
    11:44 PM


    :p << That's my tongue sticking out at you!

    2:43 PM
    Steam is coming out of my ears! I don't like people sticking their tongue out at me. :-(

  37. BARBBF12:13 PM

    Something else about Christie made me have some reservation. Then I remembered. I read an article some months ago about the Hurricane Sandy Fund of $32 MILLION..which Christie put his wife in charge of. Seems like 4 months after the hurricane..not one penny had been paid out. BUT..she did manage to hire a friend w/no experience in running a charitable at an annual salary of $160,000.


    By Shannon Mullen/The Asbury Park Press

    The Sandy relief fund chaired by New Jersey first lady Mary Pat Christie has raised more than $32 million so far. But four months after the superstorm, none of that aid has reached storm victims yet.

    In an interview, Mary Pat Christie pointed to the logistical challenge of starting a charity from scratch, the relief fund's focus on addressing long-term recovery needs, instead of short-term relief, and her own "methodical" approach to putting the proper resources and safeguards in place, as reasons for the delay.

    It was never the intent for the Hurricane Sandy New Jersey Relief Fund to quickly provide monetary aid directly to storm victims, she noted. Instead, the plan was to lend support to reputable nonprofit groups that will be providing victims with financial assistance and other services in the months and years to come. The relief fund plans to distribute $1 million in grants this week, with another $5 million to follow several weeks after that.

    "I have taken excruciating steps to make sure that we give the money out in a really judicious way," Mary Pat Christie told the Asbury Park Press.

    "You want accountability, you get accountability when you go through a methodical structure," she said. "So, in three years when I'm still distributing money at Hurricane Sandy Relief, ask me if we're doing enough."

    Mary Pat Christie's defense of her charity's performance, however, comes on the heels of the pointed barbs her husband, Gov. Chris Christie, has hurled at the Federal Emergency Management Agency and Speaker of the House John Boehner, among others, for what the governor sees as inexcusable delays in helping the state's residents, businesses and communities still reeling from the Oct. 29 storm. Christie famously called Congress' holdup of Sandy relief "disgusting."

    The deliberate pace of Mary Pat Christie's 4-month-old charity contrasts with the Robin Hood Foundation's rapid turnaround of the $67 million raised by the 12-12-12 Concert for Sandy Relief.

    To date, Robin Hood has awarded more than $50 million in grants to dozens of nonprofit groups, with nearly 40 percent of the funds earmarked for relief efforts in New Jersey.
    The foundation expects to commit almost all of the remaining concert money by the end of the month.

    Mary Pat Christie's former chief of staff and director of protocol, Cam Henderson, who had no prior experience running a charitable foundation, has been tapped to serve as the fund's executive director, at an annual salary of $160,000. The average compensation for top executives of nonprofit organizations with budgets between $25 million and $50 million in 2009 was $309,466, the charity noted.


    Wonder if she was also paying herself a salary? We'll never know!

  38. do try to find the right law firm that can help us with this issue.

    I'm agree on this because today there was a lot of business in our place but some of them goes to a bankruptcy case. They will find a great lawyer to solve their case like this. That's why Bankruptcy lawyer are the best career to choice.
