Tuesday, November 05, 2013

The silence of the House Negroes.

This Richie Incognito story is crazy. Dude clearly has some issues, and he is a bully and a racist to boot. Now, thankfully, the Dolphins finally decided to kick him to the curb.

Still, the saddest part of this story is the behavior of the black teammates of the target of Incognito's ignorance. (And yes, some of them knew that he is a racist.) These million dollar slaves and house Negroes all contributed to this environment of abuse that Jonathan Martin had to put up with.

I saw a few of them doing interviews on ESPN, and like some of the Eagles players when Riley Cooper let his Klan flag fly, they came up way short. None of them had the guts or the courage to say that what Richie Incognito did was wrong, and that they would not tolerate that type of behavior on their team. The house mentality took over. It always does with these types of Negroes, especially when they think that their paychecks are at stake. (I see you Michael Jordan.)

Honestly, Jonathan  Martin should just walk away from football. He clearly doesn't need it. Dude has a degree from Stanford and Harvard educated lawyers as parents. Maybe it's time to use his brain instead of his brawn to make a living.

The following comments from someone commenting in the New York Daily News were on point:

"It's always depressing to read anonymous remarks on a forum, oozing with racist bias. But, it's worse to know that in a sport, like Major League Football, someone like Incognito almost can get away with it, meaning that how many others has he bullied and disparaged, before Martin?
These are elite athletes, making tens of millions of dollars, and accustomed to playing with all races, where the only thing that matters is the team. It's not like a prison yard, where gang mentality dictates that races stick together.
Sports should be one of the frontiers for racial equality and brotherhood as team mates. If it eludes these athletes, who should truly be brothers, the baiters and haters who post silly things seem less important."
I agree. This is supposed to be the one of the few areas where racism does not exist. It's why Americans always thought of sports as the greatest unifier and equalizer. True meritocracy at work. 
Sadly, though, the reality of living in a society where "color aroused disorders" are prevalent always brings this type of behavior to the fore."
Richie, you aren't going to be Incognito anymore.      


  1. Anonymous8:05 PM

    He's not a racist, he's just an asshole.

  2. Anonymous9:43 PM

    Field, for once you are right about some Blacks support racism by their own cowardice.

    By the same token, a lot of Whites support racism by NOT saying a damn thing to the racist offender.

    Exactly like our House Negroes, most Whites are complicit with the offender by remaining silent.

    Our HNs are the worst human beings on the planet. I can't stand a racist to the core White. But I hate even more a Black sell-out uncle tom...that person has no conscience and will sell his/her own mother without hesitation and STILL sleep well at night.

  3. Anonymous9:48 PM

    I don't blame these guys for not speaking out about him though.

    The thing is, that as well as that he's a valuable team member, when you're dealing with disturbed individuals such as this, you have to be very careful.

    Because they might decide to pay a little visit with an AK47 or the likes! It seems to be happening often these days :(

    I do believe though that they did answer questions truthfully in private. It's the only proper thing to do and I'm sure they did it.

  4. This type of *sh happens because Martin’s house negroe teammates didn’t step to fat-ass Incognito like real men would have. This is certainly the antics of your typical schoolyard bully. Phuck you fat boy!

  5. Anonymous10:14 PM

    First World Problems:

    I had to leave my big $$$$ job, playing a game, because another guy was picking on me!

  6. FN said...
    Dude has a degree from Stanford and Harvard educated lawyers as parents.

    Dude has educated parents.

    FN, aren't your parents educated professionals?

    I'm seeing a pattern.

    Parents, as in plural.

    Educated, as in parents have college degrees.

  7. Bullies pop up in the strangest places. I remember one in the Marine Corps, a huge redheaded Corporal, a mechanic who deployed by ship to WESPAC & Saudi Arabia/Kuwait with my armor platoon in the early '90s. He made life pretty hard for the smaller, lower ranking troops in our platoon for over a year. Had them walking on eggshells. One night, we had Cinderella liberty in Inchon Korea, and everybody rolled back aboard, lashed, at about 1158 in a cold rainstorm and went straight down to our berthing compartments yelling, happy & talking crap. The bully, lets call him Gamash since that's his actual name, started in on one of the smallest, quietest lancers in the platoon, a coal miner's son from Eastern Kentucky. Next thing I know, this 140lbs of cyclone whoop-ass has Gamash doubled over from gut & crotch jabs, & is bashing his nose from one side of his face to the other until he just curled up in a fetal ball in a pile of wet boots & gymshoes on the deck to protect his soft parts. I'd like to say it changed Gamash, but it didn't; not that I could tell, but he did give that kid from Kentucky a lot of room after that.

  8. Transpired conversation with Sage regarding Jonathan Martin and a Miami Dolphins' house negroe teammate:

    Sage Field negroe: How come you didn’t defend brother Martin?

    Martin’s House negroe Teammate: Well, I was uh frade

    Sage Field negroe: Afraid of what?

    Martin’s House negroe teammate: Well, Incogneeto hasn’t dun any ting to me. He izza good wite boy, even if he call me names.

    Sage Field negroe: Were you aware that he is a racist?

    Martin’s House negroe teammate: Well, yeah, but Incogneeto calling me a ni**er is just for
    fun. Deer wasn’t any harm dun.

    Sage Field negroe: In any atmosphere where this type of behavior is allowed to flourished
    un restrained, that’s a damn big problem. You should’ve told him in no uncertain terms that he was placing himself in harms path.

    Martin’s house negroe teammate: Well, let me tell you the trooth, I was uh frade to be put back in da field like U and not get pade like U.

    Sage Field negroe: F**k that, the next time you are a witness to some bullsh*t like what happened to brother Martin, I’m going to tell your massa that you are attempting to escape and start a revolt with us Field negroes!

    Martin’s house negroe teammate: Pleese Sage, massa will hurt me, um beggin ya, please don’t due dat!

  9. Anonymous11:25 PM

    Dear Brother Field, you and some of your FN brothers and sisters will be happy to know that in addition to being #1 in cable news, FOX writers Bill O'Reilly, Krauthammer, and Brian Kilmeade all finished #1, #2, and #3 respectively on the best sellers book list:

    #1-Bill O'Reilly: "Killing Kennedy"
    #2-Krauthammer: "Things That Matter"
    #3-Kilmeade: "George Washington's Secret Six"

    Let's face it. No where in the MSM can you find such quality men. I am a black Democrat and I am embarrassed that not ONE anchor or reporter on the liberal side could come even close to the magnificent 3 on FOX NEWS. FOX is truly the best....uncomparable.

    Just thought some of you FN folks would like to know.I am sure this is less painful than the pain to come because of Obamacare. :)

  10. I hate to jump on the Martin should have done something bandwagon but dude is 6'5" 300+. I just have to imagine what somebody like Michael Irvin, Bo Jackson or Warren Sapp would have done in this situation.

  11. Large, aggressive man calls teammate "half-n****r," threatens to "s***" in his mouth.

    So there.

    That's apparently the worst that Miami Dolphins' rookie tackle Jonathan Martin got told by veteran guard Richie Incognito, along with other indignities.

    Welcome to the NFL, home to an active roster of 1,440 of the biggest, strongest, most physically aggressive men on the planet. Sports talk-radio in my town was reeling over this story today, but the listeners who called in seemed a little more relaxed about it.

    Martin's a big, strong guy who could kill me barehanded if he was so inclined, but I live in a comfortable, white-collar world and he lives in the NFL. Martin has a soft visage for a man who lives among predators. Martin went to Stanford as well. Logical-mathematical intelligence is not necessary for success in professional athletics. It's actually a handicap.

    Richie Incognito shares no such handicap. Richie is no outlier. He's a solid member of the Dolphins football squad. He's on the team's leadership council, an alpha of the alphas. Martin, by contrast, is a geek; a big, strong geek but still a geek. The rest of the offensive line didn't think Martin fit in the fraternity either. The final straw for Martin was when the offensive line all got up and walked away when he tried to join them for lunch.

    That's the big, tough world among big, tough men. Geeks in that world, like the Manning brothers, learn to sublimate their geekiness and get all their big, tough teammates to focus their aggression on blocking for them. Warriors, like Richie Incognito and Harvey Dahl, learn to sublimate (barely) their berserker tendencies to make plays happen.

    The culture that a cloistered group of high-T, physical men are going to generate is going to be frankly uncivil. Of course, they live in the middle of civilization so they have to keep their uncivil rituals to themselves. Incognito's transgression was not calling a teammate a half-n****r and threatening to s*** in his mouth, Incognito's transgression was breaching his fraternity's omerta, allowing the hazing ritual to be seen. I can assure you all that and worse gets said among members of the Special Forces, national rugby sides, Korean riot police locker rooms and any other physical, all-male environment. NFL culture is gladiator culture a/k/a prison culture, and in more ways than people like to think about.

    Aaron Hernandez is a warrior, and he really does belong in prison. He definitely has a predatory look.

    Violence is innate to humans. Fight-or-flight is still in the basal brain, where it's managed by our big cerebrums which allow us empathy and foresight. Sociopaths lack empathy and foresight. They function on instincts like fight-or-flight. Sociopaths don't respond to reason. The fight-or-flight instinct doesn't understand reason, it only understands threats.

    Feminized society, which is gnostic society, is horrified by such biological realities so when something like this little tiff between Martin and Incognito comes up, they cluck and scold and demand rules to legislate reality out of existence. When something really serious happens, like when a 14-year old being raised in a nice neighborhood going to a nice school slashes his teacher's throat and dumps her body in the woods, feminized society can't deal with it at all. National media doesn't report it, people don't talk about it. Feminized society's pop culture doesn't even like to depict real villians any more; they're all space aliens or zombies.

    That's how I know feminized society is eventually going to end. It gets all worked up over things like Martin and Incognito, but has no way to deal with actual, existential threats. When a genuine threat arises (and it always does), like an epidemic or foreign conquest or domestic warfare, feminized society will get rubbed out or pushed aside.

  12. Anonymous5:07 AM

    "These million dollar slaves and house Negroes all contributed to this environment of abuse that Jonathan Martin had to put up with."

    Why are you upset, or even surprised, about this? This is how negroes, I mean black people, "stay in good" with white people. It's something "we" learned during slavery and is by now ingrained in the DNA of black descendants of slaves in America. Didn't you know that?

  13. Anonymous5:31 AM

    False Prophet's comment:
    "In his divorce papers, Dee’s former wife Maureen details how during the course of their marriage, he randomly slipped in and out of adultery, homosexuality, “child molestation” and numerous other garden variety sexual perversions.""

    And how reliable are these allegations of the EX-WIFE? A bitter ex-wife is out to destroy her former husband. What else is new?

    If this woman knew her husband was molesting children, why didn't she immediately alert the police? Why did she apparently keep these allegations under wraps until the divorce?

  14. Of course Incognito's an asshole. He played for Nebraska.

    The quotes I've read don't seem to have a racial content; just Incognito being an obnoxious jerk. When I heard a report about this on NPR yesterday, it struck me as more evidence that playing football causes brain damage. You've got to be a special kind of idiot to leave voice mails that obnoxious.

  15. Lt. Commander Johnson6:09 AM

    Bullied. That,s the new word for being offended.

    You make me want to puke.

    You people want to so loudly frofound how you've been abused.

  16. Okay, now I've seen quotes that are definitely racist. Yep, the guy's an idiot and a bigot.

  17. I’m quite certain that the Miami Dolphins, a billion dollar franchise were aware of what was happening to Martin. Team official only responded because the information regarding their Incognito is a public relations disaster on their entire operation. Now, the Dolphins rush to give the appearance that they’re doing something about it. It’s quite too late for this!

    Typical Amerikkkan response to any crisis that lends credence to truth and how racist this country still truly is!

  18. Wesley R7:46 AM

    This whole thing should not have even made it to the press. Martin should have kicked Incognito's ass. That's how you deal with a bully. Incognito would have left him alone after that.

  19. Quotes A.G.

    "Martin went to Stanford as well. Logical-mathematical intelligence is not necessary for success in professional athletics. It's actually a handicap."

    Total nonsense.

    "Violence is innate to humans."

    Total nonsense.

    "Feminized society, which is gnostic society..."

    No it isn't.


    Clearly AG, you have been reading the Vox Popoli blog, because I see Theodore Beale's fingerprints all over this little rant of yours.

    Beale's hatred of women and feminisation as a bi-product of his being just 5' 3" tall. He's compensating for his lack of stature (in more ways than three) by generating a hatred of women.

    What's your excuse?

  20. Incognito was WRONG and his punishment appropriate. But Martin is a pussy. call me out my name, I'm going in all ham.

  21. BARBBF11:43 AM

    Anonymous said:

    "Let's face it. No where in the MSM can you find such quality men. I am a black Democrat and I am embarrassed that not ONE anchor or reporter on the liberal side could come even close to the magnificent 3 on FOX NEWS. FOX is truly the best....uncomparable."

    That poster must have missed the weeks where O'Reilly spewed out the lies again and again that Blacks had committed 10,000 murders in the USA last year.

    The point is the most recent FBI report (2011) showed that there were a TOTAL of a few hundreds over 8000..with the majority of murders being committed by whites. Of course 8000 murders are way too many. One murder is one too many. Bill O'Reilly finally stopped using the 10,000 number..but never apologized for the lies he was promoting for weeks.

  22. Anonymous said...
    By the same token, a lot of Whites support racism by NOT saying a damn thing to the racist offender.


    That's my biggest problem with 8/10 of my fellow white Americans: silence in response to racism. They avoid confronting friends & family, even strangers, not because they agree with it, they don't, not really, they just don't want to get into it, so they let it pass. They saw their parents let it pass, so they let it pass and their children see them let it pass and they get the message.

    I got the message early in life to not just let it pass. My parents never just let it pass. I can think of dozens of instances where either or both of them "spoke up" in word &/or action. Foremost among them, choosing a black OBGYN for my birth in '59 despite the white Air Force nurses & white moms pressuring my mom to switch to the white MD. (of course a black MD in '59 had to be 10X the MD that a white MD had to be, and a black OBGYN 10X that & that was my parent's recollection of him)

    They got it from their Catholicism, primarily a lived as opposed to a professed religion (yeah, sorry a-nons, I'm not Jewish, but not insulted by being presumed Jewish either). Their anti-racism was seamless with how they lived the rest of their lives, always thinking about the other person, how their actions might affect other people, individuals & society. Convinced that their own actions had the power to make the whole world that much better or worse and that they were cosmically responsible for their actions. Confession every week of your life will do that to you.

  23. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Blogger Desertflower said...
    I don't blame these guys for not speaking out about him though.

    The thing is, that as well as that he's a valuable team member, when you're dealing with disturbed individuals such as this, you have to be very careful.

    Because they might decide to pay a little visit with an AK47 or the likes! It seems to be happening often these days :(
    "Cowards die many times in life, the brave die only once."

    It is because there are so many fearful people in our race, that racists can get away with insults- and do whatever they want, because Blacks are so cowardly. It is our cowardice that helps perpetuate racism:

    "...and one day, some great opportunity stands before you and calls upon you to stand for some great principle, some great issue, some great cause. And you 'refuse' because you are 'afraid.'

    You refuse to do it because you want to live longer. You're 'afraid' that you will lose your job, or you are 'afraid' that you will be criticized or that you will lose your popularity, or you're afraid that somebody will stab or shoot or bomb your house. So you refuse to take a stand.

    Well, you may go on and live until you're 90, but you're just as dead now as you would be at 90. And the cessation of breathing in your life is but the belated announcement of an earlier death of the Spirit.

    You died when you refused to stand up for what is 'right'. You died when you refused to stand up for 'truth'. You died when you refused to stand up for Justice."---MLK

    Think about this....

  24. I know Lt. They should be more like your Neanderthal friends in the wingnut gang.

    Stay classy.

  25. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said..
    "Cowards die many times in life, the brave die only once."

    "It is because there are so many fearful people"
    "Blacks are so cowardly. It is cowardice"
    "you 'refuse' because you are 'afraid.'
    "You're 'afraid"
    "afraid' that you will be criticized or that you will lose your popularity"
    "Think about this"
    2:03 PM

    Oh this is just too rich! :D

    Is that why you go by "ANONYMOUS" ALL THE TIME???

    Afraid? Think about this ;p

  26. Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    "of course a black MD in '59 had to be 10X the MD that a white MD had to be"

    Those were the days.

    Now a black MD usually isn't 1/10 the MD that a white MD has to be.

    Just think how brain damaged you'd probably be if we had the same kind of race-based preferences back then that we have today!

  27. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Hey Field, You sometimes chase general injustice. What do you think of the last paragraph of this?


  28. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Desert, "Oh this is just too rich! :D"

    Yes it is.

  29. Anon@5:35, that is a terrible story. I suggest that everyone checks out the link u provided.

  30. The absolute biggest threat to the Field Negro always has been and will always be the house nigga(s).

  31. Of course a black MD in '59 had to be 10X the MD that a white MD had to be, and a black OBGYN 10X that & that was my parent's recollection of him.

    Ain't a damn thing changed Whitey!

  32. Ms. Nǚwáng said...
    "Ain't a damn thing changed Whitey!"

    Somehow, I can't imagine the dignified, Sidney Poitier-looking physician of 1959 spouting jebabber like Ms. Ghetto Queen.

    People like you do not possess the professional demeanor of those admitted to an accredited medical school.

    Of course nothing has changed for you since 1959. You'd have been a piece of ghetto trash back then sure as you are now. The only difference would be that we wouldn't have hear your nonsense.

    You will never be a doctor.

  33. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Field, it's coming to light that Incognito has been considered an honorary brother by our peeps on the Dolphins team.

    It's similar to considering Bill Clinton as the first Black President. Come to think of it, he WAS the first Black President. He did more for Blacks, and spoke up about it. Obama hasn't done crapola.

    So what do you have to say about that?


  34. Dr.Nǚwáng said...
    Of course a black MD in '59 had to be 10X the MD that a white MD had to be, and a black OBGYN 10X that & that was my parent's recollection of him.

    Ain't a damn thing changed Whitey!

    You would know that better than I.

  35. Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    You would know that better than I

    That's not the only thing I know better than you.

    In many highly technical medical fields, white folks are pretty non existent. Take my research area, Translational Bioinformatics and Cancer Genomics. In one of my classes there are 20 of us. And of course, I'm the only Black person but there's also one Latino man.

    However, there's only ONE White person in the class too. The ENTIRE rest of the class, is Asian: Indian, Chinese, ect.

    In other words, ya'll won't be running 'ish too much longer, LOL!!!

  36. Dr.Nǚwáng said...
    In many highly technical medical fields, white folks are pretty non existent. Take my research area, Translational Bioinformatics and Cancer Genomics. In one of my classes there are 20 of us. And of course, I'm the only Black person but there's also one Latino man.

    However, there's only ONE White person in the class too. The ENTIRE rest of the class, is Asian: Indian, Chinese, ect.

    All the white students are over at the real medical school, obviously.

    "Bioinformatics" is just a dressed-up term for file clerking.

    Congratulations on being allowed to take classes with smarter Asian students. Unfortunately, they'll probably get all those Bioebonics jobs ahead of you, but good going any way. You go girl.

    Maybe for your next degree, you can do Biocosmotologics. I'll bet there won't be any white people in that one either.

    You will never be a doctor.
