Thursday, November 14, 2013

I trust Doxy more than Lara and Sharyl.

Folks in Philly are a bunch of hard asses (booing Santa Claus and all), I know, I live here. I see random examples of hard ass behavior every day.

I swear I saw a bum tell a lady to f*** off once because she didn't give him what he wanted. He asked her for some change and she gave him some fresh donuts in a bag.

So anyway, when I read the story of a blind man being kicked off a plane in Philly because his service dog was too restless, I just knew that it was going to be a case of a bunch of heartless Philadelphians acting like....well, Philadelphians.

But alas, that was not the case here.

"A blind man said he and his service dog were kicked off a plane at Philadelphia International Airport on Wednesday, after he couldn’t keep the pooch still.
But the flight was canceled after several other passengers argued the move was too severe.

The wild ordeal unfolded after Albert Rizzi and his dog, Doxy, boarded a U.S. Airways flight bound for MacArthur Airport in Long Island.

Passengers told WABC-TV that the flight attendant would not allow the plane to take off about 8 p.m. until the Golden Lab curled up under the seat.

But the guide dog grew more restless as the plane waited on the tarmac more than an hour — and a woman sitting next to Rizzi even offered her seat to allow the pooch more room.

“You’ve got about a minute to get this straightened out,” the flight attendant told Rizzi, according to a passenger on the plane.
“He tried to do whatever he could, and she went back to the front of the plane,” the passenger told the news station.

Suddenly, the pilot announced that the plane would be turning back to the gate, where the flight attendant escorted Rizzi off the aircraft." [Source]

Poor Doxy. Whatever happened to the "friendly skies"? I swear these folks in the airline industry don't roll like they used to.

Speaking of folks not rolling like they used to. Remember when CBS was a respected news organization? I mean they gave us Ed Bradley and 60 Minutes for crying out loud.

But now, sadly, all we have are frauds like Lara Logan and her form of yellow journalism destroying the 60 Minutes brand. And, as if that wasn't enough, CBS has a new issue to contend with. This one involves some shoddy reporting about Obamacare.

"CBS News, already in trouble for not bothering to fact-check sensational claims about the Benghazi attacks, has stepped in it again with an exclusive story on the Affordable Care Act that has quickly fallen apart. On November 11, CBS News reported that the "project manager in charge of building the federal health care website was apparently kept in the dark about serious failures in the website's security." CBS investigative correspondent Sharyl Attkisson's report was based on an exclusive "first look at a partial transcript" of closed-door testimony by project manager Henry Chao that was likely leaked to the network by Republicans on the House Oversight Committee. Other media outlets picked up CBS's scoop and ran with it.

According to Attkisson, Chao was presented with "a memo that outlined important security risks discovered in the insurance system," and said he was unaware of that memo. CBS News reported that this indicated that Chao had been "kept in the dark about serious failures in the website's security" that "could lead to identity theft among people buying insurance."

But as Washington Post media blogger Erik Wemple demonstrated, Rep. Gerald Connolly (D-VA) questioned Chao at a November 13 Oversight Committee hearing and revealed how misleading CBS News' report was. The memo shown to Chao dealt with portions of the website that aren't yet in use -- not the website as it currently exists, as the partial transcript and CBS News' report wrongly suggested. And those portions won't include personally identifiable information, making it impossible for the security risks to lead to identity theft." [Source]

As someone commented after this story: "It's so much easier to get an exclusive when you just make up the facts."



  1. A post about Doxy the seeing eye dog and an attack on reporter for doing reporting?

    I guess you are saying that CBS needs to go back to carrying water for the democrats, or else they'll be ostracized like Fox News.

    And oh, by the way, there is a very real scandal on how the website security issue was 'managed':

  2. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Sorry, but I agree with the stewardess.

    When a dog will not obey it's owner, and do as it's told, that's bad news.

    Especially in a situation where there are lot's of strangers.

    This gentleman should have known his dog by now, and should have gotten a tranquilizer from the vet for him.

    If I tell my dog to sit, or lie down and be still, he obeys.

    And my dog is not trained as a service dog!

    So in all fairness, the stewardess did the correct thing.

    She did what they call "covered her ass" and the airlines too :D from a lawsuit, had that dog gotten wild after takeoff and caused anything to happen, no matter if it was just a scratch to someone.

    I would advise the gentleman to work with his dog and develop a bond.

  3. Officials at one one of the nation's oldest and most elite historically black colleges are citing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) as the reason they have cancelled a school-wide affordable health care plan they had offered students.
    The official website for Bowie State
    explains that Obamacare's new regulations would force the cost of the insurance to rise from $50 to $900 a semester.

    From $50 to $900??

    Well duh!

    This is the age group Obama is depending on to fund the old and those with preexisting conditions.

    Why shouldn’t these students have to pay their fair share??

  4. Flight attendant please Ms. Desert. Ha!

    And Mr. Field, the "friendly skies"TM is associated with United Airlines not US Scareways soon to be Americanos. We don't kick blind folks off planes sir.Those are your peeps.

  5. Anonymous3:43 AM

    Desert, you are one hard ass. Don't know you but can safely assume you live alone....No heart.

  6. Anonymous3:47 AM

    dear field, have you ever made a mistake? lara logan made a mistake and needs another chance. i am sure she won't make the same mistake again. please have the same compassion for lara that you have martin of the dolphins.

  7. Journalists on 60 Minutes are not allowed to make mistakes. Too powerful a medium. They have fact checkers, and editors up the wazoo. I am shocked that Logan was allowed to perpetuate such a fraud.

    Pilot, my apologies. That was US Air:) I used to fly with them a lot because this is one of their hubs, but service just kept getting worse. Now I only fly with them when I can't get another carrier.

    Anon, u apologize to desert right now. Desert does have a heart.

  8. Quote Anonymous 7:24

    "This kind of rhetoric is totally unnecessary and quite frankly, TNB.

    Look, you do not get to claim the moral-highground now, sunshine. You're the poster who comes here every day as a faux African American 'concern-troll'.


    "Must you degrade yourself with such crap? I requested a link to clique on because my mouse is not up to par, ie, it's malfunctioning and I don't have a very good keyboard. I live in the ghetto, ok?"

    Yeah that's right, 'cuz as everybody knows, computer peripherals don't work well in the ghetto! Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest of they don't insert a little chip that prevents them from operating properly in the wrong zip code.

    " So please be respectful you sick purple jackass. It's because of Negroes like you that so many Negroes like Orville and myself suffer so much. The wm is far more compassionate."

    You and Orville suffer together, huh. Are you a self-loathing Canadian poet as well?


    "You are going straight to hell at death. God isn't even going to bother talking to you because of the way you have treated your own kind."

    1. Hell is anywhere you are, so I'm fine here thanks.

    2. God doesn't exist

    3. I treat my kind just fine thanks. It's persistent liars who cop it from me.

    "Finally, why don't you get a brain? And while you are at it, get a heart you purple freak."

    That's it?

    That's the best 'killer sign-off' you could come up with?

    Weak. But I'm in a good mood today so I'll be generous and give it 3/10.

    Do better.

  9. Ache'

    Field where i too am not suprised by this behaviour however colleague we all must remember those times when we blamed everyone and everything for the fact that we were in a hurry (but were late getting up) Were tired (yet we stayed at the club until closing) Or other issues. Yes it is easy to blame a dog they would not dare blame a blind person would they?

    Ps Field i know that you have been keeping up with Marissa and the two latest brothers found with their body parts missing right?
    FAUX news chased me yesterday in Jax for an interview and i kept walking At this time we are focused

    Just sayin

    Still playing chess! And as nasty rude and in ya face as ever LOL

  10. BARBBF10:19 AM

    Obamacare ‘Slow Start’ Goal Of 500,000 Enrollments By Oct. 31: Only 464,000 To Go!

    Oct. 18, 2013

    Yesterday we told you about the finding that fewer than 1 percent of visitors to had actually enrolled for their Obamacare. Today comes a report from The Associated Press that reveals the White House had higher hopes for the President’s socialized healthcare scheme — much higher hopes.


    Things did get better since 18 October, but not much better. Now the Democratic party line is that everyone who had their policies cancelled all had junk policies and they were all too stupid to see it (Howard Dean on Morning Joe). This is directly opposite of what the many who have been interviewed report. They have said that they were happy with their policies and the coverage..and those policies offered after the cancellation of the original policies were more expensive(sometimes double), had higher deductibles, and senior citizens were paying for coverage which included childcare and maternity care

  11. Seat 3-C10:26 AM

    PilotX:Helping Slaves off the Republican Plantation said...
    Flight attendant please Ms. Desert. Ha!

    I would never call you a stewardess, FlightAttendantX.

    And I like my coffee just like my women - black and hot.

  12. BARBBF, you seem like the sort of person who gets their 'news' from

    You appear to be wilfully ignorant.

  13. BARBBF said...
    Now the Democratic party line is that everyone who had their policies cancelled all had junk policies and they were all too stupid to see it
    (Howard Dean on Morning Joe).

    You can see the party line played out courtesy of Field , and his merry band of Obamaphiles on this blog...

    This is the disdain they show for constiuents as soon as they dont fit the party line.

    Dont complain...just deal with paying higher premiums , and deductibles... because it benefits the agenda of the party....

    Oh...and if you keep complaining... Your probably a Republican....

  14. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Yes, Anon, I have a heart and it's big too!

    Oh PilotX :). You're right! I guess I'm showing my age, back in the day we used to call them stewardesses:D

  15. Anonymous12:50 PM

    If it walks like a duck.....just sayin.

    Seat 3-C, may all your landings be rough.


  16. Anonymous12:52 PM

    PC, don't forget Newsmax. :)


  17. Django Unbrained1:00 PM

    There's a new movie out called "12 Years a Slave". Anybody know what it's about? Sounds like Field's last 12 years shilling for the democrats.

  18. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Django Unbrained said...
    "There's a new movie out called "12 Years a Slave". Anybody know what it's about?"

    Public education.

  19. Anonymous1:33 PM

    So u equate 12 years with a proper education?



  20. Anonymous2:29 PM

    PC, "2. God doesn't exist"

    How do you know you arrogant jackass? Who are YOU to say that?

    I hope some devoted Christian, or some devoted Muslim, or some devoted Hindu rips you a new one.

    Does anybody know what happened to FP?

  21. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Blogger Desertflower said...
    Yes, Anon, I have a heart and it's big too!

    Oh, I see. How can you have a big heart and be an insensitive hard-ass? You need to read your comment again about the blind man and his seeing eye dog, which you didn't give a damn about.

  22. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Blogger field negro said...
    Journalists on 60 Minutes are not allowed to make mistakes. Too powerful a medium. They have fact checkers, and editors up the wazoo. I am shocked that Logan was allowed to perpetuate such a fraud.
    Well, you don't run 60 Minutes, you just run a Left-wing Obamaholic FN blog which is wrong most of the time. I am shocked that you are allowed to perpetuate Obamacare frauds and lies.

    And get rid of PC and Whitey. They should be blocked from all blogs. I KNOW for certain that PC has been thrown off blogs. The man is an arrogant purple jackass. Orville is a healthy ordinary Black. PC is too Black and unhealthy for the well-being of Negroes.

    BTW, can you make sure PC sends that link I have 'repeatedly' asked for as proof of his bullshit? Maybe that's the point...there is no proof...never mind. The man does not live on facts.

  23. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Anon!!! You can't have people walking around the plane all the time! Or a dog!!!
    Anon, have you traveled by plane?

    I'm wondering cos you should know better than that!

    If a dog does not behave, they can't be in public around people or traveling.

  24. It's not as if CBS ran with the lie that some republican said he couldn't stand to look at Obama.

    Oops, my bad.

    CBS did report that lie.


  25. Anonymous3:44 PM

    field negro said...

    Journalists on 60 Minutes are not allowed to make mistakes. Too powerful a medium. They have fact checkers, and editors up the wazoo. I am shocked that Logan was allowed to perpetuate such a fraud.

    Pilot, my apologies. That was US Air:) I used to fly with them a lot because this is one of their hubs, but service just kept getting worse. Now I only fly with them when I can't get another carrier.

    Anon, u apologize to desert right now. Desert does have a heart.

    No mistakes, unless you are a Mulatto president who claims everything is a mistake or he just didn't know.

  26. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Obamacare, the most sweeping social reform in the past half-century, affecting one-sixth of the economy and directly touching the most vital area of life of every citizen.

    As the only socially transformational legislation in modern American history to be enacted on a straight party-line vote, Obamacare is wholly owned by the Democrats. Its unraveling would catastrophically undermine their underlying ideology of ever-expansive central government providing cradle-to-grave care for an ever-grateful citizenry.

    For four years, this debate has been theoretical. Now it’s real. And for Democrats, it’s a disaster.

    The essence of the entitlement state is government giving away free stuff. Hence Obamacare would provide insurance for 30 million uninsured, while giving everybody tons of free medical services — without adding “one dime to our deficits,” promised Obama.

    This being inherently impossible, there had to be a catch. Now we know it: hidden subsidies. Toss millions of the insured off their plans and onto the Obamacare “exchanges,” where they would be forced into more expensive insurance packed with coverage they don’t want and don’t need — so that the overcharge can be used to subsidize others.

    The reaction to the incompetence, arrogance and deception has ranged from ridicule to anger. But more is in jeopardy than just panicked congressional Democrats. This is the signature legislative achievement of the Obama presidency, the embodiment of his new entitlement-state liberalism. If Obamacare goes down, there will be little left of its underlying ideology.

    Perhaps it won’t go down. Perhaps the Web portal hums beautifully on Nov. 30. Perhaps they’ll find a way to restore the canceled policies without wrecking the financial underpinning of the exchanges.

    Perhaps. The more likely scenario, however, is that Obamacare does fail. It either fails politically, renounced by a wide consensus that includes a growing number of Democrats, or it succumbs to the financial complications (the insurance “death spiral”) of the very amendments desperately tacked on to save it.

    If it does fail, the effect will be historic. Obamacare will take down with it more than Mary Landrieu and Co. It will discredit Obama’s new liberalism for years to come.

  27. Anonymous 4:34 p.m.

    Charles Krauthammer? Really?

    If you were going to plagiarise anyone's work and attempt to pass it off as your own, don't you think you could have chosen someone better than Krauthammer?

    Really, you are giving plagiarism a bad name...

  28. Anonymous6:03 PM

    "If you were going to plagiarise anyone's work and attempt to pass it off as your own"

    As whose? Anonymous?

    Are you retarded?

  29. "Charles Krauthammer? Really?"

    Yeah, I hate speaking ill of a man in a wheelchair but....

  30. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Blogger The Purple Cow said...
    Anonymous 4:34 p.m.

    Charles Krauthammer? Really?

    If you were going to plagiarise anyone's work and attempt to pass it off as your own, don't you think you could have chosen someone better than Krauthammer?

    Really, you are giving plagiarism a bad name...

    5:59 PM
    Krauthammer is a political genius and knows more about the human mind and human emotions than you could fathom. You and your black leftist friends like Field are so biased you wouldn't know an outstanding conservative if you saw one.

    Krauthammer predicted Obamacare is so screwed up that it is going to be the end of Liberalism. Just think, those Dumbocrats had the entire GOP on the ropes with the government shutdown... and now Obama has the lowest ratings ever due to this horrific ACA mess.

    Shields and Brooks opinions both support Krauthammer. So you are the only jackass who seems to know "nothing" due to your prejudice against Conservatives and your bias toward a black President who keeps effing up left and right.

  31. Anonymous8:26 PM

    "Folks in Philly are a bunch of hard asses (booing Santa Claus and all), I know, I live here. I see random examples of hard ass behavior every day."

    Field, I see why you love Philly. You are just like those mean-spirited demonic Philadelphians. When they named Philly "The City of Brotherly Love", they were being facetious.

    They are so mean-spirited that even dog and blind man hating Desert could not live there. But brother Field you fit in that town love it! smh

  32. Anonymous8:47 PM

    I have a feeling there is going to be a political black-lash against Obama and the Dems that is going to cost them dearly in 2014 and in 2016. All due to Obamacare.

  33. "I have a feeling there is going to be a political black-lash against Obama and the Dems that is going to cost them dearly in 2014 and in 2016. All due to Obamacare"

    Christie by a landslide....

  34. Anonymous11:03 PM

    Field, you are politically astute. Thanks for your honesty...It's true, Christie WILL easily win.

  35. If he survives that long. I want a copy of that man's physical.

  36. เว็บไซต์เดิมพันออนไลน์ ระดับชั้นนำของทวีปเอเชียเว็บสล็อตมาเเรงที่สุดในตอนนี้ สล็อตเว็บตรงฝาก-ถอนไม่มีขั้นต่ำ สมัครสล็อต วันนี้ลุ้นรับเครดิตฟรีทันที Luckywin98 เว็บที่รวบรวม สล็อตแตกง่ายสล็อต เล่นฟรีรับรองว่านักเดิมพันที่เป็นคอเกมสล็อตจะต้องถูกใจแน่นอน
