Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Confessions of a self hating Negro.

I found a brother that some of you Negroes who like to spend most of your time in the house can relate to.

This poor brother is so full of self- hatred that he actually wrote an entire article about his tragic lot in life.

I will post the poor man's screed in its entirety, because, sadly, many of you Negroes who will come out to the fields to read it can relate.

"The Guardian columnist Orville Lloyd Douglas reveals in his latest piece that he hates being a Black man and that his skin color is his “personal prison.”
He writes: “I can honestly say I hate being a black male. Although black people like to wax poetic about loving their label I hate ‘being black.’ I just don’t fit into a neat category of the stereotypical views people have of black men. In popular culture black men are recognized in three areas: sports, crime, and entertainment. I hate rap music, I hate most sports, and I like listening to rock music such as PJ Harvey, Morrissey, and Tracy Chapman. I have nothing in common with the archetypes about the black male.”

He is, after all, the same writer who said that he was “exhausted” and “bored” with race films, and that maybe he should give up his “black card” because he just doesn’t care about slavery anymore:

“I might have to turn in my black card,” Douglas wrote, “because I don’t care much about slavery. I’ve already watched the television series Roots, which I feel covered the subject matter extremely well. Of course, I understand slavery is an important part of any black person’s history, but dwelling on slavery is pathetic. It ended in North America over 100 years ago, yet since Django Unchained made over $400m last year, more slavery movies emerge.”
He continues his search for White validation in his latest piece:

Read excerpts below:
'Honestly, who would want to be black? Who would want people to be terrified of you and not want to sit next to you on public transportation? 
Who would want to have this dark skin, broad nose, large thick lips, and wake up in the morning being despised by the rest of the world?
A lot of the time I feel like my skin color is like my personal prison, something that I have no control over, for I am judged just because of the way I look. 
Not discussing the issue doesn’t mean it is going to go away. In fact, by ignoring the issue, it simply lurks underneath the surface. I believe a dialogue about self hatred should be brought to the fore in the public sphere, so that some sort of healing and the development of true non-label based pride can occur. 
Of course, I do not want to have these feelings, to have these dark thoughts about being a black man. However, I cannot deny that this is the way I feel. I don’t want to be ashamed of being a black man; I just want to be treated as an individual based on the content of my character, and not just based on the colour of my skin.'" [Source]

I know that this brother is from across the pond because he writes for The Guardian, and he spells color, c-o-l-o-u-r.

Sadly, this just goes to show you that Tomming is universal.

Finally, I saw the following headline ["26,000 signed up on federal Obamacare website in first month: administration"] and I thought to myself that this Obamacare roll out fiasco is even worse than I thought.

But then, I did something that most Americans don't have time to do; I read past the headlines.

"Only 26,000 people managed to buy health insurance on in October, the first month the website was open, the Health and Human Services Department said Wednesday.

But more than 106,000 have made it through the process on both the state and federal websites, and most just have a few more steps to make the final purchase, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius says. And as many as half a million look like they will have either private health insurance or new Medicaid coverage in 2014, HHS says in its first report on enrollment at

Nearly 27 million people have visited the federal and state websites — a number that suggests there's tremendous interest in getting health insurance. More than 47 million U.S. adults now go without health insurance, more than 15 percent of the population.

The federal government has been playing down expectations for how many people will have signed up so far, but the long-awaited figures released Wednesday show that 26,794 people bought health insurance on the federal website, covering 36 states. Another 79,391 bought policies on state-run websites.
"Enrollment includes those who have selected a plan who either have or have not yet paid the first month’s premium," HHS said." [Source]

My friend @NerdyWonka broke it down even more on twitter for me.

: 106,185 signed up, 396,261 now have Medicaid, 846,184 applications ✔



  1. That's one guy who has some personal issues.

    He sounds like the black version of "Whitey's Conspiracy".

  2. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Field, "I know that this brother is from across the pond because he writes for The Guardian, and he spells color, c-o-l-o-u-r."

    Yeah, he lives in the UK like Purple Cow. In fact, they know each other and have same philosophies about being Black. Hell, PC even calls me White, which I am not. But considering the article written by the UK brother, I'd rather be White.

    Brother Field, you know as well as I that it is just too damn hard being a bm. As I have always said, it's depressing to be a bm in America. Apparently, it is just as depressing across the pond too.

    Brother Field, I'm thinking about getting a nose job, getting some of the thickness in my lips thinned out, and a hair transplant. Afterwards I am going to lighten up my skin. What do you think of that future transformation? Then, I am going to become a lawyer for rich white people. Whitey, you might want to think about hiring me in the future.

    Brother Field, thanks for posting the truth about being Black. The man expressed my sentiment's depressing.

  3. Anonymous8:57 PM

    He sounds like the black version of "Whitey's Conspiracy".

    8:50 PM
    ROFLMAO!!! way to go, comrade.

  4. A lot of people aren't happy with how they look. This is exacerbated for a racial minority whose looks differ from most of the people in the society he lives in. He needs to get over his insecurities, but I feel for him.

    But he makes a larger point when he says he hates being black. What he means there is he hates being expected to be a certain way (into rap, sports, etc.) because of how he looks.

    He wants to be an individual, but society insists on him being black. Whites will be wary of him because of the reputation of black males. People like you will call him a Tom for liking white music or books.

    He is as much a victim of black conformism as anything. So go ahead, make a big show about throwing him off the plantation, but know that you are a big part of the problem.

  5. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Dear Mr Field, why in the world would you post something as degrading and self-loathing as this bm's article in the Guardian? And where is that Purple Cow? I guess he runs when self-hating facts make headlines in the Guardian. Sorry, PC.

    FYI, I have hair like Shelby Steele and features like Brad Pit. so I am not worried about how I look. I can pass for something else whenever I want.

  6. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Really? Admitting that racism has caused you to have some self-esteem issues constitutes "seeking validation from white people"?

    I'll admit that he should have made clear that not all black people are in the exact same emotional place that he is.

    But a true Uncle Tom wouldn't be going on about how lousy racism makes him feel. Rather, he'd be insisting that racism is completely over, so he has no idea what silly black folks like Sharpton and the NAACP are needed for.

  7. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Charlie Brown@9:04pm, thank you for your insightful comment. It's true, every bit of it.

    Take me, for instance. PC, Whitey and Field call me White because I don't fit the mold of a soul brother. That is such bullshit, and it hurts. But they don't feel for me. They enjoy putting me down and ostracizing me. F'em.

  8. Anonymous9:20 PM

    We have a black President for Blacks to look up too. Maybe Orville should read some Obama books for inspiration on being Black? They don't come any blacker than the O man.

  9. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Brother Field, when are you going to admit your galactic error about Obamacare and Obama and the Democrats? The Democrats have already ackowledged their pain about this colossal mess. Why can't you?

    And where is that idiot PC who claimed that Obamacare is going to save America?

  10. Hang on, this guy listens to Morrissey?

    Seriously, Morrissey?

    I'm sorry, there's no excuse for that, the man is clearly insane.

    Lock him up, throw away the key, it's for his own good.

  11. Anonymous2:28 AM

    Let's face it. All bm in America hate being Black but most won't talk about it. That's the "elephant" in the living room of the black race. Think about it: who in their right mind would want to live out their lives as a black person unless they had to?

    What makes things worse among Blacks is our lack of empathy and compassion for one another. We hate being Black so much that we can't muster up an ounce of compassion and love for our sad situation in America. If we could care for one another, then we could at least develop pride and self-esteem. But it all seems to be lost. In fact, we ARE a lost race.

  12. Forgot to mention Field there are a couple of lines of wrongness in your piece.

    Orville Lloyd Douglas is not a Guardian columnist he's a blogger. Also he's not from this side of the pond, he's from your side, I'm afraid,

  13. Anonymous2:35 AM

    Blogger The Purple Cow said...
    Hang on, this guy listens to Morrissey?

    Seriously, Morrissey?

    I'm sorry, there's no excuse for that, the man is clearly insane.

    Lock him up, throw away the key, it's for his own good.

    2:28 AM
    Well, I listen to Morrissey too. In fact, quite a few Blacks in America listens to Morrissey. What are you going to do, lock up millions of Blacks for loving Morrissey? See, you're the type of Black who makes everyone wish they weren't Black. I mean, I can't listen to Morrissey without some black jackass making extreme statements and criticism about his fellow Blacks. You ought to STFU.

  14. Anonymous2:38 AM

    Blogger The Purple Cow said...
    Forgot to mention Field there are a couple of lines of wrongness in your piece.

    Orville Lloyd Douglas is not a Guardian columnist he's a blogger. Also he's not from this side of the pond, he's from your side, I'm afraid,

    2:35 AM
    Links of proof, please. Take your time I can wait....

  15. Good mornin' haters, I hope you are all unwell this morning, let's get started shall we?

    Quote Anonymous

    "Yeah, he lives in the UK like Purple Cow."

    What Toronto is in the UK now? Seriously? Wow, I'd always thought it was in Canada.

    "In fact, they know each other and have same philosophies about being Black. Hell, PC even calls me White, which I am not."

    For crying out loud white boi, give it a rest already - you are fooling nobody.

    One day when I know you better I'll let you in on the clues that give you away. But here are a couple of hints...

    i) People don't type like they speak.
    ii) Not every black man talks like Mr. T - Fool!!!

    "But considering the article written by the UK brother, I'd rather be White."

    It wasn't, and I'm sure you at least think of yourself as being happily white. But I have to ask, how shallow and meaningless is your life that you spend your free time pretending to be something that you are not, so you can spew hatred? Kind of sad little life you lead, doncha think?


    "And where is that Purple Cow? I guess he runs when self-hating facts make headlines in the Guardian. Sorry, PC. "

    This was posted at 3 a.m. I've got better things to do at 3 a.m. than get out of bed to comment on the self-image issues of Canadian poets.

    "FYI, I have hair like Shelby Steele and features like Brad Pit. so I am not worried about how I look. I can pass for something else whenever I want."

    No idea who Shelby Steele is, but I'm confident that if you really looked like Brad Pitt (with two 'T''s) you would have more interesting ways of passing your evenings than posting here.

    Anonymous 9:12 good points.

    "Take me, for instance. PC, Whitey and Field call me White because I don't fit the mold of a soul brother. That is such bullshit, and it hurts. But they don't feel for me. They enjoy putting me down and ostracizing me. F'em."

    No actually, fuck you.

    "Well, I listen to Morrissey too. In fact, quite a few Blacks in America listens to Morrissey. What are you going to do, lock up millions of Blacks for loving Morrissey?"

    Yes. Yes I am.

    I'm going build special concentration camps where these millions of Morrissey loving black men are going to be locked up and re-educated. I'm hiring Chuck D to run the places.


    "Links of proof, please. Take your time I can wait...."

    I'm sure you can wait, it's not like you've got a life or anything.

    But anyway, don't they have Google where you live?

    It would have been quicker to Google his name than to write that idiotic response.

    Orville Lloyd Douglas (born September 26, 1976) is a Canadian, poet, and writer.


  16. Anonymous4:16 AM

    With that red bottom lip, homeboy looks like a fat woman reaching for her wig. Tone up your body UK Urkel and you'll be fine. Another style of glasses might help too. It ain't about your being "black"; because nothing's "black" except cars and shoes; it's about being smart and keeping your butt out of trouble.

    We're only on earth a few days; make the most of it; make your family proud. Further down the pike, we'll all look the very same; we jut won't know. It's called skeletorization. Make your family proud and get some self-esteem. So long UK Urkel!!!

  17. PC, I am sorry if I misrepresented where my self-hating friend is from. Figured he was from the UK since he blogs for a UK paper.

    I knew the haters would come out in force, and here they are.

    Still, I know you can handle them.

    Anon@4:16, that was on point.

    I am pretty sure that most of us brothers, (most, not all) are kind of loving this black thing right about now.

    Now if we could just get others to not be so color aroused. :)

    Brad Pitt, huh?

  18. Oh, and I love rock, jazz, Latin,reggae, R&B......and hip hop. You name it, I will listen, as long s it sounds good. Heck I even like some C&W songs.

    No one is telling that idiot what type of music he has to listen to or how to live his life. That's all in his mixed up head.

  19. Morrissey in action - if you can stand it.

    Fair play to Johnny Marr though, he was a quality guitarist.

  20. NSangoma7:51 AM


    field booty, if we Negroe mynz ain't not ashamed, we should be!!

    Police: Man and 7-month-old baby fatally shot in apparent ambush on New Orleans bridge

    Please tell me that they ain't not cullud, please.


  21. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Anonymous NSangoma said...
    Who he daddy field booty, where he daddy at?
    8:03 AM
    In prison maybe? Because they are filled with blacks and browns you know! Can anybody say "recidivism: and do you know why???

    I bet you don't you dumb cracker!

    Between the supposed "war on drugs" and the "non payment of child support" imprisonments, the black and brown male population has been/is being systematically DECIMATED!

    and with NO jobs, and no education to speak of, how the hell are they supposed to survive or pay child support ???

    F**** you NSangoma. Have a horrible day!

  22. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Yo, yo, yo Field! Hah cum erry brotha dat ain't dope be sel-hatin'??? surriously yo?

  23. Thanks for posting the numbers Field. I am just as disappointed as the rest who support the AHA. That said, the emphasis has been on the "fail" and not on the long term possibilities. That is what really matters. Everyone should be entitled to affordable health care. I'm so tired of my Republican friends whining about "paying for those who can't afford it on their own, etc etc." We're all paying for them anyway. A client of mine is the marketing director of a small regional hospital serving a base of 25-30,000 folks. They are losing money. Why? Unpaid bills, free medical care to those without insurance, Medicaid reimbursements not coming close to costs. Her thoughts are if everyone has health care insurance, the debt to profit ratio will improve. At present, she & the other "officers" of her hospital are being asked to take a 10% pay cut to offset debt. She makes about $50k annually. The CEO of the hospital makes, wait for it... $268k.

    The medical community has bled us all dry. I'm paying $108-$140 for a damn office visit to my GP. If I didn't have insurance through work, I couldn't afford to go.

    The Obama administration needs to fix this mess and fix it fast. I'd like to see the IT contracts cancelled, go unpaid etc for the jerkoffs who designed this mess. I'd like to see those in charge fired. I'd like to see a great many changes made.

    Most of all, I'd like to see everyone receive health care at an affordable price.

    As for the guy who no longer wants to be black, here's a thought provoking solution:

  24. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Field Negro:
    'Sadly, this just goes to show you that Tomming is universal.'

    FN, you are a real dummy. This guy is no "Tom". He's just tired of dealing with the stereotypes associated with being a black male. I've felt the same way at times.

    If you want to talk about "Toms", talk about the black THUGS and DRUG DEALERS who give all blacks, but especially black MEN, a bad name. In some cities (Chicago, for example) the MAJORITY of black males (who are not senior citizens) are felons/thugs. This is more than enough to make a thoughtful black man decide to give up his "black card".

    BTW, I see that the murder count in Killadelphia is now up to 213. You and I both know that most of the victims and perpetrators were black. Ugly, ugly, ugly.

  25. I don't know why in the world people can't seem to get this point clear. Everyone in the medical community is NOT, NOT, NOT "bleeding everyone dry".

    It's the INSURANCE INDUSTRY where the blame should rightfully fall.

    Why is a $100 office visit a problem for so many people when they spend triple that in a handbag? And shoes? Does any one have ANY idea how much it costs to run a medical office? It is NOT cheap which is why there are so many fewer Docs in private practice today.

    I am so sick and tired of the medical community taking the brunt of complaints about the "medical industry" when it's the insurance companies that should be blamed.

    How about the fact that if most Americans dropped 25 pounds they could decrease their need for medical services in the first place?

  26. One more thing. Where in the hell is the incentive for insurance companies to provide better prices for a commodity that's federally mandated? THERE IS NONE!!!!

    Look at what happened to the education industry. The moment student loans became ineligible for bankruptcy status, the prices went through the roof!! And will continue to rise!!

  27. I'm a 56 y.o. white man that reads your blog and comments in order to educate myself to that to which I am too often blind. This post has me scratching my head.

    The comment by Anonymous at 2:28 AM is pretty consistent with my current understanding of the situation:

    "[W]ho in their right mind would want to live out their lives as a black person unless they had to?"

    I had the good luck to be born with a white skin and a penis in a society founded on white male supremacy.

    A corollary to the notion of white privilege is the notion of non-whte disadvantage (also available for some--non-penis disadvantage).

    And to paraphrase Anonymous--who in their right mind would choose a disadvantaged status?

    I envy the strength that many African Americans show, but I wouldn't want a black skin so that my envy could be satisfied.

  28. As expected ... O-bomber announces a "Fix " for those with cancelled plans.....

    The administration's one-year plan is to let insurers continue to offer plans that had been canceled because they did not meet coverage standards under the health care law.

  29. NSangoma12:27 PM


    ... and with NO jobs, and no education to speak of, how the hell are they supposed to survive or pay child support ???

    F**** you NSangoma. Have a horrible day!
    Anonymous 0837 Hours

    Anonymous 0837, I am one of those dark skinned individuals known as the North American Negroe.

    I am BLACK, blacker than the Negrito known as the Buddha, who was so BLACK that he was PURPLE.

    I have a B.A., and a M.A., and I have not been to jail or prison.

    I am married with two scion who I have always supported.

    One of my children is currently studying at a highly regarded liberal arts college; my other child is currently studying at a highly regarded national university.

    One does not have to pay child support if on accepts responsibility and takes care of his scion, from the jump.

    Anonymous 0837 Hours, stop making excuses for the common negroe, the base negroe; hold them responsible for their own actions.

    It is not society's fault.


  30. Anonymous1:11 PM

    NSangoma said...
    I am one of those dark skinned individuals known as the North American Negroe.
    I have a B.A., and a M.A., and I have not been to jail or prison.
    Anonymous 0837 Hours, stop making excuses for the common negroe, the base negroe
    12:27 PM
    Well aren't you the very precious negroe then! LOL!

    The "common" negroe?

    The "base" negroe?

    What exactly the hell is the"common negroe"?

    and what exactly the hell is the "base negroe"?

    Could you answer that for me oh mister learned high and mighty "uncommon" and certainly very "un base" "supposed, alleged negroe"???

    BTW, I love the way you spell "negroe" Bet you learnt that with the masters huh?

  31. Ssshhh, if my countenance was merely half the appearance of this Canadian negro, I'd hate myself also. Who in their right mind would want to look like the Nutty Professor or Fat Albert for the balance of their life? Therefore, from this angle, I wholeheartedly agree with him.

  32. NSangoma2:55 PM


    ... BTW, I love the way you spell "negroe" Bet you learnt that with the masters huh? ...

    Anonymous 1311 HOURS

    Anonymous 1311, exatly whom did you learn your Queens English from?

    You potatoe, you tomatoe,
    you base negroe


  33. Anonymous3:07 PM

    PC-"Links of proof, please. Take your time I can wait...."

    I'm sure you can wait, it's not like you've got a life or anything.

    But anyway, don't they have Google where you live?

    It would have been quicker to Google his name than to write that idiotic response.

    Orville Lloyd Douglas (born September 26, 1976) is a Canadian, poet, and writer.


    3:17 AM
    PC, links are made to clicked on and taken directly to the proof. You did not do this. Are you sure you are educated?

  34. Look man, I'm not black, but I'm ugly as hell. I have a disfigurement. I look like Quasimodo, all right?

    I hate BEING what people consider "ugly" quite often, too. It's not that I hate myself, I'm a nice guy - maybe even nicer because my disfigurement has forced me to understand myself and others in less superficial terms than lots of people (and yes, society at large). Still, yes, it's safe to say I hate being "ugly".

    To dig a little deeper, I hate that society has made me hate being ugly. I hate that the word ugly exists.

    (BTW - 10,000 years after race, gender, sexual orientation, political affiliation, and even economic status don't matter anymore, being "ugly" will still be no good. Look it up, it's true.)

    So please take all that into consideration when I say I feel you're splitting hairs a bit in your criticism of this guy's rhetoric, Field.

    You are Field Negro and it's your theme to expose racism and be angry about it 24/7. This other guy, though, he's just expressing what Charlie Brown has said - it's depressing being black when there's all that racist stuff to deal with.

    I get where you're coming from, too, Field. It's good to be proud of who you are, of your ancestry and all that. Racism sucks and it's appropriate to be mad about it, of course.

    Both points of view can be true at the same time.

    Like I say, I'm not black, but I know it's depressing being something that everyone is against for no good reason. I know exactly what it's like when it's the skin you are wearing, too. People of ALL races pull their children out of my way at the store, because I look scary. It hurts a little bit every time.

    It's not far fetched that guy hates "being black", and really I think the man is saying exactly what you say every day but just from a different angle, Field. He's saying there's racism and it's not fair because it makes him hate being who he naturally is.

    That's not ONLY something to be angry about, it's sad as fuck as well.

    Here - maybe this helps: You know how some people get their damn legs blown off and they get some fancy prosthetic ones and they go on to run in the Olympics? That's you, Field. You rise above your adversity. I salute your for that.

    But we can't expect EVERYONE to run in the Olympics when they've been hurt. The best some people can do is say, "Hey, I'm hurt. I've been wronged, and I don't know how to deal with it." That's honest. Whether it is weak or not not depends on a lot more than their simply feeling it.

    Not everyone can be a role model like you, Field, and saying he hurts doesn't make this dude a "Tom".

    I'm not trying to delve all into your blackness, I don't need to. All I have to know is people have a right to say how they FEEL, for Pete's sake. The guy said he knows it's a bad way to feel.

    He's rightly pointing just as much a finger at society as you are, Field, if you read between the lines.

    Yes, he's tired of slavery. Maybe if the rest of the world had gotten tired of slavery a whole lot faster than it did there wouldn't have been 400 years of it in our nation's recent history. Being sick and tired of slavery is a GOOD thing. Never forgetting and being angry about it is good, too.

  35. "PC, links are made to clicked on and taken directly to the proof. You did not do this. Are you sure you are educated?"

    Pray silence everyone for the stupidest single comment in the history of the Internet. Look at it, admire it, experience it. It takes a special kind of idiocy to post something that stupid. What a total fucking numpty this guy is.

    You asked me to prove that this guy was Canadian - something you could have done yourself in five seconds flat - and yet you accuse me of being uneducated.

    Instead of wasting your time here, why don't you run outside and try and find a brain?

  36. NSangoma5:12 PM


    Orville Lloyd Douglas is the author of You Don't Know Me, published by Tsar Publications. He blogs at GayBlackCanadianman

    Orville Lloyd Douglas, get into a gym and drop a few pounds; you may start to like yourself.


  37. He's just a whiny homo.

  38. NSangoma6:16 PM


    field booty, Negroe self hatred commences here:


  39. Anonymous6:34 PM

    field negro said...
    "Heck I even like some C&W songs."
    5:01 AM
    What country Western songs you like???

    Even I don't like C&W! and I like just about everything, 'cept that :D

  40. Field, you see the gop is trying to impeach AG Holder again? What's the definition of insanity?

  41. control+halt+delete6:50 PM

    "Look man, I'm not black, but I'm ugly as hell. I have a disfigurement...alright?


    I hope you're not connecting being black as somehow being ugly or some type of disfigurement.

    I was wondering if you could help me with something.

    What did the Constitution say about ugly people? How were they counted? What law was passed to insure ugly people would not have to drink from a separate water fountain, sit at the back of a bus, use the bathroom, sit at a lunch counter?

    My point is that every right we have, has had to be legislated. And for me this makes a big difference.

  42. Anonymous6:53 PM

    NSangoma said...
    You potatoe, you tomatoe,
    you base negroe
    2:55 PM
    Man you're old! :)

  43. Anonymous6:58 PM

    This young man Mr.Douglas seems to have very low self esteem. My thoughts are that he should seek professional counseling to be able to dig himself out of that quagmire of depression.

    Remember, depression is caused by repressed anger!

  44. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Blogger The Purple Cow said...
    "PC, links are made to clicked on and taken directly to the proof. You did not do this. Are you sure you are educated?"

    Pray silence everyone for the stupidest single comment in the history of the Internet. Look at it, admire it, experience it. It takes a special kind of idiocy to post something that stupid. What a total fucking numpty this guy is.
    This kind of rhetoric is totally unnecessary and quite frankly, TNB.

    Must you degrade yourself with such crap? I requested a link to clique on because my mouse is not up to par, ie, it's malfunctioning and I don't have a very good keyboard. I live in the ghetto, ok? So please be respectful you sick purple jackass. It's because of Negroes like you that so many Negroes like Orville and myself suffer so much. The wm is far more compassionate.

    You are going straight to hell at death. God isn't even going to bother talking to you because of the way you have treated your own kind.

    Finally, why don't you get a brain? And while you are at it, get a heart you purple freak.

  45. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Desert, "Remember, depression is caused by repressed anger!"

    That's bullshit. Where did you get a hair brain idea like that? Try reading the DSM!

    FYI: Lots of Blacks like C&W. There are even black C&W singers. You are so out of the loop it's pathetic.

  46. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Desert, "Remember, depression is caused by repressed anger!"

    That's bullshit. Where did you get a hair brain idea like that? Try reading the DSM!

    FYI: Lots of Blacks like C&W. There are even black C&W singers. You are so out of the loop it's pathetic.

    7:28 PM

    Alright,yes, in some cases it's caused by neurotransmitter problems, serotonin deficiency and such. But the great majority is caused by repressed anger.

    And how do you know that this repressed anger isn't what's causing the serotonin and neurotransmitter alteration??? You don't, no one does!

    The only black C&W singer I think is one guy that I read about a while back, and I'm not even sure it wasn't a joke!

    And FYI, The Field is the only one that likes C&W!!!

    And I think he just said that to appease his C&W followers, alright!

    If so then he should post names. Names of bands and singers!

  47. Anonymous5:53 PM

    I inherited melanin from my mother & father and I'm a gargantuan Willie Nelson fan. Can't get any more "country" than that, and I'm proud of it!!!

  48. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Willie Nelson doesn't count as C&W. He's like a Joan Baez He is a social commentary singer.

  49. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Willie Nelson is a 'folk' singer. Different than c&w.

  50. BARBBF2:56 PM

    There is a lot of, white, male female. I understand that some people hate the gender that they were born with so much that they choose to get some sort of horribly dangerous operation so that they can go from being a male to being a female or from female to male. AAAAggghhh.

    I think Al Sharpton hates his black hair. Why else would he be straightening it or whatever he does for all these many years?

  51. Rufus5:39 PM

    Field, Orville Lloyd Douglas is not a US Negro; hence, he doesn't know any better. He gets a pass.
