Thursday, December 26, 2013

Casualties of war.

The birthday of the J man has come and gone, and as we contemplate such things as peace and good will among men,  we can't escape the cold reality of living in some truly messed up times.  And, sadly, this time of year also seems to bring out the worst in people.

For the record, there is no "war on Christmas". This is a phony war conceived by certain folks on the right to stir the pot among like minded people who need something (anything) to be angry about.

I will also be glad to put this silly debate about the color of Santa in my rear view mirror. It must be tough being a black child in America. It's bad enough your teachers are telling you that "we don't need another black president", but you have to be constantly reminded that Santa doesn't look like you, either. I swear Christmas just isn't what it used to be.

Anyway, the "war on Christmas" might be over, but the "culture wars" will certainly continue.

The latest cause célèbre for conservatives is now bordering on the absurd. This guy, Phil Robertson, has become the Rosa Parks of the conservative movement (although I am quite sure that Rosa Parks never made bigoted and ignorant comments about a race or a particular group of people), and he has become a rallying force for all the "God fearing" right wingers who believe that they are under attack from a more secular society at large.

Down in Alabama they are introducing a bill to declare Robertson a "hero" for crying out loud!

 "While plenty of conservative politicians have voiced their support for Phil Robertson after the Duck Dynasty patriarch made his controversial comments about homosexual sex, only one is putting words into action. According to The Daily Home, Alabama State Senator Jerry Fielding (R-Sylacauga) is planning to introduce a resolution that would offer Robertson that state’s official and unanimous support.

“Phil Robertson’s family values are shared by the vast majority of Alabamians, who are rightfully concerned by the vitriol aimed at his Christian stance,” Fielding told the local paper. “There’s a clear double standard in the media favoring a liberal worldview. When it’s used to silence and punish Christians for stating their beliefs, that’s when we must defend the rights of individuals to exercise their free speech without fear of politically-motivated repercussion.” [Source]

Don't laugh, they are pushing a bill to save Christmas as well. As if Christmas is in danger of going anywhere. This is all so stressful. A brotha can't even say "Happy Holidays!" without getting the fuzzy eyeballs from some folks. "It's Christmas, damn it! What are you, some kind of Atheist commie?" Well, actually....

"Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-CO) appeared on Fox & Friends Tuesday morning to discuss his new “bipartisan resolution to save Christmas,” which was positively received by the show’s fill-in hosts.
According to Lamborn, H.Res. 448 states that “we should, as a country, protect the symbols and traditions of Christmas and not put up with any attempts to ban symbols and traditions of Christmas.”

I am not buying all of this. I am quite sure that Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer and Frosty The Snowman will be with us for a long long time.

*Pic from



  1. Anonymous10:37 PM

    "For the record, there is no "war on Christmas". This is a phony war conceived by certain folks on the right to stir the pot among like minded people who need something (anything) to be angry about."

    You LIE. There IS a war on Christmas and Christians. The LGBT is leading the attack. Look at what they have done to Phil Robertson for expressing his views based on the Judeo-Christian Bible. I am amazed that politics can take precedent over God's Word.

  2. Anonymous10:47 PM

    "Don't laugh, they are pushing a bill to save Christmas as well. As if Christmas is in danger of going anywhere. This is all so stressful. A brotha can't even say "Happy Holidays!" without getting the fuzzy eyeballs from some folks. "It's Christmas, damn it! What are you, some kind of Atheist commie?" "

    I live in the bay area and if you say "Merry Xmas" you just might get your ass whipped. And yes, Christmas IS in danger. Hell, people can't even say, "Merry Christmas" for a holiday for the birth of Christ.

    "Happy Holidays" is an empty phrase said by empty people.

    How did we get to this over Christmas? There are people who want to destroy any remnants of Christmas and the Christian religion. Field is one of them.

  3. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty said the following:

    He urged the country to shun sinful behavior and turn back to its “Christian” roots:

    “Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men. Don’t be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers—they won’t inherit the kingdom of God. Don’t deceive yourself. It’s not right.”

    On homosexuality, Robertson elaborated: “It seems like, to me, a vagina – as a man – would be more desirable than a man’s anus. That’s just me.”

    I really don't see any reason for A&E to fire Phil Robertson over what he said. There just isn't anything there worth firing over.

    The REAL reason Phil was fired was due to a war on Christmas and bringing down Christianity in total.

  4. Anonymous11:12 PM

    "I will also be glad to put this silly debate about the color of Santa in my rear view mirror. It must be tough being a black child in America. It's bad enough your teachers are telling you that "we don't need another black president", but you have to be constantly reminded that Santa doesn't look like you, either. I swear Christmas just isn't what it used to be."--Field, Esq

    No Christmas is not what it used to be. I remember some 60+ years ago everyone said, "Merry Xmas" and it was given back to the giver. Today, you'd better be careful saying, "Merry Xmas" because quite often it is not safe to say it. People take offense.

    The only phrase that is safe is: "Happy Holidays". It's the war on Christmas that is sapping the Spirit out of us ALL. There is a spiritual war going on and Xmas is part of it.

  5. Anonymous12:03 AM

    I am going to write O'Reilly about this war on Xmas bullshit. Field, I "intend" to give him your name as a person against Xmas and also as a big "R" chaser.

    Then we'll see what happens. Pray O'Reilly sees you as small potatoes and doesn't bother himself with you.

    But Bill O might pass you on to Hannity. Now you KNOW Hannity will come after anybody. Hell, he just might invite you on his show and make a fool out of you.

    Brother Field, I hope you have the endurance and the mental toughness to weather a possible FOX attack. I've heard stories of deep depression and fear when FOX invited them on the FACTOR. Lord, I would be shitting bricks if that happened to me.

    This could be the end of FN and your spare time as a blogger. I hate to do this, brother- but it's for your own good. As a fellow bm, this is going to hurt me more than you.:-(

    Have you ever prayed? This might be a good time.

  6. NSangoma3:11 AM


    Will Robertson, has an adopted bi-racial son.


  7. There are days when I'd love to be able to say I just pass as white because, holy shit, there sure seem to be a lot of dumber than a box of rocks white people out there. We just spent four months being inundated with advertising for all things Christmas, you couldn't go anywhere for most of November and December without having your ears blasted by Christmas carols, and there are still idiots who think Christmas is in danger of being suppressed as a holiday? What type of bizarre alternate reality do those morons live in?

    As for the duck guy . . . if his idiot supporters would just STFU he'd be back on television by February. By "defending" him they're turning the show into a toxic product that A&E is going to have to drop. People have notoriously short memories. If there hadn't been such a rush by the rightwing nutjobs to defend Robertson, by the time the new season started airing most people would have forgotten about the stupid, bigoted beliefs Phil bragged about holding in that GQ interview.

    Then again, considering that those same nutjobs are doing a nice job of destroying Christmas by sucking all the joy out of it, it won't be a surprise if they manage to kill a brand with their misguided attempts to save it.

  8. When it’s used to silence and punish Christians for stating their beliefs, that’s when we must defend the rights of individuals to exercise their free speech without fear of politically-motivated repercussion.” – Rethuglican Jerry Fielding

    we should, as a country, protect the symbols and traditions of Christmas and not put up with any attempts to ban symbols and traditions of Christmas.” – Rethuglican Doug Lamborn

    Comedy gold! These Rethugs incessantly search in the dark for a rallying cause to either revive a decadent society or to resuscitate a party that’s already on life support. At some point, they will flatline. Don’t expect the Sageman to perform CPR. I have better things to do, … like kicking back and sipping on an ice cold beer!

  9. Wont somebody please think of the poor Christian white people?

    Everywhere they go in America christian white people are shunned and abused, second-class citizens in their own land.

    When did you ever see a christian white person in an important job?

    That's right, never.

    When did you last see a christian white politician?

    That's right, never.

    And now even their most sacred day, commemorating the birth of their baby jesus is under attack. Doesn't matter that he was actually born in September, if they want to Co-opt pagan winter solstice holidays to commemorate the birth of the little baby jesus, then that's OK by me.

    Look around you, do you ever see christmas celebrations in your town or city? When do you see christmas trees in living rooms, or fairy-lights strung across those stringy shrubs in your neighbour's yard?

    That's right, never.

    When was the last time you heard a TV news program host talk about christmas?

    That's right, never.

    When was the last time you heard a TV advert for cheap plastic Chinese crap you buy for your kids for christmas?

    Thats' right, never.

    Now it's all 'Hannukka this' or Kwanzaa that'. Never a mention of christmas.

    This is a tragic time for christians, hiding in their swaddling clothes, giving birth in animal sheds, all around them surrounded by the grim grey effigies of atheists with their hipster clothes their Apple laptops and their Macchiato Latés.

    If you know a christian, help the poor fella out, these are difficult times for this tiny persecuted majority.

  10. @The Purple Cow. I was at the post office recently and got to see a not-too-bright white person freaking out over the Kwanzaa stamps like she'd never seen one before. She didn't want to believe that the USPS has been doing Kwanzaa stamps since sometime in the 1990s; she was totally convinced it was a completely new thing and all part of President Obama's plan to subjugate white people. The fact the post office happened to be sold out of the religious themed Christmas stamps was all part of the conspiracy. The gingerbread house stamps they did have were just more proof of the War on Christmas. The stupid, it burns.

  11. The war on christmas is about as phony as leftist pushing the myth of white privilege.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Nothing says Merry Christmas like a gingerbread house.

    "The stupid, it burns."

    You must be in constant pain.

  14. Yeah purple cow.

    Not like schools are banning Christmas symbols while allowing Hanukkah and Kwanzaa symbols.

    Not like cities are banning Christmas symbols while allowing Hanukkah and Kwanzaa symbols.

    Not like schools were saying no to Christmas celebrations while saying yes to Hanukkah and Kwanzaa celebrations.

    Not like schools were censoring Christmas carols.

    Yeah, the war on christmas is a made up thing. Just like the myth of white privilege.

    Don't let the facts get in the way of your racist and religiously bigoted post.

  15. I think it's safe to say Happy Holidays now.

  16. The myth of white privilege?

    Usually those who benefit the most from it are the ones least able to see it. Here's one of the best descriptions I've ever read:

  17. "I think it's safe to say Happy Holidays now."

    Unless you're in a Muslim country.

    Saying that will get you killed. See the hundreds of Christians that have been killed this holiday season.

  18. Or a non -Christian in a Christian country.

  19. Just a bunch of mental masturbation about what FOX thinks about Xmas , and Santa....

    Nothing about whats going on in Detroit....

    Nothing about the latest NSA revelations...

    Nothing about the Key Stone Pipeline demostrations...

    Nothing about the Receent Embassy bombings in Kabul...

    Just round , and round the racial merry go round we go.

    Damm STEPHEN at least put some substance in these posts if you want to argue with Storm Fronters all day....

  20. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Rethuglican freeing slaves, links please!


  21. field negro said...
    Or a non -Christian in a Christian country.

    Can you help me out?

    Link where Christians are slaughtering people for their religious beliefs?

    And please use PilotX's 50 year rule. PilotX doesn't like talking about the democrats involvement when talking about slavery stuff because it happened over 50 years ago.

    Link where in the last 50 years christians have slaughtered non-belivers.

    No fair linking to catholic child abuse, too easy.

  22. The Purple Cow said...
    Everywhere they go in America christian white people are shunned and abused, second-class citizens in their own land.

    When white people make generalizations about black people it's considered racist.

    When PurpleCow does the same against white people, is that racist?

    Double standard?


  23. I'm going to have to some what co-sign with BIB. Considering how high Black unemployment is, you'd think the President would have addressed the issue of the extension by now. Sure he was busy with that crappy and GDP ruining Health care stuff but damn, a LOT of Black folks are going to be in a bigger world of hurt than they are now real soon.

  24. Just yesterday O-bomber passes a 607 billion dollar National Defense Bill ...

    and STEPHENS choice of Topics is what FOX thinks about Xmas and Santa...

    but you shun the suggested ideas of people to Up End both of these corrupt crooked parties by voting for a third party...

    Just keep fighting... Red or Blue Gang...


  25. "I don't see a lot of people who look like me, and that's unfortunate," Williams said. "I do applaud the academy for trying to change things. They really are making an effort. But the real world is still much more diverse than Hollywood. And I think it's because of opportunity — there are not of lot of opportunities for African Americans to enter the field.",0,660615.story#axzz2oc8gA3cG

    The real world is more diverse with more opportunities for blacks than an industry dominated by liberal democrats.

    Double standards


  26. Republicans freeing slaves....please provide links.

  27. Quote Bill-Oh

    "When white people make generalizations about black people it's considered racist.

    When PurpleCow does the same against white people, is that racist?

    Double standard?


    No it's SATIRE, dimwit.


    1. the use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the like, in exposing, denouncing, or deriding vice, folly, etc.

  28. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Phil Robertson should be named the Alabama (Louisiana?) state bird.

    This quote from Dr. King summarizes the year and wins for timelessness:

    Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.


  29. This guy, Phil Robertson, has become the Rosa Parks of the conservative movement

    Mr. Robertson is merely a celebrity who expressed his personal religious views and has suffered attacks from the intolerant left for doing so.

    Rosa Parks on the other hand was a trained communist operative who was sent by the NAACP to desegregate the seating arrangements on the Montgomery bus system. A worthy cause in itself perhaps, but part of an overall plot that she had no hand in formulating.

    Mr. Robertson is just a simple man who has become a rallying point for marginalized Christians after 50 years of being smacked around in the culture wars. He cannot win, the machine will not tolerate dissents from PC orthodoxy. These Alabamans can call him a hero and try to save their religious symbols from destruction, but they are powerless against the nihilism that is slowly crushing them into submission.

    Happy Holidays.

  30. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Dr. Nuwang and BIB, get your own damn blogs and quit criticizing Field Negro's posts.

  31. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Blogger BLACKISBEAUTIFUL said...
    Just a bunch of mental masturbation about what FOX thinks about Xmas , and Santa....

    Nothing about whats going on in Detroit....

    Nothing about the latest NSA revelations...

    Nothing about the Key Stone Pipeline demostrations...

    Nothing about the Receent Embassy bombings in Kabul...

    Just round , and round the racial merry go round we go.

    Damm STEPHEN at least put some substance in these posts if you want to argue with Storm Fronters all day....

    10:17 AM
    BIB, stop pointing out the obvious which requires some thinking and logic. That's too much head work.

    I hope you know that you will be attacked by the FN Negro establishment here. Nobody criticizes Field and get away with it. These FN Negro disciples don't like you pointing out the obvious. To them, No brother should be 'thinking' like you. It shows you think 'White"...ever been called White by Field, or PC?... well, there you go..

    Most FN blog Negroes don't notice what you notice...Most FN Negroes notice and discuss 'SHIT' with ease and comfort. Only Whites notice what you notice. That's why Field and PC calls Negroes like you "White".

    Brother BIB, You need to learn to stay on your side of the tracks when it comes to thinking. What the hell is wrong with you? Did you grow up in a different country? Did NOT our black community impact you in the way it impacted Field, PilotX or PC?

    Why do you think FN blog is so popular among us? It's because FIELD LAYS OUT THE 'SHIT', brother...

    BIB, you need to WTFU and come back home!

  32. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Jesus f-n christ!!! Precisely because of the robust and active hypocrisy inherent in so-called "Christianity" (specifically, the current American mutation), so-called Christianity (and its American adherents)is self-destructing under the weight of its own (peculiarly American mutation)robust and active hypocrisy. It's death can't come too soon.
    "Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition"!
    Under what rock have you been living if you seriously believe that so-called "Christians" have no blood on their hands; are innocent of murder?
    Jesus f-n christ; gimme a break!

  33. Caption for the pic: A family that slays together stays together.

  34. Cow, leave Bill alone. You know he is in no way able to identify satire.
    BIB, you complain so much about what Field posts on HIS blog. Do I need to point out the obvious?

  35. Funny thing, uncle Phil is supposed to be persecuted for being a Christian. So that means it's a Christian principle to deny blah suffering in the south in the 50's and 60's? Interesting.

  36. Funny, our Plantation friend doesn't believe white privilege doesn't exist but we live in a land where white people like uncle Phil can confidently speak for blah folks and tell the world when we were "happy" and nonplussed. Yeah, no white privilege on display there. Yessuh boss sus, wez was sho happier when wez couldn't vote. Smdh

  37. Oh yeah, Kujichagulia!

  38. BIB, you complain so much about what Field posts on HIS blog. Do I need to point out the obvious?

    Been there done that...

    Got bored...

    I may come back to it at a later point....

    I amuse myself with his posts...
    I point out whats Obvious to ME...

    Shall we have Blog Wars now ??
    Battle posts>??

    So silly ....

  39. Anonymous said...
    Dr. Nuwang and BIB, get your own damn blogs and quit criticizing Field Negro's posts.

    I've had my OWN damn blog for about 7 years now. In fact, you'd be surpised the amonut of kinship among people JUST LIKE ME, studying to become Docs in middle age! ;)

  40. Dr. Bill Able3:54 PM

    Ms.Nǚwáng said...
    I've had my OWN damn blog for about 7 years now. In fact, you'd be surpised the amonut of kinship among people JUST LIKE ME, studying to become Docs in middle age! ;)

    That's nice, maybe you can carry it on into old age for people who went to school their whole lives yet never became a doctor.

    You will never be a doctor.

  41. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...

    Funny, our Plantation friend doesn't believe white privilege doesn't exist but we live in a land where white people like uncle Phil can confidently speak for blah folks and tell the world when we were "happy" and nonplussed

    You tell 'em PilotX, nobody speaks for black people, except of the course the Clintons.

    White privilege = Black failure

  42. 1 more day until unemployment insurance runs out. The gop may get to it but they'd better be ready for a backlash if they let it expire.

  43. Ah I see BIB you have/had your own blog. Did Field go there everyday and complain about your choice of topics?

  44. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
    Ah I see BIB you have/had your own blog. Did Field go there everyday and complain about your choice of topics?

    Come on Pilot, you KNOW you wrong for that, LOL!!

    We don't ALL think the same, what's wrong with some differing perspectives?

  45. Dr. Lick Ass said...
    That's nice, maybe you can carry it on into old age for people who went to school their whole lives......

    That's about right, I've earned a degree in EVERY decade of my life ecept the first one!!!

    OTOH, you've earned NOTHING beyond a high school diploma and some saved foreskins, so jealous much, ROTFL?

  46. Nothing wrong with differing opinions Doc but to criticize the blog's author about his choice of topics is like going into KFC and complaining about them not serving fish. He and the other dimwit complain about the lack of posts criticizing the prez when there are already thousands of blogs that do just such. The same as the fools who complain there aren't enough posts about blah folks attacking whites. Just say'n. After a while you'd think they would get the picture. There's a reason I don't go on stormfront and complain about the lack of positive stories about blah folks.

  47. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...

    Ah I see BIB you have/had your own blog. Did Field go there everyday and complain about your choice of topics?

    Imagine if anon made the comment all black people think alike.

  48. Only an increadibly small mind could take what I said and come up with that. We don't all think alike but there are many like minded blah folks who like to kick back and chew the fat. Ignorant racists don't understand the difference. I'm shocked you didn't.

  49. BTW Bill, STFU when grown folks is talking.

  50. Anonymous9:06 PM

    PilotX said, "BIB, you complain so much about what Field posts on HIS blog. Do I need to point out the obvious?"

    2:56 PM
    Dear BIB, "I hope you know that you will be attacked by the FN Negro establishment here. Nobody criticizes Field and get away with it. These FN Negro disciples don't like you pointing out the obvious. To them, No brother should be 'thinking' like you. It shows you think 'White"...ever been called White by Field, or PC?... well, there you go.." re: comment to BIB about FN Negroes @ 1:42pm.

    See what happens when you criticize Field?

    I told you they would be coming after you. PilotX is the lead disciple sent to discredit you. They usually send him first because he is the weakest and quite expendable. In other words, he's the first sacrifice if he can't overtake you. I will assume this no-flying dummie is dead.

    But there will be others. Watch out for the Purple Cow. That darker than midnight Negro can sneak up on you like midnight.

  51. Anonymous9:55 PM

    BIB, take a look at this video regarding
    Obama and the Democrats "Losing African American votes". It validates everything you've said, and makes a mockery of STEPHEN and his disciples, like PilotX and PC, or Granny.

  52. Anonymous10:00 PM

    Sorry, forgot to paste link to my comment @9:55pm

  53. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Focused purpose should be happy now. After a 9 day suspension, Phil Robertson (is back on the air). FP agreed with this racist redneck because she shares his hatred of LBGT people.

    And, of course, FP hates LGBT people because a few threads back she blamed the sexual "promiscuity" of many modern women on the "gay-scripted" show "Sex and the City".lol As if het women can't looove the "D" just because they love Silly (fp) woman. Her bitter bust-up with her former friend AB (Lady Bug) is yet more proof of her deep hostility to LGBT people. FP's lewd references to strap-ons and such when talking and about her "friend" AB. I'm glad AB figured out that a conscious gay person CANNOT be true friends with a homophobe. I'm glad finally realized that.

    Newsflash to FP: There are het women who like sex, there are het women who like porn, there are het women who like "rough trade", there are het women who like being called "nasty" names during sex. lol Get over it. And many women engaged in these activities things way before "Sex and the City" ever came on the air.

  54. John Edwards massively understated his case before he flamed out. We don't live in 2 Americas, we're living in parallel universes. We even mean completely different things when we say the same words.

  55. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Anon 10:25 can you please give a link to that thread. I missed it!!!! PLEASE!!!

  56. Ha! Bill O'Reilly really has a pulse on the blah community. I do like your humor trolls Field.

  57. lol @ this post.

    the comments are pretty funny as well.

    not sure why folks are picking on BIB. he makes sound, respectful points then peaces out. what's to hate, really?

    BIB, it might be too much to expect someone eyeball deep in the corrupt to the core system to call things what they are...despite being a judge, there appears to be a defeated this is what the system is type of thing going on with FN. i get it all the way around. so you keep coming over here talking to your brother. one day, he will wake up.

    silence on certain subjects is required in order to remain in the loop + paid.

    "The LGBT is leading the attack."

    not really.

    the gay community is being set up. it would be nice if more of them woke up to that..

    folks already know there have always been gays. the desire to be un-persecuted is being inverted to where it is becoming commonplace for the persecuted to persecute others. just as the desire for women to know rights as human beings- double curse/more slaves/broken down family units became the end result.

    even among animals, homos are the minority. for some reason making the het majority be quiet and accept accept accept is on the agenda all day.

    might be the worship of androgyny in higher places.

    this satire seems right on time, considering that nugget of hidden info:

    add some gay manifesto fantasy to the mix- which before i do, let me add the part folks like to omit. this is apparently the 1st few thoughts of the author:

    "This essay is an outré, madness, a tragic, cruel fantasy, an eruption of inner rage, on how the oppressed desperately dream of being the oppressor."

    hets seem like haters when they rush to edit that out of the essay. folks did this when reading the essay into the congressional record;(

    now the rest:

    that seems to be the name of the game, though. add the first few thoughts back, read the rest, then look around.

    folks don't want injustice to stop. they want to be the ones perpetrating it. this appears to be the case in all camps led of men. that's why following Him/His Word is more important.

    the Scriptures are not all that new either. this sudden fixation on both gays+ Scripture is by design.

    one world government comes with one world it is written. rich + poor will be affected.

    just as the existing world governments must be broken to implement the new. so must the religions be broken as well to make room for the new. religions are heavily infiltrated+ perverted already by secret societies.

    folks that want to do whatever while hollering about not being judged for it...seem to love to judge others that at least are trying the righteous walk...

    rather than to try themselves, they'd rather be rid of all of it. not knowing/believing that they are about to bow down + obey someone anyways.

    the immorality that DDynasty guy addressed is spiraling out of control.

    blurred lines = all bad.

    chicken hawk gone wrong.

    more keep popping up. while folks play + act like they aren't noticing.

    maybe they don't notice.

    i can't help but notice that men don't tend to tolerate other menfolk sexual misbehavior directed at them so well. suddenly "big pimping" ain't all that cute.

    that young man is 18. his greatest mistake was trying to get free. the grown hateful queen was posting madness on social media to harm that young man.

    i care because these are our sons.

    men/boys can be abused.

    my speaking out does not mean that i hate, fear nor have a secret gay lover stuffed in a closet somewhere.

    now this young man is trapped in a cage.

  58. with this type of business going down on the regular:

    rape culture is here affecting all indeed. this could be the world's longest comment if i posted links pertaining to all the liberties folks are taking with women + girls.

    as it is all coming full circle...i AM simply asking menfolk that have been having a great time to consider they might have next in this free for all.

    so folks don't try to pretend i AM bashing gays. which i AM not...notice all the extra hets got going on:

    black folks.

    white folks.

    all folks in between are doing too much. those looking for race stories are missing the point.

    humanity is in trouble.

    too much of the doing too much is outside of His Word. so when anyone stands and tells it...the color of that person really does not matter to me.

    i don't think DDynasty guy and i would agree on much. we don't have to. what is happening to him is religious persecution. whether organic or manipulated to be. wfolks hollering about it are not hallucinating. there is an all out assault on chr-stianity plus the forbidden cross. forbidden according to Scriptures. xmass is pure paganism so i AM not sure why folks are so bent out of shape;) ignorance, i guess.

    Galatians 3:28-29


    i felt bad, for a minute, for actually wishing these folks below could get a hold of R Kelly;(


    somehow though...this made me laugh + feel guilty for laughing. "have you heard of dateline nbc?" bringing beer to 13 year olds- all up in those folks' house to damage that child. then folks will call her names + some more when she isn't just presto! well adjusted;(

    folks get caught doing this they got some hate crimes stiff penalties coming to them.

    everything in me wants to applaud menfolk standing up and issuing the smack down on baby rapers though;) homie came through that door up to no good and things went left with the quickness.

    sorry for all the n-word in the link. diversity/integration gone wrong? i think the wm is saying it to the wm. lol. ???

    the brother telling them not to kill folks cracked me up. "let's just talk to 'em." i AM wrong for laughing + wishing R Kelly's next little girl stop with bad intentions ends this way for him. 'ole kells would sit outside the high schools...waiting. never spent a day in jail. when it gets like that- it only makes sense that things get like this:

  59. anon 10:25pm-

    you are so twisted and lost...

    IF you witnessed what went down with AB and came away with the problem was her being lesbian...

    there is nothing i can say to help you. programs people.

    recall the push to make porn that appealed to women? all porn is gay. think about it.

    predictive programming is real.

    your confusion is as well.

    IF you think women just want to emulate the fashions they see on tv...i will let you keep that big slice of ignorance.

    IF you want to pretend that woman hating homos are not running the fashion, music, government, etc games...again. i will let you keep that prized ignorance you got going on.

    IF you want to pretend all gays are cute little gizmos.

    that will be fine.

    i STILL reserve the right to talk about the nazi gremlin gay mofos that have a bone to pick with Almgighty + everybody else. you the hateful homo that murdered Matthew Shepherd.

    you know nazism was born in a gay bar, right? gays are NOT all happy nice people. homosexuality features prominently in satanism/lucifer loving.

    aleister crowley, gays rights fella, nambla fella and zoology turned human sex expert kinsey seem to have been cut from the same devilish cloth.

    a bit more info for you since you seem to not know you in the middle of spiritual warfare:

    we are at spiritual war. folks really think bullying homos will silence me or those like me?

    hold your breaths on that one defeated devils...



    Ezekial 33:6- But if the watchman see the seord come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.


    some of US have very specific orders. men pretending their anus is a vagina WILL be neutralized as i speak to His sons and daughters that can hear His Voice.

    i agreed with Scriptures not the bearded white guy so much. i recognized that he was speaking Scriptures even before he came right out and said it. never watched his show. don't see that changing. his stand i respect. it was my duty to stand with him. raging homos upset and all. it is not about color but the spirit.

    those that worship Him in Spirit and Truth are alright by me. that's what's written. that's what is. tribe of Yahudah on a righteous flow aren't hating those we are called to teach. secret societies are perverting a lot of brothas' Understanding.

    aren't you the same hateful homo queen that came on the scene declaring you were not going to "let" folks speak Scriptures?

    you may want to retract your claws and go on about your business demon.

    i don't need you to try to "school" me on het women. been one all my life. het women love het men as much as het men love women. DDynasty man called it. be mad + informed + seated.

    bw don't side eye from "competition"...we just recognize that gay + deceit go together like peanut butter and jelly. THAT'S what the closet business is about. take away the understanding/compassion for the why's and that's all that's left.


  60. "Ha! Bill O'Reilly really has a pulse on the blah community. I do like your humor trolls Field."

    Pilot this is why I KNOW you don't investigate anything...

    It was Juan Williams
    (Whom I have a STRONG amount of distrust for)
    his son , and another young black man representing the RNC
    (not a fan)

    but I listened to the entire segment none the less.

    They discussed valid points ,
    The overall gist was about joining the GOP_ instead of the Democrat party, and I kindly interpret that part of the segment to mean a 3rd party other than the two gangs...

    At this point O-Bombers ratings mean nothing ;because his term is almost over.

    What we mostly are discussing is whats to come in the future long after O-Bomber is down the road.

    My posts here are ventilation , and to offer a difference of opinion contrary to the same ole defense , and pride themes goin on over here.

  61. Anonymous12:05 AM

    D Dynasty is being persecuted for his biblical "religious" views?

    Where in the bible does it say Blacks were happier during the Jim Crow era? Thats not religious, thats racist!

  62. now mosy on back a thread and answer those questions i asked you if you still got stuff you want to discuss with me.

    you set AB up and she came charging in. there was no "homophobia" at play. if folks feel like they can dirty man type about sexually molesting me with Scriptures (while screaming about sexism + having a wife) then i can destroy strap ons that appear to be leading to all the confusion.

    what's your point really?

    why are you still stuck devil?

    folks that want to diss Scriptures + me WILL run into problems. blame it on homo status if you summon satan on the regular and there is just no truth left in you.

    when you get done...i got love for AB. you...not so much. i AM going to have to pray about that. your double agent, stoke the gender war flames with a sneaky sodomite flow- while hating het bw like nobody's business. no. there is nothing natural about loving you for me. but i AM called to higher level + walk.

    in the interim, while i work to get there; if i were you,i would go cruisin' on about my business. coming this way with that non stop lying sodomite stench flow will only result in a bruising.

    ps. NO one is AFRAID of homos. you and those like you sound as dumb as folks screaming about anti SEMITES when in truth there is no such thing...

    folks that take to stomping snot out of homos are not afraid of them. THAT'S what hate looks like. speaking Scriptures not so much. telling folks the Truth is an act of Love.

    you are welcome for that much needed clue.

    i will be waiting to see if you can fix your mouth to spew all that hatred at hiv infected gay men. since we just judging the sin folks in...harshly. wishing they would die out. stay in america with my question and focus. you will see where i AM trying to help you get if you would just think + focus. this has nothing to do with african depopulation efforts.

    that land mass was not even called "africa" at one point. even that name is evidence of whitening...

    until kinsey's hero a. crowley's dream of men delivering children from their anus is WILL show some respect. man that you are...

    i see you real clearly.

    playing with hateful queens is not EVER on my list of things to do. i don't advocate stomping the snot + life out of you pitiful wanna be women...but i can see how it comes to that with some of you new normal homos + those old normal het souls that don't know Him.

    be very glad He and i are close personal friends.

    for you + your consideration:



    Psalm 2: 1- 12

    1 Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?

    2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Sovereign, and against his anointed, saying,

    3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.

    4 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Sovereign shall have them in derision.

    5 Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.

    6 Yet have I set my king upon my set apart hill of Zion.

    7 I will declare the decree: the Sovereign hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.

    8 Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.

    9 Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel.

    10 Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth.

    11 Serve the Sovereign with fear, and rejoice with trembling.

    12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.


    i pray you wise up + get some.

  63. Anonymous12:14 AM

    There’s a clear double standard in the media favoring a liberal worldview. When it’s used to silence and punish Christians for stating their beliefs, that’s when we must defend the rights of individuals to exercise their free speech without fear of politically-motivated repercussion.”

    Nope. When it comes to gay rights, there is not a bias in the media. There is now a bias in the COUNTRY. The majority of the populace now accept gay rights as a necessity and the media are simply representing the consensus view of the nation.

    I agree with the gay-haters that they should be allowed to say what they want, and censoring them probably isn't helping anything. But the gay-haters need to understand that theirs is a shrinking worldview, and one that will cause them to be labeled by most other people as the despicable, knuckle-dragging bigots they are.

    There is no point for them in fighting this war. They've already lost.

  64. Anonymous12:31 AM

    And Robertson is a bigot and a racist! No one even asked him about race. He just voluntered that little nugget of "Biblical wisdom" that Blacks were "happy" during Jim Crow. That SOB

  65. Anonymous1:00 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    D Dynasty is being persecuted for his biblical "religious" views?

    Where in the bible does it say Blacks were happier during the Jim Crow era? Thats not religious, thats racist!

    12:05 AM
    No it's not racist. It's just Phil's opinion of what it was like for Blacks BEFORE the Civil War. That's all.

    As far as I am concerned, I don't see a whole lot of difference between our spiritual condition back during slavery and our spiritual condition today. In fact, we just might be even sicker spiritually today than slavery... simply because MORE of us have turned away from GOD.

    People are not concerned what Phil said about us. It's the LGBT that's important. We are not important today. Obama made sure of that. We are going to feel a lot of pain in the years to come because of the first Black President called Obama.

  66. Anonymous1:06 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    And Robertson is a bigot and a racist! No one even asked him about race. He just voluntered that little nugget of "Biblical wisdom" that Blacks were "happy" during Jim Crow. That SOB

    12:31 AM
    Someone did ask him about Blacks. They asked him about the suffering of Blacks today and he replied, "I think Blacks were happier during the pre-Civil War."

    It was his answer to a question about Blacks. It was not racist.

  67. "Anonymous said...

    D Dynasty is being persecuted for his biblical "religious" views?

    Where in the bible does it say Blacks were happier during the Jim Crow era? Thats not religious, thats racist!

    12:05 AM"


    why can people not think past that?

    yes. when he spoke of the immorality and not inheriting the kingdom, THAT was Bible.

    IF white folks stay dumb about how black folks really feel/think...might black folks need to stand and speak? stop being so scared, quiet + looking like such happy slaves?

    that man indicated that in his experience...he gave his opinion. that was not Bible, but he is allowed to have an opinion. expressing them in interviews is apart of what happens. no?

    how can someone argue with that man's experience?

    again... agreement on all things is not necessary.

    side-note: i said quite clearly that had that man been a black person...he would not have used "happier". now go to the stats and see that even worded as wrong as he worded it- there was still some truth in his opinion.

    black folks were doing much better collectively...with a lot less under jim crow.

    look at oow during jim crow era.

    the family unit.

    black folks working together in greater numbers.

    not so quick to do any and all 'ole gentile heathen thing.

    the list goes on and on, if folks can stand to get real for a minute.

    love of lies is not working so well for sleeping soundly Blacks.


    Anon 12:14am-

    trust + believe NO ONE of substance gives a solid whoop about what names folks are calling them.

    particularly when this is written and still relevant today:



    Romans 1:25-28

    25 Who changed the truth of Almighty into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amein.

    26 For this cause Almighty gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

    27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

    28 And even as they did not like to retain Almighty in their knowledge, Almighty gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

    name call with your last breath. if that makes sense to ya.

    the devil is a defeated liar...yet has some lost souls convinced he is the comeback kid about to win this spiritual war.

    that makes me sad.

    most americans don't know what they believe. gays can now get married + divorced fast. adopt children. you got your rights. the first gay pres BO made sure gays got rights + babies primed for the next level starting at age 5. hasn't got much else right, but he got that done for his people.

    what you folk don't have is the right to tell others what to think, believe, or say.

    label away.

    lucifer/satan will take a break from evil before i even try to care about a hateful homo label.


    if the numbers shrink to 5 worldwide that will stand on His Word...that will be fine and i would do what it took to be in that number.

    truth is never greeted with mass approval.

    cramming hets into tolerant, g-dless, mutes won't change what's written. nor save a soul.



    Revelation 17: 14- These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them; for he is Sovereign of Sovereigns, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, chosen and faithful.


    i promise i don't care about what lies lost souls stay spewing...

  68. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...

    BTW Bill, STFU when grown folks is talking.

    Why does my pointing out hypocrisy and double standards bother you so much?


  69. Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    John Edwards massively understated his case before he flamed out

    Another filthy rich white democrat that loved TALKING about income inequality. Democrat party is full of these rich white people that talk the good game.

    But it is a good reminder of the liberal media not reporting on his affair. National enquirer busted him and only then did the liberal media start talking about it.

    Double standards


  70. Anonymous11:31 AM

    "all porn is gay. think about it."

    So men having sex with women in front of a camera for public (or maybe private) consumption is gay? lol You really ARE crazy.

  71. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Anonymous said...
    No it's not racist. It's just Phil's opinion of what it was like for Blacks BEFORE the Civil War. That's all. 1:00 AM

    then it's stupid, like you

  72. Anonymous12:18 PM

    "IF you witnessed what went down with AB and came away with the problem was her being lesbian..."

    No matter what you say the conflict between you and AB was about the root cause of the disagreement was AB's lesbianism. You can kid yourself, bitch, but not me.

  73. Anonymous1:07 PM

    "if folks feel like they can dirty man type about sexually molesting me with Scriptures (while screaming about sexism + having a wife) then i can destroy strap ons that appear to be leading to all the confusion."

    Who are you talking about? How did you know AB was using strap-ons? Did you and AB discuss these things in your "private" conversations? lol

  74. Anonymous2:39 PM

    "black folks were doing much better collectively...with a lot less under jim crow."

    O those good old days!!! lol Picking that cotton was so much fun back in the good old days. Blacks must have been doing some serious shucking and jiving back in the day for white people like Phil Robertson to think blacks were so happy under Jim Crow. FP is basically saying, in a round about way (although she would deny it), that blacks WERE happier under Jim Crow, certainly better "behaved" (which you would expect of slaves).

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  76. you lost poor homos on this thread= smh.

    i don't say anything in a round about way.


    no chaser... is my approach. of course deceitful homos can not relate.

    the fallout with AB was disrespect. period.

    i did not write Scriptures. i just know what is written + am not afraid to call it.

    12:18pm- on a good can only be a fake b. know this. + you are ALREADY fooled+ deceived.

    check the stats. Bfolks were doing better, collectively, in many respects...under jim crow. i did not make it so. i just understand.

    be very mad...'cause i don't intend to stop;)

    a mad pack of wanna be b punks...perfumed to singe nose hairs, no doubt...WON'T stop my flow.

