Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Naughty or nice?

Damn it! I woke up too late. I thought I was going to get up early enough to see the big guy. Wanted to see if Megyn Kelly was right.

Oh well, the mystery will have to continue for another year.

Enjoy the day everybody.


  1. Wesley R9:13 AM

    Merry Christmas Field. Have a great day.

  2. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Merry Xmas, Mr Field. I am looking forward to serving FN blog in the forthcoming year.

    Btw, I saw Santa last night coming down the chimney and Megyn is right...he is White. Megyn keeps the old saying going: White is right...Dammit!

  3. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Brother Field, Is this the post for today? This is horseshit.

    See, this is why we can't get anywhere.

  4. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Forgot to wish you a Merry XMAS. But it is wished with pissed off reservations. There is no excuse for a post like this....anyway, I suppose it is PC to wish you a Merry Xmas.

  5. Anonymous10:49 AM

    That photo indicates that Santa IS White. I mean, look at his shoes. No Black person would be caught dead in them. In addition, no Black person would go down the chimney in the first place. If folks don't let him in the front door, those folks don't get any toys.

  6. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Does anyone know what time Dr Nuwang gets off today? I hear she might be getting off early because it's Xmas...LOL

    1. School is out over Christmas break you idiot. But if I need to
      gas up my luxury SUV, I'll come the 7-11 where you're working today.

      And practice ducking, I may throw a cherry sulrpee at your head, ROTFL!!!

    2. And BTW, the cancer clinic where I occasionally see patients due to
      my research I terests NEVER closes.

      Maybe you'll think about those cancer patients the next time you want to make a joke about where I spend my time whem I'm not in school or studying.


  7. Damn it! I woke up too late. I thought I was going to get up early enough to see the big guy

    Well tell us, did Santa think you were naughty or nice?

    What did the big fat guy leave you?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Yall so crazy. :)

    Bill, I was nice.

    He brought me good health. Best give ever.

  10. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Blogger Dr.Nǚwáng said...
    School is out over Christmas break you idiot. But if I need to
    gas up my luxury SUV, I'll come the 7-11 where you're working today.

    And practice ducking, I may throw a cherry sulrpee at your head, ROTFL!!!

    11:37 AM
    Boy, did you ever wake up on the wrong side of the bed! XMAS doesn't mean shit to you.

    BTW, people with luxury cars don't go to the 7-11 and buy slurpies you lying fool.

    My question is, "when are you going to get your Med degree so your lying ass can go to work as a doctor? I mean, what hospital in their right mind would hire you? (Maybe one of those shady ones? lol)

  11. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Field said, "Bill, I was nice."

    Oh really? You have called me White on numerous occasions because I did not agree with your political opinions. You have called BIB, a beautiful and righteous human being, CLUELESS.

    You let that fool PilotX roam all over FN blog insulting Whites and brothers as well. It's clear PilotX hates life and everyone in it. Yet you let this clown have a straight of way on your blog?

    You call that being nice? GET REAL.

    I hope you will join the POPE in caring more about me, who is working today at the 7-11 ALL the fucking day. Get rid of no-feeling Dr Nuwang too.

  12. Merry Christmas, Field! May your day be filled with love, joy, good food and good cheer.

  13. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Merry Christmas Field.

  14. NSangoma12:41 PM


    Father frost/grandfather frost is a white boy; mayhap you Negroes need to try Papai Noel.


  15. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Dear Mr Field, I hope you are taking note how many Anons are wishing you Merry Christmas. They are from Anon Inc and it is let you know how much we appreciate your business.

    Even though we did a good job in 2013, we will do an even 'better' job in 2014!

    Anon Inc.

  16. field negro said...
    Bill, I was nice.
    He brought me good health. Best give ever.

    Santa or the government can't give you good health.

    That's all on you by the choices you made.

    Like I've pointed out, good parents are the key to good choices in life. if I have to tell a family lawyer the sad realities of life by crappy parents.

  17. Bill, it's Christmas, can't u lose the libertarian talking points for a day?


    Anon. Inc. I look forward to 2014 with your company.

    BTW, since I have been such a loyal customer, is it possible to slash my rate by say 20%?

  18. Anonymous1:20 PM

    field negro said...
    Bill, I was nice.
    He brought me good health. Best give ever.

    Santa or the government can't give you good health.

    That's all on you by the choices you made.

    Like I've pointed out, good parents are the key to good choices in life. if I have to tell a family lawyer the sad realities of life by crappy parents.

    1:08 PM
    Bill, you have wisdom. Thanks for contributing to FN commentary. Without you, there would be a terrible loss in knowledge, and intelligence. You also add color to the conversation.


    1. I guess Santa granted assnon @1:20 his wish of another set of lips to kiss Bill's ass.

  19. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Field, "BTW, since I have been such a loyal customer, is it possible to slash my rate by say 20%?"

    You have gotten slashed rates in November due to your dissatisfaction with Anons. That was a 50% reduction. Then, at the beginning of December, you managed to get another 30% off.

    Hell, and now you want another 20%? Mr Field, if you add up the percentages, including your 20%, that would be a 100% reduction!

    That means you would get 2014 for increase whatsoever! Do you not have any shame?

  20. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Blogger Dr.Nǚwáng said...
    I guess Santa granted assnon @1:20 his wish of another set of lips to kiss Bill's ass.

    1:30 PM
    Is that all you can do is criticize Blacks for speaking the truth? Your view on life is quite distorted. Btw, 'when' will your dumb ass finish school? I swear. You are exactly like the folks who never finish school, or anything for that matter. You are such a loser.

  21. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Field, PLEASE monitor FN today, especially. I have a feeling that Dr Nuwang is trying to start some shit with Anons. As you know Anons don't take any shit off of nobody, esp a lying ass like DQAE, aka Dr Queen, aka Dr Nuwang, aka 'Flying in my Forties'....I mean, this bird brain doesn't even know who the hell she is.

  22. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Correction to part of 1:27p that states,

    "That means you would get 2014 for increase whatsoever! Do you not have any shame?"

    Correct to: "That means you would get 2014 for NO increase whatsoever! Do you not have any shame?"

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. On to the next ridiculous question that could only even be asked in a profoundly white supremacist nation: is the Easter Bunny a white rabbit?

  25. "Bill, it's Christmas, can't u lose the libertarian talking points for a day?"

    C'mon, the guy has the mental capacity of a 12 year old. What do you expect?

  26. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Ahahaha! I just noticed that Santa in the picture has on 'black stompin boots' lolol!

    1. Desert you are so totally wrong for that one, ROTFL!!!!

  27. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Desert, you are a very angry person. You see the negative in everything. You are not funny.

  28. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Desert, you are a very angry person. You see the negative in everything. You are not funny.
    4:11 PM
    Yeah,yeah, we heard that before.

    Think of something else to say will ya..
    See ya later I'm going out to dinner:)

  29. GrannyStandingforTruth5:35 PM

    Y'all are so funny. Smh! Anyway, I wish everyone a very Happy Holiday today filled with love, joy, good health, and peace.

    I finished cooking my dinner for today last night, so I get to kick back and enjoy family and friends today.

  30. " I just noticed that Santa in the picture has on 'black stompin boots"

    somebody MIGHT want to grab a clue;)

    while they teehee hee.


    the Anons crack me up!

    blessings all!

  31. Is anyone safe in black run america?

    The black kkk never takes a day off.

    Black Santa shot by pellet gun during D.C. toy giveaway while cameras rolled

    5 Shot, 3 Killed Outside Strip Club In Irvington

  32. Ms.Nǚwáng said...
    School is out over Christmas break you idiot. But if I need to
    gas up my luxury SUV,

    Affirmative Action sure pays good!

    But we all owe you thanks for changing the bedpans for those poor cancer patients, and making the nurses' jobs a little easier. May God bless them and let those that are ill see another Christmas.

    And maybe you can thank that poor guy at 7-11, whose taxes fund your parasitic lifestyle. A little gratitude goes a long way, especially considering that in fair world, you wouldn't even be qualified to do his job.

    You may never get into medical school, but you can be thankful for the soft bigotry of low expectations.

    You will never be a doctor.

    Merry Christmas!

  33. Santa gives toys to children - he has to be white.

  34. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Dr. Nuwang and DesertFlower sure has a lot in common.

    Merry Christmas to all.

  35. Anonymous10:22 PM

    I remember the days when Desert had all her faculties and was a classy lady on FN. She ONCE seemed to have character. Now she is a dirty poor in spirit old lady with a crooked mind.

    Dear Desert, hang on to Dr Nuwang. She will approve of you.

  36. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Yup I recognize that writing style alright!

  37. Anonymous10:51 PM

    Bullshit. Desert, you can't recognize shit.

  38. "Yup I recognize that writing style alright!"



    i AM fp.

    there is nothing ever happening on the plantation that would require me to go Anon.

    particularly when dealing with the plantation elder jester.

    get that.

    or not.

    free will.

    since you don't really do clues on your own...i left a few last thread.

    hopefully those clues will help you stand in the Light of Understanding and stop confusing being ignored with "owning" folks.

    keep your slave talk devil. there are NO slaves over here.

    additionally, since only a true D.F. would apply X Clan black boot stomping references to the satan/santa lie...

    here you go:

    get familiar.

    you might like this one, too. lol. X Clan with voodoo...since you on some strange yet familiar spirit mess.


    for those that truly see.

    not to be confused with D as F, all mixed up seeing fp where she is not.


    like i would need to go Anon on account of an ancient out of order devil.


    folks got arrogant, puffed up jokes.

    bad ones @ that.


    Anon 10:22pm- devils hiding behind made up nothing tend to hate me.

    i told folks already...bold slave devils WILL get stripped down in the field.

    background moonwalking devils don't phase me. lol. with the two of them...they are STILL 998 short of the more people they need to require too much of my attention.

    ps. those folks in the know in the medical community/industry ALREADY know there is a cure for cancer.

    so moonwalk on + enjoy your puffed busy work, while the depopulation continues. at least folks got trinkets + happy meal toys as a part of their bum deals.

    + if folks KNEW what they were doing it would not be called "practice" nor "research"...folks need to fess or shut up. stat.


    for those turning their brains off for a night- bob marley said it best:

    "the people that are trying to make the world worse never take a day off , why should i. light up the darkness."

    Bob Marley Dec,5 1976

    i tend to agree...

  39. Anonymous10:59 PM

    Yup Dr.N. Santa's got on FP's "elderly people black stompin boots!"

    The boots he so loves and desires to stomp on the elderly,women and children with! :D But that he's "lately been wrestling with that desire" in order not to go out and do it!

    Ahahahaa! Psychooooo! lolol!

    "Cos he's a real tough guy! Umm hmm :) sure he is...

  40. Anonymous11:05 PM

    "Damn it! I woke up too late. I thought I was going to get up early enough to see the big guy. Wanted to see if Megyn Kelly was right."

    Brother Field, Megyn WAS RIGHT. White is always right. Now get over it. I mean, we as a people have always had to accept white power. We certainly had to during slavery.

    Then there was hard-ass Jim Crow. And now we have 'soft' Jim Crow masked as post-racial and stop and frisk America.

    Nevertheless, brother Field, Whites are still in charge. Therefore, Santa is White IF they say so. Jesus is White IF they say so. No one is going to take a bm's comment over a ww or wm.

    Brother Field, how many times must we go through this same old discussion? Why can't you understand the well-known belief--whether consciously or un-consciously-- that "White is right" in America?

    I know I am taking a risk by speaking up. I know that I'm 'Out on a Limb' with FN Negroes on this blog. But I must speak the ugly truth.

  41. Anonymous11:06 PM

    I tend to want to agree with the first commenter that alluded to Sanat having to be white. Why? Because those boots! Ugh!

    I would tend to think that only a white bearded fat guy would wear those. Did you hear that FP? Did you hear "my voice" :) 'cos FP said he hears "voices on internet threads" too. Oh Lawd! Deliver us!


  42. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Desert, what do you gain within yourself by using the pronoun "him"?

    Everyone has known FP for years and know who she is. Are you a Lesbian?...You are losing it.

    No good will ever come to you.

  43. Anonymous11:22 PM

    the way you are obsessing over Focusedpurpose in your mind and heart tells a lot more about you than it does about her.

  44. Anonymous11:25 PM

    Dear Desert, it's a good thing you can't see the ugliness in your words because the pain would be too much for you.

    So, keep looking 'outward' and 'downward'. NEVER look inward and upward....that would kill a witch like you.

  45. Anonymous11:30 PM

    Field, "Oh well, the mystery will have to continue for another year."

    No need to wait for another year, brother Field. Take it from me, Santa is White. I am happy about that. You know why? Because too many bm have abandoned their families. That makes a black Santa very shaky when it comes to showing up for the kids.

  46. "Yup Dr.N. Santa's got on FP's "elderly people black stompin boots!"

    OK, that was funny.

  47. "Is anyone safe in black run america?

    The black kkk never takes a day off."

    I'm downright shocked our resident republican is racist. And they wonder why we don't join their little insane posse. Harumph.

  48. Anon 11:22pm-

    tell her again.

    this right here:

    "the way you are obsessing over Focusedpurpose in your mind and heart tells a lot more about you than it does about her."


    recall DF was bored as she talked to herself. imagine what it is like for others...

    unless they too travel on the low/no wavelength. then she is just a bushel of giggles;(

    fyi, it's a Bl thing with the "him" routine. i could tell you some Bl stories...

    but it would hardly be a wise use of time. plus i give heads up not the blueprint for getting folks air tight right together;) ma likes to copy me as she slithers through, i what appears to be ptsd. clue: this is not war torn lebanon. when i show up expect church of Philadelphia.

    Revelation 3:7-11.

    7-11 as a nod to the materialistic, got a Bible on her tablet, yet clearly hasn't gotten to the Laws on how to treat the less fortunate than she. that background moonwalking devil with the alter ego. who programmed the alter, would be my question if i had extra time.

    but i don't.

    i would rather go here, instead, as i walk with Almighty, real close to DF and break her face + teeth, (not to be taken literally for the DFs) by whispering His Word which = Him- that she so plainly hates. while teehee heeing + pretending otherwise.

    (that's how you use it properly;) catch up + copy right.)


    Luke 21:15- For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist.


    that's heads up for ya D. F.

    your behavior, spirit, words, etc do NOT line up with His Word/Him.

    if they would be speaking His Word + being a better example, since you claim to be an elder and that's what's written. i would not have had to offend you eternally by trying to help you know that FN was married and you may give consideration to acting in such a manner that would give no place to evil. shun the very appearance of evil. your flow was NOT a good look at any age.


  49. who knew you were an elder + already knew the man was married? i didn't. when i learned, i stopped talking to you. after my tangle with lioness slithered back to me with the loud "slut" that appears to be on loudspeaker in your head.

    that's what happened.

    before you start your confused + not cute with your elder brand newness...i did not say a word the first few times you were doing too much. nor was i the lone voice to take notice. however, your hosted defeated devil seems to have fixated on me.

    i have already told you how this will work. you even have multiple choice as i learn how to better roll with meekness + Power of the Ancients;) don't envy mine. go to the Source- His Word/Him, humble yourself and ask Him for yours.

    here's what will happen.

    you will:

    a) bow down.
    b) stand down.
    c) flee.

    i AM not that smart. i just know what's written. study to show yourself approved and get in the know ma...

    unlike with AB, we have no history and my people's history bore you. the bold defeated devil you host actually blurted that out, so agitated it was that day;) i listen CLOSELY when syrupy sweet defeated devils speak.

    so it will be my pleasure, at my leisure, since devils are subject to me, not i to them. also written. check it out sometime. it will be my pleasure to Stand Strong and Speak His Word. like i mean it.

    because i do.

    declare me your enemy and keep attacking me if you really are D as F...

    much needed clue:

    this would be where i would tell your daughter to come get you. i only know of her existence because you mentioned her + your concern for being embarrassed in the field.

    i AM from the south. there is no disrespect in that statement. where i AM from, when folks' kin are about to get the brakes beat off 'em...folks in southern hospitality mode...give other kin a heads up. that's all.

    it has vexed me to consider having to beat you off your walker with His Word and snatch your tennis balls/brakes off and toss them out yonder in the field. that's the image i have for how ridiculous your behavior, as an elder, has been. lol. getting you together feels THAT ridiculous it is needed.

    we all got jokes;) don't get mad nor literal with it...



    that is all.


    Pilot X, i know you are a fan of beavis and butthead and other mindless jokers...

    did you ever get a clue about chemtrails?

    or is that outside of your training?


    my one voice puts 1k devils to flight.

    folks are 997 short right now;)

    that's what it is because that is what is written...

  50. Anonymous12:15 AM

    Oh shut up Fool Psycho!

  51. Anonymous12:26 AM

    "Pilot X, i know you are a fan of beavis and butthead and other mindless jokers..."

    ROFL..this is hilarious but true. Thanks FP.

  52. Anonymous12:28 AM

    Desert, go to bed you old old wrinkled devil.

  53. Uncle Bob1:12 AM

    Leftists wish to destroy the existing order and replace it with laws enforcing their opinions, which they consider not opinions but facts. Yet the existing order gave feminists like Friedan and Steinem fame, fortune, men, and romance. Did it ever occur to them that if it had been replaced when they were young, neither of them would have had what they got? Of course not.

    One of the main platforms of Marxism (and Friedan was, and Steinem still is, a Marxist) is to destroy the family, and have children raised in common (in reality this means by poorly-paid strangers) while mothers are forced into the workplace whether they want to or not. The fact the many women want marriage and home and a family – these are right-wing delusions, a Frankfurt School “false consciousness.” For them, that is, but not for leftist-feminist leaders.

    This hypocrisy is, in fact, the essence of leftism – its tenets apply to you, not me. One need look no farther than Michael Moore, Noam Chomsky, Ralph Nader, Al Gore, the Clintons, Cornel West, Norman Lear, Barbra Streisand, Nancy Pelosi, the Kennedys, the Obamas…all of whom are multimillionaires leading lives of luxury while calling for the under-people public to make crushing sacrifices.

    When leftists don’t follow their own teachings, their lives get better. Why? Because leftism doesn’t work. That’s why leftists don’t follow their own beliefs in private. They just make a lot of money with their public faces.

    Unfortunately, as Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn wrote in Leftism Revisited, the Children of Darkness are cleverer than the Children of Light. Cleverer in the sense the average person falls for their promises of an almost god-like freedom and happiness – promises that can never materialize through the politics the left so fervently worships.

    Instead, people are herd animals, social, imitative and hierarchical, and they seek a confident leader to give them guidance. That can be used against them by the cynical…or the hopelessly deluded and idealistic. Whether cynical or idealistic, I consider both kinds to be wolves in sheep’s clothing.

    The Greeks, thousands of years ago, understood what was wrong with these people. Hubris, which they considered a kind of insanity (the Old Testament calls it Pride). Thinking that you're mentally and morally superior to "common people," that only you know the truth, that they should be forced to listen to you.

    Thomas Sowell called these people "the Anointed," the ones who congratulated them on how their ideas made them feel, no matter what carnage they wreaked in real life. Their philosophies not of adults but children. As Thomas Hobbes wrote, "The evil man is the child grown strong."

    In the long run, none of this damaging leftist feminism will last, because it goes against human nature — and human nature, contrary to left-wing delusions, is neither a blank slate nor infinitely malleable.

    There will, unfortunately, be a lot of heartbreak and wrecked lives until better days arrive. And those better days, I dread to say, are going to be a long time coming.

  54. "Oh shut up Fool Psycho! "


    now see...

    fist fighting with a spiritual infant, indeed. THIS is why i choose silence.

    THAT'S all you got?

    the rest of don't start none, won't be none = 'cause you don't want none.

    you are welcome;)

  55. Anon 12:26 am-


    Almighty truly gives me His mouth. ALL praise to Him.

    for real.

    much Love + big hug!


    Anon 1:12 am- you are correct. steinem (sp?) was/is? a cia operative. dig deep enough and voila! you got h kissinger + the same 'ole usual related suspects.

    rockefeller shows up, also.

    it made me want to puke to hear steinem admit, in a tribute to anita hill, that all she knew about feminism she learned from bw. of course, once whitened tearing down the family = end result.

    bw did the heaviest lifting. ww were declared a minority- despite there being more of them than wm- sucked up the greatest benefits of affirmative action, and kept it moving. with as many real black talking, power to the people bm as they could take with them. lol.

    illuminati all day forced solidarity between historical enemies. don't think for a moment folks try too hard to give that white supremacy a rest.

    of course, what is done to the least will be done to the greatest. so now women, all colors, get a double curse. while our babies are fed to the moloch/molech mind control machine aka "education" core curriculum new school style + media monster/beast.



    Genesis 3: sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.


    some folks that like to twist Scriptures to oppress to pretend that this Scripture means women are to be submitted to all men. that is NOT what is written. in fact, women are hard wired to be disagreeable until men prove they are worthy of walking in agreement.

    abandoned daughters don't just know this by osmosis. fathers are not optional. we are several times over into abandoned, preyed upon women, in mind boggling numbers, becoming mothers.

    menfolk are to follow Almighty. not keep trying to place everything at the feet of women. our sleeping, lost nation seems rather stuck on the all roads lead to the bw. this is out of divine order.



    Genesis 3: 17,19:

    17 And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it; cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life.

    19 In the sweet of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.


    with the engineered to invert the natural order of things feminism agenda...non bw got double cursed. for the most part, due to history+ wage disparities, a lot of bw were already in the workforce. the crafty counsel against the black nation family breakdown simply went next level.

    while other nations joined in the enslavement which built this nation.

  56. unfortunately...there are many in the black sleeping lost nation that leverage what is all bad to their wicked selfish benefit.

    due to depopulation, internal + external, a lot of lost Yahuthim that love sin more than Him, have veritable harems. marrying no one. i don't know what to call it when women do the behavior...

    the DDynasty guy mentioned it. folks fixated on the race + homo aspect of his speaking Scriptures... as the media instructed. menfolk + womenfolk love the sin they are in. as all become more het-ish than actually het. peep the legion of het folks doing homo stuff nonstop to other men, women AND children. if folks are paying attention.

    a few threads back...folks got '08-'09 with the since the bw can become pregnant, ALL responsibility lies with her foolishness. i said nothing in response because i don't like the broken record feeling of it all. said this all before, right here.

    what nation treats their daughters like garbage in staggering numbers? folks like to pretend incest is a white thing. it is not. there are more abandoned little girls that are preyed on that no one seems to care to mention. folks love stats. take a peek. all while pretending poor bw don't already live in rape camp like conditions, with packs of fatherless males running thangs.

    instead of trying to see + address there is instead a degrade sexually meme in full effect targeting bw and girls. in between the nonstop assaults on our images and disrespect in general. been this way for quite some time. page from white supremacy handbook...only administered frequently by quite a few bm and bw. the bl crowd does the most as well. it is a free for all when it comes to bashing bw. let's get real.

    who brags about "pimping" the daughters of their nation?

    mothers are first teachers.


    who decided that this meant bw were solely responsible to teach + reinforce her teachings? there is NOTHING natural about this failed mantra folks seem feverish to keep shouting.

    menfolk are to follow Him, that they might lead effectively. if the government that CLEARLY hates US would give incentive to abandon children...more bm just could not resist that? that would be the one law folks decided to obey. how convenient. that's not a good report my people. add some integration + diversity all day...and bmenfolk wondered on off into the wilderness 40 years ago at least. leaving babies, all blends, in droves in their wake.

    quite a few menfolk are hellbent on doing what they will as the whole of their law. even declaring themselves g-d while they do it. anything goes when you toss His Word out.

    the nasty toned, racist tinged comments to father your children (male + female need their dads) would make more sense if framed with the Law.



    1 Timothy 5:8- But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.

    Leviticus 19:29- Do not prostitute thy daughter, to cause her to be a whore; lest the land fall to whoredom, and the land become full of wickedness.


    notice folks are NOT going to be able to talk about "pimping" some folks' daughters without dire consequences + apologies+++

    years ago i talked about this...

    i give it another shot after reading the comments. this time with Scriptures.

    if one looks, you can see the "fruit" of collective disobedience combined with external enemies' consistent efforts.

    if folks start wailing, i AM committed to ignoring them at this point. we got some double portions of curse to mitigate. i won't go back to '08 for the lates...

    time for folks to wake + stand up in Him on His Word.

    forgive any typos...

  57. Good morning comrades, I wish you all well in the year ahead.

    Focussed Porpoise, I also wish you sanity, or at least a more effective drugs regime.

  58. Anonymous9:52 AM

    "a few threads back...folks got '08-'09 with the since the bw can become pregnant, ALL responsibility lies with her foolishness. i said nothing in response because i don't like the broken record feeling of it all. said this all before, right here."

    FP, just because you said it 4 or 5 years ago (or last week) doesn't make it true.
    This is America, not a third world African country.

    Nobody said that ALL responsibility for black unwed pregnancies rest with black women. But most fair-minded, reasonable people think that it is at least half their fault and, IMO, more than half. After all, only women get pregnant (as everyone knows), not men. In addition, don't women have about 15 (or more) different kinds of birth control?

    FP, You are making excuses for bad behavior on the part of many BW. You are doing the same thing for BW that many black people do on behalf of BM: well, the poor BM had to sell drugs because the white man wouldn't give him a job that paid enough for him to live on. No. This is all wrong.

    STOP making excuses for irresponsibility on ANYBODY'S part. Any woman IN AMERICA who is not retarded knows that having multiple children with multiple men is a bad thing.

    I have NO sympathy for baby daddies, thugs and drug dealers. I also have NO sympathy for baby mamas, whores and thuggettes (is that a word?). Maybe they will all eventually just die out.

  59. focusedpurpose said...

    Pilot X, i know you are a fan of beavis and butthead and other mindless jokers...

    As if we haven't figured that out many many words ago.

    Clean bright articulate african american.

    Unjust racist drug laws by biden.

  60. Anonymous11:01 AM

    fp needs horse anesthesia

  61. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Anon9:52am, "I have NO sympathy for baby daddies, thugs and drug dealers. I also have NO sympathy for baby mamas, whores and thuggettes (is that a word?). Maybe they will all eventually just die out."

    9:52 AM
    Yeah, maybe they will all eventually just die out, like YOU. FYI: you need to re-read and try to get the context of what was said. Basically, as the statistics show, black men abandon their own children, leaving these children "fatherless". It's the bw who gives her child shelter and clothers, not the father.

    It seems to me that people like you do not know about the fracturing of the black family and THAT is the center of the problem in the black community. The second biggest problem is people who think like you do.

  62. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Anonymous said...
    fp needs horse anesthesia

    11:01 AM
    You could use some yourself. Maybe even more.

  63. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Wasn't this post supposed to be about Santa?

  64. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Yes, this post WAS supposed to be about Santa, but you have to understand that FN Negroes often, if not always, miss the point...

  65. Mythical knockout game?

    Doesn't this prove it's real?

    And of course, a double standard.

    Federal authorities said Thursday they have arrested and charged a Texas man in connection with the “knockout game,” accusing him of a hate crime for targeting a black man for a vicious street attack.

    Now that's there is a black victim, federal hate charges can be charged.

  66. @11:43 AM- there is no such thing as santa.

    nor the easter bunny that lays eggs.

    nor the tooth fairy...all of that is whitened, traditional lies. feed the babies lies early...they will grow to love lies like nobody's business + call it "tradition".

    on another level you got tammuz worship remixed for the slower souls that didn't catch the tammuz out, chr-st (more baal) bday in, to make it sound niiice. lol.

    but then reprobate minded souls will swear there is no Almighty either. just a big bang and some evolution from animals. we are g-d, yay! anything 'ole thing goes! not.

    it's about what you choose to believe.

    if you want to discuss santa there is nothing stopping ya.

    i AM thankful my parents, mother especially, nurtured my love for truth.




    i would ask how you managed the testicular fortitude considering your pitiful castrated cow state...

    but seriously.

    i AM not interested in anything you have to say, really. when i see you here you are on the same mess. doing it poorly no less. just getting purple cow steaks taken out of you on the regular.

    when you are take a break from regurgitating + chewing your nonsense to spew it in my direction with disrespect- you don't really add anything of substance for me.

    it appears you like to bicker because it makes you feel smarter. i don't know. can't really honestly say that i care too deeply.

    you are your wife's headache. keep paying the bills and she will let you stay. though you might want to consider; when shtf, intermarriage doesn't really save folks;(

    i don't know where your black folks come from, but i AM sure your black azz could go make a difference for them since you so smart + successful. be productive bm. exactly none of you anywhere on the planet have time to play as much as you give yourselves license. you may want to retire the heathen flow as well. that will clear up a lot of your confusion.

    i AM addressing a topic that you care nothing about...moo on about your castrated, weak, lady boy,princess purple cow.

    or go bicker with others since you like solid kicks to the romp...the usual crew has some for ya;)

    i AM not interested in purple princess cows.

  67. Bill said...

    focusedpurpose said...

    Pilot X, i know you are a fan of beavis and butthead and other mindless jokers...

    As if we haven't figured that out many many words ago.


    to your credit, you have been clear that you are here to play divide + distract the people political games.

    carry on...

  68. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Wow,fp girl,you don't like anybody,and you don't mince words with them either! Girl you got it going on!

    Is there anybody you DO approve of?

  69. Anon 9:52-

    you may need to re-read what was written.

    i AM making excuses for no one. i AM not interested in playing the blame game.

    i AM suggesting men AND women get it together + cut it out.

    there is a segment of the male population that seems to want permission to be men. let me be a man. won't let me be a man. i AM suggesting that more bm will need to follow Him and just be men as created by Him. not this new school madness.

    additionally, i have long advocated that bw stop volunteering to do all the heavy lifting with no reciprocity. the need to change behavior. there are criticisms with even that.

    there is a certain segment of the male population that REALLY does not treat their women well. this notion that folks are supposed to quietly co-sign the true crazy is devilish. everyone calling it is not a bm hater nor basher.

    i mentioned folks with harems never marrying. i did not even mention the ones that have harems + are married. mcnair. recall how that convo went here? there were not too many decent men in the fields willing to address the aftermath of the ball + skirt chaser's decisions. he is just a famous example. folks are doing this regularly. the mcnair family is STILL in turmoil. of course it is the women + children...

    then you got surprised folks that can't figure out how girls that had daddies at the house have daddy issues.

    folks pretend there are no professional, grew up in two parent home pookies.

    men are the covers. they function to keep the enemy out. outside of His large numbers the bm is the enemy or bringing the enemy into the house.

    folks love stats. look. see.

    women in large numbers are volunteering for a great deal of unnecessary burdens. which is what an inverted blessing becomes. folks don't get to enjoy motherhood as much when they are trying to be the daddy as well...

    i don't do gender wars.

    humanity loses.

    throughout time men and women worked together for the well being of the children.

    i AM suggesting folks turn their hearts to Him. the behavior will it is written.

    isn't xmass supposed to be about Him?

  70. Anonymous2:37 PM

    "Yeah, maybe they will all eventually just die out, like YOU. FYI: you need to re-read and try to get the context of what was said. Basically, as the statistics show, black men abandon their own children, leaving these children "fatherless". It's the bw who gives her child shelter and clothers, not the father.

    It seems to me that people like you do not know about the fracturing of the black family and THAT is the center of the problem in the black community. The second biggest problem is people who think like you do."

    I get the "context" of what FP said. I, however, disagree with what she said. Which I have the right to do.

    If a woman wants to have multiple children OOW go right ahead - she has the right to do as she likes in America. But stop blaming "social forces" beyond your control because you chose to have unprotected sex with a bum and be a baby mama. This is a choice in America. No woman has to have sex in America (unless she was raped), no woman has to have a baby (women have more than 15 kinds of birth control) and if she gets pregnant anyway (abortion is legal in America).

    I worked for human services for decades and I have seen the changes in black family life over the years. I know for a FACT that many black women have OOW children because THIS IS HOW THEY MAKE THEIR LIVING. And they are going to keep having OOW children by multiple men until the "social safety net" we've had in place for the last 40 years comes to an end. And this "social safety net" is going to end in the not too distant future.

    From my work with human services, I know that the problem is much worse than 75% (at least) of black children these days are born outside of wedlock. The truth is that most black children who are born out of wedlock these days are born to parents who are NOT in committed relationships with each other. Let me repeat that: most OOW black children today are born to parents who are not committed to each other in ANY way. And both sides usually know this.

    Many black women who have children OOW, typically do not want husbands. They want child support and/or public assistance. These women know what they want.

    BTW, these black women are not giving these children shelter and clothes. The TAXPAYERS are doing that. In the not too distant future, many black people are going to learn the hard way NOT to have children they cannot provide for.

    And I repeat what I said: I hope the baby mamas/baby daddies, whores, drug dealers and thugs/thuggetts DIE OUT! I don't care if you don't like it.

  71. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Anon2:37PM, I hear you. What can I say? Except, I hope others who are in "human" resources don't hate humans the way you do. Is this a "Black" thing?

  72. "Now that's there is a black victim, federal hate charges can be charged."

    Hundreds of black on white knockout victims over the past five years, and law enforcement and the media almost completely avoid the subject, yet one case where it might have been the reverse, and they are all over it.

    Makes you wonder what's going on. Not me though.

  73. Anon 1:53pm-

    i don't know if you are new to the field.

    i actually have Love 1 Cor. 13 style for humanity.

    online one can only feel the spirit from which folks operate.

    the same usual suspects are lining up to take shots at me, because i won't stop speaking about Him. so as they line up...i simply go bowling with His Word/Him + tell them how many more they will need to make this even remotely interesting.

    in a twisted type of way, Bill makes a contribution. all i can do is make sure folks don't forget what his objective is. he told US already.

    the rest experiencing the head crack, don't offer much outside of dissension, distraction, and failed silencing techniques. i have already been exceedingly patient tolerating all types of verbal attack. you came in on the that's about enough of that/verbal whack! part;)


    Anon 2:37pm- AGAIN. i AM not making excuses for anyone.

    seems to me that you want to hate the players and not the game when it comes to bw. while being just as quiet as can be about the role bm refuse to retire in the mayhem.

    i don't even pretend not to know that what you describe exists. on many levels. i have listened to the wm that can't quite figure out how that woman showed up with nothing...yet left with his house + his babies + plus some of his salary for years. modern women are figuring out how not to be submitted to a husband...while still being provided for+ escaping it all by going to work outside of the house. the office, you know when you are done. at home try never!

    while modern men figure out how to copulate with as many women as possible...then whine when they have to pay for the babies that should be the expected outcome. even WITH birth control quite frequently...

    these jokers act like they don't know what they are doing results in babies. in your "human resource" line of work....did ya happen to notice other colored women running the same game?

    what part of folks- MEN and WOMEN needing to knock off all the immorality, turn their hearts + behavior to Him/His Word are you NOT getting?

    did no one ever tell you that women control sex? men control marriage?

    pretend if you want to that there are no social issues/crafty counsel and plans that greatly contribute to what we see if you would like. that will be your business + you will stay locked in your blame game scenario.

    we may agree to disagree.

    your notion that women have GREATER responsibility is silly. THIS is why the courts are wringing silly men OUT.

    women carrying babies by multiple men they are not married to- make as much sense as men making babies by multiple women they would never marry.

    folks can lay the "hook up" cult-ure at the feet of bw if they want to.

    i will still urge bw and bm not to grab a hold of the devil trickbag. the answer is in Him/His Word.

    ps. Anon your voice sounds familiar. so i Understand the tone...


    Anon(s) that have my back:

    much Love!

    blessings all!

  74. "And I repeat what I said: I hope the baby mamas/baby daddies, whores, drug dealers and thugs/thuggetts DIE OUT!"


    i bet this goes double for gay men with hiv?

    or would you just not ever go there, because it is safer to be hateful in other directions?

    we are all sinners...i don't want anybody to perish.

    good day all!

  75. focusedpurpose said...
    Bill makes a contribution. all i can do is make sure folks don't forget what his objective is. he told US already.

    mocking hypocrisy and double standards. The democrat agenda.

  76. Hotep Field Ave Maria Conjo tu eres naughty your naughty and right on LMAO I thought i would fall in the Caribbean!

  77. field negro said...
    Bill, it's Christmas, can't u lose the libertarian talking points for a day?

    Talking about good parents being the difference in life is now a libertarian talking point?

    I agree.

  78. PilotX calling someone he disagrees with racist?

    No one should be shocked.

    Another example of the democrat plantation mentally.

    Call everyone racist and regurgitate massa's lessons of the day.

  79. quote Bill-Oh

    "mocking hypocrisy and double standards. The democrat agenda."

    Well, I'm not. Democrat so I shouldn't speak for them, but why wouldn't you mock hypocrisy and double standards?

  80. GrannyStandingforTruth7:13 PM

    Well Field, no white man came down my chimney. Lucky for him. I keep my carving knives sharper than Zorro's sword and would have carved my name in his red behind, and I'm better than the General Surgeon and Oscar Mayer combined. Raindeer steaks would have been added to the holiday menu.

    Hopefully, he'd get the message and understand the next time to ring the doorbell or knock on the door. I mean it's such a thing as common courtesy and folks just don't barge in on folks uninvited that late at night, especially while I'm cooking. That's a *wink*

  81. lol. only Bill could make me agree with PC.

    i already told folks it was a gift. he did with FN, too;) lol!

    that divide + distract political game sometimes is a backwards hustle, huh, Bill?

    answer that man's question. it is valid.

    ps. i was not mocking you. i AM not here to play political games. i AM here to speak re: the political publication written by Kings for the benefit of Kings, aka the Bible;)

    as soon the Blessed Blacks awake...this whole show will next level. defeated devils know this, already.

    folks are only getting the 1st glimpses as they whine about the media designed to get them all racially worked up.

    while the Pope and the rest worship their Black idols and keep counting their $...

    all roads lead to Rome. for spell, anyways.

  82. GrannyStandingforTruth said...

    Well Field, no white man came down my chimney

    Granny, if you'd let me come down your chimney, you'll never feel cold again.

  83. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Grandpa Woodley, "Granny, if you'd let me come down your chimney, you'll never feel cold again."

    Lord have mercy. Old folks talking and flirting with each other. I bet Granny is blushing.

  84. GrannyStandingforTruth8:18 PM

    Anon 7:49:

    "I bet Granny is blushing."

    You would lose your bet. Grandpa Woodley is not an old man, he is someone trying to be funny. Not amusing to me at all.

  85. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Sorry Granny. I really thought Grandpa Woodley a White old man who represented the post-racial America yet to come.

    They say these days young men go for older women. Maybe that's his thing?

  86. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Dear Field, please remove this post.

    It's been an eff'd up Christmas for me. My woman left me for a gay woman.

    Phil Robertson said the Bible is against such sin. I mean, Phil merely voiced his opinion on homosexual behavior that's how the whole downward sin spiral starts:

    women with women, men with men, then animals.

    Can somebody tell me where this so-called sexual freedom to be with same sex partners ends?

    Now, homosexual families with children? That doesn't feel right. This scene is scary.

    It looks like it's headed to a place where we ought not go. The Bible has warned us.

    And I don't think Phil Robertson, a Christian is getting a fair shake...It's clearly wrong what A&E is doing to him.

    This whole scene is not going to turn out very well for A&E and the LGBT. People are getting fed up. I mean, since 'when' did the LGBT become the policeman of free speech? I noticed the LGBT hasn't said a word about Phil's statement about black folks. Why?

    Because White gays are just like the straight folks when it comes to racism. In fact, they are the biggest racists in the Bay Area, including San Francisco. Bet you don't hear much about that, do you?

  87. Anonymous8:57 PM

    "And I repeat what I said: I hope the baby mamas/baby daddies, whores, drug dealers and thugs/thuggetts DIE OUT!"


    I first heard the above statement several years ago from a STRAIGHT BLACK WOMAN who lives in a suburb of Baltimore, Maryland. She was vehement in her feelings about crack dealers who had overrun her city.

    BTW, I understand that the above statement may sound harsh but if you had seen what I've seen at the Department of Human Services you would know why I feel this way.

    "i bet this goes double for gay men with hiv?

    or would you just not ever go there, because it is safer to be hateful in other directions?

    we are all sinners...i don't want anybody to perish."

    Keep in mind that the majority of people who are infected with HIV on the PLANET are heterosexuals in black Africa.

    I said what I said about drug dealers and thugs, etc., because these activities are against the law. They are engaging in criminal activities. On the other hand, being gay is not against the law in America and neither is being HIV positive.

    You seem to think the problem of black OOW children can be "fixed" if only black men would do ____ fill in the blank. I believe the problem is too far gone to be "fixed". That's a major reason why I said that the "deviants" (thugs, drug dealers, etc.) need to die off. That is the only way I see the problem being "fixed".
    These people are not going to change in most cases. When the "social safety net" ends in the not too distant future, life in so-called black communities is going to get much worse than it already is. It is best to leave (those who haven't already left) "black communities" while you still can.

  88. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Anon8:50p, that's why I am joining the party Bill and Phil are in.

    All this sex stuff is off the charts. Nobody knows shit, these days.

    The only ones making sense are FP and Bill. I apologize to both of you using your names in the same sentence. I 'suspect' you would rather not be spoken about in the same sentence? The thing is, you both speak with knowledge and wisdom. But the message is different and requires discernment.

    The rest of those FN Negroes don't know what the hell they are talking about. That includes PilotX and that purple ass cow in the UK.

  89. FP said... i bet this goes double for gay men with hiv?

    or would you just not ever go there, because it is safer to be hateful in other directions?

    Sis, that was profound, brought me out of my temporary lurking state. Lord knows I was losing patience with that Anony. A true Human dis-Service worker. As the other Anony pointed out... what a hateful bias judgmental person. Makes you go hmmmm. And I hope they no longer work in that field of services.

    Well, it seems that I've missed a lot!!! I am still here cracking up from your comebacks. Why do some folks do that to themselves, lol!!! Chronic gigglers and licensed-overnight man-cows recommending psych medications... hilarious. Any enemy of black womanhood is a enemy of mine. Love ya girl.

    Hey Granny, I saw your other thread response. (Granny you know that I'm such a naughty girl troublemaker, you sure you want your prayers to come true ;p Been busy though, so much has been going on (good things) but I will be back. Take care.


  90. Dear OOW harping Anony, I am not agreeing nor disagreeing and I too am not finding excuses for anyone. But do you actually think such a cycle can be "fixed" or broken by just certain people simply "dying off"? Really? Such hostility. Perhaps more "ignorance" would cease if others hurry die off as well. And what do you think a thug or a thuggette or a deviant looks like?

    Of course homosexuality and/or being a gay white male with AIDS isn't against the law in America. Having OOW babies isn't either, and not only do the "thugs/thugettes/whores/deviants" lions and bears have OOW babies or commit criminal or moral crimes. And you missed her point, or did you. Poor choices in general leads to consequences, but why the open hostility for just a certain group of people and their transgressions?

    "Keep in mind that the majority of people who are infected with HIV on the PLANET are heterosexuals in black Africa. "

    Ohhhhh (In my Cyndi Lauper voice "And I see your true colors shining through...)

  91. GrannyStandingforTruth he is someone trying to be funny. Not amusing to me at all.

    Amusing is my middle name. Let's make this happen.

  92. The Purple Cow said...

    quote Bill-Oh

    "mocking hypocrisy and double standards. The democrat agenda."

    Well, I'm not. Democrat so I shouldn't speak for them, but why wouldn't you mock hypocrisy and double standards?

    If you're not going to speak for them, why not stop defending them?

  93. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Bill@10:15am said to PC,

    "If you're not going to speak for them, why not stop defending them?"

    Thanks for saying to PC what needed to be said a long time ago. PC often contradicts himself. Rarely do any of his words match his behavior.

    On behalf of Field and other silent majoriy Blacks who are afraid to speak up against black people of PC's and PilotX's dark character, I thank you. You are a godsend in white skin, much like FP is a Godsend in black skin.

    Hmmmm.... makes me wonder what all this worldly skin color is about. Does it mean anything? What does it mean to God?

    Bill, may you continue to 'shine the light' on the obvious, because alas!--- Many of us are blind.

    I pray PC will awaken.

  94. Anonymous1:35 PM

    La♥audiobooks said...
    you know that I'm such a naughty girl troublemaker
    10:33 PM
    what you are is an a*****e

  95. @ Bill-

    i AM neither dem nor rep. they are the flip side of the same corrupt coin. been saying this for years. many many many times + even more words;)

    but suddenly you are too slow to be in the know?


    momma said- it is wise to watch whipcrackas...some crumble funny.

    she ain't neva lied on that one.

    so...since you can't help but to be a funny crumbling whipcracka...

    answer the question.

    or cue the crickets and go sit down somewhere with your double standards/hypocrisy + bold face lies by omission all day out here in the fields.

    since the first day you came with your folks speaking His Word don't really believe + seek to convince themselves have been consistent. that much i can appreciate + respect. you are also quite smart.

    so answer PC's valid question + also answer why you would ASSume i AM dem?

    all Black folk are NOT dixiecrats. surely you must know this smart man. or are you just being a bit whipcracker racist as you have funny crumbled before here in the fields?

    i saw clearly also how you couldn't wait to take a shot at AB where there was division due to disrespect. all started by the same het BW hating homo nothing "gay" in the true sense man on the thread STILL doing too much. quoting hysterical or dumb BW supposedly while spewing abominable hatred against BW. that defeated joker gets another personalized comment. lol. so, it will be my pleasure to keep clocking + lighting you up in her honor;)

    self confessed, divide + distract the people, political game playing, defeated pale devil you. lol.

    told you from jump that as soon as white folks stand up and loudly proclaim the Truth- that they are Edom + their birthright are all it is written. you know, i even took the time to post in its entirety the book of Obadiah. do you need Micah, Jeremiah, Revelation++++ too? you read. get familiar.

    until more of ya'll do THAT with EACH OTHER and PLEASE get the "semite" impostors together with you. they're Edom, too.

    until that happens- over here throwing barbs/back handed info at sleeping bfolk = exercise in patience for me. you can't be both for AND against anything. there is no service of two masters. that would be double standards/hypocrisy + you get spewed out lukewarm. that's what's written. that's how i know + see you.


    i keep telling you devils, ON SIGHT take out!

    but that's not meek. nor permitted.

    'ole Bill on a beat or two behind background moonwalk dance as well;) you know how ya'll do hip hop. lol. notice you couldn't help the pile on. lol. all nice, polite but nevertheless. "mighty" white with it...

    see...some of US are wide awake + see clearly + cant.lose. because it is written and we have the Faith to Believe Him over what we think we are seeing. speaking His Word is aka Obedience to His Word.

    i find you funny Bill.

    Anon that mentioned it- it is a compliment to be in the company of good 'ole, never miss an opportunity, worldly wise whipcracka Bill.

    Bill, you may rest assured i will continue to Light you up for the folks that can't see you clearly, just yet;)

    now answer the question, already. this is the 2nd time in YEARS that PC has said something that makes sense.

    what you got Bill?


    forgive any typos...

  96. Anon 1:35pm-

    are you familiar with the old wisdom nugget of takes one to know one?

    if not you may want to get familiar and know that as i call you out...i call sinner saved by grace self out + give you that much needed mercy clue.

    you might want to take that attack my fam- sis no less- name calling nonsense elsewhere. before you collect a freshly ripped one of those thingys you just called my fam.


  97. Anonymous4:02 PM

    focusedpurpose said...
    those thingys you just called my fam.
    3:40 PM

    drop dead


  98. heavenly Father...i pray that you will give me a triple portion of Act Right as i deal with this hateful, defeated, distracted, double talking, hates bw + their babies demon.

    i ask that Messiah Himself pray for me.

    they are coming for the babies Almighty. you know what this does to my soul.

    "die out". THIS is what the devil wants for US. for your people Almighty. we are all sinners. it is ONLY your mercy + grace that allows any of US salvation.

    this devil targets the Eves.

    bridle my tongue. allow me to be pleasingly meek with my mind on You/Your Word. help me not to go first for the serpent head crush. give me greater patience + love. i AM with you + want what you want which is that NONE of yours should perish. i love humanity.

    + your Word, which tells me plainly:



    Leviticus 19:18- Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself: I am the Sovereign.

    1 Samuel 2: 8-10

    8 He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory; for the pillars of the earth are the Sovereign's and he hath set the world upon them.

    9 He will keep the feet of his saints, and the wicked shall be silent in darkness; for by strength shall no man prevail.

    10 The adversaries of the Sovereign shall be broken to pieces; out of heaven shall he thunder upon them: the Sovereign shall judge the ends of the earth; and he shall give strength unto his king, and exalt the horn of his anointed.


    i ain't got no worries;) perfect peace indeed...


    @ Anon 8:57pm

    "I first heard the above statement several years ago from a STRAIGHT BLACK WOMAN who lives in a suburb of Baltimore, Maryland. She was vehement in her feelings about crack dealers who had overrun her city."

    that's great.

    copying BW while you hate US simultaneously. you are not alone in this practice.

    no compliment taken.

    only a catch up + copy right is in order. are quoting distressed, emotional bw as they addressed drug dealers?

    what has that to do with women, all colors, having babies oow since their men won't marry them? which you SURELY must have encountered other colored women with the same m.o.+ flow in the line of work you were CLEARLY ill suited to do? why no mention?

    is it your position that poor women are all on a hustle? or might they be hard wired as women to mate and give life?

    sometimes things don't go as planned. should there be nothing there to help the poor?

    just as blessings are can't wrap your brain around the concept of generational curses?

    no human compassion nor understanding for women and children?


    folks act like abandoned daughters evaporate. folks act like the legion of raped women (check the stats and come again with your nonsense if you really are just the defeated devil.) don't become mothers.

    what gives?

    IF we got $ for nonstop wars...surely there is $ for the poor?

    side step if you want to.

    take it to the african continent like you don't know those people are being deliberately plagued with aids + other daily suffering.

    resource pillaging pale devils seem to want to rape the continent without the inconvenience of running into africans. however, i AM not discussing africa nor africans. you weren't either until you got hemmed up.


    come on back to america. stay fixated on american BW for some time more, since you want to bring this fixated hatred to me for discussion. you got my attention.

    let's discuss this.

    first stop in discussion: don't lie on me. i make excuses for no one.

    answer the questions i asked if you feel bold.

  99. lol @ "drop dead"...

    mumbling zombies = comedy

  100. focusedpurpose said...
    @ Bill-
    so answer PC's valid question + also answer why you would ASSume i AM dem?

    I don't see you defending Biden's comment about Obama being the first bright clean articulate African American. The same Biden that was behind the blacks go to jail for crack, whites get a wrist slap for powder law.

    I might not agree with you, I don't see you speaking out of both sides of your mouth.

    If PurpleCow isn't a democrat (assuming he was an American), what plank of the democrat agenda does he not agree with?

  101. Anonymous10:12 PM

    "If PurpleCow isn't a democrat (assuming he was an American), what plank of the democrat agenda does he not agree with?"

    The truth is PC agrees with the entire dem agenda. that's why he doesn't answer.
