Wednesday, December 18, 2013

I be tellin em to go back to Africa, boss.

So this Negro Mychal Massie (I think that's Mychal on the left) believes that other Negroes should be happy to be in America, and if they don't like it they can go back to Africa.
Throughout his house induced diatribe he speaks of "they" when referring to black people as if he wants to get as far away from all things black as possible. (I saw your pic my brother; you ain't going anywhere anytime soon. Bruce Jenner's plastic surgeon couldn't help you. You better ride this black thing out. But I digress.)
Sadly---- and this is probably my own shortcoming when it comes to this subject kicking in--- this is the type of Negro that I see and envision when I think of the Negro conservative. So full of self-hate and contempt for his own people that it makes him almost a caricature of a real human being. His jigging and buffoonery to please his white conservative masters is almost cartoonish in its ignorance.
Why shouldn't black people --who have issues with how America is being run-- be able to state their criticisms and objections as loudly and vociferously as those in the majority population? Would he tell an Irishman to go back to Ireland if he had issues with America? Rhetorical question. Of course not.
I need to remind my jigging friend that the Negro has just as much stake in America has everyone else. The blood and sweat of his ancestors helped to build this country, and the tears of his ancestors helped to shape her moral compass in the right direction. 
If the Negro feels that America is not living up to her assertion and grandiloquence of her claim of exceptionalism, why should the Negro just put his head down, say woe is me, and sing Kumbaya with his neighbors?
To an ignorant Negro like Massie, America is like a retail store, (this was his actual analogy so I will play along) and the Negro is like a bad customer who cannot be satisfied. What he suggests is that America tells the bad customer (the Negro) that maybe he cannot be helped and that his "interests would be best served elsewhere".
Of course he is wrong.
In my analogy the Negro is a part owner of the store and he should have a say in how it is run.
The store has a lot of unhappy customers (black and white) and as part owner in the store, the Negro, has every right to say that the customer just might be right. (h/t Robert G)
Penitence has been made for slavery and Jim Crow. But, not unlike the retail customer who refuses to be satisfied, I believe there comes a time when we must give those who refuse to be satisfied the option of going elsewhere. Yes, I’m saying what you think I am saying. If, despite, America’s best efforts, blacks argue they are not treated fairly, that they are not given the same opportunity to succeed that whites are, if bad decisions that result in bad outcomes are the fault of white society, why stay here?
If blacks are so mistreated, if the realities of life that beset people of every description are more onerous because of white people here in America, why stay?

Penitence has been made for slavery and Jim Crow. But, not unlike the retail customer who refuses to be satisfied, I believe there comes a time when we must give those who refuse to be satisfied the option of going elsewhere. Yes, I’m saying what you think I am saying. If, despite, America’s best efforts, blacks argue they are not treated fairly, that they are not given the same opportunity to succeed that whites are, if bad decisions that result in bad outcomes are the fault of white society, why stay here?
If blacks are so mistreated, if the realities of life that beset people of every description are more onerous because of white people here in America, why stay?

Penitence has been made for slavery and Jim Crow. But, not unlike the retail customer who refuses to be satisfied, I believe there comes a time when we must give those who refuse to be satisfied the option of going elsewhere. Yes, I’m saying what you think I am saying. If, despite, America’s best efforts, blacks argue they are not treated fairly, that they are not given the same opportunity to succeed that whites are, if bad decisions that result in bad outcomes are the fault of white society, why stay here?
If blacks are so mistreated, if the realities of life that beset people of every description are more onerous because of white people here in America, why stay?

Penitence has been made for slavery and Jim Crow. But, not unlike the retail customer who refuses to be satisfied, I believe there comes a time when we must give those who refuse to be satisfied the option of going elsewhere. Yes, I’m saying what you think I am saying. If, despite, America’s best efforts, blacks argue they are not treated fairly, that they are not given the same opportunity to succeed that whites are, if bad decisions that result in bad outcomes are the fault of white society, why stay here?
If blacks are so mistreated, if the realities of life that beset people of every description are more onerous because of white people here in America, why stay?



  1. Anonymous7:37 PM

    It's as though he's saying, it's not going to change so either stop complaining or leave!

    Great post! If a tad sad! How sad that he, himself a black ma,should berate his brothers this way!

    He belongs on the sidebar HNOTD !

  2. Really! No mention of the tea baggers and loud conservatives who claim 'merica is doomed especially after we elected a mooslim socialist. Why not tell them to leave too? I think you hit the self hate thing on the head. Clarence Thomas is one of the most miserable fellows on the planet when he should be grateful to have the position he does. Allen West is another. Thing is Masse has always been marginaized and this might just get him a guest sopt on Fox. He is the second type of conservative negro, the opportunist. I wish him luck on his attempt to get some ink. We all have a job to do.

  3. Speaking of analogies:

    If America were a restaurant, black America would be the party of five who had to wait an hour and a half for the table next to the men's restroom and then wait around for a server who studiously ignores them while taking everyone else's orders, only to be told to kindly piss off and dine elsewhere if they don't like the service shortly after wondering aloud if that server would ever stop to take their order.

    Massie's apparent ideal is for black America to patiently wait and wait and wait until its almost closing and the server finally takes their order, but most of the menu items are gone and whatever's left is half-cooked and unceremoniously dumped into a takeout bag, which is then plopped down on the table by a now-smirking server whose smirk disappears when black America rightfully refuses to leave a tip. "How typical," she says...

    "It is THEIR OWN FAULT they decided to show up without a reservation," mutters the conservative couple a few tables over, nevermind how black America spent hours trying to get one only to be told again and again that there weren't any tables available, even if the restaurant is huge and half-empty nearly all of the time. "They did it to themselves. Besides, it was years ago they couldn't even set foot in the joint, so why are they complaining now?" say the libertarians across the aisle. "It's all in the past - they should be grateful."

    When black America wants to improve the service they get from America, the land of the free drink refills and the home of endless breadsticks, the management trots out guys like Massie to tell the uppity customers to stop whining and dine someplace else if they don't like how things are. Massie gets brownie points from conservative customers and the chance to take a few of those breadsticks home if he likes, but only if he asks management for permission first.

  4. "I be tellin em to go back to Africa, boss."

    Field be tellin em to stay on the Democrat plantation.

    Field, what about your jigging and buffoonery?

    You jump and jigg anytime your white liberal masters tell you to.

    You refuse to hold Obama and Democrats to the same standards you hold Republicans.

    Ok Field. Start stating your criticisms and objections to the Obama administration and Democrats.

    You can start next post. I know you won't.

    When Obama/Democrats tell you to sit down and shut up-you will do just that.

  5. When did you met Clarence Thomas? Allen West?

    Oh right, you know this because dats what be said on da plantation.

  6. "When did you met Clarence Thomas? Allen West?"

    I know ignorant conservatives don't read much but there are things called books, further there are things called autobiographies. Maybe if you read a book every once on a while you wouldn't be so ignorant but I can tell by your posts and handle you are pretty dense.

  7. Funny, the GOP looks more like a plantation to me. I mean it's full of white southern males in all the key leadership positions and has very few women and people of color except for the lackey "massa treats us well so why are you complaining" negroes like Massey. What blah person, or any person for that matter, want to be associated with the modern Republican party? Oh that's right, because in the fucking 1800's they made small attempts to appear to care about negroes. How about that whole great compromise thing. When was it 1870 I think? Yeah, thanks for nothing gop.

  8. Pretty dense? Ignorant conservatives?

    Coming from someone who depends on his Democrat massa to tell him what to think?

    Look in the mirror. And stop regurgitating leftwing talking points.

  9. "Maybe if you read a book every once on a while you wouldn't be so ignorant but I can tell by your posts "

    Yes, and maybe if he would actually read this blog every now and then he would see criticism of both democrats AND O.

    But hey, what's that saying? "What a fool believes he sees"?

  10. Anonymous9:02 PM

    you might as well go back, amurca is set to go belly up. then, the whites who've been sustaining filled-negroes won;t be able to feed y'all no mo'.

  11. Anonymous10:32 PM

    PilotX, "Really! No mention of the tea baggers and loud conservatives who claim 'merica is doomed especially after we elected a mooslim socialist. Why not tell them to leave too?"

    You miss the point completely. Besides, you wrongly think this country was founded by Blacks and Whites. It was not. Whites discovered this land and fought England for freedom. It was the Whites who wrote the Constitution. It was the Whites who brought the great religion called Christianity. Hell, Africans were still doing the Watusi for their religion. Finally, it was the Whites who fought and died over freeing the slaves.

    Some of you Negroes on the Democratic plantation need to get a grip, and free yourselves, which means you need to free your imprisoned minds. Mychal Massie has a point, a very good point.

    Field, you are all wet with this post. You have just proved Massie's point by whining and complaining AGAIN.

  12. "Coming from someone who depends on his Democrat massa to tell him what to think?"

    Who is my democrat massa pray tell? And who is your republicon massa? At least the dems aren't run by old white southern males like a real plantation. At minimum the dems have a blah plantation boss. I don't take orders from white folks son. Them days are ovah.

  13. "Coming from someone who depends on his Democrat massa to tell him what to think?"

    And how much you wanna bet you vote rebulicon more than I do dem. But hey dumb folks tend to stick together so you need somewhere to go I guess.

    "It was the Whites who brought the great religion called Christianity. Hell, Africans were still doing the Watusi for their religion. Finally, it was the Whites who fought and died over freeing the slaves."

    Sad thing is there are stupid people who believe shit like this.

  14. "To the four million former slaves in the South, the Compromise of 1877 was the “Great Betrayal." Republican efforts to assure civil rights for the blacks were totally abandoned. The white population of the country was anxious to get on with making money. No serious move to restore the rights of black citizens would surface again until the 1950s."

    Thanks republicons, forever stabbing blah folks in the back.

  15. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Do we know him??? Sounds sooo familiar. Right?

    the "Duck Commander's" quotes.
    "Everything is blurred in what's right and wrong," he complained. "Sin becomes fine." The Louisiana-based entrepreneur clarified: "Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there — bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men."

    The devout Christian then paraphrased a biblical passage: "Don't be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers — they won't inherit the kingdom of God ... Don't deceive yourself. It's not right." veeeeeeery familiar...hmmmmmmmmmmmm...

    By golly, yes I think we do know him!!! ;*p

  16. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Who? Louis Farrakhan?

    I give up.

  17. Anonymous11:35 PM

    Desert, who the eff is he?

  18. A fact in retail is that there ultimately comes a time when you are unable to satisfy a customer who insists on being irrational and/or unwilling to accept what is being done for them or what is being offered to them. – Mychal Massie

    When the greatness and gloriousness of black people’s history, not only in this country, but across the globe is combed through and revealed, it’s certainly irreducible to a passel of mere customers attempting to make a purchase with a hostile merchant at the helm. Only an uncouth, ass kissing, groveling Negro would say such putative sheer folly. You would’ve come across as somewhat of a more truthful person if you had just stated that the plight of black men in Amerikkka is akin to that of general captives. And last but not least, your postulate that blacks are mere angry customers in Babylon Amerikkka is definitely without merit. Sssshhhh, … captives are never happy, except for you Massie!

    When you have exhausted all efforts to accommodate said customer, you apologize and politely offer that it is apparent that despite your best efforts you are unable to satisfy them. And you suggest that perhaps their interests would be best served elsewhere. – Mychal Massie

    Since when it’s been the common protocol to treat your customers as indentured slaves, chattel slaves and later as second-class citizens? Neither one of these unfortunate statuses are an accommodation of any sort to black folks. My advice to you Massie, is to read, read, read and learn your history. Only an incompetent, unconscious fool gilded with Amerikkkan Konservatism would speak of his own people in such an indifferent manner. Therefore, quit being a burlesque, albeit, mild form of contemporary Stepin Fetchit!

    I don’t claim to be number 1, … oh, I lied, … I’m number 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 – Rapper KRS One

  19. the real jews are black11:39 PM

    when a white man tells me to go back to africa. i tell him ok i will when you gho back to the cave 's you came from cave man.

  20. Anonymous11:49 PM

    Black Sage, I am miffed at your thinking. It is off the rails. Nevertheless, I DO rate you as #1...#1 moronic imbecile.

    I swear. Some of you FN Negroes are so far gone no one can help you, not even God.

  21. Anonymous11:51 PM

    It's so nice to be not bothered by that purple-ass cow in the UK. Has everyone noticed how much nicer the atmosphere is without PC's bullshit?

  22. Anon @ 11:49, you may exit the closet any time now. It's common knowledge these days that some people have acute identity issues!

  23. Anonymous12:11 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Desert, who the eff is he?
    11:35 PM
    Go to the link and read the entire article. Then you'll know! :)))

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. So is Mr. Massie cashing in? I jest. I'm sure there's a ready market for what he's selling. But he isn't even pretending to talk to black people -his target audience looks like a ludifisk (delicious by the way) feed. Anyway.... I wonder how many black writers/speakers the KKKonservosphere can absorb before they hit that scary "group of black people" tripwire?

  26. PilotX reads much? He knows books?

    "Clarence Thomas is one of the most miserable fellows on the planet when he should be grateful to have the position he does. Allen West is another."

    Where did you learn this from?

    The democrat plantation doesn't exist. There is no group think or herd mentality among black folks. Yet, field and other posters here attack blacks who dare think,act, feel different than they do.

    They want to call out the "jigging and buffoonery" of others, while jigging and buffooning for their white democrat masters.

    Doesn't make sense. I know. So goes life on the plantation.

  27. BARBBF9:42 AM

    Sometimes we forget what our parents and their parents went through. Sometimes I remember.


    Stony the road we trod,
    bitter the chast'ning rod,
    felt in the day that hope unborn had died;
    yet with a steady beat,
    have not our weary feet,
    come to the place on witch our fathers sighed?
    we have come over a way that with tears has been watered,
    we have come, treading our path through the blood of the slaughtered,
    out from the gloomy past, till now we stand at last
    where the white gleam of our star is cast.


    My own great-grandmother was a slave on the Sudley Plantation in Maryland. She ran away when she was 7 months pregnant and made it to Washington in 1865 so her child could be born free. Sudley Plantation still exists. One of my friends asked if I wanted to go and visit it, I told her only if I had enough money to buy it and burn it down.

  28. Republicans Freeing Slaves said: “They want to call out the "jigging and buffoonery" of others, while jigging and buffooning for their white democrat masters. Doesn't make sense. I know. So goes life on the plantation.”

    Sageman signing in as Rethuglicans: Having Negroes to Crawl Back onto the Plantation, this time, forever!

    I’ll propose the same elementary question to you as I did two posts ago to another adamant Rethuglican (of which I never received a reply): “How or why is it beneficial for blacks to vote as a Konservative and be a bonafide Rethuglican???.... I’ll patiently await your reply, allow me to commence my stop watch!

  29. Anonymous11:14 AM

    BS, I have given you answers again and again. I shall not do it again. If you can't read or hear the answers, then that's just too bad. However, considering you want to justify voting Democrat with your "sacred" vote, no answer will be sufficient for you or your Dem plantation fellows.

  30. Thank you nincompoop at 11:14; ... pardon me, I meant to say Anon at 11:14am. Just like I presupposed, an answer enveloped with complete EMPTINESS!

    By the way, since your empty answer qualifies as a non sequitur, my stop watch is stiil running. Tick, tock, tick, tock ........

  31. Really B.S.? You need someone to explain to you why it would be beneficial for blacks to be opened minded?

    You need someone to explain to you why it's bad to automatically vote for one party(no matter who the candidate is)?

    You are a perfect example of the herd mentality.

    Blacks sit back and watch Democrat policies and corruption destroy the city of Detroit. Yet blacks will continue to vote Democrat.

    Blacks sit back and watch Democrat policies and corruption result in more Americans being killed in Chicago than in Iraq. Yet blacks will still vote Democrat. Blacks did rename Chicago "Chiraq".

    Democrat policies and corruption have resulted in the most poverty stricken, high crime, areas in this country. Yet blacks will still vote Democrat.

    Democrats have sentenced more innocent blacks to prison and death row, yet blacks will still vote Democrat.

    Black poverty rates and black homelessness is up.

    Black incomes are down. Black unemployment is up, yet Obama enjoys a 87% approval rating among blacks.

    Tis the season for elections. Dems/Reps will make whites,hispanics, and asians happy with promise of toys for all.

    The one group missing?

    Blacks. No toys for you.

    Don't like it? You will be told to sit down and shut up.

    I don't hear Dems/Reps telling whites,hispanics or asians to "sit down and shut up".

    Santaticians know how you're going to vote. No need to know if you've been naughty or nice.

  32. Rethuglicans: Having Negroes to Crawl Back onto the Plantation Forever said: "Democratic policies and corruption have resulted in the most poverty stricken, high crime areas in this country."

    Perhaps you misunderstood the question. I didn't ask you about Democratic faults. Allow me to reiterate the original proppsed question.


    You Rethugs seem to be incapable of performing at a top shelf level in terms of getting your ideological point across and in the process are doing the Rethuglican brand quite a disservice or in other words, irreparable harm.

  33. field negro said...
    Yes, and maybe if he would actually read this blog every now and then he would see criticism of both democrats AND O.

    It's hard to believe that you actually made a discouraging comment about Obama.... way back in 2009. My how times have changed.

    Your post about harry reid back in 2010, I didn't see any of the vitriol you use for other racists.
    Your blog posts make it very clear the phrase you would use for a black right-winger being friends with someone that made a racist comment, house negro. Yet, you didn't label Obama as such. You know Obama, he's the guy that doesn't look or talk like the african americans that harry reid knows.
    And to think biden said Obama was the first clean bright articulate african american and got away with it.

  34. Anonymous3:12 PM

    wass wrong wit africa y'all? das da muddaland- dontch'all be dissing on da muddland. word.

  35. Anonymous3:12 PM

    wass wrong wit africa y'all? das da muddaland- dontch'all be dissing on da muddland. word.

  36. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Bill, "Your blog posts make it very clear the phrase you would use for a black right-winger being friends with someone that made a racist comment, house negro. Yet, you didn't label Obama as such. You know Obama, he's the guy that doesn't look or talk like the african americans that harry reid knows.
    And to think biden said Obama was the first clean bright articulate african american and got away with it."

    I hesitate to agree with you because one of three things will happen:
    1. They will accuse you of writing this comment yourself.
    2. They will call me a HN.
    3. They will call me

    Regardless, I co-sign with your comment @1:54pm...100%.

    While you are a respectful in your responses, I am not when it comes to a BOLD-FACE LIE by Field. I have been on this blog for years, and he is a one-dimensional prejudiced thinker when it comes to politics.

    Everyone, and I mean everyone knows Field is an Obamaholic right or wrong. Except, 99% of the time he sees Obama as faultless. Field can't even bring himself to face the truth that Obama doesn't give a damn about Blacks in America.

    Of course, Field will give him a pass on the premise that 'Obama is a politician'. We've all heard that sickening rationale from him time and time again. Not having the moral potency to do the right thing is always excused, because 'Obama is a politician'.

    I agree with BIB also. This President should be held to 'high standards' by Blacks. Instead, he has been held by very low standards to NO standards at all.

  37. Top shelf level? Your level barely makes it off the floor.

    Which is why you missed my point.

    The black community wouldn't be in the said shape it is in if blacks were opened minded and voted Republican.

    Detroit wouldn't be bankrupt. Chicago wouldn't be Chiraq.

    When you have two political parties fighting for your vote- you have clout. Without clout, you will always be slaves of the democrat party.

  38. Good post Bill.

    It's laughable to suggest that FN holds Democrats and Republicans to the same standards.

    FN is nothing more than a demagogue. A black mans Bill O'Reilly.

  39. uptownsteve6:33 PM

    Republican Goober,

    In case you didn't notice, we Democrats just won the 2nd of 2 consecutive national elections.

    And you really don't want to talk about standards, do you?

    Under Bush there were 7 Benghazis. 54 Americans killed.

    Where was all the Republican outrage?

  40. I really didnt want to wade into the muck regarding "So Called" Back Conservatives...but STEPHEN is really forcing my hand with this foolish post about a Republican Uncle Tom....

    and people thought Uncle Toms only existed in the Republican Party....

    Let me give you an example...

    Al Sharpton is a Uncle Tom to me

    He could go into the same category as a Republican like Allen West

    The issues that should be out on the forefront with a Black president dont even get addressed , and if they are just small amounts of lip service or political capital is used to fix SOME of the problems facing Black America.

    Case in point...
    Mass Incarceration...

    Has O-bomber even said the word??
    (Please dont bring up that weak fake "Fair Sentencing Act" )

    STEPHEN is QUICK to point to some obscure blogger begging to be taken in by FOX , and he equates him with ALL Black Conservatives... Go figure...

    So Black Conservatives who vote third party are just lumped together with self hating attention seeker bloggers?

    All because they dont prescribe to the HERD mentality of other Black Democratic voters...??


    being a Black Conservative doesn't mean you automatically align with the Republican Party..

    For me the label "Black Conservative" means being Conservative on financial issues..
    and Liberal on social issues...

    Case in point... Gay marriage...

    Let em have it

    Cannabis Legalization...

    Let em have it

    Military Spending should be the first on the chopping block...

    Slap a 1% tax on all derivative transactions from Wall St to fund a single payer health care system...

    I call you an Uncle Tom... STEPHEN cause you wont call out O-Bomber for making the last minute Satan Sandwich Deals with Republicans...

    Allowing Gitmo to stay open

    Trying to keep secret the details of the Trans Pacific Partnership Deal

    Signing of the NDAA

    Incessant expansion of Drone Bombing

    I mean the list goes on and on...

    but you NEVER fail to constantly point your finger at Weird Racist ideologues that


  41. Anonymous7:35 PM

    BIB, thank you. I co-sign with you. It's good to know we have discerning thinking brothers like you.

    As for Field, he thinks non-discerning and non-analytically, but he calls his thinking FACTS. I have come to the conclusion that he is who he is. He is doing the best he can do. He sees what he sees. And that's too bad because he will never see Obama for who he is, despite the horrid killings and LIES that Obama does.

    Brother Field still has yet to learn how to actually 'see'. However, he isn't the only one on FN who can't see. PilotX is constantly mistaking his ignorance for knowledge. I can't find the words to describe PC...must be that wet fog in the UK that has damaged him psychologically, emotionally and certainly

  42. Barbbf, BIB, and Anon @ 7:35pm-

    i hear you all;)

    folks inviting Black Americans to go "back" to anywhere are doing their best overseer impression.

    i guess they never heard the tale of the Black slave catcher...

    must be a southern thing;)

    since gentiles masquerading as Hebrews stomp around occupying the set apart promised lands...i AM going to wait for Him. folks inviting me to go someplace else..are free to hold their breaths waiting...



    KJV Genesis 15: 13-14

    13 And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years;

    14 And also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge: and afterward shall they come out with great substance.

    see it again (confirmed) in the book of KJV Acts 7:6-7.

    how folks feel about what is their personal business. it is written and shall come to pass either way;) Black Americans have as much right to be in America as anyone else.

    bickering over corrupt, compromised political parties = bread + circus.

  43. FP said: "bickering over corrupt, compromised political parties = bread + circus."

    Thank you FP, enough said! By the way, I like your blog.

  44. You can clearly see the agenda O-Bomber is concerned with ...

    He is hell bent on making a statements about social issues....

    but on the flip side the agency's he controls just keep inching closer , and closer to remove privacy in all avenues...

    The panel of experts appointed by President Obama to review NSA surveillance have finalized their review and the recommendation was for the NSA to UNDERMINING Encryption standards...

    From this perspective hes really pushing the homosexuality issue to the hilt ...


    he wants to allow the NSA more leverage in regards to spying on Americans

    The games go on and on.....

  45. Anonymous8:33 PM

    As always, I appreciate your comments. I learn from them. I don't know why I forget and slip at times involving myself in mickey mouse bs, but I still do(sigh). I still have much more work to do as far as staying focused on HIM. I recognize there is something wrong with me because I keep missing the mark.

    Nevertheless, I get back up and proceed on towards the mark. For me, it's not how many times I fall down, it's whether I get back up!

    Thank you, Focus.

  46. uptownsteve? Is that really you?

    When did you get out?

    Whatever happen to your girl mold?

  47. So BLACKISCLUELESS, are you a conservative?

    Oh BTW, here are some FACTS for you.,0,4431037.story

  48. "Democrats have sentenced more innocent blacks to prison and death row, yet blacks will still vote Democrat."

    No Dems such as Danny Davis are introducing legislation to help ex offenders get back on their feet. And what pray tell are Republicans doing to stop this issue you seem to be so concerned about? I haven't seen ONE attempt to change the makeup of blah deathrow inmates have you? Please, share the repub plan so I can think about voting for them.

  49. I knew you would pull that story out...

    If he can commute a few drug sentences...

    he can surely allow the Rules of the "Fair Sentencing Act" to apply retroactively to sentences prior to 2010

    All he had to do was allow a Supreme Court ruling to stand...

    Why fight so forcefully against an expansion to a policy his administration enacted?

    Its always teeny tiny baby steps towards a "Black Agenda" , and Ginormous Strides towards another groups agenda.

    Always half hearted..a day late , and a dollar short for the 95% of his constituency...

    NOT to worry... Two states have enacted policies that reject the Obama administrations current policy regarding Cannabis , and the possession, and sale of it.

    60-75% of drug cartel money is derived from that black market substance...

    Yet for some reason our Justice Dept cant seem to stop Big Banks like Wells Fargo , and HSBC to stop laundering the illicit profit...

    Gee I wonder Why ??

    More states to follow in can definitely bank on that...

  50. So BLACKISCLUELESS, are you a conservative?

    Why must you constantly request re explanations of what I just told you ...?

    If you would like to label me a conservative.. then by all means your welcome to do so..

    Just dont try and slap some Republican gobbleygook next to it...

  51. I thought so.

    PilotX, you have been vindicated.

  52. "The black community wouldn't be in the said shape it is in if blacks were opened minded and voted Republican.

    Detroit wouldn't be bankrupt. Chicago wouldn't be Chiraq.

    When you have two political parties fighting for your vote- you have clout. Without clout, you will always be slaves of the democrat party."

    Actually the blah community would be in worse shape if the repubs had any more power than they do. You talk of Detroit and Chicago as if the entire poulations of both cities are empoverished and on welfare when in both cases you have middleclass folk who are doing well. If you want to reduce an area and political party to its lowest elements why not ask yourself why poor whites vote repub in Mississippi, Texas, Alabama and other poor states with high concentrations of uneducated poor whites? Not to play tit for tat but your questions beg for a broader examination of just "Detroit bad". I know that is the mental level of most repubs but you miss the obvious connection to your own party. Why not ask a blah person why we vote the way we do instead of using senseless false projections?
    This is my biggest problem with repubs/conservatives. They make assumptions about situations and areas they know nothing about and then place their own ideas on others. You have no clue as to most of our situations and thus are not qualified to give us advice. Clean up your own porches before judging others.

  53. uptownsteve9:59 AM

    Whassup Field? I see you are still playing host to the usual gang of losers, racists, erection repellents anon aholes.

    Black is Beautiful...In case you didn't notice Obama just commuted the sentences of 3 black men harshly sentenced for crack possession and he definitely has addressed the problem of mass incarceration. But don't let facts interrupt your rants.

  54. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Can't say this is the "greatest country in the world", but do honestly believe it damn sure is the most mentally deranged country on the planet. These days, no one's working with a full deck!!!!!

  55. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Hotep Field:

    Bottom line as long as Afrikans keep kissing the craks (my spellings ) of dirty crakkas and other trolls OH well!
    Keep doing what you do keep getting what you get
    We are in Cuba until Jan AND YES we can get online.. its not what you know its who you know
