Thursday, December 19, 2013


Let me say for the record right now; the Duck Dynasty dude probably should have not been suspended. He is on that network and pulling ratings because he is an ignorant redneck, so to suspend him reeks of Inspector Louis Renault from Casablanca. What kind of enlightened pearls of wisdom do you think would come out of the mouth of a guy like that?

Still, having said that, I find it rather amusing and somewhat interesting that he was suspended for his ignorant and despicable comments about Gays, but all we hear are crickets when it comes to his statements about black folks down in Louisiana.

 "..never, with my eyes, saw the mistreatment of any black person," Robertson is quoted in GQ. "Not once. Where we lived was all farmers. The blacks worked for the farmers. I hoed cotton with them. I’m with the blacks, because we’re white trash. We’re going across the field.... They’re singing and happy. I never heard one of them, one black person, say, ‘I tell you what: These doggone white people’—not a word!... Pre-entitlement, pre-welfare, you say: Were they happy? They were godly; they were happy; no one was singing the blues.” [Source]

Nope, they weren't happy. Mrs. Field's dear granddaddy (may his soul rest in peace) told me so.

Maybe these comments about black folks aren't getting a rise out of folks because quite a few people in the majority population agree with him.

But I can assure you that there was nothing to be happy about in pre- civil rights and Jim Crow Louisiana.

Do you see where Phil is going? He lumps in "entitlement" and "welfare" with civil rights. Nice.

Of course, as is to be expected, this has started a culture war. Sarah Palin and her peeps over at Fox News are supporting the Duck man. (An ignorant bigot will get their support every time.) They think that he is being unfairly treated for speaking his mind. But these same people wanted Martin Bashir fired for speaking his mind about Sarah Palin.  Go figure.

Unbelievably, the governor of the state of Louisiana is supporting the Duck Man as well. I wonder how the blacks in his state feel about that.

Anyway, here comes the NAACP letter:

"We want to be clear why Phil Robertson’s remarks are not just dangerous but also inaccurate. Mr. Robertson claims that, from what he saw, African Americans were happier under Jim Crow. What he didn’t see were lynching and beatings of black men and women for attempting to vote or simply walking down the street"

Yes, but at least they had music.




  1. FN, why didn't you mention the fact many Democrats are choosing to support Phil over the gay mafia?

    FN is right about one thang-

    "(An ignorant bigot will get their support every time.)"

  2. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Indeed Field. He's one of those Bible spouting, Scripture quoting fanatics that twist the Word to suit and justify their hate filled lives.

    But no,sadly it doesn't surprise me!In a country where people will go to any lengths to protect the murderer of an innocent teen aged African American boy. No I'm not surprised at the support this dirty bearded,ugly spirited angry and closed minded person is getting.

    Too bad for him. A mind is a terrible thing to waste x(

    and have you heard about the Rep.Jack Kingston, who's running for the senate and said that "disadvantaged kids should sweep the floor of the cafeteria to earn their lunch" As if these children didn't have enough disparity to contend with already! Wow!

    No one mentions the humongous salaries they make though huh?

  3. Typical of Republicans. They equate welfare with blah folks and deny the true history of bigotry. And these fools have to wonder why they get 5% of the blah vote? Bobby Jindal is correct, the gop is the stupid party. Well, at least we have young white dudes to try to shame us by using slavery language and imagry about the more inclusive Dems. How many Dems are defending Duck dude's comments about blahs? See?
    I wonder if Anderson Cooper is happy that the outrage is about teh gays and not the blahs?

  4. "FN, why didn't you mention the fact many Democrats are choosing to support Phil over the gay mafia?"

    Such as? Name one. How about you sir, do you agree with Sarah Palin and other Republicans? What's your take on the matter?

  5. StillaPanther29:16 PM

    In Seattle, Washington with son (28 years old) trying to extract him from the -America- judicial system. Even mi or situations can be super costly. Don't want kids to exhaust my future. Then again at least I am alive to see where it goes. There are few sightings of Blacks here. I was told by a still living Panther that there are no pockets of African Americans here. Been here a week and this morning was the first day the sun was out and a news article was related to a criminal act by an AA. Maybe I should leave my East Coast bubble and come back here for a mental cleaning. NOT,I. The Duck dynasty thing BIGG here in Seattle. The news had it going all morning on several stations. My flight is boarding fot the East Coast. Would like to stay one more week.

  6. Tommy Christopher.

    Many are coming out against Phil being fired? Why?

    Because this is going to backfire on the gay mafia.

    This will backfire on the left. Expose their hypocrisy.

    Many on the left know this. Which is why they are coming out against Phil being fired.

  7. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
    I wonder if Anderson Cooper is happy that the outrage is about teh gays and not the blahs?

    Rich, white, gay, democrat.

    What do you think?

  8. to FN and the focused purpose race baiter helping folks to remain on spiritually enslaved plantation:


    all that agnostic do what thou wilt has an expiration date. don't take my word for it. you folks are 'educated' + so called 1% spawn. you don't know?

    + leave that man alone. he didn't say anything that warranted suspension and playing with his $mammon.

    freedom of speech?


    what is wrong with a straight man saying that anal sex with a man strikes him as” illogical”?

    what is wrong for speaking Scriptures/UNIVERSAL LAW?

    what's with the point blank religious persecution?

    how did he "twist" Scriptures?

    the "hate" is coming from those that appear allergic to Scriptures + Truth.

    PC likes stats. FN has access+ claims to like facts. run the #s on Blacks under Jim Crow-marriage, oow, etc.

    with BM AND BW being lynched and all...then look at #s for marriage, oow, etc today.

    who is in denial, here?

    nobody can make that man experience racism firsthand if that is not his testimony. it not being his first-hand experience doesn’t mean he is lying. i don't see the cause for "outrage", frankly.

    i AM saying Galatians 3:28 time for all with an ear to hear + believe. i didn’t hear that man declare otherwise.

    while i will call out the bold defeated devils without regard for their comfort level...what FN and those that fall in with herd are doing = race baiting. + it only focuses on the problem. puffed up UNLawful crap WON'T fix the problem.

    WHAT will it take for folks to see?

    it is time to stop. turn our hearts and behavior to Him/His Word.

    full stop.


    if folks are so deceived that they think lucifer/satan has a shot at the throne...

    bring it.

    dupes will wander around never the wiser that the spiritual war is WELL underway;(

    all the same...Almight Yah of Abraham, Isaac, and Yacob... reigns.

    forever and ever+ always;)



    Hebrews 13:8- Yahushua Messiah the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

    Revelation 1:8- I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Sovereign, which is, which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.


    that man spoke His Word + some common sense. this is not a race convo. nor a time for the gay mafia to get loud + proud. i REALLY wish they would go sit down. they used to be much happier;( now calling these folks "gay" seems like a bad joke.

    they have turned into label slapping, discriminating, bone to pick large numbers.

    label slapping bullies that like to pretend they don't own+ run the hell out of hollyweird, the fashion industry, the media, the music industry, etc. pretend they don't have powerful lobbies in DC as well as the vatican. @ least the pale ones when i say that het women, all colors, are being scripted by gays to behave like gays…i AM not joking. nor am i apologizing for reserving the right to call it out.


  9. the Black gays are much like Black everybody else...political pawns. while refusing to use their voice to loud + proud shout down all the rabid white supremacy that runs through the gay culture. Black gays too, in large number just want a white somebody. they will then fall in + pretend...quite vocally, that they are a part of the white gay man agenda. they are NOT.

    high freemasonry views the eye of horus as the male anus. high freemasonry does NOT include Blacks nor women. not in any legitimate sense. folks need to grab a clue + a seat with the extra special madness.

    it is my prayer that this man will Stand Strong on His Word, in Peace + trust that Almighty has this...

    it is about the Spirit.

    those willing to worship Him in Spirit and Truth, are alright by me.

    i AM sure that man and i won't agree on all. we don't have to...line it up with Him/His Word= all Good.

    get racist or dumb fool with it…i will speak on that as well. for now, i can’t find anything to argue with this man about. he even clarified that he does not advocate hurting people for their differences. unless folks can demonstrate a pattern of violent behavior, what’s the issue? or has critical thinking/courageous speaking been outlawed and i missed the memo?


    Romans 8:9- But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of Yah dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Messiah, he is none of his.


    it IS tell the Truth- shame the devil time in ALL camps. draw line in sand time.

    KK tried to tell folks with her xmas card 2013. coming soon...all signs indicate it...

    wake up His people, my people;)

  10. I don’t understand all the fussing regarding this Duck Nasty, redneck fella from Louisiana. And it not like he occupy a public office. Ignorant people say ignorant *sh, black and whites! This was bound to happen sooner or later with such characters involved.

    Instead of getting involved with the fracas regarding Duck Nasty, the NAACP should be out in full force trying to stop the implementation of a plenipotentiary government in Detroit. In other words, the city will become Amerikkka’s first mini Corporatocracy with the blessings of ObomBer. Perhaps this is why the NAACP hasn’t said anything in relation to this issue. Besides, Detroit is too black for anyone to care.

    NAACP, get your priorities out of a state of disarray!

  11. "The commentary that comes close to getting this right is by our own Andrew Kirell, who essentially reasons that “hicks gonna hick,” and by suspending Robertson for being exactly the way the show’s fans would expect him to be, all this accomplishes is the alienation of people from a healthier point of view. While his views on homosexuality are repugnant, there is also scant attention being paid to Robertson’s remarks about race, especially his casual declaration that, when he was a young farm worker, he was “with the blacks, because we’re white trash.”

    It’s an instructive quote, because in explicitly equating black people with trash, Robertson’s remark illustrates the inherent racism of the term “white trash,” which sets the default for whites as “not trash,” and implicitly designates black people as de facto “trash.

    If you actually read the article the guy is not in any way defending the Duck Dynasty dude but that would mean a repub would actually be able to read and actually comprehend something. Pathetic, and you want us to be associated with such uneductaed folks as you and Duck Dynasty folk? Good luck Mr. Plantation dude.

  12. focusedpurpose, thank you.

    You bring knowledge and sanity to the fields.

    Free your minds from the chains that enslave them..


    For those so inclined to actually read what Tommy Christopher actually wrote. Ignorance is bliss and expected for repubs. No wonder Palin and Ghomert are so at home over there. The stupid party continues.

    Try again Mr. Plantation, other than that fail what dems are supporting Phil? This time read the damned article and don't just do a quick internet search. Yeah right.

  14. "I'm a Christian, ... I do believe that tradition and my religious beliefs say that marriage is something sanctified between a man and a woman,"

    Obama said.

    Thankfully Obama evolved, otherwise would he be pressured to quit the presidency like duck dynasty?

    Haha, I'm kidding.

    Double standards. Did anyone in the media ever call Obama intolerant for views based on his religious beliefs?

  15. He is defending Phil in the same way Palin, Fox News, and many Democrats are doing. Which is to say he shouldn't be fired.

  16. Did Obama ever equate Gay men having sex to sex with animals? Please provide a link, Bill.

    Take all the time u need. I will wait.......

  17. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Field, "Unbelievably, the governor of the state of Louisiana is supporting the Duck Man as well. I wonder how the blacks in his state feel about that."

    Brother Field, the Duck Man hasn't lied. He has spoken the truth. We WERE happier in the past. Now we got all this technology which is making us even unhappier and hateful to boot.

    Black folks in LA are like the Black folks next door to them in Texas. They both remain mute like good Negroes about racism or anything else.

    I bet the Blacks there don't even vote. They certainly don't have any political clout there or in Texas or Oklahoma.

    Let me bottom line what black folks in LA, Texas and Oklahoma are like: "Good Negroes who cause NO trouble". They had better not. Those white folks are vicious down there and damn sure don't tolerate any back talking by some Negroes.

    Field, PilotX, Black Sage and Purple Cow keep your black and purple asses out of those states. I'm serious. The consequences of a Negro back talking there is severe.

    As far as Gov Jindall is concerned, he could give a fat rats ass about Blacks in LA. As a matter of fact, I have heard that East Indians from India think less of Blacks than any other group on earth. Gov Jindall is no different.

  18. Hey wingnut, why did the SAME republicans call for the firing of Bashir?

  19. Anonymous10:42 PM

    The truth stings da filled-negro. If only the mistreatment narrative were true! Why must dey be nice to us??!!

  20. "He is defending Phil in the same way Palin, Fox News, and many Democrats are doing. Which is to say he shouldn't be fired."

    Not what he said at all. Did you actually read the article?

    "FN, why didn't you mention the fact many Democrats are choosing to support Phil over the gay mafia?"

    BTW, you said MANY dems. I count one and that was dubious. I'm also unaware of Mr. Christopher's party affiliation. Just admit you're wrong and move on but then again repubs are wrong so much that's all they would have time to do.

  21. Your plantation mentally conditions you to attack anyone who disagrees with you.

    Double standards.


    Let's take a moment and close our eyes. Image what would have happened if Phil was black or a white liberal.

    What Would the reaction be from the gay mafia? FN? PX?

    What if Obama's drunk uncle or redneck brother had said it?

    What would be the reaction?

  22. Anonymous10:46 PM

    Black Sage, "Instead of getting involved with the fracas regarding Duck Nasty, the NAACP should be out in full force trying to stop the implementation of a plenipotentiary government in Detroit. In other words, the city will become Amerikkka’s first mini Corporatocracy with the blessings of ObomBer. Perhaps this is why the NAACP hasn’t said anything in relation to this issue. Besides, Detroit is too black for anyone to care."

    BS, you hit the nail on the head re:Detroit. It is too Black for anyone to care. That is to say, "It is too Black for OBAMA to care." Some black President he has turned out to be.

  23. I am in Louisiana all the time. Always have a blast down there. In fact, I once told a very wealthy bigot on a golf course in Baton Rouge to go f#%* himself.

    I made it out of the state alive. I am sure if Jindal knew about it he would have had me arrested.

  24. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Martin Bashir merely said something offensive.

    Duck Dynasty Doofus managed to say something racist and homophobic in a single interview.

    It's not really too surprising that the Right would consider the former to be far worse than the latter. Consistency is not really their strong suit -- except when it comes to being consistently mean, greedy, and bigoted.

    P.S. Bobby Jindal is the governor of the white citizens of Louisiana. He couldn't give half a crap what the black ones think of him.

  25. "The predictable defenses of Robertson as a pretext to attack “political correctness” miss the point that some speech, even legally protected speech, can genuinely be harmful, so while it is possible to be too heavy-handed in responding to it, that doesn’t mean that people shouldn’t take care with what they say. These arguments often attack the “sensitivity” of the groups being targeted, but the harm is in the way such comments reinforce the behavior of those who mistreat them. The potential harm here also isn’t restricted to the groups whom Robertson’s remarks targeted, but to the brand of the A&E network.

    CNN’s Don Lemon suggests that the marketplace sort things out, which sounds sensible, but which is too narrow a view. There may not be that many people who will turn off Duck Dynasty because of this incident, but A&E has to decide if they want remarks like this associated with their brand, and the rest of their programming. Additionally, even if no gay or black people watch Duck Dynasty, they still have to interact in the world with people who do, who may be encouraged,by Robertson’s words, to mistreat others."

    Does this sound like a defense of Phil Plantation man or an adult view of the situation without making a judgement either way?


    um...does any other American find this video somewhat hilariously alarming?

    aren't the potus sworn in on masonic bibles?


    it is truly difficult to see all the signs and NOT be sober minded...


    from last thread:

    Black Sage- glad you find something shared at my house helpful;)

    Anon- falling is a part of learning to walk.

    as a human, in addition to as one of His Chosen Mighty Ones. here's the Good News, in part:



    Proverbs 24:16- For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again...


    i AM a witness that the above does NOT literally mean seven times;)

  27. All you need to know about the right is that they see nothing wrong with what the Duck Man said.

  28. "Your plantation mentally conditions you to attack anyone who disagrees with you.

    Double standards.


    Let's take a moment and close our eyes. Image what would have happened if Phil was black or a white liberal.

    What Would the reaction be from the gay mafia? FN? PX?

    What if Obama's drunk uncle or redneck brother had said it?

    What would be the reaction?"

    You are offering hypothetical questions while dodging your inherent lack of honesty and objectivity. Once again you said MANY dems were defending Phil, who are they? Tommy Christopher didn't defend the guy in any way on his article so what is left of your nonsensical post?

  29. "Did Obama ever equate Gay men having sex to sex with animals?"

    No. Neither did Phil.

  30. "Let's take a moment and close our eyes. Image what would have happened if Phil was black or a white liberal."

    But he wasn't, so what's your point? What if rainbow colored monkeys flew out of my ass? I see, repubs are on a fourth grade level, we get to play the "what if" game. Great. Well 4th grade is a step up for most of these ass hats.

  31. PilotX, I think u just exposed that fraud.

    Dear President of Anon Inc., please get me some better trolls.


  32. Dude, answer the question. What dems are defending Phil? You failed to back up your assertion. Shocking.

  33. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
    If you actually read the article the guy is not in any way defending the Duck Dynasty dude

    the media figures who are weighing in on this ought to give some thought to those in their own biz who are far more deserving of firing than Uncle Phil.

    Sounds like his point is the hypocrisy in the liberal media.

    I wonder if he's been reading my posts here.

  34. Troll@10:53, I am going to be kind and say that u didn't take reading comprehension in school rather than u failed it.

  35. "All you need to know about the right is that they see nothing wrong with what the Duck Man said."

    Just like the left saw nothing wrong with Alec Baldwin or any other black person or white liberal who say offensive things.

    Your hypocrisy keeps you from taking the moral high ground.

  36. Nice Bill, but that could also be related to conservative media figures who make far more inflammatory statements than anything closely associated to liberal media. In fact I would posit that's exactly what he means. Do you concur?

  37. "Just like the left saw nothing wrong with Alec Baldwin or any other black person or white liberal who say offensive things."

    Alec Baldwin was suspended. Randy Rhoads was fired. Martin Bashir resigned. Sounds like a pretty good track record to me. BTW, still no MANY dems defending Phil or did you just pull that one out of your ass? I'm waiting for your response.

  38. I notice these guys want to play the double standard game without giving their opinion of what uncle Phil said. Interesting. I guess they must agree with him, we know Bobby Jindal does. Once again why be in a party that thinks things were just great for negroes in the days when we were prevented from voting and lynched for existing? These guys are dumber than I thought.

  39. Both Tommy and Don said Phil shouldn't be suspended or fired. Which is what is being said by Fox,Palin and Gov Jindall said.

    Try to keep up.

    "utterly facist, speech lost by my own party."-Camille Paglia


    Alec has a long history of racist and homophobic remarks. Yet MSNBC hired him anyways. The gay mafia defended him. '

  40. field negro said...
    Did Obama ever equate Gay men having sex to sex with animals? Please provide a link, Bill.

    A law professor explains it.

    "And the attacks are unfair. He didn't compare "being gay to bestiality." He put homosexual conduct — not the status of being gay — into a category of sins that included "sleeping around with this woman and that woman" as well as bestiality. We don't see the heterosexual men who enjoy multiple sex partners getting hotheaded over Phil Robertson. ..."

  41. folks bashing the south...

    the southerners have represented in the fight against oppression in america.

    but if all must be framed from a dem vs rep...north vs. south...division is all one can hope to come back with really.

    this white man just told folks that poor folks are in the same boat. that's what he appeared to have meant by one of his statements.

    that's what MLK was going on about-poor folks irrespective of color- (that and vietnam) when the gov't conspired to have him assassinated.

    why don't they teach that the us gov't paid the king family for the role it played in mlk's death?

    oh...that's right.

    the masses are considered "profane" and are spoon fed next to nothing by way of real information. the wanna be overseers just keep reinforcing for the dumbness for their peanuts in the big picture;(

  42. field negro said...
    "Troll@10:53, I am going to be kind and say that u didn't take reading comprehension in school rather than u failed it."

    I'm glad you're calling PX out...

  43. "Image what would have happened if Phil was black or a white liberal."

    if Phil were Black...he would not have used the word "happier" to describe jim crow conditions.

    if he were a white liberal...he would have accidentally departed from all the lies that spew from their heavily agenda'd lying, liberal, do what thou wilt faces ALL day.

    that was simple enough;)

  44. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
    Nice Bill, but that could also be related to conservative media figures who make far more inflammatory statements than anything closely associated to liberal media. In fact I would posit that's exactly what he means. Do you concur?

    Not at all.

    Has rush said anything offensive that he didn't get called out by the liberal media?

    Right-wingers never get a free pass from the liberal media.

    Tell me which right-winger could say Obama was the first clean bright articulate african american and get away with it?

    Tell me which right winger could say and could win - the White House because Obama was a "light skinned" African-American "with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one and get away with it?

    Even members of the liberal media admits there is a bias. They defend it as saying it's not an agenda, it's just the life experience of those anderson cooper types (rich white democrat).

  45. Isn't it amazing! In all of those JimCrow years when he was growing up in the bosom of racism, taking in white supremacy with his mother's milk and he never saw any white racism or unhappy blacks. I'm reminded of all of those German regular soldiers who came of age as hitler youth amid virulent and violent anti-semitism and spent years in occupied lands where murder was the official policy and atrocities were the main tool of civilian control yet claim never themselves to have witnessed any atrocities.

    I never believed any of them either.

  46. Anonymous11:42 PM

    "We want to be clear why Phil "Robertson’s remarks are not just dangerous but also inaccurate. Mr. Robertson claims that, from what he saw, African Americans were happier under Jim Crow. What he didn’t see were lynching and beatings of black men and women for attempting to vote or simply walking down the street"

    Yes, but at least they had music. "

    Phil might not have seen the lynchings and beatings of black men and women for attempting to vote, but he damn sure sees Blacks killing Blacks at a rate far greater than the KKK in Jim Crow days could ever imagined.

    And, they have plenty of rap and hip hop music to do it by.

  47. Anonymous11:48 PM

    WC, I can't believe that you can't imagine Phil only knowing happy Negroes and never seeing any Blacks abused or mistreated by Whites. That was entirely possible for poor Whites not to know that. Take it from me, as a bm from LA, there are Whites who never saw such abuse. They only saw happy Blacks.

  48. Anonymous12:06 AM

    It's really scary to see that a man who's brain is so clouded that he actually says "I'm with the blacks because we were white trash", is actually applauded by so many!

    Scary! They interview him and he decides to go off on racism and sexual orientation by quoting the Bible, and equating homosexuality to bestiality.

    This is the type of person who keeps the people in his family who are gay, in the close,t and afraid to come out.

    and people like him are reason why so many gay teens have committed suicide rather than come out.

    I certainly feel for his family members that are gay. And we all have them in our family's.

    As for his comments on Jim Crow era, well I've a feeling those will go down in the hall of fame of infamous quotes! Holy cow what a nitwit. Gives a whole new meaning to the words "ignorant hick redneck"

    Yes, let's let him express himself,ummhmm...he's got a right....yes....freedom of speech. Let's get him up there on TV to say what he REALLY thinks about things.Looks like he's got a whole lot more where that came from.

    Should be a whole new revelation of ignant redneckery. Believe me they'll be trying to shut him up before too long.

    Actually they shouldn't have fired him. They should egg him on to really let it all hang out! Crazy Crakka :D His new name will be Mountain Dew lolol!

  49. Anonymous12:16 AM

    Anonymous Bill said...
    "He didn't compare "being gay to bestiality." as bestiality.
    11:04 PM

    No he didn't "compare".

    He put it in the same CATEGORY!

    And he became the de facto expert voice on the "happiness" of Blacks under Jim Crow!

    I think that's enough stupidity for one day for anyone!

    Go get a beard shampoo and trim and get some real love of God and humanity Mr.Duck hunter!

    Nothing filthier than a man with a dirty beard! Jesus! you might as well not brush your teeth either!!! UGH!

  50. Anonymous12:18 AM

    The gorilla in the room is that this duck dynasty crackuh speaks for millions of "evangelicals". And the gorilla's twin is that millions of woolly-headed knee-grows claim to be those same evangelicals - some of them show up here quoting biblical tracts.
    And, re anon @11:42... Indeed, pre-Civil Rights KKK,(today's repugnican/tea party - toilet paper people)would be appalled at the rate at which blacks kill other blacks; and celebrate this carnage in song and dance - "Happy knee-grows".

  51. Anonymous12:21 AM

    Field, "Dear President of Anon Inc., please get me some better trolls."

    Dear Mr Field, I would love to accommodate you but most of my anons are taking off for the holidays. Their time off usually coincides with Congress. I personally set it up that way to best serve our political customers such as yourself.

    As you know, nothing much gets done when Congress takes time off. When that happens Anon Inc has too many anons sitting around doing nothing.

    But you can rest assured when Congress returns refreshed for the new year, so will Anon Inc. At that time I will upgrade FN's roster to C status from present D status. I think C level anons will provide the intellectual challenge for your top resident IDs such as PilotX and Purple Cow.... and even Black Sage.

    But I must warn you that the 'pride' of your resident IDs could take a beating from C level anons. I have had some blogs come back to me and beg to have the previous D level anons back. Stormfront was one of them. C level anons don't play. They will beat the shit out of resident ids and any "Sages" a blog might have....So be forewarned.

  52. Wayyy too much focus on this backwoods family...

    Ignorant people say Ignorant shit....
    Still cant believe they have that many people watching that garbage...

    He never lied about the gay issue though... Gotta give him credit for that.. His comments really SHOULDNT even be up for discussion

  53. Anonymous1:25 AM

    @Focused Purpose said:
    "so when i say that het women, all colors, are being scripted by gays to behave like gays…i AM not joking. nor am i apologizing for reserving the right to call it out."

    Bullsh!it. Het women are exercising the "rights" they got during the flower child/hippie/sexual revolution 1960s period and the Women's Liberation Movement of the 1970s. These movements occurred well BEFORE the "gay scripted" TV show 'Sex and the City'.

    In addition: keep in mind that approximately 20% of het couples engage in anal intercourse from time to time.

    And what about oral sex? Is it an "abomination" if a WOMAN sucks a man's penis? Or is it just an "abomination" for a MAN to suck a man's penis?

  54. A non said:
    "WC, I can't believe that you can't imagine Phil only knowing happy Negroes and never seeing any Blacks abused or mistreated by Whites. That was entirely possible for poor Whites not to know that. Take it from me, as a bm from LA, there are Whites who never saw such abuse. They only saw happy Blacks."
    If he, or you, didn't see the omnipresent violence of racism in the jimcrow south over decades of residence amongst it, it can only have been due to willful blindness.

  55. Anonymous2:42 AM

    "the Black gays are much like Black everybody else...political pawns. while refusing to use their voice to loud + proud shout down all the rabid white supremacy that runs through the gay culture."

    Black gays should be shouting down BLACK HOMOPHOBIA. Black homophobia is more of a threat to black LGBT people than white gay men. Black LGBTs are not being murdered by white LGBT people. We are being harassed, stalked, attacked and even MURDERED by STRAIGHT black people. Black homophobia is strangling the black LGBT community.

    Many straight black women HATE black gay men because they think we are "taking" men they should have. But nothing could be further from the truth. Women can't "have" gay men and gay men cannot "have" straight men. Bisexual men are another matter. There are a lot of bisexual men out there. There are more bisexual men than there are men who are exclusively gay. But there is no need for straight black women to be resentful towards black gay men. Men are what they are. One's sexual orientation is not a choice as some seem to think. We can only be who we are. Anything else is destructive to the human spirit.

  56. "Has rush said anything offensive that he didn't get called out by the liberal media?"

    Has Rush ever been suspended for anything he's said? Do you agree with some of the awful things Rush says? There is no equivalence to the nasty and vile statements we have coming from the right and what comes from the left. On the left people are routinely suspended but statements that are racist and homophobic rarely if ever come from the left. Stop the tit for tat games but then again the right is still playing the blah folks are the only racist games. Nice try though. Folks on the right never get suspended only validated by the Palins and Jindals of the world. O'Reilly should have been gone when he let it be known he was shocked to learn us negroes can eat with forks and knives and not yell "more iced tea mf". Sad. But people like you turn a blind eye.

  57. "Right-wingers never get a free pass from the liberal media."

    So when they say stupid shit they should get a pass? You agree with Phil? Interesting.

  58. Bears repeating: IGNORANT PEOPLE SAY IGNORAN SHIT! I do not understand why are people dissecting what this Duck Nasty fella stated? Robertson didn’t attend Oxford University nor is he the Governor of Louisiana occupying public space. And it’s not as if he said something that’s never been said before by individuals we suspected were much more intelligent than him.

    But hey, this is what happens in a decadent and distracted society where families are sleeping in tents under freeway overpasses, people’s pensions are being stripped away due to official malfeasance, kids and entire families are without healthcare and people are in prison for decades by the hundreds of thousands without cause. And on the other hand, you have corporate bobble-heads are making 20 to 50 million dollars a year in some instances for sitting on their mostly white asses for further austerity slashes and figuratively speaking, dumping employees in ditches without a worry at all.

    Now people consider this Duck Nasty fella’s comment worthy of a national conversation and out of bounds of Amerikkka’s normal talking sphere. Give me a break. Distraction is the name of the game. What a wonderful Kountry we have!

  59. NSangoma8:50 AM


    They do be having Negroes in Seattle:

    New Air Jordans cause nationwide shopping frenzy

    And, y'all be acting up in the mid-west, also.

    Frenzy over $185 Air Jordans in the St. Louis area

    Ah, for those halcyon daze of yore, chopping dat cotton.


  60. Phil's not a hater, just ignorant and with a stunning lack of imagination. Some times it takes a major wake-up call to see what's happening right in front of you. It's probably true he's never seen any examples of racism right in front of him -- the Robertsons live in one of those pockets of Louisiana that is so white the reflection could blind you. Wherever they go, it's all white: white store clerks, white waitresses, white people on the streets. I'm sure many of your regular readers know far better than I do just how thoroughly segregated the South remains with its white towns and black towns, the unofficial apartheid that exists in the red states. It's easy to say you've never witnessed racism when it's so thoroughly structured into society that it's effectively invisible.

  61. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Field, "Still, having said that, I find it rather amusing and somewhat interesting that he was suspended for his ignorant and despicable comments about Gays, but all we hear are crickets when it comes to his statements about black folks down in Louisiana."

    You find it amusing? interesting? I don't. I find it degrading. It makes me feel like I am the bottom of the barrel. Just think, everyone surpasses us, including the gays. So I guess it makes sense that no one gives a shit about Blacks.

    However, I don't find it amusing nor interesting. I find it very painful.

  62. control+halt+delete9:26 AM

    "I’m with the blacks, because we’re white trash... .”

    Out of the mouth of babes.

    I've always believed that poor whites have been jealous of Black people; our rich dark skin, our resiliency and spiritual nature and our inherent creativity. My good ol'boy Phil's words confirm my thoughts. During slavery the poor whites saw Blacks as having a better life than theirs. I believe this jealousy is at the root of the racial oppression we are subject to here and in the rest of the world.

    It must be hard being poor and white. They are born into a society of white privilege and yet, as a whole, are unable to reap the rewards of this entitlement. Blanks narcissistic nature prevents them from acknowledging their feelings of inferiority and their subsequent crimes affecting us. They are constantly reminded of their inadequacy and must therefore come up with new ways to project these feelings onto Blacks. They are afraid that left unchecked, we will take our rightful place at the table of power. Is this why blanks are afraid to compete on a level playing field?

    "Were they happy? They were godly; they were happy; no one was singing the blues."

    Did Phil think that we would confide in him our true feelings? Did he think that he was one of us? Really?!

    Yes we are godly and as such have a duty to right this ship and change the course of this country in order that all people should benefit from equal justice and the right to peacefully exist and prosper.

  63. Anonymous9:29 AM

    America is a democracy not a theocracy, thankfully.

    My rights in the U.S., such as they are, exist because of the U.S. Constitution NOT the so-called "holy" bible.

    The bible has been used thru the ages to suppress women. Women would not have rights if the bible was followed to the letter and I'm sure the resident "preacher" here at this blog knows this.

  64. Anonymous9:43 AM

    "Troll@10:53, I am going to be kind and say that u didn't take reading comprehension in school rather than u failed it."

    readin' comprehension be actin' white!

  65. Anonymous9:51 AM

    "America is a democracy not a theocracy, thankfully."

    -no, it is a theocracy, the god is multiculty/muh-fillinz-be-hurt therapeutic statehood and you are one of its religious adherents.

    @Crybaby Anonymous @ 9:29AM

    "My rights in the U.S., such as they are, exist because of the U.S. Constitution NOT the so-called "holy" bible."

    -the constitution is baaaaad when it is not in line with current hip causes. remember that it was written up by blood-drinking evil/white/patriarch/fascist/racist/anarchist/reactionary/demonic/white/evil/white blah, blah, blahs.

    "The bible has been used thru the ages to suppress women. Women would not have rights if the bible was followed to the letter and I'm sure the resident "preacher" here at this blog knows this."

    -you got a hard case of party line. this is basically using current political correctness to view history. first off, you don't need any book to suppress whoever you want, you go ahead and try it and either succeed or don't. women's rights is an idea brought about by men and largely based on technology. women don't understand "rights" and abuse them anyway. the kkk women's auxiliary was the main backer of women's rights.

    -there are many facts that you don't know and don't want to because you are projecting: you use the bible of PC in order to suppress those you hate and fear and whom you suspect are superior to you. now resume whining.

  66. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
    Has Rush ever been suspended for anything he's said? Do you agree with some of the awful things Rush says?

    So I guess my question has rush been called out is yes, he has. The question wasn't if he was fired, like baldwin and bashir which were only recently fired.
    Do I agree with rush, first I would have to listen and see what he says.

    I'll a There is no equivalence to the nasty and vile statements we have coming from the right and what comes from the left.


    Simple top prove.

    Tell me which right-winger could say Obama was the first clean bright articulate african american and get away with it?
    Tell me which right winger could say and could win - the White House because Obama was a "light skinned" African-American "with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one and get away with it?

    Tough questions that show a double wide double standard which is why I believe you ducked the questions before and will continue to duck them.

    Stop the tit for tat games

    Free country, you don't get to tell me what to do.
    I hate double standards and hypocrisy. I point it out and will continue to point it out.

    Sad. But people like you turn a blind eye.

    Blind eye? Let me ask again to see how blind...

    Tell me which right-winger could say Obama was the first clean bright articulate african american and get away with it?
    Tell me which right winger could say and could win - the White House because Obama was a "light skinned" African-American "with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one and get away with it?

    Double standards


  67. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
    "Right-wingers never get a free pass from the liberal media."

    So when they say stupid shit they should get a pass? You agree with Phil? Interesting.

    I did not say that.

    I was pointing out the double standards and hypocrisy. Why do you believe democrats deserve a free pass, why are YOU giving democrats a free pass?

    You know what I am pointing out which is why you keep ducking -

    Tell me which right-winger could say Obama was the first clean bright articulate african american and get away with it?
    Tell me which right winger could say and could win - the White House because Obama was a "light skinned" African-American "with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one and get away with it?

    Double standards.


    I don't blame you for not speaking on this, it's a tough question.

  68. uptownsteve11:00 AM

    My white liberal friends (God Bless 'em) said that Obama's election in 2008 would usher in a new era of racial harmony and understanding. Those of us who deal with race everyday knew that his election would also rip the scab off of the always festering sore of racism in America and the racists were going to show OUT. We've seen constant evidence of this and the rightwing hysterics over the suspension of this ignorant redneck is just the latest. They know that their days of relevance are coming to an end and they plan on going out with a bang.

  69. uptownsteve11:05 AM


    Biden didn't say Obama was the "first" clean and articulate black. You're lying. The rightwingers have said Obama was an incompetent Muslim Socialist Traitor. I guess you're alright with that though.

    Field, how do you stand these idiots?

  70. uptownsteve, when did you get out of prison?

    Biden did say Obama was clean and articulate for a black male. That along with racist statements made by Clinton and Reid, show the double standards and hypocrisy of the left.

    The only idiots are those who are pretending outrage and using this to attack Fox News, Palin, and anyone standing up to the gay mafia and leftwing fascism.

  71. Erick Erickson gets it..

    Evil Preaches Tolerance Until It Is Dominant, Then Seeks to Silence Good

    In 1987, Andre Sarano took a photograph of Christ on the cross in a jar of urine. It won the Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art’s “Awards in the Visual Arts” competition, which was sponsored in part by taxpayers.

    Outraged Christians were told they didn’t have to see it. They did not have to go to the museum. Their money, of course, had to fund the National Endowment for the Arts, but they themselves just needed to ignore it. Christians needed to show tolerance to for the diversity of others’ thoughts.

    Robert Maplethorpe spent many years touring the United States with artwork depicting, among other things, people drinking urine, bondage and sadomasochism, and a picture of himself with a whip inserted in that part of his body Phil Robertson does not find very attractive.

    Conservatives offended by this were instructed to be tolerant, not go to the exhibit, and just turn the other cheek.

    In 1996, Chris Ofili created a painting of the Virgin Mary. He pornographic images and elephant dung. Rudy Giuliani, then Mayor of New York City, tried to yank funding for the Brooklyn Museum because of the painting. Giuliani was pilloried in the press for doing so. Tolerance was demanded. Christians did not have to go to the museum if they wanted.

  72. Part 2

    And now we’ve reach a new level.

    Phil Robertson is an evangelical Christian. He called sin illogical, stated his preference for women, and lumped gays in with other sinners such as drunks and terrorists. It is that last one that has really caused all the problems. Nevermind that Phil Robertson said Christians are to love everyone and not judge anyone. Nevermind he made it clear he was not condemning anyone. He just stated his belief.

    He did not make anyone convert. He did not attack anyone. He did not harass anyone. He answered a question. But the kids at GLAAD, now dominant, have gone from demanding tolerance for all to silencing good people.

    Christians were once told they did not have to look or listen. The militant gay rights movement and the secular left will not abide by their own prescription. Those who dissent or think differently must be silenced.

    The members of GLAAD, which also took it upon itself to tell America what Christians really should think and believe, could simply not watch Duck Dynasty. But the hysteric whiners can’t leave it at that. They cannot leave well enough alone. They must punish and destroy.

    Evil must, when it is able, silence good because good serves as an ever present and ongoing witness against evil.

  73. uptownsteve11:42 AM

    Republican Goober

    Biden just said that Obama was clean and articulate. He did NOT say "for a black male". You're another liar.

    You morons on the right swear that a right has been taken away from you because you can't get away with spewing your hate and bigotry publicly without consequence anymore. Get used to it. Those days are OVER.

  74. uptownsteve11:47 AM

    Republican Goober

    How come Giuliani didn't try to yank funding for CUNY which employs the odious racist Michael Levin?

    Care to answer that one?

  75. the real jews are black11:48 AM

    me and my masonic brother from prince hall did a huge food drive for the black community. who show's up nothing but red neck white boy's that hate nigga's, i laugh when i saw this, in our community looking for food

  76. Duck A and E12:47 PM

    I find it rather amusing and somewhat interesting that he was suspended for his ignorant and despicable comments about Gays,

    Just what exactly was "ignorant and despicable" in what Mr. Robertson said? He only stated that in his religion, homosexuality was a sin, and that like all sinners, homosexuals will not "inherit the Kingdom of God".

    This has been the belief of all Christians for centuries, and almost all people who have ever lived. Until a few years ago, no one would ever have thought a thing if a celebrity made such an obvious statement.

    But today, you can't hold such views, or at least you can't admit to them. You can't even say you don't care for homosexuality, you have to be an enthusiastic fan of it.

    The Left started the culture war, won it resoundingly, and now they're roaming the country shooting the wounded survivors. Instead of allowing dissent, they conduct blasphemy trials demanding public recantations and penance. They accuse conservatives of being Puritans, but they’re the ones with the torches and buckled hats.

    Our Progressive overlords are truly Stalinist.

  77. African American staffers on Democratic federal-level campaigns are paid 70 cents on the dollar compared to their white counterparts; Hispanics are paid 68 cents on the dollar.
    the proportions of staff are more skewed towards white men on Republican campaigns, the income disparities are more pronounced on Democratic campaigns.

    Reps pay black workers better than dems play black workers.

    How fare left does one have to be to be surprised?

  78. More blacks are killed in Detroit every nine years then were ever lynched in America.

    More whites are killed by blacks every 2.5 years then the number of blacks lynched in the entire history of America.

    Pre-'Civil Rights', most blacks and whites got along fine in the South. Of course there was injustice, but the picture of history we are given now of a dark era of unending abuse is simply false.

    Blacks needed the guarantee of their rights to vote and access to public institutions their taxes went to fund, but beyond that, Civil Rights has been an illegal and immoral disaster inflicted on American society. You elite blacks have certainly benefited, but just look at what has happened to the vast majority of blacks living desperately dysfunctional lives on government vote farms in our rotting cities.

  79. uptownsteve1:37 PM

    How to shut up a goober.

    Please produce with hard evidence the number of blacks lynched in the entire history of America.

    Keep in mind that many times the local law enforcement officials were the lynchers who were not keeping headcounts and public records of such occurences.

  80. goober1:45 PM

    Fuck you upswipe steve. Where you been? Did you just get out of prison? Same old bullshit.

    Google it you lazy motherfucker.

  81. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Anonymous said...

    America is a democracy not a theocracy, thankfully.
    My rights in the U.S., such as they are, exist because of the U.S. Constitution NOT the so-called "holy" bible.

    The bible has been used thru the ages to suppress women. Women would not have rights if the bible was followed to the letter and I'm sure the resident "preacher" here at this blog knows this.
    9:29 AM
    Ditto! I wonder how many gays are in the "preachers" family!

    He'll prolly come soon on and say 'none' like Ahmadinejad!


  82. Rosa Park's legacy = urine detectors on buses.

  83. uptownsteve1:58 PM


    And THAT my friends is how you shut up a goober.

    After making him piss all over himself.

  84. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Bill has proven that you FN Negroes are just plain wrong.

    Also, NO ONE has the right to ask UTS when he got out of prison. That is totally inappropriate and I don't think Field should stand for that. Just because he recently got out of prison is purely a personal matter, not an FN matter. So please, respect privacy on this's very important.

  85. uptownsteve said...
    Biden didn't say Obama was the "first" clean and articulate black.

    Please don't believe me.

    "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."

    What does that comment tell you about biden? I believe biden is wrong, there were millions & millions of bright/clean/articulate african americans before Obama was even born. But in biden's world, Obama was the first.

  86. Phil Robertson2:02 PM

    Desertflower said...
    "Women would not have rights if the bible was followed to the letter "

    Thank God women have the right to live like whores, have kids with multiple men, live off the government and never work, and do drugs and go to clubs while their children grow up wild on the street.

    I just wish so many of them wouldn't exercise those rights, and that I didn't have to pay for it.

  87. goober2:04 PM

    uptownsteve said...


    And THAT my friends is how you shut up a goober.

    After making him piss all over himself.

    You'd think this porch monkey would have a learned a new trick in all this time, but I guess not.

    You are one pathetic loser, upswipe.

  88. uptownsteve said...
    Biden just said that Obama was clean and articulate. He did NOT say "for a black male". You're another liar.

    uptownsteve said...
    Biden didn't say Obama was the "first" clean and articulate black. You're lying.

    Now that I produced the exact quote, link to left leaning cnn and a youtube when you can actually hear the words coming out of Biden's mouth do you still believe I'm lying?

    I don't blame you for calling me a liar, it's hard to believe that democrats are allowed to get away with this on a regular basis.

    P.S. No need to apologize, I just hope you learned something.

  89. Y-A-W-N

    Trolls I trying to bore us to death, I reckon.

    I know they work on the Joseph Goebbels strategy of repeating a lie so often it becomes perceived as the truth, (c.q. Joe Biden...Air Jordan etc) but I think they need to invent some new lies.

  90. Phil Robertson said...
    Thank God women have the right to live like whores, have kids with multiple men

    Thank God that men have the right to sleep with these whores, have kids with these whores, sleep with numerous whores.

    Chicken or the egg?

  91. The Purple Cow said...
    Goebbels strategy of repeating a lie so often it becomes perceived as the truth, (c.q. Joe Biden

    "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."

    I'm lying about that?

    [ ] Yes
    [ ] No

  92. uptownsteve2:31 PM


    A clumsy remark but not racist. Biden quickly apologized and clarified:

    "Barack Obama is probably the most exciting candidate that the Democratic or Republican Party has produced at least since I've been around," Biden said on the call. "And he's fresh. He's new. He's smart. He's insightful. And I really regret that some have taken totally out of context my use of the world 'clean.'"

    Biden said he was referring to a phrase used by his mother.

    "My mother has an expression: clean as a whistle, sharp as a tack," Biden said

    Meanwhile the racist filth from the right never gets apologized for. In fact, they revel in it.

  93. uptownsteve2:32 PM

    Oh, and he never said "for a black male". So you either lied or misquoted.

  94. Phil Robertson2:40 PM

    Bill said...
    "Chicken or the egg?"

    Only women can get pregnant.

    Only women can choose whether or not the pregnancy will be terminated.

    Only women have first shot at custody and first claim on the other parent's money.

    In the Old Morality, women did not have the option to have as many children as they wanted and have all their life expenses taken care of by a government that puts no demands on them.

    They used to have either survive on their own or find a man who would agree (by contract) to help her raise children together. In return she was supposed to be faithful, so that he knew the kids were his.

    Because she would bear the responsibility of her choices, she would not bear the children of a man who did not marry her first.

    Children who grow up with two parents in a stable home have huge advantages over children who grow up with no paternal presence, dodging mom's boyfriends, and learning their ethics on the street from other bastards.

    Men who have no place in the home have no purpose in life, and drift into idleness, drugs, and violence born of deep frustration.

    But her "rights" to have no responsibilities are much more important than to dare think that a life free of morality or accountability to others is a freedom that is not really all that great.

    Take a good look around you and ask yourself if a creeping theocracy is really the main problem facing American society.

  95. Anonymous2:41 PM

    uptownsteve, Are you still on parole?


  96. uptownsteve said...

    Oh, and he never said "for a black male". So you either lied or misquoted.

    Do you understand the psych term "projection?"

    Bill said...
    Tell me which right-winger could say Obama was the first clean bright articulate african american and get away with it?

    Bill said...
    Simple top prove.

    Tell me which right-winger could say Obama was the first clean bright articulate african american and get away with it?

    I think it's very clear which one of us "...lied or misquoted."

    Did you intentionally lie?
    Did you misquote?

  97. Great read.

    Duck Dynasty: The Show That Got Away

    This is what happened. The whole idea of the show was to parade these nouveau riche Christian hillbillies around so that we could laugh at them. "Look at them," we were supposed to say. "Look how backward they are! Look what they believe! Can you believe they really live this way and believe this stuff? See how they don't fit in? HAHAHA"

    When the producers saw the way the show was shaping up, different than they envisioned it, they tried to change course. They tried to get the Robertson's to tone down their Christianity, but to their eternal credit they refused. They tried to add fake cussin' to the show by inserting bleeps where no cussword was uttered. At best, they wanted to make the Robertson's look like crass buffoons. At worst they wanted them to look like hypocrites.

    They desperately wanted us to laugh at the Robertsons. Instead, we loved them.
    A&E wanted us to point fingers at them and laugh at them. But something else happened entirely. Millions upon millions of people tuned in, not to laugh at them, but to laugh with them.

    And then we pointed at them. We pointed at them and said things like, "I wish my family was more like them. I wish we prayed together as a family. I wish we were together like the Robertsons."

    By the time this all happened, A&E had a conundrum. They knew who the Robertsons were and what they believe and they still held it in disdain.

    But they really liked the money. Really liked the money. So they lived with it.

    But the progressives whose bank accounts were not growing fatter because of these backward rubes were never inclined to look the other way. They hate the show and they really hate the response to the show. They want it destroyed.
    Many magazines and interviewers have tried to get the Robertsons to trip up so they could pounce. When Phil backed the Christian viewpoint on homosexuality and added some personal asides about how he just couldn't understand it, they had their moment.
    I suspect that the folks at A&E, who always disliked the positive Christian message in the show of which Phil is the primary proponent, saw their chance. They want to keep the cash but dial down the Christianity. With Phil out, perhaps they could get the show they always wanted.
    I suspect that the Robertsons are more principled than that and A&E will end up disappointed on many levels. The Roberstons are who they are and I suspect the money means a great deal more to A&E than it does to them.
    It will be interesting to see whether A&E likes the money more than they hate the Christianity. I wouldn't be surprised if the hate wins.

  98. uptownsteve3:09 PM


    You don't seem to be very bright.

    Just look at what rightwingers DID get away with:

    This is how former House Whip Rep. Roy Blunt, R-Mo., chose to illustrate the challenges facing conservatives in the Obama era. Friday, AlterNet's Adele Stan reported Blunt's words to the conservative Values Summit:

    "... Something they didn't anticipate was monkeys came running out of the jungle, and they grabbed the golf balls ... and they might throw the golf ball back at you. ... So for this golf course, and this golf course and this golf course only, they passed a rule, and the rule was, you have to play the ball where the monkey throws it."

    Rush Limbaugh

    [T]hey're finally hearing me. 'He's an angry black guy.' I do believe that about the president. I do believe he's angry. I think his wife is angry."

    Glenn Beck

    (Obama) "has a "deep-seated hatred for white people … and white culture."

  99. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Some of you naysayers on here are taking this blog a bit too seriously. Field Negro isn't here to analyze things in a scientific way, he is here to emote and be dope and 'bout it 'bout it. So guys, jess chill n' go wit da flow, ya know. Jess let da brothuzz complain bout dis reh-neck dude, iss all good. Word up.

    -Jamarious Loquarius D'Shar-quon jr. PhD

  100. GrannyStandingforTruth3:38 PM

    I've been sitting back reading the comments. Up to now, I really didn't have too much to say. I have a question for the person who insist on using some of the black historical icons and a dead child's name as their handle. which highlights the fact that this person has an extremely sick mind. No person with a sound mind would do something like that.
    Were any of your ancestors a King or Queen in England or anyone with royal rank in the royal court? That would be the only way, your ancestors were not indentured servants when they came over or those criminals...the pilgrims.
    Do you even know if you are pure white?
    Many whites who believe that they are pure white, are not. I can't tell you how many times white folks have fainted or cried when they found out different. Many of them have blood related black folks in their family somewhere down the line. Some accepted it, but then they are not racist like you and understand that humanity outranks skin color. Truthfully speaking, anyone whose ancestors were here during slavery and when America was being settled are related...white and black. It just goes around in a circle.

    Those with hatred in their hearts like you will kill their own blood relatives and think nothing of it because it's in their DNA to
    murder. Those types have diseased blood. It's a sickness that has consumed and blinds them. They'll kill their own mother for money or because they're upset with them over some trivial matter. They're like a polar bear, wolf, wolf spiders, hippopotamus, hyenas, sand goby...those animals and that fish will eat their own babies when given a chance. Yep, they are sick minded people.

  101. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Fat Bill and that Republican dude trying to get slaves off of a plantation aren't fooling any one. MOVE ON GOOD O'L BOYS TO STORMFRONT

  102. GrannyStandingforTruth3:45 PM

    BTW, no black person on here signs in with a handle of dead white children or white icons because that would be beneath them. Making a mockery of dead children is sick. But, I guess that's why they call whites like you trash. As old as I am I've often wondered why they call people like you that, but now I know the answer.

  103. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    America is a democracy not a theocracy, thankfully.
    My rights in the U.S., such as they are, exist because of the U.S. Constitution NOT the so-called "holy" bible.
    The bible has been used thru the ages to suppress women. Women would not have rights if the bible was followed to the letter and I'm sure the resident "preacher" here at this blog knows this.
    9:29 AM
    Phil Robertson said...
    Desertflower said...
    "Women would not have rights if the bible was followed to the letter "

    Thank God women have the right to live like whores, have kids with multiple men, live off the government and never work, and do drugs and go to clubs while their children grow up wild on the street.

    I just wish so many of them wouldn't exercise those rights, and that I didn't have to pay for it.
    2:02 PM
    I hate to do all this coping and pasting, but the comment about womens rights was NOT made by me! I do agree with it wholeheartedly.but, it's a brilliant comment and I cannot ascribe it to me , I'm not that smart :) It was made by Anonymous at 9:29 AM (see above quoted comment)

    However as pertains to YOUR comment 'Phil' I simply do not know any women like this. And I suspect you don't either ;D

    I think you're watching too much Fox news! Get involved in some kind of extracurricular activity,like dancing perhaps. It'll do you a world of good. Take your mind off the talking heads ;*p

  104. ""I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."

    I'm lying about that?"

    Yep, and you know you are...

  105. Anonymous3:53 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    BTW, no black person on here signs in with a handle of dead white children or white icons because that would be beneath them. Making a mockery of dead children is sick. But, I guess that's why they call whites like you trash. As old as I am I've often wondered why they call people like you that, but now I know the answer.
    3:45 PM
    Granny, I guess they think it's a cute funny! Or very brilliant maybe? Who can know? Or they're so hate filled it has to come out that way! tsk,tsk,tsk,

    Let's pray for them Granny, it's Christmas and look how they are...:(

  106. GrannyStandingforTruth4:06 PM

    Yep, Desert, that's all that we can do for pray for them. Nevertheless, in spite of what they think it's not brilliant or cute or funny, it's sick. No one in their right mind makes a mockery of dead children regardless of skin color does that. No consideration for those who grieve for the loss of their loved ones and the added hurt and pain they cause them.

  107. GrannyStandingforTruth4:06 PM

    Yep, Desert, that's all that we can do for pray for them. Nevertheless, in spite of what they think it's not brilliant or cute or funny, it's sick. No one in their right mind makes a mockery of dead children regardless of skin color does that. No consideration for those who grieve for the loss of their loved ones and the added hurt and pain they cause them.

  108. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Granny said, "Anonymous GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    BTW, no black person on here signs in with a handle of dead white children or white icons because that would be beneath them. Making a mockery of dead children is sick. But, I guess that's why they call whites like you trash. As old as I am I've often wondered why they call people like you that, but now I know the answer."

    3:45 PM
    Granny I really wish you would quit talking for the black race. There is no way in hell for you to what other Blacks might do. We are not cut out of the same mold.

  109. Anonymous4:59 PM

    I know this is going to bother some of my black folks, but the duck man isn't as dumb as you might think. Just looking at his beard indicates he is wise like Moses. It also indicates that he is a God-fearing man, which makes him an honest, decent man with a whole lot of integrity.

    To date, I don't know any of my folks with any depth in wisdom. NOBODY.

  110. GrannyStandingforTruth5:19 PM

    Anony 4:53:

    I thank God that you and I are not cut from the same mold. That's truly a blessing to me and for me!

  111. Trayvon Martin Luther King6:09 PM

    Trayvon Martin was not an innocent little kid, he was 6 foot tall 17 year old who like to beat people up. It was inevitable that one day he would pick the wrong guy. The only reason you ever heard of him was that it wasn't a black dude that killed him.

    Martin Luther King is great because of what he symbolizes: the completion of the American promise made at its founding. The man himself was deeply flawed.

    When you make martyrs of thugs and communists, things are bound to turn out wrong.

    Pick your heroes on their hearts and their deeds, not their skin color.

  112. uptownsteve said...
    A clumsy remark but not racist. Biden quickly apologized and clarified:
    Biden said he was referring to a phrase used by his mother.

    "My mother has an expression: clean as a whistle, sharp as a tack," Biden said

    I consider "clean as a whistle sharp as a tack" a compliment. First clean/bright/articulate anything isn't a compliment.

    Clumsy remark?

    I don't believe biden had any hate or ill will against african americans. I do believe rich white democrats (like biden) haven't come into much contact with black people that don't work menial jobs for his use (waiters, etc). So it surprised biden that Obama was clean/bright/articulate. Not an insult, an honest observation. If you saw a box of red balls with one blue ball, you would notice the blue one because it stood out, not because you hate theblue ball. Obama was biden's first blue ball.
    However you want to phrase it, the term the soft bigotry of low expectations comes to my mind when thinking of biden and the democrats.

  113. The Purple Cow said...
    "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."

    I'm lying about that?"

    Yep, and you know you are...


    Have you considered a name change to Purple Ostrich?

  114. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Someone mention mold?

    Uptownsteve just got out of the joint. Is it time for mold to get out of the psychiatric hospital?

  115. GrannyStandingforTruth7:02 PM

    Trayvon Martin was not a thug or a criminal, nor did he beat up on anyone. That was a lie put out by the far right to smear him. In fact, O'Mara put out that lie and to back track on that statement because it was false. But now, George was a thug and violent person who like to beat up on women.

    Btw, did you know that O'Mara is being charged with ethic violations? He and West did a lot of lying during that trial. However, that's Florida, so they'll probably let him slide.

    George did not get his head banged on the concrete either, that too was a big lie, but any lie will do to justify murder of an innocent black kid. In Detroit, the man that killed that black girl has changed his lie so much, but well, in this country lies that will be ignored and he'll get off scott free. He still has to live with his conscious, that's if he has one.

  116. “I never, with my eyes, saw the mistreatment of any black person. Not once. Where we lived was all farmers. The blacks worked for the farmers. I hoed cotton with them. I'm with the blacks, because we're white trash. We're going across the field.... They're singing and happy. I never heard one of them, one black person, say, ‘I tell you what: These doggone white people’—not a word!... Pre-entitlement, pre-welfare, you say: Were they happy? They were godly; they were happy; no one was singing the blues.”

    Were blacks happy in pre-civil rights America?

    "Who cares" is the only logical answer, for in modern America, the corporate media, academia, and government exists as a perpetual springboard for addressing any slight against black people, amplifying this often imagined transgression as the return of the most bigoted form of thinking.

    Considering the state of once-civilized cities like Newark, Philadelphia, Birmingham, Detroit, Camden, Baltimore, Memphis, and Jackson (Mississippi) - a now 86 percent black city that has elected a radical black supremacist/separatist as mayor - it's obvious the liberated black population of America has no problem mistreating formerly white cities and, more importantly, fellow black people.

    Recall, more blacks were murdered in Detroit alone over a ten-year period (2003-20012) by other blacks than blacks were lynched in an 86-year period of time.

  117. "I don't believe biden had any hate or ill will against african americans."

    So shut the fuck up then, dipstick...

  118. Trayvon Martin Luther King7:10 PM


    You cannot make a lie the truth just because that is want you want the truth to be.

    Trayvon made his choices, and paid the price. His parents failed him, not the justice system. If half the black men in this country were as good a man as George Zimmerman, our great cities would be flourishing instead of smoldering.

    A house built on lies cannot stand.

  119. The Purple Cow said...

    "I don't believe biden had any hate or ill will against african americans."

    I do.

    Democrats think negroes are their pets. When one of their dogs does a neat trick, like being articulate and bright and clean, they give him a biscuit because he's special. But that doesn't mean they think any better of the ordinary dogs.

    Conservatives treat blacks like they are adult humans. Today, that's considered racist.

    It's easier being a pet, right cow?

  120. Black America was much better off living in pre-civil rights America, when they were forced to live-up to a standard of civilization they are incapable of maintaining/sustaining on their own when granted the freedom to do so.

    Just look to Detroit.

    Just look to Camden.

    Just look to New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina.

    The great fear of those who seek the ultimate dispossession of whites from the nation their ancestors built, is that figures will emerge through the carefully choreographed menagerie of our non-white future; individuals who are beyond control, liberated from being apart of the egalitarian Global Force for Good the United States has become.

    Standing firm for a specified morality is the ultimate form of protest in a world where immorality is promoted and rewarded; where treason is seen as a road to riches, rather than to perdition.

    You can scoff at Duck Dynasty; you can laugh at the Robertson clan, pointing out that these hillbillies/rednecks are hardly worthy of admiration.

    But you'd be missing the point.

    Just like the Paula Deen situation showed us, something powerful has been building in America.

    With the Duck Dynasty situation, it's almost palpable.

    White America has, collectively, been a sitting duck for a long, long time.

    One day, the right duck call will go out, and the sight of a large portion of white Americans daring to fly together will shock the establishment into an overreaction; but it's the reaction by many white Americans to the attack on Phil Robertson that shows us why a constant barrage of propaganda must be broadcast into our homes on a daily basis.

    When you stand together, united, the pillars of the establishment shake, revealing a situation where almost every waking hour has been expended to create world where Glee and Modern Family can appear on network television; where every dollar has been spent to tell us 83 percent black Detroit in 2013 is in a better situation than that of 84 percent white Detroit in 1953.


    A facade of unimaginable lies; where a white guy - famous for a long beard and a duck call - can become a symbol of defiance.

  121. Granny Standing to Poop9:40 PM

    Anonymous uptownsteve said...


    A clumsy remark but not racist. Biden quickly apologized and clarified:

    Biden said he was referring to a phrase used by his mother.

    "My mother has an expression: clean as a whistle, sharp as a tack," Biden said

    He left of the last sentence,

    Clean as whistle, sharp as a tack, sure as hell aint Dirty steve, he's black.

    Glad to see you man, I thought you died. Dr Queefy Queen said you got the aids and knowing what a homo you are I thought it was true.

    So those new aids cocktails keeping you alive man?

  122. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Someone mention mold?

    Uptownsteve just got out of the joint. Is it time for mold to get out of the psychiatric hospital?

    Uptown lowdown steve is MOLD.

  123. Anonymous9:46 PM

    Another Phil Robertson video from 2010 has su8rfaced,where he's seen ranting from a pulpit all of the hatred he seems to find in the Bible!

    Who knew!

  124. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Anonymous Bill said...
    The Purple Cow said...
    "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."

    I'm lying about that?"

    Yep, and you know you are...


    Have you considered a name change to Purple Ostrich?

    6:33 PM
    ROFL...Bill you are too funny. By now you have GOT to know that PC is jealous of you. He has never won an argument or a debate against you. I like his new name. I think I'll use it from now on....LOL

  125. Saint Sphincter10:10 PM

    Desertflower said...
    Another Phil Robertson video from 2010 has su8rfaced,where he's seen ranting from a pulpit all of the hatred he seems to find in the Bible!

    And so the Progressive witch hunt unfolds. No one must be permitted to utter a heretical word against the sanctity of Gayness!

    Burn the witch!

  126. Wesley R10:36 PM

    The Old G, Ice T, told you back in the day on his album 'Freedom Of Speech, Just Watch What You Say'. Meaning, you say the wrong thing they will come after you.

  127. John Wesley Hardon10:45 PM

    I bet Old Ice T never thought "they" would be the Gay Mafia.

    How did being a white male Christian become the "perversion" and the homos become the Inquisition?

    Things is not going much longer, methinks.

  128. Anonymous10:45 PM

    Its not about the "sanctity of gayness" its about using the "sanctity" of the Bible to preach hatred.


  129. Saint Sphincter10:52 PM

    It's hatred now to be Christian? the bible says homosexuality is a sin. No one wants to burn homosexuals, Christianity condemns the sin not the sinner. Are Christians supposed to change their faith because they live in a society where the elites are forcing the normalization of homosexuality on the culture?

    Has the world gone crazy?

  130. Trolls are funny. They must have a troll school out there somewhere.

  131. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Saint Sphincter10:52 PM
    Has the world gone crazy?
    Weeell.... When someone uses a handle like Saint Sphincter, one has to wonder :)

  132. Trolls11:33 PM

    field negro said...

    Trolls are funny. They must have a troll school out there somewhere

    Good comeback Field.

    You really told us.

  133. Anonymous12:06 AM

    Blogger Desertflower said...
    Its not about the "sanctity of gayness" its about using the "sanctity" of the Bible to preach hatred.


    10:45 PM
    Could you please give an example how one is using the sanctity of the Bible to preach hatred against gays?

    I mean, the Bible is pretty explicit in its spiritual principles and Divine Law.

    The Bible is not politically correct, nor does it bend to please certain groups or human desires. It stands on Spiritual Principles which do not change to suit the times. That happens with man-made laws but not Divine Law.

    So please, give an example of what you mean by your statement? Thank you.

  134. Anonymous12:30 AM

    Blogger field negro said...
    Trolls are funny. They must have a troll school out there somewhere.

    10:58 PM
    dear field, when you talk about "trolls" who are you talking about? Anon Inc wants to know because Anons are also trained by Anon Inc to make you laugh. However, Anons from Anon Inc are not "trolls". We are highly paid people to 'support' FN folks to WTFU. Anon Inc provides a lot of jobs for Anons, and we are proud of our common name, "Anonymous" has a nice ring to it when you can pronounce it.

    However, our survey has shown that a large percentage of POC can't pronounce the word. Big lip people can't enunciate such words because their defiant lips just won't cooperate. PilotX, Desert and Mack Lyons know exactly what I'm talking about.

  135. Anonymous1:23 AM

    "It's hatred now to be Christian? the bible says homosexuality is a sin. No one wants to burn homosexuals, Christianity condemns the sin not the sinner. Are Christians supposed to change their faith because they live in a society where the elites are forcing the normalization of homosexuality on the culture?"

    Actually some straight people DO want to burn homosexuals. That's what people don't get. Religious people always say they condemn all sins and not just homosexuality. But that's NOT TRUE.

    Homophobes, especially religious homophobes, condemn homosexuality MORE than they condemn the other sins. They do this by calling homosexuality an ABOMINATION instead of just a sin. An abomination is worse than a "mere" sin. I don't know how much worse but it is worse. It's almost as if compassion) but an abomination (such as homosexuality) is so vile that it must be punished ruthlessly by death.

    What makes homosexuality not just a sin but an ABOMINATION? Answer that question, Focused Purpose since you obviously believe it!

    Why is FP, a black het woman, supporting this redneck? She is following this redneck because she agree with his rabid homophobia. You have nothing else in common with this racist redneck.

    Read again what he said. He said blacks were happy prior to the civil rights movement which means he chooses to ignore that a black person could be lynched in the South for just looking at a white person the "wrong" way. So, of course, they acted happy around white folks back then. They had no choice.

  136. Anonymous full of shit2:26 AM

    He just got out of the joint.

  137. Phil Robertson2:56 AM

    Everyone on the planet is fallen. And no one chooses their particular flavor of temptation. But we are all responsible for our own actions, we all choose whether to give into our temptations or not, and we all choose whether to repent of those moral failures, those sins, or not.

  138. Quote: Barack The Magic Negro

    "The Purple Cow said...

    "I don't believe biden had any hate or ill will against african americans."

    Errrrr, no I didn't.


  139. Dear President of Anon Inc.

    it seems that a new strain of trolls have infiltrated your fine organization. It is getting very hard to tell your members from the wingnut trolls with talking points plastered next to their key boards.

    Unless a serious attempt is made by u to extract these pests from your organization, I will ask for a renegotiation of our current contract.

    Sincerely, Field.

  140. Anonymous8:32 AM

    I said:
    "It's almost as if compassion) but an abomination (such as homosexuality) is so vile that it must be punished ruthlessly by death."

    I meant:
    It's almost as if a person who commits a "sin" can be forgiven (compassion) if he "repents" but an abomination (such as homosexuality) is so vile that it must be punished ruthlessly by death. Why is that?

  141. chicago dyke11:18 AM

    FN, i don't know if you've seen the video, but "cult of dusty" has a youtube about these people you should check out.

    essentially, the DD crew are total fakes. not really 'rednecks' at all, but highly educated and wealthy yuppie types pretending to be down home crackers from the swamp, for money. and it's worked brilliantly! they are now very rich and have a whole line of products which will provide them with enormous wealth for life.

    it's deeply ironic that so many conservative people of the poorer classes believe phil to be "one of them." he's laughing all the way to the bank.

    imo, this whole controversy was staged, and planned from the beginning to sell merchandise. only a few more days till xmas, and thus only a few more days to sell DD merchandise at full price before the end of season markdowns.

  142. field negro said...
    Dear President of Anon Inc.

    it seems that a new strain of trolls have infiltrated your fine organization

    The memo I got from the agency this morning said you are months behind paying your bill and your account has been moved to the Governmental Troll Alliance.

    As you are finding out, government workers/trolls can't hold a candle to the private sector.

  143. chicago dyke said...
    FN, i don't know if you've seen the video, but "cult of dusty" has a youtube about these people you should check out.

    Some of those pictures were funny.

    Trying to compare the pictures of the duck yuppies to the duck trash takes a bit of imagination. The 4 young frat guys picture doesn't represent the difference in ages to the duck photo.

    But he hates, no doubt there.

  144. I'm gay and I don't agree with Phil, but he has a right to his's not's religious...misdirected, but his right

    When you don't have hate in your heart you don't respond with hate.

  145. the real jews are black11:51 AM

    there's 613 laws in the bible and these dirty ass cracker got the nerve to persucute Gay's. first of all a follower of christ does not judge, second he follows YHWH LAws from the food, to even the 7 biblical holidays. the devil is a ma f&*&*^

    i got a scripture for all you so called christian or bible thumper

    tim 2:15 study to show THY SELF Approval unto YAHWEH a work men that need no shame dividing the word of truth.

    none of you guys are studying what the word is really saying. the bible is a BLACK HISTORY BOOK IT OUR HIDDEN HISTORY THATS WHY WE LOST WAKE BLACK MAN

  146. but they represent a little-understood reality of the Affordable Care Act. While the act clearly benefits those at the low end of the income scale — and rich people can continue to afford even the most generous plans
    A 60-year-old living in Polk County, in northwestern Wisconsin, and earning $50,000 a year, for example, would have to spend more than 19 percent of his income, or $9,801 annually, to buy one of the cheapest plans available there.

    Doing some math, Obamacare is really screwing people.

    Earning $50,000-
    -$10,000 fed income tax
    -$3,000 state income tax
    -$10,000 Obamacare
    real money to spend, not counting all the other taxes you choose to pay like property tax, cell phone tax, cigarette tax, etc.

  147. Anonymous1:35 PM

    chicago dyke said...

    FN, i don't know if you've seen the video, but "cult of dusty" has a youtube about these people you should check out.

    essentially, the DD crew are total fakes. not really 'rednecks' at all, but highly educated and wealthy yuppie types pretending to be down home crackers from the swamp, for money. and it's worked brilliantly! they are now very rich and have a whole line of products which will provide them with enormous wealth for life.

    it's deeply ironic that so many conservative people of the poorer classes believe phil to be "one of them." he's laughing all the way to the bank.

    imo, this whole controversy was staged, and planned from the beginning to sell merchandise. only a few more days till xmas, and thus only a few more days to sell DD merchandise at full price before the end of season markdowns.
    1:18 AM

    Wow! I knew they were too crazy to be real!!!!

    Great video!!!

  148. Homosexuality is Normal.

    Heterosexuality is oppression.

    Sex is Love.

    God is Hate.

    Death is Life.

    Life is Death.

    Extinction is Responsible Stewardship.

    Families are an Attack on the Earth.

    Tolerance of Dominant beliefs is Mandatory.

    Tolerance of Contrary beliefs is Forbidden.

    Anyone who contradicts the Narrative must be crushed. It is Phil Robertson's turn for the two minute hate.

    Hate is Love.

  149. 25 dozen cookies today, 25 dozen cookies tomorrow. That's a gallon of oats, 10lbs of flour, 5 lbs of sugar, 2 dozen eggs & 7 lbs of chocolate chips kids.

  150. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Blogger field negro said...

    Dear President of Anon Inc.

    it seems that a new strain of trolls have infiltrated your fine organization. It is getting very hard to tell your members from the wingnut trolls with talking points plastered next to their key boards.

    Unless a serious attempt is made by u to extract these pests from your organization, I will ask for a renegotiation of our current contract.

    Sincerely, Field.

    6:42 AM
    I can't believe it. After all these years, you cannot tell Anon Inc Anons from right-winged Stormfront Anons?

    I have a feeling you can tell the difference but you are using these right-wing trolls to squeeze out another low ball price. You are killing me. At this rate Anon Inc will go out of business!

  151. Anon Inc. I would never do that, our business relationship is too important for me to jeopardize it. :)

  152. Anonymous10:48 AM

    field negro said...
    Anon Inc. I would never do that, our business relationship is too important for me to jeopardize it. :)
    9:30 PM
    You're too kind! Fire them all!

    Do it now, just in time for Christmas!and don't renew the contract unless they all use names and avatars!!!

    They shouldn't be able to get away with insulting the blog owner!!! That's not right!!! X(

    Signed: ~The Christmas Grinch~

  153. field negro said...
    Anon Inc. I would never do that, our business relationship is too important for me to jeopardize it. :)

    The agency understands that.

    Trolls drive up traffic.
    More traffic gets you higher organic results in google.
    More hits, more $.

    I've seen the advertising.

    The agency also has noted that you are taking advantage of their plan to have the advertising revenue processed though instead of your personal account.

  154. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Bill said...
    The agency also has noted that you are taking advantage of their plan to have the advertising revenue processed though instead of your personal account.
    1:02 PM
    Really? You can do that?

    Heck, I want to do it too!


  155. BARBBF12:39 PM

    OK..I never heard of the Duck Dynasty until last week. What Robertson said was stupid...but there are many whites and I guess a few blacks who support him. I don't think he has caused the deaths of any humans. There are also many blacks and whites who continue to support Obama..and ignore the 30,000 deaths of men, women and Libyan children as a result of his support with US $$$$ of NATO's invasion of that country. Among those targeted for killing are Black Libyans and African Immigrants. When the CBC as asked for comments..the answer was "No Comment".

  156. Barbbf3:30 PM

    The NAACP wrote a great usual. What I would like to know is why the silence from the NAACP on the plan by a children's hospital to end the life of a black child they have determined to be brain dead. I have no doubt that if the child was not black...that hospital would not be so anxious to end her life. Were there any comments from Jesse Jackson, Ms Perry, Al Sharpton or any members of the National Urban League? it was sad to see only 4 people standing outside the hospital and praying for her recovery and that the hospital not end her life support.
