Saturday, December 14, 2013

I bet that Megyn wishes Santa was a penguin right about now.

Megyn Kelly must really think that her viewers are stupid...wait, she is on FOX; I take that back. OK, she must really think that the people out in the public at large are stupid.

Megyn's excuse for slipping and letting her real racist views known to America was that she was just joking about Santa and Jesus being white.

"Just being "tongue -in- check" she declared. And, in typical FOX News fashion, she played the victim card and blamed everyone else for picking on poor FOX News.

“I offered a tongue-in-cheek message for any kids watching,” she explained. “Humor is a part of what we try to bring to this show, but sometimes that is lost on the humorless.”

“Many questioning whether I understand that Santa is a mythical figure, others’ suggesting that I am a racist who is outraged at the idea of a black Santa,” she continued. “Well, this would be funny if it were not so telling about our society, in particular the knee-jerk instinct by so may to race bait and to assume the worst in people. Especially people employed by the very powerful Fox News channel.” [Source]

Nice. Blame society for race baiting while being on a network that makes a tidy profit by race baiting and playing to the fears of old white people.

And it wasn't just a "knee jerk" reaction. Megyn had a panel of all white people discuss an article by a black journalist who dared to make her feelings known about how she feels about Santa.

Of course Megyn tried to twist that as well, by declaring that she knew that Aisha Harris was being tongue-in- cheek all along. And if you believe that you don't know how FOX News operates. They pick on the black person, no matter how insignificant and obscure, (Do you remember Megyn's obsession with the New Black Panthers?) who dares to celebrate their blackness, and then they make it an issue on their network (by featuring segments with an all white panel) to point out reverse racism by those all powerful black people.

It's what Megyn tried to do in this instance, but unfortunately for her it backfired this time.

Not that her bosses over at FOX are complaining. The publicity is good for their business. They don't care if they are viewed as racists because their "white conservative superiority complex"  allows them to be just that without apology.

It is why Megyn so confidently declared the following:

 "Just because it makes you feel uncomfortable doesn't mean it has to change..."

Yes, because getting along with others who are different is such a wimpy liberal concept.

"Humor is a part of what we try to bring to this show, but sometimes that is lost on the humorless,"

Sorry Megyn, there is nothing funny about being a racist.

*Pic from


  1. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Reminds me of somebody (who shall remain nameless)

    That seems to be their modus operandi Feild!

    Insult in a round about way, doubletalk, back track,declare innocence and goodwill, then insult again by declaring themselves the victim!

    Yup! Never changes! That's how you can tell what they are!

    Who do they think they're fooling???

  2. Negro b.s. detector10:00 PM

    pot-kettle-field negro....

    this coming from someone who's only reason for blogging is to race bait and play on the fears of plantation negroes? really?

    "Sorry Megyn, there is nothing funny about being a racist."

    which is why no one finds you funny.

    just another EPIC fail attack on fox from the plantation.

  3. Anonymous10:11 PM

    I saw that Megan clip and it was so funny'cos when she let go with that comment "Jesus and Santa are white"
    if you watch closely,even the three panelists sort of did a quiet double take kind of movement. it was subtle but it was there :)))

    What a dummy. Jesus was from the middle East. and PC has explained St Nick. So that woman should go do some studying. She's making Fox look even sillier and more ignorant and reactionary than it usually is!

  4. Anonymous10:26 PM

    How rayciss of her. Really. Her eeeevil comments are the equivalent of hardcore genocide. Tantamount to the mass slaughter of Chaka Zulu even.

  5. Anonymous10:55 PM

    Desert, "What a dummy. Jesus was from the middle East. and PC has explained St Nick. So that woman should go do some studying. She's making Fox look even sillier and more ignorant and reactionary than it usually is!"

    10:11 PM
    PC has explained St Nick? Really? What did he say about it? I am sure his purple comments are gospel.

    Megyn is not making FOX look sillier or bad. In fact, she is doing her part on FOX: increasing ratings by way racial controversy. You see, FOX has high ratings because they are the best at getting attention.

    People will tune in to FOX about this St Nick-Jesus Black and White-'color aroused argument...Both Blacks and Whites will tune in.

    Some tune in because they love them. Others tune in because they love to hate them. Either way, FOX wins the ratings game again and again and again.

    Good white job, Megyn.

  6. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Field, I don't think Megyn is a racist. As a matter of fact, I'm sure she isn't. If you will view the link you provided with the black Bishop in it he defended Megyn. I mean, the softness between the two of them turned out to be intimate, indicating that they seemed to have a 'thing' going on between them off camera.

    Now, would a racist do that? I don't think so. In fact, her conversation with him restored my faith in her as a woman who is fair and balanced when it comes to Blacks and Whites.

  7. Anonymous11:09 PM

    From the previous thread...I post this because people need to know that Black Sage might be a very biased, illogical, unreasonable and unforgiving racist:

    Anonymous said...
    "Black Sage, it is true the GOP is trying its best to connect with Blacks like yourself and others. However, the GOP doesn't expect to win them all. For instance, you are one of those FN Negroes that no matter what the GOP ernestly tries will find fault with Republicans.

    The GOP isn't looking for close-minded and close-hearted folks like you. You are lacking in so many aspects of being human.

    Brother Sage, the Tea Party, the GOP, and other Republicans are looking for "compassionate" Blacks like myself, not Negroes like you, Field and Purple Cow over in the UK. The GOP has no use for purple cows, Grannies, or PilotXs.

    I hope this clarifies things, and alleviates your confusion, and assuages your inability to understand."

  8. NSangoma11:10 PM


    Multi-generational baby-mamaism
    is the problem in the Negroe community, not Megyn Kelly and other white racists.

    Negroe males with 7-babies by 5-diferent baby mamas are the problem, not Megyn Kelly.

    Hard working Jamaican immigrants such as the parents of Heisman candidate Andre Williams; do not want to be taxed to provide social benefits (because of the legacy of US slavery) for baby-mama Negroes and their scion. There was also slavery in Jamaica.

    That mush-mouthed Negroe Jameis Winston should not have won the Heisman; for no other reason than he is inarticulate.


  9. Anonymous11:10 PM

    Megyn shmegyn! I don't care what you say. I know Jesus was Dark and St. Nicholas was from Turkey.

    It's showing your ignorance to say otherwise.

    Anyway,her comments show she is sadly ignorant of the fact that all Middle Easterners at that time were darker skinned. Remember the three Kings that traveled to give gifts to the baby Jesus? Those kings were Middle Eastern also.

    I don't even know how this 'whitening' of Jesus began!!!

    Blonde hair and blue eyes!!! WTF!!!LOL! Blonde and STAIGHT hair no less! lol

    How'd this happen. I remember my grandma had pictures of Jesus on the walls, all blonde hair and blue eyes!!! I would tell her "Abuela you know Jesus was from the Middle East right? El Oriente. "He couldn't have looked like that" and she would reply,"well,mija, I don't know, but that's the way I've always seen him"(as if to say I was/had to be, wrong x)

    WTF! I mean?....Think woman! Think for yourself! But no, old habits die hard I guess.....poor abuela, went to her grave thinking she would meet a blonde,blue eyed Jesus on the other side...........

  10. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Blogger Desertflower said...
    Reminds me of somebody (who shall remain nameless)


    Who? Inquiring Negroes want to know.

  11. Anonymous11:24 PM

    Blogger Desertflower said...
    Megyn shmegyn! I don't care what you say. I know Jesus was Dark and St. Nicholas was from Turkey.

    It's showing your ignorance to say otherwise.

    Desert, what the hell am I going to do with you? You keep getting your history all wrong. It's simple: Go to any Catholic Church in PR and see for yourself what 'color' Jesus was.

    Now, as far as St Nick is concerned, I refer you to the link Field gave with the video of the Black Priest. He explained that 'St. Nick' is from Ireland.

    Desert, you really ought to check yourself before you blog because you make yourself look more foolish than your opinion of the beautiful intelligent Megyn.

    BTW, she is a lawyer, like Mr Field...but far more successful...Not everyone can make it all the way up to FOX, the #1 News. She is pulling in big bucks when on FOX, so give her the credit she deserves.

  12. Anonymous11:49 PM

    Anonymous11:13 PMBlogger Desertflower said...Reminds me of somebody (who shall remain nameless)-----------------------Who? Inquiring Negroes want to know.
    You don't know who ? :)

  13. Anonymous12:05 AM

    Anonymous11:24 PMBlogger
    the beautiful intelligent Megyn. 
    Santa Clause is from the North mean Turkey! and the not besutiful!

    And they dont have pictures of Jesus in Catholic churches here. They have crusifixed made entirely of gold or wood or marble with Jesus on them. So you can't tell colors.

    But the Three Kibgs were ME and so was the big J man! ;+p

  14. Wesley R12:15 AM


    Pull out the map. The wingnuts dont understand that Africa (even north africa) isn't in the middle east.

  15. Anonymous12:30 AM

    Blogger Desertflower said...
    Anonymous11:13 PMBlogger Desertflower said...Reminds me of somebody (who shall remain nameless)-----------------------Who? Inquiring Negroes want to know.
    You don't know who ? :)

    11:49 PM
    No I don't know. Who is it?

  16. Anonymous12:33 AM

    Wesley R said...

    Pull out the map. The wingnuts dont understand that Africa (even north africa) isn't in the middle east.

    12:15 AM
    WTF? what does this have to do with the post?

  17. Anonymous12:58 AM

    Dear Mr Field, Anon Inc is proud to announce that we now have anons from Africa who not only speak impeccable English, but know impeccable sign languages too.

    I wanted you to be one of the first to know. We here at Anon Inc are constantly looking to upgrade and improve our services for a small increase in fees. And, we have found loop holes in the tax laws to provide you with sign language Anons Tax free!

  18. Anonymous1:20 AM

    Anonymous12:30 AMBlogger
    -No I don't know. Who is it?
    Cmooon,.you knooow! Stop pretending
    you fake pretender you o_O

  19. "Desert, what the hell am I going to do with you? You keep getting your history all wrong. It's simple: Go to any Catholic Church in PR and see for yourself what 'color' Jesus was."

    Wait, would this be the very same Catholic church that thinks St. Nic was black?

  20. Sorry Anon. Inc, this is a blog. Don't need anyone for the hearing impaired. They can all read. Well, all except the wingnut trolls who post here.
    (See comments @10:00 PM)

    Thanks for the offer, but I will just stick to my regular rate plan for now.

    Oh, quick question: is there any way we can get an upgrade of the Anon trolls?

  21. I'm not sure which is funnier -- Megyn Kelly claiming that a mythical character is white or people wasting time worrying about what Megyn Kelly says. Yes, it's another example of people who enjoy white privilege being oblivious to the existence of that privilege, but so what? It's Faux News. Oblivious and pandering to ignorance are their stock in trade.

    BTW, if you look at the early illustrations of Santa Claus, like Thomas Nast's drawing from 1863, Santa looks more black than white. Nast's illustration reminded me of the drawings in the Uncle Remus books from the 1880s. Santa doesn't acquire a more aquiline nose and pale skin until the 20th century. There's a lot of variation until the Coke ads come out and kind of lock one particular image in the public consciousness.

  22. Negro B.S. Detector8:02 AM

    desertflower is pissed because megyn has fine hair.

    black women need to get over themselves. and their hair.

  23. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Blogger Desertflower said...
    Anonymous12:30 AMBlogger
    -No I don't know. Who is it?
    Cmooon,.you knooow! Stop pretending
    you fake pretender you o_O

    1:20 AM
    Dear Mr Field, Desert is fucking with me.

    If you will do something about her, I will see about upgrading the anons.

    Quick question: Why are the Negroes in the UK purple? I mean, what the hell happened?

  24. Like I said, FN won't be talking about the recent school shooter.

    He's not a right-winger.

    he acted "weird" and alienated peers with rants about communism
    bright but a social misfit
    "He's a self-proclaimed communist, just wears Soviet shirts all the time."

    Because of the internet, I predict "social misfits" will become the norm for the internet generation.

  25. Anon @11:09 foolishly said "Black Sage, it is true the GOP is trying its best to connect with Blacks like yourself and others. The GOP isn't looking for close-minded and close-hearted folks like you. You are lacking in so many aspects of being human.”

    You’re so funny! I guess that the Rethuglicans’ Minority Outreach Program is working after all. And since you’ve been so easily hoodwinked by them, they also have a surprise for you. Now, … quit driving Miss Daisy around, retrieve the borrowed shoe shining kit from massa’s closet and head over to the airport and begin shining some shoes.

    I add a motherphucker so you ignorant ni**as can hear me! – Rapper Lauryn Hill, The Fugees

  26. Bill O’Reilly Jr. said: “Because of the internet, I predict "social misfits" will become the norm for the internet generation.”

    Yes, … I wholeheartedly agree with you here Bill Jr., but only because it’s overwhelmingly obvious that you’ve succeeded without encouragement in morphing into a SOCIAL MISFIT already!

  27. Black Sage said...
    Yes, … I wholeheartedly agree with you here Bill Jr., but only because it’s overwhelmingly obvious that you’ve succeeded without encouragement in morphing into a SOCIAL MISFIT already!

    Pretty lame.

  28. My definition of a Social Misfit.

    "Someone of conservative political persuasion who has nothing more interesting to do with his life than spend every single day on an African American's bog telling him and his supporters that every single thing they say is wrong."

    Seriously, how empty and meaningless must Bill-Oh and the Stormfront crowd's lives have to be?

  29. Black Sage said...
    Yes, … I wholeheartedly agree with you here Bill Jr., but only because it’s overwhelmingly obvious that you’ve succeeded without encouragement in morphing into a SOCIAL MISFIT already!

    Bill responded: "Pretty lame."

    Nope, ... this observation is right on target. Allow me to cc you over to Purple Cow's definition. You’re doing quite a miserable job at your attempts to convince people of the benefits of your Konservative ideology. PLEASE GET SOME HELP BILL, I’m here to support only to this end!

  30. Anonymous5:36 PM

    PC, you calling Bill a social misfit is funny. Here you are a "Purple Cow" Negro married to a ww and living in the UK. Lord have mercy. Negroes like you don't fit anywhere, let alone on FN. Besides, in America it is well known by society that bm are social misfits.

    And Black Sage ought to STFU. Anybody on FN is a social misfit. Your last name is a joke.

  31. so...

    "OK, she must really think that the people out in the public at large are stupid."

    she wouldn't be too wrong.

    i would do a little tweaking to statement putting D.umb F.ools in lieu of stupid.

    think about it...we got mr. drone man on the loose, lying up a storm and secretly doing all kinds of things. i mean a real science fiction administration, while folks calling the Law a fairytale. yet, folks are discussing...santa.

    most folks are distracting/distracted, duped + defeated D.umb F.ools because they don't have the very beginning of Wisdom...which is the fear/reverence of Him/His Word.



    Proverbs 1:7- The fear of the Sovereign is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.

    Proverbs 4:7- Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.

    Proverbs 4:13- Take fast hold of instruction; let her not go: keep her; for she is thy life.


    i pray that does not resonate harshly. if i sought to offend, i could think of another word in lieu of fools. rhymes with duck;)

    that is not permissible and i really AM working on my Patience. Love. being His Word.

    notice i did not lie and say pc was a goal. Messiah was not pc. i AM with Him + Understand my walk will mirror His in many ways. for this there is only Gratitude.

    that's just what it is for me.

    so i Love my haters and thank them all for growing me in Patience + Peace;) ya'll are used to make me go focus on Him. which means nonstop D.umb F.ool, side winder, buck wild on the nicety low,moonwalking, defeated invitations get rejected.

    only He causes me to go sit down;) when everybody rocking their own high and mighty...

    only my High and Mighty, He gave to me and told me to speak His Word. give His Law as a lioness, from the tribe of Yahudah...from which the sceptre will never depart. it is to US that the nations will gather as His Law was it is written.

    it is written that my one voice in Him...puts 1K devils to flight.

    i AM "crazy" enough to believe Him/His Word.

    it has been my constant confession that ALL can get some of what i AM talking about.

    a few moonwalking, side winding D.umb F.ools...i promise they will get tired of playing, joking, teeheeing and go hug another; before i quit listening to Him/His Word and doing what i feel called to do. supported by UNIVERSAL LAW.

    folks don't need to be mad or call me a know-it-all. i can't help it. there are a LOT of D.umb F.ools on the loose creating confusion/chaos. His Word shine Light. so when i speak...

    don't be mad.


    wake up.



    Proverbs 28: 5- Evil men understand not judgment: but they that seek the Sovereign understand all things.

    folks can BOW DOWN, stand down, or flee. that's what's written. that's what it is now. i AM simply agreeing with UNIVERSAL LAW.

    final. double bind. Messiah dap. done;)

    so...deceived/deceiving, bored with Black American/American history devils might stay bored.

    "middle eastern"...folks need more info or the emotional discipline to sit, listen, and research. even D.umb F.ools might stumble on this obvious Blessed Black clue if they spent less time playing, joking, teeheeing their way through conversations.


    a bit of a side-note: i forgot the mr. international Bl.


    folks best watch the signs and call stuff what it is...

    but i been saying this for years, already;)

    i AM stubborn + flowing with the Ancients of Ancients. yep. BOW DOWN. stand down. flee.

    how folks trying to own strength beyond me. rolling with lucifer/satan/ancient evil = defeated.

    what ya'll 'bout to do for real?

    D.F... indeed.


    that's the best i could do by way of a soft answer...

    forgive any typos

  32. FN-

    didn't you just say a post or so ago that this reptilian, nice, average looking + thinking white lady that can keep white santa + white J-sus baal was "smart" + "pretty"?


    now this post.

    did i call game or what?

    throwing silly bishes bones.

    like it is '09. even snoop knows it is choose sides + lion time.

    wake up.

    folks want to be mad...on account He sent me in the viper pit...wise as a serpent, but harmless as a dove?

    mad 'cause He gave me real eyes...

    to recognize...

    the real lies?

    here's the thing FN. since this is your blog, it vexes me to consider coming over here and playing a game to see how many AB expletives i can get out a day...without using a single profane word. i AM THAT One;)

    nicety and i are friends;) so you and your in her head blog wife might need more people.

    but that ain't right.

    LOL. already said you are agnostic. add to that still defending nazi acting BO like you don't know...

    what time it is or that AB is a real person;(

    take all of that into consideration, add the fact that you are married...why would anyone care about who you think is "smart" or "pretty"?

    come on FN.


    AB...i told you that i would stand in the gap for you, sis. i meant that.

    we don't ever have to agree.

    run up against His Word = all.bad.

    i apologized for not answering softly. recall that i urged you to think + move slowly.

    none of US are always right, sis.

    when i told you i loved you...i meant it. i pray you are well and simply punishing folks by keeping your links to yourself;)

    i stand corrected. in our heated exchange...i misspoke.

    FN, DESPERATELY needs your links. please just try not to cuss him out. i know it is difficult. he wasn't siding with me. he was manning up in the face of disrespect. even folks that can't see for looking have that right.

  33. Anonymous9:28 PM

    FP-"folks don't need to be mad or call me a know-it-all. i can't help it. there are a LOT of D.umb F.ools on the loose creating confusion/chaos."

    Dear FP, your comment brought to my mind what a yogi once said:

    "God must have loved fools because He made so many of them!"

    I've said it before, and I feel compelled to say it again, I appreciate your comments. They are wise and good life giving teachings from on High. Thank you and God bless you.

  34. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Hey Favorite Priestess! :) You had me worried there for a quick minute! Thought those "darts" might have been poisoned "darts" LOL! Oops, I forgot you are the 'Favorite Person of God' 0-0

    Some constructive criticism,if I may be so bold. 'Cos chatting with you is like chatting with the big G Him/Her self right? I know,I know ;)

    Have you anything to actually contribute to the blog commentary? Besides just calling everybody names and insults?

    Maybe you could ask/pray for some, you know,actual intelligent conversation/debate? or at least intelligent commentary? 'cos your shtick sure gets old "with the quickness" :))

    Would be a nice change. Think about it. You might even want to change your 'persona' get a new alias type thing.

    Though I do realize how difficult it is for you to change gears from reactionary hatred to something that resembles civilized conversation in the modern world.

    Good luck with that ;*D

  35. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Oh and I forgot to add, as if it's not enough that you have no opinion, debate, commentary, and you just call people names, insult The Field!


    Something that no one else does might I add!Not that you care:)What a piece o work!

    Nice! Really religious, spiritual and all those good and moral thangs you claim to so high and mightily espouse.

    Riiiiight...:D *side eye*

  36. Black Sage said...
    You’re doing quite a miserable job at your attempts to convince people of the benefits of your Konservative ideology.

    Well Duh!

    I'm not promoting a conservative agenda.

    Is thinking people should be responsible for themselves and not depend on the government now considered "conservative?"

    Excluding my mocking of the democrat agenda, why assume I'm conservative?

  37. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Megyn the last three letters of your last name are the abbreviation for gynecologist. Ever notice that? Santa's fictitious and no one has ever seen Jesus. Who cares what color they were? All the toddlers know is that Santa leaves presents for them under the Christmas tree. Those were the days children were allowed to use something they no longer have. IMAGINATIONS.

    When I was small I didn't give a crap what color Santa was, when I saw him in the store, I became a track star after his butt. I loved Santa Claus and he ate some mean cookies and drank some cool milk at my house. My Christmases were F.A.B.U.L.O.U.S.

    Get up off your racial bullshit for a couple days so the children can enjoy. Most of us know you racists are nothing but INSANE.

  38. Anonymous10:50 AM

    stupid racist negroes go home and wait for your welfare checks.

  39. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Oh shut up Rush.
