Friday, December 13, 2013

The justice system.

I know that I am a part of it, but sometimes the justice system doesn't seem so just.

Take for instance this latest decision by a federal jury in New Orleans.

If you don't know the story about the murder of Henry Glover you should learn it.

Mr. Glover was shot and killed by police officer David Warren in the aftermath of Katrina, and the NOPD covered up his killing.

Charges were filed, arrests were made, and a state jury found all the officers guilty for their actions.

But now....

"NEW ORLEANS (AP) — A former New Orleans police officer whose 2010 manslaughter conviction was touted as a milestone in the city's healing after Hurricane Katrina was acquitted Wednesday by a different jury of charges he fatally shot a man without justification during the storm's chaotic aftermath.
David Warren spent more than three years behind bars after he was charged in the September 2005 death of 31-year-old Henry Glover, whose body was burned in a car by a different officer after a good Samaritan drove the dying man to a makeshift police compound.

Leaving the courthouse a free man, Warren, 50, was reunited with his wife and five children after jurors acquitted him of a civil rights violation and a firearm charge.

Warren told reporters that he "took the action that I had to take" when he shot Glover once with a rifle from a second-story balcony at a strip mall he was guarding.

"We have spent years talking about something that lasted seconds," he said.
Warren's trembling relatives wept and embraced each other after the verdict, which jurors delivered less than two hours after they informed a judge they were struggling to reach a unanimous decision.

"Oh my gosh, I can't even get it in my head," his wife, Kathy Warren, told a supporter. Her husband had been in custody since June 2010, when he surrendered to authorities following his indictment.

On the other side of the courtroom, Glover's sister, Patrice, slumped over and wailed so loudly that U.S. District Judge Lance Africk paused as he spoke to jurors. After a man carried Patrice Glover out of the room, several jurors wiped away tears as they filed out.

Friends and relatives tried to console Patrice Glover as she sat in a chair in the lobby of the courthouse.

"He was a good child," she said of her brother. "That was my baby."
U.S. Attorney Kenneth Allen Polite Jr. said in a statement that prosecutors were disappointed by the verdict but thanked jurors for their "attentive service."
His predecessor, Jim Letten, said after the 2010 verdict that it marked a "critical phase in the recovery and healing of this city, of the people of this region."
Africk had sentenced Warren to nearly 26 years in prison after the jury in his first trial convicted him and two other former officers of charges stemming from Glover's death.

But an appeals court overturned Warren's convictions and ordered a new trial last year. A three-judge panel of the 5th U.S. Circuit ruled that Warren should have been tried separately from four other former officers charged in an alleged cover-up of Glover's death. The panel agreed with Warren's lawyers that the "spillover effect" of evidence about the cover-up, including testimony about the burning of Glover's body and photos of his charred remains, denied him a fair trial.

A different officer, Gregory McRae, was convicted in 2010 of burning Glover's body. The 5th Circuit upheld McRae's convictions.

The jury for Warren's retrial was barred from hearing any testimony about what happened to Glover in the aftermath of the shooting.

On Monday, Warren testified that he feared for his life when he shot Glover because he thought he saw a gun in his hand as he and another man ran toward the building he was guarding. Prosecutors, however, said Glover wasn't armed and didn't pose a threat." [Source]

Officer Warren is now a free man. But was justice served? Sadly, only David Warren knows for sure. 

Then there is this crazy story out of Texas. Rich kid gets hammered and gets behind the wheel of a car. He kills four people and doesn't get sentenced to a day in jail. Why? Apparently he suffers from a rare desease called "affluenza" . -I think Mitt Romney has the same desease.- I  wonder what kind of treatment they have for that.

"The Keller, Tex., 16-year-old has a rare condition that a judge believes is best remedied with anything but dealing with the consequences for causing a DWI wreck that killed four people, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported.

Couch suffers from “affluenza,” according to his lawyers, a term which means that his wealthy parents pretty much let him get away with everything. The defense saved him from a 20-year sentence; State District Judge Jean Boyd bought it at his sentencing on Tuesday and gave Couch probation instead.
“He never learned that sometimes you don’t get your way,” Gary Miller, a psychologist assigned to Couch said in court. “He had the cars and he had the money. He had freedoms that no young man would be able to handle.” [Source]

Poor Ethan, we all should have it so hard.



  1. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Field, "Poor Ethan, we all should have it so hard."

    Ahhh, knock off the bullshit. You come from wealthy parents and have gotten away with a lot of shit during your younger days. Remember?

  2. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Mr Field, I think the fact that a white officer spent THREE YEARS behind bars for shooting a bm is amazing, esp in New Orleans. don't you think so?

    So, from that perspective, justice has been served. Besides, the guy was found innocent by a fair and impartial jury.

  3. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Can someone tell me why Henry Glover was running toward the building occupied by Warren? Negroes should never run toward the cops because you WILL be shot.

    I am sure Bill will attest that you must be White in order to not get shot by the po-po. If you are Black, you're dead.

  4. "affluenza"? You lawyers and judges who have made a mockery of our criminal justice system should be ashamed of yourselves.

  5. "I wonder what kind of treatment they have for that."

    Marine Corps boot camp used to be an effective, if temporary antidote.

    PS: 2 days ahead of you on your own blog Field.... & you've had trifling stuff since then.

  6. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Society can never repay an innocent man who spent three years of his life in prison.

  7. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Mr Field, I believe you have some spiritual folks on FN? that is great! I remember years ago there were none.

    Anon Inc has worked wonders for you. And at such a low rate contract each year. How did you do it? Are you and the President of Anon Inc buddies? Wow. What else can I say except just "Wow". You are one lucky dude. Very few people get to know the President. Wow.

  8. Anonymous10:29 PM

    I agree with anon10:11pm. FN would not be half the blog it is without Anon Inc and its outstanding Anons....No one can dispute this fact. It is self-evident.

  9. Gotta love government employees.

    If only we had a bigger government controlling more of our lives.

  10. Well, what's the point of being rich if you can't benefit from it? Ha!

    What about a civil suit?

  11. PilotX, I am sure that is forthcoming. If not, it should be.

    Yes, I am friends with the President of Anon Inc., we have a very good relationship. Which is why I will be speaking to him about updating the quality of the Anons he sends to FN.

  12. Field, Obviously I'm not sure how much you are paying Anon inc. for this latest crop, but I would certainly be negotiating a refund if I were you.

    They are providing you with an inferior quality product at a high quality price. You can't be charging for intellectuals and supplying dimwits and still expect customers to come back. That's just a basic law of capitalism.

  13. A description of a suspect is racial profiling?

    Among other things, the letter called on the university to stop including the race of suspects in crime alerts, and to post the university’s policy against racial profiling on all future alerts.

    Warning students, there's a rapist running loose on the campus. To avoid racial profiling, all we can tell you about the suspect is he has 2 arms and 2 legs. Be on the lookout for people that fit that description.

    Political correctness or stupidity?

  14. Anonymous9:56 AM

    It's not a Justice system, it's a Legal system, you left out half the story, a new trial was ordered due to proven prosecutorial MISCONDUCT. There are many many reports about this besides this partial one, at

  15. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Blogger The Purple Cow said...
    Field, Obviously I'm not sure how much you are paying Anon inc. for this latest crop, but I would certainly be negotiating a refund if I were you.

    They are providing you with an inferior quality product at a high quality price. You can't be charging for intellectuals and supplying dimwits and still expect customers to come back. That's just a basic law of capitalism.

    7:26 AM
    Now the above comment is a clear cut case of someone who doesn't understand American capitalism in the 21st Century in post-racial USA.

    First of all, a 'true' American would not ask for a refund. Why? Because he/she knows you don't get refunds in the Anon business. This is a tough business to be in.

    Anybody who has majored in 'Anonymous' in college and gone on to get their MBA in the UK knows what I'm talking about. PC, the fact that you don't know this makes me wonder what kind of degree you have? Is Wal-Mart in the UK near you?

    Anon Inc has been in demand since blogging began. In fact, it's in greater demand today than ever before.

    If some of you Negroes were to change your attitudes toward Anons you would "immediately" see a marked improvement in Anon comments. I don't know what it is about 'FN' Negroes that makes you want to complain so gotddamn much. I mean, you are the only group of people complaining about high quality Anons. It's never 'enough' with you. NEVER ENOUGH! YOU ARE NEVER SATISFIED!

    You don't see or read or hear Whites complaining about Anons here do you? Bill has never complained about Anons. That's because brother Bill is a good Christian man on his way to heaven.

    PC, Anon Inc is getting tired of your insults. Keep it up, fool. The next thing you might experience is bombs being dropped on your ass. We don't play with big mouth countries who mess with us....we will bomb your ass back to the days of Kings.

  16. Now now Anon Inc. enforcer, PC was simply making an observation. No need to get all badass on the man.

    Besides, u better be nice to our English brothers, we might need them to fight with us in a war that is bound to come.

  17. field negro said...

    Now now Anon Inc. enforcer, PC was simply making an observation.

    He's just tired of being slapped around, and is whining to Field for relief.

    He is just a cow.

  18. This kountry never, and doesn't currently have a justice or legal system. However, there is a plethora of imperical evidence that highly suggests that we do have an Injustice System. Furthermore, the system is primarily being operated by neo-Confederates!

  19. Anonymous1:59 PM

    field negro12:12 PM
    We might need them to fight with us in a war that is bound to come.
    Another one??? x(

  20. Would it be safe to assume that FN won't be talking about the school shooting?

    It doesn't fit his agenda.

    Pierson also appears to mock Republicans on another Facebook post, writing "you republicans are so cute" and posting an image that reads: "The Republican Party: Health Care: Let 'em Die, Climate Change: Let 'em Die, Gun Violence: Let 'em Die, Women's Rights: Let 'em Die, More War: Let 'em Die. Is this really the side you want to be on?"

    Carl Schmidt and Brendon Mendelson, both seniors at Arapahoe High, knew Pierson. They said he had political views that were "outside the mainstream," but they did not elaborate.

    One of those stories that won't get much traction.

    After all, how does talking about someone that hated republicans shooting up a school help Obama?

  21. Bill O. Jr, you're so full of *ish. I'm not a fan of Obomber, however, you Rethugs attribute every act of violence in this country to the President. You Konservative types really need to get a grip!

  22. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Bill, "One of those stories that won't get much traction.

    After all, how does talking about someone that hated republicans shooting up a school help Obama?"

    2:36 PM
    Brother Bill, must you shame Field in public?

  23. Black Sage said...
    Bill O. Jr, you're so full of *ish. I'm not a fan of Obomber, however, you Rethugs attribute every act of violence in this country to the President.

    You're saying that because I believe Obama was the real shooter and the vast left-wing conspiracy planted evidence including a body of the "alleged" shooter to cover for Obama?

    I am attributing every act of democrat bias in the media to Obama.

    I'm not a fan of Obomber,

    You stayed at a Holiday in express last night and just act like one?

  24. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Well that Texas case proves that money talks and BS walks. They must have paid a pretty penny to get him off.

    Until police are held accountable for their actions, and trained properly, this will continue and innocent people will die needlessly.

    I blame the system because when Katrina happened the first words out of the medias mouth and all the talking heads was "looting" "looters" "looting" and "rampant crime"!!!

    I remember hearing all the commentary and thinking these mo fo's aren't even concerned with the loss of human lives and the suffering going on!!!

    The only concern was "possible looting" Of stuff that was ruined by the weather anyway, or soon would be!!!

    And lo and behold, those cops were prolly given orders to shoot to kill on sight anybody that even remotely looked like they might be a "looter" That's when the killing started.

    Part of the problem is that police are being trained like robots, follow orders and do as you're told, without compassion or thought as to right and wrong!!!

    Not good!

  25. Pssst, Bill, Obama did not shoot up that school. Some crazy kid did. And, guess what? Thanks to your friends over at the NRA there will be more of that to come.

  26. Negro b.s. detector6:20 PM

    really feild? what law would have prevented this shooting from happening?

    take your time....

    obama did shoot up that school. just like beck, limbaugh, fox news, republicans, tea party,and any other group you on the left try to connect to the right.

    Of massacres & media myths

  27. field negro said...
    Pssst, Bill, Obama did not shoot up that school. Some crazy kid did. And, guess what? Thanks to your friends over at the NRA there will be more of that to come.

    There you go again running cover for Obama.

    Thanks to your friends over at General Motors for keep making cars for drunk drivers there will be more innocent child deaths to come.

  28. Anonymous7:02 PM

    I've decided this country would be better off without Republicans. They cost us billions each year, to nothing of the heart damage done to the human race.

  29. This isn't going well for Obamacare...

    It is not lost on many of the professionals that they are exactly the sort of people — liberal, concerned with social justice — who supported the Obama health plan in the first place. Ms. Meinwald, the lawyer, said she was a lifelong Democrat who still supported better health care for all, but had she known what was in store for her, she would have voted for Mitt Romney.

    Even liberals that believe in social justice don't appreciate income redistribution when it's their personal money.

  30. field negro said...
    Pssst, Bill, Obama did not shoot up that school. Some crazy kid did. And, guess what? Thanks to your friends over at the NRA there will be more of that to come.

    I'll call your bluff.

    Please explain how the NRA creates crazy children that hate republicans and shoot up schools.

  31. "Please explain how the NRA creates crazy children that hate republicans and shoot up schools."

    They don't create "crazy" children per se (although they do create crazy adults) but they make a very dangerous tool readily available for them to act on their rage in terrible ways.

  32. Anonymous8:14 PM

    I personally knew Dwayne Scheuermann, the cop that "beat" civilians. I can tell you that he had been terrorized by the blacks in his chain of command and avoided confrontations with blacks on the street.

    Glover was looting. Funny how the black community always omits these "innocents" are actually criminals.

    Seeing how these cops were treated after Katrina it is fully understandable that they tried to protect themselves from the racist lynch mobs.

  33. Sageman signing in as Honkey b.s. Detector.

    So, are you telling me that Beck, the Tea Party and Rethuglicans are attempting to connect to blacks and other historically marginalized groups because they have the interest of them at the center of their hearts?

    If this is the case, they certainly have a strange way of getting their mesage across. BULLSHIT!

  34. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Black Sage, it is true the GOP is trying its best to connect with Blacks like yourself and others. However, the GOP doesn't expect to win them all. For instance, you are one of those FN Negroes that no matter what the GOP ernestly tries will find fault with Republicans.

    The GOP isn't looking for close-minded and close-hearted folks like you. You are lacking in so many aspects of being human.

    Brother Sage, the Tea Party, the GOP, and other Republicans are looking for "compassionate" Blacks like myself, not Negroes like you, Field and Purple Cow over in the UK. The GOP has no use for purple cows, Grannies, or PilotXs.

    I hope this clarifies things, and alleviates your confusion, and assuages your inability to understand.

  35. field negro said...
    "Please explain how the NRA creates crazy children that hate republicans and shoot up schools."

    They don't create "crazy" children per se

    "They don't."

    Exactly. Which is why I called your bluff.

    Cars kill more people than guns.

    When the concern is about human life people like you will include cars in the same sentence as guns.

    How to get cars out of the hands of drunk drivers.

    Maybe some kind of car registration. Oops, already have that and that isn't stopping drunk drivers.

    How about some kind of government license to drive a car. Got that and that isn't stopping drunk drivers from killing innocent children.

    Speak up FN, how can we stop innocent people being killed from drunk drivers if we don't start banning cars, we tried registering cars and licensing people to no success.

    What can we do to get car companies to behave more socially responsible?

    I'm assuming you don't support drunk drivers killing innocent people.

    but they make a very dangerous tool readily available for them to act on their rage in terrible ways.

    Readily available after they pass a government background check unless they do something illegal.

    Even for someone as far left as you to believe holding legal companies responsible for the act of crazies or criminals is batshit crazy.

    Are you going to assign any blame to car companies for drunk driving deaths?

    Any blame to pharmaceutical companies for making drugs that people illegally take/abuse?

    Any blame to the company that made the knife that killed nicole simpson?

    Big government people always like getting guns out of the hands of citizens. So many leaders like Hitler/Stalin/Castro/Mao/Pol Pot have preached the same gun control you dream of.

    Do you feel the old democrat gun control program (no guns for slaves) helped or hurt the business of slavery?

  36. "Are you going to assign any blame to car companies for drunk driving deaths?"

    If they send cars off the assembly line with defective brakes; yes, I will.

    "Any blame to the company that made the knife that killed nicole simpson?"

    No. The knife that killed Nicole simpson cannot kill multiple people with one swipe from a long distance away.

    "Do you feel the old democrat gun control program (no guns for slaves) helped or hurt the business of slavery?"

    Stay away from flames or your stray man will burn.
