Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Mamas, don't let your daughters grow up to be hip hop dancers.

"Are you aware your daughter is with two Black men?’ When I said, Yes, I’m aware of that, he called into questioning [my] parenting,” the Mother said....

My racism chase tour continues. Tonight we head down to Houston, Texas.

"When Houston police spotted Landry Thompson (pictured left), a 13-year-old Tulsa, Okla., dancer in the company of two Black men, Josiah Kelly (pictured right), 22, her dance partner, and Emmanuel Hurd (pictured center), 29, instructor, at a convenience store at 3 a.m. on Sunday morning, they reportedly assumed she was in danger, so they handcuffed the crew and sent Thompson to child services.

Thompson, Hurd, and Kelly were traveling from Tulsa to Houston to work with hip-hop artists at a dance academy and to perform in a video. After reportedly rehearsing all day, they decided to stop at a convenience store to get gas. When Houston police officers saw Thompson in the company of two Black men in the wee hours of Sunday morning, they reportedly jumped to conclusions and refused to listen to the trio’s explanations.

Consequently, all three victims were reportedly dragged out of their vehicle and placed in handcuffs against the patrol car. “They were convinced I was a runaway,” Thompson told KHOU.

Thompson ended up being separated from the men and placed in the custody of Child Protective Services (CPS), while the men were held and questioned.

Hurd and Kelly were eventually released but reportedly waited six hours in their car for Thompson to be released outside of a CPS facility.

According to Destiny, Thompson travels all the time for dance performances, and she willingly placed Hurd in charge of her daughter. Destiny even provided Hurd with official documents, such as her daughter’s original birth certificate, insurance card, and a signed letter of consent from both she and her husband just in case there was some question or unforseen situation that would require such documentation to be produced.

Despite the fact that Destiny and her husband faxed copies of their driver’s licenses to authorities, spoke to them at length about their daughter being in trusted hands, and even had the Oklahoma police speak to them as well, the Houston police reportedly still did not believe the parents, Hurd, or Kelly.

According to an issued statement by the Houston police department regarding the case — given the age discrepancies…and that fact that the child had no relatives in the area — officers used an abundance of caution to ensure her safety and sent her to CPS.

Still, the Thompson family, Hurd, and Kelly are all convinced that their incident with the Houston police department is a clear-cut case of racial profiling." [Source]

Noooo! Ya think?

Anyway, I know that things are still bad here in America, but just remember, there was a time when things were a lot worse.

On this day 44 years ago the government sanctioned a hit on Fred Hampton who was the leader of the Illinois Black Panther party while he slept in his home.

Back then they didn't arrest Negroes; if they thought that we got out of hand they would shoot us.

Back then, being caught in the company of a young white girl in the wee hours of the morning was a death sentence. Now it just gets you some jail time. And, if you are lucky, the press will hear about your case and the charges will might be dropped against you.  

It might not seem like a lot of progress. But hey, in a "color aroused" world, we will take it.


  1. FN said...
    a 13-year-old Tulsa, Okla., dancer in the company of two Black men, Josiah Kelly (pictured right), 22, her dance partner, and Emmanuel Hurd (pictured center), 29

    You lost the chase on this one FN.

    There's real racism out there and you bring this to your blog?

    I would hope the police would question the parents about letting their 13 year old daughter be out at 3AM with 2 twentysomething males.

    Rhetorical... would you let your 13 year old daughter go out of the area at 3AM with a 22 and 29 year old male not family.
    Would you let your daughter hang out with a catholic priest/nun?

  2. Anonymous8:56 PM

    How could responsible parents entrust their 13 year old daughter to two nonrelated adult males of any race?

    But the fact that the girl was white and the MEN were black makes the situation conspicuous.

    The police did their job. If the girl had been a kidnap victim and the police had not investigated, they would have been accused of not doing their job.

    Let's be clear, you cannot tell me that those men have not had sex with that girl. At the very least, they've thought about it. And I know I'm not the only one here who thinks this.

    This is inappropriate on so many levels, regardless of what this girl's irresponsible parents think or do.

  3. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Coming to a strip club near you! Seriously, what "mother" NOT high on crack would allow her 13 year old daughter... I don't care what color! Black, white, purple, or green?!!? 13 year old daughter... Ut uh. No. Just NO!

  4. Soooo, why "handcuff the crew" BEFORE finding out if little missy had permission to be out so late?

    Just throwing out questions to my white readers out there. Do u really believe if the race of those young men were reversed they they would have been cuffed first and asked questions later?

    If u do, I have a lovely antique bell with a slight crack on the side in my hometown that I would love to sell u.

  5. Anonymous9:47 PM

    "Still, the Thompson family, Hurd, and Kelly are all convinced that their incident with the Houston police department is a clear-cut case of racial profiling." [Source]

    Well, this post ought to shut Bill up for a long time. Clearly this is racism of the worst kind done by Republicans. Those Repubs could have handled this in so many appropriate ways but as usual they take the hard-ass heartless way of disrespect and degradation.

    Bill should be ashamed to be a Republican.

  6. Anonymous10:06 PM

    FP, "It's not about who is real to your face, it's about who is real behind your back."

    That is a great quote and a great truth about human nature. To Find 'real' folks who are who they are, is hard to find these days. But I'm not sure if they were 'ever' easy to find? Even Christ's own Apostles denied knowing him, and one even sold him out. And they were supposed to be 'advanced' human beings! So where does that leave the rest of us?

    Many thanks for this. As always I learn a lot not only from you and the Scriptures but I get to know myself better. I hope you will continue to share more about HIM.

    PS. There are humans who are angry at God, and consequently end up rejecting HIM as well as those of us who love HIM. September is clearly pissed off at God. To be that angry at God indicates she probably once had faith but 'lost' it because of a terrible hurt. That is probably something she can't express, let alone share, simply because it is too painful to talk about.

    One thing people who mock God is they don't see that is doesn't change 'anything'. The Truth is the Truth. God STILL exists and they are STILL pissing in the wind with rage at HIM. The human ego knows no bounds when it comes to arrogance.

  7. Anonymous10:07 PM

    To the pedophile idiot at 8:56, why in the hell would grown Black men even think about sex with an underage White girl?

    Sick b@stard!!


  8. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    To the pedophile idiot at 8:56, why in the hell would grown Black men even think about sex with an underage White girl?

    Sick b@stard!!


    10:07 PM
    Obviously you don't know much about our peeps. Hell there has been so much sexual molestation WITHIN our families I doubt you can find one where it hasn't happened. So, STFU...Blacks are not Saints when it comes to sex and you should know that.

  9. Anonymous10:37 PM

    The assassinations of Fred Hampton and Mark Clark 44 years ago was a plot coordinated by Dick Nixon's AG John Mitchell, Gay Edgar's Fascist Bureau of Investigation and Cook County Prosecutor Ed Harahan's special stormtroopers of moonlighting Chicago Police. Fred was drugged by a FBI quisling and was machine-gunned in his bed by bloodthirsty pigs.

  10. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Field, "Anyway, I know that things are still bad here in America, but just remember, there was a time when things were a lot worse."

    Things are still the same, Mr Field. Why would you try to diminish the killings of today by claiming things were worse back in the 60s? That is bullshit and you know it. Besides the cops blowing bm away, the average white citizen can kill a bm based on a law called "stand your ground". I've lost count of the po-po shootings of bm.

    Finally, my own peeps have stepped up killing each other in the streets. Which are far more killings and murders than the KKK could ever imagine.

    So why are you pretending things were worse for us 'back in time' when in fact, they are worse today?

  11. Anonymous11:11 PM

    To the pedophile idiot at 8:56, why in the hell would grown Black men even think about sex with an underage White girl?

    You tell me. Since blacks do it often.

  12. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Field, you might want to mention that the reason Fred Hampton was murdered was due to a black informant to the FBI. Of course, that is nothing new. The history of our race is riddled with "sell outs" and "uncle toms" so much that we don't trust each other. Why don't you do a serious post about the long history of betrayal by us on each other? Too painful to admit it? They say,

    "The Truth shall set you free." I don't know about you, but as a bm I sure would like to become free.

  13. Anonymous11:20 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    To the pedophile idiot at 8:56, why in the hell would grown Black men even think about sex with an underage White girl?

    Sick b@stard!!


    I swear, the longer Dr Queen works on her advance degrees in Medical School, the dumber she becomes. How is that possible?

    Lord help those who go to her for medical treatment. Yet, maybe not. I have a feeling she won't finish Med School....not smart enough.

  14. No surprise there. Houston is where black people learned to put their hands on their dashboards as soon as they're pulled over.

  15. Black people EVERYWHERE need to not only raise their hands when approached by law enforcement but waive a white flag as well.

    So let's start a movement, let's all waive white flags when around law enforcement.

  16. Anonymous12:14 AM

    I bet that 13-yr girl grows up to be a famous dancer and singer. Field, I want you to remember my words and give me a H/T when it happens. OK?

    btw, what happened to Purple Cow? He usually is on FN at this time of night insulting everyone, except you, of course. I swear, PC knows what side of the bread his UK purple ass is buttered on.

    I wonder if he has ever set foot in America. Why does PC call us dysfunctional? I don't see anything wrong. Oh, I know we could have done better with Romney as President, but how much damage can a President like Obama do?

    We'll be back to normality when 2016 rolls around. Our country will be back to its old self then. That's when the "end of racism" will happen when the next President is Republican. Count on it.

  17. Anonymous12:17 AM

    Blogger Dr.Nǚwáng said...
    Black people EVERYWHERE need to not only raise their hands when approached by law enforcement but waive a white flag as well.

    So let's start a movement, let's all waive white flags when around law enforcement.

    12:10 AM
    What!! do want to get us all killed? Are you crazy? You should go see 12 Years of Slavery and see what happens to smart ain't pretty.

  18. Brother Field... Thank you for the words of remembrance of Brother Fred Hampton; a true American hero that gave his life for the advancement of the Black man in America. I am aware that not all will share this sentiment, but ask yourself this one question. Would you give your life for a cause that was not popular... even in the Negro that was exhausted from the long struggle for "civil rights".

    This day 44 years ago I was fresh in Vietnam when we heard that Brother Hampton had been assassinated. These events reminded us- Black militants- that we were truly fighting two wars. We honor your sacrifice.

    Topic of the day should cause us Blacks to truly look at what we see as okay. Just because something is legal does not mean it's okay. Attention Black men.. white (adult) dancers are a 'dime a dozen". Why continue to place yourselves in situations that cause this scrutiny? We have to start acting as grown ups. Traveling anywhere with a young girl you are not related to is not what MEN do. Little boys want to be with little girls to be dancing. African American males not knowing their history continue to do too many questionable acts. 44 years ago those two men with that "lil" white girl might have been found dangling from a pine. If you MUST have her to dance...let her parents travel with you. That child is a huge responsibility for anyone. The lesson of being "unevenly yoked" was not impressed upon these guys in their young ages. we as a people HAVE TO LEARN the norms of we can live peaceful.

    One more thing... why blame the police for handcuffing these two. If African American read about odds and probability they would understand why the police would give much scrutiny. Sometimes I think us AA try to antagonize authority. With all the missing little white girls in America....SMDH...Lordy, Lordy. Lordy

  19. Police handcuff "certain" individuals because of a knowledge events that can happen "IF" (I said "IF") they have to detain someone. It is best to prevent further problems by initially restraining the unknown. Working in the mental health field for many, many years we would use calmative agents and techniques long before the patient escalates. Police doing the same.

  20. NSangoma1:51 AM


    Legal Minimum Age of Consent for
    Sexual Activity

    Oklahoma 16
    Texas 17

    ... a signed letter of consent from both she and her husband just in case there was some question or unforseen situation that would require such documentation to be produced.

    You be the Barrister-at-Law field, is the above, legal in the state of Oklahoma?


  21. You got me NSangoma, I didn't know that dancing or hanging out was "sexual activity". Go figure.

  22. "We don’t think you fight fire with fire; we think you fight fire with water. We’re going to fight racism not with racism, but we’re going to fight with solidarity. We say we’re not going to fight capitalism with black capitalism, but we’re going to fight it with socialism. We’re still here to say we’re not going to fight reactionary pigs and reactionary state’s attorneys like this and reactionary state’s attorneys like Hanrahan with any other reactions on our part. We’re going to fight their reactions with all of us people getting together and having an international proletarian revolution.
    Black people need some peace. White people need some peace. And we are going to have to fight. We’re going to have to struggle. We’re going to have to struggle relentlessly to bring about some peace, because the people that we’re asking for peace, they are a bunch of megalomaniac warmongers, and they don’t even understand what peace means. And we’ve got to fight them. We’ve got to struggle with them to make them understand what peace means."

    Brother Fred Hampton - words as true today as they were then.

  23. Anon @9:47 pm said: "Bill should be ashamed to be a Republican."

    I agree with you Anon to a certain extent. However, Bill O'Reilly Jr. should be ashamed of just being Bill! But hey, the vast majority of Rethuglicans have no self redeeming factors at all!

  24. the real jews are black7:30 AM

    Bata Kindai Amgoza ibn LoBagola (1877 – 1947)

    LoBagola described himself as a "Black Jew", claiming that he was descended from people who had fled the Holy Land following the destruction of Herod's Temple
    Bata Kindai Amgoza ibn LoBagola (1877 – 1947)

    LoBagola described himself as a "Black Jew", claiming that he was descended from people who had fled the Holy Land following the destruction of Herod's Temple
    ‎12‎:‎21‎ ‎PM
    The Atlantic Hebrew Slave trade part 2 next

    "'These facts have peculiar significance when the presence of Judaism among American Negroes is to be considered. Hundreds of thousands of slaves were brought to America from this Western Africa during the days of the traffic, beginning nearly four hundred years ago". ------------Dr. Allen . Godbey The Lost Tribes a Myth. Durham, N. C, Duke University Press, 1930

    How much more of Judaism survived among West African Negroes in that earlier time? As persecuted communities, they were rather more in danger than other Negroes of being raided by war-parties and sold as slaves. It may be considered certain that many partially Judaized Negroes were among the slaves brought to America."------------Dr. Allen . Godbey The Lost Tribes a Myth. Durham, N. C, Duke University Press, 1930

    "There existed a large Hebrew community of black Jews in the interior of

    Dahomey, West Africa".--------Dr. J. Kreppel reported in 1926

    Al Idrisi (1099–1165 or 1166) was a Muslim geographer, cartographer, Egyptologist and traveller who lived in Sicily, at the court of King Roger II. Muhammed al-Idrisi was born in Ceuta then belonging to the Almoravid Empire and died in Sicily. Al Idrisi was a descendant of the Idrisids, who in turn were descendants of Hasan bin Ali, the son of Ali and the grandson of the Islamic prophet Muhammad

    Description of CENTRAL AFRICA, by AL Edrisi Of Andalusia,Spain. EDRISI, the most eminent of the Arabian Geographers. He flourished in the middle of the twelfth century.

    In the 12th century He also wrote about a Hebrew colony of Lam-Lam,. Lam-Lam which was situated about 2 hundred miles West of Timbuktu in which would be ATTACKED by Native African

  25. the real jews are black7:32 AM

    LOCATION OF LAM LAM- Lam-Lam is a place with a very small population in the state/region of Thies ,Senegal which is located in the continent of Africa.

    Edrisi Africa by Johann Melchior Hartmann, Muhammad Ibn-Muammad al- Idrisi 1796


    p 521 ------Historical Account of Discoveries and Travels in Africa: From the Earliest ..."By HUGH MURRAY, F.R.S.E

    "In the whole land of Lam- lam there are but two small cities, or as it were villages, and those are Malel and Dau, situated at the distance of four days' journey from each other. Their inhabitants, as people of those parts relate, are Jews, and most of them unbelieving and ignorant" --------AL Edrisi Of Andalusia,Spain

    AL Edrisi says further about SLAVERY

    "To the southward of Berissa, at the distance of ten days' march, lies the land of Lam-lam, into which INCURSIONS are made by the inhabitants of Berissa(Mende), Salla, Takrur( Fulani) , and Ghana ; there they take numbers of captives, whom they carry
    away to their own countries, and dispose of to the merchants trading thither ; these afterwards sell them into all parts of the world".-----------AL Edrisi Of Andalusia,Spain

  26. the real jews are black7:36 AM

    DESCRIPTION OF CENTRAL AFRICA BY IBN-AL-VARDI. (Flourished about 1340, according to D'Herbelot,)

    p 529

    Maghrara, a country in the territory of the Soudans, or of the Blacks, of which the principal city hears the name of Oulili, situated on the shore of the sea ; there are salt pits, and a great trade in salt, which is carried into tin; other countries of the Blacks. Sola, a great city, situated on the Nile, where is a great concourse of people ; its inhabitants are brave. Tekrour, a great city, situated to the south-west of the Nile, where there are mines of gold ; all the rest of the country of Maghrara is composed of deserts, where no one passes, because there is neither water nor pasture. There is also mention made of a city called Lam-lam, which is inland, and where gold is found.

    p 530 Hebrew Slaves From Lam-Lam

    Ghainara, a city situated on the bank of the Nile, surrounded by a ditch filled with water ; its inhabitants are brave, and make incursions into the country of Lam-lam, and there carry off men whom they sell to foreigners.------ IBN-AL-VARDI.

    The history of maritime and inland discovery. [by W.D. Cooley]

    p 170

    To the south of these kingdoms lay the extensive country called Lam-lam, the savage inhabitants of which were hunted by the nations on the Niger, and sold to the slave merchants of Barbary and Egypt. The same practice still continues : slaves are a staple merchandise of central Africa; and the defenseless Negroes are pursued as unrelentingly at present as in the days of Herodotus.

  27. the real jews are black7:38 AM


    There was a scholar named Leo Africanus who was a Moor he was born in Granada in around 1494 but his family moved to Fez soon after his birth. In Fez he studied at the University of Al Karaouine. As a young man he accompanied an uncle on a diplomatic mission to the Maghreb, reaching as far as the city of Timbuktu (c. 1510), then part of the Songhai Empire.

    Leo Africanu
    s wrote about the HATRED that the native Africans had against HEBREWS that lived in Africa

    The Works of Leo Africanus from his book Descrittione dell’Africa (Description of Africa) describing the geography of North Africa.

    This is what he wrote while on his travels into WEST AFRICA in 1526:

    "In Garura there were some very rich Jews. The intervention of the preacher (Muhammid al-Maghili) of Tlemcen set up the pillage of their goods, and most of them have been killed by the population. This event took place during the same year when the Jews had been expelled from Spain and Sicily by the Catholic King(1492- 16th Century)

    Leo Africanus further wrote:

    The king (Askia) is a declared enemy of the Jews. He will not allow any to live in the city. If he hears it said that a Berber merchant frequents them or does business with them, he confiscates his goods."

    The history of the settlement of Santa Cruz(Morocco), as given by a Spanish author cited by Lempriere

    Modern Traveller By H. B. AND B. T. B. p 71

    History of Santa Cruz Cited by Lempriere, is as follows:

    In the reign of King Manuel of Portugal, a Portuguese adventurer was induced to settle on this part of the coast, on account of the quantity of excellent fish with which its bay abounds. Having found means to build himself a timber fort, he garrisoned it with his followers, and named his settlement Santa Cruz, while his African neighbors called it Dar al Rumi (the Christian’s House.) Santa Cruz was located on the Ridge of Mount Atlas, on the West coast of Morocco."

    Soon afterwards, Don Manuel, foreseeing the great importance of this place to the navigation of these seas, and to his projected conquest of the western parts of Barbary, took it into his own hands, reimbursing the adventurer who had founded it. Santa Cruz, being thus annexed to the kingdom of Portugal, was soon enlarged and fortified (A.D. l503)

    The empire was then divided among several petty sovereigns, generally at variance with each other, it afforded the new colony an opportunity of firmly establishing itself, numbers of discontented Moors and Arabs being induced to tender their allegiance to the Portuguese sovereign. “ The assistance afforded by these people to the Christian garrison, enabled them to make frequent incursions up the country, plundering and seizing upon a great number of the inhabitants, whom they sent over to Europe as slaves.

  28. Anon@8:56pm said: “Let's be clear, you cannot tell me that those men have not had sex with that girl. At the very least, they've thought about it. And I know I'm not the only one here who thinks this.”

    I for one don’t think the same as you do. So, … enlighten me, what should these two black males should’ve been arrested for? IS IT BECAUSE OF PRE-MEDITATED PONDERING, if this took place at all! You cannot arrest someone simply because as a cop, you think a crime was about to take place or for what you fathom within the confines of a small cranium, IDIOT!

    Therefore, Bill Clinton should’ve been arrested not because he DIDN’T INHALE, but because he THOUGHT ABOUT INHALING. Is this your line of thinking and did you take the correct dosage of medicine this morning?? Help me out, you’ve got me perplexed and I don’t like being in this physiological state!

  29. NSangoma8:00 AM


    You got me NSangoma, I didn't know that dancing or hanging out was "sexual activity". Go figure.

    field negro 0451 HOURS

    A 13-year old girl, hanging out with a 29-year old man; go figure.

    I had thought to myself, these are some low-rent negroes if they drove from Oklahoma to Houston Texas.

    But then, all kinds of TSA hell would have broken out if they had tried to board an airliner with that minor.


  30. Anonymous9:56 AM

    aaaah yes, white girls. that's really what 'social justice' and 'civil rights' are all about ain't it homies. lol, the extremes certain fly and dope people will go to just for a shot at dat white wummyn.

  31. The main point here is that this sick Amerikkkan society believes that all white are desired by black men. The only thing a snow bunny could for me is to stay the hell out of my face!

  32. Anonymous10:26 AM

    This case has many variables.

    One of them being the increasingly high rate of child abductions and murders.

    The cops may have intervened because they were Black men with a White girl.The fact that they were not obviously family may,yes,have influenced them, of course!

    But can we be sure they would not have intervened if it were a black teen with two white males?

    White with white,or Black with Black? After all, such a young child?

    Even if they were family, what is a young preteen child doing in the streets at that hour,with two MEN, even if they were family?

    I give these cops kudos for intervening, and I give them the complete benefit of my doubt on this case.

    I don't care if she was going to learn to dance, to sing, to act, to appear in a million dollar video! and had a hundred letters of authorization on her!

    13 years old !!!!????

    Somebody give me a ******* break! What kind of crazy parents would send a child on this kind of a venture alone? Dos she not go to school even???

    Furthermore, my thoughts are that these parents should be immediately hauled up before a judge, a stern and angry one at that! Reprimanded and investigated as well as monitored as per their "parenting" skills.

    If those cops were actually well intentioned, and they are reprimanded or receive flack about this,you can be sure that they will forever not care, not give a shit, about anything else like this that they see! and who knows what will happen then to a real abductee??

  33. Field thanks for honoring Fred Hampton! I hope(yes, I hope) his spirit can inspire youth in Chicago to see that their enemy is not the person next to them.

    I am amazed at people's reaction to the abused of the three dancers:

    1. responsible adults entrusted with a child

    2. Adults are trusted and supported by parents with legal proofs

    3. Law enforcement in home city confirmed the legality of said guardians and police continue to be abusive-imagine how scared the 13 years old was in custody in another state.

    Race play a major role in the treatment here by the police and there is NO counter argument.

    We have come a long way in AmeriKKKa..!!???

  34. Post racial america!!!

  35. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Furthermore the man that is married to the "mother" is not the father. It's the stepfather!

    People that let a child of 13 go to another state with only more young people, no adults, must be on some kind of 'I don't care' drugs.

    Any "mother" that does such a thing to a 13 year old child. Black, white,yellow,purple,red, you can mix and match colors any way you please.

    Does not love or give a good gottdamn what happens to them!

    There were no adults on that trip! Hellooooooooooo!

    I guess you have to be a parent to know what LOVING them and RAISING them means!!!

  36. Anonymous said...
    Bill should be ashamed to be a Republican.

    Typical. Just like the bush minons would reply when the reality about their messiah was shattered by the truth.

    Talking the truth about Obama makes someone a republican?

    Does ignoring the truth determinately makes one a democrat.

  37. Black Sage said...
    Therefore, Bill Clinton should’ve been arrested not because he DIDN’T INHALE,

    Another example of democrats believing any lie they are told.

    Clinton did inhale.

  38. This was a Whack post STEPHEN...

    The only Good thing you did was mention Fred...

    Sometimes I really Hate to Love you... seriously...

    The progress you speak of is just window dressing at best.....

  39. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Bill said...
    Anonymous said...
    Bill should be ashamed to be a Republican.

    Typical. Just like the bush minons would reply when the reality about their messiah was shattered by the truth.

    Talking the truth about Obama makes someone a republican?

    Does ignoring the truth determinately makes one a democrat.

    11:22 AM
    Bill I am glad you are commenting on FN because you have some insightful and wise things to say...seriously, you really do. I am learning a new way of looking at the truth, and politics instead of the same old progressive non-thinking Dem way.

    Because you are here, I am getting smarter, wiser, more insightful. Thanks.

  40. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Bill said...
    Black Sage said...
    Therefore, Bill Clinton should’ve been arrested not because he DIDN’T INHALE,

    Another example of democrats believing any lie they are told.

    Clinton did inhale.

    11:25 AM
    Bill, this is another good reason for you to be here. You show the truth which seems to be hidden right in front of Black Sage.

    Does anyone wonder why Brother Black Sage calls himself "Sage"? It seems so inappropriate.

  41. Obama said...
    Here's how to improve our economy and create hundreds of thousands of jobs:

    Yup, all those business owners have been waiting with baited for Obama to raise the minimum wage to start hiring people. (wink wink)

    If you believe that, you also believe clinton didn't inhale and you can keep you plan.

  42. I'm going to have to co-sign with my girl Desert on this one, with the added caveat of what kind of dumb a $$ negro travels through a state like Texas with an underage, BLOND, White girl?

    CLEARLY they've never heard of Emmet Till!

  43. Anonymous12:05 PM

    If a dumb ass negro can become a doctor, a negor can travel through Texas, Alabama, and Georgia with an underage platinum blond without consequence.

  44. Anonymous12:05 PM

    If a dumb ass negro can become a doctor, a negor can travel through Texas, Alabama, and Georgia with an underage platinum blond without consequence.

  45. Bill, not only are you a bonafide Rethuglican, but apparently, you're not very good at comprehending either. Re-read my post you fat idiot!

  46. @ 12:56 I think you just outed yourself as a jealous, hatin', aunt tomasina, college drop out, ROTFLMAO!!!!

    Either that or your brain is wrapped in Spaghetti O's, LOL!

  47. Anonymous1:20 PM

    @Black Sage

    "The main point here is that this sick Amerikkkan society believes that all white are desired by black men. The only thing a snow bunny could for me is to stay the hell out of my face!"

    homepiece, you know full well at least half of black men (and all black male celebrities) would give up the world fo' some o' dat white wummyn yo. it's true. a gorgeous black woman will be turned down for the ugliest white chick. das da brothaz fo' ya. true dat.

  48. @ 1:20, the only thing worse than a racist piece of $hit, is a racist piece of $hit trying "to be down".



    Hey STEPHEN....

    On May 17, 2013, the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit ruled that the crack cocaine sentencing reforms set forth in the Fair Sentencing Act (FSA) -- lowering the crack-to-powder cocaine ratio from 100:1 to 18:1 -- MUST be applied to all federal prisoners sentenced before the 2010 enactment of the law. Based on a finding that those sentenced before the FSA's enactment were victimized by the racially discriminatory crack laws the law sought to remedy, the Sixth Circuit's decision in United States v. Blewett. No. 12-5226/5582, 2013 WL 2121945 (May 17, 2013

    How can this administration say they are against "Mass Incarceration" then walk into court multiple times to fight against EXPANDING the "Fair Sentencing Act of 2010" retroactively ???

    Need any more proof ??
    Heres the link to the decision handed down 12/03/13 ...

    That's the standard for O-Bomber.... Say one thing... Do the Complete opposite

  50. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Blogger Dr.Nǚwáng said...
    @ 1:20, the only thing worse than a racist piece of $hit, is a racist piece of $hit trying "to be down".

    Can a bm be a racist against a piece of shit like you? I don't think so. Fyi, the only thing worse that a white racist is a black self-hating piece of shit like your dumb fat ass.

    As far as "being down", I don't want to be down with people like you. But YOU ARE definitely 'down'...down in the dumps of ignorance.

    YOU will never be a doctor. You're too stupid and uneducated to have finished highschool. Now take your 'down' fat ass somewhere and sit down.

  51. Anonymous3:58 PM

    BIB, Need any more proof ??
    Heres the link to the decision handed down 12/03/13 ...

    That's the standard for O-Bomber.... Say one thing... Do the Complete opposite

    2:36 PM
    BIB, you ARE beautiful. Thanks for the information. Obama continues to lie, lie, and lie again. The man is a compulsive liar. More and more Americans now know that he is a liar-- except black Obamaholics like STEPHEN, PilotX and PC. Why a brother like PC is an Obamaholic when he is from the UK is beyond me...It must be 'his' Black thing.

    Anyway, Obama has put a big stinking shit stain on the Office of the WH that will take a long long time to remove, if ever.

  52. Anonymous4:38 PM

    No self-respecting or intelligent White girl would ever keep company with black males.

  53. and for those unfamiliar with court procedure....

    Plaintiff is usually the one bringing or appealing an earlier action...

    Why introduce a "Fair Sentencing Act" then literally pull out EVERY STOP to make sure the Act is NOT retroactive...??

    Most of the things that he has done so far has been for political gain....

    This was another example...

  54. Oh no, Mandiba is dead.

    A giant has left us.

  55. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Msy he rest in peace. A life well lived. A life spent in the service of mankind. In the furthering of social justice everywhere. A giant in every sense of the word!

  56. Co-signing with PC and Desert.

  57. Sad day indeed and one of my MANY role models of hitting your professional peak AFTER age 50!

  58. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Blogger Dr.Nǚwáng said...
    Sad day indeed and one of my MANY role models of hitting your professional peak AFTER age 50!

    6:31 PM
    Give it up, Dr Queen. None of those models can help you attain much of anything. YOu've got to have something NOBLE 'inside' honesty and integrity... That leaves you out in the cold.

  59. "Wassa madder" assnon, you mad because your life centers around my existance?

    Just before I posted this comment, I was annotating part of the genomic sequence of the tumor of a cancer patient I saw in the clinic earlier today, what were you doing? Picking your nose? "Reading" from a picture book? Coloring in your Spidey coloring book?

  60. When I saw this, my first thought, these are either the two bravest or two stupidest black men on the planet.

    It may as well be 1913 instead of 2013 when it comes to racial issues in this country. I would never send any black man I know, let alone two, out alone with a young black girl.

    When those cops say they thought she was a runaway they are only telling half the truth. You know good and well that those two officers saw two black men with a young white girl and assumed they were pimps and she was their prostitute.

    As for their comments questioning the mother's parenting for leaving a young white female in the care of two black men - I have to give her props for not seeing the problem with this, but I can't help but wonder why she didn't see that they would be arrested at least once without another female present. Even another black female may have mitigated this problem because we are always assumed to be caring for white females, even in this day and age.

    That those two men didn't end up tasered or dead is the actual headline.

    The other day I said there is nothing that can make me trust white people less than I already do. This issues surrounding this incident are 99% of the reason why.

    Because even white people with the best of intentions (the mother) have no idea the danger black people are in every day and she put these two men in needless danger.

    AmeriKKKa has not changed that much.

  61. BARBBF9:05 AM

    A poster wrote:

    I would hope the police would question the parents about letting their 13 year old daughter be out at 3AM with 2 twenty something males.

    I totally agree. I would have not let my 13 year old travel with 2 unrelated male..even if they were both white.

  62. Mayor Daley5:35 PM

    "Back then they didn't arrest Negroes; if they thought that we got out of hand they would shoot us."

    Ah, the good old days.
