Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Young black males under fire.

So this is what happens when you declare the end of racism and not everyone gets the memo.

I know that the po po in Rochester, New York certainly didn't get it.

Here is what Tommy Christopher from Mediaite wrote about the sad incident:

"Not only did Rosa Parks not end racism, but now you can’t even get on the bus without being arrested. On Wednesday, three Edison Tech High School students were arrested when police ordered them to “disperse,” even though they say they explained that they were waiting for a school bus to take them to a basketball scrimmage. In an encouraging sign for the end of racism, though, their coach was not arrested when he arrived to intercede.

The three teens, 16 year-olds Raliek Redd and Deaquon Carelock, and 17 year-old Wan’Tauhjs Weathers, were in the process of being arrested for disorderly conduct when their coach, Jacob Scott, arrived to explain things to police:
Their coach, Jacob Scott, who is also a district guidance counselor, arrived at the location as the three students were placed in handcuffs. Scott said he pleaded with the officer to let the boys go, saying he was supervising them. 
“He goes on to say, ‘If you don’t disperse, you’re going to get booked as well,’” Scott said. “I said, ‘Sir, I’m the adult. I’m their varsity basketball coach. How can you book me? What am I doing wrong? Matter of fact, what are these guys doing wrong?’”
Scott said a sergeant showed up and backed up his officer. 
“One of the police officers actually told me, if he had a big enough caravan, he would take all of us downtown,” Scott said.  
Scott said the incident was traumatic for the players who got arrested and the players who witnessed the arrests and such treatment of their coach.  
“It’s a catastrophe. These young men were doing nothing wrong, nothing wrong. They did exactly what they were supposed to do and still they get arrested,” said Scott. “I’m speaking to the officers with dignity…and still and yet – they see me get treated like nothing.”
Of course, there are two sides to every story, but if the pretextual “disorderly conduct” charge isn’t a tip-off, then the weak-sauce police report ought to be:
The police report says the students were obstructing “pedestrian traffic while standing on a public sidewalkpreventing free passage of citizens walking by and attempting to enter and exit a store…Your complainant gave several lawful clear and concise orders for the group to disperse and leave the area without complaince.”The report does not accuse the boys of using abusive or obscene language.
The teens’ parents had to post $200 bail to get their kids out of jail for Thanksgiving. Their trial date is December 11.

Stories like these are common, but unless the police slip up and mess with someone in an ironclad position of respectability, you never really hear about them. If there’s video, well, you have to watch the whole thing.

This is, however, the first time I’ve ever heard of someone being arrested for refusing to leave an area that they were only in for the express purpose of leaving it. It’s like telling a guy to buy something or get out when he’s at the end of the checkout line. [More]

I guess this "knock out" game phenomenon has some folks, spooked. (Pun intended)

This, and the scare white folks industry that has been popping up all over the country of late. (I see you Colin and Fox News)

You young black bucks might have to start wearing t-shirts identifying yourselves and stating what you are doing at any given time:


The "old heads" are going to be fine. We know how to dress up and not look threatening. Well, I take that back; we know how to dress up.

The irony is, of course, that the people who should be getting protected from young black males who would do wrong are other young black males. They are at war with each other, not those other folks.

Here in Philly, a hard working college bound young man lost his life this weekend because he wouldn't give up his Beats by Dr Dre  head phone set. Bam! Just like that. These mean streets do not discriminate. That was homicide number six in a 35 hours stretch here in Killadelphia.

In New Jersey, a Marine who survived tours of duty in Afghanistan died on the battle fields of Camden trying to break up a fight.  Wrong place at the wrong time. He was put down, no doubt, by another young black man.

Both of these young men would have been profiled and given the business if they were in the wrong neighborhood or got certain folks suspicious like the kids up in Rochester.

It's the reality of living young and black in America. People fear others who look like you and that fear permeates throughout society.

It's why a bunch of kids just waiting to get on a bus to go and play a basketball game get arrested and almost miss Thanksgiving dinner with their families.

They probably should have went ahead and missed it. Because, right now, in America, if you are young and black, there probably isn't a whole lot to be thankful for.

*Pic from Mediaite



  1. During the campaign and after the campaign...

    Obama: I "refused to let Detroit go bankrupt"


    Detroit becomes largest U.S. city to enter bankruptcy


    The problem Obama is having is how to blame evil republicans for what democrats have done to the citizens of Detroit.

  2. "The "old heads" are going to be fine. We know how to dress up and not look threatening. Well, I take that back; we know how to dress up."


  3. GrannyStandingforTruth2:12 PM

    Dress "threatening" my foot. There was a time when black males wore suits or slacks and a shirt, but that did not stop the police from harassing them. Their clothes have nothing to do with it. It is a desire to control and limit black folks' freedom of movement in public places and to fill up the plantations (prisons)to support capitalism...a new slavery system.

    The police force was invaded by white supremacist a long time ago.

  4. Anonymous3:41 PM

    When the ex-European sees dark-skinned Africans he immediately suffers both Pre-and Post-Traumatic King Kong Stress Syndrome. When that movie came about in the 20's or 30's, all King King symbolized was an African Man. They threw Faye Wray or however her damn name was spelled, in for good measure!!!!!

  5. No surprises here. This is what routinely takes place in an inverted totalitarian gubberment system. The citizenry is first conditioned to believe everything is fair and even. Secondly, whatever rights are supposedly given to you with their right hand, is later and subsequently taken back from you with their left hand. Placing you in the same position you thought you had previously vacated. Naked and without rights nor any protections.

  6. NSangoma4:40 PM


    ... when a policeman approached and told them to "disperse."

    When they did not leave
    , Raliek Redd, 16, Deaquon Carelock, 16, and Wan’tauhjs Weathers, 17, students at Edison Tech High School, were arrested.


    With names like those, I'd arrest them myself.

    They were to move along, when the officers told them to move along; it was a lawful police request.

    As a BLACK man and father of a 18-year old son, there is no way in Hades that I'd leave him any where waiting on a damn bus; even on a school day.

    These boys were sitting ducks for the next drive-by shooters to come along.

    field booty, you need to strive a bit harder in your racism chasing.


  7. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Young black males are under fire from other young black males. Source? Reality. You're welcome.

  8. @NSangoma, if I was a cop, I'd arrest you in your own home while you was sitting on the toilet due to your name.

  9. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Listen up, Field and all. ANYBODY in this country that holds the lawful power of killing or imprisoning a citizen needs to be subject to the vote. I am 100% AGAINST police departments. Fire everyone of them. Let the sheriff's department handle law enforcement and jailing. Because the sheriff is only ruling by the consent of the ruled.


  10. .
    Young black males under fire...... by other young black males.

  11. Laughing@ what Sage wrote @5:43.

  12. Wesley R8:04 PM


    The President said he would let Detroit, ie. The Auto Industry go bankrupt. Don't get it twisted.

  13. Unfortunately too many other Black males have not had life's lessons instilled in their upbringing. I have seen the change in social behaviors that too many now share. There may be "you can't tell me what to do"; an example of no respect for authority may be operating in this situation. Too many times I see young Black males flexing their egos by putting their bikes in front of store doors as well as their bodies. Store owners are too afraid to confront.... calling the police to handle threatening behaviors is the only option.

    In the event the police command you to move when you are in a perceived lawful situation..... MOVE....then go to the precinct with your parents and all witnesses to make a formal complaint. We as people usually complain after major events when the police MUST stand strong behind their blue walls. Use the press also to inform the small misbehaviors of the police you want changed.

    Now all the above sounds like fairy tales and I am aware of reality but there must be a change in how we as a people are to be able to have peaceful neighborhoods and living areas. Our protectors will only change when Blacks start placing values in themselves as law abiding citizens instead of our young men being seen as "worthy" only by playing a child's game for the entertainment for the same people that disdain the non-athlete entertaining young man.

    If you don't know.... once the police places you under arrest... don't try to litigate on the street corner... Coach. I would hate for the police to arrest and release young Black males ONLY due to them playing basketball. Why? Because many sons can't play at that level and responsibility should be paramount for the ones that receive social and academic bonuses from this activity.

  14. If you don't like the way blacks are treated by government employees, vote for a different party.

    Voting for the same party and hoping things change is batshit crazy.

  15. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Dear Bill, once again you make sense. I hope some of the FN folks will pay attention to what you say. It's time for a change of mind.

    Thank you so much for your comments and logical clear thinking. You have changed my mind.

  16. Anonymous10:35 PM

    A Black Panther Forever, you hit the nail on the head. However, you won't get any support from folks like Field, Black Sage, Purple Cow, Desert, PilotX, Dr Nuwang, Granny...did I miss anybody?

  17. agentX12:41 AM

    Yes because the republicant's care sooo much about effective law enforcement (re: Stand your ground, Cheney not getting prosecuted for shooting his friend in the face intentionally).

    The police told the boys to leave the sidewalk. Well, where are they supposed to go? That is where the bus is going to meet them. What're they supposed to do- flag down a taxi? Wait in a Starbucks?

    These cops got mad and made their dept. look bad.
    Maybe if the police focused on chasing down criminals instead of harassing innocents, people would respect them more, right Field??

  18. Quotes: Bill

    "If you don't like the way blacks are treated by government employees, vote for a different party. Voting for the same party and hoping things change is batshit crazy."

    Now Bill, does that make sense even to you? Voting Republican will make cops less racist.

    Is that seriously your position?

    By what mechanism would the Repuglicans make public officials less racist? Are you suggesting re-education camps? A nation-wide racial sensitivity campaign.

    Please enlighten us.

    "Dear Bill, once again you make sense. I hope some of the FN folks will pay attention to what you say. It's time for a change of mind. Thank you so much for your comments and logical clear thinking. You have changed my mind."

    That's pretty desperate, Bill.

  19. NSangoma6:34 AM


    Raliek Redd, 16, Deaquon Carelock, 16, and Wan’tauhjs Weathers, 17

    Who dey daddy? Where dey daddy at?

    FUCK!!, field booty, they weren't standing in front of their school; you left that part out:

    Police say they were blocking the sidewalk and the entrance to a store and they say they told the teens to leave several times. But according to the officer, the teens did not move from the area. The three teens were then placed under arrest.
    We are told police have received complaints in the past from the store owner about people loitering and fighting in front of the store and that's one of the reasons why police say they were monitoring that area.


    This is typical negroe behavior; you ain't tell me what to do, nggier feces.

    Baby mama shows up at court, where baby daddy be at?

    As I stated prior, my son would not have been standing in the cold waiting a bus; he'd wait in my heated vehicle until the school bus arrived.

    And, I'd be waiting for him when the school bus returned with him; don't you negroes love and care for your scion?


  20. Anonymous6:45 AM

    This is the end result of black males promoting themselves, via rap/hip hop, as tatted up thugs and drug dealers. What do you expect.

    It's reached the point now when you say the word "thug" you don't have to say black thug. You just have to say one word, thug, and people automatically think you are talking about a black man/boy. In other words, the word thug is now synonymous with black men/boys in the public consciousness. Of course, this did not start with rap/hip hop but the hip hop "culture" (lol, although it's not really funny) has made it worse than it was during the darkest days of Jim Crow segregation.

    It doesn't help that in some cities, like Chicago, the majority of black adult males are felons/thugs.

  21. Anonymous7:24 AM

    PC, "By what mechanism would the Repuglicans make public officials less racist? Are you suggesting re-education camps? A nation-wide racial sensitivity campaign."

    Your question indicates that you know little about Republicans and the power they have. All that is needed for Republicans to change racism to no racism is a word to all politicians and law enforcement: "STOP!" And that would be the end of racism.

    However, Democrats are still racists and the main culprit of racism, which your tiny brain-which you seem to love-- can't seem to comprehend.

    Republicans can bring about change in a heartbeat once the GOP decides to do it. We are the party that does what it says. We don't lie. Obama lies. The Dems lie. But Republicans don't lie...we are sincere human beings in everything we do.

    Now get lost, fool.

  22. Anonymous7:32 AM

    PC, **
    "Dear Bill, once again you make sense. I hope some of the FN folks will pay attention to what you say. It's time for a change of mind. Thank you so much for your comments and logical clear thinking. You have changed my mind."

    That's pretty desperate, Bill."

    3:20 AM
    PC, you can't tell one person from another. You keep getting people mixed up in that sorry brain of yours. I am NOT Bill. Bill is NOT me. Get it? Fyi, Bill doesn't pretend to be someone he is not.

    In case you haven't noticed YOU are the only one who gets confused who is White and who is Black on FN. You Negroes in the UK are a strange breed of Blacks....weird.

  23. Bill O’Reilly Jr. said: “Voting for the same party and hoping things change is batshit crazy.”

    Repeatedly voting for either the Dems or Repubs are for those who haven’t escaped from the political asylum of both parties. Both are crappy parties! However, on a scale of 1 to 10, I’ll give the Dems a 1 and the Repubs a –5. Why? Because the situation with this ObamaCare that has totally enveloped your psyche, the Dems have at least presented and attempted to implement a healthcare plan. On the other hand, The Repubs have merely presented political vitriol without a plan at all. Nothing but emptiness! By the way, what is the Repubs’ healthcare plan?

    Have you broken bread with Rush Limbaugh and O’Reilly Sr. lately?? Say hello to them from the Sageman, thanks Jr.!

  24. "Fyi, Bill doesn't pretend to be someone he is not. "

    How do you know if you are not Bill?

  25. Quote: another anonny dimwit

    "Your question indicates that you know little about Republicans and the power they have. All that is needed for Republicans to change racism to no racism is a word to all politicians and law enforcement: "STOP!" And that would be the end of racism."

    Ohhhh I seeee, so, it only takes one simple word to stop racism. Mmmmmmmmmm

    So can you explain why neither Ronnie Reagan or the Bush's ever took the time to issue the word?

    "However, Democrats are still racists and the main culprit of racism, which your tiny brain-which you seem to love-- can't seem to comprehend."

    Yes I do love my brain actually, it's the only one I've got, and as the buddhists say, you can't love another until you have learned to love yourself. As for the Democrats, I don;t care if they are racists or not, I'm not a Democrat and I have never voted for them.

    "Republicans can bring about change in a heartbeat once the GOP decides to do it...."

    ...which they couldn't be bothered to do up til now.

    We are the party that does what it says. We don't lie. "

    That's right... You say "Big government doesn't work" then when you get elected to government you prove yourself right!


    "Obama lies. The Dems lie. But Republicans don't lie...we are sincere human beings in everything we do."

    All politicians lie. It's in their job description.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. The Purple Cow said...
    Now Bill, does that make sense even to you? Voting Republican will make cops less racist.

    Is that seriously your position?

    Makes much more sense than voting for the same and hoping the people you vote for change. Isn't that the definition of stupid, doing the same and hoping for something different?


    When democrat leaders act racist the democrat party will not call them out. For example, how many years of the NY stop & frisk program, and now that a new mayor is coming in the complaints about stop & frisk have started. Why not start a couple years ago? Well, besides for bloomberg being a democrat, nothing.
    So when police forces act racist because the mayor/governor is democrat it all gets swept under the rug. IF the may6or was republican, the race baiting crowd (like you) would be all over the mayor to do the right thing.

    "Dear Bill, once again you make sense. I hope some of the FN folks will pay attention to what you say. It's time for a change of mind. Thank you so much for your comments and logical clear thinking. You have changed my mind."

    That's pretty desperate, Bill.

    Accusing me of being a sock puppet?

    From your comment I am assuming you're not really good at reading and seeing patterns in writing. No worries.

    I feel it's about Projection. Your assumption I was replying to myself speaks volumes about what you would do. How many times have you replied to yourself? I wonder if FN would out you with the truth?


    Since you're in the UK, why are you so hateful and bitter? I thought the UK didn't have a slave history that created such hate.

  28. Black Sage said...
    By the way, what is the Repubs’ healthcare plan?

    Thanks for proving my point about the liberal media you watch.

    The liberal media NEVER talked about the republican plans. Not part of their agenda.

    Instead, they just pushed the lie there is no republican plan.

    You got played for a sucker Sage.


    And what really sucks is you can't blame Bill Sr for the fact you being played.

    And the people that believed "you can keep your plan" got played for suckers, the kind of suckers that are paying more for the same.

    Obama's health plan built was on the assumption all the young 18-30 year olds will pay a lot of money for health care they don't need to subsidize the old and the pre-existing.

    Hell, even the NY times is now honest and admits it is about income redistribution.

    But the redistribution of wealth has always been a central feature of the law and lies at the heart of the insurance market disruptions driving political attacks this fall.


    Income redistribution... just like Obama said to joe the plumber.

    Sage, be a good democrat and redistribute some of your income to me. Practice what you preach. Walk the talk. Do as you say, not as you do.

    Or you can be a hypocrite.

    Your choice.

  29. The left-leaning NY times is suggesting that heads might roll over Obamacare.

    Considering Which Head or Heads May Roll for a Troubled Website Rollout


    I wonder if attaching heads is part of Obamacare?

  30. "Makes much more sense than voting for the same and hoping the people you vote for change. Isn't that the definition of stupid, doing the same and hoping for something different?"

    And how much difference would voting for the Repugs make? Does voting for one party that hates black people over another party that hates black people produce "something different"?

    "When democrat leaders act racist the democrat party will not call them out."

    ..and this surprises you? When has a Republican ever called out Republican racism?

    "For example, how many years of the NY stop & frisk program, and now that a new mayor is coming in the complaints about stop & frisk have started. Why not start a couple years ago? Well, besides for bloomberg being a democrat, nothing."

    Bloomberg was of course a Republican mayor. The rest of the paragraph makes little sense, but if you are asking me if the NYPD was and remains a racist institution then the answer is "Yes, obviously."

    "So when police forces act racist because the mayor/governor is democrat it all gets swept under the rug. IF the may6or was republican, the race baiting crowd (like you) would be all over the mayor to do the right thing."

    Cops don't do racist things to keep the mayor happy, they do racist things because they are racists.


    ""Accusing me of being a sock puppet?"

    No idea what a sock puppet is, but yeah, I think you response to yourself as an anonny sometimes if that's what you mean.

    "From your comment I am assuming you're not really good at reading and seeing patterns in writing. No worries."

    Seeing patterns on data is what I do for a living.

    "I feel it's about Projection. "

    Riiight, you are on your silly pop-psychology hobby-horse again - go for it pardner...

    ""Your assumption I was replying to myself speaks volumes about what you would do."

    Errrr nope, it speaks volumes for what you and the Stormfront boys do here on a very regular basis.

    " How many times have you replied to yourself?"

    Never once.


    " I wonder if FN would out you with the truth?"

    Ask him, no problem for me. You have my permission to enquire of Field himself.


    "Since you're in the UK, why are you so hateful and bitter? I thought the UK didn't have a slave history that created such hate."

    I'm not hateful or bitter.

    I hate you and the Stormfront boys certainly, but that's because you are evil people pushing an evil philosophy. Hate is entirely appropriate reaction to filth like you.

    As for the UK and slavery, you really need to learn some history, sunshine. Every stone in Bristol was cemented with the blood of a slave.

    As I pointed out on this very blog a couple of weeks ago, slavery provided the seed capital that ignited Britain's industrial revolution.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Only in a nation as politically dysfunctional as the USA could the NYT be described as 'left-leaning' !

  33. @Bill O'Reilly Jr., you still haven't answered my question. What precisely is the Repubs' healthcare plan??

    If you're unable to answer such a bonafide simple question, well then, you're just another factotum, a blind sheeple, a conditioned lemming continuously salivating on empty rhetoric of a party in its nadir!

  34. More bad news for Obamacare.

    A harvard study no less.


    These Millennials are starting to turn on Obama.

    The "Millennials" believe Obamacare will cost more for less quality.

    The "Millennials," 52% are ready to impeach Obama. (I wonder why the liberal media has gone crickets on this subject)

    The "Millennials" are starting to trend republican. (Obama is doing for the republican party what carter did for the republican party)

  35. The Purple Cow said...
    "From your comment I am assuming you're not really good at reading and seeing patterns in writing. No worries."

    Seeing patterns on data is what I do for a living.


    And you couldn't tell it wasn't my writings?

  36. Black Sage said...

    @Bill O'Reilly Jr., you still haven't answered my question. What precisely is the Repubs' healthcare plan??

    If you're unable to answer such a bonafide simple question, well then, you're just anothe

    If you wanted a real answer you would have googled it.

    Your failure to google is not my problem.

    I don't work for free, if you need help and can afford to pay me I'll supply links for you.

  37. I just Googled it - they don't have a plan...

  38. The Purple Cow said...

    I just Googled it - they don't have a plan...

    WH assistant press secretary mocks GOP healthcare proposal as unserious

    The WH assistant press secretary knows about the plan that you say doesn't exist.

  39. There is no coherent Republican healthcare plan and you know it.

    Now why don't you stop lying and go out and educate yourself

  40. Bill O'Reilly Jr. was askef if the Rethuglicans have a healthcare plan and he overwhelmingly responded in typical, empty Rethuglican fashion.

    "If you wanted a real answer you would have google it."

    Thanks for proving my point Bill Jr.

  41. i can't with this post.

    at some point... solution has to come into play.

    unfortunately, folks want to own strength the solution project and it just won't work.

    to hear people pretend any party in the country cares about the citizens-despite the overwhelming evidence...makes me feel dumber for listening.


    this is for the convo i checked out of before. inspired by my FN Anon crush;) and my new favorite hater sssssSeptember. hi!

    save the babies from Scriptures sweetie...you don't have to go anywhere. just understand i move according to UNIVERSAL LAW and you don't call any shots over here...

    please note kinsey/ crowley in the post...get much needed more info stat, then see if you still want to step to me with an Almighty = kinsey/crowley flow/joke.

    even with moon walking background dancing devils...i would re-consider that move. i share this because it IS all Love.

    blessings all!

  42. Folks, read that article Bill is linking again. You will see some interesting tid bits about the GOP. Of course our friend Bill failed to mention that part.

    A republican health care plan is the one where u die if u have no money. It's really rather simple.

    Some Americans might actually prefer not paying now but paying with their lives later.

  43. parvenu5:59 PM

    Field said: " guess this "knock out" game phenomenon has some folks, spooked(Pun intended)".

    What we are facing now is a replay of the decades old American racist bull shit designed to provide a general excuse for persecuting innocent African-Americans in this country. Here is how this shit works. Some white guy with some extra "chump change" in small bills at his disposal recruits some dumb young Negroes to go pull off some disgusting obviously stupid criminal act, and do it in the full view of the public. He pays the initial group of Negroes knowing full well that the flash bad publicity of the act and the fact that it was young black guys that did it will inspire a certain group of stupid "copy cats" to go out and repeat the same type of crime in full public view. A good example of this is the bunch of wide open subway muggings in New York years ago which virtually ended when a white decided to pick up a pistol and go hunting some of these black muggers. He shot and killed 3 or 4 of some "supposed muggers" on a subway train, and the nation wide publicity over his arrest and trial quickly put the lid on these open widespread muggings in the subways of New York. Note : I am not saying that all muggings ceased in New York's subways but certainly the fascination and the thrill of doing it ceased for young black kids in New York.

    This fascination with these "knock out" assaults for some young black kids is strikingly similar to the "wilding" assaults by young black kids that took place in New York's Central Park a number of years ago.

    African-American youth respond to whatever is in the public mainstream just like the rest of America, and unfortunately if something looks like "fun" regardless of how criminal it is, and the young black male perpetrators are getting away with it - some black kids lacking good common sense, and seeing it on the TV news are going to be enticed to try their hands at repeating the same criminal act. This is really the problem which unjustly impacts innocent young Africa-American males.

  44. Anonymous6:20 PM

    TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: IMO, Bill, the white Republican(I know, it's redundant), Bill beat the hell out of PC and Black Sage all by himself.... It wasn't even a contest.

    So I'm wondering WHO is winning this spiritual war? I know you have warned me about Bill but it sure looks like he's the better guy in this fight. WHO is winning this war? Could it be the God of the GOP is stronger than many thought? Actually, it looks to me like the ones fighting each other on this blog look pretty much the same, except one is purple, the other is black and the other is white. It's pretty damn confusing on FN.

    We've got losers like PC, who doesn't believe in God, fighting Bill for "justice"... what the heck is THAT? Purple Freddy Kruger vs White Wolf man fighting for turf on earth? And I don't understand why Black Sage is even in the mix. Heck, he's never been able to hold a candle to Bill.

    I mean, today was a total loss: Bill kicked PC's ass so badly that PC needs to go underground in the UK for about a couple of years before showing up again. But he won't. Why? Because Purple Cow has no shame to let him know what it is to be a decent human being with dignity.

    And poor Black Sage, he really should leave Bill alone.

  45. STEPHEN says...
    "A republican health care plan is the one where u die if u have no money. It's really rather simple."

    Gee STEPHEN... why not be honest about Obamacare coming directly from " Right Wing " Think Tanks...??

    You know the smaller version that Mitt pushed for Mass....

    So when you ask if Republicans have a Plan your not being completely honest about the origins of the ACA plan.

    With that being said ....

    Its obvious single payer was the correct choice...

    Why would our progressive constitutional law professor leave single payer on the table without even fighting for it....?

    Ohhh I know...

    Your going to spout the official "Talking Points" about how we just never had the votes....

    With a majority in both houses, and a "Supposed" Democrat as POTUS...

    Dont forget about those "Blue Dog" Obama never had the guts to sanction for their disloyalty...

    Claiming Republicans dont have a plan when O-Bomber is using a bigger version of an old Republican plan is pretty dishonest...

    but hey you like defending dishonest criminals....

    So it all blends well together....

    The "Knock Out Game , and this story about the basketball players being arrested is just subterfuge...

    None of those things can be corrected by shaming racist police or racist groups.

    One correct move wouldve been to NOT Hire Ray Kelly as the new Head of DHS... That may have set the correct tone.....

    But hey ....again we are NOT talking about someone who is looking out for the interests of Blacks as a collective....

  46. "TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: IMO, Bill, the white Republican(I know, it's redundant), Bill beat the hell out of PC and Black Sage all by himself.... It wasn't even a contest."

    The level of self-deception and delusional thinking amongst these far-right types is quite breathtaking at times.

  47. I'm staying up late to watch The Ashes.

    It's not going well for us so far, I'm afraid. Still the game still has 4 5/6th days to go, so there's time. Selecting two off-spinners was probably a mistake given there's a 50/50 chance they were going to lose the toss - which they did.

    On the other hand, I'm glad they are going with Ben Stokes, me and the boys met him last summer, nice bloke.

  48. field negro said...
    A republican health care plan is the one where u die if u have no money. It's really rather simple.

    Obamacare is the health plan where young people are forced by the IRS to pay for old people.

    What happens if Obama is wrong about young people wanting to pay more so others can get something for free.

    I'll assume no one wanted to comment on the harvard study that proves Obamacare is turning young people off to the democrat party. No surprise.

  49. Off topic, but just a bit of good news I thought might bring a bit of cheer to you, Field:


    Pic of the fella with his rescuers in the de-pressurisation tank:


  50. Claiming Republicans dont have a plan when O-Bomber is using a bigger version of an old Republican plan is pretty dishonest...

    but hey you like defending dishonest criminals....

    Purple Cow?
    Black Sage?

    This should answer your question about the republican healthcare plan.

  51. Bill, I read the link u provided with the fraudulent headlines, and it seems u might have left out a thing or two.

    Care to rethink your position?

  52. field negro said...
    Bill, I read the link u provided with the fraudulent headlines, and it seems u might have left out a thing or two.
    Care to rethink your position?

    The "fraudulent headline" was a copy/paste, not my words. If you followed the link you would have known the headline was copied/pasted.

    Rethink my position?

    I feel it was recently pointed out that Obamacare is romneycare with a name change.

    And to think sage and cow didn't understand obamacare was romneycare. For people as smart as cow and sage it is very disappointing they were this clueless. Because of this I can't believe anything those 2 write now that they have been proven to be so completely clueless about romneycare and mindlessly regurgitated left-wing talking points.

    I'm waiting for sage and cow to explain why the democrats copied a republican healthcare plan.

    My prediction...


  53. Wesley R said...


    The President said he would let Detroit, ie. The Auto Industry go bankrupt. Don't get it twisted.

    So he refused to let his union buddies go bankrupt but he sat back and watched the city go to hell?

    Please tell me you didn't vote for someone like that.

  54. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Hey FIELD! It's your progressive buddy, Nuckie, writing from Bradenton, Flori-DUH. I found a way black men can be equal with whites, if only for a short period of time:


    I think of this story, not from a racial angle, but from an "MeriKKKa's stupid-ass, obsession with football". I know you're an Iggles fan (I lived up there in 92-93 so I remember Jerome Brown, The Minister of Defense, etc.)

    I love football. But I don't love it the point of letting a guy get away with RAPE because the he and the team are doing so good.

    File the Tallahassee PD's investigation in the DERP file. Am I surprised the start football kid got away with rape? No, but it does piss me off.

    Sorry, I wasn't sure how to email you directly. Keep up the good work!
