Saturday, December 21, 2013

Standing by their man, and Justine thinks that AIDS is funny.

I see that conservatives are still busy defending the Duck Dynasty dude. Hmmm, I wonder why? Could it be that they have so much in common?

Anyway, I could care less what happens between that ignorant hillbilly and his employer, A&E. Obviously they have been good for each other, but now, to A&E, he has crossed a line. We will see.

Still, this is America; he has a right to his freedom of speech. But sadly for him, his employer has a right to can his ass in this type of situation as well.
Free speech sometimes has a price, just ask that Dixie Chicks, lady.

Finally, I am sure that conservatives will come to the defense of Justine Sacco as well.

In case you didn't know, Justine is an executive for an entertainment PR firm, and she found it necessary to show the world her ignorance via twitter.

"The communications director for media conglomerate IAC, which represents brands like OKCupid, is in trouble after publicly tweeting a racist “joke” that’s getting few — if any — laughs.

“Going to Africa. Hope I don’t get AIDS. Just kidding. I’m white!” Justine Sacco tweeted Friday, apparently from London shortly before departing on a trip.
Sacco, who's represented brands also include Vimeo and CollegeHumor, was not immediately available for comment.

But the offending tweet disappeared late Friday night — which would be early Saturday morning in Africa. Just after midnight in New York, in fact, Sacco’s entire account vanished.
 Sacco tweeted: 'Going to Africa. Hope I don't get AIDS. Just kidding. I'm white!'

Racist, insensitive to AIDS, and just dripping with a sense of white privilege. 

I don't think that this woman will have a job with her current employer much longer, but judging from her looks and what is obviously between her ears; a gig over at FOX can't be too far behind. (I see you Megyn Kelly)



  1. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Well I can certainly understand her worry Field!

    She has good reason to be!

    She's obviously planning on f****** every man she see's there! ;*p

    and she goes bareback...umhm! Actually that's a worry for her ANYWHERE she goes! Lololol!

  2. I stater that ignorant people say ignorant *ish. I'd like rephrase my comment in order to accomodate Ms. Sacco *ish from London. People say ignorant *ish in order to boost sales/profit and while in a mode as attention seekers. Phuck you flugelrod reptile!

  3. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Butthurt Field Negro don't like it when blondes don't pay tribute 2 da bruddaz, lol. Know yo' place white gurl!

    As far as ignant hiwwbillies go, you jess don't like white folks dawg. jess uhmit da troof.

  4. Ace Freely3:23 PM

    Well, obviously she's telling a darkly ironic joke, of the kind you see on Saturday Night Live and the Family Guy every week. And sure, like the jokes on those shows, it's not terribly funny and it's a bit hacky.

    But it's a joke. And not a joke at Africans' expense, either. It's black humor commentary about her soft, safe white life.

    But of course one cannot pass the opportunity to get your panties in a bunch, point your finger and scream "Wayciss!"

    And now the whole liberal blogosphere has joined in to say how awful this woman was, just because everyone secretly loves the game they played as children, when a group of kids would circle around and terrify and humiliate one kid who the group jointly decided was fair game for cruelty. Everyone loves joining in a group to destroy someone deemed "outsider."

    And this ritual Pack Animal Frenzy Behavior bore fruit -- the woman's company has been apprised of her WordCrime, and they promise they'll take "appropriate action."

    Isn't Progressivism wonderful?

  5. GrannyStandingforTruth3:34 PM

    Evidently, Missy's real intentions in going to Africa is to get laid. Is she that desperate that she has to go to Africa just to get laid? Would someone tell her that she does not have to go to Africa just to hide her real desire that she wants to sleep with a black man. Hasn't she heard we live in Post-Racial America.

  6. Oh my, the Duck Dynasty marathon is still on for Christmas.

    News shows start in January.

    I guess money trumps liberal fascism. Right Field?

  7. Drunk tweet much? Is white resistance to HIV even a stereotype? How does whiteness supposedly confer resistance to HIV? Why does this supposed resistance only manifest itself within white humanity on the African continent? Her setup is patent nonsense -it's not even a good racist joke.

  8. Anonymous4:37 PM

    So a white chick be gettin' fired from her 'job' fo' offenin' da bruddaz, but dat pooves white priv-lij. got it, keep it rill.

  9. GrannyStandingforTruth said...

    Evidently, Missy's real intentions in going to Africa is to get laid


    Um no, Granny, she said she wasn't going to get AIDS because she is white, and therefore would not engage in recklessly dangerous promiscuity as though she were a black woman.

  10. Anonymous4:45 PM

    I want to commend whoever bought her name as a domain name and redirected to Aid for Africa. That's how you win the Internet.

  11. Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    " Drunk tweet much? Is white resistance to HIV even a stereotype? How does whiteness supposedly confer resistance to HIV? "

    Not taking it in the ass is what confers resistance to HIV. Everyone knows black people loves it in the butt. That's why they all have the AIDS. Unless you shootin' up, that's the only way you get it.

  12. Anonymous4:52 PM


    White girls and white women are not virgin Marys. Just ask all the black professional ballplayers, actors, and any black man with some money and hustling for money. Starting with Tiger Woods and you can even include the hood in that survey.

    When you find or read about a white woman or girl that has sewed her vagina up and can prove it, please let us know.

  13. "I want to commend whoever bought her name as a domain name and redirected to Aid for Africa. That's how you win the Internet."

    One constant of black people all around the world is that they all have their hands out to the white man.

  14. aka lynn4:57 PM

    I'm not surprised that Republicans are standing by Robertson's remarks; their party has kept their only recently dying platform alive by blaming blacks, gays, and in recent years the Moslems. It is ashamed that they still have so many followers who adhere to hate but hide behind making themselves the victim or twisting Christianity to justify their contempt for their fellow man.

    I for one found it appalling that Phil was descriptive on the topic of anal verse vaginal penetration, and the so called conservative right has remained quiet, but went into an uproar when Bashir made his remarks about Palin.. So much for the party of wholesome family values. Where in the Bible does Jesus describe or compare being in a woman's vaginal verses a man's anus...? Yet, when confronted we're supposed to believe that he's preaching BIBLICAL knowledge. To me it sounded like something right out of a dirty magazine...

    I don't feel sorry for A&E one bit. Now a days networks are profiting off of this redneck, hillbilly, moonshine making, butter eating, culture, and I perceive it as a subtle way in trying to dumb down the masses. Well, like Paul DEEN, "these people is who they is"... Want not, get not...

  15. Phil Robertson5:29 PM

    Anonymous aka lynn said...
    It is ashamed that they still have so many followers who adhere to hate but hide behind making themselves the victim or twisting Christianity to justify their contempt for their fellow man...

    Now a days networks are profiting off of this redneck, hillbilly, moonshine making, butter eating, culture,


    Now aka, who is it that has contempt for their fellow man?

    Project much?

  16. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Being a PR consultant, she should be able to get out of it using crisis mgt strategies. If she's not actually schooled in one of the top PR schools, but just happened to fall into the field...she's toast.

    It's cool being a brother in this field surrounded by nothing but females that look and act just like Justin...most come from privileged backgrounds and if you go into a college classroom in the field you will find nothing but white females and white gay men...with a few Asian women...that's it. Go to a firm and see the same thing...there is no to little diversity in the PR field. A brother gets lonely if you know what I mean being in their midst daily.

  17. Bigger question, how did a woman like this get a job in PR and be that stupid when it comes to social media? Oh wait, never mind.

  18. Anonymous6:56 PM

    This heffa is like 90% of the WW I've ever known, over sexed sluts longing for some fat, Black, penis.


  19. Winston Smith6:58 PM

    "there is no to little diversity in the PR field."

    I thought he modern meaning of "diversity" was no straight white men.

    Nothing but white females and white gay men with a few Asian women sounds pretty 'diverse' to me. Or are you clinging to the OldSpeak meaning of the word?

    A workplace with few to no white men is 'diverse'. Likewise, a NBA team that is 100% black is 'diverse'.

    On the other hand, an elite Navy Seal unit that is 90% white men is problem, and needs to made 'diverse'.

    So remember, when used in the workplace, 'diversity' means less white.

  20. Anonymous7:03 PM

    @ the pretend Phil....Oh, please...but nice try!!!

  21. The Dairy Queen said...
    "This heffa is like 90% of the WW I've ever known, over sexed sluts longing for some fat, Black, penis."

    You must know a strange subset of white women, but then you would.

    Stay classy Queen, you may not be medical school material, but you sure are entertaining.

    You will never be a doctor.

    1. Anonymous7:45 PM

      Yes the WW I know are EXACTLY like you assnon @7:05.

      The difference being they FINISHED college.

      Urinade! !


  22. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Dairy Queen st 6:56, I feel ya. White girls always play the shy, modest role regarding black men. They could hardly wait and continuously salivate at the opportunity to sit on a stiff, long and throbbing negro's *ick.

    I have a couple of white chicks chasing me now. One of them is married. I won'act on either of them because white girls don' t do shit for me. Dream on TRICKS!

    1. Anonymous7:54 PM

      @7:44, DQAE stands for Dr. Queen's alter ego. And if you refer to me as Dairy Queen again, I'm going to show you that 4th "language" I learned being married to a Naval officer.

      Now if you're that mentally deranged bastard that posts in Field's blog, replying to your own comments and pretending to be black, go scre yourself a$$ hole!!

  23. Anonymous7:50 PM

    "I have a couple of white chicks chasing me now."

    Sure you do.


  24. The Dairy Queen said...
    "The difference being they FINISHED college."

    So says the 50 year old sophomore.


    You will never be a doctor.

  25. Anonymous7:55 PM

    "In case you didn't know, Justine is an executive for an entertainment PR firm"

    Well of course we didn't know, no one had ever heard of Justine before.

    But that doesn't stop Buzzfeed from getting a random person no one ever heard of fired because of a lame joke Tweet.

    Buzzfeed created a clickbait "let's get this random stranger fired just to prove we have power" story, and then they publish that story and get traffic off it, without acknowledging that they are, in fact, key actors in all of this. And Field Negro gets to do a self-righteous post out of it.

    Merry Christmas in Obama's America.

    1. Anonymous8:09 PM

      She was fired for publically acknowledging what EVERY Black american already knows, the majority of yyoung WW desire Black penis!!! And YOU KNOW why, ROTFL!!!



  26. Anonymous8:46 PM

    DQAE, You are disgusting.

  27. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    She was fired for publically acknowledging what EVERY Black american already knows, the majority of yyoung WW desire Black penis!!! And YOU KNOW why, ROTFL!!!
    8:09 PM
    She was fired? Well poor thing,now she can't go! Her dreams have been shattered!;D

    Oh but that's nothing! wait till the retaliatory remarks from African officials and spokespeople begin! x)

  28. Sir Phyllis Clapp9:32 PM

    Some Gehetto Ho said...
    "She was fired for publically acknowledging what EVERY Black american already knows, the majority of yyoung WW desire Black penis!!! " not getting AIDs.

    Too bad nobody with a penis desires you.

    You will never be a doctor.

  29. Anonymous9:43 PM

    "Too bad nobody with a penis desires you.

    You will never be a doctor."


  30. Anonymous9:55 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...

    Evidently, Missy's real intentions in going to Africa is to get laid. Is she that desperate that she has to go to Africa just to get laid? Would someone tell her that she does not have to go to Africa just to hide her real desire that she wants to sleep with a black man. Hasn't she heard we live in Post-Racial America.

    Obviously not, she knows blacks are the major carriers of aids, being unable to surpress their impulses and too stupid to use protection.

  31. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    This heffa is like 90% of the WW I've ever known, over sexed sluts longing for some fat, Black, penis.


    You think she has kids with no husband like you do?


    1. Anonymous12:47 AM

      Now you know you shouldn't talk about your Mammy like that.


  32. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Dr. Thickasabrick said...

    The Dairy Queen said...
    "This heffa is like 90% of the WW I've ever known, over sexed sluts longing for some fat, Black, penis."

    You do realize it's only the lowest white trash and garbage that would even speak to someone like you?

    1. Anonymous12:49 AM

      And you do realize that your students have the HIGHEST board failure rates. Certainly MUCH lower than the school I attend.


    2. Anonymous12:56 AM

      My bad, that should read MUCH higher failure rates than my school.


  33. Anonymous10:12 PM

    The dixie chicks never got fired, fans just stopped buying their music.

    And all this hate you have for a man who simply qouted the bible. Obama and the liberals have corrupted your very soul.

    You are now a godless Negro, just like your liberal limousine massas.

  34. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Ignorant Redneck?

    You don't have half the IQ any of that family does, the money, the business savy or the morals and integrity they live by.

    Imagine an entire family without a baby mama and none on welfare.

    AND you wouldn't last 2 minutes in that swamp.

  35. NSangoma10:55 PM


    Freedom of Speech does not mean that one can say whatever one likes.

    Try it, the next time you are in a crowded theater.


  36. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Anonymous NSangoma said...


    Freedom of Speech does not mean that one can say whatever one likes.

    Try it, the next time you are in a crowded theater.

    Qouting a bible passage isn't the same thing as yelling fire and causing a panic unless fags getting reminded of who they are causes deadly panic attacks.

  37. Anonymous11:17 PM

    "Freedom of Speech does not mean that one can say whatever one likes."
    Unless one is a democrat and/or black...

  38. NSangoma11:53 PM


    field, Duck Dynasty and Justine Sacco are not the issue; it is we, the North American Negroe that are the issue:

    After five tense days and an all-out manhunt, New Jersey authorities announced Saturday that four men had been arrested in the carjacking and fatal shooting of a New Jersey lawyer last weekend.


  39. You know what’s happening? Multidirectional, multivariate, multicausal American decline. Every metric, every signpost, every judicial fiat, every subversive narrative points to the same destination: The drain. The deviants and degenerates and destroyers are as close to the sun now as they’ve ever been. This is their moment. They can feel the warmth of validation. The radiant glow of coerced acceptance. The flare of triumph over human nature. Fat Pride, Femcunt Pride, Freak Pride, Furry Pride, Slut Pride, Anti-White Pride, Gay Pride and now Pantywaist Pride. Pride cometh before the fall.

  40. In an oligarchical regime, public opinion is always an effect rather than a cause. It still matters, but only in the sense that some effects cannot be caused. But the power of the machine is always increasing. Few in the Reagan era could have imagined that in the lives of their grown children, most Americans would come to regard gay marriage as an essential civil right. Why did this happen? Because the ruling class is sovereign not just politically, but also intellectually. What it believes, everyone comes to believe - and is horrified that previous generations somehow failed to believe.

  41. Anonymous12:27 AM

    I'm waiting with baited breath for your post on the 4 sons of Obama and May your cousins that murdered the dude for his range river. What is wrong with you people. Are you all basically a bunch of savages?

  42. "What is wrong with you people. Are you all basically a bunch of savages?"

    Well, sort of. It is a lack of forward time orientation and impulse control, abetted by a culture that subtly tells us we are justified in our criminality as retribution for past wrongs. Basically we just want stuff and believe white people deserve to die.

  43. Anonymous12:49 AM

    Let me put this politely:

    What a stupid fucking cunt. Fuck I hate what she represents. It's the 21st century, you asshole. You haven't figured out the racism thing yet? Being white sucks sometimes...I have to share a skin color with garbage like this.

  44. Anonymous12:59 AM

    Justine knows what she is talking about.

    Of the total number of new HIV infections among women in the United States in 2010, 64% occurred in blacks [who were 13% of the population], 18% were in whites, and 15% were in Hispanics.

    In 2010, black men accounted for 70% of the new HIV infections among all adult and adolescent blacks [they were 13% of the population]. The estimated rate of new HIV infection for black men was seven times as high as that of white men, twice as high as that of Latino men, and nearly three times as high as among black women.

  45. Ms. Queen said...
    "My bad, that should read MUCH higher failure rates than my school."

    Of course it's your bad, you lack the intellect to understand basic statistics. In fact, you don't even know what a huge failure you are, a colossal decades long failure that could only be accomplished by a black female. Anyone else as stupid and clueless as yourself would have realized long ago they were in way over their head.

    But not you, enabled as you are by Affirmative Action and massive self-delusion.

    You will never be a doctor.

    1. Anonymous1:27 AM

      A cracka man's favorite default position when he realizes that with White skin, your life sucks ass, a cracka plays the affirmative action card.

      Yawn! Is that the best you can do, Bubba the pedophile?


  46. I guess this is why conservative comedy shows don't last long. You need to be intelligent to be funny.

  47. "Oh my, the Duck Dynasty marathon is still on for Christmas."

    Yup, just like Billo the clown and Rush are still on the air. You can say anything you want about blah folks and get away with it. I'm guessing this is your new favorite show.

  48. Anonymous1:37 AM

    PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...

    I guess this is why conservative comedy shows don't last long. You need to be intelligent to be funny.

    You aren't funny.

  49. Field, what's going on? I haven't heard much about that knockout game you negroes were playing. It seems it was just another attempt to scare old white folks by Hannity and Fox. I guess Duck Dynasty is more important than you darker folks taking over the world one KO at a time.

  50. "Merry Christmas in Obama's America"

    Happy Holidays to you as well.

    "I'm waiting with baited breath for your post on the 4 sons of Obama and May your cousins that murdered the dude for his range river. What is wrong with you people. Are you all basically a bunch of savages?"

    Keep waiting....

    But wait, u might want to read this link while you wait:

    1. Anonymous10:57 AM

      Field. I know math is hard for you people with your avg 85 iqs. But this might give you some insight.

  51. Justine Sacco was fired. Happy, fn?

  52. FN can bash Duck Dynasty and attack a private citizen- he doesn't have the time to mention Army Sgt. 1st Class Joseph Gantt

    From the LA Times..

    Army Sgt. 1st Class Joseph Gantt told his wife to remarry if he didn’t come back from the war. She told him no. He had a hard enough time getting her to say yes. He was it.

    For 63 years, the World War II and Korean War veteran was missing in action and presumed dead, but Clara Gantt, 94, held out hope and never remarried.

    On a cold, dark Friday morning on the Los Angeles International Airport tarmac, the widow stood from her wheelchair and cried as her husband’s flag-draped casket arrived home.

    “I am very, very proud of him. He was a wonderful husband, an understanding man,” she told TV reporters at the airport. “I always did love my husband, we was two of one kind, we loved each other. And that made our marriage complete.”

    Joseph Gantt joined the Army in 1942 and served in the South Pacific during WWII. He met his wife on a train from Texas to Los Angeles in 1946 and they married two years later. They had no children.

    In the Korean War, he was assigned as a field medic, Battery C, 503rd Field Artillery Battalion, 2nd Infantry Division, when he was taken prisoner by North Korean forces in December 1950. He died in March 1951, it was learned later, but his remains were only recently returned to the U.S. and identified, said Bob Kurkjian, executive director of USO Greater Los Angeles Area.

  53. Anonymous8:02 AM

    PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...

    Field, what's going on? I haven't heard much about that knockout game you negroes were playing. It seems it was just another attempt to scare old white folks by Hannity and Fox. I guess Duck Dynasty is more important than you darker folks taking over the world one KO at a time.

    It aint about any takeover there is no chance of that you know black can't get organized enough.

    It's about who you are a culture that raises violent feral savages.

  54. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Blogger Republicans:Freeing Slaves From The Democrat Plantation Since 1863 said...

    Justine Sacco was fired. Happy, fn?

    The ironic part is they are making racists one person at a time, she was a liberal and being Ironic about white privilege. Going to another failed black country where the negroes like to rape and transmit aid and think raping virgins cures aids and she met the real white privilege didn't she.

  55. The Christmas Spirit4:21 PM

    Us People said...
    Basically we just want stuff and believe white people deserve to die.

    Those four Sons of Obama, who were in their 30's by the way, shot that white man holding Christmas packages in the head to get his $90,000 Range Rover just to get a ride home.

    They abandoned his car in 89% black Newark.

    Shot a white man in the head, in front of his wife, just because they needed a ride home from the mall.

    In a healthy society, these four savages would be swinging from a gallows in the town square in Newark.

    But let's talk about Justine Sacco and Riley Cooper instead.

  56. Anonymous@ 10:57, I would bet my Al Kaline baseball card that your "iq"is not in triple digits.

    It's just not in the cards for a racist troll to be intelligent.

    1. Anonymous5:57 PM

      You would lose Field. 126. Order of the coif too bro '. And AV rated. Good day.

  57. Ha! Were a culture of violent savages. Funny, all of the "savages" I know are educated and well adjusted. Guess I didn't get the memo. Maybe one of the trolls here can send it to me so I can get to work on my savagery.
    Your trolls are funny Field.

  58. Dearest Field:

    You know me. You know my blog, which i no longer write at, but the archives are there and i still stand by them. you know i know about blogging. You know i have long enjoyed your work.

    It's time. It really is. i stopped coming here for a long time, because it was getting out of control. maybe it's the DD situation that's making it particularly bad around here right now, but damn. this is just too much.

    turn off the comments. or start banning these crazy people this blog seems to attract. or switch to trusted downvoting, or whatever tech can eliminate the hate. this is.. ridiculous. i just got a new computer and recently added your blog to the bookmarks, but reading the last three threads, i'm wondering if there's any point.

    i don't mind disagreement. i appreciate what i remember you used to say about trolling, and how you'd rather expose it for what it is, for the record. but this is... beyond disgusting.

    you've proven your point. white racists will always attack a strong black voice.

    but your writing is too good, and deserves real conversation and commenting. as it stands right now? that will never happen, with this anon trolling that has utterly infested this place.

    Peace, Brother.


  59. CD, I have always loved your work as well, and I respect your opinion. For now, though, I am sticking with this format, although I am considering one of the techs for screening comments.

    We will see.

    Anon@5:57, that's hard to believe. Racist trolls are just not that smart.

    1. Anonymous10:11 PM

      Field. Believe it. FYI I grew up middle class in integrated Midwest public schools. Had several black friends, many of who I have helped, including w pro bono work. Even loaned one money to buy his sister out of his mothers estate so he could keep it. Just disappointing to see people like yourself always blaming the white man for endemic criminality in the black community. The black community needs help but needs to take a long look in the mirror.

  60. Anonymous11:12 PM

    field negro8:58 PM
    although I am considering one of the techs for screening comments.
    I entirely agree with CD!

    And I nominate myself! I'll do it! I will screen those comments so well, you won't even believe it :')

    I will be honest and fair. Everything will be great! Really X)

    Y-O-U- W-I-L-L- L-O-V-E- I-T !

    (The Anons not so much ;))
