Sunday, December 01, 2013

The end of racism?

I wish someone would have told me sooner that racism had ended. If they did, I wouldn't have spent all this time chasing racism all over the damn place. Go figure.

Maybe that's why they had a special segment for white artists on The Soul Train Music Awards, tonight. (I see you Wolf Blitzer) Just black folks doing their bit to bring the races even closer together.

Poor GOP, even when they try to reach out to us black folks they end up looking clueless. I wouldn't blame them if they never try to address black issues again.
It just never turns out well.

"Today we remember Rosa Parks’ bold stand and her role in ending racism"

That's what our friends in the grand old party tweeted today to commemorate the anniversary of Rosa Parks refusing to give up her seat on a segregated bus in Montgomery, Alabama. Awkward.

Of course they corrected their tweet a few hours later, after they realized that Rosa Parks was a very courageous woman who deserves her iconic place in history for what she did, but that giving her credit for ending racism just might be a bit much.


  1. Field says "Stay away from that evil GOP, they aren't allowed to talk about St. Rosa!"

    The words of a real "field negro":

    Those who want to "spread the wealth" almost invariably seek to concentrate the power. It happens too often, and in too many different countries around the world, to be a coincidence. Which is more dangerous, inequalities of wealth or concentrations of power?

    -- Thomas Sowell

    Progressives demand you cede your liberty in return for security, that you give them unlimited power in return for 'free' healthcare and a few hundred a month in food stamps. They trumpet complete sexual freedom to distract you from the fact they are restricting all of your other freedoms.

    So keep making those chains we need to tie you up with, it's for your own good.

  2. The legacy of Rosa Parks:

  3. "Anyway, it's certainly nice to know that the woman who trailed me all over that Nordstrom store a few years back was just making sure that I made it out of the store safely."

    Don't blame that poor woman for doing her job, blame all the negroes that be stealing shit all the time from Nordstroms.

  4. The Obamacare website is up and working! Just in time for so many of us:

  5. Anonymous2:34 AM

    "Anyway, it's certainly nice to know that the woman who trailed me all over that Nordstrom store a few years back was just making sure that I made it out of the store safely."

    Brother Field, as bm we share collective racial karma in stores, in jail, in prisons, and in injustices. That's just the way it is in America.

    But we also share some positive collective karma in sports and music and entertainment.

    So it all balances out in the end. That's why we celebrate all the holidays with our white brothers...because we are all ONE.

    Brother Field, did you find out 'who' that white person was who was following you in Nordstrom? Was she a Republican or a Democrat? That would be interesting to know.

    You seem to attack the GOP but give a pass to those Dems. That's not a good look for a bm, nor is it very smart. Let me give you a little advice about Whites:

    Republican or Democrat, they are the same when it comes to us: they don't like us nor do they want to be around us. And they both discriminate against us. You might think about sometime in the future about developing the courage to speak about white Democrats.

    Hell, at least the GOP is honest in their behaviors...they let us know they don't like us. But the Democrats? now that is a horse of another color. They smile in your face while sticking it to you.

    You really ought to go see 12 Years of Slavery. Every kind of White person you can think of is in that movie.

  6. Anonymous2:36 AM

    "You really ought to go see 12 Years of Slavery. Every kind of White person you can think of is in that movie."

    Bill is in the movie!

  7. "Which is more dangerous, inequalities of wealth or concentrations of power?"

    Inequalities of wealth.

  8. Anonymous3:33 AM

    Blogger The Purple Cow said...
    "Which is more dangerous, inequalities of wealth or concentrations of power?"

    Inequalities of wealth.

    3:00 AM
    You are kidding of course?

  9. Anon@2:34, I am pretty sure that lady voted republican. Something in their DNA makes them automatically suspicious of the Negro.

    But u are right, dem or republican, it doesn't really matter. At the end of the day it's all just politricks, and black folks have to learn to do for themselves.

    PC, what our friend fails to realize is that wealth inequality gives more power to those with more of the wealth. So what's the difference?

  10. from last thread:

    @ Anon- much Love to you! please know that i fully Understand- haters come with following Him. it is apart of the gig.

    said haters typically need to pile on in order to get together less than 1/2 the strength He gives me freely.

    the haters last thread, when you add them all together, one will NOT have a whole AB. this is why i checked out at a certain point. it feels like sin + fist fighting infants after awhile;( i don't think that's how He would have me spend my time. when one adds the elder gets to be all bad;( the only thing worse is coming to the realization that old fools are everywhere in today's society. they usually mistake good and evil.

    pagan thanksgiving day= good
    boldly speaking His Word in His Name = bad

    @ September-

    i don't know what your fixation is...

    what i do know is i have told you already + shaken dust since the month of September, when you slithered on the scene wanting to hiss and hiss in your unbelief at me...

    you may be as Unbelieving as you wish.

    free will.

    i choose to believe in Him + His Word.

    Almighty is NO golden calf;)

    i don't know who "jehovallah" is. told you that before as well. if you find Scriptures as destructive as Kinsey...that would be your opinion + your business. but be of good cheer. America, like you, doesn't think Almighty is real. nor does America respect His Word. as such, children at 5 yo are being taught about sex, NOT Almighty.

    when the Wrath spoken of in Genesis 15:13-14 and Acts 7:6-7 hits full effect...these same heathen folks will fix their mouths to accuse Him some more.

    now...i understand...the witch/serpent convention last thread got you feeling like it might be a good time to come again with the same defeated madness. lol. be clear:

    i have already shaken dust, nor am i interested in arguing your thoughts with you. i understand that folk like me tick folk like you off.

    that will be fine.

    when you get done, He is real + most important to me. don't hate my High and Mighty...get your own.

    once again, you will need to check your attitude to get in His presence to get some.

    that's all. hopefully you can now slither away + create a good day, knowing, i still don't care about that madness you insist on trying to share with me or hiss at me.

    you may hiss it through the witch convention. hiss it just because. hiss + slither on about your serpent business...because just as soon as i crush your defeated serpent head- haters will holla about how mean i AM.

    in advance, please know: i.don'

  11. Yep, that's it Field. Power always concentrates, and it concentrates with the rich.

  12. for e'erbody else:

    UNLESS you are FN or Mrs. FN- you are NOT in a position to lay down "laws" for me.

    more specifically: witch doctor tablet lady- YOU are NOT in a position to lay down any laws for me. hate me from your lane. pile up because you need to in order to muster Courage to come against Him/me. do whatever...from your lane...

    i AM glad to see folks decided to knock it off and love it out with each other at the end;) that makes more sense.

    ps. the "Christians" that i AM sure i offend, will no doubt have a pagan tree decorated with baals here shortly.

    when anyone points out they are in fact celebrating this:

    22 Summer Solstice: Animal and human sacrifices are made.
    24 Demon revels: Male and female sacrifice.
    25 Yuletide: Celebration of the birth of the sun as a young babe to the great goddess. The satanist's own birthday is very important. The satanist says: "Every man is a god if he chooses to recognise himself as one". (LaVey, the satanic bible).

    then of course folks will get mad + hate. most "Christians" get their behinds handed to them because they don't know Him nor His Word. plus they LOVE practicing all the ways of the wicked world. they they excel at twisting chit to make it fit where it does not belong at all.

    since serpents slither + understand slowly if at all...let me say this AGAIN as well:

    i AM not a "Christian".

    i AM Hebrew, wide awake + Bold in His Name.

    i already know that makes devils...MAD.


    while the defeated devils try to bite His/my style + hiss:

    who does she think she is?

    doesn't she know she is supposed to put up with all manner of nonsense?

    why does she speak so boldly?

    she is crazy!

    etc. defeated. etc.

    ps. if folks can revere, say Dr. King, they can also give ear to what a flawed man like Makow might have to say. none of US walking the face of earth is without sin. anyone claiming otherwise is a...liar.

    waiting for perfect people to stand up + tell it...would mean humanity is doomed.


  14. field negro said...
    PC, what our friend fails to realize is that wealth inequality gives more power to those with more of the wealth. So what's the difference?

    I don't think there is one, but I do think that concentrations of power are the biggest issue of the two.

    Sure having wealth offers many advantages but it certainly hasn't prevented people like Oprah Winfrey from experiencing some of the same things everyday Black folks experience.

  15. Will someone tell the "bag lady" to cease and desist with dragging ol' topics from old threads to new ones, sheesh, you have GOT to get a life!

  16. defeated witch doctor tablet lady-

    YOU have got to get a whole CLUE. you are running ONLY your mouth + the heels of your shoes down.

    you are welcome for that much needed part of a clue;)


  17. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Field said...
    Anyway, it's certainly nice to know that the woman who trailed me all over that Nordstrom store a few years back was just making sure that I made it out of the store safely.

    Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm...Field! Admit it, you're just being modest:)

    Had nothin' to do with racism or your safety, and you know it;)

    Those chicks know a good thing when they see it ;p

    What you shoulda done, was whip around and ask her, "hey you wanna piece o' me huh?" who knows where that mighta led! :D

    or conversely
    you coulda stopped at the underwear section and browsed the undershorts,then picked up a pair/pack (of suggestive ones of course)and sweetly asked her "what do you think of these?" :)

    whooooo weeeeeeeee! you coulda had her Field, you coulda!:)))

  18. Man.... Im gone for a few days , and your stilll crying over those EVIL Republicans....

    Have you SHAMED the Racism out of them yet Field....?? LOL

    You probably need a couple million more blog posts....

    I know you have to keep selling it to the masses..however the biggest threats really come from within...

    Not these mythical boogiemen you keep trying to drum up....


    Just like I told you it would go down.....

    Criminals prosecuting criminals....sounds about right....

  20. Desertflower said...
    Those chicks know a good thing when they see it ;p

    This is EXACTLY what I was thinking, ROTFL!!!

    And as a woman who loves and is loved by, a smart, sexy, chocolate man with a bald head, I can CERTAINLY relate! :)

  21. Chairman asked by paraphrasing the ultimate avuncular Thomss Sowell:

    "Which is more dangerous, inequalities of wealth or concentration of power?"

    Both are equally dangerous because they are one and the same!

  22. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Dr.Nǚwáng said...
    This is EXACTLY what I was thinking, ROTFL!!!
    And as a woman who loves and is loved by, a smart, sexy, chocolate man with a bald head, I can CERTAINLY relate! :)
    11:54 AM
    Mmhmm! Girll! you got the good stuff!!!:)

  23. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Rosa Parks was an incredibly brave woman. To have dared to defy the bus drivers orders!

    It makes me wonder, what the consequences would/might have been today, in "post racism" America, in a similar situation, where a Black or Brown woman defied some command from a white in power?

    In Florida for example?

  24. Anonymous2:44 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Yep, that's it Field. Power always concentrates, and it concentrates with the rich.

    And you think formalizing the process by ceding all power to those who control the State makes things better?

  25. Desertflower said...
    "It makes me wonder, what the consequences would/might have been today, in "post racism" America, in a similar situation, where a Black or Brown woman defied some command from a white in power? "

    We live in Black Run America now - that does not happen.

    Rosa Parks had to end her days in BRA too:

  26. @ BIB-

    i told you not to rest too well with the chip removed from obamacare. these jokers are NOT playing...while the masses are playing ALL DAY, no doubt:

    excerpt from above link:

    "DARPA and Google want to convince
    young people that wearing electronic
    tattoos and ingesting daily digital
    ID tokens for "authentication" is cool. They're serious."

    excerpt from above link:

    "Six thousand people in Sweden have accepted a microchip in their hand, which they use for all purchases. Trials are also underway in Japan. In July 2002, National Public Radio reported a similar trial beginning in Seattle. Later in 2002, after a rash of suspicious abductions of young girls, BBC reported that a British company plans to implant children with microchips so that their parents can monitor their whereabouts."

    "Dr. Carl Sanders, a highly acclaimed electronics engineer, revealed that a microchip project he launched to help people with severed spinal cords was taken over by the Bill Colby’s Operation Phoenix in a series of meetings organized by Henry Kissinger. Sanders says the optimal spot for a microchip implant is just below the hairline on a person’s forehead, since the device can be recharged by changes in body temperatures, which are most pronounced there. Interestingly, this is the location of the pineal gland or Third Eye."


    of course...real smart folks need to spend time arguing about how the pineal gland is technically not located there...blah blah if they haven't noticed these jokers are CLOSE ENOUGH + committed to making sure folks have the mark, by any means necessary.


    one HAS to laugh.

  27. "And you think formalizing the process by ceding all power to those who control the State makes things better?"

    You are either a total fucking imbecile, or you havE SERIOUS issues with your English comprehension skills.

  28. here's a UK memo.

    notice the North American Union countries are right on schedule with the plan:

    excerpt from link:

    "If you're black and male and in the UK, there is a good chance the police will not only stop and frisk you, they'll also want a DNA sample."

    "To date, 75% of all black men in the UK have been added to the country's "law enforcement" data base."

    "The other Queen-ruled country, Canada, is doing something similar in Toronto."

    "Then of course there's Michael "Little Napoleon" Bloomberg who's ordered that young black men be stopped and frisked for the "crime" of being a black male."

    "They're targeting the people who they think they can get away with it with..."

    "But have no doubt, you and your kids are next."


    those not familiar with the North American Union...might want to get familiar. it is quite similar to the EU.



    folks crack me up acting like a man/husband is hard to come by. lol. some of US have never been to such a planet...though we have heard stories.

    some of US inhabit an earth where acquiring own man/husband...or even borrowing someone else's- though i don't advocate this practice- is NOT hard.

    now... if someone can tell me what part of the game it is when a man tells you he is the one that you are letting get away (as opposed to sending away)...THAT would be of greater interest/benefit;)

    side shade= funny

  29. @ Black Sage:

    "Which is more dangerous, inequalities of wealth or concentration of power?"

    "Both are equally dangerous because they are one and the same!"


    thank you.

  30. to some, Makow is "crazy"...

    he is a sinner, but then so are we all. whoever is not should lead the judge him convo.

    seems being rich, with ph d. will still find one seeking Almighty. @ least the ones the world sees as "crazy". folks may want to give an ear to all, as it is written, for man speaketh that which is in his heart. it'll save ya some time;) if it lines up with Scriptures, it's all right by me. i will listen,discern, take what i need + leave the rest. time has taught me this is wise + best.

    plus, it seems i will say something...then makow will write a similar post. lol. when folks dial into the is, what it is. what it is, is Almighty is real.

    if anyone walks away with "racism" in my words, they suffer from little/no understanding. a person can only say Galatians 3:28-29 so many times. telling the truth about how folks behave in relation to others, changes not Universal Law nor the speaker's commitment to acknowledging/obeying said Laws.

    i found the following link interesting. can't say i can argue too much with the point of view.

  31. NSangoma6:32 PM


    Advice from field to old ladies such as Rosa Parks:

    Time to work on your counterpunch.


  32. ""To date, 75% of all black men in the UK have been added to the country's "law enforcement" data base."

    Total unmitigated bollocks.

    The current figure for black males is 38.9%, compared to 22.3% for white males.

    You know what focussed porpoise? If you trawl idiotic conspiracy sites looking for 'facts' you won't find 'em. You'l end up looking like a total paranoid clown with some serious mental health issues.

    I don't now about anyone else but I come here for some mental stimulation, to be educated and/or entertained. Instead I have to wade through oceans of the tedious paranoid, nonsensical blatherings that you post here multiple times a day.

    And when I say tedious, I mean seriously fucking DULL. You are one boring fucking human being.

    When you walk down the street where you live, do you see people crossing the street to avoid having to speak to you?

    When you go to a party do people suddenly remember something vitally important they have to do in the kitchen?

    They do don't they?

    They are sending you a message Focussed Porpoise, you should listen to them.

  33. lol @ PC.

    go back to Utopia...i mean the UK.

    you might just be the last one left over there that missed the crisis memo. but hey, @ least you got a ww. YOUS FREE!!!


    OF COURSE, you WOULD focus on stats INSTEAD of folks collecting dna samples for a national directory- after a stop + frisk. seems EU is more advanced with the human rights violations. but keep entertaining yourself...

    ps. watch your atrocious mouth + spelling when you address me, son. you 'ole purple cow...

  34. September7:03 PM

    what i do know is i have told you already + shaken dust since the month of September, when you slithered on the scene wanting to hiss and hiss in your unbelief at me...

    I do not care what you believe. But you express toxicity and lies in the name of the Almighty, and I will speak out against it for the sake of the children; you are a destroyer of their souls. You don't "tick me off" FP. I know you would love to think that. But I will speakout to protect children against the likes of you. You and Kinsey are the same, destroyers of innocence. I do get angry when I think of some poor child you are poisoning with your myths and lies and Boogey-Man in the Sky and your hate and racism, complete with assorted demons and snakes, all the excrement that comes out of your mouth. That's my fixation ... I see you CLEARLY and I know your type. Ancient and old memes, re-vomited again and again, lapped up to form another damned belief-system. You like to think you agitate for the Almighty. Nah... your fat ego enjoys it. You enjoyed creating a witch-fest, creating devils out of people so you can sit back and judge. It soothes your angry, guilty soul to think you are crushing the serpent's head and making him angry. But you just expose who you are inside. You're sad. Hey, but it's all love, no?

  35. Anonymous7:12 PM

    "PC, what our friend fails to realize is that wealth inequality gives more power to those with more of the wealth. So what's the difference?"

    You are asking which came first, the chicken or the egg?

    Power makes people surrender, then that same power takes what is not theirs to fill their pockets with wealth.

    But they got it from being the most powerful.

  36. Anonymous7:23 PM

    "Which is more dangerous, inequalities of wealth or concentration of power?"

    "Both are equally dangerous because they are one and the same!"

    This is so true...many thanks for the insight.

    Dear Purple Cow, is the answer enough stimulation for your brilliant mind? Is this what you come to FN for? Why didn't your brilliant mind see it? I mean, the answer was right in front of you and in your blindness, you could not see.

    PC, you have to learn how to 'see'. You aren't there yet.

  37. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Blogger Desertflower said...
    Rosa Parks was an incredibly brave woman. To have dared to defy the bus drivers orders!

    It makes me wonder, what the consequences would/might have been today, in "post racism" America, in a similar situation, where a Black or Brown woman defied some command from a white in power?

    In Florida for example?

    1:30 PM
    It's too bad you don't know the answer but you are not an AA. Any AA would tell you that the consequences would probably be far more severe today...maybe even death in Florida.

  38. Anonymous7:40 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    When you walk down the street where you live, do you see people crossing the street to avoid having to speak to you?

    When you go to a party
    6:47 PM

    Forked Pineal runs after the people when they cross the street lol

    Party??? are u kidding? who would even think of inviting that to a party???? why do you think Faux Pastor is so angry and hostile? LOL

  39. Anonymous7:41 PM

    PC, "i AM glad to see folks decided to knock it off and love it out with each other at the end;) that makes more sense."

    dear PC, would please clarify what kind of love you are talking about? You see, Desert might get the wrong

  40. Anonymous7:45 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "When you walk down the street where you live, do you see people crossing the street to avoid having to speak to you?"

    How does your own question apply to you? Do you see them cross the street in the UK when they see your purple ass with a ww and child? The answer is "YES" because that's the way Brits roll.

  41. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    dear PC, would please clarify what kind of love you are talking about? You see, Desert might get the wrong
    7:41 PM
    Au contraire, mon fraire;D

    Desert might get the RIGHT idea!!!

    The ever so right and sweetly wonderful right love idea!!!

    Because Desert is filled with the Christmas spirit mon fraire!

    and she she hopes everybody else is too :p

  42. No mention of the thousands of selfless civil rights workers who worked behind the scenes to bring us equality, some of whom payed the ultimate price. How about Emmitt Till who inspired Ms. Parks to refuse to give up her seat? Ms. Parks was trained by dedicated NAACP voluteers who spent countless hours of their own time. At least they tried. Maybe they should let Allen West or Tim Scott do their negro outreach from now on.

  43. "Man.... Im gone for a few days , and your stilll crying over those EVIL Republicans...."

    Really man? YOU'RE or YOU ARE. C'mon!

    As far as repubs, they don't like blah folks and we don't like them. You have to be blah to understand.

  44. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Anonymous said...
    How does your own question apply to you? Do you see them cross the street in the UK when they see your purple ass with a ww and child? The answer is "YES" because that's the way Brits roll.
    7:45 PM

    fool what would you know about how the Brits roll? when youve never left the confines of the asylum you call home?

  45. The Purple Cow said...
    When you walk down the street where you live, do you see people crossing the street to avoid having to speak to you?

    When you go to a party do people suddenly remember something vitally important they have to do in the kitchen?

    They do don't they?

    That's because she's black.

    What are you trying to imply?

  46. @ September-

    since you keep coming back to fixate on me...while you lie on me, like the forked tongue hissy fit serpent you can't help but to be...

    let me say this to you AGAIN...

    i.don't.own.other.folks'.behavior. nor the fact that some devils can barely contain themselves when they see me.

    just like here...the devils i send away offline keep coming back. i keep giving them Scriptures until they clue up;) yet somehow they don't quite just go away. lol. while folks playing about folks running away from me.


    i have the exact opposite situation.


    if you think i AM lying...look at September. i ALREADY told this soul we may agree to disagree + wished her a peaceful journey...yet, here she is back again trying to act like i AM the great puppet master for folks that can't hold their composure. throwing a hissy fit like i wrote the Scriptures.



    because it IS all Love, here you go:



    Deuteronomy 4:29- But if from thence thou shalt seek the Sovereign thy Almighty, thou shalt find him, if thou seek him with all thy heart and with all thy souls.

    John 3:16-17

    16 For Almighty so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

    17 For Almighty sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.


    now...INSTEAD of hating my High and Mighty- maybe you could go get your own?

    He is no respecter of persons. you can have some, too. a quick attitude check, a dollop of humility + some praise...He is faithful.

    now, IF you have been so scarred by your "religious" experiences, where you can't muster even THAT...i don't know what to tell you- outside of i will pray for you.

    you know September, maybe you could don your cape and go save the world's children from Scriptures starting with somebody else?

    because it IS all Love...i would hate for you to waste your time starting that special Scripture = Kinsey ped project with me.

    i nominate PC to partner with you on that devil special, since he like you, go into auto demon spew whenever you see me here posting Scriptures in addition to how messed up things are in the UK+ U.S. of satan. grab that funny crumbling, distract + divide, political game playing whipcracka Bill while you at it and

    blessings to you baby girl...

    for real.

  47. Anonymous1:38 AM

    People diagnosed with a Narcissistic Personality Disorder are characterized by unwarranted feelings of self-importance. They have a sense of entitlement and demonstrate grandiosity in their beliefs and behavior. They have a strong need for admiration, but lack feelings of empathy. These qualities are usually defenses against a deep feeling of inferiority and of being unloved.

    Expects to be recognized as superior and special, without superior accomplishments.

    Expects constant attention, admiration and positive reinforcement from others
    Envies others and believes others envy him/her.

    Is preoccupied with thoughts and fantasies of great success, enormous attractiveness, power, intelligence
    Lacks the ability to empathize with the feelings or desires of others.

    Is arrogant in attitudes and behavior
    Has expectations of special treatment that are unrealistic.

    Is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends, has trouble keeping healthy relationships with others, easily hurt or rejected, appears unemotional, and exaggerating special achievements and talents, setting unrealistic goals for himself/herself.

    Narcissistic personality disorder is characterized by dramatic, emotional behavior, and an overinflated sense of self-importance which is in the same category as antisocial and borderline personality disorders.

    In addition to these symptoms, the person may display arrogance, show superiority, and seek power.

    Narcissists have such an elevated sense of self-worth that they value themselves as inherently better than others, when in reality they have a fragile self-esteem, cannot handle criticism, and will often try to compensate for this inner fragility by belittling or disparaging others in an attempt to validate their own self-worth.

    Comments and criticisms about others are vicious from sufferers of NPD, in an attempt to boost their own poor self-esteem.

    Unprincipled narcissist- Including antisocial features. A charlatan who is a fraudulent, exploitative, deceptive, and unscrupulous individual. Deficient conscience; unscrupulous, amoral, disloyal, fraudulent, deceptive, arrogant, exploitive; a con man and charlatan; dominating, contemptuous, vindictive.

    Compensatory narcissist - Including negativistic features. Seeks to counteract or cancel out deep feelings of inferiority and lack of self-esteem; offsets deficits by creating illusions of being superior, exceptional, admirable, noteworthy; self-worth results from self-enhancement.

    Fanatic narcissist - Including paranoid features. a mental disorder characterized by paranoia and a pervasive, long-standing suspiciousness and generalized mistrust of others. Individuals with this personality disorder may be hypersensitive, easily feel slighted, and habitually relate to the world by vigilant scanning of the environment for clues or suggestions that may validate their fears or biases. Paranoid individuals are eager observers. They think they are in danger and look for signs and threats of that danger, potentially not appreciating other evidence.

    An individual whose self-esteem was severely arrested during childhood, who usually displays major paranoid tendencies, and who holds on to an illusion of omnipotence. These people are fighting delusions of insignificance and lost value, and trying to re-establish their self-esteem through grandiose fantasies and self-reinforcement. When unable to gain recognition or support from others, they take on the role of a heroic or worshiped person with a grandiose mission.

  48. @1:38, you're describing False Priestess and EVERYONE here knows it, ROTFL!!!

  49. @ 1:38 AM- sounds like somebody had a good therapy session.

    beware of neuropsychopharmacology...

    i know. i know.

    conspiracy theory!

    some of US "crazies" just prefer Scriptures.

    and really:

    LOL. like...literally.

  50. background devil STILL moon-walking...

  51. Quote Anonymous 7:41

    "PC, "i AM glad to see folks decided to knock it off and love it out with each other at the end;) that makes more sense."

    dear PC, would please clarify what kind of love you are talking about? You see, Desert might get the wrong"

    That is not my quote you imbecile.

    Learn to fucking read, for fuck's sake.

  52. Anonymous4:29 AM

    "Narcissists have such an elevated sense of self-worth that they value themselves as inherently better than others, when in reality they have a fragile self-esteem, cannot handle criticism, and will often try to compensate for this inner fragility by belittling or disparaging others in an attempt to validate their own self-worth.

    Comments and criticisms about others are vicious from sufferers of NPD, in an attempt to boost their own poor self-esteem."

    This describes many on FN and many other people for that matter. But it is especially poignant when it comes to our people. For centuries we have struggled for self-worth, self-esteem and most of all, DIGNITY while being 'shamed' as a race. This breeds personality and mental disorders. However, Blacks are not the only ones, but we are the only ones in America that are descendants of slaves. Hence, we see more personality disorders in the black race that is vehemently denied by Blacks. That's unfortunate because it keeps us from going for therapy for our mental health. But, considering we are basically descendants of slaves, which by definition is shameful, we have a difficult time admitting we need psychological help. It's a catch-22 for us. We must overcome this or go completely crazy.

    BTW, the above quote in this comment clearly describes the personality disorder of Dr Nuwang, and others here on FN. That cannot be denied.

    BTW, this comment @1:38 comes from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. It is the standard manual of mental disorders used by the American Psychiatric Assoc. and American Psychologists Association.

  53. Anonymous4:34 AM

    Blogger The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Anonymous 7:41

    "PC, "i AM glad to see folks decided to knock it off and love it out with each other at the end;) that makes more sense."

    dear PC, would please clarify what kind of love you are talking about? You see, Desert might get the wrong"

    That is not my quote you imbecile.

    Learn to fucking read, for fuck's sake.

    2:44 AM
    Wow! PC is truly a hopeless name calling narcissist. Someone makes a mistake, which is bound to happen, and PC calls them an imbecile. Very nice of you,'re looking real good. But you prove my point about Blacks unable to show appropriate levels of self-esteem, self-worth and SELF-IMPORTANCE. You are so grandiose, you are hopeless as a human being. And you don't even know it. How pitiful.

  54. "But you prove my point about Blacks unable to show appropriate levels of self-esteem, self-worth and SELF-IMPORTANCE. You are so grandiose, you are hopeless as a human being. And you don't even know it."

    Sez the white man who spends all his free time pretending to be black so he can cut and paste stuff he found on wikipedia to denigrate any black man who sees forty to disagree with his storefront rhetoric.

    How empty and meaningless must your life be?

    Is this really what you wanted from your life when you were a kid?


    "How pitiful."

    Indeed you are, indeed you are

  55. "BTW, this comment @1:38 comes from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. It is the standard manual of mental disorders used by the American Psychiatric Assoc. and American Psychologists Association."

    Errrrr, not it doesn't, you copied and pasted it from Wikipedia who in turn took it from a variety of sources. The first paragraph for instance comes from Kernberg, O.F. (1970). Factors in the psychoanalytic treatment of narcissistic personalities. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 18:51–85, p. 56 I could go on but intelligent readers will get my drift.

    "BTW, the above quote in this comment clearly describes the personality disorder of Dr Nuwang, and others here on FN. That cannot be denied."

    So let me get this straight, with no academic credentials to your name, on the basis of something you've just copied and pasted from Wkipedia that you have clearly not read or understood, and you have totally misattributed -you believe that you can diagnose mental disorders.

    Now THAT is Narcism!

    Forgive us little man, if we decline to take your diagnosis seriously...

  56. September7:47 AM

    FP, why do you keep insisting I go away? You make observances and comments on people who post here and their opinions, I am doing the same, writing my truths and yet you want me to go away, wanting to make it seem like I am having some kind of "hissy fit" and "hissing" all over the place. LOL. You are a manipulator and people in general are so easily offended, you like getting under their skin then saying you do it for the Almighty and calling them devils and judging them from your high throne. It's interesting. Your being "followed" by people (devils, snakes, whatever) has nothing to do with the Almighty or the bible, or because you are "His", you are being persecuted. Do you know how many times I've heard religious people say that? It's so tired! LOL.

    you know September, maybe you could don your cape and go save the world's children from Scriptures starting with somebody else?

    LOL! Good one, I like it, sounds exciting. How 'bout I stick with you for a while? You can just scroll on by and pretend I am dust and brush your feet. I will speak to the others.

    because it IS all Love...i would hate for you to waste your time starting that special Scripture = Kinsey ped project with me.

    Scripture=Kinsey ped project? Sounds like a winner to me. They both promote the raping of childrens' bodies and souls. I'll break out my firey sword. But seriously ... I hate seeing innocence destroyed by hatred and I believe that's what you do ... not on purpose. You are blinded. Trying to wake you up but ... hard to wake people up. This whole board is asleep (except for NSangoma ...he's got an eye and a half opened). You were the one with a glimmer.

  57. As far as repubs, they don't like blah folks and we don't like them. You have to be blah to understand.

    Yes I understand....

    Only Stupid People think like that...

    and if you payed any attention to what I post besides trying to constantly categorize me as NON black... You would know I DONT Cheerlead for Republicans either...

    You and your merry band of Obamaphiles willfully ignore what is in front of everyones face...

    Its saddening to seee you defend this administration just on the basis of race alone...

    Quick to correct grammar though...

    Ohh heaven forbid that you cant ascertain whats being said from defective grammar.......

  58. the real jews are black11:35 AM

    wow racism is over! i didn't get the memo. silly gop tricks are for kids

  59. GrannyStandingforTruth12:47 PM

    That is a good topic and so true.

    Well, "we all look alike" to them and its been that way since our ancestors were brought over here on slave ships. That logic "we all look alike" is also applied to other people of color. Strange, since we all come in different shades of skin color, facial features, heights, and body builds. But that's what racism will do for folks. It gives them a blind vision.

    That excuse that black folks are being sensitive is a form of escapism from facing the truth that racism exist. Black folks are not being sensitive, they're tired of dealing with being treated inhumane and the disparities.
