Monday, December 23, 2013

The next civil war.

I have to interrupt your holiday celebrations to remind you of the crisis that is looming in South Sudan. (Yes America, there is actually a country called South Sudan)

We won't hear too much about it here because our government will not get involved in a civil war in a poor country that doesn't have anything (ahem ahem, oil)  to offer us. Not to mention the fact that they are just....well, Africans.

"But field, we have an African American president, surely he will pay attention to the terrible things unfolding in that part of the world."

Don't count on it. He is an American president. He will do nothing of substance in this part of the world. Certainly nothing that will really help the people of that country. There will be no talk of military intervention and arming the rebels, because, quite frankly, we just don't care.

Another all out civil and ethnic war is coming, and we are not doing anything to stop it.

Whatever happened to intervening in countries where there are mass atrocities for humanitarian reasons? Sadly, in South Sudan, women and children are particularly vulnerable.

"Women in the Sudan have suffered in a variety of ways. The loss of family members and homelands has been the common lot of women in all parts of Sudan. The suffering has been greatest in the south, where violent death, disease, and starvation have killed great numbers of women and children. The psychological trauma has been devastating for many. Of those who have survived many are physically disfigured as well as emotionally scarred.

Rape has been used as a weapon against women and girls as young as seven years old. Some rapes have been random acts; however, rape has often been used as a matter of policy to disgrace women, destroy families, and sever tribal ties. In Darfur in northwestern Sudan during the early twenty-first century, "rape camps" contributed to the goal of ethnic cleansing of the Black-Africans via racial dilution. This has been cited as one of the justifications for calling that conflict genocide.

Human rights organizations have verified that southern women and girls have been abducted, taken to the north, and sold into slavery. Some women have been forcibly converted to Islam and married off. Boys under the age of seven are taken to the north and put into Islamic schools. Older males are slain if captured. Southerners, however, have also impressed young males into their guerrilla forces. The abuses suffered by southern women have been caused by combatants on both sides of the war.

In the decades of the civil war, homes and fields have been destroyed, crops have been seized, and hundreds of thousands of southerners have been displaced. Because African women are small-plot gardeners and the sole providers of food for their families, in subsistence economies this has been a serious loss. Seed and cultivating implements have been taken or destroyed, so if the women and children manage to escape the devastation of an attack on their village, there is nothing left when they return and no way to reestablish their livelihood."

This is all sad, and it shouldn't be only celebrities like George Clooney trying to keep the conflict in Sudan on the front burner. 

"President Obama told Congress on Sunday he may take further military action to protect Americans in South Sudan.

In a letter to Congress, Obama said about 46 U.S. troops were deployed Saturday to help evacuate Americans. That’s in addition to another 45 troops sent to reinforce the U.S. Embassy in Juba.

Though he is on his annual vacation in Hawaii, Obama said in the letter that he’s monitoring the situation.

“I may take further action to support the security of U.S. citizens, personnel, and property, including our embassy, in South Sudan,” Obama wrote." [Source] 

Wow, 46 troops!

Of course Mr. President, we must only protect American "property and personnel" in Sudan. Because, the last time I checked, they don't have enough oil.




  1. The Coatesville ExPat8:36 AM

    The POTUS will ignore the plight of the South Sudanese because they are non-muslim. And my church has been providing the people of Southern Sudan with material and non-material support before their independence from the thugs in Khartoum.

  2. You can say what you want about American Black women... that isht would NEVER happen to Us....

  3. FN quoted and said...
    “I may take further action to support the security of U.S. citizens, personnel, and property, including our embassy, in South Sudan,” Obama wrote." [Source]

    Wow, 46 troops!

    46 is a hell of a lot more than benghazi.

    Maybe Obama learned something from the anti-muslim video that caused benghazi.

  4. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Hopefully both sides will win.

  5. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Gottdammit if my day's not all but ruined with this! I've been trying to avoid it. I really have. Why?

    Because listen, there's no money (or so they say)in the U.S. for health care, no money for mental health, no jobs, no addiction rehab programs, no decent schools in OUR poor neighborhoods,not enough housing, let's see, what else? the list is long.

    The US is busy $$$ spending billions on wars in the Middle East for oil, for it's country/citizens.

    Has oil been discovered in the Sudan??? No??? then,as you stated, it's not gonna happen.
    It's all we need, it's all we want,it's all we'll fight for!

    So I'll say a prayer,it's all I can do. For all the suffering going on all over the world,and plenty small wars and skirmishes.

    Women and children will ALWAYS be the ones to suffer ANYWHERE, ANY TIME there is conflict or poverty!

    It's tragic!!!

    So Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


  6. South Sudan does have oil but the Chinese and Indians beat us to it. So the Sudanese are S.O.L. when it comes to U.S. aid.

  7. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Nice try field-homeslice, but Amurka is always involved and was heavily involve in splitting the Sudan. We are always 'caring' about and 'helping' Africans, we've already wasted so much money on them as it is, so did Qaddafi (RIP). If you wanna whine about Africa stuff you can take it up with the Chinese, with nature, with Black Amurkans like you who don't lift a finger to alleviate da suff'rin of yo' brothaz, etc.

    Keep it comin' with the funny posts yo, fuh rill.

  8. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Nan said...
    South Sudan does have oil but the Chinese and Indians beat us to it. So the Sudanese are S.O.L. when it comes to U.S. aid.
    11:03 AM
    Thanks Nan! I honestly didn't know much about this, but I just found out that it IS about oil!

    I just read an article where the 'rebels' have taken over some oil fields.

    So I guess the US will soon be there then in that case. Fighting "to preserve freedom" of course, (said very tongue in cheek ;)and the oil fields, but we won't mention that part.

    I was just watching one of those renovation programs. Middle class homes, the toilets installed had seat/cover which go up and down electronically with a bulky complicated electric gizmo!

    So if there's no petroleum, won't be no electricity, won't be no toilet! LOLOL!

    Gotta have that oil baby! As you can see,in a modern home, can't even take a shit without gasoline! Ahahahahahaha!

    On a side note: This is really not the conversation to be having right before Christmas, I know, i know...

  9. Anonymous12:08 PM

    I have to say that humanitarian interventions are a complicated issue. Intervening in other countries' civil wars is not always a good idea. It really just depends on the circumstances of the war.

    Bill Clinton said that his biggest mistake of his administration was not intervening in the Rwandan genocide. U.S. troops could easily have stopped the violence that was being carried out there, mostly by villagers with machetes.

    But the same is not necessarily true for the Syrian civil war. There's no guarantee that we could meaningfully help out in a situation in which both sides can be described as "bad guys" (a thuggish dictator fighting thuggish Islamist fanatics).

    It's not obvious to me that the involvement of the U.S. in South Sudan would actually be helpful. It could potentially make things worse. I'd really need to know more about the situation before I'd support risking American soldiers' lives in that country.

  10. Anonymous12:21 PM

    The U.S should simply provide airlift to Americans to get them out, offer the Christians who are being slaughtered by the Muslims a ride to any nation they like in Africa.

    Then cut off every penny of U.S taxpayer dollars for anything and everything and let the people running the nation sort it out. This money can be used to further prop up poor Americans and Blacks.

    Want to eat? Learn to farm stop killing. Don't have kids you don't have food for and need western nations to support you.

    Don't want to die from aids? Learn not to stick it anywhere.

    Let Darwin and nature do it's work.

  11. Anonymous12:52 PM

    "This is all sad, and it shouldn't be only celebrities like George Clooney trying to keep the conflict in Sudan on the front burner."

    America had a large part in creating South Sudan, separating it from the north in order to protect the people from attacks and enslavement from the Arab Muslims in Khartoum.

    America, both directly and through the UN, has pumped billions in aid to South Sudan. A friend of mine's wife, who is Kenyan, has worked for the UN for several years in South Sudan.

    South Sudan is emblematic of much of Africa, where populations are doubling every 20 years, fueled by modern medicine, agriculture, and foreign aid. Many countries can't feed themselves, and things will only get worse. Conflicts will grow over resources as these groups come in contact.

    With military intervention, you really have to think hard about the long term consequences of temporarily altering the balance of power. Because what will be will be eventually.

  12. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Desert said, "Thanks Nan! I honestly didn't know much about this, but I just found out that it IS about oil!

    I just read an article where the 'rebels' have taken over some oil fields."

    Thanks Desert AND Nan for this information. Field's post gives no indication about oil in Sudan. I have 'yet' to read a post where Field lays out the 'whole truth and nothing but the truth'. The post is always tailored and tied to half-truths. Half-truths are always misleading. In other words, it's a LIE.

  13. Chalk up another notch on your belt BomberO. Where ever blacks are suffering, this is where you will never find BomberO. Even if it's here in Uhmerikkka or abroad!

    As Glen Ford from Blackagendareport once stated: "Obama is the more affective evil."

  14. anon@10:48 am, don't forget to report to your parole officer. And I hope he gives u a drug test this time. I bet u violated again. Yes, meth is a drug.

  15. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Black Sage1:52 PM
    in Uhmerikkka!
    Sage I perfected a way to pronounce it exactly like LBJ!

    You purse your lips into an o sound and you say 'murrkka'

    See? ;D

  16. NSangoma2:53 PM


    tout au contraire

    South Sudan has the oil and the minerals, that is what the war of independence from Sudan was about:


  17. Anonymous3:05 PM

    NSangoma said...

    tout au contraire

    South Sudan has the oil and the minerals, that is what the war of independence from Sudan was about:
    Many thanks for this information. So what the hell was Field talking about? I mean, he says Obama won't intervene because there's no oil?

    This is quite confusing. Is this about oil? Blacks? What is it? Field's post are so murky, or is it yours? I suppose the lack of clarity is how FN works.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I'm adding mental help to Desert's Christmas list, ROTFL!!!

  20. Before reaching the conclusion of your post, I too was thinking how small the number of troops being deployed to that area. Like you, I hardly believe this can be viewed as serious actions of behalf of American government, I bet South Sudan wishes it had a bucket of oil or something right about now.

  21. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Hey Dr. N!!! :)

    N Sangoma, those links lead to nowhere!!!

    But my question is, if there is so much oil in Sudan, why the **** aren't we in tbere gettibg it??? Why???

    We need our oil, and no matter who's it is, we're gonna get it! So let's go, USA,USA,USA!!! Let's free sone people!

  22. parvenu6:16 PM

    The money from Western nations is still keeping African nations and peoples on their knees in the world. This corrupt western "sewer" money, designed to keep newly created African nations out of the world's economy, is still hard at work creating super-ignorant petty black African dictators.

    Somehow this money finds ways to continuously flow into hell holes like Rwanda, the Congo, and even oil rich Sudan. Ignorant often illiterate opportunists seize upon this secretive dark western clandestine money to setup their own rag-tag armies of illiterate poverty stricken young men, whom are set loose to rape, and destroy everything in sight under the guise of some silly manufactured cause as a pretext for their actions. The western media is also complicit as they promptly rush to spread the stench of ignorance throughout the world community by writing and reporting on these murdering thugs as "a rebel army", thereby providing an international cloak of legitimacy for a stone cold bunch of armed rapists and killers.

    The precedence for the corruptive influence of this money is as ancient as the western colonization of the entire African continent itself. What we are witnessing is the modern day equivalent of western money which in the past was used to pacify the leaders of the many tax-enslaved African tribes, and as such guaranteed the continuity of the European dominance over the colonies.

    The European colonies are gone but in a 21st competitive world economy, the Europeans and the Americans have deemed it not in the interest of the white world to face possible overwhelming economic competition from an emerging African continent. But know this..... BIBLICAL text long ago predicted that "One day Ethiopia will stretch forth her hand and RISE AGAIN"....

  23. Desertflower said: "You purse your lips into an o sound and you say 'murrkka'

    Desert, I tried that, but those syllables aren't making the connection with stiff lips. Therefore, I'll carry on with UHMERIKKKA!

  24. NSangoma6:37 PM


    N Sangoma, those links lead to nowhere!!!

    Desertflower 1645 HOURS


    Is oil defining South Sudan’s escalating conflict?

    South Sudanese Rebels Claim Capture of Oil-Producing State (3)


  25. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Thank you n sangoma, now I was able to read!

    Very interesting! Very! And the plot thickens!

  26. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Blogger Black Sage said...
    Desertflower said: "You purse your lips into an o sound and you say 'murrkka'

    Black Sage responded, "Desert, I tried that, but those syllables aren't making the connection with stiff lips. Therefore, I'll carry on with UHMERIKKKA!"

    6:26 PM
    Black Sage, thanks for being truthful about your lips. I had no idea they were so big. Down in the segregated South, in the black community, they call Negroes with big lips,
    "Liver Lips." LOL. the ones with lips, hair, and light skin, closest to Whites were considered the 'cream of the crop'. I believe that is still the case in our community today.

  27. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Look you fools. If Field said oil was not an issue because there is none, well that's a FACT because Field only deals in FACTS. Please no comments from the peanut gallery.

  28. Anonymous8:08 PM

    From the previous thread:

    Anonymous Bill said...
    field negro said...
    I would be happy too if I had a big fat pay check and no worries in the world besides the brown people taking my country. .

    Immigration isn't going to have any negative effects on my career/income, I'm assuming same for you and PilotX.

    A lot of poor people will suffer.

    Not us.

    Rich people want cheaper help.
    Democrats want voters.

    2:42 PM
    Now Bill's comments are what I call "kick ass comments",because they are the truth.

  29. pardon you8:22 PM

    parvenu said....
    the Europeans and the Americans have deemed it not in the interest of the white world to face possible overwhelming economic competition from an emerging African continent.

    Yes, and the NBA is doing everything it can to stymie the development of basketball in Korea and its threat of overwhelming competition.

    And I'll gladly keep my money rather than cause problems in Africa.

    You are a modern Machiavelli, parvenu. Or should I say Machianegro?

  30. "Immigration isn't going to have any negative effects on my career/income, I'm assuming same for you and PilotX."

    Nope, the effects on my career come from repubs pushing for open skies agreements. Gotta fight for American jobs that the gop wants to outsource. Repubs want cheap Chinese goods.

  31. GrannyStandingforTruth10:31 PM

    Desert, speaking of oil, an oil company has contacted me, they want to lease my 200 acres of land for... guess it...oil.

    I'm not gonna do it. Nope.

  32. T-Boone10:33 PM

    Good thinking Granny. You would just waste all that money anyway.

  33. Anonymous10:41 PM

    PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...

    "Immigration isn't going to have any negative effects on my career/income, I'm assuming same for you and PilotX."

    Nope, the effects on my career come from repubs pushing for open skies agreements. Gotta fight for American jobs that the gop wants to outsource. Repubs want cheap Chinese goods.

    Obama wants cheap Asian and Mexican labor so that Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos don't have to pay Americans decent wages, despite heading up companies that make billions in profits while paying zero taxes.

    They may not be importing pilots - yet - but how will bringing 50 million new workers do anything but drive down wages for most other American jobs?

  34. Anonymous11:31 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Desert, speaking of oil, an oil company has contacted me, they want to lease my 200 acres of land for... guess it...oil.
    I'm not gonna do it. Nope.
    10:31 PM
    If there's oil under your land,it belongs to you! So you def shouldn't lease it no.

    Granny, you could be a multi billionaire soon!!

  35. Anonymous11:41 PM

    Blogger Desertflower said...
    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Desert, speaking of oil, an oil company has contacted me, they want to lease my 200 acres of land for... guess it...oil.
    I'm not gonna do it. Nope.
    10:31 PM
    If there's oil under your land,it belongs to you! So you def shouldn't lease it no.

    Granny, you could be a multi billionaire soon!!

    11:31 PM
    This is the biggest pile of Bullshit I have heard in a long time. But Negroes have always lied about their potential millions and always have an alibi WHY they are getting the money.

    Granny, have you ever thought of changing your ID from GrannyStandingforTruth to GrannyStandingforLies? Think about it. The latter would fit you better.

  36. Anonymous11:44 PM

    correction to 11:41pm, from "WHY they are getting the money." to: "WHY they are NOT getting the money."

  37. Anonymous12:10 AM

    da blask in sowf sudan be killin' each uvvah cuz dey foun' out whitey don' curr.

  38. GrannyStandingforTruth2:01 AM

    Anonymous 11:41:

    I think I know more about my personal business than you do. Maybe, you should change the company you keep. Evidently, you hang around people who are shady or crooked since you're so quick to jump up and accuse people falsely that you do not know of being dishonest.

  39. GrannyStandingforTruth2:22 AM

    Desert, I don't want to lease it out in case someone in my family needs a place to stay. They'll always have somewhere to go. We've cut down some of the timber on it and sold some of it. That's good enough. I don't want to deal with an oil company and don't plan on giving up my mineral rights.

  40. Granny, don't let the, rip u off. Contact me before u sign off on anything. (You have my e-mail address)

    I know a lawyer that specializes in this type of stuff. I will put u in touch with him.

  41. GrannyStandingforTruth4:12 AM



    I'll send you a screen print of the email I got from them. I talk to the man on the phone, but I told him that I was busy and would have to get back to him, but I did not agree to anything.

    Nevertheless, don't worry, I wasn't going to sign anything. I don't doubt that the land does not have oil on it. It more than likely does because most of it did. A few of my ancestors dealt with the oil companies in the past when they had that oil boom. Remember me talking about the relative that was lynched behind his land, it had oil on it.

  42. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Hotep Field:

    Like you I am not shocked. In fact there is a pro and a con

  43. Granny, I responded to your e-mail.

  44. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Blogger field negro said...
    Granny, I responded to your e-mail.

    7:44 AM
    Dear Mr Field, in order to serve you better for the coming year, Anon Inc would like to know what was said in the e-mail to Granny. As they say at the NSA, "This is for security purposes only." In other words, it is to protect you, AND Granny. Brother Field, we even protect Dr Nuwang's lifetime position as a Med student without letting on that she could possibly be lying.

    Therefore, there is no need to feel anxious. We are "trustworthy certified".

    Now, what was it that Granny wrote?

  45. Hey Field! Hope all is all with you and Mrs. Field.
    Thanx to Western media vein jinxed at the hip with their respective governments' lines, we know little or nothing about the truth of what's happening in the Homeland.

    "We won't hear too much about it here because our government will not get involved in a civil war in a poor country that doesn't have anything (ahem ahem, oil) to offer us. "

    Actually, as in many African countries, there's PLENTY in Sudan to offer -- oil, minerals, agriculture, land -- and the "usual Western, imperialist suspects" want it all!! They're so good at fomenting these alleged "civil wars" -- sometimes outright, sometimes via greedy proxies -- all over the world, they don't have to think twice! And yes, the Changeling's going along to get along, following the dictates of his string-pullers to continue this rape of The Continent. Trust me, there are wa-a-ay more than 46 boots on the ground, and they're not there for ANYTHING humanitarian! "African"-American, indeed! {smdh}

    Here are a few links that shed a little light on exactly how involved the West is in the "R2P" (Responsibility to Plunder vs Protect):

    - -

    Seems to me Brother, Sudan's had enough "faux" humanitarian intervention from the likes of the Changeling and his other imperialist sidekicks (to include Israel). Let him and his enjoy their Hawaiian vacation -- they don't give a shit about "Africans" either there or here anyway.

  46. Oops! "vein jinxed" = "being linked " (stroke hand working' over-time! :-D)

  47. GrannyStandingforTruth4:03 PM

    Dear President of Anon Inc.,

    I love you. If I had a party, you would definitely be invited. You sound like a lot of fun.

    But, if you really want to know what I said to Field, don't you think that it would be better if you asked me. Not that I would tell you, but you know what they say about common courtesy.

    I do not need any security, but thanks for the offer. Besides which, some of your anons need to take anger management classes.

    Anyway, I did contact Field and he will be getting back with me soon to give me that information he promised me.

  48. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Is this what counts as intelligent blogging?

    Sudan has plenty of oil. Do you even bother to do basic research before you post on such matters?
