Monday, December 23, 2013

This little Kitty is clueless.

Today I read two interesting articles about white privilege and living in the bubble that it creates.

This is a subject that fascinates me, because I always thought that white privilege is one of the things that prevent folks from truly understanding racism.

Of course you could argue that there is no problem with this white privilege thing. We are all human beings who are entitled to live as we please as long as we don't break any laws or hurt others. (Sometimes when you live in the white privilege bubble you don't even know when you are hurting others. And, if you do, you really don't care.) Or as long as we don't work in an environment that opens us up to criticism when we put our cluelessness and ignorance on display. (See "poor" Justine Sacco as an example.)

The latest example of someone who should try to put her white privilege in some perspective is music critic and hip hop artist, Kitty Pryde.

Kitty showed her cluelessness when she live- blogged the latest Beyonce album and wrote about it.

Here is an example of what she wrote:

"Whoa, this is starting out like the sickest of Future songs. Did Mike Will make it? Dude, I didn't know Beyonce drank. Actually, I didn't know she required sustenance. Wait oh my god this means Beyonce also POOPS. Wait she's going IN right now. My Jay Z senses are tingling, I'm pretty sure he's about to rap and I really hope it's EXACTLY like his verse in Suit & Tie. Yes, it definitely is. Is this the same exact verse? I'm pretty sure it is. WAAAAAIT HE JUST SAID "I EAT THE CAKE, ANIME". JAY Z JUST FUCKING USED THE WORD 'ANIME' AS A PUNCHLINE. THIS IS THE BEST SONG I'VE EVER HEARD. Am I supposed to be like explaining what these songs are like? I don't know what kind of music this is. "

No Kitty, he did not use the word "Anime". Rather....

 "When Alex Hardy sets Kitty Pryde to rights about the lyrics “eat the cake Anna Mae” in “Drunk in Love,” it’s a reminder of how flippant people have been with black entertainment. Pryde believes that Jay Z is referencing Japanese anime and uses it to dismiss the track as nonsense. In reality, the lyric is a reference to a scene in the Tina Turner biopic “What’s Love Got to Do With It” where Ike forces Tina to eat a cake for their anniversary, and it has a very specific meaning. Is it problematic? Yes, but rather than being a silly throwaway, it may refer to Beyoncé and Jay Z’s relationship and possible bedroom talk between the two. Rather than wonder what it meant, Pryde simply dismisses it, something far too common when it comes to references to black culture." [Source]

That's a kind check from Salon. The real check comes from Chris Alexander writing over at "the colored boy" in an open letter to Pryde , and it is a must read from one of the talented young writers on the web.

Here is an example:

"Look, White Writerperson, I imagine your cozy Cave of White Clulessness is comfy and fantastic. I'm sure it has central air conditioning in the summer and heat in the winter and a friendly, well-dressed Negro gentleman at the door to help you with a smile when your non-burdens get too heavy to bear on your own. And all the coleslaw and unseasoned chicken one could ever want, I'm sure. Color me relieved envious, really.
But here's where you get to be a good Privileged Person and learn about a culture other than your own. I know Chimamanda, a Regular Black Person Who Isn't Doing Anything Worth "Borrowing," isn't a pop culture icon. But do yourself a favor and look her up. She wrote Half of a Yellow Sun, for fuck's sake.
To suggest that Miley would dig deep enough into the barrel of Blackness, doing overtime at the Appropriation Station to adopt a Nigerian pseudonym is telling: You, too, know how serious your skinfolk take their culture vulturing. It's a full time job. So vast, our Sea of Awesomeness, right?...
...That's because Jay Z was referencing a pivotal scene in What's Love Got To Do With It? wherein a high Ike Turner forcefully suggests that Tina Turner, real name Anna Mae Bullock, eat the cake that he ordered to celebrate their upcoming tour.

There are no rappers in the movie, so I understand if you don't care. But:
Catch a charge I might, beat the box up like Mike
In '97 I bite, I'm Ike, Turner, turn up
Baby no I don't play, now eat the cake, Anna Mae
Said, "Eat the cake, Anna Mae!"

I've just let you in on a Black inside joke. Like 2520 and the whole wet dog thing. Again, you're welcome. I don't blame you for not recognizing that reference because I can admit that I don't understand certain things about your culture, such as why Flo Rida is a thing. (That's your fault, not ours.)" [Entire article]
Yep. It got that deep because she went there. Where? To places that white privilege can't always take her.


  1. Anonymous12:06 AM

    Field, do you expect people to comment on this post? Oh comes Desert.

  2. Anonymous12:09 AM

    Er'body white be clueless. Dey don't be graspin' what it means to be 'bout it 'bout it. Dey ain't dope 'nuff.

  3. Anonymous12:10 AM


    Come on, Field. You have GOT to know a lot of our folks think like Porsha. If you were to make a survey you would find 90% or more AAs think the underground railroad involved trains...other wise, why call it an underground railroad.

  4. Anonymous12:14 AM

    Field, what you fail to realize is that Whites don't have to know shit about black culture or music. Why? Because they are in power and therefore privileged. It's the Blacks that need to know the Whites who are the ones who run America. Never forget that, brother.

  5. Anonymous12:17 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Field, do you expect people to comment on this post? Oh comes Desert.
    12:06 AM
    No, not yet, because since I just read about the author Chimamanda, and I went in search and found some of her writings. Just finished reading 'A Private Experience" Wow, was it ever good! Love her writing!

    So I'm busy:D

  6. Anonymous12:34 AM

    Field, can you tell me if Tina ate the whole cake? Man, that Ike Turner knew how to control his women.

    Too bad Ike didn't start a school for men on how to keep their women in line.

    I kind of wish Ike knew Desert. and Granny. They both need a lot of straightening out.

  7. Anonymous1:02 AM

    Anonymous said...
    I kind of wish Ike knew Desert. and Granny. They both need a lot of straightening out.
    12:34 AM
    Oh no honey no! I think I dare speak for Granny as well as myself on this one.

    No,no,no,no,no! If there was any straightening out to be done. It would be us to him.

    Belieeeeeve me when I tell ya! ;)

  8. GrannyStandingforTruth1:22 AM

    Thank you Desert! And ditto what you said.

  9. Anonymous2:02 AM

    What a heavy load of self-referential blackness. Isn't there some junior sub-executive with a poor sense of humor whose life you need to ruin? Why are you torturing is with this Jay Z - Miley nonsense?


    makes a lot more sense to look and see the rep/dems work things right on out...together. take a look at the yeas.

    these folks are serious.

    when one considers the info here:

    then this excerpt from the ndaa 2014 link above:

    "One thing that was omitted is the amendment on the prosecution of sexual assaults in the military. So, we can all be locked up indefinitely for crimes that haven’t been proven, but they don’t care so much if military members continue to rape other military members."

    one could easily reach the conclusion that quite a few attitudes are going to have to change...

    Galatians 3:28 might start to make sense right about now;) it could just be time out for sexism...

    this right here:

    "I've just let you in on a Black inside joke."

    in reference to someone being forcefully made to do anything against their will is... sickening.

    jokers need to sit their good rebellious selves down + read a very specific book.

    out of right mind can be ONLY outcome for folks that are just doing what they will as the whole of their law. it is NOT working out so well, understanding that the sum is greater than the parts.

    the fact that a certain segment of the male population treats their women and children, in large numbers, like garbage is not an inside joke on so many levels.

    the fact that so many of a certain segment of the male population think this type of out of right mind, shameful madness = funny...also explains the collective pitiful condition of a certain segment of the population .

    folks acting like congo, darfur, sudan is not here in america already, last thread. that nonsense= more waiting to see stuff on tv for it to be real. we are full swing into rape culture right here in america whether folks have missed the memos or not...

    i checked out on the stories of bw being snatched off the street. assaulted repeatedly. when folk knew all along it was happening. just no one bothered to "snitch".

    men should look to/be led of Him.

    that they might lead properly.

    i will try to laugh at the abuse of another soon as more BM can find a sense of humor about police applying the taser, lock and load, frisk + smack down on BM. those that don't die...get the book thrown at them. new slave. while others get promoted + paid. laugh at that, since folks want to make "jokes" about UNfunny things that hurt others.

    lots of BW die as a result of the type of abuse Tina Turner was able to get free is an absence of "culture" + dignity that finds so called sane people laughing + joking about something so UNfunny + uncivilized. while intra racial violence is off the charts.

    i don't ever see myself trying to get a "sense a humor" to accommodate joking about the subject. it not a part of any "culture" i see myself silently accepting. violence against BW/women period, is as funny as lynching jokes, frankly;(

    i AM praying both mr knowles (he changed his name, right?) and beyonce will get themselves together soon.

    following a. crowley/baphomet will have folks doing all kinds of stuff that makes no sense;( but maybe that's not beyonce. maybe it is sasha fierce that just needs to stop it already.

    but she can't;(

    a deal's a deal.

    souled out, indeed.

    for now, anyways...i pray He plucks the whole family out;)

  11. "Self-referential blackness"? OK, that was good. I will give you that.

  12. No surprises here. Things of this nature are bound to happen when people are either given or shoved into position that they shouldn’t have occupied in the first instance. Reminds me of a lot the members of uhmerikkkan political parties, especially the Rethuglians of today. The word emptiness comes to mind immediately. I digress here. Perhaps Kitty fell to sleep in class but still received a grade A for her lofty efforts.

    Don’t worry Kitty, it’ll blow over soon, just consider it your Dan Quayle moment!
    (Whisper: Thank goodness she isn’t running for the Vice Presidency spot).

  13. Country and western music?

    Really field?

    You wanna talk about another race being clueless?

    White privilege? Isn't real. Minorities use it to cover their racism.

    Would black supremacist like Wayne and Alex be attacking her if she was asian? Hispanic? Black?


  14. NSangoma8:32 AM


    FotherMuck Beyonce and rap!!

    field, what are Philadelphia Negroe high school students GPAz like, their SAT and ACT averages?

    field, what is the percentage of Philadelphia baby-mama Negroes walking around try-in-nin to look like Beyonce; blonde hair, faux eyelashes, et alia?

    field, asking North American Negroes both male and female to do better is not being conservative.


  15. NSangoma is a shining example of living in a white privilege bubble.

    How could anyone think blacks can do better in a white Amerikkka ran by a black man?

    Talk about cluelessness...

    1. Anonymous11:35 AM

      @8:58 the presence of all these racist crackas on this blog is ALL about the jealousy you people all feel about the fact there are MANY Black folks doing better than you in spite if racism and the "advantages" you all thought you'd have with White skin.

      All the feeble and limp attempts to disparage our success is MORE than proof of this point. As an example my current enrollment toward the Dr. title, my loving and highly successful family, residence
      in a SOUTHERN
      golf course community, and the German cars parked in the garage.

      And yet because I'm not the only Black person living this way on this blog, it must be a lie because a Field's cracks can't "roll" like this?

      You all are a pathetic lot, ROTFL!!!


  16. uptownsteve9:15 AM

    Republican Goober

    White privilege is being outraged at the NSA spying program while supporting the NYPD's "Stop and Frisk" policy.

    Just sayin'.

  17. uptownsteve9:19 AM


    Singling out "North American Negroes" to do better is House Negro behavior.

    Do you feel inferior to the Duck Dynasty goobers for instance.

    Unshackle your mind my brother.

  18. Kitty showed her cluelessness when she live- blogged the latest Beyonce album and wrote about it.

    Seems like a theme here on FN blog.

    Country western music.

    'nuff said

  19. Your really scraping the bottom of the toilet here Field...

    I know you had to center yourself after TRYING to show some criticism for O-Bomber in your last post...

    Then you turn RIGHT around , and start defending these two pinnacles of pompous

    Beyonce , and Jay Z???

    Man you need help....

    Slap your picture on the Right Hand Side...


  20. Anonymous11:05 AM

    BIB, "I know you had to center yourself after TRYING to show some criticism for O-Bomber in your last post..."


    "Then you turn RIGHT around , and start defending these two pinnacles of pompous

    Beyonce , and Jay Z???

    Man you need help...."

    LOL. this is funny.

    "'Slap your picture on the Right Hand Side...'"

    ROFL.... Thanks for the comment. You are

  21. Anonymous11:06 AM

    BIB, "I know you had to center yourself after TRYING to show some criticism for O-Bomber in your last post..."


    "Then you turn RIGHT around , and start defending these two pinnacles of pompous

    Beyonce , and Jay Z???

    Man you need help...."

    LOL. this is funny.

    "'Slap your picture on the Right Hand Side...'"

    ROFL.... Thanks for the comment. You are

  22. Philly Cheese11:52 AM

    White Privilege = Black Failure

    1. So Sacc-o-crap and this other heffa "earn degrees" in "soft" subjects
      like PR and you think the NUMEROUS among us with advanced degrees in hard core subjects like Science and Law feel failure?


  23. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Anonymous Philly Cheese said...
    White Privilege = Black Failure

    11:52 AM
    This truth is quite profound, even though most can't see it, or is willing to admit it. Yet, it is going through the fire of truth that sets one free. But, 'first', the truth will piss you off and hurt. It is the avoidance of truth that causes perverted lies.

  24. Ms. Queen sneered...
    All the feeble and limp attempts to disparage our success is MORE than proof of this point. As an example my current enrollment toward the Dr. title, my loving and highly successful family, residence
    in a SOUTHERN golf course community, and the German cars parked in the garage.

    Typical entitled, clueless Black Privilege negro who views her Affirmative Action funded 40 years in college trying to be a doctor as "success". She buys cars she can't afford and shows how much she loves her people by living in a white community.

    On top of it all, she shows her gratitude by constantly mocking and denigrating the working white people who have paid for her life of phony accomplishments and unearned support. She is a venal, materialistic, and talentless parasite who isn't worth a dime.

    She will never earn a medical degree.

    She will never be a doctor.

    1. Anonymous2:21 PM

      So all golf course communities are White??

      Besides you years long jealousy of me, you've now also shown yourself to be an 'ignant ass" too.

      The community I live in isn't White, Black, or Asian, it's ALL OF THE ABOVE!!

      So only could you NEVER live here because your broke ass could NEVER afford it, all these well off people of color would drive your hateful, uneducated, clueless ass bonkers!!!

      So tell me how does it feel to know that so many people of color are BETTER in EVERY way imaginable, than YOUR pale ass??


  25. I remember a few months ago democrats were insisting Obamacare was the law of the land and the law could not be changed.

    Like usual, the democrats were lying to we the people.

    "[Without] any public announcement, Obama administration officials have changed the rules so that people will have an extra day to enroll, according to two individuals with knowledge of the switch."

    If the comments on left-leaning NPR is any indication, the democrats are in political trouble.

    How ironic that the House Republicans offered an out with a wholesale delay but Obama and the Dems referred to them as “terrorists”.

    Obama was more interested in beating the republicans that doing something to help poor people.

    I remember in the old days NPR leaned left, it seems like Obamacare is changing that.

  26. Gotta love government schools.

    The new school superintendent in Camden, N.J., says it was a "kick-in-the-stomach moment" when he learned that only three district high school students who took the SAT in the 2011-12 school year scored as college-ready.

    3 students ready for college.

    Thankfully the teacher unions own the democrat party so we won't be subject to hours and hours of this on teev like we were with the duck dynasty haters.

  27. Black privilege in BRA allows Black people to openly claim racial loyalty while simultaneously denying the same to whites. Black privilege allows Blacks to take pride in one Black person's achievement and then spread that achievement over all Black people as fellow racial kinsmen.

    When one Black person does acts horrifically, laying claim to Black privilege means that the act reflects poorly only upon one person. Black privilege can also extend to the absolution of a Black individual for a dastardly act when that act can be justified as being a reaction against institutional racism, the white power structure, or inherent white privilege.

    On the other hand, white privilege means that a white person doing something good is merely a reflection of individual achievement; but when a gang of whites does something reprehensible, it is a reflection of the entire white race and its obvious moral shortcomings. Do you need proof? Recall, then, the Duke Lacrosse rape hoax for just one example.

    That interracial rape is overwhelmingly Black-on-white (and increasingly Black-on-Hispanic) and the ramifications of such data is never discussed, but the rare instances of white-on-Black rape becomes international fodder for the sexual depravity of white males everywhere.

    The Black individual who achieves academic success and becomes a doctor, lawyer, dentist, inventor, scientist, etc., is proof that all Black people have the innate ability to be the next George Washington Carver or Super Soaker inventor, despite the increasing evidence that this isn't the case.

    This is the idea behind Black privilege, and it is the dogma of Disingenuous White Liberals, Crusading White Pedagogues, and Holier-Than-Than White Conservatives, not to be diverged from, doubted, or disputed. The greatest Black privilege of all is that an entire race is excused of any responsibility for high levels of rape, murder, indeed, any of the crimes commonly committed by Blacks that make many cities uninhabitable.

    Black crime is excused away because of injustices committed by whites 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, 320 years ago against Black people, injustices which irremediably stain all whites living today.

    Every week another Black-on-white killing transpires in America, yet the media, government, and academia highlight only those by whites-on-Black (even if such terror attacks must be manufactured). FBI stats show that no attacks by so-called white hate groups have occurred within the last two years; in that same time a Black freedom fighter killed eight evil white bigots in Connecticut in an act for which the Media had great sympathy in their reports.

    Black privilege in Black Run America (BRA) means that Black people find nothing at all wrong with excusing away the deplorable actions of 18 Black men who raped an 11-year-old girl.

    And white privilege is that those actions are white people's fault.

  28. Anonymous1:30 PM

    When did BRA happen in America? Did I miss something? Can somebody tell me what is going on-- because as bm I sure as hell have not seen it.

  29. Rethuglican: Helpiing Negroes to Crawl Back on to the Plantation said: NSangoma is a shining example of living in a white privilege bubble."

    Thanks for the laugh, NSangoma is in fact a living example of a spiritually dead negro, white shoe wearing, two step dancing, yes mam anf yes sir when speaking to white people, continuously groveling, booty licking, grinning for nothing negro!

    Rethuglicanism types like you are only comfortable when giving orders to blacks regarding how they should behave and what they should and shouldn't say in addition to who they should vote for. In other words, you want not only physical control of blacks but control of his or her faculties as well in order to steer his thinking to run parallel with your feeble minded thinking.

    You motherphuckers make me nauseated on site.Your type disturb my olfactory nerves.

    Get the EFF outta here and move on to Stormfront because you're not convincing anyone except uncle Ruckus himself .... NSangoma!

  30. NSangoma1:52 PM


    Do you feel inferior to the Duck Dynasty goobers for instance?

    uptownsteve 0919 hours

    There are a number of cable tv shows that feature memes similar to that of Duck Dynasty; namely, poor backwoods whites living in the swamps of Louisiana and Mississippi who have raised themselves and their families up by their bootstraps.

    The swamp family cable tv shows are of course designed to contrast white swamp families with the po' pitiful askin-nin for help Katrina Negroes living in chocolate city New Orleans; who do not comprehend what their bootstraps are designed to do.


  31. I feel you brah. For me it's always been this way, Phil from DD brings this to light. White folks have always but their opinions and feeling on us and then criticize us for having our own feelings and opinions about things that affect us. Perfect examples are Bill and Mr. Plantation dude who frequently opine about blah life and culture without having the slightest clue about blah life. You frequently get responses about blahn not even having a culture followed by some random youtube clip showing a blah person doing something stupid. But as I alluded to earlier this is nothing new. Look at the Meet the Press interview with Dr. King and listen to the questions he gets asked by reputaable white journalists so you gotta think if these guys are asking him these kind of questions what is the mentality in the white racist community? I get it that to them everything about their lives is the norm and every other culture, especially ours, is looked at as inferior and not worthy as being more than just trivial. I blame this on the centuries of attempts to dehumanize us to justify the treatment of us and take away any guilt for any act committed against us. That's one reason why it is nice to have our own place where we "get it" without prying eyes to look down and judge. I say again read Tom Burrell's excellent book about how blah images are created and their effects on society. What Ms. Pryde does is what is common in the white community, they dismiss anything they don't understand as some kind of "ebonics". Anyhoo, I've ranted enough time for a nap, just got off a tough trip with early shows and red eyes. Ha! Whoa is me.

  32. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Black Sage caustically said, " Thanks for the laugh, NSangoma is in fact a living example of a spiritually dead negro, white shoe wearing, two step dancing, yes mam anf yes sir when speaking to white people, continuously groveling, booty licking, grinning for nothing negro!"

    Amen! But it is not just NSangoma who is has no soul because he sold it to wretched and evil of white racism, THERE ARE MANY OF US LIKE HIM.

    If there is anyone I can't stand more than a white racist, it's a black uncle tom, a total sell out of the black dignity. I have encountered 'many' of my peeps that are sell-outs so much that I find it hard to "trust" many of us.

    And, I don't think I am alone in having such experiences as well as observing such degrading and shameless behavior.

    If you live in the Bay Area, you can observe and experience these kinds of peeps in spades. In fact, it is relatively normal.

  33. "Rethuglicanism types like you are only comfortable when giving orders to blacks regarding how they should behave and what they should and shouldn't say in addition to who they should vote for. In other words, you want not only physical control of blacks but control of his or her faculties as well in order to steer his thinking to run parallel with your feeble minded thinking."

    Good post Sage. Reminds me of the white southerners who didn't have a problem with their negroes until the northern agitators came there putting ideas in their heads about voting and such nonsense. I'm glad you get it but than again that's exactly where Field was going with this post. Damn, if there was only a site where insightful blah folks could go and chew the fat without the intrusion of folks who know what's best for us.

  34. Anonymous2:13 PM

    PilotX, "Perfect examples are Bill and Mr. Plantation dude who frequently opine about blah life and culture without having the slightest clue about blah life. You frequently get responses about blahn not even having a culture followed by some random youtube clip showing a blah person doing something stupid."

    The term "blah"...are you trying to give us a new name according to Santorum or something? Are you really talking about Blacks? If so, you need to question whether you have any dignity as a bm. No AA would use the term you are shamelessly using.

  35. "Rethuglican: Helpiing Negroes to Crawl Back on to the Plantation"


  36. "No AA would use the term you are shamelessly using."

    Good thing I'm not an AA.

  37. "So Sacc-o-crap and this other heffa "earn degrees" in "soft" subjects
    like PR and you think the NUMEROUS among us with advanced degrees in hard core subjects like Science and Law feel failure?"

    Exactly. So many ignorant whites feel that just because they are white they are somehow better or more intelligent. I remember a documentary on HBO that showed an overweight and toothless white woman from Texas who wouldn't eat with a blah for some reason. Of course I had the same thought ever other blah person who saw it had "why the hell would I want to eat with your fat ignorant ass?". I appreciate it because it shows me white supremacy is a myth. Then again if it helps her feel better about herself then who am I to take that away from her. shrugs

  38. Anonymous2:19 PM

    PilotX, "Good thing I'm not an AA." Yeah, you are on the order of on the outside but white on the inside. lol...

  39. #NSangoma, what in the world are you talking about?? Boot straps or shoe laces are self explanatoty and are designed for their stated purpose! Here you are repeating tired Rethuglinite phraseology that literally means nothing because again, .... it's empty!

  40. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas Eve beside your loved ones!

    May your evening embody the spirit and joy of the season,and may you all receive the presents you wanted and needed ;)

  41. "Yeah, you are on the order of on the outside but white on the inside. lol..."

    How so? Field isn't an AA nor is PC.

  42. Happymerryhannukwanzfestichristboxingday!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  43. On the same topic as the post isn't it time for my annual anti Kwanza screed by some white conservative? I really prefer Anne Coulter or Michelle Malkin's take on such matters. It's a holiday tradition now.

  44. Anonymous2:36 PM

    "Exactly. So many ignorant whites feel that just because they are white they are somehow better or more intelligent."

    I am afraid that ALL Whites feel that way. I mean, if you come from a lineage of slave owners, how could you NOT feel superior to Blacks?

    I am certain they feel that way about you. Heck, you don't even like the word Black or AA. You have adopted a term that only Rick and the Tea Party uses. You've got real class, Buck Wheat.

  45. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Blogger PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
    "Yeah, you are on the order of on the outside but white on the inside. lol..."

    How so? Field isn't an AA nor is PC.

    2:27 PM
    Field? PC? What do they have to do with you being black on the outside and white on inside? YOU are the one adopting Santorum's view on Blacks.

  46. Anon at 209pm, you're right on target, the Bay Area is chalk filled with sorry ass negroes like NSangoma!

  47. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Anonymous uptownsteve said...


    Singling out "North American Negroes" to do better is House Negro behavior.

    Do you feel inferior to the Duck Dynasty goobers for instance.

    Unshackle your mind my brother.

    If you don't you stupid. They are very intelligent and uber rich.

    You - what you got except to hide being some fat white mans bottom boy getting handouts on the weekend.

  48. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Blogger PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...

    "So Sacc-o-crap and this other heffa "earn degrees" in "soft" subjects
    like PR and you think the NUMEROUS among us with advanced degrees in hard core subjects like Science and Law feel failure?"

    Exactly. So many ignorant whites feel that just because they are white they are somehow better or more intelligent. I remember a documentary on HBO that showed an overweight and toothless white woman from Texas who wouldn't eat with a blah for some reason. Of course I had the same thought ever other blah person who saw it had "why the hell would I want to eat with your fat ignorant ass?". I appreciate it because it shows me white supremacy is a myth. Then again if it helps her feel better about herself then who am I to take that away from her. shrugs

    White people call them wiggas cause they just like you with a white skin.

  49. Black Sage. Really?

    You vote for a political party that tells you to sit down and shut up.

    If you vote, believe, talk, act, feel, differently you are called a sellout or house negro.

    You post on a blog in which the blogger will call you a house negro if you vote, believe, act, talk other than the way Democrats want you to.

    You accuse me of doing what has already been done to you.

    This is the plantation mentally i often talk about.

    Wake up my brutha. Free yourself from the plantation.

  50. Dr.Nǚwáng said...
    "So Sacc-o-crap and this other heffa "earn degrees" in "soft" subjects
    like PR and you think the NUMEROUS among us with advanced degrees in hard core subjects like Science and Law feel failure?"

    Low self-esteem much?

    Who are the "YOU"? Who said anything about degrees?

  51. Sure PilotX. I understand.

    You have black supremacist pissing and moaning about white culture, white life and things they have no idea about.

    These folks get pissed when facts upset their racist views and victimization.

    Glad you're not like that, PilotX. Oh wait.... Nevermind.

  52. Hey FN, just popping in... been away for a while, hope to return for the new year.

    "lots of BW die as a result of the type of abuse Tina Turner was able to get free is an absence of "culture" + dignity that finds so called sane people laughing + joking about something so UNfunny + uncivilized."

    Hey FP sis, why do you always have to bring up the obvious pointers that certain others seem to always ignore (or don't see at all). Now which type of privilege would they fall under? (lol)

    I was more offended by Mr. Knowles, more than the Kitty woman. But hey...

    Glad to see you are still here. :)

    Hey-a Granny :)

    Desert, are you loving this rainy weather too? Love it. I moved to a different area, so I'm no longer able to see your side. But don't worry, I'm still able to spot Mr. Anony's boat if he ever shows up your way. :)

  53. "These folks get pissed when facts upset their racist views and victimization."

    I'm glad you're here to set us negroes straight with your "facts". Can't have blah supremacy running rampant can we? Just glad you can only make dumbassed posts and not prevent folks from voting like your daddy did. Ha, blah supremacist. I will take than as a compliment though.

  54. "Field? PC? What do they have to do with you being black on the outside and white on inside?"

    Are you really that fucking dumb as to not know what I was referring to? Time to go back to my ignore anons rule.

  55. "Black Sage. Really?

    You vote for a political party that tells you to sit down and shut up.

    If you vote, believe, talk, act, feel, differently you are called a sellout or house negro.

    You post on a blog in which the blogger will call you a house negro if you vote, believe, act, talk other than the way Democrats want you to.

    You accuse me of doing what has already been done to you.

    This is the plantation mentally i often talk about.

    Wake up my brutha. Free yourself from the plantation."

    The fuck are you sprewing about? First off if you payed half attention you would know Sage is not a Democrat. Secondly the Democratic Party has not told anyone to shut up and sit down. I know lots of Dems and have actually sat and talked to many elected officials in the party and they listened to my concerns and have never once told me to sit down and shut up. Well, my congressman did offer me a seat when I went to his office but I digress. What bullshit! You come here representing a party that is 90% white, has members who vote to have confederate history month, vote to fly the confederate flag at the statehouse and is more monolithic than the dems at every turn. The Dems are attracting the majority of Asians, Latinos, Indigenous and single women. Are they stuck on a plantation too? Your views are opposed by 90+% of us not because we are stuck on a plantation but because we don't like what your party stands for. The same thing with the majority of Asians, single women, Latinos, union members, scientists and people with advanced degrees. Go peddle your illogical bs somewhere else, we are too educated to fall for your crap. You haven't convinced ONE person to vote rethuglican with your bully tactics and attempts to shame us. Your outreach to blah folks is as bad as Pribus'. You can leave now son.

  56. Ms. Queen sputtered...
    So tell me how does it feel to know that so many people of color are BETTER in EVERY way imaginable, than YOUR pale ass??

    I have had a blessed life, and I am happy for anyone whose life is 'better' than mine in anyway. Indeed, I wish the best for everyone.

    However I am pretty sure my life is "BETTER in EVERY way imaginable" than your miserable existence.

    But take heart, it's not too late to grow up and renounce your grasping, desperate ways. Accept your limitations and look for the best in people, instead of imagining their motivations are as base and spiteful as your own.

    You will never be a doctor, but you can be a decent person. Maybe.

    1. Whatever you say Urinade. Just remember that the life you "enjoy" comes courtesy of the fool that married you because you certainly couldn't afford it on a college drop outs "salary". Like prostitutes, you earn your "keep" by servicing a man at HIS behest.until you

      And that makes you a college dropout 'ho.

  57. "Long before Joe Wilson (R-SC) made a complete ass out of himself and his party on national television, he fought to keep the Confederate battle flag flying over South Carolina.

    The flag came down that year [2000] after Republicans in both houses went for a compromise that would put it on Statehouse grounds at the Confederate Soldier’s monument. The “Magnificent Seven” of Senators who voted to keep the flag up included current Congressman Joe Wilson…

    That’s right — Wilson was one of only seven members of the South Carolina Senate to vote to stick it to the blacks keep the battle flag. It was finally brought down under intense national pressure and from an NAACP boycott, which cost the state millions in tourism revenue.

    Wilson was just being a good foot soldier for the Neo-Confederate cause, as he’s a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, an organization teeming with white supremecists and right-wing extremists"

    Each and every person who voted to keep the confederate flag up was a......wait for it..........wait for it......nah, just go ahead and guess. And our resident asshat wants us to align ourselves with a party that honors the confederacy? Hmmmm, wonder if many Jews would vote for a political party that votes to fly a nazi flag? If they didn't vote for such party would they be called out for having a "plantation" mindset? I also wonder how our resident plantation owner here feels about the confederate flag? Well, let's ask them.
    Republicans:Freeing Slaves From The Democrat Plantation Since 1863, how do you feel about the confederate flag? Should states still fly it on government property?

  58. PilotX:Confusing Slaves from the democrat plantation since the 70's said...
    "The Dems are attracting the majority of Asians, Latinos, Indigenous and single women. Are they stuck on a plantation too?"

    No, they come because the dems are the Anti-White party, that's why black folks love 'em.

    But you knew that already, right boy?

  59. But then-Sen. Wilson did more than vote to keep it: he went so far as to appear to defend the Confederacy, declaring that "the Confederate heritage is very honorable." Here's the full quote from a BBC News report:

    But local lawmakers, like Republican senator Joe Wilson say it is all about pride and history, and nothing to do with racism and hate. He finds comparisons with Nazis odious.

    "That's offensive to me that they would take my heritage and make it into a Holocaust era type description. I find that very offensive, and it's not true," Senator Wilson said. "The Southern heritage, the Confederate heritage is very honourable."

  60. "No, they come because the dems are the Anti-White party, that's why black folks love 'em."

    So white scientists vote Democrat because they are the anti-white party. Riiiiiiiiiight. Oh there is so much stupid in conservoworld. Bobby Jindal was right.

  61. Most scientists identify as Democrats (55%), while 32% identify as independents and just 6% say they are Republicans. When the leanings of independents are considered, fully 81% identify as Democrats or lean to the Democratic Party, compared with 12% who either identify as Republicans or lean toward the GOP. Among the public, there are far fewer self-described Democrats (35%) and far more Republicans (23%). Overall, 52% of the public identifies as Democratic or leans Democratic, while 35% identifies as Republican or leans Republican.

    Majorities of scientists working in academia (60%), for non-profits (55%) and in government (52%) call themselves Democrats, as do nearly half of those working in private industry (47%).

  62. There you go again, PilotX. Opining about things you know nothing about.

    Where does all your anger and hate come from PilotX? You do know the issues black folks have with high blood pressure?

    All that can't be good for your heart.

    Sage is not a Democrat?

    Name the last Republican he voted for.

  63. Joe Wilson? Let us not forget Joe Wilson was right. Obama lied.

    Confederate flag?

    Is this where you and your fellow black supremacist look down upon people and judge them?

    Is this where you tell people of other races and cultures how to live, feel and what to think?

    Hypocrisy much?

  64. Quote Reoublicans blah blah blah

    "Sage is not a Democrat?

    Name the last Republican he voted for."

    WOW, just how stupid is this guy?

    I'm not a Democrat and I would rather stick my dick in Sarah Palin than vote Republican.

    Like those are the only two choices....

  65. "The seven senators who voted against the plan were all white, and several bitterly accused their colleagues of selling out. State Senator Harvey S. Peeler Jr., a Republican from Gaffney, warned that race relations in the state would worsen if the flag came down.

    But State Senator John E. Courson, a white Republican from Columbia who keeps the Confederate flag in his office near a bust of Gen. Robert E. Lee, said the soldiers monument was the best place to honor the flag, allowing the state to face a less divisive future."

    Hmmmmm, with friends like these.

  66. "Confederate flag?

    Is this where you and your fellow black supremacist look down upon people and judge them?

    Is this where you tell people of other races and cultures how to live, feel and what to think?

    Hypocrisy much?"

    In what way have I done any such thing? I simply asked you your opinion about flying or displaying the confederate flag. so what say you?

  67. Anonymous7:08 PM

    "You will never be a doctor, but you can be a decent person. Maybe."

    6:14 PM
    That's a BIG maybe. Dr Queen, Dr Nuwang has never been interested in building character or goodness...just getting that Med Degree, which all of FN knows is impossible. You have to enough brains to get a Med degree. That leaves Dr Nuwang, aka Dr Queen out in the cold.

  68. The Purple Cow said...

    Quote Reoublicans blah blah blah

    "Sage is not a Democrat?

    Name the last Republican he voted for."

    WOW, just how stupid is this guy?

    What's the problem?

    Doing the same thing you routinely do.

    Someone says something that's not on your dailykos talking points and you call them a republican.

    Double standard?


    I'm not a Democrat and I would rather stick my dick in Sarah Palin than vote Republican.

    Another I'm not a democrat.
    Obamacare is making independents out of democrats, exactly like bush did making independents out of republicans.

    When and if you stop parroting democrat talking points it will be much easier for you to claim you're not a democrat.

  69. Anonymous7:35 PM

    "I would rather stick my dick in Sarah Palin"

    what black man wouldn't?

  70. Unable to offer a camera-friendly photo-op of the president breezing through an improved, the White House quietly announced on Monday that, sometime over the weekend, aides had enrolled Obama through an in-person enrollment site while the president was vacationing in Hawaii.

    No friendly photo-op for Obama, someone will be fired for that.

    As commander in chief, the president receives his health care through the military, so his new coverage will go unused. Rather, the move fulfills a commitment to personally participate that Obama made in 2010, when he signed into law the Affordable Care Act requiring millions of uninsured Americans to buy insurance or face a penalty.

    So his promise is just symbolism?
    No intention on actually using what he is forcing onto others?
    Do as I say, not as I do.

    And Obama didn't even get a friendly photo-op.

  71. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
    Hypocrisy much?"

    In what way have I done any such thing?

    You honestly have no clue?

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. Republicans:Freeing Slaves From The Democrat Plantation Since 1863

    So? No answer?

  74. "You honestly have no clue?"

    No, please explain Bill.

  75. Rick Santorum reiterated his belief that states should have the right to outlaw contraception during an interview with ABC News yesterday, saying, “The state has a right to do that, I have never questioned that the state has a right to do that. It is not a constitutional right, the state has the right to pass whatever statues they have.” Watch the Jake Tapper interview:

    video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player

    Santorum has long opposed the Supreme Court’s 1965 ruling “that invalidated a Connecticut law banning contraception” and has also pledged to completely defund federal funding for contraception if elected president. As he told editor Shane Vander Hart in October, “One of the things I will talk about, that no president has talked about before, is I think the dangers of contraception in this country,” the former Pennsylvania senator explained. “It’s not okay. It’s a license to do things in a sexual realm that is counter to how things are supposed to be.”

    But an overwhelming majority of Americans — virtually all women (more than 99 percent ) aged 15–44 have used at least one contraceptive method — rely on contraceptives to prevent unintended pregnancies and limit the spread of sexually-transmitted diseases. In fact, the Guttmacher Institute estimates that contraceptive services provided at publicly funded clinics helped prevent almost two million unintended pregnancies. Without funding from Medicaid and Title X, “abortions occurring in the United States would be nearly two-thirds higher among women overall and among teens; the number of unintended pregnancies among poor women would nearly double.”

    Hmmm, insane people who want to let states ban contraception. Who would support such a thing? Oh that's right, the guy who was the runner up in the 2012 gop presidential primary. Wow, we almost had a prez who would outlaw rubbers. Sign me up for THAT party.

  76. "Like those are the only two choices...."

    Welcome to the world of binary thinking PC. Conservatives seem to be only able to hold two choices in their minds at one time.

  77. Johnny Reb8:24 PM

    PilotX said....
    "the Confederate heritage is very honourable."

    I agree.

    The Civil Wat was not about slavery, and Civil Rights wasn't about black people.

  78. Boss Hogg8:30 PM

    The Twosqueegy Airman said...
    "Majorities of scientists working in academia (60%), for non-profits (55%) and in government (52%) call themselves Democrats, as do nearly half of those working in private industry (47%)."

    Bingo. Scientists depend on the government now for a paycheck, so they vote for the government party.

    Looking at the Global Warming hoax, politicized public health research, and a wide range of shoddy work, government is doing to science what it did to art and education.

    Slaves vote democrat.

  79. Anonymous8:32 PM

    PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
    "Wow, we almost had a prez who would outlaw rubbers. Sign me up for THAT party."
    8:10 PM
    Ahaahaahaaaa! Those guys are crazy!

    How did America ever get this far?

    I mean..."outlaw contraception"????

    How crazy is that??? The mind boggles...

  80. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...

    "You honestly have no clue?"

    No, please explain Bill.

    One example...
    A republican does something stupid and you use that to take shots at all republicans. Guilt by association.
    A democrat does something stupid not only do you not "guilt by association" you try and defend it.
    Biden's comment, like I said not hateful, very telling about his life experience with black people (remember bidens drug law). You, crickets except to tell me to shut up if it wasn't hateful.

    Another example...
    I've never said I'm republican, or pushed their agenda except when you keep asking me about the republican healthcare plan known as romneycare. I've been mocking the democrat agenda. You keep calling me a republican because I post against the party in power, the democrats.
    BlackSage expresses his hate at republicans. Someone doubted BS non-allegiance to the democrats and you asked how stupid was the person.

    Trust me, I'm not trying to get you to vote republican. I beleieve you and I voting third/fourth/fifth party will do the country well.

  81. Anonymous8:42 PM

    No one is trying to "outlaw contraception".

    PilotX is a stooge.

  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. . "Someone doubted BS non-allegiance to the democrats and you asked how stupid was the person."

    That wasn't my question Bill.

    "A republican does something stupid and you use that to take shots at all republicans. Guilt by association."

    Uh, no Bill that's what YOU do regarding the dems. I follow trends such as a whole bunch of rethugs saying stupid and racist things. It seems like a condition many rethugs have.

    "A democrat does something stupid not only do you not "guilt by association" you try and defend it."

    Give me an example of this.

    "I've never said I'm republican, or pushed their agenda except when you keep asking me about the republican healthcare plan known as romneycare. I've been mocking the democrat agenda. You keep calling me a republican because I post against the party in power, the democrats."

    You're right, I really don't give a damn what you think so I should stop asking you questions altogether. I need to just go back to ignoring you because that seems to work better for both of us. I won't accuse of of being a rethug sir. My apologies, I mean who in their right minds would want to be associated with such a whacko group?

  84. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Pilot you be kickin azz :D

    1. Yeah Pilot's been doing that for a couple days now.

      And happy holidays to my FN family! Love ya'll!!

  85. "Our policy is based on God’s biblical promise to bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel and we further invite other nations and organizations to enjoy the benefits of that promise."

    "We support objective teaching and equal treatment of all sides of scientific theories. We believe theories such as life origins and environmental change should be taught as challengeable scientific theories subject to change as new data is produced. Teachers and students should be able to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of these theories openly and without fear of retribution or discrimination of any kind."

  86. "We oppose any sex education other than abstinence until marriage."

    Interesting stuff from a rethuglican party platform. Abstinence only education, creationism and foreign policy based on the bible. Yep, sign me up for THAT party post haste.

  87. "Pilot you be kickin azz :D"

    trying to be like you Ms. Desert.

  88. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Damn, this chick got major backlash for what amounts to a minor mistake. You'd think she'd written a column demanding black people go back to Africa!

    Honestly, just the act of embarrassing her by pointing out her wrong assumption about those lyrics was sufficient punishment for her misdeed.

  89. Anonymous10:10 PM

    PC, "Are you really that fucking dumb as to not know what I was referring to? Time to go back to my ignore anons rule.

    5:57 PM
    Funny. So you are telling me you're going to ignore me because I am clueless.

    Blogger PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
    Bill said, "You honestly have no clue?"

    No, please explain Bill.

    8:02 PM
    Are you really that fucking dumb? Yep. There are some really dumb folks in our race, aren't there? No wonder we are at the bottom of the pile. It's because of Negroes, er...excuse's because of 'blah' people like you. Anyway, I hope someone will give you a XMAS gift. I know it's been a long time since you received one.

  90. Anonymous10:27 PM

    anon10:10p, judging from the comments PilotX has made today, his Christmas has been very good this year, even though his Christmas has been "White"....ha!

  91. Hey PilotX, your hands should be pretty darn sore right about now due to slapping those Rethugs around all afternoon. They're known to have stiff necks. I’m begging you, … please cut them some slack because they don’t know any better!

  92. Anonymous10:57 PM

    PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
    "trying to be like you Ms. Desert."
    9:46 PM

    :O :))

  93. Anonymous11:08 PM

    BS said, "Hey PilotX, your hands should be pretty darn sore right about now due to slapping those Rethugs around all afternoon. They're known to have stiff necks. I’m begging you, … please cut them some slack because they don’t know any better!"

    10:52 PM
    Knock off the bullshit, BS. You know darn well that PilotX got his ass handed to him. Some of you FN folks can really LIE even when Pilot is getting his butt kicked by Bill.

  94. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Blogger Desertflower said...
    Anonymous said...
    I kind of wish Ike knew Desert. and Granny. They both need a lot of straightening out.
    12:34 AM
    Oh no honey no! I think I dare speak for Granny as well as myself on this one.

    No,no,no,no,no! If there was any straightening out to be done. It would be us to him.

    Belieeeeeve me when I tell ya! ;)

    1:02 AM
    Yeah, it's easy for you two to talk shit about Ike. I mean, the man is dead. But if he were alive and showed up in your face, you two would be shaking in your boots. In fact, you'd probably spit-shine his famous boots.

  95. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Can someone tell me what time Field changes his posts? I need to know because I pay my anons by the hour. It gets pretty expensive paying anons who are waiting to jump on FN when the new post comes on.

    I'm going to have to raise my rates if Field keeps on being late with his posts. Anon Inc operates off of a thin margin of profit.

  96. for whoever audacious enough to discuss folks' bootstraps- with this exercise in needs more info STAT comment:

    "...poor backwoods whites living in the swamps of Louisiana and Mississippi who have raised themselves and their families up by their bootstraps."


    let's go old you can see just how LATE you really are. slave + oppress the Black folks $ is looong. it is the gift that keeps on giving. while folks pretend it is all so long ago + far removed.

    MLK... school this person:

    thank you MLK, sir;)

    sometimes folks need BASS.


    he said...folks were coming to get their check.

    Scriptures agrees. see KJV Genesis 15: 13-14 and Acts 7:6-7;)

    btw MLK wasn't perfect either.

    none of the folks faced with standing up and following Him are perfect. bottom line.

    only Messiah holds that crown. if you believe. everybody else is flawed ALL day.

    anyone declaring otherwise is a liar.

    full stop.

    as it is written.

    somebody ALREADY told folks that the 'official' DDynasty story and the real story might not correlate. never does. no surprise there for some of US.

    white folks talking about their "boot straps" need to cut it out. just as bfolks acting like they are excelling due to their efforts/merit alone + those crying about affirmative action WITHOUT mentioning WW...ALL these folks need to just...


    even if they refuse- which is their will/right- all.Good. i think it is wise to pay attention when folks with which you might not necessarily agree are speaking...

    so when those that might hold the exact opposite beliefs on other topics are targeted for religious persecution- i will still stand up + speak up.

    the Scriptures is NOT hate speech. no matter how much folks love doing what is written as sin. nor does belief in Him/His Word= mental illness/phobia/hatred.

    some of US already understand that in order to get to next level roll out of this new world government/mankind enslavement...that little religious twist is coming.

    all other religions must take a hike.

    ESPECIALLY those that give honor to Messiah.

    there is another "religion" on tap. folks will need to bow down and worship in order to even eat. both rich and it is written.

    agnostics + atheists might just be in for the most rude awakening of all;(...yet, lol!

    those that twist Scriptures into "hate speech"...need to keep reading;) then they, too can just stop it. or will.

    though it is good to note that the Hebrews don't play;) nowhere in history does it indicate they are good soft targets. more folks would do well to recognize this. fighting to the end seems to be what we do. now if we could get into the spiritual battle in greater numbers. THEN it would be a new day;)

    that's what's written...

  97. "even when Pilot is getting his butt kicked by Bill."

    Bill couldn't find his own ass with two hands and Columbo.

  98. Anonymous11:52 PM

    Dr.Nǚwáng said...

    Yeah Pilot's been doing that for a couple days now

    You'd have to be a moron to think PilotX knows what he is talking about.

    Oh wait, you are.

  99. Negro Dundee11:55 PM

    Observing Bill and PilotX debating is like watching the flyweight semi-finals at the Special Olympics.

  100. Anonymous11:58 PM

    Dr.Nǚwáng said...
    Yeah Pilot's been doing that for a couple days now.
    And happy holidays to my FN family! Love ya'll!!
    11:03 PM

    Happy and blessed holidays to you and yours!

    and, YEAH, go Pilot!

  101. "On Friday, GOP congressional candidate Ian Bayne went all in, comparing Robertson to civil rights icon Rosa Parks.

    "In December 1955, Rosa Parks took a stand against an unjust societal persecution of black people, and in December 2013, Robertson took a stand against persecution of Christians," Bayne said in an email to supporters.

    "What Parks did was courageous," he added. "What Mr. Robertson did was courageous too."

    Wow, I wanna vote for the guy who compares uncle Phil to Rosa Parks. Maybe Bill can help us find a dem who says shit THIS stupid. I mean this is just ripe for some of his false equivalence.

    "Bayne, a conservative talk radio host, is one of four Republicans in a competitive primary vying to challenge Rep. Bill Foster (D-Ill.) in 2014.

    "Duck Dynasty" will continue on A&E, but the network suspended Robertson indefinitely. Since then, conservatives like fellow reality TV star Sarah Palin and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) have defended Robertson."

    More support from the gop.

    Here's what the rest of the thinking world thought of Phil's comments

    "Robertson's anti-gay remarks in an interview with GQ comparing homosexuality to bestiality have received quite a bit of attention. But he also commented on the state of African-Americans during the Jim Crow era, claiming that they were all carefree and totally happy with their (unequal) status:"

    And more reality for these asshats.

    "The black people who Phil Robertson knew were warred upon. If they valued their lives, and the lives of their families, the last thing they would have done was voiced a complaint about "white people" to a man like Robertson. Ignorance is no great sin and one can forgive the good-natured white person for not knowing how all that cannibal sausage was truly made. But having been presented with a set of facts, Robertson's response is to cite "welfare" and "entitlement" as the true culprits."

  102. Anonymous12:05 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "But if he were alive and showed up in your face, you two would be shaking in your boots. In fact, you'd probably spit-shine his famous boots."
    11:14 PM
    I am somewhat of a sharpshooter. It's one of my favorite things to do. Practice shooting. :p

    So what I may do is watch him dance in those famous boots! Ahahaha! or run, and fast! lolol!

    You think he could out run a bullet? :)

  103. "Of all the tea partiers running for Senate in 2014, Greg Brannon, a GOP primary candidate hoping to topple vulnerable North Carolina Democrat Kay Hagan, is one of the most extreme. He opposes public education, claiming it "does nothing but dehumanize" students. He doesn't believe that states have to follow Supreme Court decisions. He contends bipartisan compromises in Washington "enslave" Americans. He hails the the late Sen. Jesse Helms—who died in 2008 without ever renouncing his support for racial segregation—as a "modern hero." He claims that "all ten of [Karl] Marx's planks of Communism"—including the abolition of private property—"are law in our land today." In October, Brannon cosponsored and spoke at a rally supporting nullification—the notion that states can invalidate federal laws at will—that was cosponsored by the League of the South, a secessionist group seeking "a free and independent Southern republic." And Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) has endorsed him."

    More whackjobs running on the gop ticket. See Bill, so much more lunacy on the repub side.

  104. Anonymous12:10 AM

    Anonymous said...
    "Can someone tell me what time Field changes his posts?"
    11:19 PM

    When he comes home from the party :)

  105. Leave the driving to PilotX12:13 AM

    PilotX said...
    "What Parks did was courageous," he added. "What Mr. Robertson did was courageous too."

    Rosa Parks was trained at a communist agitation school and sent by the NAACP to disrupt the Montgomery bus service.

    Her legacy today is that white people can't ride the bus anymore and the drivers have to sit behind protective shields.

    I think Mr. Robertson should feel insulted.

  106. hi La!

    good to hear your voice, sis.

    hope to hear more it in the new year;)

    i can't help but to say the stuff folks are so conditioned to not see + be afraid to call out.

    seems to be a part of my watcher, sound the alarm, pray for His people mission;)

    currently i wrestle with the keen desire to stand up and black boot stomp an out of pocket soul that presents themselves as an elder. they know who they are;)

    how wrong is THAT?

    from all directions on all levels, it is all wrong.

    so jay z didn't make my very short i AM offended list. lol!

    + that jay z fella stopped offending me awhile ago. he changed his last name to his wife's maiden name.

    'nuff said.

    ..seems he is reaching high levels of the occult as a sex magick crowley follower.


    until more folks figure out that the is.ra.el label is a mislabel + figure out who those people described in Scriptures are...

    there will always be confusion.

    for the ones that don't know they are those people + the ones that think imposters are those people.

    devils are scrambling to re-write what's written before most even get hip to the knowledge/understanding/wake up...

  107. Anonymous12:46 AM

    *sigh* *roll eyes* there goes the thread! Even at Christmas!

    Is nothing sacred anymore???...

    But I guess when you "hear voices"
    especially when they are written words :O....and you "hope to hear more of them in the New Year" :O.....weeeelll....I dunno....

    AHahahaaaaaaaaaa! LOLOL!
    Thas a Christmas joke FP! Don't get mad now. It's all in looooove!

    It's Christmas, everybody's favorite time of the year!...Ooops,forgot,...except yours! Ahahahahahaha, you're so funny! Thas why we love you so ;) especially when you talk to yourself! Ahaaaaahaaahaaa!

    *Kisses* (air ones X( lolololololol:)))))))))

    1. I thought you were going to be nice for Santa Desert, ROTFL!!!

  108. Anonymous12:49 AM

    Poor Jay Z! He's been getting it for the better third of this thread, from a "certain" someooooooone!

    In Spanish we say "Cada loco con su tema!"


  109. Anonymous1:25 AM

    I thought so too but then I read this! Did you see the horrible, cruel, crazy, insensitive thing he wrote?

    focusedpurpose said...
    "currently i wrestle with the keen desire to stand up and black boot stomp an out of pocket soul that presents themselves as an elder. they know who they are;)"
    12:23 AM

    He wants to "BLACK BOOT STOMP AN ELDER"!!! an older innocent person in their golder years fer pete's sake! So he prolly wants to beat up women and children too!!! You know, the defenseless! Wow!

    and at Christmas!!!

    and,he wears "BLACK STOMPING BOOTS" Now I'm sure it's to go with his camouflage clothes and hat! And I bet he's got a looong scraggly unkempt beard to go with it too! With flies in it LOLOL!

    Oh Dr Nuwang. If only the Christmas spirit would touch him. If only!

    (I mean the one in the Dickens story) and take him away! Aaaahaaahahaha!

    Merry Christmas Dr. may the beater up of the elderly,(prolly women and children too), be snatched up by the Christmas grinch!! LOLOL!

  110. and here they go...

    with the same 'ole devilish same 'ole;(

    this could greatly contribute:


    22 Summer Solstice: Animal and human sacrifices are made.
    24 Demon revels: Male and female sacrifice.
    25 Yuletide: Celebration of the birth of the sun as a young babe to the great goddess. The satanist's own birthday is very important. The satanist says: "Every man is a god if he chooses to recognise himself as one". (LaVey, the satanic bible).


    merry xmas indeed...

    folks can get as worked up as they want to...i reserve the right to speak.

    someone is going to need to learn how to deal with it.

    in their lane;)

    FN...tell her she's pretty.




    recall from the beginning that i called out the tendency for a certain someone to double talk. i simply throw it back to those that like to operate that way.

    why folks get so mad?

    now...until i AM clear on how best to proceed with a certain soul...i AM going to do my best to Act Right. black boot stomping folks that indicate they are elders is NOT the business.

    since the devils are busy during their have not-a-thing-to-do-with- Scriptures celebrations.

    +i ALREADY confessed it is second nature for me to take devils out on sight;(

    yet, the meek (bridled strength) shall inherit the earth.

    as it is written.

    maybe folks could go summon satan...i mean santa...and back up off me with their side winder hysterics?



    ps. the thread is shot as soon as a certain someone shows up with persistent, daily, teehee hee silly.

    to each their own.

    i AM more sober minded...

  111. GrannyStandingforTruth1:45 AM

    Hey Babygurl,

    One of my prayers has been answered. I asked in a prayer to let me see yours and a couple of other people's fonts again for the Christmas Holidays. prayer has been answered. Praise be to the Most High God.

  112. ps.

    i AM not so sold on the 'elder' aspect.

    folks lie daily.

    this is the internet.

    plus the Set Apart Scriptures (h-ly) Scriptures indicates what elders are supposed to be up to...

    a whole lot is not adding up.

    nevertheless...folks hopping their lanes would prevent any collisions.;)

    for real.

    happy face. all Good vibes.

    believe it or not...

    it's ALL Love. 1 Cor. 13 style.

  113. Anonymous2:16 AM

    focusedpurpose said...

    "ole devilish same 'ole;(

    Animal and human sacrifices are made.

    Demon revels: Male and female sacrifice.

    The satanist's own birthday is very important. (LaVey, the satanic bible).

    since the devils are busy during their have not-a-thing-to-do-with- Scriptures celebrations.

    it is second nature for me to take devils out on sight;(

    folks could go summon satan..
    1:37 AM


    This place just been filled to the brim with devils by FP! OMG! and on Christmas!

    We need prayer up in here!

    FP wanting to beat up the elderly, women and children, and calling satan!

    Great contributions to the blog! Just great! :)

    I will pray for you FP. No, really.

  114. Anonymous3:07 AM

    FocusedPurpose said
    folks hopping their lanes would prevent any collisions.

    Don't start none won't be none. ;)

  115. "Rosa Parks was trained at a communist agitation school and sent by the NAACP to disrupt the Montgomery bus service."

    O.K. I'll bite. Show me your evidence for this one.

    (Or is it perhaps just another little factoid you pulled out of your morbidly obese, zit-covered, lardy ass?

  116. Anonymous4:28 AM

    FP-"nowhere in history does it indicate they are good soft targets. more folks would do well to recognize this. fighting to the end seems to be what we do. now if we could get into the spiritual battle in greater numbers. THEN it would be a new day;)

    that's what's written..."

    11:42 PM
    Do you mean we fight to the end? And what kind of fighting are we talking about, physical war+spiritual war? Do we need guns, knives, bombs, etc?

  117. Anonymous4:44 AM


    This place just been filled to the brim with devils by FP! OMG! and on Christmas!

    We need prayer up in here!

    FP wanting to beat up the elderly, women and children, and calling satan!

    Great contributions to the blog! Just great! :)

    I will pray for you FP. No, really."

    I don't think you can see yourself because you are so focused on Focus. But you appear jealous and resentful toward FP. That's not a good look. FP has provided nothing but spiritual information to help us all to awaken. Your misunderstanding of what is said is astonishing. I can only assume you 'choose' to misread FP's comments to serve your own agenda, which is to discredit her. Thus far, you have only diminished yourself. Nevertheless, good luck with your attempt at destroying FP. I am sure you feel good at having a 'focused purpose' in life.:)

    I will pray for really, I will pray for you.


  118. I gave you an example of biden.

    Let me ask....

    How many black people are sitting in jail because they had crack instead of powder?

  119. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...

    Maybe Bill can help us find a dem who says shit THIS stupid.

    Black crack users go to jail.
    White powder users get a slap on the wrist.

    How many black people are in jail because of the words of Ian Bayne?

    Does Ian Bayne believe Obama is the first clean bright articulate african american?

    See my point about your hypocrisy and double standards.

    A republican says something you get pissy, a democrat writes laws to intentionally discriminate against blacks and well, I'm still waitng for you to say a discouraging word about biden.

    What's wrong, democrats got your tongue?

    Double standard.


  120. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...

    More whackjobs running on the gop ticket. See Bill, so much more lunacy on the repub side

    How many black people are sitting in prison for crack cocaine?

    Are you able to agree with me that the law Biden wrote and pushed is racist?

    I keep asking about Biden because you keep avoiding him.

    How about Obama?

    How many black pot users been arrested under Obama compared to bush?

    Obama was the leader of the choom gang in high school, now he's spending more tax $ than bush ever did to arrest pot smokers.

    Would you call that hypocrisy or a double standard?

  121. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Black crack users go to jail.
    White powder users get a slap on the wrist.

    How many black people are in jail because of the words of Ian Bayne?

    Does Ian Bayne believe Obama is the first clean bright articulate african american?

    See my point about your hypocrisy and double standards.

    A republican says something you get pissy, a democrat writes laws to intentionally discriminate against blacks and well, I'm still waitng for you to say a discouraging word about biden.

    What's wrong, democrats got your tongue?

    Double standard.


    9:33 AM
    Bill, you are so right. But don't expect any FN Negroes who find fault with what you give as proof, AFTER PilotX ASKS for proof.

    They will ignore it or make some lame excuse for a Democrat. You see, the Dems have Blacks in an eternal hypnotic trance. Most Blacks don't see, feel, think, or voice any opposition against Dems, only Repubs. It's been that way for some time for folks like Pilot...that will never change because that's the way most of my peeps think.

    You see, Blah people like PilotX don't see white dems as White. His comments indicate that he sees them as honorary blah people. So does PC. Not that it matters because he is a purple UK Negro whose head is stuck up his butt.

    Has anyone figured out why or how a purple Negro can hate Whites yet marry one? Someone please help me with this one..Oh wait....Now I get it. Man, that's heavy.

  122. Fifty-four years after the Duval County, Florida, school board ignored the wishes of students and named a Jacksonville high school for a controversial Confederate general, the school will be getting a new name.

    Of course, no mention the school was named after a democrat. Expected from CNN.

    Here's the double standard part...

    If changing the names of government things because they were named after a racist is the right thing to do, why aren't democrats taking the name of the KKK grand kleagle civil rights refusing robert byrd off all the buildings in his state?

    Double standard.

    An old one...

    Trent lott - strom thurmond
    william fullbright - "a visionary humanitarian," medal of freedom award by clinton

    2 well known racists being honored, two different reactions by democrats.

  123. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I don't think you can see yourself because you are so focused on Focus. But you appear jealous and resentful toward FP. That's not a good look. FP has provided nothing but spiritual information to help us all to awaken. Your misunderstanding of what is said is astonishing. I can only assume you 'choose' to misread FP's comments to serve your own agenda, which is to discredit her. Thus far, you have only diminished yourself. Nevertheless, good luck with your attempt at destroying FP. I am sure you feel good at having a 'focused purpose' in life.:)
    I will pray for really, I will pray for you.
    4:44 AM
    Hi FP! ;) (AKA Anonymous) I SEE YOU! and a Merry Christmas to you too! Destroying is def not my thing. My thing is too edify and loove :)

    Hope you got a lot of nice new camouflage stuff to wear, some new "black stomping boots" (stompin those elders,women and kids can sure wear 'em down quick,right?) and a couple of those bunker ready, instant food pails for when the war hits! *roll eyes* oh,but well...

    I had a difficult childhood. (get the violins) Including being in a war torn Lebanon as a child. Stuff that makes/turns one into a comedian,of sorts. Dunno how that happens, it just does, and stuff that makes one the fighter of evil and hatred (AKA YOU) hehehehehe...

    (put the violins away)'re so...I mean...the stuff you write just lends itself to comedy so readily! It's actually amazing, and sooo easy, no really!;D

    I simply cannot help myself from interjecting when you make a hate filled comment such as that you "were struggling with the desire to boot stomp elders on this blog,and they knew who they were".

    I mean really, on Christmas too! I had to turn that into a joke, just had too. too rich!

    What I do, and that you hate so much, is I DIFFUSE YOUR HATEFUL SPIEL AND TURN IT INTO a comedy routine! and of course that defeats your entire "focused purpose" of spreading hate and evil "devils"!

    But that's just me, can't help it. I choose to believe in good, love and joy.

    I also looove to slay the hate when and where I find it. I will step up and expose the BS with "the quickness" Ahahaha!

    So, I'm sorry that you can't learn from me,and turn your bitterness and all those ugh "devils", into good,light and love.

    But I can't change sorry! can't stop challenging such threats and insults when and where ever I see it! and turning them into looooove! ;*p

    Specially 'cos I'm an elder too! Hellooooo!

    "Thinking about boot stomping elders"! I mean reeeeally now :)

    You're a real tough guy huh?


  124. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Desert, "Hi FP! ;) (AKA Anonymous) I SEE YOU! and a Merry Christmas to you too! Destroying is def not my thing. My thing is too edify and loove :)"

    If you are going to 'edify and loove', you will need to know who you are talking to. I wrote the comment, not FP. Anyone with the smallest amount of discernment in writing styles and thinking can see that...You poor thing.

  125. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Desert, "I had a difficult childhood. (get the violins) Including being in a war torn Lebanon as a child. Stuff that makes/turns one into a comedian,of sorts. Dunno how that happens, it just does, and stuff that makes one the fighter of evil and hatred (AKA YOU) hehehehehe..."

    Not everyone who experiences the traumas of war turn out to be a comedian. In fact, very few do. And the few who do, do so with black comedy to hide their pain...

    You are a fighter of 'evil'? When did this happen? When did you become judgmental, righteous and justified in your persecution of others? Who ordained you?

  126. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "You are a fighter of 'evil'? When did this happen? When did you become judgmental, righteous and justified in your persecution of others? Who ordained you?"
    12:35 PM
    Dear "Anonymous", I'll answer that when you ask FP who ordained him!
    Fair enough?

    and don't be so angry, it's Christmas! :)

  127. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "If you are going to 'edify and loove', you will need to know who you are talking to. I wrote the comment, not FP. Anyone with the smallest amount of discernment in writing styles and thinking can see that...You poor thing."
    12:27 PM
    Dear "Anonymous" writing styles can be changed. If you wrote the comment then just read it as though it was to him and not "you" LOL!

    Fair enough?

    and try not to be so angry, It's Christmas ;p

  128. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Desert, "Dear "Anonymous" writing styles can be changed. If you wrote the comment then just read it as though it was to him and not "you" LOL!"

    Just wanted to let you know who wrote the comment so that you could stop deceiving and confusing yourself.

    FYI: Writers don't change their style. A well-read and writer knows that.

    No, I won't read your reply to my comment as if it were from FP. That is not fair to me or to FP.

    Do you think people are not angry on XMAS? Then you know nothing about the black race.

  129. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Do you think people are not angry on XMAS? Then you know nothing about the black race.
    1:38 PM
    People can be angry at any time for Pete's sake! If they have a good enough reason!

    But on a blog? because somebody (mainly me)ripped them a new one? and owned them? ;)

    I mean really now...*roll eyes*

  130. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Anon said, "Just wanted to let you know who wrote the comment so that you could stop deceiving and confusing yourself.

    FYI: Writers don't change their style. A well-read and writer knows that.

    No, I won't read your reply to my comment as if it were from FP. That is not fair to me or to FP"

    Thanks anon. you hit the nail on the head. Unfortunately, people with hard heads and no brains will miss the point completely. LOL

  131. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Desert, "People can be angry at any time for Pete's sake! If they have a good enough reason!"

    That is exactly my point. People ARE angry during XMAS. You are angry too. No one spends their time putting down others on XMAS unless they have anger and resentment and jealousy. You have all three. And stop rolling your eyes like Buckwheat. It's very unbecoming of you.

  132. "How many black people are sitting in prison for crack cocaine?

    Are you able to agree with me that the law Biden wrote and pushed is racist?

    I keep asking about Biden because you keep avoiding him."

    I didn't see your question about Biden so how could I answer it? And when exactly did the crack sentencing measures happen? And WTF does that have to do with gop lunacy? Silly retort but I come to expect that.

    "I gave you an example of biden."

    Like I said, you gave me ONE, there is soooooo much ignorance on the right and you come up with one. Go to bed kid.

    "Of course, no mention the school was named after a democrat. Expected from CNN."

    You are so fucking stupid it defies logic. Yes, i will now have to ignore your ignorance.

  133. Anonymous4:32 PM

    PilotX, "You are so fucking stupid it defies logic. Yes, i will now have to ignore your ignorance."

    Every time there is a break down in communications and you can't understand someone, you go on a rant, call them stupid, and then you run away.....That's YOUR pattern. It's the common denominator in your way of communicating. Yet, you blame 'others' for your own weak shortcomings. When are you going to take a serious look at Pilot? Are you too afraid?

  134. Anonymous5:01 PM

    PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...

    "You are so fucking stupid it defies logic. Yes, i will now have to ignore your ignorance."
    3:08 PM
    You know...I've been noticing the same thing...some of these Anons are not the sharpest card in the deck...

    Though some are very intelligent, but those are the few and far between... They should give Field another discount,or better yet a whole new crew! College educated at least :)

  135. "because somebody (mainly me)ripped them a new one? and owned them?"


    this could only come from an elder that is losing mental capabilities.


    in reality, D.F. insists on acting D as F...

    so since she claims to be an elder, i stand in silence.

    understanding what is written.

    maybe if D.F. could get familiar with what is written that might help Understanding all the way around.

    know this as well:

    D.F. could not ever "own" fp.

    as far as the don't start none won't be none...

    recall that i did not start a thing. i simply stated folks should shun the appearance of evil. that's Bible. the confused mixed up D.F. heard "slut" instead. seemingly over a loud speaker in her mentals;)

    it has been a side winder, shade fest ever since.


    when i stop is in an effort to NOT verbally stomp down elders. the twisted, mixed up confusion originates in D.F's D as F head.

    as Anon so wisely noted...all the extra antics only succeed in highlighting the D.F. condition. the behavior is not befitting an elder. there is an expiration date on the tolerance of the foolishness. it is pure comedy that folks mistake patience for other non related stuff.

    when folks under estimate others...they simply disadvantage themselves.

    that is all.

    thanks Anon(s) for at least attempting to help D.F. mitigate her current unfortunate condition.

  136. oh...and D as F-

    this mixed up, confused, consistent drivel right here:

    "Dear "Anonymous", I'll answer that when you ask FP who ordained him!
    Fair enough?"


    for some reason, the devil you host wants to confuse my gender.

    plus you on some Bl here you go:

    an excerpt to help you get quickly to a place of greater Understanding:

    "you know, King David, was kindda gangsta. i think this is why i like him so much; Abraham, too. i AM inspired by King David's heart as he walked with Almighty and his favor with Almighty. as well as being inspired by Abraham's ripping down all idols flow. Messiah...puts "o" in the "og" Ancient of Ancients, original gangsta, turning over tables with it- administering the righteous Act Right smackdown. lol! Nehemiah meant business as well..."

    "when one thinks about is difficult not to see; we come from a loooong line of ain't no joke, not playing but sober minded, Yah's business is meant folk;)

    know the Truth and it shall make you free indeed.

    why are folks playing when so many are enslaved all around US? that's not Love.

    so when He Calls to me, as His daughter, to Stand and Speak...



    there's more for ya;)

    i will drop these much needed clues in another comment.


  137. more for the D. F:

    "folks will feel the full force of Messiah, whole host of heaven + forefathers;)

    i AM my Father's daughter...and He's got it like that.

    in a world of inverted chaos and confusion...i don't take it personally anymore when folks get things twisted up in their heads and think me a man or whatever else designed to silence. who argues about a person's gender? personal practices? the strong delusion crew, indeed;( po thangs...

    we speak that which is in our if there is confusion on the inside- which is all there can be when operating outside of His Word/Him- of course, it will come out of folks' mouths. that's what's written.

    the strong delusion crew deceive themselves first...then anyone else foolish enough to jump on their demon infested carnival from + headed back to hell ride.

    no thanks. i AM with Him + Good."


    who ordained me?

    Almighty, King of Kings, Sovereign of Sovereigns + Hosts. as it is written. His Word written on the tablet of my heart. His Name stamped on my forehead.

    i AM simply in obedience + understanding, answering His Call.

    recall, i told folks this already.

    no sneak attacks, remember?

    it is better when folks answer His call well in advance of a college degree. (less to confess that way) a degree/training won't give one nearly the degrees of Knowledge, Wisdom, and Understanding they need to serve Him. gotta go to Him for that. even straightforward lucifer lovers know this- as they try to crack Bible codes. lol. how much more so the followers of Him should know plus go to Him.


    if D.F. will recall, when she first slithered up all syrupy sweet, double talking, confusing herself and the whole nine- i asked point blank what team she repped. who you with? lol.

    so...since the Bible's teachings = hate speech to which D.F. is consistently offended + attacking on the syrupy sweet devilish sly.

    again, i ask by whose authority + appointment do you come against me, elder?

    understanding, if i hear your words think the Bible h-ly. surely you must understand the Law for how elders are to conduct themselves? that they might be respected...

    the last time i asked this question, you indicated you were repping vegetables. where are you now?

    some of US are called + chosen to His Purpose. that's why i say it is all Good. it all works out for US this way, as it is written.

    someone asked the valid question, again. in a different way than i could/would.

    thanks to that soul!;)

    i did my part to facilitate some answers...

    hopefully you can go light on the teehee hee;)

    or not.

    free will.

  138. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...

    "How many black people are sitting in prison for crack cocaine?

    Are you able to agree with me that the law Biden wrote and pushed is racist?

    I keep asking about Biden because you keep avoiding him."

    I didn't see your question about Biden so how could I answer it? And when exactly did the crack sentencing measures happen?


    You didn't see the questions you quoted?


  139. Anonymous10:06 PM

    Bill, "You didn't see the questions you quoted?


    7:45 PM
    PilotX quotes questions he can't remember and then calls you stupid? Wow. I think you are dealing with a lunatic with an early on-set of Alzheimer's.

    What's interesting about PilotX is he projects his own innermost opinion about himself on others. However, he is so shame-based as a bm he cannot look at himself. Pilot hates his position in life as a bm. His comments prove it over and over again. The man needs therapy and lots of it.

  140. "Every time there is a break down in communications and you can't understand someone, you go on a rant, call them stupid, and then you run away.....That's YOUR pattern."

    Yeah, you're right. Anyone who can't figure out that the reason CNN didn't mention the political affiliation of the person that high school in Jacksonville is named after is because it didn't add anything to the story is a fucking moron and I'm not wasting time on someone that stupid. If a person is still playing the "dems were the racists 50 years ago" game they are either a teenager or a mentally deficient adult. Either way there is no benefit for me to continue to communicate with said individual. That's like Mike Jordan playing a pickup game with a 5 year old. If Bill shows signs of gaining intelligence I may resume communicating with him but so far there is no evidence of such so why waste my time? If you want to play with him have at it kid but I'm done.

  141. Anonymous12:32 AM

    "If Bill shows signs of gaining intelligence I may resume communicating with him but so far there is no evidence of such so why waste my time? If you want to play with him have at it kid but I'm done."

    No one gives a damn whether you communicate with Bill or not. You aren't that important. So, don't waste your silly time with Bill. He's too smart for you anyway.

  142. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
    If Bill shows signs of gaining intelligence I may resume communicating with him

    As said by the person asking where are the questions he quoted.

    "dems were the racists 50 years ago"

    50 years is the cutoff for racial history? Wow.
    Can I point out that you tlak about slavery, indicating that it's not a ban on "over 50 years," it's your ban on talking bad about the political party you pledge your allegiance to.

    First clean bright articulate african american.

    Unjust racist drug laws by biden.

  143. no slappz11:24 AM

    Wow. So blacks like field believe that "white privilege" is evidenced when a white woman displays her misinterpretation of lines from a tune written by a black composer. Wow.

    Or, to put it another way, when blacks misinterpret lines written by white writers, we are seeing the evidence of "black privilege."

    Hmmm, does that capacity for misinterpretation explain the near absence of blacks from the fields of physics, chemistry and engineering?

  144. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Anonymous no slappz said...
    Hmmm, does that capacity for misinterpretation explain the near absence of blacks from the fields of physics, chemistry and engineering?

    Depends on the time frame you're looking at PUNK!!!

    If you look at the history of man, then the answer IS CLEARLY Black/Brown folks.

    Now I understand why you think history only started ~ 1600's or so when the first of your English miscreant ancestors came to America. But considering YOUR people were the FIRST to experience STD's and the LAST to wash your collective a$$es, I'd say you should thank the hell our of Black/Brown for making your people more civilized!


  145. Anonymous1:31 PM

    DQAE, Blacks are killing each other in the streets, a lot more than the KKK ever dreamed of. So what happened to turn us against one another? At what point did we change from being civilized to being uncivilized?

    Meanwhile, Whites have gone from being uncivilized to being civilized....

    what's going on?

  146. Anonymous1:39 PM

    DQAE, Blacks are killing each other in the streets, a lot more than the KKK ever dreamed of. So what happened to turn us against one another? At what point did we change from being civilized to being uncivilized?

    We didn't.

    If you focus on the VERY small population of Blacks who don't make good decisions then by all means, be my guest.

    I learned to think for myself a LONG time ago, but obviously you let racists Whites dictate yours.

  147. Anonymous3:13 PM

    DQAE, aka Dr Queen said, "We didn't.

    If you focus on the VERY small population of Blacks who don't make good decisions then by all means, be my guest.

    I learned to think for myself a LONG time ago, but obviously you let racists Whites dictate yours."

    1:39 PM
    Yeah, I think for myself too. That's why I asked you the questions. I know damn well that our race has regressed MORALLY as well as financially. Even the stats show that.

    But if you are Black, you don't need any stats, news, Whites, Blacks, or a Dr Nuwang to tell them about their deteriorating condition. Nothing is more convincing than 'living the experience' itself.

    I don't focus on the small numbers of black Americans 'who don't make good decisions'. My experience has taught me that presently, there are 'small' numbers of Blacks who make the "right"'s the large numbers of Blacks who DON'T make good decisions.

    I think you know this. But it's too shameful to admit. Funny how "shame" can keep you in denial and lies.

    1. Funny how ignorance and brain washing can keep you in lies too.

  148. Field

    My colleague what did you expect LMAO Puleeze, son she is a ghost ! duh!

  149. Anonymous10:31 PM

    Blogger Dr.Nǚwáng said...
    Funny how ignorance and brain washing can keep you in lies too.

    10:03 PM
    You should know, you are the world's best when it comes to LIES and ignorant language. When are you going to stop lying about being in Med School? Do you know which School you are in? Pray tell....I am sure it's one of the best.

    1. You go from "you will never be a doctor" to "which school are you in????


  150. I was reading an archived message board discussion that I came across recently because of a question that I typed into Google: Do white people understand "The Boondocks".

    I had a train of thought that went something like this: If some white people think Stephen Colbert is actually a conservative in the same way most people thought Archie Bunker was just a loveable guy "telling it like it is," then there had to be a lot of white people who didn't truly understand "The Boondocks" and "like it" for all the wrong reasons. Like that moment when Dave Chappelle realized that the white folks weren't laughing with him, they were laughing at him.

    I know a lot of white people supposedly "like it" but liking is not always understanding. And there are so many unexplained references to black pop culture, I don't think white people can possibly get all the in-jokes and references.

    If they don't get it or, as usually happens, they take so many things out of context, then that precludes true understanding. It makes for a very surface interpretation of everything they see, with no depth.

    Which, to me, is tantamount to being the very definition of white people. And perfectly explains why this white girl doesn't understand Black love, Black play, Black Anything.

    Because that line should be a crazy, sexy, cool moment that gives us a naughty and unexpected glimpse into JayZ and Beyonce's love life. It's playful, hot and serious and nuanced.

    But to this white girl it's throwaway nonsense to be made fun of.

    Again, the very definition of white thought about anything and everything black people do.

    It's so dismissive and angering, I can't help but wish Ike Turner was still around.

  151. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    No one is trying to "outlaw contraception".

    You are very wrong about that. I wrote an article over 5 years agoo about a group called "Pharmacists for Life" who are specifically trying to do exactly that - get contraception outlawed and win the right not dispense it if they are a pharmacist.

    There are also several "Forced Birth" types who also think contraception should be outlawed as well.
