Sunday, December 08, 2013

What is the alternative?

“First of all, there is nothing for free. You're going to pay for it, and we're paying for it through higher premiums,” Paul said. “We're also going to find out in January that more people will lose their insurance under Obamacare, I think, than will actually gain it. The Republican plan is freedom of choice -- more choices, not less. ‘Obamacare’ narrows your choices.  We're for competition. We're for selling insurance across state lines. And above all, we’re for driving premiums down.” [Source]

That is Rand Paul explaining the republican's alternative to the Affordable Care Act. (Obamacare)

It is very vague, and a little sketchy in the details, so let me check with Google  for a republican plan that is the alternative to the Affordable Care Act......

Nope, nothing. Although I did find something from 1993 which is very similar to Obamacare.

Those republicans were so full of ideas back then.

"An individual mandate;
  • Creation of purchasing pools;
  • Standardized benefits;
  • Vouchers for the poor to buy insurance;
  • A ban on denying coverage based on a pre-existing condition"

  • Wow! This seems so much like the one we have now. But I bet there was no cry of Socialism and wealth redistribution back then. I guess it all just depends on the messenger.

    Anyway, if there is a current  republican alternative to Obamacare and  someone reading this can give it to me in more detail; I would certainly appreciate you explaining it to me.

    Thank you.

    "Oh Field, that's a trick question and you know it. To be a replacement for Obamacare the other plan has to do the same thing it does in pretty much the same way."

    OK, so maybe republicans have a different philosophy on health care and how it should be delivered. I would like to hear that as well.

    People often accuse me of being close-minded --hey my Birds won today and I am in a good mood-- so tonight I am making an effort to open up.

    Pic from


    1. Anonymous9:00 PM

      Football huh?
      Oh never mind...I'm going to be nice, because it's the Christmas season...but.........I shouldn''s against my principles.....x(

    2. Anonymous9:01 PM

      Obamacare has failed.

      Let's give Rand Paul's plan a try.

    3. field negro said...

      "Liberals seem to be quite selective with their concern, as they don't seem to have a problem with the murders of tens of thousands of whites abetted by the New South African government."

      Link please.

      Take all the time you need......

      Since 1994, more than 70,000 (and counting) white South Africans have been murdered of which more than 4,000 were commercial farmers. Exact figures are very hard to come by as the South African police fail to report most of the murders that take place.

      These numbers are thus conservatively estimated.

      As the white population of South Africa was 4,434,697 according to the official state census in 1996, and more than 400,000 white South Africans have left the country, it could be estimated that nearly 2% of white South Africans have been murdered in the 18 years of democracy. Compare that to the 7,518 black people that were murdered by the Apartheid government, which comes to a percentage of 0.02% of the black population.

      “There is thus strong circumstantial evidence of government support for the campaign of forced displacement and atrocities against white farmers and their families,” Stanton said in the Genocide Watch report, adding that the end goal was communist tyranny. “There is direct evidence of [South African] government incitement to genocide.”

      South African President Jacob Zuma routinely sings racist songs calling for the murder of whites.

      Former ANC Youth Leader Julius Malema, a virulently racist self-styled communist with a significant following, is now forming a new political party to “fight white males,” South African media reported this week.

      Malema’s alliance will also seek to expropriate white-owned property without compensation, nationalize key industries and force whites to “behave in a manner that says they regret their conduct.”

    4. Darn it, where is Bill O’Reilly Jr. when you need him. Perhaps he could give Rand Paul some assistance since he has such an abundance of palavering regarding Obamacare. Where are you Bill Jr.?

    5. Anonymous11:31 PM

      From Dec5, thread:

      Anonymous Django Unbrained said...
      The Purple Cow said...
      (Though I'm tempted to say, fuck 'em they got what they deserved...)

      Tell your wife that, you racist fascist.

      And thanks for admitting I was right, albeit in a sideways obfuscatory manner. It would take a bigger Cow than you to learn anything from his mistakes.

      11:40 AM
      Wow! this guy really laid into PC so much PC could not respond. Also, I didn't know PC was such a racist until now. Lord have mercy. Those cows across the pond are really somethin.

    6. Anonymous11:39 PM

      This post is amazing. One would think Field would be 'hands off' of the Obamacare fiasco. Instead, he is still trying to front for Obama. This amazing!

      That kool-aid must be some strong shit.

    7. Romneycare.

      "Barack Obama's health care bill is nothing new. Mitt Romney signed one just like it four years before."
      Howard Dean on Friday, November 12th, 2010 in a KLRU interview

      The Senate-passed health care bill "is identical to the Massachusetts health care plan -- the same thing."
      Paul Krugman on Sunday, January 31st, 2010 in an interview on ABC's 'This Week'

    8. Black Sage said...
      Where are you Bill Jr.?

      I'm here.

      Tell us what you know about Romneycare. It's that healthcare plan named after mitt romney the republican.

      Some people say that Obamacare is Romneycare on the federal level.

      What do you think?

    9. Anonymous12:20 AM

      Sure, I can tell you what the Republican plan is. It's the status quo, plus maybe a handful of tiny tweaks that won't accomplish anything.

      Really, I've ever heard them suggest is allowing insurance companies to sell across more state borders. And throwing in some tax credits. Sorry, but that won't get the job done -- at least, not if one believes the "job" is making sure everyone receives decent health insurance.

      The silly fantasy the GOP tries to sell is that a wider market will push insurance premiums wayyyy down, but it will never push them down enough for poor people to buy them. Tax credits won't help either, because the poor don't pay taxes.

      So you need subsidies, which takes you halfway to Obamacare.

      And then you certainly want to get rid of pre-existing conditions, which are one of the worst parts of the old system. And that implies mandates, which takes you the rest of the way to Obamacare.

      So there you go. The Republican "plan" is nothing but chanting "choice" over and over. It's meaningless hot air.

    10. "So there you go. The Republican "plan" is nothing but chanting "choice" over and over. It's meaningless hot air."

      I thought libtard democrats were pro-choice?

    11. StillaPanther21:34 AM

      I can understand the killing by a group wanting " payback". I wish the majority in South Africa could move forward with a sense of unity. A country that have many different tribal allegiances may find the concept of unity hard to grasp. There were more than the African National Congress fighting for liberation. To compare the killings of pre and post apartheid may neglect the fact that during apartheid there were not many reasons to kill people that you oppressed. Having all the might, the white South Africans could have killed as many as they wanted- they were in charge.

      I know the political astute commenters of this blog know that political power seldom change behaviors. Economic power- which the Black South Africans have not- could change social behaviors. This concept us African Americans share with our brethren in SA. Having your needs met and ability to live in solid communities allow one to have killing someone NOT on his "to do" list.

    12. boudreaux1:48 AM

      StillaPanther2 said..
      "Having all the might, the white South Africans could have killed as many as they wanted- they were in charge. "

      But they didn't.

      Now that the shoe is on the other foot, the blacks are killing the whites.

      This seems to be the case wherever blacks are in the majority.

      Personally, although I wouldn't like it, I'd take a few restrictions on my life over being tortured to death, but that's just me.

      Blacks do much better under white rule than whites do under black rule. I like black people, but I wouldn't feel safe living in a black-majority area.

    13. Anonymous1:55 AM

      "This concept us African Americans share with our brethren in SA. Having your needs met and ability to live in solid communities allow one to have killing someone NOT on his "to do" list."

      Oh really? Have you checked the status quo in America and Africa? GET REAL.

      Blacks in America have been killing Blacks since the beginning of time.

    14. Anonymous2:04 AM

      "Blacks do much better under white rule than whites do under black rule. I like black people, but I wouldn't feel safe living in a black-majority area."

      1:48 AM
      I am Black and I am inclined to agree with you. On their own, my peeps are headed is straight to hell in America. We never had so many black-on-black killings during the Jim Crow days. We were freer then than now.

      Look at our cities under my own people. They are either in ruin, or headed toward ruin. For instance, Detroit is in ruin/bankrupt. Now Philly is the next city to fall. But brother Field feels it is a world class city.

      But brother Field's reference point of a world class city is through the eyes of someone from Jamaica. Hell, even Detroit looks good to

    15. Quote Philly Cheese

      "Intelligence is 100% inherited."

      Evidence please...

    16. "As the white population of South Africa was 4,434,697 according to the official state census in 1996, and more than 400,000 white South Africans have left the country, it could be estimated that nearly 2% of white South Africans have been murdered in the 18 years of democracy"

      Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

      Comedy gold.

      Yeah it COULD be estimated that 2% of the white people had been murdered, if you know, you were an enumerate moron with the arithmetical and statistical abilities of a five year old. Then yeah, I suppose...

      Anyway, thanks for giving me a good laugh early on a Monday morning.

    17. "Wow! this guy really laid into PC so much PC could not respond."

      I DID respond you dim-witted twat.

      Learn to read why doncha...


      "I am Black and I am inclined to agree with you.

      No you are not - stop lying.

      "Peeps..." ...FFS..

    18. NSangoma3:45 AM


      Ron & Rand Paul:

      A free people living in a free country cannot be forced to buy health insurance.

      Ron & Rand paul:

      A free people living in a free society have freedom of association.

      That is, a free people living in a free society cannot be forced to associate with individuals that they do not want to associate with:

      cannot be force to serve them in their restaurants, room them in their hotels, educate them in their schools, ... ,

      This is the goal of Ron and Rand Paul.


    19. Who? Whom? That was funny. Now seriously ,give me a link to back up your claims that "hundreds of thousands" of white South Africans have been slaughtered by blacks.

      Anon@2:04, I have asked u this before and I will try again. Where do YOU live?

      BTW, unless u shared my childhood home in Mandeville, Jamaica with me, u have no idea what type of home or environment I grew up in.

      Actually, I am pretty sure it's better than whatever home u grew up in here in America. Just a thought.

      Continue in your ignorance. ;)

    20. "A free people living in a free country cannot be forced to buy health insurance."

      You are not free people, there is no such thing as a free country and there never will be.

    21. Nsangoma foolishly said: “A free people living in a free country cannot be forced to buy health insurance. Ron & Rand paul: A free people living in a free society have freedom of association.”

      NSangoma, please slap yourself out of that deep sleep of yours!

      Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains. - Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Genevan Philosopher

    22. Anonymous7:09 AM

      Field, "Anon@2:04, I have asked u this before and I will try again. Where do YOU live?

      BTW, unless u shared my childhood home in Mandeville, Jamaica with me, u have no idea what type of home or environment I grew up in.

      Actually, I am pretty sure it's better than whatever home u grew up in here in America. Just a thought.

      Continue in your ignorance. ;)"

      I live in the suburbs of Philly in a home worth $2.5mil. Need I say more? Btw, you never asked 'me' where I lived until now. You must get your anons mixed up. It's understandable. You even get the color of your anons mixed up.

    23. Anonymous7:14 AM

      Blogger The Purple Cow said...
      "Wow! this guy really laid into PC so much PC could not respond."

      I DID respond you dim-witted twat.

      Learn to read why doncha...


      "I am Black and I am inclined to agree with you.

      No you are not - stop lying.

      "Peeps..." ...FFS..

      3:31 AM
      No, you did NOT respond. Check it out fool. Btw, I AM Black but YOU just can't relate. That's your problem not mine. Your ignorance is astonishing. You and Dr Nuwang are very much alike. You both mistake your ignorance for knowledge...TNB.

    24. Anonymous7:18 AM

      does anybody know what DQAE stands for? Who the hell is this?

    25. Oops!!! I can not understand the killing by a group wanting " payback". I wish the majority in South Africa could move forward with a sense of unity. I am pretty sure it's better than whatever home u grew up in here in America.
      Goji Berry Juice

    26. Anonymous8:33 AM

      GOP alternative is do nothing our system was just fine before.

    27. "No, you did NOT respond. Check it out fool."

      I don't need to 'check it out', I know what I did.

      "Fool" you say, I see you are in your Mr. T. mode again today! You're still fooling nobody.

    28. Anonymous9:19 AM

      The Purple Cow said...

      Quote Philly Cheese

      "Intelligence is 100% inherited."

      Evidence please...

      Science/Genetics you dumb Negro.

    29. Anonymous9:21 AM

      7:14 AM
      Anonymous Anonymous said...

      does anybody know what DQAE stands for? Who the hell is this?

      Disgusting Queef Assleak Enema

      or someone who has been bullshitting about become a Doctor for 5 years now.

      A permanent leech on society living off grants. Typical black woman living with a man that won't marry her and won't adopt her kid by another baby daddy.

    30. That kool-aid must be some strong shit.

      ANON... It most certainly is....

      Theres no other explanation STEPHEN keeps trying to shine up this collosal turd...

      Its the same reason Obamaphiles like STEPHEN... can Defend this administrations
      "Fair Setencing Act" even though The Justice Dept that Eric Holder is in charge of REFUSES to apply it retroactively to prisoners of a failed "War On Drugs...

      The majority affected ...
      Mostly Young Black Males...

      The same ones STEPHEN claims he cares so much about.

      Hey STEPHEN...

      Here are the solutions you claim to want so bad to the Health Care Problem....

      1. Tort Reform

      2. Single Payer.

      3. 1% Tax on all Wall St Derivatives...

      However those things CANNOT be accomplished in the current Two Party System paradigm...

      Too many crooks...

      viable third parties have to arise out of the rubble when both of these crooked parties crash the country...

    31. field negro said...

      Who? Whom? That was funny. Now seriously ,give me a link to back up your claims that "hundreds of thousands" of white South Africans have been slaughtered by blacks.

      I said "tens of thousands". The estimation is 70,000, which is seven 'tens of thousands'.

      The links to Genocide Watch were provided in the previous comment.

    32. The Purple Cow said...
      You are not free people, there is no such thing as a free country and there never will be.

      Not as long as there are leftists like you singing the praises of slavery all day long.

    33. Quote Anony-mouse

      "Science/Genetics you dumb Negro."

      That's not actually EVIDENCE is it now, little man?

      Simply naming two branches of science does not constitute a support for your position.

      Try again...

    34. Set my people free12:02 PM

      NSangoma said...
      That is, a free people living in a free society cannot be forced to associate with individuals that they do not want to associate with:

      cannot be force to serve them in their restaurants, room them in their hotels, educate them in their schools, ... ,

      But isn't the freedom of association in fact an essential part of being free? As morally reprehensible as some of the possible ramifications of that might be to most people (including myself), the right to do with one's property as one wills should be fundamental.

      Many of our communities are a mess because like-minded people cannot form their own cohesive neighborhoods where they feel safe and involved. Law-abiding whites, blacks, Asians, Hispanics, Mennonites, Buddhists, musicians, -whatever could form their own enclaves and send their kids to their own schools without the dysfunctional predators and parasites that wreck every inner city school and community. Our cities would start to rebuild, one neighborhood at a time. The increased tax base would make things better for everyone, and in time the true underclass could be helped along the path to functionality. As it is now our cities are defined by the lowest common denominator.

      The darker aspects of closed lunch counters and segregated hotels would be prevented by strong public disapproval and boycotting. The worst part of segregation was the exclusion of blacks from public institutions that were funded in part by their own tax dollars. This was not a result of "freedom of association"; it was an illegal usurpation of rights, the illegality of which was reaffirmed by civil rights legislation.

      You can't truly be free without the right of freedom of association.

    35. Black Sage said...
      Where are you Bill Jr.?

      Right here waiting for you to explain romneycare and how Obamcare is modeled after it.

      Did you know romneycare is named after republican mitt romney.

      Where did you go Black Sage?

    36. Anonymous12:03 PM

      Anonymous said...
      From Dec5, thread:

      Anonymous Django Unbrained said...
      The Purple Cow said...
      (Though I'm tempted to say, fuck 'em they got what they deserved...)

      Tell your wife that, you racist fascist.

      And thanks for admitting I was right, albeit in a sideways obfuscatory manner. It would take a bigger Cow than you to learn anything from his mistakes.

      11:40 AM
      I am not the same Anon but decided to check the thread on Dec 5 for brother Purple Cow's reply. You see, I am from the UK also and I support all brothers from the UK vs the ones in America.

      Brother PC, I could not find your reply. The above comment was the LAST comment of that date. Please explain. btw, if you lied, just say you lied so we UK Negroes can put this behind us.

      I'm not sure but I think brother Field has a policy re: lying in his side bar. But I can't find it. Maybe he decided to let the lies fly. In the interest of honesty, I hope he will re-institute it because there are far too many liars on this blog. They stretch from CA to PR. This doesn't surprise me, though.

      Our peeps are the biggest liars in the world. Every time I see Obama's lips moving, I know he is lying. Every time I see a post by Field, I know he is lying. Every time I see a comment by Desert, I know it's a lie. Every time NSangoma speaks, it's a lie. Every time I see Black Sage call himself a "sage" I know it's a lie. PilotX, Granny...lies.

      But the biggest liar of them all is Dr Nuwang, aka DQAE. That women is going straight to hell. There will be no discussion by St Peter, like in the game of monopoly, she won't pass "go", she will go directly to hell.

      Brother PC, I beg of you as a brother in the UK, stop following the American black liars. Say a prayer before you begin blogging on FN. Don't become a prey for lies and liars. May the Force be with you.

    37. field negro said...
      BTW, unless u shared my childhood home in Mandeville, Jamaica with me, u have no idea what type of home or environment I grew up in.

      In America growing up the son of two doctors would have made your family a 1%er.

    38. Anonymous12:20 PM

      I suspect his parents are in the .1% of Jamaica. That is equivilent to 1% in America.

      That makes Field an authentic hypocrite who pretends to be "left" but is really "right". I swear, you just can't trust anybody these days.

    39. Senator Alan Grayson outlined the Republican plan in 2009: Don't get sick, and if you do get sick die quickly.

      This plan was confirmed by the Tea Party during the Republican debates in 2011: Let him die.

    40. Commander Ogg said...

      This plan was confirmed by the Tea Party during the Republican debates in 2011: Let him die.

      A healthy 30 year old with a good job doesn't want to pay for health insurance. Gets sick, what should happen to him.

      I'm guessing that Commander Ogg thinks the 30 year old guy with the good job that doesn't want to pay for his own healthcare should get it free.

      I wonder if Commander Ogg is true to his beliefs and will pay for my health insurance.

      My guess is not a chance.

    41. How bad are things going for Obama and the democrats?

      Even msnbc is airing segments of independents voicing their opinions of Obama.

      "Big disappointment"
      "Not focused on creating jobs"
      "Remember, this was coming from former supporters. This wasn't a piling on from his adversaries."


      We all know the game. Democrats are going to vote for Obama. Republicans against Obama.
      The independents are the group that make the difference in elections.

    42. "I suspect his parents are in the .1% of Jamaica. That is equivalent to 1% in America.

      That makes Field an authentic hypocrite who pretends to be "left" but is really "right"

      1%'s are almost all leftists.

      Leftism is the way the billionaires keep the mere millionaires down. It is and always has been a coalition of the high and low against the middle.

      Those at the top use those at the bottom to keep the bourgeoisie in check.

      The richest families in renaissance Florence imposed taxes and regulations designed to keep the up and coming families out of the top circle, draining their resources and demonizing them in the eyes of the poor, who they bought off using money expropriated from the the very merchant class the poor were directed to hate.

      Not only do you get to keep the riffraff out of the country club and feel good about yourself for helping the poor, you get to do it entirely with the money of the people you dislike! Teddy Kennedy is the classic example. A man who assuaged his guilt for being the son of a billionaire (and for killing his girlfriend) by bestowing the gift of the middle class' money onto the poor.

      Rich leftists are hypocrites.

      Poor leftists are pawns.

    43. The NY Times is reporting premiums might be down, other costs are sky high.

      On Health Exchanges, Premiums May Be Low, but Other Costs Can Be High
      For months, the Obama administration has heralded the low premiums of medical insurance policies on sale in the insurance exchanges created by the new health law. But as consumers dig into the details, they are finding that the deductibles and other out-of-pocket costs are often much higher than what is typical in employer-sponsored health plans.

      Until now, it was almost impossible for people using the federal health care website to see the deductible amounts, which consumers pay before coverage kicks in. But federal officials finally relented last week and added a “window shopping” feature that displays data on deductibles.

      How nice the Obama administration added a "window shopping" feature so people can see the real cost.

      For a 45-year-old couple seeking insurance on the federal exchange in Saginaw, Mich., a policy with a premium of $515 a month has a deductible of $10,000.

      $12,000 a year in premiums and they have a $10,000 deductible.

      And democrats call this the "Affordable Care Act."

      The good news...

      Yet from the financial perspective of the health care industry, Obamacare, as the law is often known, doesn’t seem much of a hindrance.

      In fact, it may even turn out to be positive.
      Over the last 12 months, shares of the top five publicly traded health insurance companies — Aetna, WellPoint, UnitedHealth Group, Humana and Cigna — have increased by an average of 32 percent

      Profits up for insurance companies, higher costs for people buying insurance.

      It's a win-win for Obamacare.

    44. Bill said...
      $12,000 a year in premiums and they have a $10,000 deductible.

      $12,000 or $6,000.

      What difference at this point does it make?

    45. "I am not the same Anon but decided to check the thread on Dec 5 for brother Purple Cow's reply."

      Liar, Liar pants on fire.


      "You see, I am from the UK also and I support all brothers from the UK vs the ones in America. "

      OK here's the thing you given yourself away twice.

      You used the term 'Brother' to describe another Afro-Caribean, rather than 'Blud' which is the term UK bloods would use.

      Secondly you used the word 'Peeps'. I know of nobody in the UK who uses that term. It's a term by whites trying to pass as blacks on U.S. websites


      "Brother PC, I could not find your reply. The above comment was the LAST comment of that date. Please explain."

      I sleep at different times to you, cuz HERE IN THE U.K. we are 6 or 7 hours ahead of you. So it being the last post of the day is irrelevant. You should have known that - bruv.


      But anyway here is a challenge for you, I'm going to ask you five questions, any UK blood would answer them in 30 seconds flat.

      If you can't answer them straight away you are a liar who needs to fuck off from this website, tout de suite.


      Let's go.

      1. What was Carb's batting average for 2013?

      2. Who was better, the Don, the master-blaster, or boycs?

      3. Translate the following into the Queen's English

      "I got big bars for dem norvern monkeys, dry look booky. I saw some ge ask a butters skettle for a shine, but she say no way. So he got based and tried to bang her, but she had im slipping an' shanked him good. I fink him wavy or something' - walled - but it was well peak, bruv."

      4. where do you buy your chuddies?

      5. Who or what is Twi?

      6. Watch this video, what are they saying?

      Let me know how you get on, blue.

    46. i just want to add one quick reality check for those folks that continue to attempt to reason with a man...that refers to himself as a purple cow. understanding there is MUCH in a name.

      maybe this will help folks abandon the notion that at some point purple cow man's posts will consistently make sense? though i must give him credit for his "civil rights" comment. i AM hopeful that he will get to solid Understanding. though one can't do that and mock Almighty as well. those are the over the fencers written of...rejected.



      "Cows are members of the sub-family 'Bovinae' of the family 'Bovidae'. This family also includes Gazelles, Buffalo, Bison, Antelopes, Sheep and Goats."

      "The mature female of the species is called a 'cow'."

      "The mature male of the species is called a 'bull'."

      then there is this little fun fact:

      "As a matter of fact,... cows...can be any colour except pink, purple, green...",-Cows,-Steers-and-Heifers


      THIS could explain the complete departure from reality one self professed purple cow man demonstrates in his heavy reliance on statistics...the language of liars.

      not to mention the latent lady boy- seeks to bicker with women profane disrespectful tendencies.

      for the record...had i not mentioned that bm were having their dna taken as a part of uk stop n frisk racial profiling...a certain male purple cow, would STILL be pretending that the uk = dysfunction free utopia + is very different for blacks than america. mum was the word on the topic from the uk poster prior to my memo. despite FN posting quite a few stories that would have been a great time to introduce the information.

      whatever FN is posting about...glaring more advanced similarities abound in the uk. i AM perplexed that bm universally seek out wfolks that either don't know or share the info/organizational skills they have. then apply that to assisting black folks. Almighty knows the rest of the time is spent acting dysfunctional white. slap happy to knock out game style.

      reality...would prohibit folks posting like they are in utopia. i did not even mention the serial peds/murderers from parliament to the palace.

      of course, detached from reality liars LOVE statistics...which is where the man purple cow got stuck re: uk bm dna collection stop n frisk. he conveniently did not address the greater point;(

      as it relates to the london olympics...only total deadheads would see nothing wrong with the giant baby with the obvious head wound, among other horrors. when the camera panned over to the red head Harry fella- even he had the good sense to look alarmed. demonic rituals all out in the open for deadheads= entertainment.

      additionally, a man with a clue, like the Man Anon- purple cow likes to insult. indicating problem finding a wife.

      all unmarried folks are not unmarried due to difficulty securing a mate.

      silly women usually pretend they managed a mate because they are super special. they, too, know this is a game of pretend. add an attractive woman to the mix and they clue up promptly + stop playing the i am so special game of pretend with themselves. lol.

      the man cow was the first time i ever witnessed a MAN indicate that another man was too 'unattractive' to have a wife. but then...he calls himself a cow;(

      stomached ww world wide usually find the dennis rodmans and yaphet long as there are resources. lol. prior to confirming resource availability, they don't pretend to have a strong least not in public during day light hours. most definitely not trying to marry folk. this is why poor bm despite the sex myth/lie are NOT being married up by "mandingo" seeking ww. reality, a castrated bull/ox may be referred to as a cow.


    47. "conspiracy" you say as a means of disrespect? lol. because i know purple cows love it, here you go-ESV for your greater understanding. KJV say confederacy- which is quite fitting for americans;) i don't want you to get confused.:



      Isaiah 8:11-12

      11 For the Sovereign spoke thus to me with his strong hand upon me, and warned me not to walk in the way of this people, saying

      12 Do not call conspiracy all that this people calls conspiracy, and do not fear what they fear, nor be in dread.


      my position on it according to the Law + me.

      purple cow man doesn't do UNIVERSAL LAW.

      fp doesn't do other folks' labels, boxes, mental locks...all dictated to them by the enemies to their soul and quite contrary to the Law. these folks usually don't acknowledge Almighty at all. i pray they will turn their hearts to Him, from my soul, in all truth.

      because you don't do the Law you can't hear what i AM saying.

      so please keep your stats, gross willful ignorance and disrespect over in your uk utopia. scroll son. scroll purple cow man. scroll...when you see me;) scroll in peace.

      gotta go for now;) i pray not to find the purple cow man...quite lady boy purple with a bad case of profanity tourettes on my next visit to the mental slave plantation.


      BIB, show out. lol.

      there is a comment by Hang On A Sec December 7, 2013 @ 8:39 am here
      that actually gave a pretty good argument to look at controlled manipulated BO from different perspective.

      lol it was @ a site...that hates him. the blogger works my nerve and will get another email here shortly since he won't post my comments at his site.

      his pic on this post
      seems as close to the truth as he can bring himself despite being "orthodox"... his comment section was crickets. lol. they did not even ask why the black pic on the ashkenazi gentile wfolk according to Scriptures masquerading as hebrews post.

      i understand though. his low donations will hit the no donation level as soon as he hits publish. folks love feel good lies as you noted before, ever so wisely.

      lots of facts + white supremacy on that site. they are calling russia, h-ly russia at times. lol. folks label blogger anti-semite. i still don't know what a semite is nor where they come from...i AM clear on the Shemites though;)

      gotta go for now. create a beautiful day all! forgive any typos...

    48. Lots of criticism from wingnut trolls, but no attempt to answer my question by giving us the wingnut alternative to Obamacare.

      It's kind of what I expected.

    49. Lots of criticism from wingnut trolls, but no attempt to answer my question by giving us the wingnut alternative to Obamacare.


      Now you are just blatantly LYING...

      I guess after listening to him for so long...

      Ahhh never mind... Your readers cant be that Stupid...

      "Hey STEPHEN...

      Here are the solutions you claim to want so bad to the Health Care Problem....

      1. Tort Reform

      2. Single Payer.

      3. 1% Tax on all Wall St Derivatives...

      However those things CANNOT be accomplished in the current Two Party System paradigm...

      Too many crooks...

      viable third parties have to arise out of the rubble when both of these crooked parties crash the country..."

    50. wingnut troll5:22 PM

      field negro said...

      Lots of criticism from wingnut trolls, but no attempt to answer my question by giving us the wingnut alternative to Obamacare.

      It's kind of what I expected.

      You want your readership to come up with a solution that the 'best and brightest' assembled by President Genius have fucked up beyond all control?

      OK. How about allowing customers to buy whatever level of coverage they want at the price they are willing to pay. The government should mandate coverage definitions so that people can easily determine what they are getting for their money and to allow comparison between competing offerings.

      Customers should be allowed to buy insurance across state lines.

      For people below the poverty line or for those for pre-existing conditions, a government pool with basic coverage should be established, funded in part by taxes on health insurers and healthcare providers.

      Routine medical costs should be shifted to the consumers, with insurance kicking in only for significant costs. These routine costs could be funded in a tax deductible manner, such as with Health Savings accounts.

      Doctors and hospitals should be required to post their charges in advance, thus facilitating people's ability to factors costs into their decisions.

      All of these programs should be designed and administered on a state level, allowing for 50 different laboratories of innovation to find the best solutions for the people of that state, lessons that can then be adopted by other states as they see fit. Determining a one-size-fits-all solution for 300 million people is (obviously) an impossible task.

      How's that?

    51. Anonymous said...
      does anybody know what DQAE stands for? Who the hell is this?

      Why don't you get a username ASSnon and don't worry about Dr. Queen's Alter Ego, DQAE!!!

    52. Anonymous said...
      Disgusting Queef Assleak Enema
      or someone who has been bullshitting about become a Doctor for 5 years now.

      Still obsessed with asses I see? You know it's just a matter of time before the authorities figure out it's the asses of children that you REALLY like.

      And let's get the record straight, I decided when I was ~ 5 years old that I wanted to be a Doctor. I'm just blessed to be right on track and right on time in my 40's!!!



    53. "THIS could explain the complete departure from reality one self professed purple cow man demonstrates in his heavy reliance on statistics...the language of liars. "

      Focussed Porpoise you are a comedy genius - you just don't know it.

      "for the record...had i not mentioned that bm were having their dna taken as a part of uk stop n frisk racial profiling...a certain male purple cow, would STILL be pretending that the uk = dysfunction free utopia + is very different for blacks than america. mum was the word on the topic from the uk poster prior to my memo. despite FN posting quite a few stories that would have been a great time to introduce the information."

      I can;t make up my mind if you are a liar, or just totally insane. The examples of my pointing out the iniquities of life in the UK on this very website are manyfold. And of course one of my blogs deals with nothing else, but in the porpoise's twisted logic, they don;t exist.

      "as it relates to the london olympics...only total deadheads would see nothing wrong with the giant baby with the obvious head wound, among other horrors. when the camera panned over to the red head Harry fella- even he had the good sense to look alarmed. demonic rituals all out in the open for deadheads= entertainment."

      O.K. I take it back. Focussed Porpoise is not a liar, she is totally fucking batshit crazy, barking at the moon fucking nutzo. Paranoid schizophrenia if I had to guess.

      Two last things Porpoise Girl

      1. Is your god omnipotent?

      2. Is your god omnipresent?


      Where's my alleged new U.K. blud? Taking your time, innit bruv?

      Have you not found the answers to my questions on Google yet?

    54. "All of these programs should be designed and administered on a state level, allowing for 50 different laboratories of innovation to find the best solutions for the people of that state, lessons that can then be adopted by other states as they see fit. Determining a one-size-fits-all solution for 300 million people is (obviously) an impossible task.

      How's that?"

      Is that the republican plan?

    55. wingnut troll7:23 PM

      That's the wingnut plan, man.

      That's what you asked for.

    56. Purple Cow man? despite cows being female-

      when i told you that i scroll past the bulk of your comments, i was not joking. you have been consistently waaaaaay out in left field...that it seems best that way. whenever i check back in on you, aside from the "civil rights" movement aka human rights comment- you demonstrate this is wise.

      some folks don't consistently contribute much outside of name calling + playing.

      you may want to consider that you come across like a major kool aid quaffer who thinks the uk is somehow different than america. otherwise, rather than suggesting FN would move yourself...since you think this globalism is not

      remember this is one of the first things said when i took time to address you?

      you want me to debate Almighty's presence with you?


      that won't happen Cow. here's why:

      2 Timothy 2:23-26

      23 But foolish and unlearned questions avoid, knowing that they do gender strife.

      24 And the servant of the Sovereign must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient,

      25 In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if Almighty peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;

      26 And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.


      there is more UNIVERSAL LAW that speaks to seeking Him.

      you don't appear to come in that seeking Him spirit. my name/how i call myself is too much even for you to grasp- much less Understanding. entertaining further your giggly Cow foolishness would constitute a it is written.

      get reckless messy...and i will get you together with Scripture, a smile and with Love; understanding that a man referring to himself as a Purple Cow while mocking Almighty, can be expected to do and say most anything.

      ps. science + stats were once used to "proof" the "inferiority" of the original man and woman.

      since you like to may want to pick up an illuminati card game. you might stumble upon a few clues. game came out in '95. predicted oil spills, fall of twin towers, etc. big ben is even featured.

      if you believe that secret society disappeared long ago...that will be fine as well.


      Proverbs 24: 7- Wisdom is too high for a fool...


      folks would do well to learn that they are within their right to comment on whatever is posted here. there is no right to get disrespectful foolish, expecting kumbaYah in return. those that think that's what it is...don't know Him nor the Word and do err, indeed.

      Cow, i take my time speaking in general these days...only He is priority+ quite a few folks are not thinking nor talking about anything of substance.

      playing with you before your bedtime is really not priority for me, in all Truth.

      you probably should have spent some time thinking and googling before your supposed grown man, married with a child self decided to refer to yourself as a Purple Cow.

      now go chew cud like a good Cow.

      thank you.

      forgive any typos.

    57. folks bickering when there is NO plan to fix the system.

      breaking it is essential to establishing the new one.

      these devils excel in creating problems that they might offer fantastic more destructive solutions.

      time to wake up and peep the game. or at least acknowledge the best educated and brightest in the land + world can't stop playing long enough to figure anything out. that's the compromised politicians, law makers, scientists, teachers, etc plus the masses.

      what is the point of "education" if it does not enlighten?

      creates helplessness where Almighty created none?

      maybe it will take more for folks to acknowledge that by all clear evidence...the governments around the world, for the most part, do not really like the bulk of their citizens?

      this comment from another site caused me to take a closer look at BO. been praying for him and his family the whole time i been calling his lying behind out:

      "...First, let me say I am not an Obama supporter, nor am I a Democrat or Republican, nor do I have any political agenda, just in an honest search for truth.

      OK, having said that, I do not agree with Obama on everything he is doing but how is this consistent with your thesis that he is the bad guy:

      1. He was forced into a position of threatening to attack Syria, but privately made a deal with Putin to prevent the war.

      2. He, despite infuriating Nuttyyahoo, is trying to make a peace deal with Iran.

      3. The Israeli’s seem to be very disturbed by Obama and his siding with Iran, Russia axis versus the Israeli/Saudi axis.

      4. I don’t agree with Obamacare and how it is working, but I do agree that if we can provide the biggest killing apparatus the world has ever known, isn’t it the Christian thing to figure out a way to have health care for all?

      5. So we impeach Obama, who replaces him? VERY likely a neo-con warmonger and you can say hello to WW3.

      Is it not possible that Obama is a double-agent of sorts, saying all the things to his handlers they want to hear, doing some of the things they want to do, while having a “big picture” agenda to take down the cabal?

      The media has turned on him, a sure sign he isn’t making the “handlers” happy. You do realize nobody can take down the “cabal” with a frontal attack, why can’t we entertain the idea that he is working behind the scenes with Putin to actually change the world? Lose a few battles but win the war so to speak.

      Trust me, if he was truly doing the bidding of the “handlers” we would have been in a war in Syria by now, the media would be lapdog, not attacking him from every angle.

      I realize this may be completely wrong, and he is part of an ever more devious scheme playing good cop/bad cop etc., but it must be at least pondered, considering he has helped prevent a war on Syria and Iran in the last 2 years alone. There is no doubt McCain or Romney would have gotten those wars underway!

      Lastly, Obama has suggested and likely still has the idea in his back pocket of printing up a trillion dollar Platinum coin. Do you realize how incredible this idea is? Pay the Fed banksters with a small lump of Platinum?

      He has the power to print up 6 of them, pay of the banksters and close them down! How is this not a sign that he is not in bed with them?"


      especially the last two paragraphs. i will go in search of more info...

      libya was onto a similar idea.

      BO could very well be the next jfk/lincoln after all.

      the last two paragraphs is the quickest route to a freedom train toss.

    58. Anonymous9:01 PM

      Peace I leave with you.My peace I give unto you. Not as the world giveth give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled,neither let it be afraid. John 14:27


    59. ____________________

      Cow man person...

      who knew you blogged outside of your uk utopia spiels over here at FN?

      i did not.

      just because one does not understand the occult (hidden) does not mean it is not there nor real.

      those in the know see a whole lot of signs, symbols, and messages being conveyed with speaking.

      those that believe they are animals...tend only to see what is at the very surface level.

      this guy like you doesn't do the Word. he does the occult/hidden. i have asked him before if he realizes his posts are programming. or might be triggering for those already programmed. no response.

      i post the link here so that you might get familiar.

      the fact that you think yourself smart and sane...makes the "crazy" label more of a compliment;) that's not snark...just what IS. i promise i don't care about deadheads' opinions nor waste release holes. lol. that's as lady like as i could think to say it. you would need to lie to call me a liar. it would be best to just agree to disagree.

      ancient mystery religions...get familiar understanding that history is cyclical. this link is still rather on the surface. those with greater understanding have broken it down more. i don't particularly want to be the vessel to reveal the hidden.

      i would rather edify Him, as i AM called to do. nevertheless...for you:

      ps. everybody talking about "conspiracy" might understand from a worldly place a bit more than you do...i shared the Law earlier so i AM not concerned with the defeated crafty counsel in the least...waking folks up is my focused purpose;)

    60. Anonymous9:13 PM

      Dear Bluv Purple Cow, that American woman called Focussed Purpose whipped your ass good today. As a matter of fact, she 'consistently' whips your purple ass. Do something Cow, or get off the blog. You are shaming us here in the Queen's country. Do us Brits a favor: take a hike!

    61. correction: those in the know see a whole lot of signs, symbols, and messages being conveyed withOUT speaking.

    62. Anonymous9:43 PM

      FP, "what is the point of "education" if it does not enlighten?

      creates helplessness where Almighty created none?

      maybe it will take more for folks to acknowledge that by all clear evidence...the governments around the world, for the most part, do not really like the bulk of their citizens?"

      FP, you are coming in clear as a bell today. Thanks for the insight and wisdom and most of all, for posting here. Some of us appreciate a voice of truth.

    63. Anonymous9:49 PM

      "BO could very well be the next jfk/lincoln after all."

      Funny you should mention that. I have been thinking the same. I shutter to think of the ramifications of that happening. I am on edge about his trip to Africa....not sure if the security will be tight enough. I am praying it won't happen.

    64. BARBBF9:25 AM

      There are several Republican alternative proposals.

      Republicans’ Common Sense Reforms


      I don't know how much of this Republican proposal is true...but the above proposal is a lot shorter than the 2000 page ObamaCare bill.

      What I have found that our nanny who has an income in the low 30K..will get NO subsidies...the lowest cost plan for her would be around $271 a month with high deductibles. She is in her 20s. Several of her friends have had their existing policies cancelled.

      Now the report this morning on the news is that a number of the high end medicines will not be covered under ObamaCare. The full price of these items will have to be paid out-of-pocket.

      Nancy P. said you have to pass the bill to read it. Too bad the Democrats took her advice.

    65. I don't comment here any more because I found that my sense of racial polarization was growing rather than diminishing, and that much of the discussions were by rote.

      But I do look in from time to time, and was curious to see how Field treated Obamacare. This is something I could write a lot about, but I will keep it brief.

      Back in 2009, I started a blog. I abandoned it after about a year because it wasn't attracting comments. I don't know anything about blog promoting, and besides, I couldn't sell heaters to Eskimos.

      Anyway, the very first posting on that blog was about what's now called Obamacare. I made one other post later on. I hoped I would be wrong, but it Obamacare turned out to be even worse than I had feared.

      The Republicans won't repeal Obamacare. Why should they? It's their plan. It's a neutron bomb aimed at the middle class. For someone commonly billed as super-smart, Obama sure made a dumb move on the Affordable Care Act.

      And at least for the time being, I won't mention his lies about it, other than to say that he told some real whoppers. Talk about irony. Next year, the Democrats are going to get wiped out in the mid-term elections because -- get this -- the public will come to know and hate the wingnut health care plan that they and Obama enacted.


      p.s. Maybe I'm wrong about what's coming in the 2014 midterm elections, but I've predicted it before. Note the date of the post.
