Monday, December 09, 2013

They can't even eat cake.

Rand Paul and the GOP's answer to people suffering through joblessness and struggling with their bills is to cut off the last life line that they have from their government.

In the world of Rand and his ilk, cutting off the unemployment benefits to millions of Americans is the only way to help them find work. I know, I know, the logic escapes me, too. Crazy talk. But hey, we are talking wingnuts here.

"Sen. Rand Paul thinks the long-term unemployed have had too much cake. That what they really need is a swift kick in the you-know-what. And, in his compassion, he wants to give it to them.

It's about the incentives, Paul said yesterday on Fox News. If you pay people not to work, they won't. And if you want them to work, you should stop paying them not to. So extended unemployment benefits "do a disservice to workers, causing them to become part of this perpetually unemployed group." (Emphasis added). In other words, we just have to stop coddling the jobless, and they'll find jobs ... even though there are three of them for every opening." [Source]

This "let them eat cake" philosophy when it comes to governing might seem like a winner for some in the GOP and their friends, but this is not a time in our country's history to play Marie Antoinette. The wealth gap is widening, and pretty soon the natives will be getting restless. Being jobless poor and hungry and can have a crazy effect on seemingly "normal" people.

The Pope understands it, and he has taken it upon himself to talk about it.

But the Pope isn't running for any political office, and he doesn't influence people voting in red states.

Now, like the Socialist in charge, he is considered a pariah by those on the right.
In their minds the Pope has one major flaw: he cares about poor people.

"Like Obama, Francis is unable to see the problems that are really endangering his people. Like Obama he mistakes the faithful for the enemy, the enemy for his friend, condescension for respect, socialism for justice and capitalism for tyranny. [, 12/5/13]"

When the people finally wake up, I believe that Pope Francis and Obama will keep their heads.




  1. rand paul is named with an ayn rand nod for a reason.

    the end.

    the roman catholic church is loaded. if there were fewer poor people/children...the church would not be able to molest with impunity and pay off when caught.

    until the pope addresses THAT...he can go grab a seat as far as i AM concerned. he has much to say about everything BUT that...

    smacks of a political finger pointing game to me. i'll pass.

    didn't BO say he would work on job creation? guess one can't point at the repugnants and acknowledge less than successful potus, huh? against the rules?

  2. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Hahaha! I was just eating a piece of cake when I opened this site! :D

    Well, I know that from my experience and those of the people I know,when I lost my job after the 911 tragedy, when the economy began to spiral downward fast.

    Myself and others found ourselves on the unemployment lines, and I'll tell you, we were out job hunting every single day. To no avail of course, but anybody tells me that unemployment is enough with a family to support, and that people don't want to look for work, I would tell them to go ask the very employees at the unemployment offices. They will bear witness to the relentless efforts of the applicants to get work.

    So of course these people can talk. Talk is cheap. But how much money do these politicians make a month?

  3. So, Killerman's slapper is retracting her statement against him because she "wants to be with George." In my experience, this happens in over 1/2 of DV prosecutions. That's why most jurisdictions they don't leave charging decisions up to DV victims.

  4. Anonymous9:46 PM

    Field. When u and your leftist crowd start supporting deportation of all the illegals here taking jobs and government resources from American citizens and the imposition of an immigration moratorium then you might start making sense.

  5. Negro b.s. detector9:54 PM

    don't expect fields to update his zimmerman fetish now that the truth is coming out.

    George Zimmerman’s Girlfriend Now Claims He ‘Never Pointed a Gun’ at Her

  6. Negro b.s. detector10:01 PM

    what is the alternative? tell us field. what is dear leader's plan for ending poverty and closing the wealth gap? (both of which has gotten worse since 2009)

    take all the time you need..

  7. Anonymous10:02 PM

    I knew it all along. They tried to frame George. You see, the facts always win.

    Some of you FN Negroes need to STFU about GZ.

  8. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Blogger Desertflower said...
    Hahaha! I was just eating a piece of cake when I opened this site! :D

    Desert, you need to stop eating cake, it's not good for your diabetes. In addition, you ought to be doing your part by giving away cake to the needy. For pete's sake, it's the holidays and you are talking about stuffing your fat face with cake. That's disgusting. Your BWI must be out of sight!

  9. "The wealth gap is widening, and pretty soon the natives will be getting restless."

    Field dutifully pivots right to the latest Obama distraction, income inequality. Here's Mickey Kaus today on the subject:

    You have to admire President Obama for choosing to give a speech declaring that the fight against “growing inequality”–specifically economic inequality–is “the defining challenge of our time” and the “focus” of “all our efforts”–given that:

    a. Five years into his presidency he so far hasn’t done anything to stop growing income inequality–the problem has gotten worse on his watch.

    b. He doesn’t have any proposals (“It’s time to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act”) that come close to solving the problem as he defines it.

    c. His one big previous initiative to reduce inequality–the Affordable Care Act–may now be hopelessly screwed up due to his own inattention and non-competence.

    d. His remaining big domestic initiative–”comprehensive” immigration reform–would almost certainly make inequality worse by vastly increasing the number of unskilled workers bidding down wages at the bottom of the income scale, with the profits from the cheap labor going to business owners at the top.

    Kaus observes that income inequality is the perfect Holy Grail for a long-running melodramatic serial: Because it's a goal that can never actually be attained.

  10. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Desert, you need to stop eating cake, it's not good for your diabetes. In addition, you ought to be doing your part by giving away cake to the needy. For pete's sake, it's the holidays and you are talking about stuffing your fat face with cake. That's disgusting. Your BWI must be out of sight!
    10:05 PM
    Hahaha! You mean my BMI? and BTW I choked on it too lol! My BMI is perfect. It's perfect cos I don't pay any attention to it! Hehehehe

    But hey, I give away cake and cookies all the time. It's my contribution to society. :p

    Diabetes? I don't have Diabetes!!!Thank God, It's 'bout the only thing I DON'T have :D

    1. NO WAY Desert, we're ONLY going to speak health and healing in THIS blog.

      And let the church say AMEN!!!

    2. Anonymous9:32 AM

      You know it Dr.:) AMEN!

  11. Seymour Hersh: Obama distorted Syria sarin intel

    Obama caught in yet another lie:

    ... A former senior intelligence official told me that the Obama administration had altered the available information – in terms of its timing and sequence – to enable the president and his advisers to make intelligence retrieved days after the attack look as if it had been picked up and analysed in real time, as the attack was happening...

    ...The same official said there was immense frustration inside the military and intelligence bureaucracy: ‘The guys are throwing their hands in the air and saying, “How can we help this guy” – Obama – “when he and his cronies in the White House make up the intelligence as they go along?”’...

    Obama lied, many more would have died had Putin not bitchslapped Obama right out of the Middle East.

    Question: Why do we Americans once again have to learn of our President's malfeasance in the foreign press? It's almost like the media has been covering for the democrats....

  12. focusedpurpose said...
    rand paul is named with an ayn rand nod for a reason.

    It is easy to ridicule Ayn Rand, but there is a grain of truth in the famous “hymn to money” from her novel Atlas Shrugged:

    “Until and unless you discover that money is the root of all good, you ask for your own destruction. When money ceases to become the means by which men deal with one another, then men become the tools of other men. Blood, whips and guns or dollars. Take your choice – there is no other.”

  13. Anonymous10:35 PM

    Dear Mr Field, I am writing this formal comment because I want to make you aware of the "FACTOR TIP OF THE DAY" on the O'Reilly show. His daily tip of the day have proven to be quite helpful, esp for Blacks. Hence, I am requesting that you post O'Reilly's Tip of the Day in your sidebar. It not only will help us Negroes, but it give your blog credibility and probably "double" the hits on FN...maybe even triple the hits!

  14. NSangoma10:39 PM


    Aw LAWD nah!!

    2 Thessalonians 3:10 ASV
    American Standard Version
    For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, If any will not work, neither let him eat.

    2 Thessalonians 3:10 BBE
    Bible in Basic English
    For even when we were with you we gave you orders, saying, If any man does no work, let him not have food.

    2 Thessalonians 3:10 CEB
    Common English Bible
    Even when we were with you we were giving you this command: "If anyone doesn't want to work, they shouldn't eat."

    2 Thessalonians 3:10 CJB
    Complete Jewish Bible
    For even when we were with you, we gave you this command: if someone won't work, he shouldn't eat!

    2 Thessalonians 3:10 RHE
    For also, when we were with you, this we declared to you: that, if any man will not work, neither let him eat.



  15. Anonymous10:45 PM

    NSangoma, you can't take the Bible 'literally'. You should stick to comic books and porn magazines.

  16. Anonymous10:46 PM

    Anonymous NSangoma said...
    Aw LAWD nah!!
    For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, If any will not work, neither let him eat.

    2 Thessalonians 3:10 BBE
    Bible in Basic English
    For even when we were with you we gave you orders, saying, If any man does no work, let him not have food.
    10:39 PM
    That's assuming that there is work to be had! If there is NO work, and the people have no land to farm then what???

  17. "Question: Why do we Americans once again have to learn of our President's malfeasance in the foreign press? It's almost like the media has been covering for the democrats...."


    somebody ticked somebody that owns the media off...

    all signs indicate.

    however, while the u.s. of satan gov't might be killing folks in syria, stealing , and some more wickedness off the record.

    full blown war has not been declared.

    this might account for the hear ye! hear ye! moment the media is giving BO round about now. it's like a look at this man lie re-mix folks are seeing;(

    BO is up to no all one can do is pray for Almighty to reach out and touch him. then see how it all plays out. it's all Good either way. it just might need to get real yucky first.

    the government lies to hide government ties in all types of domestic + foreign malfeasance.

    what did the "crazy" person talking about one world government, while making it happen say:

    "the illegal we do immediately, the unconstitutional takes a little longer." - Henry Kissinger

    he has been there throughout, without regard for political party for a reason. BO's brain as well as the Zbigniew (sp) fella...

  18. Anonymous10:58 PM

    "If a man hath a stubborn and rebellious son,bring him unto the elders of his city. and all the men of his city shall stone him with stones,that he die. So shall thy put evil(FP)away from among you."
    Deuteronomy 21:18-21

  19. praise the lord pass the ammo11:08 PM

    focusedpurpose is burning down massa's house tonight!!!!!

    whatever happen to alicia banks?

  20. Anonymous11:12 PM

    Where is Mr Field? Anon @ 10:35PM needs a prompt reply. O'Reilly needs to know before he goes on the air tomorrow.

    Please, Brother Field, here's your chance. Support from the right will come pouring in...all you have to say is "yes". You won't regret it, Trust Me,my brother.

  21. Anonymous11:20 PM

    "whatever happen to alicia banks?"

    11:08 PM
    she took a little vacation.

  22. Eat cake?

    Who can afford cake?

    The U.S. government ended up losing $10.5 billion on the General Motors bailout, but it says the alternative would have been far worse.

    How much cake would 10.5 Billion Dollars buy?

    What would happen to income inequality if the government didn't lose 10.5 Billion dollars of taxpayer money.

  23. @ Son of Anak-

    “Until and unless you discover that money is the root of all good, you ask for your own destruction. When money ceases to become the means by which men deal with one another, then men become the tools of other men. Blood, whips and guns or dollars. Take your choice – there is no other.”


    it is written the love of money is the root of all evil.

    folks might want to full stop there.

    or not.

    free will.

    consider if you will that the folks that control the money are hell bent, literally- straight synagogue of satan with it- on world domination no matter what. this is not all that call themselves JeWish. just as the average Christian, Catholic, etc has no clue, neither do most folks that call themselves Jews.

    his people perish for lack of knowledge as it is written.

    these devils have so much $ they can make literally + no problem taking other folks stuff.

    it is their religion to cheat goyim. these folks own all the $ and all the folks on a mad chase to get some. governments world wide. if they had to send in folks to uninstall uncooperative operatives, so be it. war is what they do. so frantic is the hustle...acknowledging Him gets optional.

    earth is indeed the land of the serpent for a time.

    which is a great segway into the protocols of the learned elders of zion. an "anti semite" piece of work is how it is labelled. i promise to try to care about the "anti semite" memo, as soon as someone explains to me what a semite is...and how these people claim Chosen status. Scriptures speaks of Shemites.

    i will read and see if what is written can be applied to what i see.

    add to this right here:


    "2 Thessalonians 3:10 BBE
    Bible in Basic English
    For even when we were with you we gave you orders, saying, If any man does no work, let him not have food.
    10:39 PM
    That's assuming that there is work to be had! If there is NO work, and the people have no land to farm then what???"


    ...a crafty wise plan to manipulate the circumstances where societal breakdown + chaos is deliberately induced by creating the joblessness and over load on other non stop change for the sake of change...quite bad when folks take inventory change.

    swallowing a nation through immigration. this does not mean physical bodies either. take jobs elsewhere to increase profits for corporations is swallowing a nation by immigration as well. it doesn't mean folks should be mad dogging immigrants. most are running her, and other places seeking refuge from a homeland that is being pillaged as well.

    evil devilish global terror in full effect folks. so applying the above Scripture while overlooking all the many consistent broken Laws= conveniently devilish. folks might want to get familiar with the Laws that govern the mistreatment of the poor.

    apply that no work no eat Law to the folks that are making sure government will not work for the people-despite it being their job. they are deliberately inverting it to where the people serve the government. consume + obey. bread + circus. consume + obey. they love corporate welfare, too.

    i don't know why folks can't feel the squeeze + call it what it is. ..but then these are evil times...

    people are starting to wake up. these devils seek to enslave mankind. they are NOT comeback kids like 'ole abe finkelstein would have folk believe.

    this man said more than a mouthful:

    i don't agree with all he says. there is enough Truth to link to...

    forgive any typos.

  24. Who woulda thunk it...

    In the court filing, she wrote that Zimmerman "never pointed a gun at or toward my face in a threatening manner." She added that she wants to get back together with him, according to ABC.

    She placed some blame on police for her previous version of the domestic dispute.

    "When I was being questioned by police I felt very intimidated,"

    Because of his agenda, FN will take the cop's word on what happened before the police got there.

  25. Anonymous12:35 AM

    Bill, I am so glad that you are on this blog because we need soField, being a lawyer would finally acknowledge that GZ is "innocent" and people have been trying to frame him from day #1 when George defended himself against the overwhelming power of TM. That night had to be pure terror for George.

    Now his wife admits the truth that she tried to frame her own husband. Think about that...her own husband!

    This goes to show that there are crooked people everywhere, even the ones who love you. What is a helpless man to do?

    I am not sure whether God or Satan is looking out for GZ. Each time GZ is proven innocent.

  26. Anonymous12:36 AM

    Dr Nuwang, you and Desert are full of shit.

  27. LOL @ Anon 10:58 PM!

    since you taking stuff literally, despite it being common knowledge the Scriptures has been perverted, chopped, masoned by a commissioned panel of 40+ freemasons, etc....

    you spit Scripture like someone trying to break a code. lol! fence climbing won't allow you His Discerning Spirit nor Wisdom. folks gotta BOW DOWN to Him to get some;)like folks bow down to the mighty dollar/those holding the purse strings to get some...

    i would consider the thou shalt not kill Law. forgiveness Law. he without sin, cast the first stone Law. Love Almighty, Love one another being the sum of the Law Messiah indicated. then come again. studying to show yourself approved is very important. knowing your audience is key when speaking.

    i AM a woman. so literally...this would not apply to me;) or does your head immediately get right now? like the literal everything just poof! gone out the mentals? lol. rhetorical question, my friend. can't really allocate much more time to convo.

    that man that took his son out and shot him for molesting daughter/sister is sitting in jail, if not released by now, for a reason. murder is forbidden + doesn't frighten me;) so get your little pebbles/darts and get to work. lol. i AM armored + prayed up;)

    growing up is a fruit of the Blessed. hence the what won't kill ya... common knowledge nugget.

    when folks speak of persecution...this is what they mean for those that are confused.

    what have i said that would make someone want to kill me?

    we should not lie. the greatest lie is the lie of omission. so i AM simply answering His call to speak His Word. speak the Truth and let the chips fall where they may. i won't bow down to fear, persecution, lies, attacks, labels, silencing tactics, etc. more americans need to get some of that stat. He is not a respecter of persons. turn your heart to Him. or not. don't hate me because i AM all in, to the best of my abilities. i pray to become better daily. no arrested development for me. though it is on the menu all day for all people.

    why would someone be so threatened by the presence of my thoughts + obedience to Him?

    ;) Yahweh's up if you think you got it like that. in 1 out 7, as written. anyone that didn't make me trying to break me is on a fool's errand indeed. + it is written that staying close to Him = safety. yep. so bring it.

  28. did folks not read to the part in Scriptures that indicates Messiah paid for our sins already? once He forgives keep it moving? guilt and accusations is what defeated devils hurl nonstop. i promise i don't care + urge others to avoid such devilish trickbags and be free as well.

    we just need to repent+ knock it off and keep His it is written. all have sinned. anyone claiming otherwise = it is written.

    the devil has his compromised folks on around the clock shifts, complete with designer meds- to do his bidding. if THAT is not bowing down...i don't know what is. slaving to sin is in no way liberating nor sexy.

    add a debt system...which is what the $ system is by design=nonstop slavery. it is just more pronounced these days. yet folks are still focused on dumb stuff. fighting. saying dumb stuff to each other. mocking Almighty's Word...despite it saying He won't be mocked.


    where ever AB is, i pray she is well. i love her and miss her voice. i needed one of her links that would have just appeared had she not peaced out;) her comments in retrospect offset the nonstop play time silly vibe. less cussing/fussing= all Good. we all have to do us though.

    it is my sincere prayer that we may agree to disagree + treat each with mutual respect and consideration as loc'd lionesses should in the future. either way...i pray for her and her whole house, all sides, only blessings.

    silence is killing folk. this is why it is never golden...

    "All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent."

    -Thomas Jefferson

    tj= hypocrite child molestor by all accounts. right about what he said above nevertheless.

    ps. it is funny that these dead white folk REALLY thought they would be able to thwart Almighty's Law + the country not be destroyed. i can't cry too many rivers for america, england, is.ra.el etc right now. bloody bloody bloody bloody fruits...

    random thought re: the video posted before. i would be interested to know what the activist's tattoo says/represents. body art/self branding is quite interesting + telling to me. not to judge, but to better understand where this person was/is.

    gotta come back and correct a typos before i go for evening...

  29. "add to DF's comment... the fact that there is a crafty wise plan to manipulate the circumstances where societal breakdown + chaos is deliberately induced. one way to do this, and folks need to believe they have ALL angles covered, by creating the joblessness. add over load on other non stop change for the sake of change...=quite bad. when folks take yes we can/yes satan in reverse "change" inventory - it is all bad.

    a nation may be dismantled through immigration. this does not mean physical bodies alone either. take jobs elsewhere to increase profits for corporations is swallowing a nation by immigration as well.

    it doesn't mean folks should be mad dogging immigrants. most are running here, and other places world wide seeking refuge from a homeland that is being pillaged as well.

    bringing his fiYah will shut down most things. i pray more tap into Him and His Power.

    Dr. Q- i can give an amein to speaking life rather than death.

    that is in keeping with His Law;)

  30. focusedpurpose said...
    the devil has his compromised folks on around the clock shifts, complete with designer meds- to do his bidding. if THAT is not bowing down...i don't know what is. slaving to sin is in no way liberating nor sexy.

    It's the devil that makes you touch yourself.

  31. Anonymous1:11 AM

    There she (FP) lusted after her lovers whose genitals where like those of a donkey, and whose emissions were like those of a horse.
    Ezekiel 23

  32. "Dear Bluv Purple Cow..."

    The words are BLUD or BRUV not "bluv" - jesus you people are stupid.


    " Do us Brits a favor: take a hike!"

    Two things wrong with this one.

    1. Nobody refers to themselves as 'Brits' - I'm English for instance. Britain is a state but not a nation.

    2. 'Take a hike' is an Americanism - no blud would use it here.

    You guys are really not very good at this are you?

  33. How much does it suck for the democrats that the studies they pay for to prove republicans are racist fails.

    But for the first time for me, it felt like we were creating a safe space where
    Republican voters could express feelings freely and they did.

    We expected that in this comfortable setting or in their private written notes, some would
    make a racial reference or racist slur when talking about the African American President.
    None did.

    Let me repeat what the democrat group found...

    none did

    I wonder if there are more:
    [ ] Internet links to the knockout game
    [ ] internet links to racist tea party signs.

    Imagine if there are more newspaper articles on the mythical knockout game than links to racist tea party signs.

  34. the gates from the underworld opened and the depraved, deviant, lust imps clearly came flying out to post on FN's thread a couple of times.


    defeated devils may want to become more creative. seeking to degrade Almighty's mighty ones in that manner is not new. nor does it work over here with me.

    whatever Almighty loves. the defeated devil hates. then seeks to invert/pervert.

    those people Almighty loves- the world hates, all around the world.

    those people Almighty hates, Esau- the world loves and actually think they are 'superior', all around the world.

    well americans are pretty hated. but since folks can still tell the canadian lie and fare get the point. white is right is accepted around the world.

    what devils don't get is they reveal the deviants they are by their behavior. for those of US that already know the devil is abominably perverted + defeated...there is no heat to the dart, even. just bounced off my armor, dropped with a thud to floor. low level imps are rather insulting.


    you mean that nice white lady lied on 'ole blank stare gz?

    her lie doesn't change the fact that he stalked, hunted, and murdered someone.

    which i am sure he now regrets. if for no other reason than for what it now means for his life.

    he has a wife that doesn't like him. a baby mama that lies on him to get him locked up. folks in touch with their humanity can only look at him with side eye while trying not to judge him. his "friends" are folks that think murdering other folk = cool.


    i don't need to hate gz. he has enough bad energy coming his way. i pray he turns to Almighty, repents...and stops stalking/murdering unarmed young bm and creating baby mamas.



    as it relates to unemployment...folks might want to get familiar with The Trans-Pacific Partnership, TPP.

    think unemployment is bad now?

    wait until this secretly negotiated (BO's "transparency" at work) gem gets fast tracked...if it has not already.

    sleeping folk are giggling about one world government like it is a joke. these devils however are NOT playing.

    once one gets familiar with the protocols...


    at some point, one will have no choice but to look around and see this "hoax" is unfolding. kind of like the willie lynch letter so called hoax.

    a quick look at table of contents alone grabs my attention. particularly:

    economic wars
    methods of conquest
    materialism replace religion
    world wide wars
    provisional gov't
    control the press
    assault on religion
    ruthless suppression
    abuse of authority

    and much more...


    observation: the way folks rep for J-sus, no wonder the devils stay bold.

    devils are arguing to put up satan statues near government buildings...while His people allow folks to use what they think is His Name, as a curse word unchecked. guess they don't believe that they have the Power to cast out devils, as it is written.

    when folks start throwing around Messiah's Name in Hebrew...i will know they are seeking to offend me. the baal'd out perversion of His Name...folks are not trying to get at my last nerve;)

    those that profess to know and follow Him...i pray more will get righteously Bold + Stand Up.

    silence won't save a soul. all these options folks got right now-atheist, agnostic, et al...

    those illusions are scheduled for a shut it is written. folks 'bout to worship Almighty OR the beast. as it is written. everybody not worshiping/ walking with Almighty is already worshiping the beast...they just don't know it yet because of all the other labels folks get to use for now.

    bow down or don't eat. this is scheduled for the rich and poor, as it is written. anti hoarding laws are already on the books. devils are working hard to bring this defeated kingdom to earth. the brains behind it all is NOT BO. which is why political games are distracting, divisive, and just plain this point in the game.

  36. Here you go FN, chase this.

    I hope for FN's sake this doesn't turn out to be another one of those fake hate crimes.

    Black fashion student says Hasidic men attacked him, shouted anti-gay slurs in Williamsburg

    My guess is this will be just like the gay waitress and the tip.

    Crying wolf only works on those that want to believe.

  37. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Bill said...
    Eat cake?

    Who can afford cake?

    The U.S. government ended up losing $10.5 billion on the General Motors bailout, but it says the alternative would have been far worse.

    $10.5 billion dollars stolen from American tax payers and used to payoff Obama's base. 10.5 billion dollars to the corrupt UAW leadership.

    I will never again buy a vehicle from GM. Never.

    Yesterday, the Obama Justice department announced a $13 billion dollar settlement with JP Morgan Chase for their role in the 2008 mortgage meltdown. $4 billion of that is going to be handed to NeighborWorks of America, an ACORN spinoff group and Obama ally, for community activism activities.

    The rot is so deep with this administration that it strains credulity. The only recourse is impeachment or revolution.

  38. ...political games are distracting, divisive, and just plain this point in the game.

    and then confessed political game player, distract + divide the people, Bill said:

    "Here you go FN, chase this."


    face palm + LOL! pure comedy;)


    when folks speak of Mandela, may he rest in peace; is.ra.el cannot be overlooked.

    to do so means:

    "all tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent."

    folks may be fearful of a label and keep silent if they want to...without even having enough info to know to ask, what is a semite, please?

    before anyone calls me that label. i need to know what it means.

    made up labels are not real just because they have been repeated over and over and over again. papa bush told folks;) i heard him when he said it and laughed. these folks have to repeat themselves (lies) over and over again, to the end, in their line of work.

    if you don't like makow. please know makow did not write it;) who cares about the messengers? folks with impressive credentials tend to be pyscho/sociopaths by clinical definition, if one would just look. they are M. Scott Peck's, People of the Lie indeed. so look at the information. then go in search of more. praying without instructed. for me and my house- it is going to line up with Scriptures or i AM bound to reject it for being outside of the Law.

    what is happening in is.ra.el is SA all over again. whining SA white land occupiers resonate as oppressing/occupying israelis expecting palestinians to just let them take all their stuff and cooperate with their oppression. ??? why do white folks expect this of others? they were asked to leave. white folks love to tell other folks to go home, but refuse to take their own advice. go fight with each other instead of trying to steal, lie and murder everybody else for their stuff. dang. or better how hard is that, really? lol.

    those thoughts do not mean i hate all white folk. i don't hate anybody. i just reserve the right to call things what they are. these folks cutting up on Set Apart lands...are gentile white folk pretending to be Hebrews of Scriptures.

    here's what is bananas. these devils REALLY don't like the white folk the world recognizes as white folk. so when these other world recognized white folk are screaming about white genocide...they are not joking nor hallucinating.

    do people REALLY think it is a coinky dink that u.s. police forces are being trained by is.ra.el?


    it's not illegal...yet.

    and it's written those flowing with Him, win?

    come on now. the devil is a liar, all day!

    blessings all...

  39. "... an ACORN spinoff group..."

    Oh good grief...

  40. ....when folks speak of Mandela, may he rest in peace; is.ra.el cannot be overlooked."

    Oh I think it can, given that Netenyahu has just refused to attend Mandela's service or funeral citing "excessive transport costs".

    [So nothing to do with Mandela's support for Palestine then.]

  41. Bigfoot Scout3:40 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "whatever happen to alicia banks?"

    11:08 PM
    she took a little vacation.

    11:20 PM

    She's spending a month at a Bigfoot Nudist Camp, scaring white campers to death.

  42. ....playing the role of Bigfoot.

  43. menachim4:01 PM

    [So nothing to do with Mandela's support for Palestine then.]

    Mandela will burn in hell for his betrayal of the Jewish people.

  44. today there is apartheid in is.ra.el.

    most people associate Mandela with apartheid.

    today, folks are faced with another OBVIOUS apartheid system...yet, refuse to speak out. they are more concerned about the made up semite label.

    despite this same occupied state currently wringing america out...before left to twist in the wind.

    it all defies logic, really.

    where are all the brave americans?

  45. Anonymous5:55 PM

    "where are all the brave americans?"

    Dead. America was overthrown a long tome ago. We are all slaves of the jews now.

  46. Almost Three Quarters of All US Military Deaths in Afghanistan Have Occurred During The Presidency of Nobel Peace Prize Winner Barack Obama

    Because the media does not report on Afghanistan anymore -- much less report the Grim Milestones daily -- I believe that most of the American public believes the War in Afghanistan ended years ago. They don't remember precisely when it ended, but most probably think it did end.

    It didn't end. Media coverage ended. The war stopped being newsworthy when it ceased being a useful political catspaw by which the media could agitate against a Republican Administration.

    So even though three quarters -- 74%! -- of all US servicemen's deaths occurred under the leadership (and I use the term advisedly) of Barack Obama, the public still thinks that Bush, rather than Obama, is responsible for the deaths of our best and bravest.

    "using the AP’s Afghanistan casualties database, Breitbart News calculated that between January 20, 2009, and the end of last month 1,595 U.S. soldiers lost their lives in the Afghanistan conflict. The total number of military deaths so far is 2,153.

    That means that about 74 percent of all U.S. military deaths in Afghanistan have taken place under Obama’s watch. During the eight years of the previous administration there were only 558 fatalities, or about 26 percent of the deaths that have taken place from October 7, 2001, the start of the war, to November 30, 2013.
    The information in the AP database is gleaned from AP news reports and confirmed by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)."

    There is some good news:

    "This year is shaping up to have the lowest death tally of any during Obama’s presidency. The 110 fatalities reported so far in 2013 are similar in number to those reported in 2007. Then there were a total of 110 U.S. military deaths in Afghanistan, followed by 151 in 2008. Those were the two highest casualty counts under President Bush."

    So a good year for Obama, in terms of casualties, was a bad year for Bush.

    And yet the media no longer asks what we're doing in Afghanistan, or what the plan is, or what all this cost in American life is supposedly buying us. When now is precisely when they should be asking.

  47. Anonymous6:00 PM

    You know, I always felt that Reagan allowing almost all of the retirement savings of ordinary Americans to be forced through economic choke point of Wall Street thievery [so that the Wall Street crooks could invoke rent extraction upon the flow of savings] was possibly the single greatest mistake that Reagan ever made in his life.

    But I just googled the history of it:



    So all of this forced rent extraction is a purely DEM scam.

    I guess I should have had more faith in The Gipper.

  48. Anonymous6:30 PM

    "Hath He not sent me to the man which sit on the wall,that the may eat their own dung and drink their own piss with you?"
    2 Kings 18:27

  49. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Deutronomy 25:11
    "When two men are fighting and the wife (FP) of one of them intervenes to drag her husband clear of his opponent, if she(FP)puts out her hand and catches hold of the man by his privates, you must cut off her hand and show her no mercy."

    So be careful FP what you grab a hold of in those fights you mentioned at your house with the neighbors LOLOL!

  50. Anonymous7:27 PM

    PC, "You guys are really not very good at this are you?"

    2:55 AM
    Well, we beat England at soccer didn't we? Yeah, we beat the shit out of your weak timid asses. And we don't practice much soccer here because we are into a much rougher sport called NFL football. So, STFU.

  51. Anonymous7:37 PM

    My dear FP, I have noticed that you have deliberately labeled Israel, 'is.ra.el'. Would you mind giving a short explanation what it means and where it comes from?

    BTW, are you aware that Field supports Israel and believes Israel has the right to run over Palestine? Oh yeah, he's a big time supporter of Israel...they can do no wrong in his eyes...go figure.

  52. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Deutronomy 25:11
    "When two men are fighting and the wife (FP) of one of them intervenes to drag her husband clear of his opponent, if she(FP)puts out her hand and catches hold of the man by his privates, you must cut off her hand and show her no mercy."

    So be careful FP what you grab a hold of in those fights you mentioned at your house with the neighbors LOLOL!

    7:13 PM
    You are not funny you vile piece of shit.

  53. Anonymous7:44 PM

    You white folks are NASTY as hell! A father in West Virginia (where else) fathered three of his OWN daughters' four kids. You motherphuckers are pieces of shite! YOU SET THE STANDARD FOR NOTHING!

  54. Anonymous8:54 PM

    ...he's just a family man.

  55. Joe Slovo was a Jew.

  56. "Joe Slovo was a Jew."

    Wow. Jews pull the strings on black
    'leaders' all over the world, not just America. Thanks for the "411", homes.

  57. Anonymous11:33 AM

    "homes"? Is that supposed to be a new way of addressing someone?

    Sorry, I don't do stupid talk.

