Wednesday, January 08, 2014

A real Laffer, and Chris Christie's bridge problem.

"Arguing that a federal minimum wage would put a good number of people out of jobs, former Reagan economic advisor Art Laffer told Fox’s Happening Now panel Wednesday morning that the minimum wage was just the “black teenage unemployment act.”

“The minimum wage makes no sense whatsoever to me,” Laffer said. “I mean honestly, it’s just the black teenage unemployment teenage act. These are the very groups we need to have jobs, not be put out of work because of a minimum wage. So I’m really very much in favor of, at least for teenagers, getting rid of minimum wage to bring them back into the labor force, get them skills they need to continue being productive members of our society for years and years.” [Source] 

Yes, because only "black teenagers" are unemployed. *rolling eyes*

Honestly, you have to wonder why republicans and conservatives are so obsessed with us black folks. And not in a good way.

In their minds, only black people are unemployed; only black people get unemployment benefits (it's why they refuse to vote to extend those benefits); and only black people require other forms of government assistance. We all know, of course, that this is not true. But whatever it takes to make some people feel good about themselves.

Speaking about feeling good about themselves, one person who can't be feeling too good about himself these days is the governor of New Jersey.

It looks like the gov might have a large problem on his hand. (Pun intended.)
He flatly denied any involvement in shutting down traffic on the GW and inconveniencing an entire town, and it turns out that his administration knew all about it all along and that it was done to get back at a political enemy.("Time for some traffic in Fort Lee".)

"E-mails emerged on Wednesday from top aides to New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie bolstering suggestions that George Washington Bridge lane closures last year that tied up traffic stemmed from a political vendetta and not bureaucratic incompetence as his administration claimed.

Christie said in a statement that "what I've seen today is unacceptable," adding that he was "misled by a member of his staff" and knew nothing about what had transpired.

He previously said he knew nothing about allegations of political retribution against the mayor of Fort Lee, where the traffic lanes feed into the nation's busiest bridge across the Hudson River, for not endorsing him in his re-election bid.

Those cited in the series of e-mails and text messages subpoenaed by Democratic legislators and obtained by CNN and other news outlets did not respond to requests for comment or to verify the communications." [Source]

Now if you believe that the governor knew nothing about the actions of this particular official, I have an antique bell here in Philadelphia with a slight crack on the side that I would just love to sell you.

I guess those "I work the cones" jokes aren't quite so funny now.

Finally, I know that I chase racism with the best of them, and people quite often accuse me of making a racial mountain of a mole hill, but seriously America, we need to just chill out a little bit.

I can't believe that this dude blogging about his home life experience from Los Angeles has created a national foofaraw.

Honestly, what is wrong with the picture on his website? Dude is trying to do his daughter's hair and playing "Mr. Mom". I don't have kids, so someone who has children has to explain to me how this is supposed to go down.




  1. Just like you have to wonder why field is so obsessed with pleasing his white masters and keeping negroes on the plantation.

    Laffer never said only black teens are unemployed.

    You also need to check your sources before you link.

    I guess in your black world, reality is factless.

    Christie using the Obama "i know nothing" excuse? Nice.

  2. "I know that I chase racism with the best of them, "

    Field, did you forget the word SOME?

    "I know that I chase SOME racism with the best of them, "

    That's more like it...

  3. "Yes, because only "black teenagers" are unemployed. *rolling eyes*"

    He only called it the "Black Teen Unemployment Act" because in BRA, nothing gets done unless you explain how it helps black people.

  4. Anonymous8:43 PM

    "Honestly, you have to wonder why republicans and conservatives are so obsessed with us black folks. And not in a good way."

    I don't think repubs and conservatives are obsessed with Blacks. However, YOU are obsessed with Repubs and conservative. YOU imagine a lot about what they think but it's YOUR thinking that thinks they are thinking about Blacks. In reality, it's not true.

  5. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Can someone tell me if MHP is still on TV?

  6. Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti bemoaned the lack of diversity in new Fire Department recruits after celebrating a reported rise in local tourism at an event at the California Science Center.

    The first new Los Angeles Fire Department recruit class in five years is nearly all male and mostly white despite repeated promises by the agency to diversify its ranks, according to figures released Monday evening by Mayor Eric Garcetti's office.

    The class of 70 firefighters, which is scheduled to begin training Monday, has just one woman and is 60% white. Twenty-three percent of the recruits are Latino, 11% are Asian American and 6% are African American, according to the figures.
    Earlier Monday, Garcetti said that he had not seen the complete breakdown for the class but was not satisfied with the racial and ethnic balance based on preliminary information he received from the department.

    Mayor Garcetti thinks these numbers are unacceptable and wants the Fire Department to reflect the city it serves,” spokesman Yusef Robb said Monday evening. Los Angeles is 29% white, 49% Latino, 11% Asian and 10% black, according to the Census Bureau.

    Robb said the mayor's office is committed to working with the department to improve recruiting and ensure future classes include more women and minorities.

    The department, which has 3,200 sworn personnel, has diversified its ranks over the last two decades, city officials say, noting that the last four fire chiefs have been African American.

    But the agency is still 50% white, 31% Latino, 12% black and 7% Asian

    Whites are a minority in Los Angeles.

    Recruits are chosen based on their performance on a series of tests given to applicants. Some white guys did better this time, so this is "unacceptable" to the Mayor.

    Garcetti bemoans having too many White Gentile Firefighters, but is ok with having a Jewish Mayor, City Attorney and City Controller along with three Jewish council members (out of 15). That the municipal government doesn't reflect the city it serves apparently is acceptable to the mayor.

    Blacks, who make up 10% of LA's population account for 79% of professional basketball players in the city of Los Angeles, but again, this must be acceptable to the mayor.

    The huge city of Los Angeles is hiring firemen at the rate of 14 per year -- in other words, as the number of fires decline, it just doesn't need new firemen. So, this ought to be a non-issue.

    Still, we get these ritual denunciations by white male authority figures of working class white males for the sin of burning the midnight oil studying how to save people from fires.

    That's what important white people do these days: denounce white men. It's a very weird kabuki rite, but nobody seems to notice there's anything odd about it anymore.

    The desired number of whites in any place or position where they are the majority is: LESS. This in stark contrast to when they are in the minority: MUCH LESS. And the absolute perfect number of whites: zero.

  7. Anonymous1:26 AM

    White Privilege said, "That's what important white people do these days: denounce white men. It's a very weird kabuki rite, but nobody seems to notice there's anything odd about it anymore."

    Hell, you ought to take a look at how Blacks denounce each other.

    Right here on FN some Negroes like UTS, PC , Granny, Field, Dr Nuwang, etc...these Blacks call other Blacks White, buckdancers, uncle toms, sell-outs, and a bunch of other ugly names. It's terrible. These fools do psychological violence to their own kind and enjoy it. Every time Field calls me White I have to visit my therapist....This is an eff'd up world...It's a damn shame! It's depressing. I cry a lot because Field is so damn mean.

    Now, you don't see WM beating up on other wm that badly and enjoy it. You see, wm are part angels. They can't hurt anyone, except on occasion Blacks. But even then, brother Field, it's not's an accident.

  8. "...these Blacks call other Blacks White, .."

    Well that's because you idiotically continue to claim to be black, when it's obvious to everyone and his grandmother that you are no such thing.

    What you are trying to achieve other than make yourself look like an idiot is anybody's guess.

  9. Yep, the gop is obsessed with blah folks. Santorum almost won the nomination by saying his job is not to make blah folks lives easier. What better way to win the gop nomination?

  10. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Anon@1:26, u should pay your therapist double. A white guy who thinks he is black might take some time to deprogram.


  11. Yep, PilotX continues his homoerotic obsession with Rick Santorum.

    Why don't you both get drunk and screw?

  12. Hotep Field negro:


    Making it plain From Jacksonville and the Marissa Alexander case WHEW these crakkas won't let go!

    Today. I am going to mess with cave dwellers and house negros.. And esp those who like thugs, bullys (wanna be), short dicked cannot find it, mafioso type former prosecutors, turned Governor..IE Chris Christie.

    Now the shows are going wild over chrissy little dicks actions denial and or strai8ght up lies.
    However, from my perspective I ask only one question ..

    Where is his class his ability to communicate outside of the garbage can. Field, bottom line where is his hutzpah? Hiding like most beeeitches

    Now, Field lets say that he has set up a culture of disrespect, fear and or arrogance within his base OR lets say that he has pissed off some young man/wo and to the point where they are about to drop him like he is hot What's next? More lies, more blame?

    Field, I am of the belief that fatboy has pissed someone off.. He has made someone feel less than comfortable in that office, he has bullied someone (prob a woman) and they have taken revenge.
    There is no scorn like w womans wrath or a FAGGOTS WRATH

    Suffice that, if FATTY comes out blasting there will be more coming.

    Now the Mayor of the city where GW bridge connects has said that Chrissy iS full of shit and if fatboy thinks that this is over he better rethink his POSITION"

    My grandson said that fatboy little dick has more than likely crossed a bridge that has now collapsed. Moreover, due to his own low self worth has set up a chain of events which will backfire AGAIN:

    This is just the beginning

    I would love to see them IMPEACH the short dick!~cousin of anonymous LMAO ya think?


    See ya soon

    Ps I try to keep up Field, now i am doing my job and don't have much time..Please know that I never forget you I read often and respond when I can Gracias

  13. Field here is a nice PIECE LOL

  14. Hotep

    Again we all over(stand) the real insanity and what takes place with Afrikan males
    This is why men in movies have no real position when it comes to Afrikan children even thier own..Perhaps if they over the real truth??? Ya think?

  15. Republicans are obessed with Black people because we have been the buffer Zone that has held this country together, not just for these bigoted cons but for others as well.


  16. Then…

    and al Qaeda is on the path to defeat

    White House National Security Council Spokesman Tommy Vietor told CNN, "Our assessment that we have decimated al Qaeda leadership is unchanged."


    Al Qaeda controls more territory than ever in Middle East

    Indeed, al Qaeda appears to control more territory in the Arab world than it has done at any time in its history.

    Decimated to most in history in only a year and a couple months.

    It does make one wonder just how decimated they really were.

  17. Anonymous12:33 PM

    "Honestly, you have to wonder why republicans and conservatives are so obsessed with us black folks. And not in a good way."

    Republicans want to get rid of the "social safety net" because, although it will hurt poor and working class whites, it will hurt blacks more: poor whites are just collateral damage in their efforts to destroy the social safety net that's been in place for 40 plus years.

  18. uptownsteve12:37 PM

    White privilege grunts,

    "Blacks, who make up 10% of LA's population account for 79% of professional basketball players in the city of Los Angeles, but again, this must be acceptable to the mayor."

    Tell you what goober. Take any ten white basketball players and put them up against the Lakers and they will get stomped.

    Take any ten white firefighters and compare their on the job performance with any ten black firefighters and would you honestly see any discernable difference in ability?

    You racists kill me with these sports analogies.

  19. Yes, slave catcher steve.

    Which is why standards have to be lower for black firefighters.

    Which is why there is racial quotas and affirmative action
    for black firefighters.

    Which is why white firefighters are often discriminated against.

    Let's put those lakers in a classroom and see who gets stomped.

  20. uptownsteve1:04 PM

    Republican Goober,

    You didn't answer my question racist.

    Not that I expected you to.

  21. Anonymous1:12 PM

    *nodding head* @ what UTS said.


  22. uptownsteve said...
    Take any ten white basketball players and put them up against the Lakers and they will get stomped.

    I'm not sure these Lakers could beat the Sisters of Mercy and we all know Sister Mary can't go to her left.

  23. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Anon@1:26, u should pay your therapist double. A white guy who thinks he is black might take some time to deprogram.


    6:27 AM

  24. uptownsteve said...
    Tell you what goober. Take any ten white basketball players and put them up against the Lakers and they will get stomped.

    Take any ten white firefighters and compare their on the job performance with any ten black firefighters and would you honestly see any discernable difference in ability?

    Not if all were picked on merit based on their ability (test performance) before being hired and all applied themselves after being hired.

    Though there would be no difference in the ability of these firefighters based on race, there could very well be an imbalance in the racial makeup of the force.

    Same as the Lakers.

    However if standards were lowered for black entrance to the fire department, and if blacks were held to lower performance standard in order to maintain the desired "diversity" of the fire department, I would expect to see a discernible difference between black and white firefighters in the ability to perform the job.

    The point of my post was to show that no matter how hard our government tries to remove any racial bias from work or school environments, any and all white success will be punished.

    Mayor Garcetti is in effect calling his own city government racist, because their objectively neutral hiring qualification practices don't produce few enough whites.

    As with professional basketball, why would we think that for every job there would be no racial or gender differences when it came to who was best qualified?

    Firefighting is a physical job that very few women are qualified for. Why in God's name would we insist that 50% of firefighters be female?

    Racial discrimination in the name of radical equalitarianism is as unjust as racial discrimination in the name of racial supremacism.

  25. uptownsteve1:47 PM

    More lies.

    Sports analogies are ridiculous. The criteria for hiring athletes are objective and subject to scrutiny.

    Who runs the fastest, scores the most, throws the fastest..etc...

    What standardized tests, which are often culturally biased and were only implemented when municipalities were forced to integrate their departments, have to do with firefighting is beyond. What actually counts is the ability to put out a fuckin fire and save inhabitants of burning buildings.

    As far as your remarks about women not being qualified to be firefighters, you continue to display your ignorance.

    The same thing was said about women not being good cops or soldiers and that was proven wrong as well.


  26. uptownsteve said...
    The same thing was said about women not being good cops or soldiers and that was proven wrong as well.

    Marines: Most Female Recruits Don't Meet New Pullup Standard
    Starting Jan. 1, every woman in the Marines Corps was supposed to meet a new physical standard by performing three pullups. But that has been put off.

    3 pull-ups.

    Not exactly the person I would want dragging me out of a fire or a firefight.

  27. uptownsteve said...
    More lies.

    Sports analogies are ridiculous. The criteria for hiring athletes are objective and subject to scrutiny.

    Who runs the fastest, scores the most, throws the fastest..etc...

    What standardized tests, which are often culturally biased...

    Criteria that results in less whites = objective; criteria that results in less blacks = culturally biased.

    Trying to engage you in a logical and honest way is a complete waste of time.

    You are a completely disingenuous ideologue who has no interest in reasoned debate.

    On top of that, you are either feigning ignorance or actually aren't all that bright.


  28. uptownsteve2:03 PM

    What was wrong with the old pull up standard?

    Sounds like still another culling tactic to me.

  29. uptownsteve2:06 PM

    White privilege

    Use your head.

    Replace Kobe Bryant with a random white ballplayer and you will see a discernable difference in performance.

    Replace a white firefighter with a black one and the fuckin fire will still be put out.

  30. uptownsteve said...
    "Replace a white firefighter with a black one and the fuckin fire will still be put out."

    In a perfect world, when I called the fire department when my family was trapped in a fire, the fire fighters chosen on merit would show up to my house, and when you called the fire department, the crew chosen by their group identity would show up.

    I'm not saying the Lakers are discriminating against whites and Hispanics (or women) because the team doesn't look like the city they represent. There are millions of dollars on the line dependent on having the best players possible. The best players are overwhelmingly black.

    Fire fighting is a blue collar job that doesn't require the exceptional talent level that professional basketball calls for. It is an honorable profession however, and the people who practice it should be accorded the respect they deserve.

    It's a good job to have, which is why people work hard and prepare themselves to get in.

    If there is an objective process to pick recruits the results of the process should be "acceptable." The city has bent over backwards trying to give an advantage to other groups, but since it still hasn't produced the desired political results (much less white males, they promise to squeeze the process even harder.

    What you are saying is that it's okay to shaft these guys and give the job they earned to someone else in order to make a politician's job easier.

    Working class whites pay the price for elite whites patronage of all the other interest groups. This is unjust.

  31. Regarding Chris Christie's administration vindictively punishing citizens in a game of political pressure, can anyone think of a similar incidence of abuse of power in American History?

    Let's go way back in time to Tuesday, March 5, 2013:

    The White House announced Tuesday that it is canceling tours of the president’s home for the foreseeable future as the sequester spending cuts begin to bite and the administration makes good on its warnings of painful decisions.

    Announcement of the decision — made in an email from the White House Visitors Office — came hours after The Washington Times reported on another administration email that seemed to show at least one agency has been instructed to make sure the cuts are as painful as President Obama promised they would be.

    In the internal email, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service official Charles Brown said he asked if he could try to spread out the sequester cuts in his region to minimize the impact, and he said he was told not to do anything that would lessen the dire impacts Congress had been warned of.

    “We have gone on record with a notification to Congress and whoever else that ‘APHIS would eliminate assistance to producers in 24 states in managing wildlife damage to the aquaculture industry, unless they provide funding to cover the costs.’ So it is our opinion that however you manage that reduction, you need to make sure you are not contradicting what we said the impact would be,” Mr. Brown, in the internal email, said his superiors told him.

    So there you have someone telling a superior, "I can lessen the impact of the sequester cuts," and his superior answering: "No, we've represented they would be painful; do not change anything to mitigate that pain and undermine our political message."

    But that's okay. Because, Democrats.

  32. uptownsteve4:49 PM

    White privelege

    You really don't get it, do you?

    At one time the Lakers, as well as the NBA, was majority white. Since athletics are the only human endeavor where the results are objective and totally subject to scrutiny, when blacks were allowed to compete, the NBA became majority black.

    At one time American municipal agencies like police and fire departments blatantly discrminated against blacks in both hiring and promotions.

    When they were forced to integrate and prohibited from blatant discrimination in many cases, they changed the hiring standards so that they favored white men.

  33. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Meanwhile, as they always do, Black continue to commit murders and rapes in record numbers.

  34. uptownsteve5:15 PM

    "record numbers"

    More racist hyperbole.

    How black murders were there in the US IN 2013.

    Watch, the lying POS doesn't even know.

  35. uptownsteve said...
    "Since athletics are the only human endeavor where the results are objective and totally subject to scrutiny,"

    Reality is objective and totally subject to scrutiny.

    If anyone can find discrimination in hiring processes that favor white men, speak up.

    Fire departments have been opened up to minorities by the institution of meritocratic hiring practice and affirmative action for 50 years now. Tests where white applicants have done better have been rewritten and redesigned over and over to try to get the results desired. I would say anything that favored white men in any way has long been expunged from the system.

    You are advocating the same position that the federal government does: Disparate Impact.

    DI holds that is doesn't matter why there is a racial disparity in a workplace or educational setting, only that there is a disparity, and that this disparity must be addressed.

    A completely objective process that winds up with a disparate number of blacks coming out on top is acceptable.

    A completely objective process that winds up with a disparate number of whites coming out on top must be fixed.

    If you are okay with that, it's only because you are okay with anti-white bias.

    But of course you can't admit that so you deny it exists and minimize its impact and insult anyone who disagrees with you. You are not alone.

    And that's why, in the end, this national experiment will fail.

  36. uptownsteve5:57 PM

    What the fuck are you talking about?

    With the exception of the NBA, the NFL and the American penal system, just about every aspect of American life is predominately white.

    Corporate America, the federal government, state governments, most municipal governments.

    Only a racist idiot like you would think that those four sadists who beat Rodney King got their jobs through some system of "merit".

    Here's PROOF of the racial bias of standardized tests.

  37. uptownsteve6:10 PM


    Only a racist would suggest that the process by which athletes make teams and how people are hired for corporate jobs are identical.


  38. Damn....UTS is getting ethered.

  39. uptownsteve said...

    What the fuck are you talking about?

    With the exception of the NBA, the NFL and the American penal system, just about every aspect of American life is predominately white.

    Well yes, the country itself is predominately white. Why would you not expect most institutions to be predominately white?

    And why should that preclude some white people from having a fair and open shot at a job?

    If a completely meritocratic hiring system is best for the NBA, why wouldn't it be best for every profession?

    It is interesting that you believe "only a racist" would want a race-neutral hiring practice.

  40. uptownsteve6:27 PM

    White privelege

    Are you honestly suggesting that the process by which athletes make teams and how people are hired for corporate jobs are identical?

    As far as your whining about them po white folks getting a fair shot at a job....The Fair Employment Council of Greater Washington has been conducting tester studies of corporate hiring practices for 20 years that proved that when blacks and whites with identical resumes interview for the same job, the white is hired 80% of the time.

    Be for real.

  41. uptownsteve said...
    Are you honestly suggesting that the process by which athletes make teams and how people are hired for corporate jobs are identical?

    I am suggesting that they should be, at least in an analogous way that rewards ability.

    You apparently believe they shouldn't be, at least for jobs you deem unimportant, like fire fighting.

    Obviously, positions where the ability needed to do the job is not that exceptional will not get the same level of scrutiny. Corporate positions that pay millions of dollars per year certainly are scrutinized to the level of professional athletes, and performance is rewarded as is non-performance commensurately.

    Your position, and the federal government's position, is that undetectable discrimination that is assumed to favor working class whites must be countered with overt discrimination that harms working class whites. I am saying is this is wrong.

  42. uptownsteve7:02 PM

    You won't answer the question because it blows your argument straight out of the water.

    Corporate hirings are totally subjective. Dependent on how the hiring manager "feels" about the applicant. As long as most hiring managers are white, they will feel most comfortable with other whites. And that phenomenon has been proven time and time again.

    As far as your ridiculous assertion that working class whites are discriminated against, every freaking time some white firefighter or cop complains about being passed over because of some affirmative action program, his complaint gets greased all the way to the District Court or SCOTUS.

    The millions of blacks who are still discriminated against in hiring and promotions on a daily basis get no hearing at all.

  43. uptownsteve said...
    Corporate hirings are totally subjective

    Only someone who has never had a job, or never had to earn a job, could say that and mean it.

    And your assertion that the courts and the Department of Justice (both under Republican and Democrat presidents) have done anything but uphold disparate impact settlements is flat wrong:

  44. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Affirmative Action on Late Night TV

    If you have been wondering why comedy isn’t as funny as it used to be, Saturday Night Live could provide a clue:

    A network spokeswoman, Lauren Roseman, said Wednesday that NBC’s comic institution is adding two black women to its writing staff.

    The move follows the addition of an African-American woman, comedian Sasheer Zamata, to the show’s cast.

    The hiring of LaKendra Tookes and Leslie Jones as writers was first reported by The Hollywood Reporter. The trade paper said the two had been part of recent auditions focusing exclusively on minority women.

    Here’s a radical idea no one will listen to. Why not have auditions focusing on people who are funny?

    Black male cast members, Kenan Thompson and Jay Pharoah, commented publicly about [the lack of black women] and refused to dress in drag to portray black women.

    Everything everywhere should always be about race. If you disagree, you are a racist.

    The result of Affirmative Action will be the same in entertainment as it is everywhere else: mediocrity. What else can be expected when performance is no longer the top priority? This why our culture is in decline across the board.

  45. White Privilege-

    i have a question for you.

    what do you mean by this statement:

    "And that's why, in the end, this national experiment will fail."

    what is the national experiment, as you call it? what do you mean when you say that?


    on a side note:

    while folks discuss "science" and the weather, as if mad scientists are not well into using weird science to manipulate the weather + everything else...

    this little nugget has managed to not get the attention one would think folks would afford it:

    yes. let's gmo people.

    the food gmo project is working out so lovely...

    we truly live on a science fiction planet. no Creator. lol. science fiction planet with bad blasphemous jokes.

  46. when did non white nations demanding to see themselves respectfully represented become "affirmative action"?

    SNL CLEARLY needs a BW. otherwise dressing BM up as women would not be so prevalent. so to answer the call to, oh hire a BW = affirmative action?

    yet some white folks boast long + hard re: this "science" proven melanin deficiency induced mental superiority.

    white men/folks talking to Black people about affirmative action need to:


    hold their thoughts.

    then go re-direct it to ww. then talk among yourselves as to why no matter what...wfolks still make more $. we all know that despite liking to pretend to work hard...white folks would rather make someone else do the work while they take all the $. then cry to the depths of hell about the other white folks -Jews- reserving the right to do the same to them.

    it seems white folks don't believe the laws of the universe apply to them.

    when i see the generational fruit of the white devils that founded this land of the free, home of the brave, land of indigenous holocaust + home of the slave+ many many many other on going atrocities...complaining to me about anything. while plugging their ears + pretending they don't know they have reaped/enjoy the fruit of their fore parents + parents murderous vicious antics.

    please know i AM as interested in what you folks have to whine about much as ya'll are interested in engaging in reparations convos.

    i don't prevent fire fighters nor wm from taking ALL the jobs + everything where ever they happen to land on the planet. so whine elsewhere.

    that ww's baby who is related to the rest of the corrupt criminals that pretend to be running things into the ground- on behalf of other racist devilish hidden white folk that really ARE running humanity world wide into the ground- for awhile now. that black-ish BO is distracting 100 lb hail out melanin deficiency induced superior white folks.


    you know...i'll take my forty acres + my mule. ya'll can keep your affirmative action, white supremacy, etc. how about that?

    here's what's funny. i can see the point that WP and others are making. but isn't this supposed to be a nice white Christian country?

    now what does the Bible tell folks about the sins of the father?


    about that.

    + this is only the wrath lining up. those that think white skin in the white house will = return to 50's.


    only white folks would want to go back to that anyways- though i would undo integration with the quickness + heal Black families, values, morals, etc. there is no sign that indicates return to 50's is on the menu any time soon.

    forgive any typos.

  47. "what do you mean when you say that?"

    The idea that perfect equality and justice can be achieved by placing the rights of groups above that of individuals. The idea that human nature can be subverted such that power will not corrupt. The idea increasing the power of the State can work out well for anyone except those few who control it.

    Rule yourself or you will be ruled.

  48. White Privilege-

    for individual white folks to LOVE their "freedom" so much...ya'll collectively sure have a hard time seeing others as human beings that might love their freedom + stuff as much as you do.

    truth be told, ya'll make a lot of excuses individually as well.

    when wm stop the whining...the more of you will see that what is unfolding is of your own making.

    woodrow wilson knew that he nibbled at the bait of pleasure without checking for the hook. he acknowledged himself that he ruined america. so why are white folks today tripping? acting like they did not hear the nazi enriched bush family tell folks about the nwo. wfolks are acting like they just got wind of this whole wm plan when the latest ww's baby showed up. recall his ww momma needed the hard sell to get folks to buy it. biden was on his job when he told folks BO was clean + articulate. lol. that was for white folks. ya'll bought it in record #s.

    why are ya'll so mad that BO is simply doing with the elite agenda what BM do in the professional sports arena.?

    bm know good + well that whatever bm undertake...if ya'll would get out the way fighting devilishly nonstop dirty as all satan hell, bm will dominate.

    unfortunately too many sound asleep bm are repping the do what thou wilt team presently. hence the out of pocket + written murder/mayhem stats white folks love to talk about. while white folks are doing THE MOST DAILY on every front world wide.

    THIS bm dominate thingy is why there is always a wicked white plan underway. it seems that divide + conquer caught folks sleeping. white folks seem to unwittingly have divided among themselves. those that call the other white folks goyim, are NOT playing + have the upperhand+ all the goyim's $ currently tied up.

    wanna holler about over-representation + affirmative affirmative affirmative action?

    go holler at the Jews that wish they were Hebrew.

    OR ya'll still haven't figured out what's what? maybe the Jews/white folks that like to pretend they are Hebrew can come up with a test that will allow ya'll to take it. score high. see. that focusing on Black people is to not focus on the facts of the matter. stop being dumb. the other white folks that hates US all, likes to have folks focusing on others so no one is focusing on them. then when you do focus, they will send yamulked hot messes to intimidate you. lol.

    IF you think BO is doing anything other than taking orders...i don't know what to tell you at this point.

    outside of we war not against the flesh. but spiritual wickedness in high places.

    you know...the book of Enoch describes the fallen angels/devils as white men. lol. i guess that's why they lost the Book, huh? and all the times in Scriptures where folks point blank say they are Black is ignored or attributed to metaphor because...might be hard to sell white supremacy that way? while white as snow gets a literal interpretation all day. despite the region of the world...


    wm whining = annoying.

    though you guys make some sound points with no workable solutions. because men have no true solutions. this problem is greater than man. as it is written.

  49. correction:

    wm know that whatever bm undertake...this from 9:25pm comment.


    now that men know how to cause death...they seem rather obsessed with coming up with new creative ways to make the road to death that much more profitable to them. mammonites, i call them.

    now women get to behave like men + cause death, too! haven't we come far?;(



    Psalm 9:15-20

    15 The heathen are sunk down in the pit that they made: in the net which they hid is their own foot taken.

    16 The Sovereign is known by the judgment which he executeth: The wicked is snared in the work of his own hands.

    17 The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget Almighty.

    18 For the needy shall not alway be forgotten: the expectation of the poor shall not perish for ever.

    19 Arise, O Sovereign; let not man prevail: let the heathen be judged in thy sight.

    20 Put them in fear, O Sovereign: that the nations may know themselves to be but men. Selah.


    did a post earlier re: the fact that some see.

    scroll to videos and take a listen. add historical perspective from a white is just white, not right perspective. then look around.

    know that what has been done to others comes back around. white america is only feeling the beginning of the break down. as with all the time white folks catch up + on- Black folks been in it for longer than a minute.

    what's the golden rule?

    are we SURE America was founded on "Christian" principles, laws, etc? are we SURE America is a "Christian" nation?

    forgive any other typos;)

  50. bm know good + well that whatever bm undertake...if ya'll would get out the way fighting devilishly nonstop dirty as all satan hell, bm will dominate.

    THIS bm dominate thingy is why there is always a wicked white plan underway


    Some groups will dominate in some areas, some in others. It means nothing on an individual basis.

    The wall of delusions you built around yourself have become a prison.

    I'm out of here. Good luck.

  51. WP-

    i would run along as well.

    i corrected the typo. you must've missed it + the point.

    the walls white americans have built are closing in on them. bickering + pointing fingers @ Black folks won't change that truth.
