Tuesday, January 07, 2014

"Polar vortex."

Polar Vortex is the buzz phrase of the moment here in America. (So this is what the Ice Age felt like.) All- time low temperature records are being broken left and right, and unless you are an Eskimo you are feeling quite uncomfortable these days.

Of course the "flat earth" crowd sees this as a moment to chirp: "Global warming. What global warming? Do you people see how cold it is outside?"
Some of them are even saying the media is hyping this Polar Vortex phenomenon to push a global warming agenda.

Well actually it is global warming that is causing us to be this cold. Apparently because of the warm weather in the Arctic regions, this Polar Vortex is not being held in by the cold weather but is breaking up and spreading South because it has been weakened.

I am no scientist, and I cannot explain this phenomenon in a way that would make it understandable to the layman, therefore, I will lift some lines from someone else.

"Paradoxically, the event may be a harbinger of winter outbreaks to come in the northern hemisphere as Earth's climate warms, some researchers say – a result of shrinking Arctic Ocean summer sea ice and the projected changes in wind and snowfall patterns triggered by the ocean's warmth and moisture.

It's been dubbed the warm-Arctic, cold-continent effect – one that doesn't show up well in seasonal forecast models but does appear in the real world, says Judah Cohen, director of seasonal forecasting at Atmospheric and Environmental Research (AER), a weather-risk management company based in Lexington, Mass. Climate models operating on longer time scales may be missing the effect as well, he adds.

At the heart of the issue is the polar vortex, a mass of cold air in the stratosphere that circulates counterclockwise over the Arctic and has a clockwise counterpart over Antarctica.

Deprived of sunlight during the winter, these vortices spin up, drawing energy from the temperature difference between the warmer air at mid-latitudes and polar air. The winds along the boundary form the polar jet stream. The sharper the temperature contrast, the stronger the jet stream and the better job it does keeping the cold air largely corralled at high latitudes.

But the jet stream doesn't flow in a nice, tight circle around the Arctic. Its interaction with different air masses and topography as it travels over oceans and continents forces the stream to meander north and south, as well as up and down by elevation."

Bottom line, you are feeling this cold in America because of global warming and extreme climate changes.

Your wingnut friends will say otherwise, but remember, they are the same ones who  believe that the world is just six thousand years old.

Finally, congratulations to the University of Texas for having the guts to give Charlie Strong a shot to coach one of the best college football programs in the country. (Maybe they were jealous of their in-state rivals.)

Time will tell if he can haven similar success there as he did at Louisville, and if he can get along with the good ole boy boosters who hang around the football program.

One thing we do know is that he better win fast.

"Hook em horns"


  1. Remember, field is carrying the water for the same ones who once blamed the "Polar Vortex" on global cooling.

  2. "Well actually it is global warming that is causing us to be this cold"

    You sure are no scientist, I can agree with that.

    Progressives have no need for reality.

  3. Interesting. This is one reason one of the climatologists I studied with referred to climate change as "global climate variation" because if we are honest we have no clue what is going to happen with the atmosphere given the immense number of variables. One outcome could very well be colder winters in the NH especially Western and Central Europe due to the possible loss of the gulf stream and North Atlantic oceanin currents. These give Europe and the UK somewhat tolerable winters since warm water is less dense than cooler water and influence the airmasses blowing across them. With melting sea ice, which introduces more fresh water into the Northern Atlantic which is less dense than sea water will lower the sea surface temps eliminating the moderating effect of these currents. This could also mean colder winters for the central US because warmer air can hold more water vapor which could mean more snow in Western Canada which influences the airmasses that reach us. Some of this stuff is counter intuitive which throws many conservatives off (not really hard to do). Bottom line is in many cases we may not see any dramatic changes because most of the warming may take place at the poles and will take decades or longer to see the real effects and in some cases long after we're dead. The right takes advantage of these time scales just like they do in the evolution debate, how many times have you heard "I've never seen an animal evolve into something else"?
    It's almost pointless to debate climate change because for one most folks don't even have a basic understanding of climate and secondly people who benefit from doing nothing have lots of money and influence. Science should not be political but it is.

  4. "It's almost pointless to debate climate change because for one most folks don't even have a basic understanding of climate and secondly people who benefit from doing nothing have lots of money and influence. Science should not be political but it is. "

    Yes, just see the comments above.

    Wingnuts sure know how to double down on dumb.

  5. Of course field. Smart is believing alarmist who blame everything from fires,floods,tornados,racism and ingrown toe nails on global warming.

    And when these alarmist are proven wrong?

    We'll pretend we're the smarts ones.

  6. PX, most people understand bullshit, fear mongering and 97% of predictions that don't come true.

    You can thank the people/party who run the plantation for politicizing science.

  7. "Science should not be political but it is"


    The whole global warming hoax is political.

    Do you think it is just a coincidence that global warming is caused by all the things progressives hate? Energy, cars, SUV's, meat, capitalism, prosperity, growth, Wester society itself.

    And what's the solution? Control of the world's economies by the progressive UN.

    There has never been such a nakedly transparent power grab, all fueled by junk science bought a paid for by progressive governments.

    What a fricking joke.

  8. Anonymous9:34 PM

    "One outcome could very well be colder winters in the NH especially Western and Central Europe due to the possible loss of the gulf stream and North Atlantic oceanin currents."

    One thing everyone should have learned by now:

    "Science isn't all it's cracked up to be, and therefore doesn't have the answers." Heck, science knows very little about the human body, let alone the climate.

    We need to stop worshiping science which knows very little about our existence or even cancer for that matter. Also, everything that science discovers, turns to a moral crisis and an endangerment to life--that is it becomes another moral headache that keeps us on hyperalert for doomsday.

    Very few of science discoveries turns out well. Even all this technology is becoming a moral nightmare for us. We don't seem to know 'right' from 'wrong', yet we pretend we do. Trying to play GOD has never been our strong suit.

  9. WrongwayX:
    "This could also mean colder winters for the central US because warmer air can hold more water vapor which could mean more snow in Western Canada which influences the airmasses that reach us. Some of this stuff is counter intuitive which throws many conservatives off (not really hard to do). Bottom line is in many cases we may not see any dramatic changes because most of the warming may take place at the poles and will take decades or longer to see the real effects and in some cases long after we're dead."

    Wow, so anything or nothing may happen, and there is no way to tell what is going on. Sounds scary. Let's destroy our economy and give up all our freedoms just in case.

    At least the right people will get rich.


  10. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
    "Some of this stuff is counter intuitive which throws many conservatives off (not really hard to do)."

    I already told you that Tea Partiers are more scientifically literate than democrats:


    Come on, man.

  11. Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates Harshly Critiques Obama in His New Memoir "Duty"

    In a new memoir, former defense secretary Robert Gates unleashes harsh judgments about President Obama’s leadership and his commitment to the Afghanistan war, writing that by early 2010 he had concluded the president “doesn’t believe in his own strategy, and doesn’t consider the war to be his. For him, it’s all about getting out.”

    Which is what is so galling. Men are being killed at three times the rate as they died under Bush's leadership, and Obama is not even trying to win.

    Those men remain there out of political cowardice. Men are dying for Obama's political cowardice.

    If he does not wish to fight the war-- then he should save those men's lives and bring them home.

    It is one thing to sacrifice men's lives for an important objective. The only objective sought by Obama is avoiding the "Weak on Terrorism" attack that would be lodged by the Right. And the attack that Obama claimed, in knocking the Iraq War constantly, that he would be tough as the Devil on Afghanistan.

    So men are dying, to save Obama some short-term minor political pain:

    Leveling one of the more serious charges that a defense secretary could make against a commander in chief sending forces into combat, Gates asserts that Obama had more than doubts about the course he had charted in Afghanistan. The president was “skeptical if not outright convinced it would fail,” Gates writes in “Duty: Memoirs of a Secretary at War.”


    Gates offers a catalogue of various meetings, based in part on notes that he and his aides made at the time, including an exchange between Obama and then-Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton that he calls “remarkable.”

    He writes: “Hillary told the president that her opposition to the [2007] surge in Iraq had been political because she was facing him in the Iowa primary. . . . The president conceded vaguely that opposition to the Iraq surge had been political. To hear the two of them making these admissions, and in front of me, was as surprising as it was dismaying.”

    It got so bad during internal debates over whether to intervene in Libya in 2011 that Gates says he felt compelled to deliver a “rant” because the White House staff was “talking about military options with the president without Defense being involved


    Read the whole thing:


  12. See? If the entire planet doesn't get to 100 degrees overnight CC is called a myth or people who predict warmer temps "alarmists". No sense even talking about a complex issue with dullards.

  13. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...

    See? If the entire planet doesn't get to 100 degrees overnight CC is called a myth or people who predict warmer temps "alarmists". No sense even talking about a complex issue with dullards.

    Anyone who doesn't buy into the fantasy is a "dullard".

    I bet you are one of the ones who could see the Emperor's new clothes, too.

    And nice strawman argument regarding overnight warming. How about ANY noticeable warming since 1999?

    Theories need to be verified by actual data. AGW has failed the test.

  14. Average global temps are higher than historical norms. 1999 until present day isn't a long enough sample period. Climatologists like to use at least 30 years as a good starting point and guess what, the last 30 year climate mormals showed a warming trend. AGW hasn't failed any tests, it's too soon to tell and difficult to detect. Hmmmmm, anyone else think this Al Whore guy isn't a climate scientist?

  15. WrongwayX said...
    "Hmmmmm, anyone else think this Al Whore guy isn't a climate scientist?"

    I know you're not.

    So, what you are saying is that we have 15 more years to run this AGW scam until the gig is up?

    Just think of the damage we can do...

  16. "I know you're not."

    Absolutely not, never claimed to be one but I do speak to well respected climatologists regularly as I did major in meterology. This isn't just an issue that has concrete answers for linear conservative brains, there is alot of variability and nuance so it is a problem for conservatives who can only look out their windows and make claims about whether things are happening or not.

    "So, what you are saying is that we have 15 more years to run this AGW scam until the gig is up?"

    Um, no. We have 15 more years until atmospheric scientists can make educated observations about what happened to the climate since 1999. I know you wantto be able to lable something a "myth" and a scam but serious researchers don't make such determinations until all the evidence is in and we're not at that point yet. I know, for you ut must be difficult but hey at least you have Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity to placate you for the next 15 years.

  17. PilotX is smart like field negro.

    PilotX ignores over 100 years worth of fear mongering and predictions that never came true.

    Yesterday, Polar Vortex=global cooling.

    Today, Polar Vortex=global warming.

    PilotX, where's the 50 million global warming refugees?

    Is there still arctic ice?

    It was suspose to be all gone by now.

    Where's the food shortages,disease, mass riots, genocide, animal extinctions, world wars, high murder rates, ice ages, droughts, hundreds of tornadoes and hurricanes per year and the fall of America?

    All this was suppose to happen by now.

    Climatologists, scientist, NASA experts and liberals can't be wrong. Can they?

    I just check out Al Gore's doomsday clock. We got 2 years before we're toast.

    Yep. We all beees dumb because we be no longer believing in the fear mongering and predictions sure to go wrong.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. "I just check out Al Gore's doomsday clock. We got 2 years before we're toast."

    Al Gore isn't a climate scientist. New Godwin's law, the first person to bring up Al Gore automatically loses the debate/argument.

    "PilotX, where's the 50 million global warming refugees?"

    When did I ever claim such?

    "Is there still arctic ice?

    It was suspose to be all gone by now."

    Who was it who predicted this?

    "Where's the food shortages,disease, mass riots, genocide, animal extinctions, world wars, high murder rates, ice ages, droughts, hundreds of tornadoes and hurricanes per year and the fall of America?

    All this was suppose to happen by now."

    Some of this is happening but if you are expecting it to happen all at once like in a movie or even during our lifetimes you may be disappointed. Sorry. Fact is as one my old climatology professors used to say, the atmosphere is a complex and fragile environment with so many complex interactions we really don't know what the end result of increased CO2 emissions will be. Maybe you should stop getting your scientific information from Al Gore.
    BTW, check the last 30 year climate normals to see what has happened over the last 30 years.

  20. Here's a good resource and not just for climate change.


  21. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
    Al Gore isn't a climate scientist. New Godwin's law, the first person to bring up Al Gore automatically loses the debate/argument.

    You think you can just change Godwin's Law? You are acting like Hitler!

  22. "You think you can just change Godwin's Law? You are acting like Hitler!"


  23. NSangoma12:40 AM


    Eskimo,Esquimaux; is considered

    pejorative (expressing contempt or

    disapproval) by the Inuit peoples.


  24. Tell you what. AGW skeptics will stop rubbing your face in the unseasonably cold WEATHER this winter just as soon as Warmists stop trying to claim that unseasonably hot WEATHER proves the existence of global climate change.

    We understand that one day is not a trend. We understand the difference between weather and climate. But, you seem to have forgotten that we've been listening to "Climate Activists" babble about how one hot day in August means OMFG POLAR BEARS ARE DROWNING AND LOUISVILLE WILL BE BEACHFRONT AND WE'LL HAVE NO ICE FOR OUR MARGARITAS EVER AGAIN!

    And when a ship full of moronic "climate scientists" gets stuck in supposedly nonexistent ice, understand that we're going to give you some smack. Just take it with good humor for a change. I mean, it's a big fat slow pitch just hanging over home plate. Of course we're going to knock that sucker out of the park.

  25. NSangoma1:30 AM


    we didn't come here for no reason, ...

    AJ McCarron’s mother asks if Jameis Winston is speaking English during his postgame interview


    No, not racist all; the mush-mauff negroe should not have been allowed out primary school speaking, as he does.


  26. Anonymous1:33 AM

    The damage wreaked by people incapable of self-governance, and a democratic government devoted to indulging them, is horrifying.

    We either hijack this process and get things headed in the other direction, or we face the awful prospect of throwing these folks overboard en masse before they wreck everything.

    Or, third option, they wreck everything.

  27. Sendlawyersgunsandmoney1:36 AM

    While all you down in the Lower 48 are crying about the cold and how it means there is no warming climate trend, please note that in Interior Alaska (the coldest place in winter in Alaska, therefore the US) temperatures are above freezing for much of our area. While there is no consensus about specifics with the warming trend, it is happening, and that is scientific fact. The one thing most climatologists agree on is with the changing climate trends there will be more drastic shifts in hot and cold weather, stronger storms, more erosion, greater snowfall in some areas (because warmer air can hold more moisture...some glaciers will for the time being actually grow...although most are shrinking). Fall into the stupid Fox News pattern of seeing one or two events (or one season) as proof positive that your beliefs are validated, and continue to prove that you know nothing about science. In the meantime, up north, where change is accelerating faster than the Lower 48, we see it all around. Go ahead and continue to hit the snooze button on your alarm clock. At least I live 2000' above sea level.

  28. "And when a ship full of moronic "climate scientists" gets stuck in supposedly nonexistent ice, understand that we're going to give you some smack."

    Ugh, you do know sea ice has been decreasing in the Arctic Circle and the scientists that got stuck were in Antartica right? Two different parts of the world. Secondly, when climate researchers go do studies they are not trying to prove already held assumptions they are going to collect data to determine what is going on. I know it's hard for the conservative mind to get over the skeptic/alarmist debate but scientists are in neither camp. Climatologists research the happenings on earth and aren't "liberals" hell bent on proving Al Gore correct. Take a deep breath and understand the fact that even with a warming trend we probably won't see dramatic events to prove AWG one way or another. Mkay?

  29. uncle bob1:48 AM

    The closer the ideas in our heads - or models of reality - conform to reality, the better they work and the better lives we have. If our model of reality tells us we can jump out of an airplane without a parachute and float like a soap bubble, that's a bad model of reality.

    Politically, leftism and its variations are all bad models of reality.

    Science is a model of reality. It is not about the Truth: it is about a search for the Truth. So when someone says, "Science says..." they don't know what they are talking about.

    Since science is a search for the truth, its theories are always provisional, and can always be - and will always be - refined and made better. (You can say everything is a process and not a thing.)

    A fanatic is someone who thinks the ideas in their heads are reality itself and since they are the Truth, cannot be changed. And when someone challenges them, they get hysterical, with their first defense being ad homenim attacks (denier!). Such people are natural slaves, since they get others to do their thinking for them, then they imitate those people and memorize their ideas.

  30. "please note that in Interior Alaska (the coldest place in winter in Alaska, therefore the US) temperatures are above freezing for much of our area."

    I saw some research about how the melting permafrost is causing roads to sink and other issues in Alaska. This is one insideous part or CC, the most dramatic change will occur at the poles and the majority of the population won't see any dramatic changes thus it will be easier to ignore.


  31. "A fanatic is someone who thinks the ideas in their heads are reality itself and since they are the Truth, cannot be changed. And when someone challenges them, they get hysterical, with their first defense being ad homenim attacks (denier!)."

    So couldn't this apply to you since you stated.

    "Politically, leftism and its variations are all bad models of reality."

    Sounds like a person whose political ideology is thought of as the truth.

  32. The UCAR site puts it pretty nicely.

    "To examine long-term warming, climate scientists often look at larger areas and longer time periods. Globally, Earth's natural processes don't follow a linear pattern, so the global average temperature may be slightly cooler or warmer from one year to the next. Different parts of Earth's ecosystem also respond to the greenhouse effect in different ways. The oceans, for example, hold more heat and respond to atmospheric changes more slowly than land masses do. Average temperatures of the land, oceans, and atmosphere also vary from year to year as well as from each other.

    Just as a baseball player on steroids will occasionally strike out, a climate warmed by extra greenhouse gases will still produce unusually cold weather at times. It's also important to remember that there are multiple factors contributing to every weather event—which is why you'll often hear forecasters and researchers pointing out that no particular weather feature can be entirely "blamed" on climate change."

  33. Klondike Ken1:57 AM

    PilotX said...
    "I saw some research about how the melting permafrost is causing roads to sink and other issues in Alaska"

    Somebody told me it was frightening how much topsoil we are losing each year, but I told that story around the campfire and nobody got scared.


  34. http://www.alternet.org/jon-stewart-fox-hosts-your-fcking-opinion-not-valid-scientific-fact

  35. "Somebody told me it was frightening how much topsoil we are losing each year, but I told that story around the campfire and nobody got scared."

    I bet. Typical, compare scientific research to campfire stories. Carry on. And Bob says liberalism is a bad mode of reality.

  36. "Bad news for Richard — and, for the rest of us. Warmer temperatures are thawing the surface layer of land that covers most of Alaska and is known as permafrost (frozen below for at least two years in a row.) This thawing not only damages roads, buildings and airport runways, but also releases vast amounts of greenhouse gases that further warm the atmosphere — not just over Richard's house but worldwide.

    The nation's last frontier is — in many ways — its ground zero for climate change. Alaska's temperatures are rising twice as fast as those in the lower 48, prompting more sea ice to disappear in summer. While this may eventually open the Northwest Passage to sought-after tourism, oil exploration and trade, it also spells trouble as wildfires increase, roads buckle and tribal villages sink into the sea."


  37. Michael Mann2:05 AM

    PilotX said...
    "Typical, compare scientific research to campfire stories."

    If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "the Earth is crying." And if he asks why the Earth is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did".

  38. "Over the past 50 years, temperatures across Alaska increased by an average of 3.4°F. Winter warming was even greater, rising by an average of 6.3°F.[2]The rate of warming in Alaska was twice the national average over that same period of time. Average annual temperatures in Alaska are projected to increase an additional 3.5 to 7°F by the middle of this century.[2]"


  39. "Permafrost is the frozen ground located one to two feet below the surface in cold regions. As permafrost thaws and the soil sinks, structures built on or within the soil are damaged. Although most Alaskans live in permafrost-free areas, an estimated 100,000 Alaskans (about 14% of the population) live in areas sensitive to permafrost degradation.[4]As explained below, the impacts of melting permafrost on transportation, forests, ecosystems, and the economy could have widespread implications for Alaskans."

    "Permafrost thawing and cycles of freezing and thawing can cause extensive damage to highways, railroads, airstrips, and other transportation infrastructure in Alaska.

    Photograph of leaning evergreen trees. Some fallen trees are visible at ground-level in the photograph.
    Alaska's "drunken forests" — as permafrost thaws, trees lean into the ground. Source: USGCRP (2009) (PDF)

    Many of Alaska's highways are built on permafrost. When permafrost thaws, roads buckle. Vehicles are only allowed to drive across certain roads in the tundra when the ground is frozen solid. In the past 30 years, the number of days when travel is allowed on the tundra has decreased from 200 days to 100 days per year.[2]"


  40. uncle bob2:15 AM

    Threats, they're everywhere! Always with the threats. Supposedly we're always under attack by a mortal threat. Yet they never quite seem to be as horrible as we're always told.

    I was a teenager during the '70s. Now let's see...what were the mortal threats back then? Oh, yes, here's one (and I kid you not) – global cooling. I swear, that's what we were told. We were all going to freeze to death from global cooling. Paul Newman was in a now-forgotten movie called Quintet, about how the Earth had frozen as solid as a Popsicle on the North Pole.

    Now the threat is supposed to be global warming. I don't believe that in the slightest, either. And I believe in the shrinking ozone layer about as much as I believe in aliens kidnapping people and performing "those" probes that are so annoying.

    We were also supposed to run out of oil during the '70's. Jimmuh Cartuh told us to turn down our thermostats. Maybe we were supposed to wear nightcaps to bed, like in a Charles Dickens novel. I don't exactly remember.

    And what was the threat during the '80's? Har har! Japan! Japan was supposed to take over the world because of its powerhouse economy! BWHAHAHA! I can barely type this I'm laughing so hard!

    Nowadays Japan has been in a recession for the last ten years, with no sign of it ending soon. Its government is even more stupid than ours. The evil ghost of Keynes lives on, haunting not only the governments of Japan and the US, but also American economics departments.

    Don't think I believe we don't have problems. We do. We always have, and we always will. We even have threats. Always have and always will. But we should assess them accurately, which the US government is not doing.

    But do we have mortal threats that are going to wipe us out unless we get hysterical and give up our freedoms for a fake security?

    I've been down that road too many times before to believe that.

  41. "Now the threat is supposed to be global warming. I don't believe that in the slightest, either. And I believe in the shrinking ozone layer about as much as I believe in aliens kidnapping people and performing "those" probes that are so annoying."

    You don't "believe" in it huh? That's very scientific of you there Bob. I guess you've done the research to confirm your beliefs or are you doing just what you accuse liberals of doing?
    Rest easy everybody, Bob doesn't believe in any climate change so we must be safe.

    "But do we have mortal threats that are going to wipe us out unless we get hysterical and give up our freedoms for a fake security?"

    False choice. Now who's getting hysterical? Leave the conspiracy theories alone Unc.


  42. "I was a teenager during the '70s. Now let's see...what were the mortal threats back then? Oh, yes, here's one (and I kid you not) – global cooling"

    Weren't scientists warning us in the 1970s about global cooling?

    "After rising in the early 20th century, global surface temperatures cooled slightly from just after World War II (the mid-1940s) into the 1970s. These temperature drops were focused in the Northern Hemisphere.

    Scientists already knew that carbon dioxide was accumulating in the atmosphere and that it could lead to eventual global warming. In 1975, Wallace Broecker (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory) published the first major study with "global warming" in the title.

    A few researchers believed that pollution from burgeoning postwar industry in North America and Eurasia was shielding sunlight and shading the planet, causing the observed cooldown. Some even theorized that a "snow blitz" could accelerate the cooling and bring on the next ice age. Their statements got major play in the media. But the majority of scientists publishing in peer-reviewed journals were concerned that greenhouse gases would play a more dominant, warming role that would overtake the cooling of sulfate aerosol pollution in the coming decades. The state of climate science knowledge in the 1970s was summarized in a 2008 article on "The Myth of the 1970s Global Cooling Scientific Consensus" in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (abstract).

    Starting in the 1970s, new clean-air laws began to reduce sulfates and other sunlight-blocking pollutants from U.S. and European sources, while greenhouse gases continued to accumulate unchecked. Global temperatures began to warm sharply in the 1980s and have continued rising since then.

    Increasingly detailed models suggest that the more recent warmup can be attributed to greenhouse gases overpowering the effect of sunlight-shielding pollution. Computer simulations also suggest that today's atmosphere would be even warmer still, were it not for that air pollution."



  43. "I was a teenager during the '70s. Now let's see...what were the mortal threats back then? Oh, yes, here's one (and I kid you not) – global cooling"

    Didn't you write this Bob?

    Since science is a search for the truth, its theories are always provisional, and can always be - and will always be - refined and made better. (You can say everything is a process and not a thing.)

    I guess you don't believe your own words. I know conservatives are hypocritical but damn, in the same thread? Really?

  44. "Of course field. Smart is believing alarmist who blame everything from fires,floods,tornados,racism and ingrown toe nails on global warming."

    By "alarmists" do you mean climatological scientists? You know, the EXPERTS in the field?

    Do you have any evidence of anyone blaming ingrown toenails and racism on global warming?

    Just asking'


    Incidentally the world IS growing warmer, as anyone with a working thermometer will attest. The debate (such as it is) is about the causes of the world growing warmer. A warmer climate will lead to more and more powerful storms nobody that I know of doubts that.


    "And when these alarmist are proven wrong? "

    They haven't been.

  45. "Do you think it is just a coincidence that global warming is caused by all the things progressives hate? Energy, cars, SUV's, meat, capitalism, prosperity, growth, Wester society itself."

    Wait! What??

    Progressives hate energy? How does that work? Energy cannot be created or destroyed last I heard. What's the point of hating it then?

    Also cars are fine by the Socialist. I've got an Audi A6, what about you?

    Prosperity and growth - that's another good one. Do you have any evidence of anyone who hates prosperity? Everybody should be prosperous I reckon.

  46. "And what's the solution? Control of the world's economies by the progressive UN."

    Yeahh, riiiiiiight....

    Can you say STRAW MAN?

  47. "I already told you that Tea Partiers are more scientifically literate than democrats:"

    Thanks for reminding me, I meant to pull you up on that before. Your statement is absolutely NOT what that report says.

  48. "And nice strawman argument regarding overnight warming. How about ANY noticeable warming since 1999?

    Theories need to be verified by actual data. AGW has failed the test."

    No you just did.

    Firstly I think you are referring to 1998, rather than '99.

    Secondly, 1998 was the warmest in world history, just because there hasn't been a warmest year in world history since doesn't mean that the world isn't getting warmer.

    What you are doing is called 'Cherry picking'. 1998 was the last strong El Nino year, the next strong El Nino year will in all likely hood be the hottest year ever.

  49. "PilotX ignores over 100 years worth of fear mongering and predictions that never came true."

    Except that they did.


    Yesterday, Polar Vortex=global cooling.

    Today, Polar Vortex=global warming."

    Evidence please.


    "PilotX, where's the 50 million global warming refugees?"

    Well we have a big chunk of that already, I'm sure the rest will be along eventually.

    ""Is there still arctic ice?

    It was suspose to be all gone by now."

    There's not much left. Please show me a reference to anyone saying ALL arctic ice will be gone by 2014.


    "Where's the food shortages,disease, mass riots, genocide, animal extinctions, world wars, high murder rates, ice ages, droughts, hundreds of tornadoes and hurricanes per year and the fall of America?"

    We have most of those things now, but did anyone say we would have all of that stuff by 2014? Evidence please...

    BTW, what's a "mass riot"?


    "All this was suppose to happen by now."

    Evidence please.


    "Climatologists, scientist, NASA experts and liberals can't be wrong. Can they?"

    Well I can't speak for Liberals, but climatologists and NASA are not wrong.

  50. Audi driver?

    PC, I knew threre was something I liked about you. :)

    Did these wingnuts really write that science should not be believed? Man America is in some serious trouble.

  51. uptownsteve9:48 AM

    The logic behind the pervasive view on climate change on the right: "We don’t like the solutions to this problem, so we officially declare this not to be a problem."

  52. If we needed anymore proof of the democrat plantation and field is nothing more than a slave catcher- look at his hn of the day.

    A black man calls out the race baiting/race hustling that goes on at MSNBC and field attacks him.


    Insanely attacks him.

  53. More examples of the plantation mentally that affects blacks.

    Refusing to acknowledge the fear mongering, the predictions that didn't come true, and those who have lied or manipulated science in order to make millions.

    The fact you don't know-says a lot about you do know about global warming. Which is only what people with agendas tell you.

    Yet, people who don't believe the alarmist are dumb.

    Yesterday, Polar Vortex=global cooling.

    Today, Polar Vortex=global warming.

  54. uptownsteve10:51 AM

    Republican Goober

    House Negro Jason Riley would never stand up to the blatant racism of his employer FOX TV because, HE'S PAID TO BE A COON.

    BTW, what did Melissa Harris Perry say that was racist?

  55. The Purple Cow said...
    Yesterday, Polar Vortex=global cooling.

    Today, Polar Vortex=global warming."

    Evidence please.

    June 24, 1970
    Scientists have found other indications of global cooling. For one thing there has been a noticeable expansion of the great belt of dry, high-altitude polar winds —the so-called circumpolar vortex


    January 6, 2014
    But not only does the cold spell not disprove climate change, it may well be that global warming could be making the occasional bout of extreme cold weather in the U.S. even more likely. Right now much of the U.S. is in the grip of a polar vortex


    In hindsight, thank God we didn't take the words of the experts in the 70's and combat global cooling. We would have caused serious problems when decades later the experts started predicting global warming.

  56. The Purple Cow said...
    "PilotX, where's the 50 million global warming refugees?"

    Well we have a big chunk of that already,

    Big chunk?

    How about you provide some evidence that only 5 million people have been displaced because of global cooling/warming/change.

    Since we're predicting global cooling/warming./change, I'll go out on a limb and predict that PurpleCow will go crickets about evidence 5 million (or a bigger chuck) have been displaced.

  57. Michael Manwich1:01 PM

    How about one example where rising sea levels (not subsiding coastlines) has affected any human settlement?

    Just one.

  58. uptownsteve1:11 PM

    Manwich Goober

    Here you go idiot.


  59. What are you talking about "failed predictions" Plantaion? The last 30 year normals showed warming and pretty sure the next normals will also show a warming planet so looks like the vast majority of climatologists were indeed correct. I know you need instant gratification but scientists tend to take the long view. Do you even know a climatologist? Ever studied atmospheric science at a university?

  60. What nerve, this guy is ion a political party in which the majority of its members dismiss evolution and he says we're on some kind of pantation? Really? So I should join the snake handler party? Their only defense is "but but some Yale professor says we know more about science". Ha! No thanks.

  61. Michael Manwich2:38 PM

    dipshitsteve said...
    Manwich Goober

    Here you go idiot.


    That paper is just another global warming fantasy piece about what COULD happen IF sea levels rise.

    You cannot show that sea levels have actually risen as predicted anywhere on the planet.

    The fact is no one has been impacted by rising sea levels from AGW.


  62. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
    Their only defense is "but but some Yale professor says we know more about science".

    But we do:


    This obliterates your whole "conservatives are morons" argument.

    Creationism is silly but so is AGW.

    And believing in Creationism doesn't prevent one from doing calculus, designing microprocessor chips, or flying airplanes.

    Believing in AGW allows one into being manipulated into giving up basic freedoms and impoverishing ones self by forgoing cheap and plentiful real energy.

    Face it X, you are a religious zealot being exploited by con artists.

  63. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
    ".. pretty sure the next normals will also show a warming planet"

    That is a faith-based statement.

    That is not science.

    You may as well go outside and shake a bone at the sun. That might help you feel better.

  64. GrannyStandingforTruth3:18 PM

    Welp, I have a lot to do today, but I thought that I'd drop a link to a couple of interesting articles about one of the head honchos over at Fox We Make It Up News before I head out. Anyway, everyone have a nice day.



  65. "http://www.ijreview.com/2013/10/87474-yale-professors-surprising-discovery-tea-party-supporters-scientifically-literate/

    This obliterates your whole "conservatives are morons" argument."

    It doesn't as I pointed out earlier.

    There again I've actually read the paper, I suspect you have not.

  66. How am I a zealot? This is why I don't debate this topic. I have never once stated sea levels will rise any specific amount, sea ice will disappear or anything resembling those predictions. What I will say is that there are increased levels of CO2 in the atmosphere and we need further study to determine what effects that will cause. Where is the zealotry? It is the right who seized on Al Gore's movie, who is not a climate scientist, and used his information as a proxy for all climate science and climate scientists. The right is now painting atmospheric science as some kind of quack pseudo science when nothing is further from the truth. Stop putting others' quotes on me. This is not a simplistic cause and effect problem. Ok? Got it?

  67. The UN’s International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR) has called for enhanced disaster reduction responses and preparedness to respond to the humanitarian challenges posed by mass displacement and migration of populations as a result of prolonged droughts, floods and storms. In 2008 alone, more than 20 million people were displaced by climate-related natural disasters, according to a study by OCHA and the Norwegian Refugee Council’s Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre.

  68. Anonymous4:15 PM

    There goes those leftists with facts again.


  69. "In 2008 alone, more than 20 million people were displaced by climate-related natural disasters, according to a study by OCHA and the Norwegian Refugee Council’s Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre."

    Ha ha! It didn't happen just like in Al Gore's movie so it doesn't count. Also tea partiers are better at science. Oh yeah, and it's cold outside.

  70. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
    I will say is that there are increased levels of CO2 in the atmosphere and we need further study to determine what effects that will cause. Where is the zealotry?

    I would say destroying the coal industry is zealotry in action.

    By all means, study away. It's the implementation of unknown conclusions I resent. Deeply.

  71. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
    "In 2008 alone, more than 20 million people were displaced by climate-related natural disasters, according to a study by OCHA and the Norwegian Refugee Council’s Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre."

    The "Norwegian Refugee Council’s Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre"? Are you serious?

    Again, you, in slavish deference to the pronouncements of some Norwegian moonbats, confuse weather with climate.

    We had hurricanes and droughts before we had SUV's. I read that in a book.

    Now that people live everywhere, every time there is a storm someone is impacted.

    I would advise you to broaden your sources beyond the for-profit alarmist industry. They are making you look foolish, something for which you don't really need any help.

  72. Michael Lindzen, Climate Scientist at MIT (heard of it?) on AGW:

    "“We all agree that temperature has increased since 1800,” he tells me. There’s a caveat, though: It’s increased by “a very small amount. We’re talking about tenths of a degree [Celsius].

    If Lindzen is right about this and global warming is nothing to worry about, why do so many climate scientists, many with résumés just as impressive as his, preach imminent doom? He says it mostly comes down to the money—to the incentive structure of academic research funded by government grants. Almost all funding for climate research comes from the government, which, he says, makes scientists essentially vassals of the state. And generating fear, Lindzen contends, is now the best way to ensure that policymakers keep the spigot open.

    A need to generate fear, in Lindzen’s telling, is what’s driving the apocalyptic rhetoric heard from many climate scientists and their media allies. “The idea was, to engage the public you needed an event .  .  . not just a Sputnik—a drought, a storm, a sand demon. You know, something you could latch onto. [Climate scientists] carefully arranged a congressional hearing. And they arranged for [James] Hansen [author of Storms of My Grandchildren, and one of the leading global warming “alarmists”] to come and say something vague that would somehow relate a heat wave or a drought to global warming.”
    In a 2012 public letter, Lindzen noted, “Critics accuse me of doing a disservice to the scientific method. I would suggest that in questioning the views of the critics and subjecting them to specific tests, I am holding to the scientific method.” Whoever is right about computer models, climate sensitivity, aerosols, and water vapor, Lindzen is certainly right about that. Skepticism is essential to science.

    Skepticism is essential to science -- but poison to a political cause. And thus Lindzen is despised by the Left and the politicized "scientists" of the United Apocalyptic Church of Global Warming.


  73. Hot air caused by insufficient taxation and regulation is pushing the dreaded polar vortex down upon us from the Arctic. Praise Gaia.

  74. "Michael Lindzen, Climate Scientist at MIT (heard of it?) on AGW:

    I checked, there is no such person.

  75. Richard Lindzen

    My error.

  76. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Lindzen, Richard S., Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology, Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences


  77. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Gore's Global Warming Secret

    You'll never guess what initially inspired Al Gore's "temperature" mania - the one that's raised our tempers.
    Well, Gore is from Tennessee where you can hear Bible belt preachers warning about "Hell fire" in the next life.
    And Gore, concerned about this life, is surrounded by those who also know about the prediction in Revelation (chapter 16) of the coming time when a change in the sun will result in humans being "scorched with great heat"!
    It wouldn't be convenient if folks were to discover that Gore, a liberal, was influenced by the handbook closely associated with Christian fundamentalists!
    If Tennessee fundy preachers could look at the same predictions-packed apocalyptic book and stretch forward in time some future events, Gore could surely do the same thing and stretch forward the "great heat" and turn it into cold cash.
    All of us are well aware of the incredible influence that the Gore-orrhea plague has had on the whole world including the White House!
    But Gore's overlooked another Bible verse which says that "there is nothing hid that shall not be revealed."
    The real "inconvenient truth" is that the SS Al Gore is now stuck in ice - and what we need is a Gorebreaker!

    (Above item seen on net. Elaine)

  78. "I would say destroying the coal industry is zealotry in action."

    And when have I advocated for this? I'll wait.


  79. "I would advise you to broaden your sources beyond the for-profit alarmist industry. They are making you look foolish, something for which you don't really need any help."

    First off, that wasn't my quote dumbass. Secondly, my sources are impeachable. I only use the UCAR website and NOAA. Wanna try to do better? Good luck.

  80. The Purple Cow said...
    "Michael Lindzen, Climate Scientist at MIT (heard of it?) on AGW:

    I checked, there is no such person.

    And you wonder why you get called out for being wrong on everything.

    Like anonymous pointed out,

    Is this the person you checked for and doesn't exist?


    Obviously you didn't google him or you would have found out he is a real live person.

    Which prompts me to ask, where did you check for him?
    Under your bed?

  81. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...

    "I would say destroying the coal industry is zealotry in action."

    And when have I advocated for this? I'll wait.

    You are a supporter of the President's efforts to curb greenhouse gases, and the President is out to destroy the coal industry:




    That is zealotry that is costing hundreds of thousands of people their jobs.

  82. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
    "First off, that wasn't my quote dumbass."

    > Blogger PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...

    "In 2008 alone, more than 20 million people were displaced by climate-related natural disasters, according to a study by OCHA and the Norwegian Refugee Council’s Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre."

    Ha ha! It didn't happen just like in Al Gore's movie so it doesn't count. Also tea partiers are better at science. Oh yeah, and it's cold outside.

    4:36 PM

    When you quote Purple Cow's ridiculous source in an affirmative post, it becomes your quote, dumbass.

    You cannot soar like an eagle when you fly with cows.

  83. "You are a supporter of the President's efforts to curb greenhouse gases, and the President is out to destroy the coal industry:"

    Really? And where have I stated this? I'll wait.

    "When you quote Purple Cow's ridiculous source in an affirmative post, it becomes your quote, dumbass."

    So when I post someone else's quote it then becomes mine? Maybe I'll start posting famous speeches and you can give me credit for them. Ha!
    Are you new at this or just young?

  84. Anonymous9:50 PM

    Read this!

