Saturday, January 25, 2014


Another day another mass shooting in NRAmerica. This one was in a mall in one of my favorite areas in the country. I have a lot of friends in the Columbia, Maryland area, and so this one felt particularly close to him.

This is the sixth day in a row that we have had a public shooting- or scare of a shooting- of this sort. The previous five involved schools.  Widener University. Purdue University. South Carolina State University. The University of Oklahoma. The shots just keep coming.

But back to the shooting today in Maryland.

"Two employees of a skate shop were killed Saturday when a gunman armed with a shotgun and “a large amount of ammunition” opened fire in the store in a shopping mall in Columbia, Md., near Baltimore, before apparently killing himself, police said.

At a news conference, Howard County, Md., Chief of Police Bill McMahon said that the gunman was believed to be one of the dead and that the shooting took place in a single store on the upper level of The Mall in Columbia. Police later identified the shop as a skate store called Zumiez.

The employees were identified by police as Brianna Benlolo, 21, of College Park, Md., and Tyler Johnson, 25, of Ellicott City, Md. The male shooter, whose body was found nearby, had a shotgun and “a large amount of ammunition on and about him,” McMahon said. He has not yet been identified."

Damn, you can't even go the mall anymore without keeping your head on a swivel. This is not good for American businesses, or, for that matter, the popular pastime of shopping on weekends.

In the meantime we will keep the latest victims in our thoughts, and we will continue to hope that one day, here in America, we will figure it all out.

A metal detector is coming to a store near you.



  1. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Field, "Damn, you can't even go the mall anymore without keeping your head on a swivel. This is not good for American businesses, or, for that matter, the popular pastime of shopping on weekends."

    It may not be good for retailers at stores and Malls but it is a 'boomer' for online retailers like Amazon.

  2. Anonymous8:20 PM

    "In the meantime we will keep the latest victims in our thoughts, and we will continue to hope that one day, here in America, we will figure it all out. "

    'Hope' is all we have. We will NEVER figure it out because we lack self-knowledge.

    You see, Mr Field, our real problem is spiritual. Spiritually we are very sick but we keep trying to solve our problem with 'outside' stuff: guns, money, status, position, POLITICS, etc...none of this is going to solve the problem on earth as long as we think we are running life. We are not.

    The real problem can be solved. It's the materialistic problem that can never be figured out because it is not real.

    I won't go on because I recognize that this is FN and a lot of folks here, like Field, PilotX, Pc don't 'believe' in spiritual solutions and serving GOD. They are completely closed off to the indewelling Spirit within. Hence we will never figure out the human problem because we are too busy looking 'outside' when we should be looking 'inside'.

  3. "A metal detector is coming to a store near you."

    A negro detector would be much more useful.

  4. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Anon8:20pm, I agree. It's time to turn inward and look at ourselves instead of arguing left and right politics. All it does is take us in circles with the same ole same ole. Meanwhile, the signs we are getting are ominous, but we keep doing the same thing as if nothing is happening. That is a BIG part of human problems....DENIAL, STUBBORNESS AND ARROGANCE. The refusal to say, "I don't know." That revelation itself could be a new beginning and a brighter possibility of "figuring it out".

  5. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Anonymous Baltimore Oreo said...
    "A metal detector is coming to a store near you."

    A negro detector would be much more useful.

    8:27 PM
    Nature has already done so. His skin is a different color than yours. Surely by now you can recognize him?

    Btw, a Negro didn't kill those people at the mall.

  6. "Btw, a Negro didn't kill those people at the mall."

    A man-bites-dog story.

  7. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Baltimore Oreo, "A man-bites-dog story."

    Oh, come on, Mr Superior, is that all you got? Really?

  8. Anonymous9:18 PM

    The SC shooting was classic black-on-black gun violence, so the media will bury that one real quick.

    Widener is looking to be the same, so the media isn't on the hunt for that story.

    Perdue - white on white violence; rare; wait for lots of media digging deep into the details on that one.

    Oklahoma shooting a false alarm, so doesn't count

    Columbia - shooter info not being released; therefore, odds are it's a black male.

  9. Anonymous9:21 PM

    "Metal detector coming to a mall near you".

    Nope. Going to the mall or to a movie theatre is a high probability for a negro encounter.

    That's why Amazon, E-Bay, Netflix, RedBox and high end home theatre systems are booming.

    It's known as the "Black Tax" - the efforts whites take and the costs involved to minimize "coontacts".

  10. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "Metal detector coming to a mall near you".

    Nope. Going to the mall or to a movie theatre is a high probability for a negro encounter.

    That's why Amazon, E-Bay, Netflix, RedBox and high end home theatre systems are booming.

    It's known as the "Black Tax" - the efforts whites take and the costs involved to minimize "coontacts".

    9:21 PM
    What about your white brothers and sisters who can't afford theater systems? btw, Blacks buy more theater systems than Whites. Hmmmm...what does that mean? A "White Tax?"

  11. Anon 8:20 & 8:30pm-




    confession: sometimes i visit your blog, write a pure uncut thought for you...then erase it.

    i don't know why Yah has me to do this. i guess it would be like coming over for dinner then mushing you when the convo took a dumb turn. lol. ok, i cop to it. i don't let you have it for real, out of respect. for Yah, you + myself.

    i AM hopeful that you are unaware that you are promoting the nwo.

    disarming americans = all bad.

    the other Black folk that haven't gotten the memo for real, just yet= need to keep their guns.

    it is my prayer that if they think they are supposed to be shooting Black folk that they will run into some of His. we will stand there + give you His Word about why you don't want to come against US.

    guess what?

    devils know Yah + tremble. look 'em square in the eye, hitting with His Word and they back up. gun toting, amped lapd devils. lol.

    bullies are wimps as you stated. they will stop + think @ the notion of armed resistance. i posted the link before from our history.

    this madness is being staged. a big production to set off the end game plan.

    i don't know about this situation. just have seen enough to know that it will keep happening.

    the texting in the movie theatre nonsense for example. that story was so dumb...i just can't even keep looking at the dumbness. it negatively affects my disposition. makes me want to talk like the man in this video. and that ain't right:(


  12. Anonymous9:39 PM

    What about your white brothers and sisters who can't afford theater systems? btw, Blacks buy more theater systems than Whites. Hmmmm...what does that mean? A "White Tax?"

    A "White Tax", where blacks take extraordinary measures to avoid interactions with Whites, stay out of White neighborhoods, avoiding eating, shopping or enjoying recreation in majority-White areas, seek out school districts with no White students (or the lowest possible percentage of White students that is practical), refuse to apply for admission to "Historically White Colleges and Universities (HWCU's) because the standards are sooooo much lower.... and so on?

    Like that kinda "White Tax"?

    Please, please, tell me where this utopia exists. You have given me hope!

  13. Anon 8:20pm-

    please don't censor yourself.


    devils are subject to US. not we to them.

    all of US hold key pieces.

    speak on it.

    i AM listening:) the other Anon, too.

    FN has to keep the political thingy going because of the nature of his blog.

    that does not mean we must go round + round then down the toilet with circular convos.

    it is not FN's job alone to elevate. some folk in certain places have a lot less freedom than they will cop to. trinkets, toys + stuff = consolation prize.

    this is not an american concern. it is global. others that have been disarmed cry out the warning not to let this happen.

    the land of the free + brave is being tested. i pray folk will be wise enough to cry out to Yah not the gov't for salvation.

    these devils are banking on the powerful people that are sleeping/ not knowing their true power to call out for the gov't.


    ps. the more racist devils show up...means that there is something here they feel they must derail. think about.

    folk that LOVE the concept of segregation seem to love sharing that philosophy here at this blog.

    i smell more white lies...peep the game folk.

  14. "Please, please, tell me where this utopia exists. You have given me hope!"

    It's called "Whitopia" and was the subject of a book by a black author, Richard Benjamin.

    According to Benjamin, a

    "Whitopia is whiter than the nation, its respective region, and its state. It has posted at least 6 percent population growth since 2000. The majority of that growth, often upward of 90 percent) is from white migrants. And a whitopia has a je ne sais quoi—an ineffable social charisma, a pleasant look and feel."

    Which begs the question: Is there such a thing as a "Blacktopia"?

    If not, why not?

  15. Anonymous10:06 PM

    FP--Thanks. You let me know I am not alone. Sometimes I need that.


  16. Anonymous10:10 PM

    It's called "Whitopia" and was the subject of a book by a black author, Richard Benjamin.

    I waited until this book went on clearance and bought it, and read it.

    Benjamin catalogues what he defines as "whitopia's" and it is clear that he feels that this tribal grouping and self-selection is not okay.

    He also has helpfully provided a road map to other groups who don't feel it's okay, because the areas Benjamin mentions, with the exception of Idaho,
    have been targeted for destruction by the deliberate placement of Section 8 voucher holders.

    Blacks will tell you that PG county and Atlanta are "Blacktopia's" but they are artificial communities based in state sponsored economic theft to subsidize artificially created state and federal civil services positions. Even though these are black Utopias, there is a migration of blacks out of PG county to Northern Virginia, where they are busy destroying communities with a lust only matched by locusts.

  17. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Judge Bean said...
    "Please, please, tell me where this utopia exists. You have given me hope!"

    It's called "Whitopia" and was the subject of a book by a black author, Richard Benjamin.

    According to Benjamin, a

    "Whitopia is whiter than the nation, its respective region, and its state. It has posted at least 6 percent population growth since 2000. The majority of that growth, often upward of 90 percent) is from white migrants. And a whitopia has a je ne sais quoi—an ineffable social charisma, a pleasant look and feel."

    Which begs the question: Is there such a thing as a "Blacktopia"?

    If not, why not?

    9:56 PM
    A Black writer wrote about Whitopia? Well, cut off my legs and call me shorty. How in hell can there be a Whitopia explained by a Black man who lives there? Oh, wait....this is America...anything is possible, i guess?

    Blacktopia is a secret place where Whites know nothing about it. We learned from the Tulsa burning of black wall street to not tell Whites a damn thing. Whites are a jealous lot.

  18. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Since you feel that the only Truth is found in the Scripture, and Salvation and Redemption can only be found in the Scripture, then you of all people should be sympathetic to my concerns.

    Separation is what God wants and what he has mandated. Integration and race-mixing is a defiance of God's plan and purpose.

    God scattered the people and destroyed the Tower. Progressives seek to defy God and undo his Work. "Civil Rights" was a plot hatched by Jews to divide and conquer - with the sorry results we see today. It is not good to defy God or the natural order of things!

    I am glad that I can at least count on YOU to help spread the word about honoring God's plan.

    Thank you!

  19. Anonymous10:24 PM

    Any Blacks wanting to know where Blacktopia can email Field and he will forward it to me:

    Anon Inc
    Blacktopia, Land of The Free

    PS. This is Field's way of paying his delinquent bill with us without losing his credit rating...Anon Inc has ways of collecting from even the most delinquent of delinquents. No Collection Agency can match our style of collecting.

  20. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Anon @ 10:14 said:

    Blacktopia is a secret place where Whites know nothing about it. We learned from the Tulsa burning of black wall street to not tell Whites a damn thing. Whites are a jealous lot.


    Nope, Blacktopia is all of America - a magical place where everything you could possibly need or want is magically provided to you, free, because of the color of your skin.

    In Blacktopia, you're not responsible for your poor choices, or your lack of motivation, or your ability to conform to any social norms. Nope! In fact, the full force of the jack booted state will be used to terrorize and bankrupt any entity that DARES hold blacks to any standard or accountable for poor choices.

    In Blacktopia, if you are black, you can shoot as many fellow blacks as you want, even little kids, in a real time drive by shooting gallery. Why bother going to the carnival, when you can just have fun on the streets of Chicago, or Philly or Baltimore! Keep it real, mitches!

    In Blacktopia, you are "entitled" to free housing, free heat, free electric, free water, free food, free medical care, free schooling (well, it's really just day long baby sitting), a free Obamaphone, free transportation .... the list is endless. And hot darn if what provided to you is, in your eyes, substandard, well, just scream RACIST!. I mean, in Chattanooga, they've told public housing tenants they can't turn the heat up past 75F! That sh!t won't fly! Somebody's gonna hafta pay for this!

    And what they don't give you for free, ya can just boost. Iz all goo'.

    Yep, all of America is one beautiful, entitlement zone Blacktopia.

  21. Anonymous10:37 PM

    an interesting article about the use of adjuncts:

    "The students who frequently need the most help – poor and working class students, first generation college students, and students of color – are also the ones most likely to be taught by adjuncts.

    It is no accident that the increased use of adjuncts followed quickly on the heels of a massive shift in the demography of college attendance in the late sixties and early seventies. As more and more working class people and people of color began attending public universities in California and New York, state funding was quickly reduced.

    Rather than continue to offer the best to these students, universities decided instead to expand the use of adjuncts. Just as the doors of academia were opened to the most underprivileged students, the feast of knowledge that lay behind was quietly hidden from view, and the paper plates and frozen dinners brought out instead."

  22. Chasing Whitey11:18 PM

    "the areas Benjamin mentions, with the exception of Idaho, have been targeted for destruction by the deliberate placement of Section 8 voucher holders."

    Yes, the evil machinations of our government apparently know no bounds. Last year, HUD announced plans to map the demographics of every neighborhood in the country, for the purpose of "helping people gain access to different neighborhoods and channeling investments into under-served areas."

    Obama's HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan said HUD's new neighborhood mapping tool, which uses Census data, will "expand access to high opportunity neighborhoods and draw attention to investment possibilities in under-served communities."

    "Make no mistake, this is a big deal," Donovan said. "With the HUD budget alone, we are talking about billions of dollars. And as you know, decades ago, these funds were used to support discrimination. Now, they will be used to expand opportunity and bring communities closer to the American Dream."

    The assertion that HUD funds were ever used to support discrimination is a flat out lie. Now HUD funds are going to be used to destroy functioning communities by forcing dysfunction into them. Where in the Constitution does it give the federal government the right to mandate the racial makeup of every neighborhood in the country?

    Neighborhoods that are "too white" will have that remedied by the federal government paying to move blacks and Hispanics into these "strong neighborhoods", which of course afterwards won't be very strong.

    And you know this won't affect the neighborhoods of the elite, they will be going after middle class white people.

    Bad neighborhoods don't suck because of some inherent geographical or spatial property of where they are located, they suck because of the people who live there. People work hard and invest their lives into making safe communities that are nice places to live. People who can live by bourgeoisie norms are welcome, and would find their way there on their own. Moving the dregs of society into functioning neighborhoods is pure malice.

  23. Anonymous12:00 AM

    Well, I guess at some point, even the illusion of "prosperity" generated by unrestrained fiat money printing has to come to an end, and reality must set in:

    Argentina once has one of the world's strongest economies, until they voted for "wealth redistribution" and "social justice" ... and they've never recovered. They also created an artificial middle class of civil servants, who provide no real service or have no real tangible value, and when the economy collapsed, were the only ones who really struggled, because they had no skills to barter with on the informal market.

    Now the "illusion of prosperity" because of unrestrained money printing is coming to its predictable end: violence, looting, blackouts, scarcity, currency controls ... mmmm, mmmm, mmmmmm... whodaseenitcomin' ???

  24. Criminalocracy12:47 AM

    Barack Obama has appointed the “hate crime expert” Barbara Kay Bosserman to investigate the IRS scandal involving the targeting of conservative and Tea Party groups. Bosserman donated to both of Obama’s presidential campaigns as well as the “Obama Victory Fund.” Obama also appointed John Podesta, founder of the Center for American Progress, a group that has received over $7 million in funding from billionaire George Soros, to investigate wrongdoing at the National Security Administration. What a “hate crime expert” would know about discrimination against conservatives, as well as what a Soros shill would know about the Obama Administration’s ongoing construction of a surveillance state, is anyone’s guess.

  25. this right here:

    " They also created an artificial middle class of civil servants, who provide no real service or have no real tangible value"



    what does that even mean?

    devil gibberish does not even need to make sense, i suppose;(

    "provide no real service or have no real tangible value"

    okey doke.

    such being acceptable:

    it would make more sense to use those words like this:

    those highly trained, "educated" folk in gov't provide no real service. + have no real tangible value to the people they are to serve.




    you lying devils need to keep reassuring the mammonites that this pain is meant only for the least among US.


    INH, i Love you. you are not alone. never that.

    pray for the lost ones. don't get angry with 'em;) regulate if you must...let it be from a place of Love.

    this is to honor Yah.

    above all...please don't censor yourself because of what non believers will say or do. they are NOT running The Show, despite what it looks like. folks are running just their mouths + time on the clock;)

    with Him/His Word we are more than conquerors, that's what's written + Real.

    Stand Strong.

  26. Anonymous2:16 AM

    Faith and Science 1 min video by a Dr of Science. Hmmm. I wonder what PilotX and PC would say about this?

    FP do you agree with the Dr.?

  27. Anon 10:14-

    hi there.

    yes, i AM fully persuaded that the Truth is found in Him/His Word.

    that said, let's look at this:

    "Separation is what God wants and what he has mandated. Integration and race-mixing is a defiance of God's plan and purpose."

    no + yes.

    no, not against His Plan nor Purpose and here's why:


    Galatians 3:28-29

    28 There is neither Hebrew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Messiah Yahushua (J-sus Chr-st)

    29 And if ye be Messiah's (Chr-st), then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.


    we are all one in our belief in + obedience to to Him/His no. integration/race-mixing is not a defiance of Yah's plan and purpose.

    then there is this-straight from Messiah's mouth:



    John 4:22-24

    22 Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Hebrews.

    23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship Him.

    24 Almighty is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.


    again, no. no problems.

    this is not about color. none of this is for Real.

    those that neither believe nor obey Torah, will turn right around + cite it incorrectly to enforce their racist notions. knowing full well that they prefer the tallmud over His Word/Him.

    we are to make none feel a stranger. those that seek to be with US...will need to respect Almighty. as His Lawgivers, it is our responsibility to make it plain + not compromise on it. this is what it means to be Chosen. we are Chosen for His Purpose. that all mankind might be saved through US.

    strangers, we are to take them in as Hebrews. this is our charge as His People.

    look + notice, Blessed Blacks do this instinctively. gentiles...not so much. making folks feel a stranger is what they do collectively speaking.

    look over at the Set Apart lands and see the African displaced refugees receive the imposter Hebrew treatment. they will pretend otherwise...but then Ethiopians barely made it in. even then there were reports of maltreatment. though now the "official" story is jeWish folk "welcomed" Ethiopians with open arms. those tales of forced sterilization...oh, ignore that. most do. in their quest to be accepted.

    when folk seek acceptance over speaking the Truth, we cease to worship Him that way that He instructs. He hates lying tongues. lies by omission do get counted. i asked Him. lol. they are in fact the biggest lies...

    bottom line: it is about His Spirit + Truth.

    according to your logic...this means that two people who Love Him/His Word cannot marry one another because there is a color difference.

    this is man made. not of Yah. therefore i reject it.

    now...let's look for a way to agree.


  28. yes...race mixing/integration done the way the devil insists it must be done, puts Blacks in a precarious situation spiritually + every other type of way.

    Salvation is of the Hebrews, for ALL nations. those that don't like Truth, need to learn how to pray. stat. then take that concern to Him in prayer.

    our first Love must be Him/His Word. we are not called to be unequally yolked either. same color folk do it all the time. come out from among them mean ALL that will not worship Him in Spirit + Truth.

    this is the biggest problem. from King Solomon to lost sleeping Hebrews to this day:

    as soon as we are with non believing folk - without regard for color, but particularly with wfolk- we take on their Yah-less customs, heathen practices + strange g-d worship. if we bother to remember to worship at all.

    rather than Standing Strong as His Law Givers, refusing to compromise our relationship with His Word/Him. folk try to be "neutral". to assimilate. to learn more about the cultures, worship, etc of the strange folk/g-ds- rather than be faithful to Him/His Word.

    Yahudah has dealt treacherously with Almighty. this is the cause of our suffering. again...none of this has to do with skin color.

    right now today...i know folk that know more about OTHER folk than they would EVER bother to learn of themselves. BM + BW.

    can we talk?

    right now today...i know folk that TRULY believe Charity/Love BEGINS abroad. if it never makes it home...oh well + they have arrived at the door of success!

    when in Truth, Love/Charity, begins at home...then travels abroad.

    in this respect i say yes. we are in COMPLETE defiance of Yah's Plan + Purpose.

    i have addressed this at this very blog before to the sound of crickets.

    wealthy Black americans would rather go build a school in africa...before they will assist the poor Black americans that live in the city where they live. as an example. i AM sure there are rich africans that can share with the poor of their nation.

    many dead head Black men abandon their children left + right. those bm with blessings to spare routinely go find them a non black child to volunteer with...or adopt out of dire circumstances.

    addressed that before here as well.

    most persecuted people...get with themselves and work together. bonded by their persecution to look out for and to love one another.

    in large numbers, Black americans refuse to Love Yah or each other. in Spirit and in Truth.

    that is the sad reality.

    UNTIL we fix THAT, through our Obedience to Him/His Word...everything else is just that- everything else.

    there is a whole lot of game in the mix with everything else. but that's a whole other comment;) suffice it to say...i don't do the games folk play in silence very well. particularly not the ones reserved for BW...

    we are instructed in His Word/Him that we shall know them by their fruit...not their color. that's what messed folk up with BO. focused on color. for Blacks the color of his father. for whites, the color of his mother.

    called that one, too. right over here on the slave plantation...years ago. got called all but a child of Yah. lol.


    i will check out your link. thanks for sharing it;)

    sorry, i don't really do labels. the political labels especially. it is all the same at the end of the day. you are correct...Yah is going to break this corrupt mess into itty bitty pieces.

    i don't think folk Understand that just like with Passover/ is Almighty Himself coming through to help folk know it is Ancient Order Time. ain't nothing new about this. all this rejoicing at His coming fiction...has NOTHING to do with what's written.

    yet folk that love lies, keep gobbling.

    much Love to you Anon. Stand Strong.

  29. "Faith and Science 1 min video by a Dr of Science. Hmmm. I wonder what PilotX and PC would say about this?"

    A Dr. of Science huh? I'll take a pass commenting on this, you may have better luck with PC he seems to have more patience than I do.

  30. Field, tell your folks in MD to carry a gun because we know the only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun are good guys with guns.

  31. Anon 2:16am-

    i checked out your link. thanks for it. i AM getting hip to many slick forked tongued serpents.

    i will share a nugget my mother shared in one of our last convos:

    "keep your grass you can see the snakes."

    it is a pure, flawless queen jewel necklace, of 'ole school mother's wit that i wear daily;)

    i give you the king version and pray that you will have increased discernment as you wear it.

    listened twice to dr. science, yet still came away with...


    esp. nothing that would lead me to believe this man is a follower of Yah.

    it is imperative that folk know all talking of g-d...are not speaking of Yah. i learned this the hard way. lol.

    to some, lucifer is l-rd/g-d. trying the spirit by the His Word/Him/Spirit is the only way to know.

    what would have to be considered the meat of dr science's statement went a little something like this:

    "It is certainly true in the United States that there is an uneasiness about certain aspects of science, particularly evolution, because it conflicts, in some people's minds, with their sense of how we all came to be,"

    "But you know, if you are a believer in G-d, it's hard to imagine that G-d would somehow put this incontrovertible evidence in front of us about our relationship to other living organisms and expect us to disbelieve it."


    incontrovertible = incapable of being contradicted or disputed; undeniable

    so...according to the good dr. science fella...who claims to know Almighty plus believe His Word/Him. man research (aka known as no clue)= incontrovertible.

    does that line up with His Word/Him?

    let's see by going to Him/ His Word pg 1.


    Genesis 1:1- In the beginning Almighty created the heaven and earth.


    lol. what i think is the above UNIVERSAL LAW is incontrovertible.

    full stop.

    now...understand there are many layers to the madness.

    lucifer wants to be LIKE Most High. too bad so sad that a counterfeit, defeated, hell bound fraud is all he amounts to in the end.

    dr. science guy called Almighty a lie + made sure his $ nor "credibility" among men got funny. confessing Messiah = no credibility among men.

    how would folk push the "educated" man lies:

    fairy tale that never existed
    belief in Him/His Word= mental illness

    IF they acknowledged Creation? that is an acknowledgement of the Creator. this will also be how they do away with Sabbath when reinforcing the tall mud noahide laws which are already on the books.

    consider the following UNIVERSAL LAWS then pray for Him to show you what you need to know, as you watch the linked video:


    Matthew 5:37- But let your communication be, Yea, yea: Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.

    Matthew 6:24- No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve Yah and mammon.

    Matthew 10:32-33

    32 Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven.

    33 But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.

    34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.


    poor dr. science guy;(

    + all others that whore themselves for mammon.

    i Love Him/His Word. He literally tells US what will go sneak attacks.

    i hate when lying devils accuse Him;(

    but i need folk to know that i AM a witness that truly could not care less about the opinions of men too foolish to follow Him/His Word.

    that's is each + everyone of them. He is not a respecter of persons nor am i...


    1 Corinthians 1:27- But Almighty hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and Almighty hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;


    and Anon, please know that He has NOT EVER lied;)

  33. Where do these Stormfront type idiots come from? I think they sneak in from that SBPDL blog. I wish that clown would stop linking me. I swear that blog attracts nothing but trailer park intellectuals. :)

    Anywhoo, back in the real world; black folks know who the bad guys are in our community, and we know just how to avoid them. With white follks, on the other hand, you just ever know. You could be minding your own business Ina movie theater or in school, and little Johnny who had a bad day at home ,will just decide to go "postal " on your ass because it's so easy to get his hands on one of his daddy's guns.

    Scary. Not enough tax in the world for that one.

  34. Anon Inc.@10:24, why are u embarrassing me to my blog guests with references of having me in collections?

    Didn't I send u a check? I could have sworn I did.

    Tell u what, I will lend u another one first thing tomorrow morning after I call my accountant.

    Thank you for your patience.

  35. "lend"? Whoops, send. :)

  36. "Where do these Stormfront type idiots come from? I think they sneak in from that SBPDL blog. I wish that clown would stop linking me. I swear that blog attracts nothing but trailer park intellectuals. :)"

    He won't stop linking, Field.

    Kersey's a one-trick-pony, he knows his target demographic all to well. He knows what they want and he gives it to them ad nauseum. He's got nothing else. He can't write to save his life, so he needs a non-too-discerning audience who are interested only in having their prejudices confirmed, and are therefore willing to turn a blind-eye to Kersey's tedious, meandering and overblown writing style.

    It's a good gig for him, I'm sure he's making a fast buck, but to keep the wheel spinning he has to constantly stoke controversy and alleged outrage. That's why he has to link to blogs like this one.

  37. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Blogger PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...

    Field, tell your folks in MD to carry a gun because we know the only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun are good guys with guns.

    The mall had a sign that said gun free zone and MD has the strictest gun control laws in the country and the shooter used Joe Bidens favorite weapon of choice.

    Have you learned anything yet?
    Doubtful. Y

  38. FN said...
    Another day another mass shooting in NRAmerica.

    Was the shooter a member of the NRA?

    Hating guns because of crazy people is like hating black people because of crazy black people.

  39. "Kersey's a one-trick-pony, he knows his target demographic all to well. He knows what they want and he gives it to them ad nauseum. He's got nothing else. He can't write to save his life,"

    He is a poor writer, but he publishes truths that our media overlords studiously ignore.

    Kersey presents facts that scream their own conclusions. His sources are the daily news stories and official statistics that tell the true story of black dysfunction.

    The successful upper middle class blacks who frequent this blog probably have a vested interest in the status quo. But if you truly cared about your (and Eric Holder's) people, there is no objective way you could justify the progressive programs that over the past 50 years have left our cities in ruins, devastated the institution of the family, sentenced tens of millions of people to lives of useless, aimless, hopeless government dependency, millions more to prison, and tens of thousands to death on the streets.

    Black people are a tool the Marxists use to destroy America. You are a big black sledgehammer chipping away at the white granite foundation of America. The hammer takes every blow the granite does, and when the job is done, will be cast away.

    The Truth is the only thing that will save all of us from the fate they have planned. You can tell where the truth lies by where they draw the line at what can be discussed. Look up, look around at what is actually happening. When your job is done, the house is going to fall down around you.

  40. Anonymous11:51 AM

    FN said:

    Scary. Not enough tax in the world for that one.

    8:24 AM

    Didn't get to this site through SBPDL, but thanks for the shout-out. There are some thoughtful and witty commenters there.

    Nope, came to check FN out because the blog was described to me as a place where, quote, "Whiney blacks sit around all day in a virtual drum circle complaining that there isn't enough gravy on their government-provided designer biscuits".

    Sounds pretty accurate from what I've seen so far. Reading here is good intel for the delusions of the Obot crowd and keeping tabs on the ever-evolving demands for more gibmedats.

    It is telling that no one here wants to address the elephant in the room: what is the benefit of "integration" to White America? What great value do blacks bring to the table?

    You already have Detroit, Gary, Birmingham, Philly, Baltimore ... and we've seen how well you've managed that.
    You keep telling us how much smarter, more talented, more... everything blacks are than Whites, so why wasn't the talented tenth able to turn Detroit around like whites in Pittsburg were able to turn around a failing steel town into a high tech magnet? Y'all being so much smarter than the rest of us, and all.

    And, if Whites are so evil, so selfish, so scary, so dangerous the way you like to go on and on and on about, then why does Holder have a hard-on to blockbust the entire nation? You would think he would be advocating the opposite - protecting blacks from those ebil white devils by enshrining them in safe, black only, white no-go zones.

    But that's not what's happening, as the minority seeks to grab what they can, or destroy what they can't over some perverted and misguided "revenge" lust.

  41. Anonymous11:56 AM

    You can tell where the truth lies by where they draw the line at what can be discussed.



    It is also telling that they refuse to address the genuine and sincere questions that are posed to them, because the answers are so threatening.

    Much easier to deflect with an ad hominem.

    I used to have great respect for FN and the work he does as a Master in the courts, trying to inject some sense into the senselessness of his community.

    But since the Golden Age of Obama, he has become an irrational hardened zealot. It's a shame, really.

  42. Anonymous12:01 PM

    The successful upper middle class blacks who frequent this blog probably have a vested interest in the status quo

    Since the Golden Age of Obama, I have come to realize that all blacks are Grifters, and some are just more successful Grifters than others.

    The "successful upper middle class blacks" are nothing more than higher order Grifters, who have learned how to leverage grievance to bury themselves deep within the framework of Equal Outcome America, where it's easier for corporations and government agencies to throw some bones rather than fight the machine.

    I have yet to come across a "successful upper middle class black" who actually produced anything or created anything of value adding to our society or culture. Most are parasites feeding off the economy by putatively providing some "service" function.

  43. Anonymous12:06 PM

    And yes, they do like to draw a line at what can be discussed or revealed. Apparently denial comes in the form of claiming the truth-teller is a "trailer park intellectual" (I burst out laughing, literally, every time because how much clearer can it be that the comment struck home and was a "WIN" ??)

    The time has long passed when we can continue to play the game of appeasement and denial. We owe it to our children and grandchildren to demand a nation of true "Equal OPPORTUNITY" in all aspects, instead of capitulating to even more demands for "Equal OUTCOME" (sumfin for nuttin', gibmedats, gibmedats!).

    Equal OPPORTUNITY means all matriculated students are held to the same standards of GPA and SAT scores, and there is no "other factors" (ie: black grifter sob story) to tilt the scale, that all applicants for police and firefighting advancement have the same test scores.

    "Disparate Impact", "Critical Race Theory" "White Privilege" and all the other garbage is mere window dressing to justify the Griftin' and retribution seeking. These people seriously have a bent weathervane that they continue to lust for revenge instead of focusing on fixing themselves.

  44. Anonymous12:10 PM

    PW said:
    He can't write to save his life, so he needs a non-too-discerning audience who are interested only in having their prejudices confirmed,


    You're talking about the FN blog, right? Great and accurate description!

  45. Anonymous12:15 PM

    alleged outrage.

    I assure you, it's not "alleged", it's real.

    The non-Prog, non-Communist, non-delusional White America is fed up with your insatiable demands and disconnect from reality.

    Holder and Zero may have made it clear that they will never allow a no-fault divorce from Black America (otherwise, who is left to fund the gibmedats??)
    but make no mistake, non-control-freak white America is making it clear to YOU that we will choose a lawful separation.

    Look around you. It's happening right now. Blacks may have the support of the jack booted federal government to blockbust white communities, but to what end? Fraternization between the races is going down, and the mandated and coerced interaction is becoming more hostile.

    There's a big difference between being forced to tolerate vice accepting and welcoming. The latter can't be legislated.

  46. "Didn't get to this site through SBPDL, but thanks for the shout-out."


  47. "It is telling that no one here wants to address the elephant in the room: what is the benefit of "integration" to White America?"

    Who gives a shit?

    Have you forgotten why African Americans are even in America?

    Your country grew rich on the backs of slaves, in England slavery provided the seed capital for the industrial revolution.

    If you don't like it that Africans live in "your" country, well hard fucking luck, sunshine.

    You chose to steal millions of people so you could grow rich on their hard work and sacrifice, now live with the consequences mutherfucker.

  48. Plantation Pete12:51 PM

    "Your country grew rich on the backs of slaves, in England slavery provided the seed capital for the industrial revolution."

    Which is why the rich South beat the impoverished North in the Civil War and why Mississippi was the cornerstone of economic growth in America from 1866-1963 and why Detroit, Gary, and East St. Louis are the chief engines of the economy today.

    The conceit that black labor built American wealth is just another brick in the wall of lies that blocks rational race relations.

    You are right, we should have picked our own damn cotton. But here we are. If we want to get out of this hole, we should stop digging and stop lying about it.

  49. "If you don't like it that Africans live in "your" country, well hard fucking luck, sunshine."

    I don't mind that they live here, I mind that the government wants my whole life to revolve around what is best for black people.

    I like black people. I hate the white liberals that use them as a weapon against me and my culture.

    In the end, it is blacks who will suffer the most at the hands of the Progressive agenda.

  50. Co-sign with PC, there is always Serbia or Russia.

  51. I wonder how many of these clowns actually employee people or own a business?

    I am guessing very few of them.

    I have never heard a successful white person or one who is comfortable in his/her own skin complain or whine as much as these losers.

    "Woe is me; the Negroes are coming" :)

  52. Oh no! Not the Marxists! Their secret plot to destroy merica using darkies. Holy shit, no wonder these fools need guns, their paranoia is out there.

  53. Speaking of Blahtopias I'm sure there are a lot of blah middle class folks who will keep their neighborhoods, shops, restaurants and social meeting places over the trailer parks in places like WV, KY, MS, ect. The folks commenting here about us have no contact with us or our communities and are speaking out of ignorance but then again most racist banjo players are pretty ignorant.

  54. Mr. Whipple2:23 PM

    "Woe is me; the Negroes are coming" :)

    So Field, you would be on board with Section 8 renters filling up your neighborhood?

    And you try to avoid white neighbors, right?

  55. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...

    Speaking of Blahtopias I'm sure there are a lot of blah middle class folks who will keep their neighborhoods, shops, restaurants and social meeting places over the trailer parks in places like WV, KY, MS, ect.

    Of course they would, they got them with money stolen from the very people in those trailer parks.

  56. "The conceit that black labor built American wealth is just another brick in the wall of lies that blocks rational race relations"

    This is a lie. In the mid 19th century, the economic value of Americas slaves was more than 50% of Americas total GDP.

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. GrannyStandingforTruth5:13 PM


    "I have never heard a successful white person or one who is comfortable in his/her own skin complain or whine as much as these losers."

    Neither have I, except those right wingers and white supremacist like Hannity or that drug addict Limbaugh.

  59. Simon5:31 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    This is a lie. In the mid 19th century, the economic value of Americas slaves was more than 50% of Americas total GDP.

    Absolute rubbish.

  60. Really Simon?

    Is that the best you got?

  61. Simon6:05 PM

    It's all that is needed to refute a statistic that you made up completely by yourself.

    Sorry little man, but you are full of shit.

  62. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Purple Spew sez:

    If you don't like it that Africans live in "your" country, well hard fucking luck, sunshine.

    You chose to steal millions of people so you could grow rich on their hard work and sacrifice, now live with the consequences mutherfucker.

    12:31 PM


    So Spews the loser that lives in what was a white majority country because he likes freeloading.

    You do realize the slave trade was managed and run by Arabs and other blacks, and that the first owner of a black slave in the New World was a black, right?

    Your anger gives me great joy, because you know your racist gravy train is coming to an end, and whites who pay the freight no longer can be compelled to feel "guilty".

    (Gleefully rubs hands).

  63. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Blogger field negro said...

    I wonder how many of these clowns actually employee people or own a business?

    I am guessing very few of them.

    I have never heard a successful white person or one who is comfortable in his/her own skin complain or whine as much as these losers.

    "Woe is me; the Negroes are coming" :)

    1:02 PM


    No, the only whining comes from you gibmedats. Gimme, gimme, gibmedats!

    Somebody gotta pay for all dat!

    Give me some dat Obama stash!

    And people with generational wealth no longer need to employ people etc, brainiac. It's called a trust or income fund.


    And I'm very comfortable - and proud to be white. I'm proud of my heritage, and my culture, and what my ancestors created and sacrificed for. I'm proud of the legacy they left not only for me, but for the world.

    I do resent you freeloading grifters not being grateful for any of it and have had it up to (here) with your constant demands for more.

    Be happy for what you have. You've reached Peak Negro, and what comes next will make you wish you'd appreciated what you had, instead of demonizing whites for all your dysfunction and pointing fingers instead of searching inside yourself.

    Captcha word: Neuter. Lol. You can't make this up.

  64. Anonymous6:44 PM

    We all want progress, but if you're on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; in that case, the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive.

    C. S. Lewis

  65. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Pee-Pee X drools:

    The folks commenting here about us have no contact with us or our communities


    Um, that's the problem, see?

    We have TOO much contact with you and your communities. More than we want or like, but it is forced on us everywhere in the public square.

    If we didn't have any direct contact with you and your culture's screwed up priorities and dysfunction, we probably wouldn't have such strong feelings about fleeing anything and all things Knee-Grow.


    Before I immigrated to the US, I believed all the Prog nonsense about racism, black oppression, the reasons why blacks remain failures even after 50 + years of boatloads of money being shoveled into their "communities".

    Then I lived here for some years, and had to deal with blacks and their detachment from reality and their complete lack of impulse control.

    NOW I "get" what white Americans have been trying to warn the rest of Western civilization about.

    LOUD and CLEAR.

  66. "little Johnny who had a bad day at home ,will just decide to go "postal " ...because it's so easy to get his hands on one of his daddy's guns."


    then exactly NO ONE will mention their ww mother.


    despite her being the first teacher of the white nation.

    in a lot of cases with mother + father in the house, more comfortable than most...with a great deal more access to resources than other folk. because white folk clearly think the resources of others belong to them if they can lie/trick folk out of them, or kill folk + take them:(

    i have no questions about the GLARING facts/hypocrisy/double standards of the matter. i Understand + Overstand the essentials by simply knowing the following:

    1) the source of my Strength/Power/True Knowledge of self= Him/His Word

    2) know my enemy

    3) fear only Yah. NEVER mere men nor the outcome of any battle...because those of US with Him-WIN!;) that's what's written.

    for those convinced they are smarter than Yah...go secular + see that the breakdown/bottom line for the art of war = precisely what is written above.

    1) know yourself
    2) know your enemy
    3) never fear the outcome of any battle


    to those confused, somewhat hysterical, ignorant of true Kowledge edomites. you folk seem clueless as to what is unfolding as evidenced by claims like this:

    "The Truth is the only thing that will save all of us from the fate they have planned."


    folk say this, then proceed to...

    tell more HUGE/little white lies to themselves + to anyone foolish enough to think these blind, spiritually dead, babies know anything of value due to their melanin deficiency induced "superior" intellect.

    melanin deficiency induced "superior" intellect = HUGE/litte white lie that folks- all colors world wide- are bombarded with from birth.

    keeping this in mind, affords me greater compassion when i witness the hysterics.

    back to the HUGE/little white lies:


    "You are a big black sledgehammer chipping away at the white granite foundation of America. The hammer takes every blow the granite does, and when the job is done, will be cast away."

    "It is also telling that they refuse to address the genuine and sincere questions that are posed to them, because the answers are so threatening."

    "It is telling that no one here wants to address the elephant in the room: what is the benefit of "integration" to White America? What great value do blacks bring to the table?"


    those that walk with Him/His Word Understand that in order to know where we are + how to move forward...folk must take it back to history.

    go the future;)

    since i AM flowing with the Power of the Ancients- let's take it back to the defeated father of the ancient lie + the greatest liar of all time. takes just a little wicking/twisting to invert/pervert the Truth. which makes it a wicked leprous lie.

    know your enemy:

  67. Genesis 3:1- Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Sovereign Almighty had made.

    Genesis 3:2-4

    2 And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden:

    3 But the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, Almighty hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.

    4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:


    doesn't take much to muck things up, as we can see. one little wicking/twist= inverted/perverted death inducing lie.

    there is nothing new under the sun.

    for the resident sexists...please know this:

    PRIOR to the woman ever coming on the scene, Yah had ALREADY given His Word to the man. whose job it was as it is today- to protect the woman.

    IF folk are TRULY seeking someone to "address the genuine and sincere questions"- let them ask them of me, respectfully.

    because with me, this:

    "...they do like to draw a line at what can be discussed or revealed."

    = a HUGE/little white lie.

    some of US Blessed Blacks will not play patty cake nor mince words when it is time to Stand Strong + speak of Him/His Word.

    some of US Blessed Blacks, as small children, understood the all white is right everything = HUGE/little white lies.

    to grow up and Understand that all white is right everything = all white lies= hysterical white folk acting all victimized + surprised...


    wicked genius + proof positive:

    melanin deficiency induced "superior" intellect= baaaaad cruel joke/hoax for those that believe that HUGE/little white lie.

    IF you don't believe in Him/His Word...which if you look at the racist to the core founders of u.s. of satan, it becomes CLEAR by their fruit that they did not truly believe. yet, reserved the right to call this land a "Chr-stian" nation. HUGE/little white lie alert!

    non believers will unfortunately be the wait + seers.

    wait long enough and folk will learn if they are "brave". which is supposed to be what this land is full of..."free", "brave" folk, right?

    i will come again as time permits. if addressed directly/respectfully i will answer, because i was asked.


  68. as one of His Mighty Chosen Ones, lioness from the tribe of Yahudah. Law Giver, until Shiloh returns...that is what i AM called to do. if so inclined, see it written here: KJV Genesis 49: 8-10. i have posted it before, so i won't again right now. folk shouldn't take my word for anything anyways. seek Him/His Word.

    if not asked directly, i AM content to leave folk that can read, in the information age + "Chr-stian" nation to whatever makes sense to them, with their "superior" melanin induced intellect.



    why the "trailer park" references?

    is that a verbal whack at the poor?

    those that are doing the most among the book of Enoch mighty whiteys don't hail from trailer parks. you know this. i got a whiff of wanna be elitism. it smells bad coming from all folk. it REALLY smells bad coming from Black folk. i checked the nwo blueprints. did not see your name buddy.

    as off course as MLK was, under his mk manipulation...even he knew it was about uniting the poor of all nations.

    while i won't come to your house + mush you in the face for dumb convo 'cause that would rude.

    i WILL ask you to look at the ugliness you can't help but let out of your heart. Yah don't like ugly, Black Man. to whom much is given- much is expected. remember that or ask your wife to help remind you. i pray she is wise enough to stand with Him/His Word;)

    i have ALREADY told you...i hope+ pray that you are UNaware that you promote lucifer's nwo.

    unfortunately, whether inadvertent or deliberate, that's what is so.

    best case scenario: useful idiot= inadvertent
    worse case scenario: wicked/souled out + defeated= deliberate

    this is NOT about color nor how much stuff you have piled up on earth. this is a spiritual battle for souls.

    He is no respecter of persons.

    i AM with Him/His Word, so neither am i;)

    right is right. wrong is wrong.

  69. the person that made this comment:

    "You are right, we should have picked our own damn cotton. But here we are. If we want to get out of this hole, we should stop digging and stop lying about it.

    12:51 PM"


    IF you think this is about hardworking/ lazy white folk needing to pick their own cotton...


    keep telling yourself you seek Truth if you just Love to the death those HUGE/little white lies.

    you might want to go back a post;) there is information there already for you...

    or keep bickering over nothing.

    free will.


    blessings all!

  70. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Holy shit!!!

  71. Anon@6:42, I call bull s@&*. You don't strike me as a Blue Blood, and your family doesn't have generational wealth. Your sorry ass will be punching your 9-5 tomorrow. That's if, of course, u even have a job.

  72. "You do realize the slave trade was managed and run by Arabs and other blacks, and that the first owner of a black slave in the New World was a black, right?"


    i smell a jeWish they were Hebrew disinformation agent or one of their dumb white goy boy servants...

    the angry white folk need to look at the other white folk that like to call themselves the "jews". particularly the ones spewed out of europe. the land of white folk that DON'T know how to Act Right.

    divide + conquer breaks down a lot of ways.

    sometimes the enemy divide themselves.

    in this case, white folk they divided others.

    the other white folk that love to pretend to be Hebrews as written of in Scriptures...are rubbing their hands + cackling as they count their shekels.

    while their goy servants keep sending $ hand over fist to the illegitimate state of is ra el.

    i can just see them eating kosher food + pork. (yep, some of these jokers just say they are "jew" while acting just as heathen as the next white gentile.) i picture these hidden ones having a good 'ole lucifer loving time. with a convo like this:

    those dumb coward goy white boys...look at them fight with the lost Hebrews that don't even know who they are.

    we ARE the comeback kids of lucifer!


    it appears easier to make stuff up then fight with Black folk. than to overcome goy white boy fear of the other white folk that je Wish they were Hebrew.

    the lack of true Knowledge over here is nothing short of astounding. what have you jokers been doing at the universities of mass destruction?

    no wonder this mess is what happens with the most highly "trained" + "educated" + well mammoned mammonites at the wheel.

    Yah...i pray you compel these jokers to humble themselves at some point.


    before you take the wheel. these folk are CLEARLY not.ready.


    ps. everybody with a hand in the enslavement of the Hebrews...are getting it already + got more coming.

    HUGE/little white lies appear to make it all a coming soon surprise...for quite a few.

    the wide road to destruction is indeed traffic jammed at this point in time.

  73. Geez Field, looks like you're attracting a special breed of low life melaninless folks lately.

    I figure these must be the meth addict kids reaching maturity.

  74. Ms.Nǚwáng said...
    I figure these must be the meth addict kids reaching maturity.

    One wouldn't have to be a doctor to deduce that, but even so, you are wrong again!

    You will never be a doctor!

  75. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Holy jeWish comeback kids of Lucifer! Can I get a exorcism up in 'ere?!!

  76. Anonymous10:21 PM

    SOOOOO .....

    One of "Obama's Sons" was ID'd as the shooter at the Mall.

    His mom is already out there, crying he was "such a gentle person"..... (sure)

    They rented a house in the predominately white area of the eponymous College Park, home of a large number of students at UofMD.

    Yeah, that "diversity" and "integration" thing really paid big time dividends for the white people of Columbia, MD.

    Now come the excuses for this malignant predator in 3, 2, 1 ......

  77. Anonymous10:24 PM

    Anonymous Dr. Speed said...
    Ms.Nǚwáng said...
    I figure these must be the meth addict kids reaching maturity.

    One wouldn't have to be a doctor to deduce that, but even so, you are wrong again!

    You will never be a doctor!

    9:25 PM


    Now, now, "Dr. Speed", that's not fair ... there's a very good possibility that "FLY" make one day be a doctor...

    >>>>>>>> If she mails in enough boxtops with a SASE...

    lol lol lol lol

  78. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Blogger field negro said...

    Anon@6:42, I call bull s@&*. You don't strike me as a Blue Blood, and your family doesn't have generational wealth. Your sorry ass will be punching your 9-5 tomorrow. That's if, of course, u even have a job.

    7:41 PM


    Just kills ya, doesn't it?

    You're correct though - I don't have a "job" (ick!) that would interfere with my playtime and lunch dates with my gal pals - where ever that takes us. New York. San Fran. London. Florence.
    Last week, it was Vienna, which was a stretch because I don't like those long haul turnarounds anymore, but my DH needed me home to hostess an "event".

    Stefano, who takes care of our motors, is always haranguing me that I need to drive my "family ferrying" car more, because it was "designed to be driven", and take the private car service less. My husband agrees. So, I've decided to have it shipped to Parma and "practice" my driving.

    Play nice, and maybe I'll take you for a spin when we get back to DC.

    (Oh, and that's a honest invitation - I'd *really* love to take you to lunch the next time you're in DC, if for no other reason it would do my heart good to have you look into my eyes and call me "uneducated trailer trash" to my face. I am sure everyone in the restaurant would love that, too - I'm a well known entity in DC, particularly K street. Never miss an opportunity to hoist someone on their own petard!)

    One thing I will give blacks: they are so superficial and "status conscious" they immediately know what my "family driver" is .... and can't help themselves but comment (I can still hear you, even if you're behind me...) whilst middle class whites have to see the nameplate to "get" it and then they like to follow me for several miles gawking. It's quite tedious, honestly.


  79. GrannyStandingforTruth12:49 AM

    I guess it was okay with Anon when Reagan and Bush were redistributing the wealth and the bankers robbing the people blind.

    Funny how that trickledown economics works: people lost their homes, money in their retirement plans, jobs were shipped overseas. In order to give incompetent CEOs gigantic bonuses, people were laid off their jobs. Not to mention, an entirely unnecessary war that added a bigger financial burden on our country at a time when the bankers were robbing folks, and the middle-class was almost rendered extinct.

    I'll never forget what happened to those folks who worked at Enron. Nor will I forget the financial disaster Enron caused in California with the electricity swindle.

    It was a black man that saved the nation from going into a depression. To show their appreciation, the GOP started an obstruction games, smears, and fake scandals in an effort to oust him. Yet, the GOP folks caused the mess in the first place. Smh!

  80. Oh my Ciao, aren't we the regular jet setter.
    Do we hop around in our own personal Gulfstream?

    Anywhoo, I am in DC quite often and I just might take you up on a lunch at Komi. I will let u blow up that black card of yours; not a problem.

    BTW, I actually love the Tuscany region of Italy, but as nice as the clothes are at places like Chelazzi and Santini's, they don't really move me. I choose to rock American and not European designers.

    Looking forward to our time together, tell Stefan to gas up the limo. Oh, and are u sure that Stefan just drives cars? Or does he....never mind.

    I bet that after meeting u I will leave with the impression that you are not that far removed from the trailer park after all. Just a guess.

    Sadly, all the money in the world can't by u class, and judging from your rant on race, you don't have much of it.

  81. Countrywide Dodd6:14 PM

    GrannySittinginPoop said...
    "It was a black man that saved the nation from going into a depression. To show their appreciation, the GOP started an obstruction games, smears, and fake scandals in an effort to oust him. Yet, the GOP folks caused the mess in the first place. Smh!"

    People with Alzheimers shouldn't vote.

    The Democrats caused the financial crisis with their slush fund Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, and Obama has prevented any recovery through his Cloward-Piven policies designed to destroy America.

    Obama is the most corrupt President in history, funneling billions to his Wall Street masters and using the government to persecute his political enemies.

    Anyone who supports him is abetting a criminal.
