Friday, January 24, 2014

Celebrating "The Beeb".

Justin Beiber's arrest is the biggest news in America these days. (BTW, to all the racists who were calling Richard Sherman a "thug", you need to check your boy "beebs" to see what a real thug looks like.)

"Respected journalists" like Andrea Mitchell were cutting into real news to give us breaking news accounts of Beiber's arrest. Sadly, this is what's considered major news in America these days, and it is a poor reflection on our shallow, celebrity obsessed, culture.

Not the uprising brewing in Kiev; not the growing crisis of income inequality in the world; not the mad man in North Korea threatening to blow his neighbors to the South out of the water; or, for that matter, the plethora of real problems we have in this country such as what to do with the NSA and controlling the proliferation of assault weapons on our streets. No, what we want to hear about is what a strung-out Justin Beiber happens to be doing with his money and his time.

I just wish that there were more people like me out there who could give a damn about what goes on with "The Beeb".

Finally, it looks like the Secret Service decided to pay a visit to my slave catching friend down in Florida. Sorry Joshua, you can't make such a high profile threat against the life of the president of the United States and not expect your threats to be taken seriously.

You, of all people, should realize that this particular president is more vulnerable when it comes to these types of threats than others who came before them. We all know that Americans have no problem with taking out their presidents, so making these types of statements in public was dangerous and irresponsible.  

"It was not a threat," said Black, insisting that his tweet — "I'm past impeachment. It's time to arrest and hang him high" — was merely expressing outrage over the president killing U.S. citizens with drone attacks and without due process."

Oh but it was a threat. And the boys in the dark suits were just making sure that you weren't going to follow through with it.



  1. Anonymous10:05 PM

    "... poor reflection on our shallow, celebrity obsessed, culture."

    Well, it's one of the few times I would agree with you, Field.

    And why it is that way, Field, hmmm?

    Take your time. ;-)

  2. Anonymous10:08 PM

    "BTW, to all the racists who were calling Richard Sherman a "thug", you need to check your boy "beebs" to see what a real thug looks like.)"


    I had to click your link and watch the controversy, because I had no idea who or what a Sherman was.

    Given the short clip, I can't speak to whether or not he is a "thug", but he certainly is low class angry trash - that much is evident from the short clip - who is apparently ungrateful for the opportunity to provide theatre to other mindless serfs for big dollars.

    But thanks, Field, for keeping me up to date on "current events".

  3. Anonymous10:13 PM

    "...You, of all people, should realize that this particular president is more vulnerable when it comes to these types of threats than others who came before them."

    That is complete BS, and you know it. It has been proven that the big Zero has had less credible threats than others who came before him. (R) Presidents are more at risk, because it is the far Left that is more unhinged and liable to act on those impulses.

    The big Zero has taken using the SS as his private Cheka to quell dissent to a whole new level. What a freaking coward. But what else can one expect from a wanna be "Boy-King" ???

    There's a long list of people who think he's garbage and aren't afraid to say so who have had "Special Visitors"; unfortunately, for the big Zero, it has the opposite effect - it's a badge of honor and people enjoy letting others know that the SS was sicked on them for expressing their God-Given right to free speech and dissent, earned by the blood of White patriots.

  4. To Anonymous at 10:08 PM, about Richard Sherman:

    Wrong, wrong, and wrong again.

    "Sherman helped seal his team's spot in Super Bowl XLVIII by deflecting a pass intended for San Francisco 49ers wide receiver Michael Crabtree with just 22 seconds remaining in the NFC title tilt. After the victory-securing deflection, Sherman got to his feet and again chased down Crabtree. As the wide receiver was walking back toward the 49ers' sideline, Sherman slapped him on the butt and said "Hell of a game!" Sherman repeated those words and extended his hand to Crabtree. Rather than accepting the handshake, Crabtree shoved Sherman. He pushed his left hand into Sherman's facemask."

    The video shows exactly what happened.

  5. Anonymous10:20 PM

    In other news, McDonald's is mystified why they're losing money out teh wazoo :

    Hmmm, could it be anything to do with the fact that they proudly went "365 Black"?

    And they think the solution to their problem is to hire someone who worked for the now destroyed Chrysler nameplate, who also went full "365 Black" and has never recovered?

    But of course, in Prog land, they will scream and scream and scream and deflect and deny the obvious.

    Once you go "365 Black" you've destroyed your brand for EVER.

    Blacks want to be White, so will buy whatever they think upscale Whites would buy.

    Things that are viewed as coveted by Blacks are seen as down market by Whites. Ergo, BMW is a brand that is making the slow swirl to irrelevancy.

    Once you go "365 Black" there is no recovery.

    As I, and others, said about, oh, 10 years ago, I sure hope all those black customers you're marketing to will make up for all the white customers you're offending and will lose forever.

    They sneered.

    Now they're "confused" about why their chain is failing.

    Chickens ---- Roost.

    'Nuff said.

  6. Anonymous10:29 PM


    I am confused as to why you think I would care?

    He failed to conduct himself as a gentleman during his on-air interview; what happened on the field is irrelevant.

    His behavior showed a complete lack of professionalism and self-control. For the amount of money he is paid for such a ridiculous endeavour, at a minimum, he could maintain some dignity and comportment.

    But then again, "look" at him, and realize this is low class street theatre specifically marketed to the "entitlements" bread-and-circuses crowd. He is merely providing fodder for umbrage for the warehouse and truck driving crowd.

    Tempest in a teapot.

  7. Sadly, this is what's considered major news in America these days, and it is a poor reflection on our shallow, celebrity obsessed, culture.

    Which is why picking it as the topic of a post is a reflection of your shallow, celebrity obsessed, blog.

  8. Michael C.10:48 PM

    The thuggish rant that appalled the nation after Seattle’s playoff win over San Francisco last weekend may have been contrived. Sherman rose out of the sewers of Compton to get high grades at Stanford. The enraged gorilla demeanor on display probably doesn’t reflect the real Richard Sherman.

    Uh oh, now I’ve done it. No one is allowed to compare blacks to enraged gorillas, even when they go out of their way to act like them. If it’s up to Sherman, we won’t be able to call them thugs either. Any extreme of poor behavior must be tolerated, lest we be accused of political incorrectness.

    Hopefully no one is missing the irony that this bizarre attitude encourages blacks to behave like thugs, or the even greater irony that the politically correct are the true bigots by implying that barbarous behavior is so inherent to blackness that to criticize it in a black is racist.

    Here’s an idea: if you don’t like being called a thug, stop acting like one. When you do act like one, say you are sorry instead of thuggishly trying to intimidate people with the race card into accepting the unacceptable.

  9. Much of what blacks believe about whites is almost psychotic. Exceptions and degrees, yes, but the centerline remains.

    Over and over one hears blacks asserting that that we whites invented AIDS to kill off blacks, that we put substances in soft drinks to make black men impotent ("Honest, Latanya, them damn white folks put something in my Gatorade."), and that we flood the ghetto with drugs to destroy black society. We are, blacks repeatedly insist, incorrigible racists determined to hold blacks down. Discrimination, “racial profiling,” police brutality, and “institutional racism” are, they say, the irremediable bedrock of the white soul. The Trayvon Martin case, blacks say, shows that it is open season for whites to kill young black males. Black after black says the only solution is to kill whites.

    By contrast, to many whites the last sixty years have seen a desperate attempt to find something, anything, that would raise blacks to the intellectual, cultural, and economic standards of the First World. Nine white men passed Brown vs. the School Board, white federal marshals and white troops enforced the decision, an overwhelmingly white congress enacted the civil-rights acts of the Sixties, and still supports the endless welfare programs on which so many blacks depend. We censor ourselves savagely to avoid offending blaqcks. Even mild criticism of racial behavior is a firing offense.

    Nothing is enough. We change the color of Santa, remove the Confederate flag, admit blacks to historically white schools for which they are not remotely qualified, and pay untold millions to settle suits over discrimination based on the inability of blacks to meet the standards applied to whites. It doesn’t work. The complaints never end.

    We have tried desegregation, integration, mixed classrooms, Section Eight, AFDC, Head Start, affirmative action, quotas, Black History Day (or is it month?), laws against “hate crimes” by whites, outlawing of IQ tests by employers, on and on. It hasn’t worked. Nothing suggests that it will. The chasm appears intractable.

    What if it isn’t working because it can’t? What do we do?

  10. the "superior intellect" folk are out in force:) if ya'll are those good white Chr-stians...nothing i say should surprise.

    Shabbath Shalom.

    from last thread.

    yet relevant to this one.

    funny that.


    "the only ones slated for soft kill are blacks and lower class whites."

    "The lower classes are struggling globally because they don't understand wealth creation - but they buy into magical thinking. The upper classes are doing just fine, and will continue to do so, as they have done in all the centuries preceding this one."


    the lies defeated devils love to tell + dupe disobedient/rebellious souls into believing.

    false sense of security...ALL day. arrogant, haughty ugliness.

    which is fitting...

    all of the above goes before destruction/great fall. as it is written.

    babylon...WILL fall.

    folks can wait for a "credible" tell lie vision network/newspaper/alternative news source, et al.

    just keep in mind it will all be owned/operated by synagogue of satan folk. even the NSA info at this point. this is a bit long, but have a movie night;)

    waiting for the tell lie vized version of what is going down = NOT ready.

    the tell lie vized spiritual awakening/revolution...had best line up with Scriptures. if you don't know Him/His Word, you won't recognize when His Light undergoes the wicking. twisted/inverted/perverted wickedness= the defeated ones' obsession. their specialty.

    free will.

    as for me + my house...we will stand with Him/His Word.


    Revelation 16:12-18

    12 And he exerciseth all the power of the beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.

    13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men.

    14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

    15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.


    let me interrupt this Heavenly message, this beautiful Sabbath evening by saying:

    i need the devil dupe mammonites + doomed liars to pay close attention to this next part. google project blue beam as time permits.

    then get literal with your Understanding. please:



    Revelation 13:16- 18

    16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads.

    17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

    18 Here is the wisdom, Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.


  11. there's a vacant seat in the UN, no? what #? masonic/satanic republic project aka united states of satan seems to be one of the few nations doing what they wilt without re: for what's written.

    btw...these tower of babel defeated, pasty running thangs joker devils plan to escape what is coming behind the above mentioned coming attractions written event, by going to other planets.

    i know, i know.

    "insane" in the membrane;)

    these defeated devils sure are...

    but let the mammonites keep telling themselves these irresponsible poor people get what they deserve. racist edomites may keep believing this is all because of Black folks. that "elite" white devils + their colored minions of the professional/wanna be "elite" souled out variety are just more deserving of being treated as human beings. that at the end of their service to such wickedness there is no hell. they will be g-ds...assigning souls to other planets and such. i know..."insane" if i call it out. not that folks are working feverishly to DO this madness.

    wait your turn with that if it makes sense.

    free will.

    just know that the calloused comments addressed make it hard to feel sorry for you.

    those arrogantly rolling to the end with defeated leprous lucifer- promoting his rebel devil madness- get precisely what they deserve in the end, it seems to me.

    not for me to judge, thank Goodness. just an observation...

    considering what is clearly written:



    Matthew 25: 31-32

    31 When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the Set Apart angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory:

    32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats.


    nod to the defeated he/she/animal g-d folks are repping all in your face these days.

    anybody seen baby beta trained kendall jenner's latest tattoo? plus the other bold, programmed, cult "stars" that rep in your face lucifer loving?

    get familiar:

    that more may recognize + watch hidden in plain sight signs.

    what is written concerning the poor...that's what it is. please note Messiah is speaking with all nations assembled:


    Matthew 25:40- And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.


    so no...i have not noticed that only the poor are slated for destruction. the weak are usually preyed upon first. bullies REALLY don't want a fight. what the strong allow = what awaits them.

    re: bullies not wanting a fight. the quick history i left the link for last thread speaks volumes.

    armed Black men declared themselves men.

    they subdued the earth without firing a single shot in the link i provided...being armed, made racist devils...


    + think about it.

    the threat of violence is all demons seem to understand. this is why it is clearly written that behind the soul fishers...come the Mighty Righteous, root these wicked bad boys OUT Blessed Yah crew. that's what's written. folks would rather believe in a "race war" though. lol. defeated devils.

    of course, the link was for history that was before "dream"/nightmare integration. now many super lost Blessed Black are armed, acting white + shooting each other;( the curses for disobedience are real. folks will be so lost, they won't even know who to shoot...if they just really believe they are supposed to be shooting folk. which i don't advocate. lol. let me be clear for the record. i simply marvel at the clear spiritual warfare. i pray more wake up soon.

    ps. what is written concerning the Blessed Black is well;) folks are going to have a Real hard time when they get clear on historical facts. the UNwhitened ones, that is. lol.

  12. "In other news, McDonald's is mystified why they're losing money out teh wazoo"


    um...NO they aren't.

    you are "mystified", "confused" + a leprous lie loving, gentile, racist mess.

    get familiar:

    google mcdonalds + serving gentiles their own children.

    THAT has to negatively impact folks' bottom line.

    but keep focusing on Black folk...
    while what is hidden is revealed.

    believe this much...wide awake Black folks are NOT wishing they were white. more like trying to overcome the strong desire that you folk would go away + just stop.

    that won't happen though.

    white folk- the gentile ones that know they are gentile + the ones that like to pretend + jeWish they were Hebrew, DO NOT know when to stop.



    all super high profile celebs are programmed.

    they are then used to program the masses that just can't stop with the idol worship.

    my prayers go out to that beta programmed, ensnared young man. it is my prayer that as his handlers turn up the heat...that he will humble himself + look to Yah.

    no harnessed negative energy here.

    i will only send up prayers for that young man.


    that brother suggesting traitors should get the benedict arnold treatment = exactly what the true thugs/political gangsta REALLY don't want.

    so yes...they will tighten homie up right nicely. i pray he is wise + resolved to Stand Strong with Him/His Word.

    by His Spirit is the victory won.


    Trolly Anon from last thread:

    hi there!

    i thought of what you said...

    can't make any promises, but i will consider your suggestion;)

    Anon asked if i thought purple folk get it? i don't know. it is my hope that he will...

    Shabbath Shalom all...

  13. Anonymous12:02 AM

    Anonymous Justin Beaver said...
    Sadly, this is what's considered major news in America these days, and it is a poor reflection on our shallow, celebrity obsessed, culture.

    Which is why picking it as the topic of a post is a reflection of your shallow, celebrity obsessed, blog.

    10:37 PM
    You don't know a damn thing about shallow news. Beaver is an important teen that the world adores, esp in America. That's why Field chose it as a topic, and it's a good one, far from being shallow news. You need to get a life.

    What do YOU consider

  14. Anonymous12:04 AM

    Justin Beaver is hardly shallow news. With all those millions he has he is deep, deep, deep.

  15. Anonymous12:48 AM

    Field, I am surprised that you put Joshua Black in the house for exercising his 1st Amendment rights.

    I mean, he is a brother, right? He is from FLorida, right? So why are you on his case? The brother is just trying to make a living.

    So why are you denying the brother from making a living? Are you 'for' us or 'against' us?

  16. Whites have never committed a unique crime, but they have an infinite number of unique achievements.

  17. "
    Uh oh, now I’ve done it. No one is allowed to compare blacks to enraged gorillas, even when they go out of their way to act like them."

    You're "allowed" to say anything you like mate, just as I am allowed to say you are pea-brained cuntmuppet.

  18. "
    Uh oh, now I’ve done it. No one is allowed to compare blacks to enraged gorillas, even when they go out of their way to act like them."

    You're "allowed" to say anything you like mate, just as I am allowed to say you are pea-brained cuntmuppet.


    Mark 4:22-23

    22 For there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested; neither was anything kept secret but that it should come abroad.

    23 If any man have ears to hear, let him hear.


    i would read the whole chapter. it speaks to much that is super relevant now...on too many levels to cover right now.

    the big reveal is well underway. those waiting for a breaking news tv announcement= late/not ready.

    the massive flow charts slow computer speed like bananas, as a heads up.

    the story of our enslavement:



  21. Anon@10:20 PM, u are an idiot. I wish I had the time to explain why but I am sure those who read your comments can clearly see it.

    Michael C, I will take a Stanford educated gentleman with a million dollar contract over a clueless ignoramus commenting on a blog all day long.

    I am sure that, to you , Beiber is not a thug,simply because of the color of his skin.

  22. Anon@10:13, u seem very angry and agitated. I think the SS should pay YOU a visit.

    Do u have assault weapons hidden under your trailer?

  23. FN said...
    you need to check your boy "beebs" to see what a real thug looks like.)

    "beebs" is a real thug?

    I think that chasing racism has given you a very distorted view of white people.

    Without his security, real thug "beebs" wouldn't have the balls to piss in a bucket.

  24. Upcoming double standard...

    Sherri Shepherd Apologizes For Controversial Gay Remarks

    Doing that religious thing the duck dynasty guy did.

    Will ABC consider dumping Sherry?

    Will the media spend as much time with Sherry as duck dynasty?

  25. Bill, FYI,thugs are the biggest cowards.

  26. Knox said he did not believe Brinkin's city pension would be affected by the plea because his conviction doesn't fall under "moral turpitude."

    Moral turpitude in san fran does not include molesting little boys?

    Veteran gay rights advocate and former San Francisco Human Rights Commission staffer Larry Brinkin pleaded guilty Tuesday to possessing child pornography.

    It's good to see that the good democrats in san fran put child molesters on the human rights commission.

    Thankfully he won't lose his taxpayer funded pension just because he was caught with child porn.

  27. Oops, hit "publish your comment" too quick.

    Some more from the above child porn human rights commission staffer-

    Among other items, attached to one email police found an image that showed "an approximately 2-3 year old child ... Underneath the child is an adult male, using his right hand to hold the child and his left hand to insert his erect penis into the anus of the child," the document says.

    In the email, the user, who authorities indicated was Brinkin, wrote, "damn, what a sight seeing huge dick in tiny hole, tearing it open. That [n-word] must be in coon heaven stuffin it in the tiny white hole!"

    It appears there is some racism involved.

    Get chasing FN.

    He's a gay democrat so be careful.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Whoa, how weird is that? A double post almost 90 minutes apart.



    So I see that Bill-oh is no longer content to invent Democrat scandals he is now inventing scandals that haven't even happened yet. (!)

    Amazing, no wonder he's such a loser. He has nothing else to do all day than to dream shit up that might (or might not) happen in the future and post it here.

    What a sad empty little life he must lead, can you imagine? You spend every single day on somebody else's blog posting irrelevant shit to make yourself feel more like a man. Just how empty and meaningless must his life be?

    I'm guessing he is humiliated in some way in daily life, maybe in his job, maybe at school - maybe girls won't talk to him. But for whatever reason he needs to assert his manhood here by laying it down on the darkies.

    It's quite sad really, if you think about it.

  30. The Purple Cow said...
    So I see that Bill-oh is no longer content to invent Democrat scandals he is now inventing scandals that haven't even happened yet. (!)

    No scandal.

    Just pointing out the double standard.

    Why does my pointing out double standards piss you off? I keep asking and you always go crickets.

    I do appreciate all your time you spend trying to insult me.
    It appears you have less to do with your life than I have. Why else would you spend so much of your time writing about me on an American blog.

    assert his manhood here by laying it down on the darkies.

    Quit playing the victim.

    Man up and admit you live a life of hypocrisy and double standards and it pisses you off when I keep pointing it out.

    I will keep pointing out democrat double standards.

    And you will continue to write about me.

    Sounds like a fair trade.

  31. Anonymous Bill said...

    Upcoming double standard...

    Sherri Shepherd Apologizes For Controversial Gay Remarks
    This is what she said:

    "You grow up being a Christian and you grow up believing homosexuality is a sin; you're going to hell if you're a homosexual. This is something that they teach in churches. So it's something that I grew up believing," she told Menendez last week. "I might not agree with your lifestyle, but I love you. You may not agree with my lifestyle, but you love me."

    That's controversial? Stating a fact about her faith, then saying she loves homosexuals despite not agreeing with their lifestyle is now considered unacceptable speech.

    There is no double standard here - this is pretty much what Phil Robertson said.

    So the rule is today that you must enthusiastically support the homosexual lifestyle, or you are a bigot to be exiled from the dominant society.

    This is insane.

    Not only must homosexuality be tolerated, but you must approve of it as well.

    Mandating tolerance can be necessary for polite society; mandating approval is fascist.

  32. Fagocracy said...
    Anonymous Bill said...
    There is no double standard here - this is pretty much what Phil Robertson said.

    I agree, they both said the same thing.

    The double standard is the media reaction.

    Has ABC talked about removing her from the show like A&E did?

    How many segments on msnbc have been devoted to a democrat saying the same as a republican?

    FN did a thread about duck dynasty-

    Will he do one on Sherry?

    That's the double standard.

  33. Truth in VA1:14 PM

    Anonymous Michael C. said...

    The thuggish rant that appalled the nation after Seattle’s playoff win over San Francisco last weekend may have been contrived. Sherman rose out of the sewers of Compton to get high grades at Stanford. The enraged gorilla demeanor on display probably doesn’t reflect the real Richard Sherman.


    My children all went to Ivies - admitted by merit. One went as a recruited athlete in an elite sport, and unfortunately, had more than her fill of interaction with black athletes in other sports also admitted as recruited players. The athletes recruited for "elite" sports have to have exceptional athletic talent AND and a well above average GPA. (4.5 was the average for recruits for her sport). Why?

    Because - the "open secret" is that the "elites" scores are used to average out the pathetic and miserable well below average SAT & GPA scores attained by black athletes. If Stanford wanted a Sherman, then a whole host of White elite athletes had to be super achievers so the gentleman agreement "mean" average of recruited athlete scores fit the "band" agreed upon by the Ivies. The double standard continues in full force, as does the demand that Whites carry the load for underachieving blacks so the pretense of "equality" of achievement between the races can be maintained. YAWN.

    And yes, they will deny it, but blacks are given the "Minority Report" - if they fail, they are allowed to take the exam home and complete it as an open book assignment on the "Q-T". There are also special "pre-exam study sessions" for blacks and dark skinned hispanics, where essentially, all the exam info is passed on so they have no excuse to fail --- but they still do. Over and over and over again.

    So any alleged "high grades" Sherman has on his transcript from Stanford are irrelevant, because they are meaningless. I am pretty confident they weren't "earned" but handed out like candy from a Pez dispenser.

    He's black. Stanford wanted him to play football. Enough said. Any "achievement" academically is meaningless and I would laugh out loud at you if you expect me to be "impressed" by this non-achievement.
    YAWN. He is no different than the other blacks who try and convince Whites that they are "educated" because they sat in a seat at some post secondary educational institute and were given a piece of paper attesting to some "credential". Like I said, ALL of my children matriculated from Ivies, and the horror stories they have about the blacks admitted to their schools .... well, let's just say, it fully explains the state of what was America.
    Being in close proximity for the "talented tenth" of blacks didn't make them "understand" or "appreciate" blacks, but only made them contemptuous of them. My children are hard core anti-black activists directly as a result of their experiences with the blacks admitted to their schools. My daughter who elected to TA has a breathtaking level of disdain for blacks, even though she had several black friends in grammar and high school. Now she is an avowed Separatist. It is my husband and I who have to remind them that not all blacks are that way and that you need to judge everyone as an individual. Ironic, isn't?

    Truth in VA

  34. Truth in VA1:15 PM

    Con't reply to Michael C:

    I do appreciate that he understands what he is paid the big bucks to do - entertain the masses and fill seats with warm buns. I agree with you that the primate posturing behavior seen in the video (complete with flaring nostrils) is affected theatre designed to create controversy - and therefore, make the cash registers sing.

    No matter. If he holds to the well worn path of other black "athletes", he will end up broke and drug addled somewhere. The number of black athletes who are able to hold onto, let alone increase, the wealth generated by their short-lived athletic career can be counted on the fingers on one hand. He is destined to end up as a washed up statistic.
    Again - YAWN. Explain to me why I'm supposed to be "impressed" by this? He's just another, newer fangled type of well paid Minstrel, puttin' on a show for da folks.

    Truth in VA

  35. parvenu1:33 PM

    It should be mandatory for in addition to an inquiry from the Secret Service that the person or persons making such a threat upon the life of the president should be subject to an immediate audit by the IRS. Why the IRS involvement? Simply because generally those making such serious threats are seeking publicity to essentially raise funds for themselves. Hence there is likely to be a number of faults in their tax reporting situation. An audit will give these people a lot of difficulties long after the publicity noise has died out.

  36. Truth in VA said...
    He's black. Stanford wanted him to play football. Enough said. Any "achievement" academically is meaningless and I would laugh out loud at you if you expect me to be "impressed" by this non-achievement.

    Sounds like a certain Harvard AA admit who was the only president of the Law Review never to publish a single article.

    Choom Gang Barry spent his last two years (according to his autobiography) at his rich-boy private high school getting high and skipping class, yet had no problem getting admitted to Ivy league schools.

    And it wasn't his athletic skills. Despite being a half foot taller than anyone else on his tiny school's basketball team, he never even started.

    Of course AA is morally wrong, but it has real-world negative consequences beyond those who directly pay the price of ceding their earned spots to undeserrving 'minorities'. The mess we are in now shows the dangers of affirmative action. It might be tolerable at the post office, but not as POTUS.

  37. quote parvenu:

    "It should be mandatory for in addition to an inquiry from the Secret Service that the person or persons making such a threat upon the life of the president should be subject to an immediate audit by the IRS."

    Parvenu sounds kind of like a fascist.

    I'm sure you were calling for the rounding up of malcontents during the Bush years, when several novels and even a movie was made promoting his assassination.

    You are asking a lot of the IRS, as they are already working overtime to hassle political opponents of the President:

    It's a good thing the Department of Labor is helping them out.

  38. Chuckie Shumer just said that the left should use the IRS and other agencies against the public. How could we have strayed so far? As a young man I thought the Republicans would be the facist threat to America, I was wrong.

  39. Lies in VA...if your kids went to UVA and they are separatists ,you wasted your money on their education.

    But I don't believe u. I don't believe that your kids even have a college education. I think you passed your ignorance on to them.

    I also think you are jealous of the "well paid Minstrel", which is typical of folks like you.

    Carry on.

  40. Truth in VA3:55 PM


    UVA? I think not.

    Child #1: Undergrad: Yale
    Grad: UC Berkeley

    Child #2: Undergrad: Harvard
    Grad: Peking University

    Child # 3: Undergrad: Stanford
    Grad: MIT

    Child #4: Undergrad: Harvard
    Now taking a gap year, living and travelling in Europe before applying to Law school.

    But thanks, once again, for proving my point, that all of you are so deeply insecure and victims of group think and indoctrination by activist Progs that anyone who doesn't subscribe to the "conventional wisdom" (ie: Group Think) about blacks is "uneducated".

    This blog is supposed to be about truth. The hard truth, that you all seek to deny, is that race relations are hardening, not improving. And forced "integration" has not had the desired effect of creating understanding and friendship between children of different races - just the opposite.

    My parents were of the Liberal addled persuasion, and flounced around Africa under some misguided noblesse-oblige activism as volunteers. My father helped design and build water systems, my mother founded a maternity and well baby clinic which is still in operation today.

    I have been cured of any romanticism I held about blacks since moving to the US and dealing with the issues - and behavior - on a daily basis. While I don't wish the black community any harm, I elect to practice separation when and where I can, and limit my interactions with blacks as much as possible. I have taken great steps to reorder my life so that the tribute I pay is minimal, and not supporting black underachievement and excuse making. I don't feel under any obligation to share my time, resources or talents with the black community. That's my right, and part of my individual "pursuit of happiness".

    My children, however, are deeply hardened and overtly resentful. The chickens will come home to roost when this cohort comes to full power. Forced integration and mandatory denial of the reality of black dysfunction will pay dividends that are going to take your breath away.

    Enjoy your time in the sun now, because it will be coming to a tumultuous end - and not the way your Leader envisions it.

  41. "I also think you are jealous of the "well paid Minstrel", which is typical of folks like you."

    You're a pretty well paid Minstrel, aren't you Field?

  42. Truth in VA4:03 PM

    I also think you are jealous of the "well paid Minstrel", which is typical of folks like you.


    Nope. Not at all. He does his job, makes money for the team's owners, and is well compensated for it. Fans choose to buy seat tickets, fan gear, what ever trash slave produced products he endorsed, etc. That's corporatism at it's finest. Don't have a problem with it all.

    I've never been to a football or basketball game (high school, college or pro) and never intend to. Doesn't interest me. Have been to one pro baseball game, suffered through it until I fled at the "7 Inning Stretch" thinking it was over. Found it beyond tedious, but clearly many others are of a different opinion.

    What I do have a problem is when sports teams (college and pro) demand that taxpayers fund their commercial activities.

    As long as you're not reaching into my pocket to pay for your entertainment, I don't care. The fact that many of these pro players are also criminals that you elect to support ... well, that's your moral equivocation, not my problem.

  43. Truth in VA said...
    "While I don't wish the black community any harm, I elect to practice separation when and where I can, and limit my interactions with blacks as much as possible"

    Much of the animus between the races comes directly from the artificial integration forced on the people by the government.

    Our racial policy is in a sense anti-black: aimed at making blacks into dark-skinned whites who study, talk, act, and think like us—to get them to speak white English, wear suits, and adopt the cultural norms of whites.

    Yet there is little evidence that blacks want to turn white. In fact they do much that is intended to maintain, or at any rate has the effect of maintaining, their separateness. Thus Keyshawn and Latoya instead of Robert and Carol. Thus Ebonics: Blacks could learn normal English if they chose, if only by imitating whites on television, but that would make them almost white. (In France and Mexico, for example, blacks speak the national language normally.) Black high-schoolers accuse their fellows who study of “acting white.” Blacks speak contemptuously of “oreos” and Uncle Toms.

    Whites have no more desire to be black than blacks do to be white. This attachment of each race to its culture impossibilizes assimilation.

    our racial policy is in a sense anti-black: aimed at making blacks into dark-skinned whites who study, talk, act, and think like us—to get them to speak white English, wear suits, and adopt the cultural norms of whites.

    Yet there is little evidence that blacks want to turn white. In fact they do much that is intended to maintain, or at any rate has the effect of maintaining, their separateness. Thus Keyshawn and Latoya instead of Robert and Carol. Thus Ebonics: Blacks could learn normal English if they chose, if only by imitating whites on television, but that would make them almost white. (In France and Mexico, for example, blacks speak the national language normally.) Black high-schoolers accuse their fellows who study of “acting white.” Blacks speak contemptuously of “oreos” and Uncle Toms.

    Whites have no more desire to be black than blacks do to be white. This attachment of each race to its culture impossibilizes assimilation.

    Maybe a little less togetherness would better preserve the pea

    ce. The Supreme Court once said irrationally that “separate is inherently unequal.” Why? Men and women have separate public bathrooms. Is this unequal? We have sports teams separate by sex. Inherently unequal? Should we force sexual integration of sports? Jews and Catholics have schools intended to preserve theilr cultures, and it doesn't seem to have brought the Republic down.

    So then, why do we keep trying to compel a togetherheid that no one seems to want? Why not let the races manage their own affairs as they see fit? For instance, we might organize the schools by culture instead of race. As a white man, I want my children to go to a culturally white school, meaning one that stresses real academics, requires good English and what I regard as civilized dress, and demands good comportment. No social promotion, affirmative action, or toleration of seriously bad behavior. Such blacks students as chose to meet these standards would be welcome--but they woulod have to meet them.
    This would result in something close to de facto segregation by race. So what? It would also end complaints by blacks of discrimination in grades, discipline, and so on, since they would be running their own schools, and whites would no longer complain of the dumbing down of courses and the inability to maintain their standards of language and behavior. If by law all schools received the same funding, none would be at a disadvantage.

    It is worth a thought, methinks: comity at arms length.. What we are doing isn’t working. Violence grows. Sooner or later there will be an explosion.and, perhaps, a conflict from which the country will never recover.

  44. Truth in VA4:11 PM

    fred said:

    We have tried desegregation, integration, mixed classrooms, Section Eight, AFDC, Head Start, affirmative action, quotas, Black History Day (or is it month?), laws against “hate crimes” by whites, outlawing of IQ tests by employers, on and on. It hasn’t worked. Nothing suggests that it will. The chasm appears intractable.

    What if it isn’t working because it can’t? What do we do?


    Answers are thoughtfully laid out in numerous Conservative blogs and mainstream newspapers (until the Progs unilaterally shut down the comments when the trend is not aligned with Prog divide-and-conquer paradigm)

    However, it is important to respectfully discuss such issues on black-centric blogs such as this, because the majority of visitors to this blog are so beholden to the Prog indoctrination, they have a hard time dealing with contrarian points of view that challenge the well established "Blacks are Victims" narrative.

    It's threatening to them, in part, because I think on a deep, subconscious level, they know that this is true, but that the implications for them are dangerous. Having no real rebuttal, the only thing they have to fall back on is to use Ad Hominem attacks and declare the poster as "uneducated" - or - deleting the comment entirely (which happens quite often here, respectfully written or not). To paraphrase, "They can't handle the Truth".

  45. Truth in VA4:22 PM

    Fred said:

    Whites would no longer complain of the dumbing down of courses and the inability to maintain their standards of language and behavior. If by law all schools received the same funding, none would be at a disadvantage.

    I have a *HUGE* problem with that, because I don't support "public" schools or government mandated schooling, period. Full stop.

    It's one of the reasons we left a high cost area - because I refuse to pay the coerced property taxes levied to support a system that is antithetical to all of my beliefs. I won't fund my own dissolution, thank you very much.

    The whole, "blacks just need more/same money as whites in their school funding and it will be fine" is the same horsehockey that created integration - the idea that underachieving blacks would "benefit" from being placed in classrooms with higher achieving whites, and that scholarly understand and civil comportment would be learned through some sort of magical osmosis.

    Didn't happen, did it?

    The federal Judge who mandated that white taxpayers be subjected to unprecedented levels of extorted tribute to fund a fantasy "Wish List" of the ideal schools did nothing to close the achievement gap, once and for all putting lie to the meme that the achievement gap is a "funding" issue.

  46. Truth in VA4:25 PM


    Blacks will only stop complaining when it no longer provides the benefit or reward they seek.

    They're trying the whole blackmail/extortion/threat thing again at UMich without actually resorting to violence, banking on white guilt mongers caving and capitulating.

    Until the caving in and capitulating and "apologizing" and a$$-kissing stops, the complaining and threats will continue. Why not? It's been a great formula for them to get "something for nothing" so far.

  47. Truth in VA4:31 PM

    It is worth a thought, methinks: comity at arms length.. What we are doing isn’t working. Violence grows. Sooner or later there will be an explosion.and, perhaps, a conflict from which the country will never recover.

    "What we are doing isn't working".

    Um, no, it's working just fine and they way it was intended.

    Read up on your Alinsky, your Pivens & Cloward, Fabians and the New School. Blacks are being conveniently exploited and used as the cat's paws for their aims. When those aims have been met, then blacks will be discarded as the "useful idiots" they are seen by these agitators as.

    The thing is, all these agitators for chaos and collapse so they can "remold nearer to their heart's desire" think they can control what happens after the collapse. They are wrong, and clearly don't understand history the way they think they do.

    It isn't obvious to many because they are living "in" the history of the moment, and such transitions typically only become apparent AFTER it's been in the rear view mirror for quite some time, but we are living in a post-government world, and in a neo-feudal system. I have my own theories about where the final transition will lead, and blacks will not fare well.

  48. Truth in VA4:31 PM

    It is worth a thought, methinks: comity at arms length.. What we are doing isn’t working. Violence grows. Sooner or later there will be an explosion.and, perhaps, a conflict from which the country will never recover.

    "What we are doing isn't working".

    Um, no, it's working just fine and they way it was intended.

    Read up on your Alinsky, your Pivens & Cloward, Fabians and the New School. Blacks are being conveniently exploited and used as the cat's paws for their aims. When those aims have been met, then blacks will be discarded as the "useful idiots" they are seen by these agitators as.

    The thing is, all these agitators for chaos and collapse so they can "remold nearer to their heart's desire" think they can control what happens after the collapse. They are wrong, and clearly don't understand history the way they think they do.

    It isn't obvious to many because they are living "in" the history of the moment, and such transitions typically only become apparent AFTER it's been in the rear view mirror for quite some time, but we are living in a post-government world, and in a neo-feudal system. I have my own theories about where the final transition will lead, and blacks will not fare well.

  49. Truth in VA4:37 PM

    As a white man, I want my children to go to a culturally white school, meaning one that stresses real academics, requires good English and what I regard as civilized dress, and demands good comportment.


    Then be the change you seek - set up a private, by invitation only homeschool co-op. Pool your resources and hire teachers that you vet and choose curricula that meets your values.

    All of the homeschoolers in our co-op got in to the first university of their choice, which includes Ivies, the service academies, foreign schools (McGill, U of Toronto, Sorbonne, King's college in London, King's College in Dublin to name a few).

    We have a pied-a-terre in NYC in a building my FIL owns. It's in a white ethnic enclave, where the primary language spoken is not English. They are no blacks or hispanics to be seen, it's 100% "super white" - but because it's an "ethnic" enclave, we don't get the same "White Nationalist" flak. Super clean, super safe, with a great sense of community and social cohesion. It makes having to travel and stay in NYC liveable.

    Try it.

  50. Bill-

    since you love to point out hypocrisy + double standards...

    does your hypocrisy + double standard, eagle eyed project work when it come to white folk?

    don't you care about your people?

    OR do you think something OTHER than genocide is coming out of DC? if folks can just get the ww's baby out of office, things will go back to wicked white is right as usual business?

    when the beast with the head wound is done. there is another, worse beast, coming next. do white folk REALLY think things will change?

    we want our country back!


    genocide for everyone else, while lamenting their own obvious impending karmic genocide.

    how...special + white.

    looooooong before the ww's baby showed up + white folk lost their whole mind. white folk had ALREADY sold the demonic, satanic republic out. wm. yet you whiny bastards just WON'T own it. you read. you can see it written. when was wilson potus? the vipers that put this together delight in writing down their madness.

    talk about hypocrisy + double standards Bill.

    white folk STAY in this nonstop lie land:

    let's hold everyone else responsible but ourselves.

    the sins of our fathers = not our biz/nor problem. just don't take the stuff our father's stole + transferred to us white folk.

    it is our hard work! we whites work hard + are smart. the whole slavery forward. we have come a long way.

    rejected. each+ every time.

    Bill, you do know there are wicked wm behind all of this madness, right? just because dumb goy boys don't recognize them as white folk doesn't make them non white. you deranged folk don't get to choose who is white.

    the fact these zionist demons were spewed out of europe should hold a clue. but then...liars tend not to do clues well.

    while folks play games...there are foreign troops on US soil right now. while folks play games...disarming white boys is what time it is. Blessed Blacks are so lost behind all the nonstop physical/psychological trauma- giving them a gun creates no threat really. except to other Black folk;(

    go back to Black folks US history. what was done to Blacks...white folk got next. only it will be the gov't bringing it to you. just as the gov't brought it to US...

    military men that won't go with the endgame beast plan are being disarmed. puppet BO's white masters issue the orders. he executes like a good, articulate, clean, mother is a ww- biracial man. you know, the reason you folk voted for him.

    keep telling 'til folk believe that lie of white folk woke up one day + decided they just "wanted" a Black president. isn't that the lie the other whipcracka Bill just told on tell a lie vision?

    guess it is inconvenient to mention whites seemed to need a "Black" that was born from + taught by white folk. then when this fruit of a ww's womb acts white- blatant disregard for Truth + what's right- folk want to focus on Black americans.

    blank stare.

    why don't wm come out swinging at BO 's ww mother? isn't she responsible for his current antics? despite his grown azz man status? or does that "logic" only apply to BW?

    why do we listen to ww claiming anything at this point? despite CENTURIES of lies...folks keep believing the mothers of pale/black-ish hateful devils when they speak.

    lies + hypocrisy. point 'em all out Bill.

  51. Truth in VA4:47 PM

    Lies in VA...if your kids went to UVA and they are separatists ,you wasted your money on their education.


    Nope, Field, just the opposite. Being forced to sit in classrooms with unqualified by AA admitted blacks did more to truly "educate" them than anything else my husband and I could have said and done. They make no secret of the fact that they chose Ivies in part because they wanted to be in a higher level academic environment and to be challenged, but were forced to deal with the Mooches of the world and that blacks kept the whole class behind by tying up valuable teaching time with their stream of consciousness drool about their "blackness" and everyone is supposed to nod and be "supportive". What does that have to do with the fact that you don't have the IQ or motivation to pass calculus, which is not a skin-dependent or class-dependent skill set? Math is a "universal" language understood around the world - except by blacks.

    So, clearly, based on your comment, you feel being a Separatist is a "bad" thing.

    Then kindly explain to me, what benefit there is to "integration" to a white person?

    I've witnessed firsthand the destruction of excellent school systems and communities with the integration of blacks seeking "good schools and safe communities" before the tipping point is reached and there is widespread white flight, and ergo, the schools are no longer "good" and the community no longer "safe".

    So, tell me, what specific benefit do whites gain by having blacks in their community?

    Please don't default to the non-answer of "diversity" (gag). Give me some real, concrete, identifiable benefits to whites. Educate me, since, according to you, I am "uneducated".

    I'll wait.


  52. while white folk become more and more hateful. ya'll are even beginning to look like your ancestors- while swearing ya'll have nothing to do with their wickedness. folks SWEAR they are positioned, collectively due to "hard work", "up by bootstrap pulling" "intellect"...never mentioning all the gov't intervention to set you folk up. it is only fitting the gov't will break you down.

    talk about lies + hypocrisy Bill. i mean, REALLY talk about it. for your people's sake. you know they can't hear anything but other white folk. the problem= white folk seem to be allergic to the Truth, the whole Truth, nothing but the Truth. white folk don't seem to really do that well...with UNwhitened Truth.

    take a walk through history:

    and since ALL the Blacks were/are NOT men- go here:

    then Understand what even a deranged, sexual deviant devil like mormon religion inventor smith even understood. white folk will pay for what they have done to Yah's people. think Yah is happy with all the violence heaped on UNprotected Hebrew women + children? even IF folk thought it made sense to attempt to "own" other folk...according to His Word/Him...even then, there are some things which are not permissible.

    wm lamenting about ww being raped.

    are you sure? ww do lie, you know? but even if by small chance they are not lying seeking attention, cause there is no such thing as too much for the entitled insecure ww bunch...knowing your history as a people, why would anyone cry you a river?

    surely IF your people have treated the daughters of Yah as was done and is done currently in more subtle ways...they must want that done unto them? you know...the golden rule white folks can't wait to teach others all about as they steadfastly refuse to abide in it. penalties for sin being stored up and all, i don't get the surprise.

    i did not personally eat from the tree of Knowledge. yet, i will die. what makes "superior intellect" folk think they have some scot-free coming their way?

    white folk (men AND women) have hit every non permissible spiritual lick- while SWEARING they have "superior" intellect.

    white folk call Almighty a lie each time they pretend they have NOTHING to pay but a "gov't program" for their pure, UNcut, nonstop wickedness.

    white folk hate BO while SWEARING he is Black. though he came from the womb of a ww. a jeWish she were Hebrew ww no less. THIS is why he is "good for the jews"+ where he is right now. those that wish they were Hebrew are running this american horror show.

    as white people have done to others, on US soil + nonstop abroad...

    because Almighty Yah does NOT deal in lies + hyprocrisy. because Almighty Yah is NOT a respecter of persons. because what one sows they reap...

    so now... the wicked, UNLawful, violent chickens are home.



    just waiting for the word to bring america's "policies" that have been stuffed down the throats of the global community to american citizens.

    if i had a nickel for every white face that looked all exuberant + exclaimed "nuke 'em!" when america transgressed against a global neighbor of color- i would be well mammoned.

    so it makes perfect sense these troops are foreign. america is RIGHT NOW already set up for the rwanda type treatment. yes. poop on the global community, arrogant wicked u.s. of satan. then let the global community come in + establish "order"...

    wicked genius.

  53. Lies in VA, I could care less about u and your separatist/immigration mumble jumble. You come off like a guy whose girlfriend left him for a colored fellow.

    You and your kids will soon be long dead and gone and Americans will al look like Lisa Bonet. ;)

  54. dumb goy white folks are of course, distracted by Black folk. so foreigners with NO LOVE for americans are here...waiting...for the ww's baby to get it popping out in the open- above ground.

    newflash: white folks running through hysterically racist to the core, while they lie + deny it. committed to the leprous lie that they have not received stolen wealth, in addition to hundreds of years of a head-start= ULTIMATE HYPOCRITES + LIARS.

    THIS is why folk are NOT trying to cry rivers for ya. the vast majority of you despicable heathen folk TRULY have NO interest in peacefully co-existing on the earth with others. the vast majority of despicable heathen white folk have zero intention to stop robbing the world majority people of color.

    while SWEARING it is Black folk with the mark of cain. despite their nice, white, pasty, stick out like a sore thumb among all nations of the earth glaring clue...hue.

    like i said...white folk won't ever stop. not those that wish they were Hebrew so bad they just keep repeating their white lies. nor the ones that know they are gentile white folk+ think this a source of pride/superiority.

    think about it: ONLY white folk would think being "Chosen" means they get to rape, rob, murder + lie with impunity. that they can do away with the commandments of Moses in favor of the laws of men. noahide laws. these are the same men, descendants, from days of old that Messiah fought with. the sanhedrin/pharisees/scribes. these descendants today, like goy whites, don't ever stop nor own their madness.

    white folk love to victimize others will pretending they are the victims. the white folk that wish they were Hebrew do this devilish routine much better than the goy gentile crew.

    these devils have laws that will make worship of Messiah, keeping Sabbath, teaching Torah etc punishable by death. without a trial. one accuser. of course, beheading allows them to make $ from the left over organs. gotta get that mammon no matter what.

  55. Bush, wm, signed this mess into law back in the 90's. to the racist idiot from yesterday seeking a "link"... i don't do remedial classes for uppity ignorant white folk. Blessed Blacks have taught white folk what they know throughout time...i don't mind continuing the practice. just don't be boldly dumb with me. i AM not the one folks want to bring that to. i did not get the memo on how slaves are to behave, because i AM no slave. i Understand the Truth, therefore i AM free from mental/spiritual bondage. white folk are just that...white. look better with color. they know this...hence all the low key hostile orange ww, with inflated lips, inflated behinds. you know all the stuff Black folks have been taught to hate about themselves.

    ONLY white folk would think they are entitled to torment the planet for centuries. the whole time preaching to others about Almighty, the golden rule+ freedom for all. the right of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. white clowns TRULY believe they get to do all this- lying + hypocrisy Bill- while experiencing UNinterrupted comfort.

    white folk from days of old that spoke out against slavery- did so for the souls of white folk. not because they cared about the suffering of Blacks. uncle tom cabin lady was just as racist as she wanted to be. yet...folk will pretend she was a kind soul that cared for humanity. as they do with ww period. these liars paint pictures depicting ww feeding the indigenous folk on thanks giving.

    folk might want to go back to the Dred Scott case. forget everything else, since folk get distracted. look for the ww in the case. then focus on her behavior.

    then know...

    ain't nothing changed.

    bm in my family have learned the hard way...sleeping with a ww doesn't mean she thinks you are human. true story: identical twin cousins. one dating a ww. other not remotely interested. after awhile the one dating the ww, too, was disinterested. this begot "rape" claims that resulted in the wrong twin being murdered. some may forget the Truth of where they are. my dna won't let me forget. His Word won't allow me to sit silently trying to be politically correct. i AM thankful.

    ps. wasn't the ww in the zimmerman case acting white + lying, too? didn't point that out did ya Bill? but folks sure were talking about duke case lady/brawley. while forgetting the centuries long cases that indicate if ANY woman is to be treated as a liar, on sight, ww have RICHLY earned the dishonor.

    hypocrisy+ lies+ double standards. point 'em out Bill. or do you only point the ones out where you can do the subtil racist thingy?

  56. that's the problem with lying about EVERYTHING. Yah hates a lying tongue + says clearly in His Word that a lying tongue hates those that are afflicted by it.

    THIS is why the burnt brass foot, lambswool haired, Ancient of Ancients, Alpha + Omega will simply TAKE all white folks have stolen from them. no sneak attacks. this heads up is in His Word. keep pretending Esau's descendants are not here, much less are white folk. those pretending to be Hebrew are Esau,too. as they stomp around perverting the Set Apart lands even now.

    IF that lie- Esau = somebody else- just makes sense at this point in the game to white folk...i AM content to let them keep it. those that Love white lies will perish with them+ they deserve it.

    white folk read + possess "superior" intellect. see it written. then stop with this REAL dumb line of questioning, when it is all written down already:

    "What do we do?"

    WHAT is not clear about what is written?

    folks post what liars speak + write down daily. the more lies folks are jammed packed full of...the more "educated" they consider themselves to be.

    yet the Ancient texts= disregard?

    white folk even like to pretend they wrote the texts. plus they were the ancient Egyptians plus some more white logic/lies.

    you know...white folk deserve to suffer. worship Yah not yourselves.

    just as Black folk that won't stop doing too much to read His Word, stop chasing sin, stop worshiping white folk while waiting for white folk to change their minds + love them= deserve to suffer. worship Yah, not white folk and the lies they refuse to stop telling.

    none of US are suffering as badly as we deserve because through it all...Yah is Good + full of mercy/grace.


    there are SO many peds in the gov't.

    all colors + genders.

    for a wm to bypass all the creepy azz white folk he could point out, NONSTOP around the world RIGHT NOW, from the Queen's palace to bush, cheney, and no named folks in the WH's employ. understanding that good 'ole boy club does not really allow Black folk in for real.

    for someone to play a political divide + distract the people game= NO desire for Truth or Justice+ coward.

    whipcracker Bill- i hope you are ready when the burnt brass/copper foot, wooly haired One rolls up on you.

    the way this is written, He is going to pull yet ANOTHER move that will let folk know WHY they hate Blessed Black so much.

    Brotha move ALL DAY when He rolls up on ya. lol. i AM from the south, so i understand. the only way to prevent the roll up on ya= watch. pray. as it is written;)

    i posted links for the blueprint of the nwo...

    not a peep.

    yet, folks debate about...nothing. see on the blueprints the academies of destruction. when i listen to the is clear that folk are graduates of illuminati universities. void of Good sense = requirement for successful campus career, clearly.

    folks are focusing on division + everything BUT His Word/Him. taking little shots. Black folk are NOT underachievers. Black folk are lost/sleeping/dead head. most don't know who they are. much less where they are. + who their enemies are.

  57. those that lead US...deliberately lead US astray. IF white folk had to overcome what Black folk do daily...they would promptly hurl themselves from the nearest high rise building. losing a job will get the average wm to this point. not being the center of attention for ww. white folk would NOT EVER survive what they have perpetrated on His People, my people.

    to ridicule our condition = devilish. just as white folk over in africa= devilish to me as well. they come back ONLY speaking of their good deeds. it's what they DON'T talk about that is indicative of the real them. people of the lie. m. scott peck. keeping up good appearances is very important to the devil + his minions.

    take a look at the blueprints. there are more pdfs. all non Blacks are the other n-words according to the way this is set up. just as those that wish they were Hebrew are the other white folk.

    folk will have to be blind to NOT notice that these hidden white folk running thangs know that what is written is Real. they are simply repping death/lucifer + convincing real smart fools to not believe. those that think themselves real smart= zombie walk to death. of the eternal variety.

    while the false ones teach otherwise. there is no punishment for disobedience nor hell. lie lovers lap up the nonstop lies.

    after what happened with ddynasty guy...i don't think folks would want to grapple with those speaking His Word. not yet. but trust, they have guillotines waiting for later...

    for whipcracka Bill to be over here trying to throw the BW under the bus as collateral damage for speaking Love + Truth...whipcracka ALL day. these SAME whipcrackas will protect ww from the historical Truth about them ever seeing the light of day.

    i don't expect wm to protect bw. nor do i expect you whiney, Truth dodging bastards to keep coming for US so viciously.

    i see you + will call you out, whipcracka Bill.

    your solution to the injustice heaped on ddyn guy = heap injustice on Sherri Shepherd?

    pasty devil.

    be bold enough to do devilish things.

    i promise i AM bold enough to call it.

    i care as much for the devil's feelings as much he cares for mine.

    have you ever considered...maybe folk that want billions dead are trying to hype whitey- knowing quite a few of ya'll are some REAL violent heathens?

    your soul enemy knows you + your Maker. quiet as it's kept...the enemy knows the Power we are created with, but don't use because it is "educated" away.

  58. if you have no Him/His Word, you have no Knowledge nor help. that's what's written.

    inciting your people to come AGAINST the ones it is written you will come to-seek out no less...with ALL your store house contents, confessing your inheritance are all lies= wicked genius.

    i told you this from jump whipcracka Bill. just as soon as white folk get Obadiah wise with becomes a new game. until the time of the gentiles is full, folks have to watch this madness go down + pray.

    Almighty is not a respecter of persons. i AM jealous in the Biblical sense of white folk.

    i AM jealous that some of you will get to stay + be last. none of you are worthy of Him. not even the good, quiet, go along with the white wickedness for fear of reprisals ones. had we not rejected Him/His Word...this would be a non issue. waiting around for "superior" intellect folk to wise up.

    but we did. we rejected He who came for US only.

    so now we must teach you folk the Truth that if your hearts be not hardened you might be saved.

    i Love Him/His Word. so i will do what i AM called to do with nothing but Love in my heart. which is to sound the alarm that none might be lost. i don't hate white folk. i AM indifferent to them really. until they reveal their spirit. if it is of Him...they are my people. if not...i use them to grow in Patience + His Power.

    white folk + the wicked colored minions that side with them against what is Right for humanity- are being set up for the cut off + pluck from earth.

    dumb ones will fall right in, because they are convinced that their whiteness or close proximity to it will save them.

    that might be why the wm panel of masons, Scripture choppers, leavening droppers- cut the book of Enoch out. lost it. so folk can look so dumb with their "superior" claims. because that book will tell you point blank that the fallen defeated one= appearance of a wm.

    anyone claiming Blacks have not been suffering for centuries up to today, in this land of free + brave= in possession of "superior" melanin deficiency induced "intellect".

    folks talking about gov't programs to help the folks the gov't targets for death/destruction= idiots.


  59. just as the gov't is pushing death/destruction to the other Black folk (lol) like it is something good- it was done first to Black folk. depending on where these idiots are on the slave plantation/animal farm, they may be useful idiots.

    it is fitting that this nation that SWEARS they are "Chr-stian" refuses to heed Him/His Word. makes perfect sense in land of the free built on indigenous genocide + Black slavery. lies+ hypocrisy. the american way Bill. point it out!

    while it is not permissible for me to pray for the hurry up. please is my sincere prayer from my soul that Almighty Yah will show these pale devils+ the colored minions that serve them like they would never serve Almighty whose Show this is for Real.

    there is much in the comments designed to hurt His People/my people.

    call me "crazy". i count it joy. i simply want no blood on my hands. so as i Watch + Pray, when He says Speak- i will. i pray whoever has an ear to hear, will hear. that they will choose to believe Him/His Word over these lying devils that seek to instill fear, inferiority, + the lie that Almighty Yah will not redeem US from this He did before already with our people.

    IF you see jeWish he were Hebrew Charlton Heston when i speak of our people...turn off the tell lie vision. free your mind. READ His Word. please. see the miracle they could not show you with the changing of Moses' flesh. if all nonsense, why do the powers+ lovers of this world HATE His Word/Him/His Name, His People so badly? you gotta ask the right questions to get your answers.



    ps. to my Blessed Black people, we richly earn the scorn in our disobedience to Him/His Word. flip it Blessed Blacks. let Him turn our shame back to glory that He might get the Glory.

    ancient world order style...back to Black. coming soon...

    Shabbath Shalom all. i pray more will get with Him/His Word/Sword of the Spirit. we are at war right NOW. of the spiritual variety. believe it or not.

  60. Anonymous6:54 PM

    FP is off her meds. I thought she didn't like black men and wanted black women to go get em white guys. Now she sounds like she hates white men too.

  61. focusedpurpose said...


    since you love to point out hypocrisy + double standards...

    does your hypocrisy + double standard, eagle eyed project work when it come to white folk?

    Of course. Hypocrisy and double standards are human conditions.

    Do you believe FN, PurpleCow and PilotX need my help pointing out white right-wing double standards?
    They appear to have that side of the double standard down pretty well.

  62. Truth in VA7:25 PM

    Blogger field negro said...

    Lies in VA, I could care less about u and your separatist/immigration mumble jumble. You come off like a guy whose girlfriend left him for a colored fellow.

    You and your kids will soon be long dead and gone and Americans will al look like Lisa Bonet. ;)

    5:05 PM

    That is the recurring black fantasy on this blog, I know.

    Once again, the Field can't/won't answer the question posed, because the answer is threatening to him.

    What you fail to realize is that means that the US will devolve into a meaner Brazil - with the white hegemony at the top, and everyone else in between, with gradient of color delineating your class.

    There's none so color conscious as black folk. "Brown paper bag" test and all that. So I have no problem with that, it's the world you will create, without white guilt to save you and pay the freight. lol.

    Brown people of any color can't build a sustainable civilization on their own. The honest ones admit their are screwed without white innovation and white technology.

    Who do you think controls the wealth in these multicultural societies you are waiting for the US to turn into?

    Hint: It ain't colored people.

  63. Truth in VA7:31 PM

    I'll ask again, since I didn't get an answer, just a brush off (which shows you can't answer ... without an ad hominem or a non-answer like "go back to the trailer park). Amazing how being asked to confront a basic truth is so threatening to those who post here:

    So, tell me, what specific benefit do whites gain by having blacks in their community?

    Please don't default to the non-answer of "diversity" (gag). Give me some real, concrete, identifiable benefits to whites. Educate me, since, according to you, I am "uneducated".

    If having blacks crash a previously all-white community - whether that be a school, or a neighborhood or club - is such a great thing, such an amazing positive for whites - then why does "White Flight" exist? Please explain to me what wonderful benefits blacks provide that I am missing out on. Please explain to me what wonderful technologies blacks have created to make our world a better place that hasn't been revealed to me.

    Please educate me on the wonder that is black greatness, black innovation, black civilization, that will uplift and improve the lot of whites.

    I'm sure it's a very long list.

  64. FP is off her meds. I thought she didn't like black men and wanted black women to go get em white guys. Now she sounds like she hates white men too.

    6:54 PM


    you are a dead head.


    reading nor comprehension are your strong suits.

    IF Black...i could be tempted to toss you out.

    dead head slaves will ALWAYS attack wide awake Blessed Blacks who might "offend" their precious white right defeated g-ds.

    i Love Blessed Black people.


    full stop.

    it takes Love for someone to tell you the Truth.

    slap whatever label you like, but know this:

    there are bm that are so spiritually dead that they would rather see a dead bw...before they see the mothers of their historical enemies with a headache.

    i AM not afraid to call it. i AM not a Coretta King. may she rest in peace. i AM more like Paul Robeson's Black wife...COMPLETELY not having it. will write a book wherever on precisely why i AM NOT having it.

    uber sensitive dead head bm be damned. IF the Real Men of Yah would STAND UP...i would happily take a seat. since UNLIKE ww...i do NOT seek to be like a man.

    i simply suggested - after peeping the wicked game- BEFORE folk decided to TRULY act like lost bm worshiping wm just because they are white; that bw STOP trading in mistreatment at the hands of whites to silently suffer with dead head Black folk that hate BW harder than they would EVER hate a white person. ESP a ww.

    newsflash dead head that no doubt needs meds of the Biblical get fed variety:

    it is about the BW.

    the very ones quite a few bm have a REAL hard time finding their protective nature when it come to. yet, think it is because they are Black that no one respects them as men.

    maybe if Malcolm X says it, you can hear? maybe you need BASS. so here you go:

    much need clue:

    read Scriptures + clue/wise up.

    or just shut up.

    no one will be the wiser as to your dead head fool condition. nation of islam has been bundled into the church of scientology. but guess what? farrakhan has the koran in one hand AND the Bible in the other. 'cause the Bible is where the Blessed Blacks must go in order to come to life. follow no man...follow Almighty Yah.

    awaken + arise+ resurrect.

    you are welcome + dismissed.

    grown folks are talking. YOU go sit at the children's table... since clearly you have not reached the age of maturity where you recognize + step with respect.

  65. Truth in VA-

    you sound uber "educated". lol.

    your info is so white + on point with the defeated devilish pasties +colored folks that worship them. all pushing this nwo...

    you call folks according to the defeated plan, while embodying the meaning of the word: "useful idiot"

    your hard baked racist spawn does not surprise. if the tell lie vision teaches whites are getting less racist. of course, they are more racist than ever.

    no telling what you + they were up to in africa. shudders. though you will come out speaking only of what appears "good" + is mentionable.

    speaking of your hard baked in Black hate spawn...take a look at this link. on the left is a list of the Universities of Mass Destruction. then go down the list and find your spawn's schools. still proud?


    know that "education" these days = just short of summoning satan/lucifer. "education" is so inverted that it is becoming a synonym for "evil". core curriculum victims. learned helplessness + hopelessness, where Yah created none. folk coming out state schools know everything BUT their Maker and seek to make $ more than anything else.

    sociopath society.

    our african cousins that sold US in jealousy...get what they deserve by way of nonstop colonization/white folk manipulation.

    you are over here talking about Brazil trying to instill fear, hopelessness, dependency on mighty book of Enoch devilish whitey. here's why it won't fly:



    13 And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years;

    14 And also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge; and afterward shall they come out with great substance.


    if you are one of those good white goy "Chr-stians" + don't really do Torah. hustle on over to KJV Acts 7: 6-7. get familiar.

    then know you have moved to the United States of Satan. not Brazil.

    so...your first stop should be to figure out who those people written of are for real. then ask yourself why the good homo european king would not remove the Law of who the Blessed Blacks are...

  66. or the Law re: homosexuality for that matter. might Yah be Real + honoring His Word? that He would preserve His Word for those of His that Love Him enough to seek Him.

    i AM a witness that He will even show you how to lift out the leavening.

    you might want to read up. He is very clear that He will never destroy US completely. get familiar with true American history + know that Black Americans are living proof of His Word.

    so while our condition after centuries of nonstop thrashing might be critical for now...

    He will not leave nor forsake US. we are His Chosen Mighty Ones who sleep in large numbers for now.

    some white folk already know what i AM sharing with you.

    ps. no one cares about the depressed/ oppressed/ assimilated to be damned views of your colored help nor token colored friends.

    there is little doubt you keep these folk around so you can point to them as evidence of your good whiteness. "see,i have colored friends."


    hopefully your colored help dancing up a storm + singing such a ridiculous song about the notion of the world stopping without wicked white folks was enough to make you feel good + "superior".

    this right here:

    "I have my own theories about where the final transition will lead,..."

    your "theories" are decidedly valid + yours. like an opinion really. and you know what they say about those.

    but this:

    "and blacks will not fare well."

    is a solid leprous lie, which i rebuke in the Mighty Name of Messiah Yahushua.

    Blessed Blacks don't need white folk.

    ya'll need US but have told so many lies that you believe them. the world is in a hot mess. weren't wm running things? or do you think this all happened in the last 10 years?

    if your theory does not include your having an, our birthright are all lies moment...

    you are chasing the wrong lead bold white person in va.

    you pretend to be educated. but if you have a grip of stuff in your mentals that are whitened lies, what's the point really?

    based on the words you type, probably none of what i say will make sense.

    that's ok, too. the time of the gentiles is clearly not full just yet.


    @ Bill-

    make as many points as you need to...

    the DDyn guy was right.

    so was Sherri Shepherd.

    don't suggest a BW goes under the bus to make your point, though. ESPECIALLY when she is standing on His Word/Him/Truth.

    persecuting Shepherd does what? right the wrong of the DDyn guy?

    that's mighty whipcracka behavior+ dead wrong.

    i reserve the right to call it. this does not mean i hate you or anyone. i don't. i haven't met anyone yet, that would be worth my taking the time to hate. not to mention that is not what i AM called to do, nor is it healthy for my temple.

    surely you must know all media was bundled long ago? those that wish they were Hebrew/the other white folk own it all.

    ticking off gentile white folk = what time it is.

    the angrier i see white folk get the harder it is for me not to laugh.

    folk CLEARLY don't know nor believe what is written re: those that kill to steal folks' stuff. when that is ALL white folk do-then pretend they created whatever they stole. then rage at the thought of having to share or give back stolen wealth.

    this is our country!

    we work hard!

    lol. too wrong. too much.

  67. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Holy Crap!!!
