Friday, January 03, 2014

Almost home.

I am still away from mi casa, and trying to get back to Philly.

The storms on the East Coast is not making it any easier.

If you are caught in this deep freeze we have going on here in North America, you might want to grab a hot brew, find a nice book, and get in touch with your inner- self.

I should be home soon.


  1. jebsco9:18 AM

    Beautiful Photo. Safe travel.

  2. One of the NUMEROUS reminders I've had since we moved out of Metro DC that moving back down South, has been a wonderful thing.

  3. If you're cold now think how much colder you would be if not for man-made global warming.

    At least the global warming scientists stuck in the ice on their mission to document the lack of ice have been rescued.

  4. You really are a total fucking idiot, aren't you Bill?

    Is there any subject on earth that you are not capable of talking total nonsense about?

    If 'talking complete bollocks about any subject' was an olympic sport, you would be America's greatest medal hope.

    (And don't get into your silly little head that you can debate climate change with me, because you are not capable. Many nut jobs here have tried and all have failed.)

  5. akh-bar12:21 PM

    The "Climate Change" hoax is dead.

  6. "If you are caught in this deep freeze we have going on here in North America, you might want to grab a hot brew, find a nice book, and get in touch with your inner- self."

    I just want to get in touch with Granny's inner-self.

  7. The Purple Cow said...
    You really are a total fucking idiot, aren't you Bill?

    I know you said you don't want to debate, how about I ask questions and you help me out by answering them?

    Do you disagree the mission was about documenting the lack of ice?

    Do you disagree that because of too much ice they had to be rescued?

  8. That was pretty funny when UPS screwed up delivering holiday packages.

    Much fun to be made of the private sector.

    But while we were laughing at the private sector screwing up...

    Obama Family Holiday Package Snafu Surprise for Illinois Woman

    A present from the Obama family was mistakenly inside.

    The package, like the others in the box, was opened, but had a tag addressed to “Mama Kaye and Papa Wellington” from “Barack, Michelle and the girls.” Mama Kaye is Kaye Wilson of Chicago, Sasha and Malia Obama’s godmother.

    Wilson briefly confirmed the tale to ABC News and called it just a “mix up from the Post Office.”

    So the government post office can't even deliver the president's presents correctly.

    If the post office treats the president's packages like this, how do you think they treat your packages.

  9. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Purple Sow,

    You talk with the spirit and language of a little bitch. Why don't you debate, like a man?

    FP NAILED you.

  10. Despite the 6.5% stock market rally over the last three months, a handful of billionaires are quietly dumping their American stocks . . . and fast.

    Warren Buffett, who has been a cheerleader for U.S. stocks for quite some time, is dumping shares at an alarming rate.
    Finally, billionaire George Soros recently sold nearly all of his bank stocks, including shares of JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, and Goldman Sachs
    It’s very likely that these professional investors are aware of specific research that points toward a massive market correction, as much as 90%.

    If the rich democrats are dumping stocks, shouldn't we?

  11. Anonymous1:13 PM

    @Field, you are so full of shit. Continuosly posting ad anon and other usernames on his own blog. You are certainly one sick puppy, stupid ass nigger!

  12. Farina1:39 PM

    Anonymous Bill said...
    "If the rich democrats are dumping stocks, shouldn't we?"

    We, the middle class, have nowhere to go with our savings.

    Obama's cronies will make out like bandits as they drain our 401K's again.

    And the NYT will tell us that it is all the fault of the the Tea Party Republican congress, if not Bush.

    So the great wheel of Statism rolls, crushing the middle class to dust.

  13. Have a safe trip home.

  14. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Wow, Hattie. That was the least amount of words you have ever said since I've known you. Is this a New Year's resolution?

  15. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Bill, "So the government post office can't even deliver the president's presents correctly.

    If the post office treats the president's packages like this, how do you think they treat your packages."

    12:47 PM
    Bill, good news for the public! There will be an increase in postage stamps and special deliveries this year.

    This increase is to insure better service to you and everyone else. So relax...P.O. service is going to improve a little bit.....just hold on, Bill, "better sevice is in the mail.":)

  16. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Dr. Nuwang, where do you reside in the dirty south?

  17. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Wow, dr Nuwang has moved to the South. Now what possessed her to do that? NOW where do you plan to go to Medical School in the South? Mississippi State or Grambling?

  18. Hattie said...

    Have a safe trip home

    Typical White Person, telling a Black Person what to do.

    Field is a grown-assed man and he will have whatever kind of trip home he wants to.

    Take your condescension somewhere else!

  19. Anonymous said...
    Dr. Nuwang, where do you reside in the dirty south?

    What happened, did that I live in a DC project story fall through?

    BTW, I learned from UTS's example, NEVER to tell a group of strangers, especially racists ones, details about your personal life.

    Suffice it to day that I live in a WONDERFUL Southern city FULL of educated Black folks just like me. And I attend and conduct cancer research at one of the top universities in the US. Because when you're a Georgetown Alum, ya gotta' keep that top school rep thang going. ;)

    Now if you want to know anything else, get a f'ing username and USE IT!! Tell us something about YOU!! Otherwise, read my gmail profile.

  20. "Suffice it to day that I live in a WONDERFUL Southern city FULL of educated Black folks just like me. And I attend and conduct cancer research at one of the top universities in the US. Because when you're a Georgetown Alum, ya gotta' keep that top school rep thang going. ;)"

    Is the Mayor the Wizard of Oz?

  21. "Suffice it to day that I live in a WONDERFUL Southern city FULL of educated Black folks just like me"

    A magical place, where everyone pretends they are a doctor and desperately flaunts their status.

  22. Trollonymous3:50 PM

    LOL at anon 2:40 pm, nothing against Hattie but that was funny.

    Dr. Nuwang said... "Suffice it to day"

    What the hell does that mean? Even if you put the S in place of the D, it stills sounds wrong. LOL

  23. A magical place, where everyone pretends they are a doctor and desperately flaunts their status.

    Or is it that your 5 years and counting pathetic and fruitless attempts to disparage me have fallen flatter than your ass???


    PS- it MUST feel good to correct the HIGHLY important "blog grammar" of someone so much smarter and accomplished than you are.


  24. Dr.Nǚwáng said...
    "PS- it MUST feel good to correct the HIGHLY important "blog grammar" of someone so much smarter and accomplished than you are."

    I wouldn't know, as I have never done that.

    But I do know that you will never be a doctor.

  25. Trollonymous4:19 PM

    Nuwang, (I'm not going to give you the Dr title because you are not).

    I'm not the same as the others. I feel like being a troll today so I'm not using my usual tag.

    You keep thinking there's just "one" person on this blog who dislikes you.

    1. Dislikes me? What are you, in kindergarten?


      BTW, how did those CS scores go?

  26. Mark Obama Ndesandjo said he was surprised to hear his half-brother President Barack Obama say they had only recently met for the first time.

    “I was floored by it — I don’t know why he said it,” Ndesandjo said to Laura Ingraham, adding that he had met the president several times over the years and still isn’t sure what his motivation was for making the claim. “I think he was being president and was not being my brother,” Ndesandjo said.

    From their first meeting, which took place in the 1980s in Kenya, where he lived as an American ex-pat, Ndesandjo​ said both he and the president had different views: Ndesandjo was trying to distance himself from his father and his father’s name, while Obama was looking to further embrace his father’s roots.

    Well, that's weird.

    Obama was also recently busted for lying about never meeting his Uncle Omar, the drunk-driving illegal alien. He had maintained for two years he never met him, but then had to admit he actually lived with Uncle Omar while attending college. He was forced to admit this lie when Uncle Omar's landlord backed up Uncle Omar.

    What does it say about Obama that he tells such seemingly meaningless lies?

    What else is he lying about?

  27. Bawhahahahha!

    I'm in a GREAT mood! :)

  28. Picture, for a moment, Ms. Queen saying "Bahhahahahhhahh!!"


    1. I'll bet the blubber from the back of your neck to your sausage like toes shakes when you shudder.


  29. Dear President of Anon Inc. , one of your members (posting@1:13 pm) accused me of being a sock puppet. Please take the necessary steps to have him/her disciplened or it could jeopardize our working relationship.

    These are serious accusations

  30. Bill, u are too smart for those silly wingnut talking points being parroted on right nut job radio about that explorer ship at the Antarctic.

    Or.....maybe u are not.

    That will teach me to question a pilot. :)

  31. field negro said...
    Bill, u are too smart for those silly wingnut talking points being parroted on right nut job radio about that explorer ship at the Antarctic.

    Humans are trashing this planet.

    But it is funny that while trying to prove the lack of ice proves too much ice.


  32. Trouble in democrat land...

    Detroit police chief: Legal gun owners can deter crime

    Detroit— If more citizens were armed, criminals would think twice about attacking them, Detroit Police Chief James Craig said Thursday.


    Why do you think a crazy person wanting to kill a bunch of people pick places where no one will shoot back?

  33. Travel safe. Hope you find your way home soon, FN.

  34. GrannyStandingforTruth6:58 PM

    I have a question for the men on here that are into sports. My question is about running track. Is a minute and 8 sec. good for running a mile?

  35. Ice is slightly increasing in Antartica while decreasing in the Arctic Circle which is of greater concern.
    Well Field, Bill may be smart but his attention to details isn't very good. You wouldn't want him flying anything.

  36. The Arctic Sea ice extent is the second lowest on record, following last year's measure, which broke the record. Based on climate conditions you're seeing, is it possible this warming trend will continue?

    The observations indicate both the planet, as a whole, and the Arctic region, even more rapidly, are warming up. The models are predicting this trend to continue in the foreseeable future. The ongoing decrease of sea ice in the Arctic is tied to this warming trend and is expected to continue. It should be noted that most of the thick, multiyear polar ice pack, composed in the 1980s of ice 10 years or more in age, has already been lost from the Arctic due to both drifting into the North Atlantic and melting. To get back to such a pack, we would need at least a 10-year cooling trend, which is not expected, nor forecasted, by any model.

  37. here ya go Granny.

    Only one African runner – Filbert Bayi, who broke Ryan’s record and held the mile mark for just three months – had owned the mile record before Algeria’s Noureddine Morceli topped Cram’s record by running 3:44.39 on Sept. 5, 1993. The 1.93-second drop in the record was the largest margin since Ryan set his first record in 1966. Morocco’s Hicham El Guerrouj then lowered the mark to 3:43.13 on July 7, 1999 – almost identical to Bannister’s 1500-meter time in 1954 – yet came close to losing the race, held in Rome’s Olympic Stadium. Noah Ngeny ran with El Guerrouj all the way and edged Morceli’s record as well, finishing in 3:43.40. With his mark still intact in 2012, El Guerrouj has held the IAAF mile record longer than anyone else, while Ngeny’s time remained No. 2 on the all-time list. Entering 2012, El Guerrouj owned seven of the top 10 mile times in history. As of 2012, Alan Webb owns the fastest mile of the 21st century by someone other than El Guerrouj, posting a time of 3:46.91 in 2007.

  38. GrannyStandingforTruth7:42 PM

    Thanks Pilot!

  39. No prob Granny.

    Hey PC, this has alot to do with the scientific illiteracy on the right in this country

    Seems a slight majority of repubs are creationists. Shocking huh?

  40. "Do you disagree the mission was about documenting the lack of ice?"

    Yes I do.


    "But it is funny that while trying to prove the lack of ice proves too much ice."

    Well it would be if it wasn't for the fact that this ship was in Antarctica, and the level of sea ice in Antarctica has been increasing since the 1970's!

    And before you ask, increased storm activity in the seas around Antarctica are believed to be the cause of the increased levels of sea ice there.

    Feel stoopid yet, Bill? That's what happens when you mouth off about subjects you clearly know nothing about.

    Nighty night.

  41. "Feel stoopid yet, Bill? That's what happens when you mouth off about subjects you clearly know nothing about."

    No he doesn't. When does he EVER know what he's talking about?

  42. But PC, give him a break. We go through this every winter and they did it on O'Reilly's show last night. Anytime it's cold or it snows Fox makes jokes about "global warming" and ask where is Al Gore. At least THERE consistent. (I know I know, it's a joke)

  43. Trollonymous9:32 PM

    "At least THERE consistent. (I know I know, it's a joke)"

    But in your comment at 8:14 pm, you spelled (a lot) as "alot". I'm not Bill, but I just couldn't help but mention it since you made yourself the grammar police a thread back. Carry on...

  44. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Bill is a smart guy. Most people know this, It takes a dumb person to mistake intelligence for stupidity.

  45. Anonymous10:12 PM

    I have just landed at JEvers airport in MS to begin a new and better life. I got the idea from Dr Nuwang to move South where the living for Blacks is heaven. Thank you Dr Nuwang.

    Btw, what med school down South are you attending?

  46. Anonymous11:12 PM

    Field said...
    "I am still away from mi casa"
    Mmmmmmm, Spanish... I love to hear Spanish. So romantic...


  47. Trollonymous11:17 PM

    "Mmmmmmm, Spanish... I love to hear Spanish. So romantic..."

    Yup, confirmed my suspicions. Already figured that's why women who look like "you" stick around blogs like "this one"... for hopeful "romance" purposes.

  48. Anonymous12:18 AM

    Trollonymous said...
    Yup, confirmed my suspicions. Already figured that's why women who look like "you" stick around blogs like "this one"... for hopeful "romance" purposes.
    11:17 PM
    Maybe :)

  49. PilotX: Confusing Negroes from the democrat plantation since the 70's said...
    "Hey PC, this has alot to do with the scientific illiteracy on the right in this country"

    Studies have shown Tea Party people to be more scientifically literate than the general public.

    The most scientifically illiterate people in America are black Democrats, hand down.

  50. The Purple Douche said...
    Feel stoopid yet, Bill?

    You are the one who should feel stupid by making excuses for what the data shows. Ice is increasing or it is not. Overall ice mass on the planet is increasing.

    Global warming is a hoax.

  51. Trollonymous12:54 AM

    "Maybe :)"

    You've been hanging around for a very very long time. Showing any luck yet for you? Don't lose hope. Perhaps someday, well...


  52. akh-bar1:02 AM

    One hallmark of modern science is its amazing ability to ignore any observations that don't confirm its hypotheses. The failed mission to the South Pole is only the latest embarrassment for climate science, and appears that more embarrassments will follow because the climate scientists don't seem inclined to abandon their insistence that the Earth is getting warmer no matter how cold it gets.

    At this point, one gets the impression that even if glaciers were to cover Canada and begin to ice over the northern United States, the climate scientists would still claim that this unexpected turn of events was merely a momentary pause before the imminent boiling of the planet. Or as Purple Cow tries, assert it is due to "increased storm activity in the seas" or some other such nonsense.

    And for Pilot Genius, not only is Antarctic ice at historic highs, but the Arctic ice pack appears to be rebounding from it's low point in 2012.

    Reality is ruining your eco-communist apocalypse myth, but you cling to your faith like some creationist who thinks Jesus rode dinosaurs. I laugh at you.

  53. A new study of how criminals vote found that most convicts register Democratic, a key reason in why liberal lawmakers and governors are eager for them to get back into the voting booth after their release.

    “Democrats would benefit from additional ex-felon participation,” said the authoritative study in The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.

    The authors, professors from the University of Pennsylvania and Stanford University, found that in some states, felons register Democratic by more than six-to-one.

    Six to one. SMH.

  54. "but the Arctic ice pack appears to be rebounding from it's low point in 2012."

    It'll take a while to rebound and many climate scientists doubt it will.

    "The failed mission to the South Pole is only the latest embarrassment for climate science"

    Really? Climate science is embarrassed? Why exactly? So kids thinking of majoring in climate science should abandon it because a ship got stuck in the ice? Is this an example of wingnut logic?

    "At this point, one gets the impression that even if glaciers were to cover Canada and begin to ice over the northern United States, the climate scientists would still claim that this unexpected turn of events was merely a momentary pause before the imminent boiling of the planet."

    You do realize while you talk shit about the Northern Hemisphere the Southern Hemisphere is sweltering with record heat? Been to Australia recently? Oh yeah that's right, only America exists on Fox.

  55. "Studies have shown Tea Party people to be more scientifically literate than the general public."

    What? A study conducted by you and your drunk uncle? Yeah, right. The vast majority of scientists are Dems or liberal leaning independents.

  56. "A searing heat wave is baking central and northern Australia, piling more misery on drought-hit cattle farmers who have been slaughtering livestock as Australia sweltered through the hottest year on record in 2013.

    Temperatures have topped 40 degrees Celsius (104° Fahrenheit) in large parts of Australia’s key agricultural regions for most of the past week, with the mercury topping 48 degrees Celsius [118.4°F] in the central west Queensland town of Birdsville."

  57. Most scientists identify as Democrats (55%), while 32% identify as independents and just 6% say they are Republicans. When the leanings of independents are considered, fully 81% identify as Democrats or lean to the Democratic Party, compared with 12% who either identify as Republicans or lean toward the GOP. Among the public, there are far fewer self-described Democrats (35%) and far more Republicans (23%). Overall, 52% of the public identifies as Democratic or leans Democratic, while 35% identifies as Republican or leans Republican.

    Majorities of scientists working in academia (60%), for non-profits (55%) and in government (52%) call themselves Democrats, as do nearly half of those working in private industry (47%).

  58. "Since satellite-based measurements began in the late 1970s, data show a trend of more ice melting away during summers and less new ice forming during winters. Minimum sea ice extent observed each September has decreased by an average of 12 percent per decade compared to the 1979-2000 average."


    • Minimum sea ice extent observed each September has decreased by an average of 12 percent per decade compared to the 1979-2000 average.
    • With less ice present, the dark surface of ocean water absorbs considerably more sunlight energy, leading to further warming of the atmosphere and more melting of ice, which leads to further warming.

  59. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...

    "Studies have shown Tea Party people to be more scientifically literate than the general public."

    What? A study conducted by you and your drunk uncle? Yeah, right. The vast majority of scientists are Dems or liberal leaning independents.

    No, that would be Yale University, perhaps you've heard of it?:

    And a majority of scientists align with the government party because their funding comes form the government.

    You really are quite slow, aren't you?

  60. Anonymous1:42 AM

    Trollonymous said...
    "You've been hanging around for a very very long time. Showing any luck yet for you? Don't lose hope. Perhaps someday, well...
    12:54 AM
    Don't lose any sleep over it now :)

  61. "The November 2013 national and global climate updates are a perfect reminder that our local weather in any particular month is not a good predictor of the status of the global climate. While much of the United States was cooler than average in November, the globe as a whole set a new record for warmth. It was the 37th November in a row that was warmer than average."

  62. "With little to offset the ice loss through the Fram Strait, multi-year, thick ice has declined. The oldest sea ice left in the Arctic generally clings to the Canadian Archipelago, but it is a thin ribbon of ice compared to the much larger amounts in the 1980s and 1990s. In March 1988, thick multiyear ice (4+ years) comprised 26 percent of the Arctic's ice pack. In 2005, that number dropped to 19 percent. In 2013, it dropped to 7 percent.

    The loss of old, thick ice amplifies the impact of Arctic warming and sea ice melt. When sea ice survives multiple melt seasons, it generally thickens, which makes it more resistant to melting during hot summers. Today, a blanket of ice still forms over the Arctic each winter, but it's a thin blanket, dominated by young ice, which melts far more quickly when summer arrives."

  63. "And a majority of scientists align with the government party because their funding comes form the government."

    Didn't funding for the NSF and other scientific endeavors go up under the last Republican administration? Just curious. And what is a "government" party? Does that mean there's an anti-government party? Interesting.

  64. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...

    "Since satellite-based measurements began in the late 1970s,

    Actually, this may be news to you, but sea ice pre-dates the 1970's when we started getting satellite data. There was sea ice back in the 50's, even way back during World War II. In fact, up until 12,000 years ago, ice covered most the northern hemisphere.

    Global Warmists are like a guy who invents the thermometer in January when it's 10 degrees, starts plotting temperatures, and in June when it's 80 tells everyone it will be 150 by December.

    There has been no warming over the past 15 years despite a marked increase in the CO2 level in the atmosphere.

    Phony science can only be sold as truth for so long. The game is over. You can't control people with this fake crisis anymore.

  65. "Arctic sea ice reached its annual minimum extent on September 13, 2013, dipping to 1.97 million square miles (5.10 million square kilometers). Averaged over the month, sea ice extent was 2.07 million square miles (5.35 million square kilometers)—larger than last year's record low, but still more than 17 percent below average and the sixth smallest September extent on record."

  66. "Actually, this may be news to you, but sea ice pre-dates the 1970's when we started getting satellite data. There was sea ice back in the 50's, even way back during World War II. In fact, up until 12,000 years ago, ice covered most the northern hemisphere."

    "Early observations of sea ice coverage in the Arctic come to us both from the oral histories of native populations and from the records of early European mariners who were seeking a "Northwest Passage" to the lucrative markets in Asia. For as long as humans have been keeping track, large areas of the Arctic Ocean have remained covered by sea ice throughout the year. However, over the past 30 years, the area covered by ice has shown a dramatic decrease."

    Thanks for the usful information, I had no clue climate scientists knew that there was ice before the 70's.

  67. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...

    "And a majority of scientists align with the government party because their funding comes form the government."

    Didn't funding for the NSF and other scientific endeavors go up under the last Republican administration? Just curious. And what is a "government" party? Does that mean there's an anti-government party? Interesting.

    If there is an anti-government party, sign me up.

    And of course the democrats are the party of big government. Anyone who gets their money from the government is going to vote for the party they think is going to keep the money coming, whether they are on welfare or they are a government scientist producing the results the government wants.

    You can't be this daft, can you?

  68. "Now, for the first time in recorded human history, the Northwest Passage may become a useful shipping route during Arctic summer. In 2011, a route through the straits of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago opened for the fifth year in a row. Other routes across the Arctic may also open, providing ships with viable alternatives to traveling through the Panama Canal or around the southern tip of South America. This new reality will have impacts not only on the environment, but also on the world economy and national security, as nations compete to gain rights to shipping lanes and newly accessible resources in the Arctic.

    Climate scientists are particularly concerned about the decrease of sea ice because its white surface reflects up to 80 percent of incoming sunlight, deflecting additional energy away from the planet. With less ice present, the dark surface of ocean water absorbs considerably more sunlight energy, leading to further warming of the atmosphere and more melting of ice, which leads to further warming... Scientists are actively studying the effects of this positive feedback loop to help them understand and predict how the observed decrease in Arctic sea ice will affect the global climate system."

  69. "If there is an anti-government party, sign me up."

    You did say the dems were the government party right? So by logical extention........nevermind.

    . "Anyone who gets their money from the government is going to vote for the party they think is going to keep the money coming, whether they are on welfare or they are a government scientist producing the results the government wants."

    I've heard that argument before. Interesting but holds no merit. So if this is the case we need to call into question all scientific research not just climate science. Then again having studied climate science with some well known professors they are honest and earnest about their research and not out for government handouts.


  70. "There has been no warming over the past 15 years despite a marked increase in the CO2 level in the atmosphere."

    Directly refuted by NCDC data

    Global Highlights
    •The combined average temperature over global land and ocean surfaces for November 2013 was record highest for the 134-year period of record, at 0.78°C (1.40°F) above the 20th century average of 12.9°C (55.2°F).
    •The global land surface temperature was 1.43°C (2.57°F) above the 20th century average of 5.9°C (42.6°F), the second highest for November on record, behind 2010. For the global oceans, the November average sea surface temperature was 0.54°C (0.97°F) above the 20th century average of 15.8°C (60.4°F), tying with 2009 as the third highest for November.
    •The combined global land and ocean average surface temperature for the September–November period was 0.68°C (1.22°F) above the 20th century average of 14.0°C (57.1°F), the second warmest such period on record, behind only 2005.
    •The September–November worldwide land surface temperature was 1.08°C (1.94°F) above the 20th century average, the third warmest such period on record. The global ocean surface temperature for the same period was 0.52°C (0.94°F) above the 20th century average, tying with 2009 and 2012 as the fourth warmest September–November on record.
    •The combined global land and ocean average surface temperature for the year-to-date (January–November) was 0.62°C (1.12°F) above the 20th century average of 14.0°C (57.2°F), tying with 2002 as the fourth warmest such period on record.

  71. " PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...

    "There has been no warming over the past 15 years despite a marked increase in the CO2 level in the atmosphere.Directly refuted by NCDC data"

    No, it is not. The data you cite compares recent years (or parts of years) to the 20th century average. What I said is that there has been no warming since 1999, which is true.

    The warming that occurred in the later part of the 20th century stopped in 1999.

    Global CO2 concentrations have continued to increase.

    There is no correlation.

  72. "Global CO2 concentrations have continued to increase.

    There is no correlation."

    Please share your data or are we to just take your word for this?

  73. "There IS a problem with global warming," one headline recently quipped, "it stopped in 1998." Making the same argument about declining temperatures since 1998, another headline proclaimed, "Alarmists still heated even as world cools."

    These articles suggest that climate scientists have misled the public. While climatologists warn that greenhouse gas emissions from burning fossil fuels are warming our planet, some people argue that Earth is actually cooling: they point to declining temperatures since 1998 as "proof" that global warming has stopped."

    "If global temperatures from subsequent years are compared to those of 1998, warming since that time is certainly difficult to detect. Easterling himself pointed out in a 2009 paper that a linear trend line from 1998 to 2008 shows no statistically significant trend up or down. While a straight line drawn from 1998 to 2008 does indicate that 2008 was cooler, a line from 1999 to 2008 shows that the planet warmed, and a line from 1997 to 2008 is almost flat. But Easterling doesn't advocate starting the measurements from either of those years. Instead, he suggests looking at the bigger picture."

  74. "When you're in a court of law, you have to swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. The people who have been focusing on the 'cooling' have not been telling the whole truth," Schlesinger remarks. "Natural variability may mask the effects of greenhouse gas emissions in the short term, but once an oscillation changes back to a mode that increases global temperatures, it will reinforce the effects of burning fossil fuels, and we could face a double whammy. So the worst mistake we could make is to confuse short-term cooling for a reversal of global warming."

    Besides global temperatures, other lines of evidence point strongly to a warming planet. Since 1998, the extent of Arctic sea ice reached new record lows in 2002, 2005, and 2007. Arctic sea ice retreated so dramatically in 2007 that it broke all previous records a month before the end of melt season. And dramatic changes haven't been unique to the Arctic. In 2002, some 3,250 square kilometers of the Larsen B Ice Shelf on the Antarctic Peninsula shattered over a period of just five weeks. In the wake of the ice shelf disintegration, glaciers feeding the shelf accelerated on their route into the Weddell Sea. "The reason people believe strongly that Earth has warmed is not just the temperature record, but all these other things," Easterling explains.

  75. Anonymous6:44 AM

    "Mmmmmmm, Spanish... I love to hear Spanish. So romantic..."

    No, Spanish is not romantic.

    Italian is romantic.

    French is romantic.

    Ebonics is romantic.

    No other language is romantic.

  76. Anonymous11:25 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. "There has been no warming over the past 15 years despite a marked increase in the CO2 level in the atmosphere.Directly refuted by NCDC data"

    I don't think you understand the difference between weather and climate. Climate is the study of weather patterns over decades and centuries.

    Fifteen years is a ridiculously short timespan to draw conclusions from. You can cherry-pick the start and end dates of your fifteen year span to prove nothing you like.

  78. The Purple Cow said...
    Fifteen years is a ridiculously short timespan to draw conclusions from. You can cherry-pick the start and end dates of your fifteen year span to prove nothing you like.

    1970's global cooling
    2000's global warming

    Failure of nature to live up to the computer models forced yet another prediction.

    2010's climate change

    Imagine if the world took the predictions of the scientists seriously and changed things to prevent global cooling.

  79. The Purple Cow said...
    "Fifteen years is a ridiculously short timespan to draw conclusions from. You can cherry-pick the start and end dates of your fifteen year span to prove nothing you like."

    Quite right, as is the 45 year timespan of satellite data when one is talking about "climate" rather than "weather".

    Ice core and tree ring data is nowhere near as accurate or useful and is notoriously subject to manipulation (as in making 'Hockey Stick' graphs).

    To use my analogy above you (or PilotX) are looking at temps from March through August and saying there is an alarming warming trend, while I am citing July-August to say warming has stopped. The only way we can settle this is to see what October and November bring.

  80. Obama appoints Mumia Abu-Jamal defender Debo Adegbile to head the Civil Rights Divsion of the Justice Department.


    There has never been any question regarding Abu-Jamal’s guilt. The only doubt, among the most unhinged fringe of the radical Left, is whether it really needs to be illegal for black militants to shoot white police officers in the back. The virulently anti-American Marxist Abu-Jamal (born Wesley Cook), who has been affiliated with NPR, the Black Panthers, and the violent left-wing cult MOVE, assassinated officer Daniel Faulkner in cold blood in 1981.

    Mumia made no serious attempt to convince anyone of his innocence, instead using his trial as an opportunity to endear himself to his fellow leftists. He had to be removed from the courtroom 13 times due to violent outbursts. The evidence made the verdict a no-brainer:

    Not only did five witnesses see Mumia shoot Officer Faulkner, but the bullet pulled from Faulkner's brain was matched to the .38 caliber handgun that was registered to Mumia and which was sitting at his feet when the police arrived at the murder scene. When Mumia was taken to the hospital to have his chest wound treated, three witnesses heard him announce, "I shot the mother-f***er and I hope the mother-f***er dies." In addition, another witness at the hospital heard him declare, "I'm glad. If you let me go, I will kill all you cops."

    Mumia was wounded because after he snuck up and shot Faulkner in the back from within 1 foot, the officer managed to turn and get off a return shot. Liberals apparently believe the return shot was motivated by racism.

    If Obama is able to push through Adegbile’s nomination, an advocate of this racially minded murderer will be in charge of enforcing federal “discrimination” statutes. This is not good news for those of us who cannot count ourselves among what 1960s black power radical and current Attorney General Eric Holder calls “my people.”

    Former Justice Department lawyer J. Christian Adams accurately describes the choice of Adegbile as “an in-your-face nomination” intended to send “a message to Republicans and conservatives that the radical racial policies of the Justice Department will continue full speed ahead.” Adams notes that “in Eric Holder’s Justice Department, nakedly racialist policies are standard fare, and Adegbile will fit right in.”

    Injustice always creates an equal but opposite force. There will be hell to pay for the Obama years.

  81. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...

    There is no correlation."

    Is there a correlation regarding aircraft and climate change?

    I never knew aircraft were so damaging to the planet.

  82. Sure they are Bill but the cooling caused by the cirus-like clouds that reflect sunlight offset the warming caused by CO2 emissions. See, kinda like a carbon offset.

  83. PC is correct, climatologists tend to start with at least 30 year climate normals. And as of the last 30 year climate report there is a warming trend.

  84. It's interesting that the anti-cc. Guys have randomly chosen 1998 as their base date for comparison. 1998. Was the hottest year in global history, just because there hasn't been a hottest year in history since doesn't mean that global warming has stopped.

    Incidentally the hockey stick graph has not been manipulated or discredited, it remain as scientifically robust as it ever. Was.

  85. PC and Pilot why bother? These are the same guys who who say that the theory of evolution is junk science.

  86. Trollonymous6:04 PM

    Field, don't be so quick... I'll bet it's PC and PX actually believes Jesus was born to the virgin Mary. Especially PX, he thinks he's a Pilot, so he'll believe anything any way.

  87. The Purple Cow said...\"Incidentally the hockey stick graph has not been manipulated or discredited, it remain as scientifically robust as it ever. Was."

    Absolutely false.

    Not only has it been discredited, but it has been dismembered and buried:

    Michael Mann should be banned from any respectable science journal for life.

    But you can believe in it, because global warming is a faith, not a valid scientific theory.

  88. Hey Field... I find it interesting that you have had nothing to say about Colorado now selling recreational Cannabis. 1 million in sales on the first day ....

    Shouldnt we expand this to every state so that Americans can take part of O-Bombers Green Jobs plan???

    Retired major from the Maryland State Police, and member of the drug reform group LEAP... Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
    had this to say...

    From Jamaica ....Nothing to say Field about the legalization of the sacred herb...???

    No longer can gang members , and drug dealers profit from black market Cannabis sales in Colorado...

  89. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Happy New Year Wain...Continued Good Health and Prosperity! Keep Up The Great Work!
    Your Colleague From the Franklin Mint

  90. Anonymous6:12 PM

    As far as the theory of evolution, does anyone know if they're still looking for the so called "missing link"? Or has it been found?

    That has always been the bone of contention with that theory.

    Myself I think we evolved from cells and all the rest of it, but, I do think that we might have been put here by aliens.

    In the bible it states that giants once walked the earth. I have always noticed that some people are/have very large limbs,hands and feet, big boned and very heavy. Almost as if they came from a line of giants, and their bodies still maintain some of the traits. A sort of polymorphic phenotype thing.

    Has anyone else noticed that. I'm being very serious now.

    So I have questions and doubts about the entire thing.

  91. Trollonymous6:13 PM

    Field, you wouldn't be traveling from Colorado by chance, would you?

  92. Trollonymous6:19 PM

    Desertflower, do you often think about men with large hands, limbs, bones and feet? Do you usually see them everywhere you go? I'm being serious, I want to help you figure this thing out.

  93. Desertflower said...

    As far as the theory of evolution, does anyone know if they're still looking for the so called "missing link"? Or has it been found?

    Not only has the missing link been found, he is a regular poster on the field negro blog comment board:

  94. Anonymous6:42 PM

    :D LOL! Oh my gosh, ahahaha, you people are so baaad! So bad! ahahaha!

    I dunno what I'm gonna do with youse!

    Guys, I was SERIOUS! C'mon, help me out here! LOLOL...

  95. Trollonymous7:03 PM

    Dr. Leakey aka Teabag, philly chese etc etc is being racist! He is calling Purple Cow a monkey! And Desertflower is laughing at the inside joke. Field, are you going to allow this sort of behavior?

  96. "Not only has it been discredited, but it has been dismembered and buried:"


    But you can believe in it, because climate change denial is a faith, not a valid scientific theory.

  97. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Trollonymous said...
    Desertflower, do you often think about men with large hands, limbs, bones and feet? Do you usually see them everywhere you go? I'm being serious, I want to help you figure this thing out.
    6:19 PM
    Aay papi, of course! What else is there in life? ;p

  98. Thank u to all for the kind wishes, and to my friend from the best bank in the country: FMFCU.

    Thankfully I made it home in one piece, and no Trollyonymous, I wasn't coming from Colorado.

    BTW, i was loving the climate change debate.
