Monday, January 13, 2014

Crazy stories.

There are a few stories on my radar tonight.

First, this story out of Montgomery, Alabama  has me scratching my head.

Now correct me if I am wrong, but isn't Alabama State University a public institution? If it is, how the heck are they going to tell a grown ass woman that she can't have male [or female] lovers stay over at her house for an extended period of time?

"The new Alabama State University president’s contract comes with strings attached -- to her love life.

Gwendolyn Boyd is coming back to her alma mater from Johns Hopkins University to shepherd Alabama State through a rough patch involving a damning audit aimed at the university. Boyd’s new contract is pretty standard -- $300,000 a year, a car and the presidential residence -- except she can’t have lovers staying overnight for an extended period of time." [Source]

Ms. Boyd, it looks like the university needs you more than you need them. Don't go for this crap. If you want to get your love on you shouldn't have to creep around to do it.

Sorry people, this smells of sexism to me. I have a hard time believing that if Gwendolyn Boyd was Glenn Boyd this would be happening to her.

But hey, that's just me.

And then there is another other story from the crazy state of Florida.

It seems that some old guy got fed up in the theater with a fellow theatergoer and decided to stand his ground against a dangerous text.

"A moviegoer lost his life inside a Pasco County, Florida theater on Monday afternoon after a dispute over texting with a retired police officer. The victim’s wife was also hit by the same bullet.

According to the sheriff’s office, the dispute happened before the 1:20 showing of ‘Lone Survivor’ had even started.

According to investigators, two couples had gotten into an argument over noise.

Sheriff Chris Nocco said, “The victim was on his cell phone; he was texting. We believe he was making some kind of noise. This noise led to an altercation between the suspect and the victim.”

The shooter was identified by deputies as 71-year-old Curtis Reeves.
Charles Cummings said he overheard the victim say he was texting his 3-year-old daughter before Reeves pulled out a pistol.

He  said, “Their voices start going up, there seems to be a confrontation, somebody throws popcorn, then bang, he was shot. I heard the victim say, ‘I can’t believe…,’ then he fell on us.” [Source] 

Now I hate disruptive moviegoers as much as the next guy (it's why, unfortunately, I try to stay away from certain movie theaters when too many of  my cousins are present), but I am not going to go all Clint Eastwood on some guy for texting on his cell phone and making too much noise when I am trying to get my popcorn on. I mean this is crazy. Besides, I am not sure I trust some 71 year old dude with a gun in the first place. (Sorry AARP)

But hey, this is a part of the culture we have created in these divided states of America. It's all about the gun.

Finally, speaking of guns, it looks like we have another one of these Houdini type perps acting up again.

"Police in North Carolina say all evidence collected during their investigation into the shooting death of a handcuffed teenager indicates he killed himself with a concealed large-caliber pistol that a rookie officer failed to detect when he frisked him.

Durham police on Friday presented preliminary findings of an internal investigation into the shooting death of 17-year-old Jesus Huerta, who died Nov. 19 in the back of a squad car as it was pulling into the parking lot at police headquarters.

Huerta had been arrested by Officer Samuel Duncan a short time earlier on an outstanding warrant for misdemeanor trespassing after a family member called 911 and asked for help after the teen walked out of his home following a late-night argument.

"The evidence and information collected thus far indicate that Mr. Huerta had a handgun concealed on his person," said Capt. L.J. Clayton, who oversaw the department's internal affairs investigation. "Officer Duncan did not discover this handgun during his search of Mr. Huerta. Mr. Huerta shot himself with that handgun." [Source]

I wonder where exactly "on his person" he concealed it.



  1. Enjoy some news from Arkansas.

  2. Anonymous8:11 PM

    "Now correct me if I am wrong, but isn't Alabama State University a public institution? If it is, how the heck are they going to tell a grown ass woman that she can't have male [or female] lovers stay over at her house for an extended period of time?"

    In Alabama, public institutions lean toward Whites. It makes perfect sense to me that the new 'black' President at Ala. State should not be romping in the hay on University property. You see, if it were a male, more than likely he would be married with kids. Therefore, no need to worry about having 'layovers' at night.

    Brother Field, I am surprised that you don't know this. Besides, it's Alabama. You don't get equal rights there because it's a religious state.

  3. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Dear FN fans, re: LYING in the American Political and Justice System, which is a violation of the 8th Commandment, here is an interesting video that proves it.

    Since Mr Field is part of this lying justice and political system, he should pay close attention. I feel guilty for exposing Field, but I am dedicated to the truth...sorry:

  4. if the new prez was a man...he would probably be married with children. plus have another place to conduct his layovers.

    this is NOT a good time to slam BW.

    this woman clearly is married to her career. therefore, if her career mandates certain things...she is willing to comply.

    i don't see this as "sexism" considering this woman has agreed to it:

    "Boyd, who is single, said she didn’t have a lawyer when she signed the contract but has no problem with the language.

    “I do live alone, so it was not problematic for me,” she said."


    depending on how you look at it...the contract would ensure an out;) nope, can't stay here. against my agreement.


    it would make more sense to me, to refuse to allow so much outside interference/control just on principle. however, if this woman with all her "education" thinks that contract makes sense. it is not a worthwhile battle as far as i am concerned.


    it appears the police across the nation are still killing Black + Brown people with impunity;(...

  5. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Legalizing Marijuana is wrong. O'Reilly has convinced millions that marijuana is bad. It is comforting to know that O'Reilly will get it stopped:

  6. ps. 8th commandment addressing stealing.

    bill o needs to shut it up. lol. he wants to lamblast liars...let him start with the jews that own fox news. the 1st lie is their p.r. campaign that tells this big fat whopper daily:

    we are fair + balanced.


    sorry Anon that loves them some Fox News + Bill O. those nonstop liars bother me...for the very reason that they have folks believing their nonsense.

  7. Anonymous9:42 PM

    I bet NO ONE can't disagree with this one segment about teachers wanting money for a child molester. This is terrible:

  8. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Who told you to post anti-gun stories?

  9. Anonymous10:28 PM

    FP, "sorry Anon that loves them some Fox News + Bill O. those nonstop liars bother me...for the very reason that they have folks believing their nonsense."

    I can't believe a sweet lady like you does not like "Fair and Balanced" FOX NEWS.

    Do you know it's the #1 cable news network? So There must be 'something' good they are broadcasting to people that keeps them glued to it.

    Over 2 million Americans watch it every day. And this is just the beginning! You had better join the crowd if you want to be somebody. These days you can't have a good conversation without FOX NEWS and the great talented-highly paid- well-worth-it-respected Mr Bill O'Reilly.:)

  10. Anonymous10:47 PM

    FP, I know you don't like O'Reilly and FOX, but how do you feel about Rev Sharpton, MHP and MSNBC?

  11. You must not have attended an HBC. I knew when I went to skegee as a high school student in the summer the south and an HBC wasn't for me. I can definitely believe they attached that crazyness to her contract. Everybody in the south wants to be your momma. I figured that out at 17.
    When you take a gun to the movies YOUR looking for trouble. This is my problem with some folks with guns, and you know the type, they just can't wait to shoot somebody. I know a few folks like that and when they do it I won't be surprised.
    Read Ted Rall's piece about being arrested. I think I sent it to you but in case I didn't he is a white guy and he's afraid when he's arrested that the cops can do anything and no one can do anything about it.

  12. Anonymous12:57 AM

    Enjoy Oregon crazy FN.......


  13. "bill o needs to shut it up. lol. he wants to lamblast liars...let him start with the jews that own fox news. the 1st lie is their p.r. campaign that tells this big fat whopper daily:"

    So focussedporpoise, what does whichever religious tome you read say about hatred?

    Does your god think it's OK to hate people?

  14. Anon@9:22 are u paid by Fox?

  15. Hey Kudos to the mighty Sydney Thunder, who have just won a game!

    Their record...

    W W L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L W

  16. Anonymous8:32 AM

    "Sorry people, this smells of sexism to me. I have a hard time believing that if Gwendolyn Boyd was Glenn Boyd this would be happening to her."

    This would not happen to "Glenn Boyd" because he would be married (to a woman) and have kids.

    If Glenn Boyd was a single man he would not have gotten the position in the first place because it would have been assumed by the powers-that-be that he was gay (whether he was or not). Period.

  17. Anonymous10:21 AM

    who the hell is sidney thunder? lord have mercy, that PC done lost his mind.

  18. Anonymous11:22 AM

    mr field what is happening to your blog and black commenters? have they all decided to leave?

    uts tried to make a comeback and so did audio books but they faded as fast as they started. things are not looking up for fn this year.

    could the cause be that your cheap ass has refused to pay anon inc their due?

    jump start fn by paying off the anons and your blog will flourish like it never has before.

    ps. i heard that dr nuwang, aka dr queen has flunked out of med school. i find that hard to believe but stranger things have happened in this world.

    and what happened to desert? did she get lost out in the desert?


  19. Another example of that democrat bias in the news.

    When a democrat is accused/arrested/convicted, the rule is to leave out the word democrat in the article.

    Today's example...

    He said it was never his intent to sexually harass any staff member or create a hostile work environment.

    No mention of the political party he proudly belongs to.

    What is the media trying to hide from the public... besides the truth.


  20. And the translations were so clunky and full of grammatical mistakes that critics say they must have been computer-generated — the name of the site itself can literally be read "for the caution of health."

    "When you get into the details of the plans, it's not all written in Spanish. It's written in Spanglish, so we end up having to translate it for them," said Adrian Madriz, a health care navigator who helps with enrollment in Miami.

    Online translators for the government healthcare website?

    Smartest president ever?

    I remember when Obama embarrassingly admitted he didn't know how to speak a foreign language.

    And his website proves it.

  21. "
    What is the media trying to hide from the public... besides the truth."

    Bill, when you say "the media" you must mean a variety of sources. Otherwise you would have said "this single source".

    I've just done a quick web search and am unable to find any other sources that do not identify him as a Democrat.

    Please provide us to these other "media" links that will demonstrate that you are not talking a huge pile of stinking steaming shit as usual.

  22. "I remember when Obama embarrassingly admitted he didn't know how to speak a foreign language.

    And his website proves it."

    Bill-oh, here's the thing, Obama does not do web content. Neither does he do web design. It's not like he sits up all night in the Oval office writing code and eating pizza.

    So this glitch with inadequate spanish web content isn't down to him.

  23. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Go easy on Bill. He is blinded by partisanship.

    Dear Anon Inc. The blog isis still flourishing thanks in part to u doing a better job of vetting your people.


  24. The Purple Cow said...
    Bill-oh, here's the thing, Obama does not do web content. Neither does he do web design. It's not like he sits up all night in the Oval office writing code and eating pizza.

    Of course he doesn't do the coding himself.

    I would have expected someone with his budget to hire someone that actually spoke the language.

    Kinda like a faux news panel discussing whats best for black people, with no black people.

  25. "Go easy on Bill. He is blinded by partisanship."

    That's not true Field, I'm sure Bill spends as much time looking for instances where Republicans have their party identification ommitted from a media story. I'm sure of it and he's just as offended.

  26. "Of course he doesn't do the coding himself."

    Well fuck me sideways Bill-oh you're a regular genius.

    So given that you had worked that out what was the relevance of you citing Obama's inability to speak a second language?

    Also, is it also in the President's remit to hire and project manage for every I.T. project the US launches?


    Yes you have found two LOCAL TV stations that did not name him as a Democrat, but as they were local TV stations the presumption was that everyone already knew who he was, doncha think?

    Any more evidence, of this alleged massive media conspiracy of yours?

    I think you lied about graduating high school.

  27. parvenu7:10 PM

    Regarding the shooting of Jesus Huerta - Field there is an obvious way to effectively stop this ridicules supposition that these racist police departments are using to justify shooting of a handcuffed person in the back of a police car. These cops find that when one police department has been able to successfully use the "suicide by a hidden gun" as the legal finding as to the homicide death of some handcuffed prisoner sitting in the back of a police car, then other police departments will also start to use the same stupid argument.

    Some official agency should setup, publicize, observe and record a test; which will place a handcuffed person in the back seat of a car. That person must then proceed to somehow maneuver in his seated position so as to retrieve a large caliber handgun and get it around so as to shoot himself in the head. The test could be done using a paint ball gun so there would be photographic proof that such a supposition of "suicide under arrest" is possible.

    Such a well publicized test documenting the sheer impossibility of such a "suicide" conclusion by any official investigatory report would put an immediate halt on racist cops killing minority prisoners in the back of their patrol cars.

    I wonder where the DOJ is in all of this? These young men of color were blatantly and brutally deprived of their CIVIL RIGHTS!!

  28. Ok..Ok now we are getting into the new year ,and there are all kinds of salacious stories about corrupt Christie... all well and good... hes pretty much toast as far as I can see..

    Good riddance... he is a enemy to the legalization of Cannabis and is getting what he deserves.

    However there is a story that is beginning to gain traction and its really very disturbing...

    The reports are coming out that the D.E.A. has been involved in secret meetings with members of the Sinola cartel over a 10 YEAR period...basically allowing drugs to flow freely across our borders for information on rival drug cartels...

    Now this probably isn't new news because this type of activity goes on all the time... but the estimates show that 70-90% of the drugs were routed into the Chicago Detroit areas...

    and we wonder why there's so much violence in those areas.

    Dont believe me??

    here are the links for all seeking truth..

    These kinds of things are what drives me to make the kind of comments that I make about O-Bomber...and Holder...

    This kind of activity has got to stop, and people need to KNOW that our govt fuels the flames of violence in urban areas.

    When you have a Black president who ALLOWS this stuff to continue ...You have to start pointing the fingers in the right direction....

    Field ??

    Yeah... Im reporting about it on my blog as well...

  29. The Purple Cow said...
    So given that you had worked that out what was the relevance of you citing Obama's inability to speak a second language?

    The relevance you ask. Take a guess, double standard or hypocrisy?

    on Tuesday, Obama said, "It's embarrassing when Europeans come over here, they all speak English, they speak French, they speak German. And then we go over to Europe and all we can say is merci beaucoup, right?"

    Embarrassing? Obama is embarrassed of American citizens because we can only speak one language like him?

    Embarrassing... the proper term is projection.

    Any more evidence, of this alleged massive media conspiracy of yours?

    Did I say conspiracy?

    Thanks for making shit up. If you felt you were winning this argument you wouldn't need to lie.

    If your interested in learning about liberal bias...

    Times' Peter Baker and Mark Leibovich, NBC's Kelly O'Donnell and CNN's Jake Tapper all said "yes" when asked if the news media lean left — though all agreed it was a nuanced issue having more to do with journalists' life experiences than with any particular agenda.

    As far as finding you more links, been there done that. 4:18

  30. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
    That's not true Field, I'm sure Bill spends as much time looking for instances where Republicans have their party identification ommitted from a media story. I'm sure of it and he's just as offended.

    On a left leaning blog like this, no need for me to comment on right-wing double standards & hypocrisy.

    I'm not offended, I find it funny and find it funnier the people that try and defend it.

  31. "On a left leaning blog like this, no need for me to comment on right-wing double standards & hypocrisy."

    I'm so sure you spend time on righty blogs doing the same work. Kudos to you Bill.

  32. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
    I'm so sure you spend time on righty blogs doing the same work. Kudos to you Bill.

    Nowhere near as much as when the republicans were in the white house. Truth to power.

    It seems kinda cowardly to pick on the party not in power.

  33. "It seems kinda cowardly to pick on the party not in power."

    Uh, yeah right because when they're not in power they lose all of their hypocrisy and double standards. Carry on.
