Sunday, January 12, 2014

Road rage on the Interstate.

Did you all hear about the shooting along Interstate 81 here in Pistolvania?

It's scary stuff. One minute you are driving down the highway minding your own business, and the next minute you are looking down the barrel of a handgun, because some guy is trying to blow your brains out because he doesn't like how you drive.

I must confess, that like quite a few people, I have anger management issues when I drive. But thanks to a very wise wife and age, I have learned to tone it down and bite my tongue if someone pisses me off on the road. Sadly, when you drive as often as I do in the Philadelphia South Jersey area, that tends to happen a lot.

Anyway, the FBI is all over this one, let's hope that they catch the killer soon.

"Davison died of multiple gunshot wounds, although authorities are not disclosing the type of weapon used.

Junkin says the suspect apparently pursued Davison on Interstate 81 northward for about 15 miles, from Interstate 70 in Maryland to a few miles into Pennsylvania. He said the driver is believed to have then turned around and headed south.

There is no evidence that Davison, who made several calls to 911 while being pursued, did anything to provoke the attack.

"This actor had murderous intent," Junkin said, surrounded by other members of a task force set up to investigate the crime. "We obviously have an individual who was so incensed that he continued to pursue Mr. Davison."

Trooper Adam Reed said authorities are still trying to piece together how the shooting occurred, and are not sure whether it can be described as a case of road rage but cannot rule it out." 

I am guessing road rage.

But you just never know with people these days.


  1. Anonymous10:30 PM

    I hope they catch him. This is another good reason people should NOT own any kind of gun whatsoever.

    And where were the cops at the time of the 911 call? What took them so long?

    Road rage is a common thing in Los Angeles. People shoot at each other on interstates all the time. It's like the wild wild West when people were on horses!

    FP, watch yourself.

    1st responder

  2. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Road rage is a lot worse in the UK. People throw bombs at each other. Anger management could not help these people. Look at PC. He is one angry Negro who calls folks a lot of nasty names. I mean, you can feel angry demonic energy of his words on FN. His words are so debilitating that I am afraid to comment on FN.

    Field, I am imploring you to please stop this kind blog rage on your blog before you start losing posters.

  3. Anonymous10:49 PM

    I think shooting someone who disrespects you on the road is a legitimate way to deal with rude behavior, but that's just me.

  4. Trollonymous11:07 PM

    I agree. Average citizens should not own guns period, it's obvious too many are still irresponsible, uncivilized and cannot control their anger issues.

    What happened to the good old days when people just used to spit and swear during road rage?

    I'm so glad it's a much safer place under the bridge.

  5. Anonymous11:26 PM

    "I'm so glad it's a much safer place under the bridge."


  6. Anonymous11:38 PM

    Dear Field, I notice that you have put Don Lemon in the House Negro box. That is being totally unfair to a black trailblazer during the month of January.

    You know fully well that MLK day is approaching. so why would you do that to Lemon over a 'valid' and very good question he asked? What's up? with that? Or maybe I should ask, "What's up with you?"

    Have you ever thought of putting yourself in the HN box? or maybe PC, PilotX, Granny, or that lying uneducated fool called Dr Nuwang I mean, whose side are you on?

    Please try to be 'fair and balanced'. You talk about FOX but you are much more unfair than FOX could ever be.

  7. Anonymous11:52 PM

    that's a troll they live under a bridge.

  8. Anon @ 10:30pm-

    i appreciate your concern;) please know -i AM with Him + the whole host of Heaven.

    Standing Strong on His all faith.

    this is but one nugget that Almighty highlighted in my spirit as i read your comment:



    Psalm 54: 1-7

    1 Save me, O Sovereign, by thy name, and judge me by thy strength.

    2 Hear my prayer, O Sovereign; give ear to the words of my mouth.

    3 For strangers are risen up against me, and oppressors seek after my soul; they have not set Yah before them. Selah.

    4 Behold, Yah is mine helper: the Sovereign is with them that uphold my soul.

    5 He shall reward evil unto mine enemies: cut them off in thy truth.

    6 I will freely sacrifice unto thee: I will praise thy name, O Sovereign; for it is good.

    7 For He hath delivered me out of all trouble: and mine eye hath seen His desire upon mine enemies.


    not sure how to take the comment considering a few little details on my end.

    all to the Good.

    white vans, police cars flashing lights in my face, etc don't really phase me too much. watch me. i see you. it is what it is + what is written.

    these folks try to frighten US...when Almighty did not give US a spirit of fear. He gave US sound mind, power, and love + told US to walk boldly through subduing the earth. + we are Yahudah, too. lol. come on now. i believe Him over these lying, murdering, child raping, devilish jokers.

    ps. this did not sound, at all, like road rage in the post. it sounds like foul play, all day. a scene from a movie. folks chasing folks to shoot them all up.

    it is wise to stay prayed up, these days. what is really going down + what we are led to believe is going down = two completely different things.


  9. ALL DAY.

    there is a massive deception underway, folks.

    speak His Him in the midst of it all.

    we are all in the middle of a science fiction, secret gov't, secret forces, james bond like, child ped rings, murder, etc. road to hell, if i had to call it, type of movie/show.

    if it were not for the Good News, i frankly would be depressed, as i look around at people pretending not to see, or worse yet- truly not seeing a single clue nor sign.

    Yah saves.

    defeated captain satan/lucifer deceives + destroys.

    devil's advocate. if you never saw it, you should. closest h-llyweird comes to telling you the truth. you know, it was a h-llyweird movie that first introduced me to fallen angel/devil azazel. fallen with denzel washington from back in the day.

    we are at the go for what you know point in the game, folks.

    i have drawn my line in the sand.

    nope. i did not ask anyone's permission.

    please know i have zero intentions of apologizing.

    i AM with Him and walk with His full authority + power. we are more than conquerors in Him. that's what's written. that's what it is. those that are too foolish to believe/know this, do not frighten me.

    all they can take is my life, really.

    nonstop lies, obnoxious folks acting on the lies already = torture.

    BW suffer hi-tech lynching/raping daily. even in death, folks won't give any breaks, compassion, nor respect. see last post, if you think i speak in hyperbole. those that think His daughters should be treated in this manner will have hell to pay. literally, if they don't repent.

    my people are suffering + dying, daily, EVERYWHERE i look. yet, they refuse to repent and look to Almighty. yep, i AM already tortured. so death is all that's left and i don't fear it. Almighty Messiah Yahushua has already defeated death.

    so now what?

    Yah told me very clearly in His Word that i AM not to fear those that can only take my life.

    i fear/revere ONLY Him/His Word.

    i hate no one + pray daily for my enemies. that they will wake up! + recognize that Yah is NOT the one to play with nor mock...

    as for me, i have perfect peace, indeed;) it is written that if i dare to enemies will come in one way + go out seven. He has shown me that He is Real + delivers. i sleep easy at night;)

    forgive any typos...

  10. Trollyanon-

    let folks keep their guns.


    if all the law abiding citizens disarm...only the thugs will be armed. that = all bad.

    the media is not sharing all the times armed citizens have put the smackdown on foolishness.

    the fact that UN + foreign troop boots might be met with armed resistance = reason things are moving as slowly as they are.

    be sure. there will come a time when they will next level. for now...let folks keep their guns.

    these devils are not playing. most are focused majorly on minor details that really serve no great purpose in the big picture. focused on the distraction.

    when all nations that have already been disarmed, cry out to america, indicating we should resist disarmament...ya'll think they are playing/joking?

    gotta disagree with you on that one.

    Yah is with US when we walk with Him.

    i don't advocate violence in any respect. let me say that for the record.

    Galatians 3:28-29

  11. " Look at PC. He is one angry Negro who calls folks a lot of nasty names. I mean, you can feel angry demonic energy of his words on FN. His words are so debilitating that I am afraid to comment on FN. "

    ...and yet here you are.


  12. "Again you living in a different country puts you at a disadvantage."

    No it doesn't, I have a wife from the twin cities, a brother in East Lansing and a niece in D.C. I spend quite a bit of time across the pond.


    "In America, CBS, NBC and ABC are not considered Cable News although those channels are on most cable lineups."

    Yes I know.

    Go back and re-read my posts. This is completely irrelevant to my argument.

  13. Anonymous6:02 AM

    FP, "it is wise to stay prayed up, these days. what is really going down + what we are led to believe is going down = two completely different things."

    2:51 AM
    FP, I keep forgetting to ask: You say "stay prayed up"....I sometimes wonder if I really understand to how to 'stay prayed up'. Well, maybe I don't. Sometimes I sense HIS Presence but a lot of times I don't. This seeking HIM at times is frustrating. I can't seem to keep HIS Presence going in me enough. Sometimes I feel like HE is playing with me...or testing me...or something.

    Can you give examples, suggestions or instructions about prayer?

    What does it take to pray and what for? I ask because I don't want to pray to GOD with prayers that aren't worth much to HIM.


  14. Anonymous6:19 AM

    FP, "Yah told me very clearly in His Word that i AM not to fear those that can only take my life.

    i fear/revere ONLY Him/His Word."

    I really want to be in that inner space where I don't fear those who can take my life. It's only 'there' that I can stand in truth always without fear.

    However, you have said you only fear GOD. Can you tell me why or what it is to fear of HIM? If HE is LOVE and TRUTH, absolutely, then what is there to fear?

    FP, I never would have expected the word of GOD to show up on FN. This has been quite unexpected. I hope you will continue to share HIS WORD here.

    INH(yes, I need help...lots of it. Thank you.)

  15. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Anyway, the FBI is all over this one, let's hope that they catch the killer soon. - Field

    Well of course, you moron. For one reason: A WHITEY WAS KILLED. Did Stormfront do a cover story on the murders of Renisha McBride, Trayvon Martin or LaVeena Johnson??? Hellllllll no, you bullshitting ass negro!

  16. " For one reason: A WHITEY WAS KILLED."

    There you go, you give yourself away right there.


    "you bullshitting ass negro!"

    ...and again there.

  17. The Purple Cow said...

    "Again you living in a different country puts you at a disadvantage."
    Go back and re-read my posts. This is completely irrelevant to my argument.

    This is what you responded to-

    "FYI: FOX NEWS is the #1 cable network EVER!

    Cable network, do you see those words. I put them in bold.

    Your words are irrelevant to the subject being discussed.


  18. Bill Gates is the most admired person in the world

    World ranking, Hillary is #27, behind G Bush at #25.

    America ranking, Hillary #10, behind Bush (#4) and Rush (#9.

    If Hillary is polling behind bush and rush, is she really the best choice for democrats in 2016. Excluding Obama, the democrats are a bunch of old white people.

    True, the poll is from the other side of the pond so the accuracy is in doubt.

  19. Anonymous12:23 PM

    "In America, CBS, NBC and ABC are not considered Cable News although those channels are on most cable lineups."

    PC said, "Yes I know.

    Go back and re-read my posts. This is completely irrelevant to my argument."

    4:59 AM
    Irrelevant to your argument? Bullshit...Aren't you the guy who believes in FACTS? Aren't you the guy who KNOWS the FACTS?

    Apparently not. You aren't interested in the FACTS or 'learning' anything new. You are only concerned about 'being right'. You have a character flaw that can't admit a mistake....foolish pride. You must suffer a great deal.

    Do you 'really' have an MBA?

  20. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Hillary won't win in 2016. A better Democratic candidate would be Elizabeth Warren from MA...She has credibility, and can win the popular vote. I hope she will throw her hat in the ring.

    FP, what do you see about her? I bet even Bill would vote for her.

  21. uptownsteve1:11 PM

    Notice how since Obama's election that gun sales have gone through the roof?

    Is this a signal of the coming race war Uncle Tommy Sowell keeps warning his beloved white folks about?

  22. Anonymous1:12 PM

    From the previous thread:

    Anonymous said...
    Field, "Will you take a check?"

    Oh, it's the old "the check is in the mail trick, huh? Field you are talking to Anon Inc, baby! We know all about those kinds of check tricks. Hell, we even have a special research department to develop stuff like that. And you want to pull that check stuff over on the master of check fraud? NO-NO, no-no, NO-NO..

    For the first time since the Civil War we are in trouble because free men like you like to take advantage of us. Now, you may not believe us, but it was because of Anon Inc that the Civil War was fought to free Negroes during that time. As a side bar issue, we were the first company to hire Negroes during that time. I bet if you take a few minutes to think about that possibility and you will see what I'm talking about. Today, Anon Inc is black owned with a black CEO and white CEO....we believe in diversifying jobs.

    Field, Anon Inc is a company we are proud of because of its civil rights history going all the way back to the beginning of America...You owe Anon Inc...BIG TIME. So, pay up.

    10:12 PM

    Anonymous Trollonymous said...
    Field, do not pay a dime, not one red penny. I am shocked and appalled by this Anon Inc shake down. Do they even pay taxes?

    For what it's worth, I could fill the gap. I have no problems chatting with Republican Bill, Anons with DID, Pilotxbox, mutilated Cows, and even Downhill Steve. And I'll do it for free!

    10:50 PM
    Internal Secret Memo To FN:

    Dear Mr Field, FYI: Trollonymous is a disgruntled former employee that used to work for Anon Inc, but was personally 'fired' by our President for "incompetence".

    Now, Mr Field, you know if Anon Inc fired somebody for 'incompetence' they are 'one' pathetic anon, and never will be hired by anyone except maybe as a pilot-x for a 'certain' airline out of Chicago. That airline in Chicago will take 'anybody'.

    Mr Field, Trollonymous is offering to do work for you for free? Brother Field, NOTHING IS FREE IN AMERICA. That ought to tell you something about the mind of Trollonymous. Hell, his name alone ought to make you nervous.

    Mr Field, ESQ....You can't afford to risk the fine reputation of FN with Trollonymous.

    Yours Truly,
    Anon Inc

    PS. Please send check.

  23. Anonymous1:16 PM

    uts-"Is this a signal of the coming race war Uncle Tommy Sowell keeps warning his beloved white folks about?"

    1:11 PM
    Link please. Sowell never said what you are accusing him of. Sowell is NOT an Uncle Tom...that is an insult to his character.

  24. Quote poor old clueless Bill-Oh

    ” This is what you responded to-

"FYI: FOX NEWS is the #1 cable network EVER! 

    Cable network, do you see those words. I put them in bold.

Your words are irrelevant to the subject being discussed.”

    Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill. I swear, there are times I almost feel sorry for you. Now is one of those times.

    In future Bill-oh, when you are arguing about multiple posts, you need to check that you are talking about the correct post before you try and put someone down. It’s called ‘doing your basic research’.

    Cuz if you don’t you can end up looking as stoooooopid as you do now.

    This was ACTUALLY my response to YOUR post.

    "FYI: FOX NEWS is the #1 cable network EVER! That means people 'trust' what FOX says as "True".

    Only 2 million Americans a day watch FoxNews, which means there are about 358 million Americans who do not.

    My other responses (that you are now attempting to claim as being in response to your post) were actually responses to anonymous posters at 6:46 and 6:54.

    Do better.

  25. Anonymous1:22 PM

    From the previous thread:

    Anonymous GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Anony 7:24, nope. I do not watch Fox We Make It Up News.

    I think the ratings are fudged. Nor do I watch CNN because of a few things I observed about them during the Presidential elections in 2008. Besides which, I believe the spat that CNN has with Fox We Make It Up News is fake, especially since Rupert has ties with CNN as a Board member if I remember correctly.

    Nevertheless, I keep up with what is going on at Fox We Make It Up through shall I say other means. Let's just say I'm good at what I do and leave it at that. :)

    2:30 AM
    It has always been a mystery to me how some Negroes can look you in the eye and lie with a straight face.:)

  26. uptownsteve1:22 PM


    Here ya go. Interested in your comments.

  27. Quote Anonymous 12:33

    "Irrelevant to your argument? Bullshit...Aren't you the guy who believes in FACTS? Aren't you the guy who KNOWS the FACTS?"

    Yes, indeed I am.

    "Apparently not. You aren't interested in the FACTS or 'learning' anything new. You are only concerned about 'being right'. You have a character flaw that can't admit a mistake....foolish pride. You must suffer a great deal."

    Feel stooped yet Anony? You should. Do your OWN research in future. Never rely on somebody as clueless as Bill-Oh to get his facts right. Because if you follow him without checking there is a chance you are going to end up looking as dumb as him.

    As in this case.

    "Do you 'really' have an MBA?"

    I certainly do.

    Do you 'really' have a high-school diploma?

  28. The Purple Cow said...
    Quote poor old clueless Bill-Oh

    ” This is what you responded to-

"FYI: FOX NEWS is the #1 cable network EVER! 

    Cable network, do you see those words. I put them in bold.

Your words are irrelevant to the subject being discussed.”

    Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill. I swear, there are times I almost feel sorry for you. Now is one of those times.

    In future Bill-oh, when you are arguing about multiple posts, you need to check that you are talking about the correct post before you try and put someone down. It’s called ‘doing your basic research’.

    Cuz if you don’t you can end up looking as stoooooopid as you do now.

    This was ACTUALLY my response to YOUR post.

    "FYI: FOX NEWS is the #1 cable network EVER! That means people 'trust' what FOX says as "True".

    Only 2 million Americans a day watch FoxNews, which means there are about 358 million Americans who do not.

    Let me help you do some basic research.-
    Your comment “Only 2 million…” was NOTin response to me. See below
    Thread: The cable news scam and some random other thoughts.
    Time: Anon 1:07
    Your response 1:21

    Secondly, I quoted that to show you the subject was cable news and even though you say you know abc,nbc,cbs are not cable news, you included them into a discussion about faux being #1 in cable news.
    I wasn’t mocking you for changing the subject to fit your agenda, I maybe kinda possibly might have done that once or twice myself. I was trying to help someone living in another country learn that abc, cbs, nbc wasn’t cable news.
    But if you already knew that I'm not sure how you mentioning abc,cbs,nbc disputed the fact faux is #1 cable news network.

    Do you still believe that was your response to me or did I provide enough basic research to change your mind?

  29. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Bill, "Do you still believe that was your response to me or did I provide enough basic research to change your mind?"

    For most intelligent people of good character your research 'would' change their minds. But NOT PC.

    You see, PC is a person who can only see, hear and observe his own comment. That is, he is always right. Don't waste your time discussing 'anything' with him.

    Anyoe can see the logic and rationale of your comment that cbs, nbc, and abc are NOT cable companies and therefore should not be included or compared to cable companies. PC is comparing apples to oranges.

    I am a buyer for a major advertising agency and there is a 'big' difference in cost in buying time on a cable network vs abc, cbs, and nbc. PC doesn't have the knowledge and apparently not interested in how viewership is considered in cable or public TV.

    Yet, he does what he always does. He calls the ones who know, stooopid. There is an old saying in our industry:

    Never argue with an idiot.
    First, they drag you down to their level,
    and then they beat you on experience.

    PC is like that. There is no point in arguing and wallowing in the mud with him.

  30. "Link please. Sowell never said what you are accusing him of. Sowell is NOT an Uncle Tom...that is an insult to his character."

    Actually, Thomas considers that a compliment.

  31. Anonymous7:12 PM

    UTS, "Anonymous uptownsteve said...

    Here ya go. Interested in your comments."

    Oh. It's really hard defending Sowell and CT on FN. You Negroes are so biased. I try to talk some sense into your heads but none of you are listening. You, and Field need to open your minds.

  32. "Secondly, I quoted that to show you the subject was cable news and even though you say you know abc,nbc,cbs are not cable news, you included them into a discussion about faux being #1 in cable news.

    No. I. Did. Not

    I was not responding to your idiotic point, (I had already done that). I was responding to the two other idiotic points made by the two other anonymous idiots.

    The truth is right there on the page, why do you insist on making yourself look more and more stupid?

    As for your pathetic sock-puppet effort of 2:38, words fail me.

    Just how stupid do you think people are?

    CLEARLY a channel that has a maximum of just a pathetic 2 million viewers per day cannot be said to be widely influential, of more than 300 million Americans do not view it.

    You are desperate to limit this debate to cable networks only, but here's the thing - NBC CBS and ABC viewers vote too, and there are many, many more of them than there are of the 2 million (on a good day_ FoxNews network.

    If you had half a brain you would;t keep making an idiot of yourself like this.

  33. "Oh. It's really hard defending Sowell and CT on FN. You Negroes are so biased. I try to talk some sense into your heads but none of you are listening. You, and Field need to open your minds."

    Maybe if you stopped playing that banjo music.

  34. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Field, "Maybe if you stopped playing that banjo music."

    Now see? those are the words of a closed biased Negro mind. Of all the years that I have been on FN I have never received a closed minded response from a white poster.

    Field, I've done all I can to get you to 'see' better ways of thinking. But you have the mind of a very recalcitrant Negro, brother. You and some other leftist folks on FN need to get yourself together before it's too late.

  35. Anonymous8:14 PM

    This killing was not road rage. There's something else to this story. Ask Desert and Granny.

  36. The Purple Cow said...

    "Secondly, I quoted that to show you the subject was cable news and even though you say you know abc,nbc,cbs are not cable news, you included them into a discussion about faux being #1 in cable news.

    No. I. Did. Not

    I was not responding to your idiotic point,

    I guess the name of the thread, link and times wasn't enough for you to figure it out yet?

    Better yet, scroll up to 1:21 and did you write replying to me:
    This was ACTUALLY my response to YOUR post.

    Opps, there I go again with the quotes and times. It would be so much easier for you if I made stuff up like you do.

    As for your pathetic sock-puppet effort of 2:38, words fail me.

    How deep in your mind am I that you now think everyone that writes something you disagree with is me?
    Of course you could ask FN but then, doing basic research would prove you're wrong so I understand why you refuse to do what you call basic research.
    Besides, I doubt you could even figure out what IP addresses are if they got delivered to you in an envelope.

    Just how stupid do you think people are?

    I supplied a link, times. People are free to make their own decision between my links/times and your words that are already have contradicted your previous words.

    You are desperate to limit this debate to cable networks only

    I'm not disputing that there are millions more viewers to broadcast news.

    The subject was cable news and because you couldn't walk away leaving faux news #1 you had to inject broadcast news to shit on faux news.
    I'm simply pointing it out.

    If you had half a brain you would;t keep making an idiot of yourself like this.

    You mean by putting links and times to prove you are making shit up?

  37. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Hello. I am Asti Davison's mother. My son was the young man killed in I-81 in PA in what is known as a road rage incident although that has been ruled out since. The person or people chased after my son for over 15 miles shooting at him & trying to kill him. When his car was rammed off the road, he/they came back and shot him in cold blood. If you've seen any of my interviews, I have made a point to ask people not to stereotype the perpetrator as a young, black gang member. That is something that my son and our family is totally against. My son also had an aversion to guns & had a large Tatoo across his arms & shoulders that said, "All the Arms We Need". As some people mention, if he had a gun he may still be alive. True. However, my son would never be the same person, full of love, joy & peace if he had. His message while alive was always more love and less violence. Theresa
