Thursday, January 16, 2014

Home of the brave, land of the Glock.

"Force and mind are opposites; morality ends where a gun begins". ~Ayn Rand~

What's with all the mass shootings in America?

It seems like every day there is another one.

New Mexico; Utah; Indiana. Oh, and let's not forget Florida; there is always some craziness jumping off in Florida.

And we shoot each other everywhere: In the mall; in school; in church; the movie theater; the barber shop; the grocery store..... Heck if you are a beautiful little five year old girl , just minding your business in your own home, you can lose your life. Whatever happened to just shooting up the crack corner ?

I thought we were a "God fearing" nation.

Of course it all doesn't matter anymore. Hearing about all the latest killings is  like getting the scores from the NBA and NHL games the night before. A little interest but not much. I am safe and sound in my little part of the world, so it does not matter to me. This is until, of course, some random act of violence comes your way.

"Not me Field. I will be ready for em. I have something in my home stashed away and I can use it. If they know what's good for them they better not try to come my way."

I hear ya Dirty Harry, and I bet this poor woman felt the same way.

Anyway, I prepared a little list for you:

"12/1/13 Topeka Kan­. Shooting Family killing 4
11/23/13 Tulsa Okl­a. Shooting Other 4 ­
11/7/13 Jacksonvil­le Fla. Shooting Oth­er 4
10/29/13 Callison ­S.C. Shooting Family killing 5
10/28/13 Terrell T­exas Shooting Other ­5
10/26/13 Phoenix A­riz. Shooting Other ­4
10/26/13 New York N.Y. Stabbing F­amily killing 5
10/9/13 Paris Texa­s Shooting Other 4
9/20/13 Rice Texas­ Shooting Family killing 4
9/16/13 Washington­ D.C. Shooting Publi­c Killing 12
9/11/13 Crab Orchard Tenn. Shooti­ng Robbery/burglary ­4
8/14/13 Oklahoma City Okla. Shooting ­Family killing 4
8/7/13 Dallas Texa­s Shooting Family killing 4
7/26/13 Clarksburg­ W.Va. Shooting Othe­r 4
7/26/13 Hialeah Fl­a. Shooting Public Killing 6
6/7/13 Santa Monica Calif. Shooti­ng Public Killing 5
5/13/13 Fernley Ne­v. Shooting, Stabbing Robbery/bur­glary 5
5/11/13 Waynesvill­e Ind. Shooting Othe­r 4
4/28/13 Ottawa Kan­. Shooting Family killing 4
4/24/13 Manchester­ Ill. Shooting Famil­y killing 5
4/22/13 Federal Way Wash. Shooting F­amily killing 4
4/18/13 Akron Ohio­ Shooting Robbery/bu­rglary 4
4/15/13 Boston Mas­s. Blunt force Public Killing 4
3/13/13 Herkimer N­.Y. Shooting Public Killing 4
1/19/13 Albuquerqu­e N.M. Shooting Fami­ly killing 5
1/7/13 Tulsa Okla.­ Shooting Robbery/bu­rglary 4"

Finally, someone shot me an e-mail, and wanted to know how he can tell if he is a racist.

He seemed sincere, so I will give him six signs that should clue him in to his inner David Duke.

1. If you find yourself having to constantly explain why you are not a racist, well then you might be a racist.

2. If you always use the NBA analogy to argue against affirmative action, you might be a racist.

3. If you are in denial about slavery in our history and like to claim that your ancestors didn't own slaves, you might be a racist. 

4. If you find yourself feeling anxious when there is a large group of black people, even if it's a bunch of old church people, you might be a racist.

5. If you know where every black person in your neighborhood (town) lives, you might be a racist.

6. If you just can't find yourself being attracted to Nia Long and you don't know why, you just might be a racist.

There are more. But work on these six things and let me knows how it goes.

If you got six out of six you might want to lose my e-mail address.  




  1. Harry Callahan9:58 PM

    Six out of six! I definitely am a racist.

    Nia Long obviously has some white in her. I'd like to give her some more.

  2. That woman who got her gun taken away ignored cardinal rule #3, never point a weapon at something you're not willing to shoot. Better off leaving it in the safe.

    I think there may be movement on the gun issue because shooting a little darkie kid with Skittles is one thing but shooting a good CWM armed with popcorn, now well you done gone too far.

    What's up with the Nia Long references? Gabrielle Union has clearly surpassed her as the "it" girl. And for good reason. Don't get me wrong Nia is cute but Gabby is the delux model with cheese. If she don't raise your pulse you're dead.

  3. Wesley R10:08 PM

    I laughed at #2 because I've heard Pat Buchanan make the same argument, but he uses the USA Track Team as his example.

  4. I think I know why young master Bill is always finding double standards and hypocrisy where they don't exist. Seems in the minds of conservatives everything exists on one continuum. Meygan Kelly asked her guest who was commenting about the Bengaazy scandal if she would give Christie a pass because she gave Hillary one. Obvious answer is it's too soon to answer but she kept on pressing her until she gave her the only answer a sane non-conservative could and it seemed to placate her for a minute. So in conservoworld since both Clinton and Christie may run for higher office you must treat any and all stories about them exactly the same. If the Bengaaazy report doesn't nail Hil then by god you cannot under any circumstances nail Chrispy to Bridgegate. Fair is fair. False equivalencies rule the conservative mind. complex and non-linear thinking is too much for them.

  5. "I laughed at #2 because I've heard Pat Buchanan make the same argument, but he uses the USA Track Team as his example."

    But there's no way uncle Pat is a racist. Nice try Wes.

  6. Pilot, I can't pick just one. So many beautiful sisters out there. Nia just came to mind, first. :)

  7. Anonymous10:29 PM

    From 1/7/13 to 12/1/13, here in black run amerikkka, there have been more black mob attacks and knockout attacks on whites than shootings.

    Funny field doesn't keep list like that...

  8. Anon@10:29, if u are a white man in America and u think black folks run things, u must have a really sad life.

    Anyway, u might want to point the finger at your fellow white brothers who scooped up all the $ and power and left u in the cold.

  9. The Twosqueegee Airman thinks closing a bridge in New Jersey is the same as letting your embassy staff die rather than risk criticism of your policy decisions and then lying about it being all about some stupid You Tube video.

    Go figure.

  10. Anonymous10:58 PM

    "6. If you just can't find yourself being attracted to Nia Long and you don't know why, you just might be a racist."

    Mr Field, I am almost afraid to ask but here goes: What if I've never seen Nia Long and don't know who she is?

    I really don't want to be a racist, but in your opinion does that make me a racist?

  11. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Field, do you think God sees a difference between Blacks and Whites the way Blacks and Whites in America do?

    If so, who does he favor? Is God racist? I mean, Blacks have been catching hell since Cain and Abel. When is he going to forgive us?

    Field, why do you avoid posting about God, and religion? Isn't it about time for you to do so?

  12. Colonel is typical conservative, just missing the point by a mile.
    Just watching Hannity and I can see how these people are so dumb. Sean loses his mind when John Kerry says poverty is a cause of terrorism. I guess on Fox you have to go full throttle anti-Islam. He used bin Laden as an example because he was a millionaire. Oh the stupid is strong on the right.

  13. Trayvon11:08 PM

    PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
    That woman who got her gun taken away ignored cardinal rule #3, never point a weapon at something you're not willing to shoot. Better off leaving it in the safe.

    Cardinal rule #4 is never pound a man's head into the pavement while saying you are going to kill him, unless you are absolutely sure that he doesn't have a gun on him.

  14. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
    Colonel is typical conservative, just missing the point by a mile.

    The Twosqueegee Airman thinks democrats should be allowed to tell the most monstrous lies imaginable because some Republicans believe in God.

    Go figure.

    1. Yeah Colonel, that's exactly the point I was making.

      Field! I thought you were upgrading the quality of your trolls.

  15. agentX11:51 PM

    Ahh, let the kids have some fun, Field. This poster is funny and harmless.

    Soon you're gonna sound like Grandpa from the Boondocks...

    I just wish I could twerk without my back making weird cracking sounds...

  16. Yeah Field, you need to keep us updated on the knockout game because even Fox won't tell us. I'm scared.

  17. Anonymous1:53 AM

    Brother Field, why did you list Texas and Oklahoma so many times in your killing list? Couldn't you have included some other states to kind of spread it around? You make it seem like they are shooting all the time in the Southwest. That is pure bullshit. Hell, Florida alone had more killings last year than the total of your list.

    Field, you should take a page out of the FOX News agenda to be "fair and balanced". I can't believe you had the nerve to only list CA once! That state is the wild wild West. Hell, Oakland alone ranks #1 in the country, followed by Richmond, CA, the Stockton. And I won't go into the homicides LA turns out every year.

    Your list is eff'd up. and what happened to Philly?

  18. Anonymous2:10 AM

    I have never owned a gun mainly because I don't want to shoot anybody. There are so many angry people out there that something terrible is bound to happen.

    I don't think Almighty wants us to be killing each other like animals. Yet, we do it every day.

    I really think the government needs to take the guns away from every citizen with anger issues. Through NSA those angry folks can be rounded up and their guns taken. Then we will have a safe country and not so many Blacks would lose their lives at such early ages.

    Field, please blog about this important discovery.

  19. "I really think the government needs to take the guns away from every citizen with anger issues."


    starting with every member of the gov't. + police departments + military. let US expand our understanding of "citizen"...

    start there = world a safer place.

    power concedes nothing.

    the gov't is supposed to work for US. not against US. crime would be minimized if all was not being outsourced for global slave labor.

    if we cut the war budget and put it towards minding our biz + fixing our own problems= new day.

    disarming americans = all bad.

    instead of crying out for gov't to save them...folks would be wise to look to Yah/Messiah.

    i don't advocate violence.

    despite knowing...bullies only hold tight when they think there is the threat of pain/reprisal.

    folks could do a whole post or many on police brutality. disarming cops makes more sense considering they are supposed to be "trained" + healthy enough to act like they have good sense.

    yet they routinely don't act with humane good sense. nor are they punished for their infractions. those beating Rodney King, like they were his daddy, have all been promoted+ prospered. never spent a day behind bars. just one of many examples...disarm these fools 1st. then get the gov't together where they are not arming criminal gangs.

    leave law abiding citizens in peace. they have always had guns and did not suddenly become non law abiding as a result.

    this agenda to disarm has far reaching consequences whether folks can see that or not. the Dems are the arm of the gov't set up pegged to push the disarm agenda. ignore these souled out fools.

    folks keep twisting what i AM saying looking for violence or hatred.

    there is none.

    Love Almighty.

    Love one another.

    what's not clear about that?

    or does it freak folks out that there are some of US that believe this way...yet...have zero intention of being a soft target for the bold devils roaming to + fro seeking whom they may devour?

    Galatians 3:28-29

    for the slow ones (September) the above Law includes all of humanity.

    what you don't get would get answered quicker with a question. as you seek the Truth...keep coming dumb and i will keep letting you have it. that's a promise + my word.

    folks using the political publication written by Kings for the benefit of Kings have been on a hard splice + dice His Word. straight demonic with it. so i understand the confusion.

    just because there is counterfeit $ does not mean there is no Real $. the same is true with Yah. He is Real. wise folks get this...

  20. Psssss.... The president is black.

    Why are black people so obsessed with a news channel they don't watch?

  21. Gun Violence Is Down, But You Wouldn't Know From The News
    The rate of firearm homicides has plummeted over the past two decades, but the public doesn't seem to notice. Could the agenda-driven media have something to do with that?

    Study: Gun homicides, violence down sharply in past 20 years
    Gun-related homicides and crime are "strikingly" down from 20 years ago, despite the American public's belief that firearm crime is on the upswing, a new study said Wednesday.

    Gun violence in US has fallen dramatically over past 20 years, Justice Dept. report finds

    DOJ: Gun violence down, semi-automatics a minor issue

    Sales of Guns Soar in U.S. as Nation Weighs Tougher Limits

    As gun violence goes down, Americans are buying guns in record number.

    Or is it gun violence goes down as Americans arm themselves.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. America's General Social Survey demonstrates that the number of American households that have a firearm is now below 35%, down from a peak of 53% in 1977.

    Gun murders are down, but non-fatal gun injuries are up to the highest level since 2008, so the picture is far from clear.

  24. From what I've learned on this blog, I’ll add a few more things how to tell if you’re a racist list.

    1. White
    2. Conservative or Libertarian
    3. Own a legally purchased gun
    4. Disagree with Obama
    5. Disagree with Democrats
    6. Doesn't believe welfare helps poor families rise out of poverty
    7. Doesn't support failing government schools
    8. Doesn't support government waste
    9. Wants to keep his doctor
    10. Listens to "country/western music."

  25. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Did anyone see Nightline on 1/16/14?

  26. "Psssss.... The president is black."

    So that explains the unprecidented level of non-cooperation and willingness to sink the economy. Thanks.

  27. From what I've learned on this blog, I’ll add a few more things how to tell if you’re a racist list.

    1. White
    2. Conservative or Libertarian
    3. Own a legally purchased gun
    4. Disagree with Obama
    5. Disagree with Democrats
    6. Doesn't believe welfare helps poor families rise out of poverty
    7. Doesn't support failing government schools
    8. Doesn't support government waste
    9. Wants to keep his doctor
    10. Listens to "country/western music."

    Well Bill now that you mention it most racists fall into many of the categories you listed. Funny how that works.

  28. It's started...

    (CNN) - A group that backs House Democratic incumbents and candidates released a new ad Thursday that praises a Democratic congresswoman for blasting the "stunning ineptitude" of the Affordable Care Act rollout.

    When democrat groups are praising a democrat for bashing Obamacare, you know the internal polling is showing Obamacare is bad news for the democrats.

  29. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
    From what I've learned on this blog,
    Well Bill now that you mention it most racists fall into many of the categories you listed. Funny how that works.

    Did you miss where I said this is what I learned on this blog?

    Go ahead and reread it.

    I was simply parroting what people like you say.

    And what FN said about country/western music.

  30. Anonymous12:24 PM

    By PilotX's reckoning, anyone with an IQ above 100 is a 'racist'

  31. The Justice Department will significantly expand its definition of racial profiling to prohibit federal agents from considering religion, national origin, gender and sexual orientation in their investigations, a government official said Wednesday.

    I'm assuming a bombing at a abortion clinic the word christian can still be used.

    A bombing at an embassy the word muslim can't be used.

  32. Damm STEPHEN...

    O-Bomber is lying to the American People again...He went on TV today to explain how hes going to reform the NSA...LOL

    and here you are begging for a nationwide gun confiscation....

    You always provide a good chuckle....Even though I'm staarting to understand the reasoning for the way you post about party approved themes...

    This stuff has to be in a talking points memo or newsletter you get everymorning..Did you really search for the shooting stats u posted...??? Ahhh never mind.....

  33. @ sssSeptember-

    bring your silly, woefully ignorant, reprobate mind, label slapping, lost, erring all day, self up thread if you want to speak with me.

    you are not so special as to warrant going back posts to accommodate...pale lady affliction apparent.

    i knew this is how you would do when you slithered in begging for the beat down of biblical proportions;)

    don't be afraid she-devil- whose g-d is nameless + nonexistent+ defeated.

    i told you to bring it- since you repping the name less, defeated one so boldly.

    since Almighty is "imaginary" + a "sockpuppet" as you have shared before...why you hiding out ssssSeptember?


    we don't like each other.

    this much is clear.

    unlike you...i have a higher calling + charge. so grow me;)

    test me.

    bring it.

    if you think you got it like that.

    study me. declare me your enemy. then come see me. stop hiding down thread already coward. writing checks neither you nor your defeated little g-d can cash;(

    sad to be you, i AM sure. + you pale, too. the hateful ones of you are TRULY hateful + look old/dead FAST. while folks pretend you are everything but what you are...the mothers of this madness.


    + was born to rip down ALL golden idols.

    i got your "kaffir" sssSeptember;)

    come + get it.


    ps. before you tell me to up my game- with your good clueless, unresolved traumatized self. you might want to get some game + in the game.

  34. parvenu6:23 PM

    Public outrage against the national obsession validating the insane acts of maniacal mass murder will not reach an insurmountable resolve DETERMINED to stop it UNTIL a generation of "naturally sensitized" Americans become the controlling majority in American society.

    What do I mean by the words "naturally sensitized"?

    Just this. They will be a massive group of people who truly UNDERSTAND and appreciate the value, purpose, and sanctity of human life, regardless of its form, and in spite of the traditional vanities so inherently prevalent in human emotions. These will be people who truly hold sacred the realistic fact that "with the death of just one human being, we all die a little".

    Until a generation so blessed arises within this nation, NO outrage, NO horror will be sufficient to awaken the public from its catatonic lethargic acceptance of insane expeditions of mayhem and murder regardless of the size or the frequency of each occurrence.

  35. joshua7:15 PM

    "naturally sensitized" = Christian.

  36. Anonymous7:16 PM

    FP, "disarming americans = all bad."

    What does Scriptures say about killing each other? I mean, guns are for killing, right? Wouldn't America be safer with less guns?

    slingshot dave

  37. Dave-

    i know folks that have had guns all their lives + have never killed a soul.

    guns are for protection among other things.

    it is the spirit + intent of the person holding the gun that makes all the difference.

    a gun by just a gun.

    in the hand of a blood lusting murderer= problems.

    the militarized police departments nation wide prove what i AM saying...with the nonstop problems they create + never serve time for.

    UNIVERSAL LAW says very clearly that we are not to kill each other.

    we are to Love Him.

    Love one another. is where folks get caught up in their feelings...

    no where is it written that His People are to curl up in the fetal position when enemies come seeking their lives + the lives of their families. we serve a Mighty Awesome Yah...why would we be curled up in fear?

    as much as possible...we are to walk + live in Peace. despite being more than conquerors in Him.

    i can tell you from experience, prayer resolves much before it escalates to physical.

    while we pray for devils to cease their devilry. it is wise to refuse to be disarmed. those that don't pay attention to history...become victims to it as it repeats itself.

    while lost souls like sssSeptember are feeling some kind of way + mad at me, like it is my fault there is nothing new under the sun. lol. mad at me because His Word/He is the same yesterday, today, tomorrow. lol!

    history shows clearly those preaching "non-violence" at those that Believe...tend to be the most violent, wicked, wretched souls on the planet.

    bullies only straighten up where there is the fear of pain/reprisals. even if a bully stomps snot from ya, he won't be back if you gave a fight + some lumps. bullies don't like a fight, for real.


    Yah helps those that help themselves. those telling you otherwise are not your friend + seek to enslave your mind/you.

    that said, i AM with Him. He is all knowing + powerful. we are as well in Him.

    power concedes nothing.

    this whole farce, genocide, slave nation of freedom was set up on the notion of the right to bear arms.

    seems pretty simple to me. hold public servants accountable. don't be bullied by them.

    these folk have another agenda that has nothing to do with the well being of the people they are supposed to be serving.

    in the spiritual realm...the whole issue is moot. by His Spirit the Victory is won. folks won't even need guns. lol. but devils should not be permitted to come through snatching them either. devils being subject to US and all...

    bow down to Yah.

    the rest of these devilish dupes+ clowns...not so much.

    those families where members' lives have been saved because of trained, armed folks taking a stand would not be considered "evil" by me. they stood against the evil. if evil needs to catch a bullet in order to connect with righteous clues...sobeit.

    every time someone shoots, it does not need to be to kill. shooting to back fools up + pause them = merciful.

    Slingshot Dave, even if we disagree, you are alright by me.

    King David popped into my mind when i read your comment;) i Love him + his heart.

    those holding a hand gun today are just like King David with his slingshot against Goliath in days of old. it would be wise to be in constant communication with Almighty, like King David, before anyone does anything. lean NOT on our own understanding...let Him direct our paths. He will.

    america/americans would do well to act like they know He is Real.

    while the wrath continues to line up all around US...

  38. Parvenu-

    i appreciate your comment.

    i would only suggest that when you frame things according to Scripture/prophecy...we are much farther (sp?;) along than people are being led to believe.

    it is written that Almighty will pour out His Spirit...He is doing just that. awakening folk right now. though folks won't put that on tv.

    this is why those before US gave US the heads up that revolution would not be televised.

    it is not.

    there are Chosen, hidden, Mighty Ones...right here today. if you are familiar with Scriptures you will understand why Almighty moves the way He does.

    even if not familiar with Scriptures...go to cointelpro docs + see folks won't hesitate to mount the crafty counsel/killing campaigns. so Yah simply has provided a way of escape.

    folks seem really not to want to believe that america has some Yah wrath that has been richly earned worldwide. america simply now seeks to bring it on home...

    it is never my desire to shut out/down anyone but the devils. this is why i keep posting:

    Galatians 3:28-29

    anybody that wants welcome.

    it is not about anything BUT His Spirit + Truth at the end of the day.

    Shabbath Shalom;)

  39. September9:20 PM

    Ol' dusty crusty ass falseprofit. No, I'm not a blessed blue black like you, black hebrew israelite racist. More "piss colored" like your buddy AB would say. Racist pitch black piece of color-obsessed excrement that you are. "Almighty" my ass ... if there is an "almighty" you are an EMBARRASSMENT to him, and you do not represent him. You should be ashamed, you are a manipulater like your father Shaitan. I wouldn't want a gawd that had a phoney deceitful follower like you. So next time you want to put down someone's color, call me a pale piss color, you slimy ink-spot freak with a racist gawd who labels people infidel, KAFFIR, devils, snakes, pale, leprose, whatever the hell you black hebrew israelites label others.

    Should I post this on the current post, jackass? Or is here OK?

  40. Anonymous11:28 PM

    Lord have mercy. There is a spiritual war going on right here on FN. Who would have believed it? Something's wrong somewhere.

  41. lol @ ssssSeptember.

    ssssuper ssssalty + defeated;)

    'cause that's what written.

    you clearly don't know Him, Scriptures, nor me.

    why you still talking about AB?

    folks STAY fixated on the lionesses. while they hate US. whose authority do you come against me?

    do you dare to answer that question silly sssSeptember?

  42. "Did you miss where I said this is what I learned on this blog?"

    Got it captain obvious. Thanks.

  43. "By PilotX's reckoning, anyone with an IQ above 100 is a 'racist'"

    Ha! If I ever run across one of you hillbillies with an IQ above room temperature I'd be shocked.

  44. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
    Ha! If I ever run across one of you hillbillies with an IQ above room temperature I'd be shocked.

    If a troll said
    Ha! If I ever run across one of you blacks with an IQ above room temperature I'd be shocked.
    would that be racist?

    A new day, some old double standard.

  45. Same dimwittedness from Bill.

  46. And what dumbasses like Bill don't realize is that 14 million times a day much worse stuff is said about blah folks. Hell, there are thousands of websites dedicated to just that and many of our racist trolls link to them all the time but Billy doesn't notice that. These hillbillies have always been the same.

  47. Pretty soon there will be no bodies in amerikkka?

  48. Anonymous10:50 PM

    add: lupita nyong'o

    mmm hmmm...
