Friday, January 17, 2014

"School Daze."

You gotta love these thin skinned republican governors. If you think the big guy across the bridge is having some problems, you ought to get a load of the guy we have here in Pistolvania.

Our governor was so afraid of lawful protesters that he actually canceled an event at one of our public schools here in Philly. Keep in mind that this is one of the best public schools in America, and my man was in zero danger. (Although, believe it or not, there was a shooting at a high school today in our fair city.)

The governor says that he was "saddened and disappointed" that he didn't get to go, but we all know better.

"Gov. Corbett originally planned to spend the morning presenting educational achievement awards at Central High School - his first visit to a traditional Philadelphia public school since taking office.

But a large protest over education cuts during his administration caused him to divert his plans.

Corbett, speaking to reporters at the Bellevue in Center City, said he was "saddened and disappointed" he couldn't go to Central. 

"Today wasn't supposed to be about politics, it wasn't supposed to be about contracts, it wasn't supposed to be about negotiations. It was supposed to be about the students," Corbett said. "I decided not to engage in the theatrics that have been designed by adults."

The column reported that Darrin Manning said he was walking to a basketball game with about a dozen Mathematics, Civics & Sciences Charter School teammates Jan. 7 when they were stopped by police at Broad Street and Girard Avenue.
Police said the students were wearing ski masks and ran off. Manning and other players said they were wearing hoodies, hats and scarves that the school had given them to keep warm on a record cold day.
During the arrest, Manning said, a male cop roughed him up, and while he was handcuffed, a female cop pulled on his genitals so hard while frisking him that a testicle ruptured. Doctors who performed emergency surgery told his mother they didn't know if he'd be able to father children.
Manning has been charged with resisting arrest and assault on a police officer, which he denies.

Finally, the po po here in Philly have taken this "stop and frisk" thing to a whole different level.

One poor straight A student was profiled and arrested and the female officer helping to make the arrest grabbed his...ahem ahem, manhood so hard that he ruptured his testicles and it required surgery. 

The poor kid more than likely will never be able to have children.

Although honestly, given the kind of world that we live in and the dangers that young black men face on a daily basis, I am not sure why he would want to.

Gov. Corbett originally planned to spend the morning presenting educational achievement awards at Central High School - his first visit to a traditional Philadelphia public school since taking office.
But a large protest over education cuts during his administration caused him to divert his plans.
Corbett, speaking to reporters at the Bellevue in Center City, said he was "saddened and disappointed" he couldn't go to Central.
"Today wasn't supposed to be about politics, it wasn't supposed to be about contracts, it wasn't supposed to be about negotiations. It was supposed to be about the students," Corbett said. "I decided not to engage in the theatrics that have been designed by adults."
More coverage

Gov. Corbett originally planned to spend the morning presenting educational achievement awards at Central High School - his first visit to a traditional Philadelphia public school since taking office.
But a large protest over education cuts during his administration caused him to divert his plans.
Corbett, speaking to reporters at the Bellevue in Center City, said he was "saddened and disappointed" he couldn't go to Central.
"Today wasn't supposed to be about politics, it wasn't supposed to be about contracts, it wasn't supposed to be about negotiations. It was supposed to be about the students," Corbett said. "I decided not to engage in the theatrics that have been designed by adults."
More coverage

Gov. Corbett originally planned to spend the morning presenting educational achievement awards at Central High School - his first visit to a traditional Philadelphia public school since taking office.
But a large protest over education cuts during his administration caused him to divert his plans.
Corbett, speaking to reporters at the Bellevue in Center City, said he was "saddened and disappointed" he couldn't go to Central.
"Today wasn't supposed to be about politics, it wasn't supposed to be about contracts, it wasn't supposed to be about negotiations. It was supposed to be about the students," Corbett said. "I decided not to engage in the theatrics that have been designed by adults."



  1. Gee field, why do you on the left have to politicize everything?

    And why the paid protesters? Don't you on the left believe in your cause enough to protest free of charge?

    "given the kind of world that we live in and the dangers that young black men face "

    Which pales to the dangers the world faces from young black men.

  2. Peter Twist8:47 PM

    "One poor straight A student was profiled and arrested and the female officer helping to make the arrest grabbed his...ahem ahem, manhood so hard that he ruptured his testicles and it required surgery. "

    That's what happens when you hire all those lesbian police officers.

  3. "Today wasn't supposed to be about politics, it wasn't supposed to be about contracts, it wasn't supposed to be about negotiations. It was supposed to be about the students," Corbett said. "I decided not to engage in the theatrics that have been designed by adults."

    But the parasitic union thugs couldn't pass up a chance to try to squeeze more money out the productive class, and ruin a rare positive moment in Philadelphia's abysmal education system history.

    If money was the problem with education, inner city schools would have the best results, as they get the most money.

    M-F public sector unions.

  4. Anonymous11:26 PM

    From September, previous thread:

    Anonymous September said...

    "Ol' dusty crusty ass falseprofit. No, I'm not a blessed blue black like you, black hebrew israelite racist. More "piss colored" like your buddy AB would say. Racist pitch black piece of color-obsessed excrement that you are. "Almighty" my ass ... if there is an "almighty" you are an EMBARRASSMENT to him, and you do not represent him. You should be ashamed, you are a manipulater like your father Shaitan. I wouldn't want a gawd that had a phoney deceitful follower like you. So next time you want to put down someone's color, call me a pale piss color, you slimy ink-spot freak with a racist gawd who labels people infidel, KAFFIR, devils, snakes, pale, leprose, whatever the hell you black hebrew israelites label others.

    Should I post this on the current post, jackass? Or is here OK?"

    9:20 PM

    Must you be so filthy and mean-spirited? Your hate runs deep. You will regret this when you meet your Creator.

  5. Anonymous12:01 AM

    Philadelphia has, for decades, been one of the most abusive and racist police organizations against Blacks in the country. That's why I left that city. As a bm there you don't have to be doing anything for a cop to stop you and beat you.

    This kind of police brutality perpetrated on bm has been going on in Philly since Frank Rizzo was Chief of Police. Yet, Philly has an inordinate number of BLACK LAWYERS in that city than anywhere else. One would think because of the large number of black lawyers, Blacks would have a political voice and be treated better.

    But black lawyers themselves are so weak, corrupt and ignorant of the law that it's both laughable and disgusting....TNB. And just think...the mayor is Black...ROFL

    It reminds me of how Blacks are treated nationwide with a certain black much for BRA.

  6. Anonymous12:24 AM

    Thank you, Edward Snowden... We desperately need more like you. It is kinda necessary to hit most a-merry-kkkans in their collective head with a 4 by 4, repeatedly.
    BTW, Field. I've watched this site, "Field Negro", become a magnet for pathetic, morally-bankrupt Ayn Rand neophytes. I don't like it; but am willing to hold my nose while I honor and embrace the First Amendment.

  7. Anon 11:26-

    for some reason i have this effect on devils.

    she doesn't know what she believes in nor who she serves. i keep asking, she keeps slinking around the question.

    all she seems adept at doing is ssslithering around, ssstriking out + being ssssalty as all get out.

    no one ever told her how she behaves says more about her than anyone else.

    since she got the bum deal on the parenting front- i give it for free.

    sssSeptember, your antics are making you look uncivilized + devilishly defeated dumb. you may want to reconsider your strategy.

    folks seeking labels will only get frustrated by me. there are some of US that truly hear Him + obey. He said come out from among them. that's on all fronts. there is no label for me, outside of just as serious as He makes them.

    IF i were the color of urine...i would be rather peeved as well. sssSeptember you seem rather tragic with your urine colored flow. lol.

    these dang Blessed Black folks coming through acting like they don't know what place the devil has set for them. how dare we laugh in salty serpents' faces?!


    what else you got sssSeptember? it will take 1k of you to = 1 knock off/down graded AB.

    so do your best + bring it sis;)

    say something worthwhile though. otherwise you are just wasting time + polluting cyberspace;(

  8. Anonymous12:54 AM

    Does anyone know when the great NFC Championship game between the 49ers and Seahawks will start? The whole nation will be watching.

    Secondly, brother Field, what day is MLK day? Do you plan to write anything about him and history of the 60s and what we as a people have lost after King's death?

    Man, after King was assassinated, the black race has been on a fast track to hell.

    Satan owns us.

  9. "Satan owns us."

    12:54 AM


    the devil is a lie + defeated.

    that's what's written, that's what's real. forget what you heard.


    Revelation 17: 14- These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Sovereign of Sovereigns, and King of kings: and they that are with Him are called, and chosen, and faithful.


    there are many other clues as to who wins this in the end. He also says He won't destroy US completely. look at where we been as a people and call Him a lie if you are just DOA/demon on assignment.

    be mad or whatever when i call it. thought you would stomp through and there would be no one that would stand for Him?

    lol. you know, it really does crack me up when devils get all mad + offended. lol. just bold + defeated.

    Black folks have been integrated into sin in a major way, through the misguided treasonous behavior of MLK. that is point blank full stop. i forgive him, since he did realize that he was being used. took the time to say it + write it down. he tried to flip the script but was shut down before he could fully execute.


    to my Blessed Black people...we are at a time where we can choose to believe the lying Psalm 83 devils all around US.


    we can believe what is written.

    our people, the Yahuthim; called by His Name, Yahuah Almighty...

    i pray all souls that Love Him will touch + agree that folks may have an ear to hear.

    ...we are called according to His Name. we are Chosen for a purpose, not because of our Blessed Black color. we are the Light to the nations. until we get right none of this gets right.

  10. but folks love HUGE/little white lies. so this whole thing is inverted...for now. only a fool can't feel the change that's a coming. not of the BO variety either.

    there is a reason the world hates US + kills our sons daily. we are created in His image. if folks don't know Yahushua Messiah was a Black Man by now. there is NO "education" in america.

    bm have been hated since before all the brand new tech aided sin next leveled the whole game/spiritual warfare. before mentacide kicked in. before there were lots + lots of foster babies to experiment on then activate later. folks need to sit + get with the Truth already. this IS the information age.

    america is built on the hatred of the Blessed Black man, the sons of the Blessed Black woman. much despised, outcast, hated + studied/emulated.

    those running thangs, pretending to be the Chosen Hebrews are regular evil white folk. these folk- not all- just enough of the ones with the $ + running things seek to enslave all of humanity. if you read their own words they tell you as much.

    this is NOT what the Scriptures teaches. we are to Love Him. Love one another.

    oral tradition/ talmud/babylonian talmud takes one outside of where they are supposed to be. THIS is what Messiah taught + stood against. laid down His life for... for those of US that are paying attention, watching + praying, we see clearly that which is forbidden has its evil tentacles in all things. just as written in Scriptures + the protocols. lol. the "hoax" docs.

    we, Blessed Blacks, are those people of which it is written:

    2 Chronicles 7:14- 18

    14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

    15 Now mine eyes shall be open, and mine ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place.

    16 For now have I chosen and sanctified this house, that my name may be there for ever: and mine eyes and mine heart shall be there perpetually.

    17 And as for thee, if thou wilt walk before me, as David thy father walked, and do according to all that I have commanded thee, and shalt observe my statutes and my judgments;

    18 Then will I stablish the throne of thy kingdom, according as I have covenanted with David thy father...


    folks can believe what's written.

    or the lie.

    to be free, folks gotta know the Truth though. that's what's written...

    come on His People, my people.

    wake up.

  11. @ September-

    i feel bad for laughing at you.

    to describe yourself as urine colored speaks volumes. you couldn't even pick a nice golden wine, or even beer- you went directly to...urine.

    that speaks volumes.

    those that think little of themselves usually think little of others. they also seem to take personal + resent when others dare to love themselves. you appear to have an issue with Yah as well;(

    i AM Blessed Black.

    shiny smooth Black skin as written of in Scriptures.

    that would be my confession + description of me. that's what's written also;) you know that smooth Blessed Black skin that looks good in all colors? ages well. makes folks want to touch you without permission? i got some of that, all day;) what you "feel" about it is your personal business.

    you accuse me of "manipulation". maybe you could try to understand that i mean precisely what i AM saying.

    it is my way to flow straight forward. manipulation = extra work. who has time?

    we don't agree.

    this is fine.

    what's there to fight about, really? the existence of your thoughts do not threaten my thoughts in the least.

    you resonate as, really scarred, with me as well. i would hate to rip you new ones to help you find your lane/boundary. seriously. so thanks for sharing your thoughts, complete with all the baal one could jam in a comment. i appreciate your feelings, which are validly yours.

    we may agree to disagree.

    blessings to you.

    Shabbath Shalom all!

  12. "Which pales to the dangers the world faces from young black men."

    Spoken like a true Republican.

  13. September6:36 AM

    I feel bad for laughing at you.

    Don't be so phoney ... no you don't.

    to describe yourself as urine colored speaks volumes.

    Nah, I was just replying to you in kind, as to what is in YOUR head ... describing white people as leprous, putting them down. Ever see some of them scary looking old fat saggy keloid-covered negroes? ... and all the other racial language YOU use for for caucasian human beings. AB used to describe I guess anything less than her tone as "piss-colored." Doesn't really bother me, coming from someone who got their nose up Kinsey's ass. So I was just using language you and her would use.

    I think white people are beautiful. I am not tainted against them, like you. All people are uniquely beautiful to me. You are the one who is damaged and needs to cling to the belief of "blessed black supremacy" and needs to tell everyone how beautiful your skin is. It's kind of sad. I never laughed at you, I always thought you were sad. Everyone got issues, I guess. What, your body's going to rot and die, and what ... you will be raised more black than ever? Hair, kinkier than ever? Nose, wider than ever? Pure foolishness. And all the Caucasian people and gazillion other races and ethnicities with paler skins who bow and scrape to you and black gawd Yahudallah are going to be raised pitch black? Heaven sounds monotone and boring. Glad I'm not going there.

    FP, humor yourself in believing you could "rip me a new one." You really can't. People less than you have done it, and people better than you haven't been able to. It's all timing and situation. Now ain't the time.

    I'm not sure what "salty" means to you, but the new testament says "if the salt has lost its flavor it ain't got much in its favor." Or something like that. So I take that as a compliment.

    We do disagree very deeply on a few things. But many things we do agree on. More things than you would think. Whatever. I'm out. I don't want to get sucked into your game of trading insults. It's simply that people who believe in a Supreme Being and believe that they are the Chosen Ones of that Supreme Being scare me, because bloodshed and insanity are the fruition of the seeds they plant. History seems to testify to it. Sorry, its what I have seen, and you speak no different than the people I have known. Same flavor. And it ain't salt.

    We all have a voice. Can't help but get in each other's lane, it's impossible not to. I thank FN for allowing the conversation.

  14. Barbbf6:49 AM

    Well..don't plan on things getting better for blacks or non-blacks here in the USA. Obama's State Department are planning on bringing 30,000 Syrian refugees Muslim here for resettlement. Will real background checks be made? Don't count on it.

  15. Anon@12:54, u are not black. You aren't fooling anyone on this site.

    Hang in there Anon@12:24, these new wingnuts are everywhere. Maybe after Obama leaves office they will just fade away.

    It's just the thought of a black man in that position and all. It kind of drives them nuts. :)

  16. Quote Barbbbbffffffffff

    "Obama's State Department are planning on bringing 30,000 Syrian refugees Muslim here for resettlement."

    No, that's not what they said Barrrbbbbbbbbfffffffff, 30,000 refugees in total are going to 19 countries.

    You need to work on your reading and comprehension skills.

    As well as your writing skills, I mean "......Syrian refugees Muslim....."????

    You should spend more time on your basis grammatical skills, and less time posting shit on here.

  17. FN said...
    Our governor was so afraid of lawful protesters that he actually canceled an event

    I remember a few years ago when the democrats were canceling public events.

    To Avoid Voter Rage, Democrats Skip Town Halls.
    With conservative activists packing town hall meetings, a number of Democrats have elected to skip them.

    This Summer, Democrats Shy Away From Town Hall Meetings

    Democrats Skip Town Halls to Avoid Voter Rage

    Did you notice that left-leaning democratunderground link when they admitted that because they were scared of protestors the event was cancelled. Pretty much the exact thing you are complaining about the right-wing gov doing.

    Of course the democrats not wanting to be held accountable and canceling public meetings isn't a problem for you.

    Double standard?

    Maybe it's not really a double standard, maybe FN simply holds right-wingers to a higher standard than democrats.

  18. The Purple Cow said...
    You should spend more time on your basis grammatical skills, and less time posting shit on here.

    Since you have taken on the job of grammar nanny, please explain to the class what "basis grammatical skills" are.

    If you expect others to be skilled in the "basis" of grammar, shouldn't you?

    Double standard?

  19. White House Caught in Another Blatant ObamaCare Lie:

    Megyn Kelly is going to bring down the Obama administration.

    A house built on lies is destined to fall.

  20. The only thing that Megyn Kelly can bring down is that skirt she likes to pull up in hopes that her scrawny legs take attention from all the bs she is spewing.

  21. Obama is sending a bunch of homos to the Olympics to try to show up the Russians, who haven't 'progressed' to the point that they mandate worshipping deviants.

    But he'd better be careful. The last time he messed with Putin (over Syria), he got bitch slapped so hard the whole world laughed at him.

    Putin has already warned any homos to stay away from Russian children:

    Russian President Vladimir Putin says gays should feel welcome at the upcoming Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, but they must 'leave the children in peace'. Mr Putin told volunteers today that gays visiting Sochi 'can feel calm and at ease,' and vowed that there would be no discrimination at the games. But he emphasised that, according to a law banning homosexual 'propaganda' among minors, gays cannot express their views on gay rights issues to anyone under age.

    Everyone knows gays are much more likely to be pedophiles, so this makes sense. Obama better watch his ass.

  22. Which is worse, mary kelly hiking her skirt up or Obamacare/CoveredCalifornia putting out a richard simmons danceoff promo video?

    Is Obamacare really polling so bad that they have richard simmons promoting it?

    Is a richard simmons danceoff what the Obama administration believes is going to to appeal to the young people they need to pay for the care of old people?

    You can keep your doctor.

  23. "Is Obamacare really polling so bad that they have richard simmons promoting it?"

    He's promoting good health, surely even the billionaires that you shill for shouldn't complain about that?

  24. The Purple Sphincter said...
    "He's promoting good health, surely even the billionaires that you shill for shouldn't complain about that"

    If he wants to promote good health, he should stop having anal sex.

  25. field negro said...
    The only thing that Megyn Kelly can bring down is that skirt she likes to pull up in hopes that her scrawny legs take attention from all the bs she is spewing.

    Too distracted by Megyn's legs to think clearly, huh Field? Well you can get that right out of your mind, that's some top shelf white pussy there. Ain't no black dude gettin' into that.

  26. "Spoken like a true Republican."

    Republicans often speak the true.

    field negro, white women really are the black man's kryptonite.

    1. Speak the true huh? More like the true racist.

  27. "If he wants to promote good health, he should stop having anal sex."

    What is it with our far-right trolls and their never ending obsession with rectal sex?

  28. "Speak the true huh? More like the true racist."

    Good one, PilotX.

    Whenever the facts are not on your side, call the smarter people racists.

  29. " white women really are the black man's kryptonite."

    So you are saying white women are a fictional material invented for a 1930's children's comic?

  30. "Whenever the facts are not on your side, call the smarter people racists."

    He happens to be correct though, as you well know.

  31. The Purple Cow said...
    "What is it with our far-right trolls and their never ending obsession with rectal sex?"

    Here in America, our President has made the sanctity of sodomy one of his top priorities. We all need to support our leader in his effort to confer privileged status on those who engage in rectal love.

    It's the New Patriotism.

  32. Anonymous2:31 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "Whenever the facts are not on your side, call the smarter people racists."

    He happens to be correct though, as you well know.

    Why are smarter people racists?

  33. "Here in America, our President has made the sanctity of sodomy one of his top priorities. We all need to support our leader in his effort to confer privileged status on those who engage in rectal love.

    It's the New Patriotism."

    Methinks you far-Right types doth protest too much.

    I suspect what drives you to your extremist politics is your latent homosexuality. Your unfulfilled love and desire for Black men's penises has caused you to become bitter and twisted.

    I've often wondered why you guys like Bill-Oh and Kersey and the others come here week in, week out to be humiliated by getting your intellectual asses kicked from one side of the blog to the other...

    Why would anyone do that? Have they nothing more interesting in their lives that they spend all their free time abusing black people?

    Now with this new insight we can see the truth.

    You far-right types come here because you WANT to be humiliated. Having a black man humiliate you is a surrogate for your fantasises.

    You are symbolically submitting to having a black man insert his penis between your quivering, spotty, white ass-cheeks every time we smack you down on this website.

    Paul, Bill-Oh, the others - it's time you squeezed your fat wobbly asses out of the closet, brothers - embrace your inner gayness.

  34. The Purple Cow said...
    "I suspect what drives you to your extremist politics is your latent homosexuality. Your unfulfilled love and desire for Black men's penises has caused you to become bitter and twisted.

    I've often wondered why you guys like Bill-Oh and Kersey and the others come here week in, week out to be humiliated by getting your intellectual asses kicked from one side of the blog to the other..."


    I think this gets the prize for the most delusional post (exempting of course FP) on Field Negro in quite some time.

    I always find it interesting how lefties are all for promoting homosexuality, but whenever someone isn't on board with it, they attempt to demean them by calling them gay. It's the like the whole veneration of homosexuality is a front, a way to tweek your betters, while inside you consider it pathetic.

    As far as being "humiliated' here on FN, I have never seen you get the best of anyone. Your modus operandi is snark and puffery. You parrot things you don't really understand in an effort to tear down the white man and his world. You do this out of personal insecurity and feelings of inferiority.

    Nobody hates you because you are black. They hate you because you are a douchebag.

    You need to stop the navel-gazing and grow up. Fear and resentment are not the guideposts of a fruitful life.

  35. September-

    when i take the time to speak with you...maybe you could lose your taint. train your strong eye on yourself.

    you are the tainted one that actually believes that i would not be able to say what is on my mind. the fact that you believe that lie does not make it the truth.

    why would i need to fake or lie?

    who are you, in your mind, that i would need to take that route?

    yet, i AM the arrogant one, let you tell it.

    here's what's so:

    you don't know what i think, until i tell you.

    full stop.

    you accuse me of trying to tell you what you think or feel, while you do precisely that with me.

    not that it really makes a difference. if you think you know...go for it. if your free will + ignorance lands you waaay out in left be it. i will do me either way. it will be to your detriment that you think you already know.

    i AM with Him + Understand that He made beautiful in all shades/colors/shapes/sizes.

    what's with the white is right nonstop nonsense?

    so when i dare to stand and speak life to His Blessed Black People, my people, that have been on the receiving end of hatred like nobody's business...this does NOT mean that i "hate" white folks.

    truth be told...white folks that know they are white folks are irrelevant in the big picture. it's the ones that no one seems to know are white folks that i watch + pray for.

    Blessed Black folks are my focus + purpose. said that from the beginning when i came on the scene. i AM not in the least bit afraid to say it nor apologetic for it. frankly, i see me as healthy. i AM supposed to Love Him + His People, my people.

    i love my neighbors enough not to play along with the devilish nonsense.

    paler people need to try to understand what it is in them that is so insecure/inferior feeling...that if Black folks dare to love themselves, that means "hatred" for white(er) folks?

    what is that?

    i skimmed your comment.

    your tone is still salty as all get out.

    that is to be expected.

    folks that would describe themselves as "urine colored" riding hard for white folk are indeed...tragic.

    when i say find your lane, i mean simply:

    when you address me, behave as though you were raised well. be civilized. home training. show that you have it.

    straight no chaser is acceptable.

    disrespect, not so much.

    is that clear?

    if not... you will reveal the depths of your wicked heart for the world to see. while i go on about my Father's business.

    that is a promise.

    since you are the same one i took time to share His Word re: human heart-i AM really not sure where you are stuck. what i do know is you will be ok.

    the bottom line problem you appear to have is i will give glory + praise to Him/His Word. with zero concern for who gets mad about it. run up like a devil as written, and i will call that, too.

    that will remain your personal problem as long as you choose to maintain it. i don't own that.

    ps. while you riding so hard for white folk, golden child, you might want to take a peek at the "taint" you possess against the Blessed Black.

    or not.

    free will.


    side note: what i AM saying about those pretending to be Hebrew is not only something i AM saying.

    it is clear for those of US that love humanity...all nations are being set up for the cull then control. when folks dig deep enough they can't help but to land in a certain spot.

    folks are "entertained" by the perversion as they are indoctrinated.

    this fella, though a Jew + seems to know Torah, will tell it. like September, he does not appear to like what is written.

    it is almost like pale(r) folks feel/believe...if the Chosen Mighty Ones can't be white...

    they can't be at all.

    forget what is written.



  36. @ September:

    "So I was just using language you and her would use. "

    until you hear me use that is language you would use. own your vulgarity September. don't project/lie on me. you really do have that pale lady affliction.

    WHY are you still on AB's back?

    are you just obsessed in general with Blessed Black folk?

    let me help you with "salty" take it to the Scriptures you appear not to believe + mock at the wrong time.

    salty as i use it in this instance is NOT a compliment. at least you are consistent. you stay twisted up + lacking in understanding.

    as for this:

    " I don't want to get sucked into your game of trading insults."


    it is you that seeks to insult + label. own your mess lady. or not.

    this right here:

    "It's simply that people who believe in a Supreme Being and believe that they are the Chosen Ones of that Supreme Being scare me, because bloodshed and insanity are the fruition of the seeds they plant. History seems to testify to it."


    you have your scars inflicted by others. when i speak you cannot hear as a result. what is NOT clear about:



    Galatians 3:28-29

    28 There is neither Hebrew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Yahushua Messiah.

    29 And if ye be Messiah's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.


    i can only share His Word. i cannot believe/comprehend it for you September. your projection + self deception = sustained September confusion.

    i don't know what we agree or disagree on. not trying to be really is not crucial for me to find out. your thoughts don't threaten my thoughts in the least. nor am i fearful of any thoughts you might have.


    @Bull thanks for your opinion re: my comments.

    your name + content of your comments fit you;)

  37. Quote Bull - (shit)

    "I think this gets the prize for the most delusional post (exempting of course FP) on Field Negro in quite some time."

    The truth hurts sometimes, doesn't it sweet-cheeks?


    "I always find it interesting how lefties are all for promoting homosexuality, but whenever someone isn't on board with it, they attempt to demean them by calling them gay. "

    I don't 'promote homosexuality (how would you do that anyway? By a full page advert in the Gay Times?), I recognise that some people are gay and some are not. I recognise reality.

    No well-balanced heterosexual would feel threatened by homosexuality. If you are secure in your sexuality you recognise that some people are born different. Talking to gays, working with gays, socialising with gays, attending gay weddings will not change who you are. You can't catch gayness by standing next to one in a bus queue.

    "As far as being "humiliated' here on FN, I have never seen you get the best of anyone."

    Oh yes you have you liar.

    I've kicked the ass of every nut job who dares to post here. Try finding one who is willing to debate climate change with me, you won't find one. In fact I challenge YOU to debate climate change with me. Of course you won't - you are at least smart enough to know your limitations.


    "Your modus operandi is snark and puffery. You parrot things you don't really understand in an effort to tear down the white man and his world. You do this out of personal insecurity and feelings of inferiority."

    Me? Feelings of inferiority???

    Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, you don;t know me at all do you?

    What are these subjects I don;t really understand - tell me. Let's see which of us understands them best...


    "Nobody hates you because you are black. They hate you because you are a douchebag."

    I've never said you hate me for the colour of my skin, you hate me because I'm a Socialist, I hate you because you are a fascist. We are supposed to hate each other - no big deal.


    "You need to stop the navel-gazing and grow up. Fear and resentment are not the guideposts of a fruitful life."

    My life has been very fruitful thank you very much. I'm pretty please the way it panned out.

  38. The Purple Cow said...

    Me? Feelings of inferiority???

    Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, you don;t know me at all do you?


    I do now.

  39. The Purple Cow said...
    What is it with our far-right trolls and their never ending obsession with rectal sex?

    The Purple Cow said...
    You are symbolically submitting to having a black man insert his penis between your quivering, spotty, white ass-cheeks every time we smack you down on this website.

    Paul, Bill-Oh, the others - it's time you squeezed your fat wobbly asses out of the closet, brothers - embrace your inner gayness.
    3:09 PM

    Kudos PurpleCow.

    Less than an hour for you to take a trolls obsession and make it your own.

  40. Oh no it's YOUR obsession Bill-oh

    But relax, your secret is safe with us, sweet cheeks.

  41. The Purple Cow said...

    Oh no it's YOUR obsession Bill-oh

    You must be losing something in the uk USA translation.

    You writing about sex between males with fat wobbly asses doesn't make it my obsession.

    Anymore than me writing about double standards makes it your obsession.

    You're not obsessed with double standards are you?

  42. "You writing about sex between males with fat wobbly asses doesn't make it my obsession."

    Oh yes it is.

    I mean think about it Bill-Oh, you come here every day, just to shout abuse at black people.

    Is that really the life you wanted for yourself?

    "When I grow up, rather than having a fulfilling and interesting life, I want to spend all my spare time on a website abusing black people"

    It's a very sad life isn't it?

    So either my theory is correct (and I think it is) OR you are a sad little loser who wants to take out the frustrations of your life as a loser on the first group yu can find.

    Which is it Bill-Oh? Don;t tell us you have an interesting and fulfilling life, because we know you do not.

    Which is it Billy-boy?

    Loser or closet homosexual?

  43. The Purple Cow said...

    Loser or closet homosexual?

    Someone has issues...

  44. The Purple Cow said...

    "You writing about sex between males with fat wobbly asses doesn't make it my obsession."

    Oh yes it is.

    I mean think about it Bill-Oh, you come here every day, just to shout abuse at black people.

    Is that really the life you wanted for yourself?

    "When I grow up, rather than having a fulfilling and interesting life, I want to spend all my spare time on a website abusing black people"

    It's a very sad life isn't it?

    This is another one of those times I am calling you out for making shit up.'

    You are seconds away from going crickets, get ready.

    Please cite where you are quoting from:
    "When I grow up, rather than having a fulfilling and interesting life, I want to spend all my spare time on a website abusing black people"

    I never said that, you made it up.

    And you put it in quotes to make it appear you were replying to me.


    Cite where you got your quote or admit you made it up.



  45. "I never said that, you made it up."


    I mean I knew you were kinda dim, but that takes the absolute fucking biscuit. You genuinely have the IQ of a chicken.

    I was quoting you as a child you imbecile, a child imagining what your life would be likes an adult.

    Is this the life you wanted for yourself back then?

    Do you think this is a productive and fulfilling way to spend your free time?

    Christ almighty......

    1. C'mon man, you know Bill like all other conservatives can only think linearly and literally. Notice how sarcasm is lost on that guy. My guess is he has to be 12 years old or has the mind of one, which is the definition of a moron. But my other thought is he is a humor troll because no one that dense would be allowed to use a computer by himself.

  46. StillaPanther28:05 PM

    Brother Field....looking at the Texas Western versus Kentucky 1966 basketball NCAA championship game. This game changed the system of college basketball. But I just want to postulate that moments such as that cold night in March gave a people a sense of pride. This moment was big because Kentucy represented the white man with the coldest ice. After the civil rights period there were few moments where an oppressed people had a sense of strength. This movie truly depicted the joy we felt in America that night. I truly miss when we were striving for greatness. I cry each time I see this movie. As a sideline ....the Black Panthers were in this timeline. StillaPanther2

  47. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
    "But my other thought is he is a humor troll because no one that dense would be allowed to use a computer by himself."

    You expect us to believe that someone as painfully dumb as yourself is let anywhere near a commercial airliner, and you are calling Bill a humor troll?

    Damn, dude. Self-awareness is not your strong suit.

    1. So what would a genius like yourself do fo a living Colonel? Me guess would be either pumping gas or making fries. Surprise me.

  48. Hey Field did you see this news ???

    The growers' and producers' association will be launched on January 18, 2014 as one outcome of a major stakeholders forum titled 'Going Forward -- Legalize It', that organizers hope will bring together the disparate entities planning a future in ganja at the University of the West Indies in Mona, St Andrew.

    "We have invited representatives of the various organizations to come together at the forum to take their ideas forward," Paul Burke, a spokesman for the forum organizers confirmed yesterday. "The launch of the Cannabis Future Growers and Producers Association is expected to be one of the outcomes of the forum."

    The stakeholders forum is being organized by the tripartite Ganja Law Reform Coalition, the Cannabis Commercial and Medicinal Research Task Force, and the National Alliance for the Legalization of Ganja. Among the invitees are the Jamaica Agricultural Society; the State-run Scientific Research Council (SRC); the University of the West Indies; the University of Technology, Jamaica; micro, small and medium-sized enterprises; parliamentarians; other representatives of the political parties and their youth offshoots; artistes; and other advocates of legalization.

    One important position already taken by advocates is that Jamaica should maintain ownership of no less than 55 per cent of all
    licensed cannabis industry establishments and investments.

  49. BTW Colonel, looks like SWA needs more brothas like me. As dumb as you say I am I have yet to land at the wrong airport, and we can go back to my student pilot days. Wanna bet that crew had white males on the flight deck.

  50. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Field, "Anon@12:54, u are not black. You aren't fooling anyone on this site."

    Field I am getting sick and tired of you calling me White.

  51. "As dumb as you say I am I have yet to land at the wrong airport, and we can go back to my student pilot days. Wanna bet that crew had white males on the flight deck."

    *still laughing*

  52. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Blogger field negro said...
    The only thing that Megyn Kelly can bring down is that skirt she likes to pull up in hopes that her scrawny legs take attention from all the bs she is spewing.

    12:19 PM
    You are so wrong. Megyn Kelly is a good looking former model turned lawyer and FOX newscaster. The woman is brilliant and I challenge you to find a sister to match her.

    Megyn has nice legs. You have no taste. and NO I am not White...and yes, I am Black....DEAL WITH IT!
