Monday, January 20, 2014

She says, she says, and a new low for the NRA.

This battle of dueling accounts about whether Chris Christie strong-armed Hoboken Mayor, Dawn Zimmer, is getting interesting.

On one side is the aforementioned Zimmer, and on the other side is the New Jersey Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno who flatly denies it. Guess who I believe.

"As they pursue this investigation, I will provide any requested information and testify under oath about the facts of what happened when the Lieutenant Governor came to Hoboken and told me that Sandy aid would be contingent on moving forward with a private development project...."

Yes, and the Mayor actually has a journal with an entry at the time of the incident surrounded by other entries  before and after the alleged conversation.

Unless Ms. Zimmer could look into a crystal ball and tell the future, that entry is pretty strong evidence to back up her allegation.

"I deny any suggestion made by Mayor (Dawn) Zimmer that there was ever any condition on the release of Sandy funds by me," Guadagno said Monday at a news conference in Union Beach, N.J.

"The diary entry read: 'She pulls me aside with no one else around and says that I need to move forward with the Rockefeller project. It is very important to the governor.

'"The word is that you are against it and you need to move forward or we are not going to be able to help you. I know it's not right – these things should not be connected – but they are," she says, and "if you tell anyone, I will deny it."'

Well at least she (The Lt. Governor) was being truthful about one thing.

Finally, some Negroes have no shame. (See my HNOTD) I still can't believe that some dude agreed to be used on MLK Day to send a promotional message for the NRA. (As if Sarah Palin choosing to denigrate this day by her petty and ignorant comments wasn't enough)

"The NRA tends to stay silent in the immediate aftermath of a high-profile shooting incident, but the organization evidently felt enough time had passed since Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was shot and killed in 1968 that they could put out the video below connecting the civil rights leader to the push for less restrictive gun laws. To mark today’s holiday, the NRA enlisted its hip, young, black “commentator” Colion Noir to deliver a video message about how much King loved guns.

Noir begins with a message that is unlikely to resonate strongly with the NRA’s many members, saying if King were alive today he would “look at our current president and smile, not because of his politics, but because of what his presence in the White House represents.” After explaining that President Barack Obama would have been “arrested or even beaten for drinking from the wrong water fountain” 50 years ago, he adds, “notwithstanding some of President Obama’s policies on gun control, that’s a hell of a lot of progress if you ask me.”

Quickly, Noir shifts his message to gun control, pointing out the fact that he was granted a concealed handgun license, while historical record shows that King applied for one and was denied. “Let’s not forget, the first forms of gun control were created to keep people like me from having guns,” he says, invoking his shared race with King.

Noir goes on to try to reconcile King’s “non-violent” reputation with his apparent desire to protect himself with a gun. “When Dr. King was denied [the firearm license],” he says, “he did the next best thing and surrounded himself with people with guns.” Presuming to know what King believed, he adds, “In my heart, based on Dr. King’s own actions, I don’t believe that Dr. King would ever advocate leaving a family, or anyone for that matter, defenseless in the face of violent life threatening danger.”

In his role as the most visible civil rights leader of his time, Dr. King knew that he was in danger and evidently took steps to try to protect himself. But even though he “surrounded himself with people with guns,” as Noir explains, it didn’t stop him from being gunned down by his assassin James Earl Ray from across the street while he was standing on the balcony of his hotel room. Noir does not address how a concealed weapons permit would have helped King in that particular situation." [Source]





  1. "Guess who I believe."

    Whoever your Democrat masters tell you to believe?

    Too easy....

    Field fails to mention less than 2 weeks ago Zimmer was claiming Sandy aid was withheld because she wouldn't endorse Christie.

    Which is it?

    Jig field....

  2. "Finally, some Negroes have no shame"

    So true...

    HIV-positive college student secretly filmed sex tapes with 32 people: police
    Michael Johnson, 22, was charged with exposing sexual partners to HIV in October. Police announced Thursday they uncovered videos — likely filmed in secret — that allegedly show Johnson having unprotected sex with various people he met through social media.

    Read more:

  3. Anonymous9:26 PM

    The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment

    The United States government did something that was wrong—deeply, profoundly, morally wrong. It was an outrage to our commitment to integrity and equality for all our citizens. . . . clearly racist.
    —President Clinton's apology for the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment to the eight remaining survivors, May 16, 1997

    For forty years between 1932 and 1972, the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) conducted an experiment on 399 black men in the late stages of syphilis. These men, for the most part illiterate sharecroppers from one of the poorest counties in Alabama, were never told what disease they were suffering from or of its seriousness. Informed that they were being treated for “bad blood,”1 their doctors had no intention of curing them of syphilis at all. The data for the experiment was to be collected from autopsies of the men, and they were thus deliberately left to degenerate under the ravages of tertiary syphilis—which can include tumors, heart disease, paralysis, blindness, insanity, and death. “As I see it,” one of the doctors involved explained, “we have no further interest in these patients until they die.”

    Read more: The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment |

    You are correct, some people have no shame whatsoever, including wiggas. On the other hand, it's even more disturbing and barbaric when YOUR government indulges in evil behavior subjecting their own citizens to such inhumane cruelty over many centuries.

    Nat Turner

  4. Anonymous9:54 PM


    When confronted with bad behavior on the part of their own, blacks always wanna point to whitey and scream "LOOK AT WHAT THEY DID!!!!!!"

    Asians don't do that.

    Hispanics don't do that.

    Whites don't do that.

    Only blacks? Why?

  5. chico9:56 PM

    Fat boy Christie is getting worked over by the press because he is seen as threat to Hillary. The ridiculous War on Women thing worked so well last time, so you are seeing WWW2. The narrative is being established that Christie is a BULLY. You will see that word associated with his name a million times in the next three years.

    Good. It couldn't happen to a nicer RINO, the guy who stabbed Romney in the back to open the door for himself in 2016. Now watch what his buddies in the democratmedia do to Obama's bestest pal.

    Get ready for President Cruz.

  6. D'Smelfrious10:03 PM

    If MLK would have had a gun, he could have shot James Earl Ray before that cracker ever got a shot off.

    Gun control killed MLK.

  7. Anonymous11:14 PM

    That was a slick commercial by NRA. Of course, most of their promotions are very professional. Noir presented himself well. He spoke well, much better than the Dems finest Black, Rev Al Sharpton speaks.

    Wouldn't you FN leftist Dem Negroes agree?


  8. folks that think Blessed Black folks calling it out = "hatred", "Black supremacy", "racism", "terrorism" or whatever else they can come up with while ignoring stuff like this:

    not to mention that the united states of satan gov't paid the King family for it's role in his murder.

    paler folks try to minimize the issue...but i AM keeping it large.

    everybody got free will up in here;)

    Psalm 83ers don't ever stop.

    in america or abroad.

    when stuff like the link below stops, i will be quiet and stop calling the leprous white lie what it is.

    in case folks missed has been open season on Black folk. the underclass is on a hard self destruct program and depopulates daily. the upper class is assimilated to spiritual death. folks obsess over BW while dehumanizing US like it is their basic human right. this from all angles. those lying about a "sisterhood" quickly forget all about that and bottom lines disagreements along race lines.

    white supremacy is a mental illness. folks just won't call it for obvious reasons.

    bold racist devils expect silence or pleasant agreement, smiles, + cooperation.

    blank stare.

    folks like to go to Scriptures + get literal when it comes to white as snow. then get brand new when i call the mark of cain/reason to hate Black folks a leprous white lie.

    i have tried to feel bad + sorry about calling it.

    i gots nothing. but the resolve to keep calling it 'til folks cut it or die out. lol @ Oprah! acting white. now that she has all the $ in the world...she don't care what you think. lol.

    she don't care about Black folks too tough either it appears, for right now. so my giggles are quick.

    let's get literal when it is inconvenient to do so:



    Numbers 12: 8-10

    8 With him will I speak mouth to mouth, even apparently, and not in dark speeches: and he similitude of the Sovereign shall he behold: wherefore then were ye not afraid to speak against my servant Moses?

    9 And the anger of the Sovereign wsa kindled against them; and he departed.

    10 And the cloud departed from off the tabernacle; and behold, Miriam became leprous, white as snow: and Aaron looked upon Miriam, and behold, she was leprous.


    i will quiet down as soon as leprous uncivilized folks quit these type of not quite human antics. while being hideous looking. that white woman is hideous in the pic. hard sell notwithstanding. the blow up doll on the floor STILL stole the pic. lol...:


    in order to throw someone else from the human has to come outside of it themselves.

    why should i pretend to buy into the white is right + beautiful nonsense when there is so much down right ugliness attached to it?

    this is why when folks speak to Blessed Blacks...those that can't see the rampant white supremacy/racism suddenly feel as if whiteness is threatened. when Blacks stand up...white folks and their tragic colored defenders to the death though they, too, are hated in Truth- these folks routinely invert the truth/facts of the matter. it is whites that uplift themselves to the detriment of others.

    i will not even pretend to know how to discuss the condition of my people without mentioning our historical enemies + their nonstop to this day, around the globe, wicked antics. these folks don't ever quit nor miss an opportunity to hate/kill US. all the dozens years of slavery, butler, help, etc movies mean something too. we had a lust for nooses + black face for longer than a minute.


    my hair is like lambswool.



    someone else has hair that fits that description according to what's written;)

    for this reason...i AM Good with the world hating me, my hair, my sons/daughters + the fact that i AM human. they hated Him/His Word, first.

    accused Him, too, of being the devil- when He called out + cast out devils;) this had me cracking up, really. folks that don't believe falling right in line with His Word + the Pharisees- while coming against His Word. lol. nothing new under the sun, indeed:



    Matthew 12: 23- 26

    23 And all the people, were amazed, and said, Is not this the son of David?

    24 But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by beelzebub the prince of the devils.

    25 And Messiah knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand.

    26 And if satan cast out satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?


    in addition to being Law it is also basic, yet not so common these days... common sense;(

    i AM simply reminding all people, really, with a focus on the Blessed Black to turn to Him/His Word. it's about Love for humanity.

    at the same time, i will resist white supremacy in all its forms. i don't write passes for Black folks either. i hate injustice.

    notice that it is hate group activity according to paler folks for Black folks to want the government to stop harassing US to death?

    Dr. King fought against white supremacy, war (which also had much to do with white supremacy), injustice + for the poor.

    Dr. King was a man. when outside of Him/His Word, a fall is all one can expect, really. so it saddens me that folks seek to lie + deify this man. rather than to tell the truth + allow him to be simply human. anyone not suspicious by this sudden "founding father" routine, as it relates to Dr. King...

    Moses was a murderer reportedly, so why must folk lie + pretend King to be a saint/angel? why can't folk tell the truth of his manipulation? surveillance? tales of folks listening to MLK tapes for dinner party entertainment? (Black folks worship some of the white folks involved in that madness.) we got sex tapes, nsa type surveillance/invasion of privacy, corruption at top levels of the gov't, etc. the Truth surrounding King is better than the fiction.

  10. Almighty Yah can use whoever He wants + specializes in turning what the enemy meant to destroy for Good.

    kindda like the last shall be first. some of the first...shall be last. paler folks might want to get literal with that Scripture, too...since they Love to remind US of our dead last place/space, for now. daily we get the update on how horrible we are. this is how those most bound by sin among US are routinely depicted. as representative of the whole.

    the same week folks were lambasting the BW whose son murdered her...there was a white kid that killed his mom + stuck a fork in her eye. exactly NO ONE tried to figure out what's wrong with WW. nor do they ever try to figure out the reason WW raise sons that torment the earth + all on it...throughout history. ever.

    there are some special rules applied to BW

    speaking of Moses...Black folks would do well to consider- as those MLK fought against now twist his legacy to fit their racist demonic agenda. folks trying to pretend MLK was like Moses. while erasing all the super extra side biz he had going on, simultaneously, while fighting injustice in the world.

    Black folks need to cut it out. this type of refusal to see is only helping those that seek to set Blacks up for their latest round of idolatry/curses for disobedience + idolatry. just a vicious spiritually shackled slave circle, i tell ya! but Black folks are all set to worship them some Moses new school MLK. folks giving the devil the victory since MLK has passed on.


    back to Moses...i believe that Moses went to pharoah and told him to let his people...




    think about it.

    so acting like Dr. King was leading folks into anything but a burning building is to depart from reality. this i say + restate the fact that i Love Dr. King. i pray that he made his peace + rests in peace. none of US know or are to judge really.


  11. He who knows all...judges.

    rightfully so.

    it seems wiser to simply learn from King and others' lessons + blessings that they shared with the world. then apply those lessons. there are lessons even in our human flaws/fall. i am inspired, all the same, by the clear stand he took with re: to poor + war+ speaking Truth to power.

    i don't dream about peace on earth nor devilish folk suddenly acting right. seems to me, earth is not a peaceful ground, for now...but a sorting ground. so while the sort is underway i dream of seeing His Face;) that free at last moment = end of sort. wrap city on Yah's patience with the madness.

    it is written that we are not to rush that day.

    so i pray that His Will be done. + for US all that seek Him to Stand Strong that we might be sorted into His camp. hold fast to your crown!

    i pray for those that don't know to seek Him. that they will humble themselves that they may know Him/His Word in a mighty way;)


    @ Nat Turner-

    it is not just Tuskegee.

    IF non Blacks were wider awake...they would be making some noise also.

    the devil hates US all. he just appears to really hate edom/ white folks to the point where he has them thinking they are special. they won't even be hip to their quiet genocide. while convincing themselves they are of superior intelligence on the strength of a melanin deficiency.




    "Only blacks? Why?"

    @ 9:54 PM


    it might be their Psalm 83 status.

    as long as at the end of it all...they get to console themselves with the notion that they are better than Blacks. these folks will hate white folks quietly. among themselves. while smiling in white folks' faces.

    some of these folks, like Black folks, love white folks because they think they are superior. colonization + the media is no joke.

    these folks have also been able to maintain their culture amidst white aggression.... they tend to to get immediate reparations also. off the top of my head, that's what i got for you.

    i would read Psalm 83 if you really seek answers. folks like to pretend Arab invaders to the land are the original people for a will need to UNwhiten history to connect with clues.

    crafty counsel indeed...designed to make folks forget Yah + their Power in Him. dna remembers. this is why folks are being genetically modified. lol. yet, when i say it out loud...i AM the "crazy" one. despite their own evidence. i AM "crazy" not the demons DOING the weird science crazy stuff. lol.

    that will be fine.

    forgive any typos + blessings all.

  12. Dr. King did not carry a weapon nor did he allow those around him to arm themselves after committing to non violent civil disobedience taught to him by Bayrad Rustin. He even sent armed individuals away after his home was bombed and they wanted to protect him. Read his words after the incident. YOUR right Field, the NRA has no shame but they do recognize an untapped market when they see one.

  13. Simple Sarah showing us exactly the intellect and tone deafness of the Republican Party. Good luck with that outreach thingy.

  14. ps. this right here:

    Read more:

    hateful homos need to come own this madness. maybe then folks can get real about yuckiness coming in all orientations in large numbers these last end days.

    quite a few gay bfolks like to focus on their gayness over their Blackness.

    i don't mind cooperating.

    this blogger goes into greater detail. look at the comments. lol. some of US BW really don't have a problem with gay folk. as such, we tend to be privy to info that other hets might not have.

    this blogger mutilates the Scriptures. she seems to understand men fornicating up a storm + producing children with everybody they see = behaving according to Scriptures. lol + smh. THIS is why folks gotta read Scriptures for themselves.

    i can't help but notice that bm that buy into the "mandingo" madness tend to behave poorly. without regard for their het/homo status. mistaking dehumanization with a compliment = all bad.

  15. "2. Prevent the RISE OF A "MESSIAH" who could unify, and
    electrify, the militant black nationalist movement. Malcolm X might have
    been such a "messiah;" he is the martyr of the movement today. Martin
    Luther King, Stokely Carmichael and Elijah Muhammed all aspire to this
    position. Elijah Muhammed is less of a threat because of his age. King
    could be a very real contender for this position should he abandon his
    supposed "obedience" to "white, liberal doctrines" (nonviolence) and embrace
    black nationalism. Carmichael has the necessary charisma to be a real
    threat in this way."

  16. Anonymous2:05 AM

    FP, how could Dr King be as you say he was when he had been to the 'mountain top'? I assume from that sermon, King had seen God and also knew he would not get to the mountain top with his people. That was a very prophetic sermon...given by a messenger of God?

  17. Anonymous2:17 AM

    Dear Mr Field, and FP is some valuable info you two should know regarding Blacks. I hope the both of you can be open-minded. I realize that is not Field's strong suit but FP I am counting on you to pick up the slack:)

  18. Anonymous2:29 AM

    FN fans, beware the anti-Christ is coming and Obama is paving the way, as the Rev on the Factor indicates. FP, what say you?

  19. "Whites don't do that."

    Oh yes they do, about fifty times a week on this website alone.

  20. Anonymous3:09 AM

    Brother PC, you are wrong. Whites don't do that. Rarely have I seen or heard a White person do that. Why are you so against Whites? Isn't your wife White? Please explain yourself. Give the truth and nothing but the truth. No blame or accusations please.

  21. Anonymous3:17 AM

    Brothas and Sistas on FN, I believe we can live in harmony with Whites forever.

    Is there anyone on FN who can deny that Whites such as Bill are good reasonable people who want to get along with us? So the question is what is our part in making it all happen?

    All we have to do is keep an open mind, and an open loving heart in the same way PC has love for his wife. If we can do that, then we will have peace in America and maybe in the UK as well? What say you, brother PC? Be a sport.

  22. Anon @ 2:05 AM- "FP, how could Dr King be as you say he was when he had been to the 'mountain top'? I assume from that sermon, King had seen God and also knew he would not get to the mountain top with his people. That was a very prophetic sermon...given by a messenger of God?"


    i take nothing from Dr. King.

    what i say re: King= he was a man. flawed. beautifully human.

    many are called + a few Chosen to be messengers of Yah.

    folks acting like the death of King = the end for Black folk...this is idolatry.

    it is Love for my people that causes me to caution against it. as in life, King's gifts are being harnessed to hurt his people. not to help.

    the beautiful thing about Scriptures = the Kings the political publication is written by + for...were all beautifully human people. even if one studies Elijah. despite his favor...he still knew fear, doubt, etc. all of this is a part of the human condition. walking with Yah + going to Him/His Word for Strength/Power = only way.

    everything else will come to naught.

    that is not negativity. that is what is written + evidenced by history to date.

    i will check the other links.

    i pray BO + his whole house will turn to Yah as they are tested. Biden told folks BO would be Kennedy tested early on.

    even when i speak point blank about whatever...i hate no one. i AM with Him + want what He wants. that is for none of His to be lost.

    watch the catholic church/jesuit pope + prince william. lol. these folks appear to be key players in the coming chaos.

    ps. someone mentioned the zohar on the witch esther/madonna cabala/kabala post. if familiar + informed folks will see roads lead back to ancient babylon mystery religion + tall mud. this is how judaism is being perverted as jews are set up.

    no one in the know is concerned nor afraid that flows with Ancient of Ancient Almighty Yah;)

  23. @ this link you can hear Bill O declare this pure comedy nugget:

    "the truth is, race is not an overwhelming problem anymore."


    blank stare.


    i could not get the other link to work. though i will say...every selected political puppet in our lifetime + before most of US were born were all working to usher in the one world government. those that don't play along, don't get paid nor perks.

    white folks suddenly noticing america is a hot mess when the Blackish guy showed up are clearly of "superior intelligence";(

  24. PilotX, u are right, this is a new low, even for the NRA.

  25. Anonymous6:28 AM

    @Anon 9:54 said: Only blacks? Why?

    Sorry, you'd have to inquire with Hispanics, Asians and Whites as to why they don't defend themselves against an ungodly system! Could it be fear lurking in the brushes or just plain old conditioning!

    @FP, keep preaching the scriptures Sista!

  26. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Brothas and Sistas on FN, I believe we can live in harmony with Whites forever.

    Hahaha, they are trying there best to murder you every day in various ways. Think about it!

    Nat Turner

  27. "Brother PC, you are wrong. Whites don't do that. Rarely have I seen or heard a White person do that. Why are you so against Whites? Isn't your wife White? Please explain yourself. Give the truth and nothing but the truth. No blame or accusations please."

    Give it a rest, white boy.

  28. BARBBF9:20 AM

    December 03, 2009

    Homeland Security

    Secret Service: Threat level against Obama no greater than under Bush, Clinton

    Bit of a bombshell at this morning's Homeland Security Committee hearing:

    U.S. Secret Service Director Mark Sullivan dismissed published reports that the level of death threats against President Obama are four times greater than typical threat levels against recent presidents — claiming the current volume of threats is comparable to that under George W. Bush and Bill Clinton.

    "It's not [a] 400 percent [increase]," Sullivan said during a heated exchange with Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.), who suggested the service needed additional agents to protect the first African-American president.

    "I'm not sure where that number comes from," he said, adding that the number of threats against Obama "are the same level as it has been [against] the last two presidents."

    Sullivan said he would get more specific in a closed-door session with members of the Homeland Security Committee

  29. Natty Hair Turner11:41 AM

    how dare sarah call dear leader out on his race baiting. mlk was all about bring people together. today's plantation negroes are all about dividing people by race and racial genocide.

  30. What is wrong in Florida?

    Marucci said he became the target of bullies, and now he said the school wants him gone.

    A kid has the job of having sex with women on film for money.

    And he gets bullied?


    Maybe PurpleCow is correct about America's youth believing in socialism, it appears that kids today believe only the government should be screwing people.

  31. Anonymous12:54 PM

    FP, "folks acting like the death of King = the end for Black folk...this is idolatry."

    This is an important nugget of insight and truth. Thank you. Coming from his generation, I too thought we were pretty much done when King was assassinated. He was a great leader, great orator, and unbelievable courage. I mean he stepped up to the Jim Crow line and called out that devil.

    However, he was not GOD. He was only a messenger, although a powerful one.

    Tell me this....why hasn't there been another like him to come along? IMO, we desperately need 'something'. I could be ALL wrong, but we are sorely lacking in leadership...Al Sharpton, CBC, NAACP, and others are working for themselves NOT 'for' us.

    We are in disarray and it's quite frightening to me. It's like being on a sinking ship, which some of us are abandoning and seeking to join the racists against us for self-preservation.

    There just doesn't seem to be any will to sacrifice. I don't see how we can survive without the will to sacrifice.

    The marches in the 60's..Selma, Uof AL, Little Rock, MalcolmX, were all symbols of the will to sacrifice. That is, willing to go to any length to do the right thing. I don't see that happening anywhere in our race.

    Even worse, we have turned away from GOD. To me, that seals our coffin. No human gets free without GOD. Human self-will by itself is not that look at the world and one can conclude that.

  32. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Brothas and Sistas on FN, I believe we can live in harmony with Whites forever.

    Hahaha, they are trying there best to murder you every day in various ways. Think about it!

    Nat Turner

    6:34 AM
    Anon, you have a negative attitude. You also seem paranoid for no good reason. Are you related to PC or PilotX?

    MLK said, "We must learn to live together as brothers and sisters, or perish together as fools."

  33. Anon 6:28am- we are the Law Givers as written of in Scriptures.

    our Strength is in Him/His Word.

    we are to live by every word from His mouth, as written. i would not stop speaking His Word even if it became yet another wicked man law. there is Power in His Word. so i AM simply speaking/sharing as Chosen + giving it my best to walk His Word. more so than preaching. i make the distinction, because those that are simply preaching...stay caught up + compromised.

    wicked man law 17K+. new laws. that no one knows how deep the rabbit hole has been written into the devilish kinsey saturated penal code. folks are setting up surprise!- private- prison- planet right nicely;(

    even in our pitiful condition, we Blessed Blacks still call out with His heart.



    who but a Blessed Black son of the BW- could take the type of King beating, i AM speaking of Rodney, may he rest peacefully- then ask?:

    "Can we all just get along?"

    those impostors pretending to be US don't have any fruit close to what's written. folks don't know this to the detriment of humanity.

    +white supremacy/racist demonic hatred blinds folks' eyes.

    then as Black/White as the masonic checkerboard floors...these bold devils flip it + accuse US of being the perpetrators of the systemic, nonstop global evil.

    folks can take the most peaceful of creatures then put them under the pressure quite a few Blacks are forced to mitigate daily. take another look at that toddler folks are calling "thug baby". yep. wild behavior = expected behavior. "scientists" know this...but Blacks are to be criminalized. while the same behavior in whites is medicalized/white coat legitimized.

    i think i made that word up, but you get my point;) white addicts are suffering through an "addiction". Black folks with the same sin = criminal savages.

    ps. when i think of "thug", i get a visual of a burly steroid cop. or an expensively suited, soft hands 'cause he don't work for real daily jew. or white folks that go to extreme levels to be + be unseen. them. those $$$'d racist pasty folks that sit in secret meetings, nonchalantly discussing taking out millions...of people + $ from their wicked against humanity nonstop global schemes. these folks are the thugs to me.

    but i get that most are programmed to see differently.

    case in point of just such a salty backwards/upside down thinking whipcracka or fiercely protective tragic colored wanna be whipcracka:

    " Anonymous Natty Hair Turner said...

    how dare sarah call dear leader out on his race baiting. mlk was all about bring people together. today's plantation negroes are all about dividing people by race and racial genocide.

    11:41 AM"



    Blacks that will stand + speak candidly are "dividing by race..."

    those $'d white folks like gates that won't stop with the depopulation convos, memos + activities. they are not mention worthy nor the problem.

    got it.

    still rejected.

    anyone pointing out edom setting up edom's + defeated devil humanity destruction plans = causes of the problem. this is "superior intelligence" logic/reason in full effect. that melanin induced superior intelligence also greatly resembles literal artificial intelligence.

    the simplest of things escapes these folk. for real.



    side note:

    i don't know if "natty" = cultural difference or what.

    i prefer NAPPY. i AM happy to be nappy. i take after my Father + flow through like i know it, too;)

    only a devil would get mad at that healthy human behavior.

    if you want your hair to be seen as "natty" that's your biz. i just make the distinction;)

  34. Anonymous2:08 PM

    "@FP, keep preaching the scriptures Sista!"

    Wow, I never thought I'd see Field acknowledge the truth FP has generously been preaching.

    Finally! She has gotten through to him. There is hope for everyone. God bless you Field.:)

  35. Ha! First off blah folks have every reason to paranoid but seriously if we want to talk paranoia we aint got shit on white males. They need to carry guns to movies, obsess about imaginary knockout games and think dead people are voting. Hmmmm, seems like a little bit of projection.

  36. Anonymous2:43 PM

    FP, "even in our pitiful condition, we Blessed Blacks still call out with His heart.



    who but a Blessed Black son of the BW- could take the type of King beating, i AM speaking of Rodney, may he rest peacefully- then ask?:

    "Can we all just get along?""

    I see what you are talking about. And the Heart of God seems to cry out to others who seem to have no conscience. But why must we continue to take such abuse? What's the point?

  37. MLK would be sick to his stomach if he could see how you slave chasers work so hard to keep black people on the Democrat plantation.

    Conservatism is interested in the content of your character.

    Progressivism is interested only in the color of your skin.

    Those who choose slavery over freedom deserve to be slaves.

  38. Projection, of course. Blah people never carry guns to movies, obsess about "imaginary" ways whitey is out to get them and keep them from voting.

  39. What's that u say about conservatives, wingnut?

  40. What does this mean?

    Sad news. My MLK project involvement has ended. I did an extensive rewrite of the script, but the producers won’t go with it.
    The script dealt w/ issues of adultery, conflicts within the movement, and King’s spiritual transformation into a higher, more radical being
    I’m told the estate & the ‘respectable’ black community that guard King’s reputation won't approve it. They suffocate the man & the truth.

    "Respectable black community?"

    As opposed to the dis-respectable black community that believes in the truth?

    So FN, are you a member of the respectable black community?

  41. Former Rep. Patrick Kennedy says President Barack Obama is wrong about the dangers of marijuana, saying that the drug today is not like what the president smoked in his youth.
    “I mean, if the president feels alcohol is worse than tobacco,

    From a family of substance abusers that made the family fortune from bootlegging alcohol.

    Double Standard


  42. If alcohol was invented tomorrow it would be classified as a hard drug, like heroin or crack. It's an extremely addictive killer that takes 2.5 million lives every single year.

    To suggest that marijuana comes even close to causing that much damage would be laughable.

  43. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Marijuana saps the life out of people rendering them lethargic and useless...they aren't good for anything.

    Of course, PC wants to see America go down.

  44. Let's see Plantation boy, blah folks have been lynched, enslaved, prevented fron voting or attending public schools, spied on by the government, given syphillis by that same government so yeah we do get a pass on a little bit of paranoia. Now you goofy white boys.......

  45. 12 Years, not quite. Dr. King rightfully called out the Republicans on their racism. Read his remarks about the 1964 gop convention. Unless you want to continue to project your ignorance about the man. Anyway, why leave a diverse plantation for one that's all white and wants to remain so? Ya'll don't want us in your party so be honest.

  46. Anonymous12:18 AM

    "hateful homos need to come own this madness. maybe then folks can get real about yuckiness coming in all orientations in large numbers these last end days."

    I see you love the safe-hating black lesbian blogger, Sandra Rose.

    Check this out (everyone, I am sure, has heard about this by now). A few days ago two black women, Monifer Denise Sanford and Zackieya Latrice Avery, stabbed to death two toddlers as part of a group called the "Devil's Assassins". Ms. Rose has not blogged about this event. And neither have you. I wonder why?

    Hateful black women need to come own this madness, to quote FP.

  47. Anonymous12:44 AM

    "quite a few gay bfolks like to focus on their gayness over their Blackness."

    Yes, many black LGBT people are coming to their senses and getting the hell out of harm's way which is away from BLACK HOMOPHOBIA. Good for them. Gay bashing (from name calling to murder and everything in between) is at epidemic levels in black so-called "communities" these days and is getting worse. Many straight black people seem to be angry and upset over the ascendancy of the LGBT movement. The fact that straight black people got their "rights" in the 1960s (the civil rights legislation passed in that decade) seems to escape these people.

    Btw, aren't straight BW being encouraged by BWE proponents to put their femaleness over their blackness (in other words, get out of "Blackistan")? Each individual has to do what's best for himself/herself. What's wrong with that? Shouldn't black LGBT people have the same options as straight black women?


  48. King weighed in on the Republican party during his lifetime. In Chapter 23 of his autobiography, King writes this about the 1964 Republican National Convention:

    "The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism. All people of goodwill viewed with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right. The “best man” at this ceremony was a senator whose voting record, philosophy, and program were anathema to all the hard-won achievements of the past decade.
    Senator Goldwater had neither the concern nor the comprehension necessary to grapple with this problem of poverty in the fashion that the historical moment dictated. On the urgent issue of civil rights, Senator Goldwater represented a philosophy that was morally indefensible and socially suicidal. While not himself a racist, Mr. Goldwater articulated a philosophy which gave aid and comfort to the racist. His candidacy and philosophy would serve as an umbrella under which extremists of all stripes would stand. In the light of these facts and because of my love for America, I had no alternative but to urge every ***** and white person of goodwill to vote against Mr. Goldwater and to withdraw support from any Republican candidate that did not publicly disassociate himself from Senator Goldwater and his philosophy."

  49. "MLK would be sick to his stomach if he could see how you slave chasers work so hard to keep black people on the Democrat plantation."

    Also Dr. King believed in taxing the rich to create government jobs when the private sector failed to create enough jobs. Does that sound conservative? Interesting.

  50. In the Dr.'s own words.

    "The contemporary tendency in our society is to base our distribution on scarcity, which has vanished, and to compress our abundance into the overfed mouths of the middle and upper classes until they gag with superfluity. If democracy is to have breadth of meaning, it is necessary to adjust this inequity. It is not only moral, but it is also intelligent. We are wasting and degrading human life by clinging to archaic thinking.

    The curse of poverty has no justification in our age. It is socially as cruel and blind as the practice of cannibalism at the dawn of civilization, when men ate each other because they had not yet learned to take food from the soil or to consume the abundant animal life around them. The time has come for us to civilize ourselves by the total, direct and immediate abolition of poverty."

    Hmm, seems the good Doctor wanted to redistribute wealth. Very conservative huh?

  51. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...

    Let's see Plantation boy, blah folks have been lynched, enslaved, prevented fron voting or attending public schools, spied on by the government, given syphillis by that same government so yeah we do get a pass on a little bit of paranoia.

    Ah, that explains why blacks vote for the same party that was behind all those atrocities you mentioned.

    Sounds more like Stockholm Syndrome than paranoia.

  52. No Bill. If you are too dumb to underdstand the Dem party has change since 50 years ago there's no need to even communicate with you.

  53. to the hateful homo-

    please know that BW are held accountable for all things.

    what i am asking is do homos only get loud + proud when they are pretending all that don't embrace/endorse their lifestyle "hate" gays? as they pretend all deviants are hets?

    folks were real quiet about the homo-ness of the linked madness. there is no telling how long ago the young man in the link was introduced into the lifestyle. folks wanted to throw blame at the feet of Black folks.

    divest from your Blackness all you choose. that will be fine. own the gay madness while you do it.

    OR do you folks dare to get vocal with all the rampant gay madness?

    i have Love for all folk in general. i don't particularly love Sandra Rose. as she does not seem to care too much for het Black women. she, like most gays, leverage the divide between Bm/BW. so the gay boys try convincing the het ladies all the mens are gay. lesbians like SR seem to want to convince the het ladies that the mens are gay + the ones that are not...can't stop acting like mindless animals because it is Bible.


    however, she will tell the ugly truth about the gay community/gay agenda set by non Black gays. THIS is why tow the line gays hate her so...


    Anon @ 2:43pm- But why must we continue to take such abuse? What's the point?


    those of US walking with Him are not really taking any abuse. those outside of His Will/protection are getting it all day. this is why some of US won't stop lifting up His Word/Him;)

  54. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "quite a few gay bfolks like to focus on their gayness over their Blackness."

    Yes, many black LGBT people are coming to their senses and getting the hell out of harm's way which is away from BLACK HOMOPHOBIA. Good for them. Gay bashing (from name calling to murder and everything in between) is at epidemic levels in black so-called "communities" these days and is getting worse. Many straight black people seem to be angry and upset over the ascendancy of the LGBT movement. The fact that straight black people got their "rights" in the 1960s (the civil rights legislation passed in that decade) seems to escape these people.

    Btw, aren't straight BW being encouraged by BWE proponents to put their femaleness over their blackness (in other words, get out of "Blackistan")? Each individual has to do what's best for himself/herself. What's wrong with that? Shouldn't black LGBT people have the same options as straight black women?

    12:44 AM
    Ah, more fragmentation of the black community. Well, soon there will be NO support whatsoever. Except maybe a church or two here and there? Yep. We are destined for hell. But Whites love to watch that black descent in the fire.
