Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Snowed in, but still chasing the big R.

I feel like I am living in Northern Minnesota right about now. Snow is all around me. *Memo to self: Buy a really nice snow blower this weekend*

This is crazy. I knew this was going to be a rough winter, but this is getting to be a bit too much for my Jamaican blood.

So anyway, snow or no snow; the racism chase must go on.

Tonight my first stop takes me to the state of North Carolina, a state where they are fast becoming as loony as some of their neighbors to the South.

How about this head scratcher?

"A North Carolina mother is reeling after an elementary school rewarded her black son with a Confederate Army hat.

When Natasha Lea's 9-year-old son Jacob got off his Reidsville school bus last week, she said she was absolutely floored by what she saw him wearing on his head.

"I said, let me see that hat," Lea emotionally recalled to MyFox8.
Jacob obediently handed her the grey flat-topped cap, which didn't have any outside markings on it. But when she looked inside, she saw the damning proof.
Its tag read "Confederate."

Of course, the clueless folks in the elementary school didn't seem to think that there was anything wrong with their contribution to this sad bit of irony.

Rockingham County Spokesperson Karen Hyler confessed that the hat was given away to Lea's son as part of a class prize in exchange for "big bucks," a kind of academic currency rewarded to their students." [Source]

But the gift wasn't given in a "malicious way" by his teacher, she said.

"Before winter break in December, the class had an auction where students could bid on different items using their 'big bucks,'"

No, it might not have been "malicious"; just incredibly stupid and insensitive. And, if you ask me, a little bit racist.

Speaking of racists, conservatives, in an effort to do away with the rights of minority voters, are now falsely claiming that the Voting Rights Act discriminates against white people. Yes, they really said that.

"Conservatives insist the congressional effort to strengthen the Voting Rights Act (VRA) unfairly discriminates against white voters. The claim rests on evidence that’s shaky at best—but could still make it harder for the bill to win the Republican support it needs.

The Voting Rights Amendment Act, unveiled Thursday by a bipartisan group of lawmakers, aims to update the formula used to determine which areas of the country must get federal approval before making any changes to their voting rules—a system known as “pre-clearance.” In June, the Supreme Court struck down the law’s existing formula, under which almost all the southern states were covered, ruling that it was out of date.

In an interview last week with msnbc, Center for Equal Opportunity president Roger Clegg argued that the VRA’s pre-clearance system unfairly advantages those claiming discrimination. Clegg’s organization has fought to narrow the application of civil rights laws.

“They don’t like these laws, and so they’ve brought lawsuits, that’s fine,” Clegg said, referring to voting rights advocates. “If they can prove that there’s been racial discrimination they’ll win those lawsuits. Why would the deck be stacked further in their favor?”

Writing last week in National Review, Clegg made an additional argument against the new legislation. Clegg called the bill “color-conscious,” charging that it “offers protections for ‘minority voters’ that it withholds from ‘nonminority’ voters.”' [Source]

Look, I know that some of you white conservatives believe that you are losing your country to brown and black people, and that if you don't find ways to keep them away from the voting booth they will take away whatever power you think you have.

But here is the deal: Voting with people of color on some of the major issues of the day, might actually be more in line with your own best interest-- and better for you-- than voting with the party ---and for people--- who you believe have your best interest at heart.

Sorry, but unless you happen to be a major corporation, or you have enough money to own an NFL team; they are just not that into you.

In case you didn't notice, the wealth gap is really growing in the world. (The poorest 3.55 billion people must live on what the richest 85 people possess.) And every politician and every lobbyist ---who owns these politicians--- want to be with the guys with the big bank accounts; not the rest of the people. 

"Hans von Spakovsky, a senior fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation and a persistent critic of aggressive enforcement of civil rights laws, has gone further.

“For the first time, [GOP Rep. James] Sensenbrenner’s bill actually says that the protections of this amendment will only apply to racial minority groups, and they defined them in the law, and it specifically excludes white voters,” von Spakovsky told the Washington Times.

He added, “They’re basically giving a ‘get out of jail free’ card to black elected officials in the South, where they can discriminate all they want against white voters.”

Wouldn't it be nice, if, just for once, "white voters" and "black elected officials in the South" would come to realize that they all want the same thing?


  1. Good news, we have a similar pattern for the coming week so get ready for more snow. Give it up for Alberta Clippers, Manitoba Maulers and Saaskatchewan Steamers.
    You seem surprised. Conservative white males have always been playing the victim card since forever. Just listen to Limbaugh one day, I know I'd rather poke forks in my eyes too. Bill proves this everyday, in their minds everything is apples to apples so if the CRA helps women and people of color they have to have the same legislation for white males or it's hypocritical and a double standard. Nevermind the fact that white males have NEVER had their voting rights challenged but hey if you get it we want it too.

  2. "Wouldn't it be nice, if, just for once, "white voters" and "black elected officials in the South" would come to realize that they all want the same thing?"

    Yeah, white people's money.

  3. The Twosqueegee Airman thinks massive democrat voter fraud perpetrated in largely minority districts doesn't disenfranchise white voters.

    Go figure.

  4. Anonymous10:22 PM

    That's because PilotX is a fucking communist.

  5. Anonymous10:55 PM

    How 'dare' you call Pilot a communist! He is not. He is a Democrat who loves everyone except people like you. If you really knew PilotX you would love him with all of your heart. The man is a good dude who goes to Rev Wright's church and sings and prays.

  6. Anonymous11:03 PM

    Field, I really miss the snow and the winters on the East Coast. Seriously, I really do. This West Coast weather is boring and after awhile it really sucks.

    Did you know there are more suicides out West than East? You know why? Because no changes in weather causes depression whereas in Philly you don't have time to be depressed. You are busy trying to find the last snow blower in town.

    That East Coast weather keeps your mind occupied with 'surviving', instead of killing yourself out of boredom. Would you mind sending me a Tix for Philly? I lost all my money in Vegas and ended up in CA. It's a long story...too long to explain here on FN. Field, I am craving for some of that snow you got there. Please send tix.

  7. Let me try to understand your logic Colonel. In "minority" districts the vote is overwhelmingly Democratic so why praytell would there have to be fraud? This defies logic. Also if the district is overwhlemingly people of color how are white discriminated against? Are their votes not counted?
    Please use a bit of logic if possible next time. Ah who am I kidding?

  8. Colonel displays white conservative male paranoia. He is being discriminated against in an area he doesn't even live in. Maybe we shouldn't allow these psychos to vote, we almost ended up with Sarah Palin near the WH.

  9. Anonymous11:18 PM

    Field, ""A North Carolina mother is reeling after an elementary school rewarded her black son with a Confederate Army hat.

    When Natasha Lea's 9-year-old son Jacob got off his Reidsville school bus last week, she said she was absolutely floored by what she saw him wearing on his head."

    Brotha Field, I watched the news video about that event. Now don't you think the mother was overdoing it?

    don't you think she was overreacting to an innocent modern day mistake?

    Here's a tip for us all: it's not what happens that is terrible, it's how we respond to it. Will we ever learn that all that drama gets us no where? I mean, pretty soon we won't be able to take a shit in peace without some brotha or sista becoming outraged about the smell in bathroom from shitting.

    Now that poor boy has to deal with all those kids and teachers at that school. It's a damn shame the problems we create for ourselves.

    Some things are better if you just 'let them go'.

  10. Anonymous11:23 PM

    PilotX, take anon11:18pm and learn how to let some things go. It brings instant relief and prevent early onset of paranoia.

  11. The Twosqueege Airman can't understand how a district that votes 100% democrat with over 100% turnout cancels out the votes of people who voted legitimately in other districts.

    Go figure.

  12. Well anon, I offer the same advice to my frothing at the mouth pissed off at the world take my gun everywhere I go conservative white male brothers. Oh yeah that's right, there's a blah guy in the WH. Never mind.

  13. NEGRONOIA11:31 PM


  14. Eskibro Joe11:35 PM

    Enjoy the Global Warming Field!

  15. Oh so white males aren't directly prevented from voting so they invent a ficticious "fraud" issue. Anyway that is a voting verification issue not a racially motivated one to be covered by the VRA no?

  16. Anonymous11:42 PM

    Anonymous NEGRONOIA said...

    11:31 PM
    Now see? I rest my case. Field, "Let some things go", Brotha....NEGRONOIA has a point. Stop trying to be Italian...give up the drama.

  17. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
    Give it up for Alberta Clippers, Manitoba Maulers and Saaskatchewan Steamers.

    I heard you prefer Cleveland Steamers.

  18. Anonymous11:45 PM

    FP, can you explain "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God"?

    What does that mean? Some folks say 'Word' was misinterpreted and that Reason would be better. Some say Word means Truth.

    What say you?

  19. The Twosqeegee Airman thinks hundreds of well documented cases of voter fraud are 'fictitious' and racially preferential voting laws aren't racist.

    Go figure.

  20. "Hundreds" of cases constitutes less than one percent of votes. .001% I think but I have to check. And show me how preventing voter suppression is racist. Oh yeah that's right, its white folks right to prevent us darkies from voting and when laws are passed to stop this it's discriminatory against white males. These guys are rich. The intellectual heft in the Republican party on display.

  21. The Twosqueegee Airman thinks the higher turnout of black voters means the black vote is the one being suppressed.

    Go figure.

  22. Um, I was going to comment on the R-word issues in this post, but I started thinking about how you and your family are suffering again in the cold, cold whiteness of winter, and a chill came over me. So, I bought one of your mugs instead. :-)

  23. Never said that dumbass. Republican logic at work.

  24. And the reason blah voter turnout is higher is because white conservative assholes couldn't prevent us from voting anymore despite their best efforts. Poll taxes anyone? How many bubbles are in a bar of soap? Should have asked hillbillies that one but they don't use soap.

  25. And there are efforts to suppress the blah vote. Fewer voting machines in our communities, Ohio anyone? Cutting voting hours and fewer days of early voting Ohio and Florida anyone? Moving polling places off college campuses and HBC's, NC we see you! Let's not forget what the official in Pennsylvania said about voter ID. I think I'll believe the AG and not a racist troll but nothing personal Colonel.

  26. Republican logic, the VRA worked so now we have to get rid of it. Then again Repubs hate a bunch of blahs voting. Something has to be done about that! Can't have another n in the WH.

  27. There never was any evidence of large scale voter fraud, this was simply yet another invented scandal.

  28. GrannyStandingforTruth5:54 AM

    @PC, yep, Republicans invent false scandals, but always wind up being involved in real scandals.

    I smell some more scandals coming besides the one with Christie. That's just the tip of the iceberg. You know this might turn out to be the year of scandals. Smh!

  29. You have to understand, in order keep their low IQ base frothing at the mouth, they have to create scandals.

    Pssst, Eskimo, it's called "climate change." Doesn't matter if it's hot or cold.

    Stop getting your talking points from the flat-earth people.

  30. TY Nordette. Now put some "Community Coffee" in that bad boy for me. :)

  31. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Just Got Paid said: “"black elected officials in the South" would come to realize that they all want the same thing?" Yeah, white people's money.”

    Wouldn’t you agree that if you worked for someone, you’d expect to get paid and not work for free? Also, whites gained their wealth from being evil, clinically unstable and improvident. Even further, it’s not only about money, it’s about LAND as well!

    Nat Turner

  32. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Colonel Corn said: “The Twosqueegee Airman thinks the higher turnout of black voters means the black vote is the one being suppressed.”

    No, that wasn’t his point. His PilotX’s point was and still is;… that racist like you and the Republican party are always devising devilish ways to change the laws to reduce black voters’ strenght at the poll through white machinations.

    I will now summarily demote you to a Private First Class!

    Nat Turner

  33. Trollonymous Burgundy8:09 AM

    Field, why did you link that racist disgusting site? I'm disgusted. I had to stop drinking my double mud latte.

    They saw nothing wrong with it huh? Just a hat? I bet those racists and that school would have thought twice to even consider a prized swastika.

  34. Didn't I read that the hat was one prize in a classroom auction? Does this mean the child chose it for himself? If so, the mother overreacted, suggesting that an adult (the teacher?) picked it out and put it on her boy's head. No, I think it just might have been something that the kid saw, and he wanted, and he got. It's because he's a good student that he won anything at all. Doesn't that count for something?

  35. ""black elected officials in the South" would come to realize that they all want the same thing?" Yeah, white people's money.”

    "Money ain't got no owners, only spenders."

    Omar Little

  36. Boss Man Manny9:44 AM

    Blogger field negro said...
    You have to understand, in order keep their low IQ base frothing at the mouth, they have to create scandals.

    War on Women, anyone?

    Jig field, jig.

  37. Boss Man Manny9:47 AM

    Republicans want to take away your right to vote!

    Jig field, jig.

  38. Boss Man Manny9:52 AM

    Enforcing immigration law is racist!

    Jig field, jig.

  39. War On Christmas anyone?

    Jig Boss Man, jig

  40. Ben Ghazi 'scandal' anyone?

    Jig Boss Man, jig

  41. Post-Racial America, anyone?

    Jig Boss Man, jig

  42. The Purple Cow said...
    "There never was any evidence of large scale voter fraud, this was simply yet another invented scandal."

    Just like there wasn't any evidence Bush stole the 2000,2004, elections.

    Just more scary republican meme to keep negroes on the democrat plantation.

  43. The Purple Cow said...
    There never was any evidence of large scale voter fraud, this was simply yet another invented scandal.

    Since it wasn't large scale it becomes an invented scandal?

    So we agree it wasn't like the vast right-wing scandal/conspiracy that made up that monica lewinsky lie?

    Thousands of voter registration forms faked, officials say

    Court upholds conviction in ACORN voter registration case

    ACORN Voter Pleads Guilty to Election Fraud


    Acorn Charged in Voter Registration Fraud Case in Nevada

    Voter Fraud Deniers Ignore the Facts

    Funny how many of those small scale voter fraud convictions go to acorn.

  44. Boss Man Manny11:19 AM

    If banning people from even mentioning their faith in the public sphere is not a violation of the First Amendment right to freedom of religion, I don't know what is.

    "Post racial America" was Obama's promise, which he completely reneged on by being the most racially divisive President ever.

    And Benghazi was a very real scandal, in which four real people died real deaths based on real mistakes that were motivated by real political motivations that were covered up by fake stories about a You Tube video.

  45. PilotX is a case study in paranoia and projection.

    Let me educated the democrat plantation negro.

    White people have been lynched, enslaved, prevented from voting and attending public schools.

    No one in this country has been spied on more than white people.

    Syphilis? What about giving whites rabies and smallpox?

    What about Anthrax and lsd experiments? Agent orange and other weapons of war?

    No one in this world has been experimented on more than white people.

    So why can't white people get a pass on PilotX paranoia?

  46. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Snow bunnie anyone?

    jigg purple cow, jigg

  47. Voting with white people on some of the major issues of the day, might actually be more in line with black folks best interest-- and better for them-- than voting with the party ---and for people--- who you believe have your best interest at heart. "

    "Sorry, but unless you happen to be a major corporation, or you have enough money to own an NFL team; they are just not that into you.'

    I know thats right field. O

    Hobama has received more corporate money than any president in history.

  48. "No one in this world has been experimented on more than white people.

    So why can't white people get a pass on PilotX paranoia?"

    In this country? Really? Seems rather safe for you guys here. Well, maybe your paranoia is justified afterall. Just cool it with the knockout game paranoia and shit. That is a bit much.

  49. "Funny how many of those small scale voter fraud convictions go to acorn."

    Quick question, most of those links were for voter REGISTRATION charges not vote fraud. Isn't there a difference or are you trying to mislead? Nice try Bill but a day late and a dollar short as usual.

  50. Our resident genius Bill uses an opinion piece by a Republican official as evidence. SMDH. Here's a counter argument from the same link he provided.


    This guy is a real piece of work.

  51. Here's the author of Bill's contribution.

    About Cleta Mitchell:

    Cleta Mitchell is president of the Republican National Lawyers Association.

    Gee, a Republican arguing for more restrictive voter laws. I'm shocked.

  52. "Just like there wasn't any evidence Bush stole the 2000,2004, elections."


    "More mess was to come. Indeed, a little-known program aimed at curbing voter fraud in Florida was so badly designed and run that it wrongly targeted thousands of legitimate voters during the 2000 presidential election.

    Even worse, state officials in Tallahassee ignored clear warnings about the mounting mistakes and actually loosened criteria for matching voters' names with those of felons, putting more innocent people at risk of losing their right to vote.

    The so-called felon purge drew little attention during the bitter 36-day recount battle between Texas Gov. George W. Bush and Vice President Al Gore last fall. But a review by The Times of thousands of pages of records, reports and e-mail messages suggests the botched effort to stop felons from voting could have affected the ultimate outcome.

    The reason: Those on the list were disproportionately African American. Blacks made up 66% of those named as felons in Miami-Dade, the state's largest county, for example, and 54% in Hillsborough County, which includes Tampa.

    Those individuals' politics are unknown, but African Americans voted more than 9 to 1 for Gore across the state. And Bush ultimately won Florida by only 537 votes of nearly 6 million cast."



  53. These emails date back to 2004 but the reason for importance is because the RNC's latest tactics match these documents. Many of the people involved in the vote caging are now either working with McCain's campaigning or on the Board of Elections. See here http://www.advancementproject.org/


    For verification, see Tim Griffin who's doing oppo research for RNC. Shawn Reinschmiedt Director of Research and Deputy Director of Communications. Christopher Guith Republican Attorney who authored the word documents. All these people are in most of these emails.

    I'm releasing this info out because if it does get out it will effect the election. 600,000 voters could lose their vote in Ohio if the RNC applies the same tactics and Ohio is the only state that has to release the amount of voters on their challenge lists as Christopher Guith notes in one of the emails.

    These documents have not been seen by practically anyone and no one has ever got hold of all of these documents. The RNC have done a good job at censoring these documents from getting out.

    Please note I've included also Maria Cino's Caroline Hunter's testimony which may be perjurous in light of the evidence.
    Some investigation on the caging list can be seen here which helps prove that caging itself is racially biased http://blackvoternet.com/caginglist.htm

  54. Natty Hair Turner12:40 PM

    Would have made no difference. There is no evidence of voter fraud or Bush stealing elections.

    Straphanger Saves Woman From Subway Gang Attack by Teenage Girls


    No reason to be fearful of blacks. Whites and Asians do these sort of mob attacks everyday.

  55. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...

    "Funny how many of those small scale voter fraud convictions go to acorn."

    Quick question, most of those links were for voter REGISTRATION charges not vote fraud. Isn't there a difference or are you trying to mislead?

    Yes, a difference.

    Do you believe those acorn workers were going to use those fake registrations to balance the uneven leg of their kitchen table?

    Kinda like packaging drugs for sale is the first step of selling drugs.

  56. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
    "Just like there wasn't any evidence Bush stole the 2000,2004, elections."

    There never was any evidence of large scale voter fraud, this was simply yet another invented scandal.

  57. No unicorns spotted yet, other myths appear out of nowhere.

    Musician in coma after brutal attack in French Quarterhttp://www.wwltv.com/news/crime/New-Orleans-Musician-Brutally-Attacked-in-French-Quarter-241404861.html

    Breaking news, another myth shattered.

    Asian Unicorn' Spotted for First Time This Century

  58. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
    "So why can't white people get a pass on PilotX paranoia?"
    In this country? Really? Seems rather safe for you guys here.

    Here's a reasonable example...

    Police shooting at Redondo Beach man during Dorner manhunt was ‘reasonable mistake,’ DA says
    The officer then realized his mistake. Dorner was black. Perdue was white.


    What is strange about this incident is it wasn't a a poor or homeless white person.

  59. Did that Anon wingnut say whites were lynched, ennslaved, and prevented from attending public schools?

    If they did, it certainly wasn't sanctioned by THEIR govt.

  60. Natty Hair....I have some more breaking news for you:


  61. President Obama signed executive orders Thursday directing the Central Intelligence Agency to shut what remains of its network of secret prisons and ordering the closing of the Guantánamo detention camp within a year, government officials said.


    You can keep your doctor.

  62. "The state did not prosecute anybody for submitting fraudulent voter registration because it could not prove which canvassers were involved. But the court said the “evidence demonstrates that the possibility of fraud is real.”

    "“This is not a case of voter fraud, it’s a case of voter registration fraud,” Mr. Miller said. “I’m very confident that none of these fraudulent voter forms found their way into the voter registration rolls or to cast votes.”

    This is from Bill's alleged evidence that "massive voter fraud" was real.

    That's about as goos as it gets for him I'm afraid.

    Even the Conservative FactCheck.org website admits there was no ACORN voter fraud

    "The McCain ad accuses ACORN of "massive voter fraud." In the final presidential debate, John McCain added that ACORN "is now on the verge of maybe perpetrating one of the greatest frauds in voter history in this country, maybe destroying the fabric of democracy." Sounds scary, but is it true?
    There’s no evidence of any such democracy-destroying fraud. Here’s what is true: In recent years, ACORN employees have been investigated multiple times for voter registration fraud. ACORN workers have been convicted of submitting false voter registration forms in Colorado Springs in 2005, Kansas City, Mo., in 2006 and King County, Wash., in 2007. ACORN’s Las Vegas office was raided by a state criminal investigator on Oct. 7, 2008. ACORN workers are also the subjects of ongoing investigations in Wisconsin, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Indiana. The Indiana investigation started in early October and may involve thousands of fraudulent registration forms.

  63. Um Bill, the ACORN employees were paid by the number of registrations they obtained so when Mickey Mouse registered they got more money. It wasn't because ACORN wanted to throw the election.
    You are one special dude. You have to be 12 because this was cleared up years ago.

  64. Colonel Corn2:17 PM

    PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
    "most of those links were for voter REGISTRATION charges not vote "


    The Twosqueegee Airman thinks people commit voter registration fraud for fun. No one would actually use those fraudulent registrations to commit vote fraud.

    Go figure.

  65. Meanwhile in 2000 George W. Bush won an election in what was basically an American Coup d'état


  66. "The Twosqueegee Airman thinks people commit voter registration fraud for fun. No one would actually use those fraudulent registrations to commit vote fraud."

    No, the Acorn recruiters were paid an extra $5 bonus if they registered more than 20 voters in a day. That was a dumb idea, but it was actually Acorn who were being cheated, not the American electorate.

  67. uptownsteve2:43 PM

    Pilot X

    "Colonel displays white conservative male paranoia. He is being discriminated against in an area he doesn't even live in. Maybe we shouldn't allow these psychos to vote, we almost ended up with Sarah Palin near the WH."


  68. Colonel Corn3:15 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "the Acorn recruiters were paid an extra $5 bonus if they registered more than 20 voters in a day."

    Purple Cow thinks someone pays for fraudulent voter registrations without ever having the thought of using those registrations to commit vote fraud.

    Go figure.

  69. smallbrownsteve3:19 PM

    uptownsteve said...



    Who is this retard?

  70. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Two posts ago, I asked WHO WAS THIS BILL FELLA. I didn't get a response. However, after reviewing his infantile posts, it appears that he's the poster child for Mickey Mouse politics, sporting a baseball cap two sizes too small for his fat head!

    Give it a rest big fella, you cannot change what's already taken place.

    Nat Turner

  71. "No one in this world has been experimented on more than white people."


    allow me to finish this sentence:

    No one in this world has been experimented on more, by white people, than white people.

    got it, now? see, why Black folks can't cry you a river?


    are you saying Black folks have experimented on white folks?


    Anonymous said...

    FP, can you explain "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God"?

    What does that mean? Some folks say 'Word' was misinterpreted and that Reason would be better. Some say Word means Truth.

    What say you?

    11:45 PM


    Anon @ 11:45pm-

    the Scripture is pretty clear.



    John 1:1

    1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Almighty, and the Word was Almighty.


    "smart" folks may argue until Shiloh comes whether Word= reason, Truth, etc.

    for me, i believe that His Word/He = one + same.

    folks like to bicker...when it is clear that whether it is written that His Word/He is what time it is.

    whether folks see/understand His Word/Him as logic or reason... i don't see how that relates to steadfast refusal to believe + obey His Word/Him. folks plain + simply don't believe nor obey. will talk madcap disrespect if one of His stands, speaks + gives Him/His Word glory.

    i AM a witness;)

    if we look at the rest of that Law...we see, not much has changed:



    John 1:2-12, 14, 17, 29

    2 The same was in the beginning with Almighty.

    3 All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made.

    4 In Him was life; and the life was the light of men.

    5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehendeth it not.

    6 There was a man sent from Almighty, whose name was John.

    7 The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe.

    8 He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light.

    9 That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.

    10 He was in the world, and the world was made by Him, and the world knew Him not.

    11 He came unto His own, and His own received Him not.

    12 But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of Almighty, even to them that believe on His name;

    14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

    17 For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Yahushua Messiah (J-sus/Chr-st).

    29 The next day John seeth Yahushua Messiah (J-sus/Chr-st) coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of Almighty, which taketh away the sin of the world.


    "educating" folks to believe that there is no Creator nor creation is just beginning of folks forgetting His Word/Him + His Name.

  72. Well pc and px, there should have been massive arrests, lawsuits won, presidential elections overturned and changes in the way voters elect their president.

    Wait...There wasn't? Must be more leftwing b.s. spread throughout the fields.

  73. Anonymous4:24 PM

    The communists have stolen the last two presidential elections.

  74. i talked to an educated fella yesterday that made me tired...

    "there is no proof that Messiah ever walked the earth."

    so not only does this poor sleeping soul not know his true power. he refuses his history, which he needs in order to auto correct from his condition. but he also refuses to even look at His Word/Him from a humble place.

    when i asked what made his other books + professors the final word on the matter? why he chose to believe their puffed up notions + brand newly written books over THE Book:


    the sleeping soul from compton...all i could do was tell him he was very educated. this came after his on cue: "marriage is an institution, created by men, to OPPRESS women and children."

    promptly gave him some UNIVERSAL LAW, threw up prayers for his whole house to be saved + kept it moving...

    felt sad, tired + tickled. the devil sure makes his followers look + sound dumb.

    wrote about it here:


    the african sister with an attitude + bad wig hat he was with...worked the rest of my patience. thank Goodness BEFORE Mr. Er Uh hit my shakes dust button. baby girl worked overtime to explain, yes, the UN does many bad things. but the branch of the UN she worked with...THEY were the good guys that did the good things + she needed some $.

    this while talking all slow + explaining to me that africa was a continent...like she watches too much tv or one too many american music videos lol.

    can i just say:

    folks killing the wig hat game with evening make up applications in the morning should REALLY have sweet attitudes.


    why don't foreigners understand once you got your education...rather than asking me for UN $s, it would make more sense to take your educated salty behind home? fix your stuff + stop fleecing america. especially american Blacks that folks then turn around and disdain.

    abundant immigration from everywhere is not the answer to global terrorism.

    some of US American Blacks refuse to continue to do the heavy lifting for folks feigning brother/sisterhood...while making sure folks know we are not related too closely after they get what they want from US.

    everybody needs to walk His Word. it is time out for those of US making all efforts to do that being treated like we are to be attacked for it. just because we walk around smiling + sharing Good News does NOT mean we are soft, naive targets.

  75. all color Psalm 83 folks need to understand this.

    i gave baby girl with the bad 'do a hug at the end of it all. she was super challenged in our exchange.

    it really is tell the truth...shame the devil time in all camps. His Word/Him puts folks at immediate odds with the world. most folks don't like that, because it tends to mess with folks' comfort, safety + coins. those not worshiping Him are usually somewhere bowed down to mammon. or worse yet...nothing greater than their flawed/can't get Right without Him/His Word selves.


    Anon, i don't, of myself, have answers, really. everything i say + all wisdom will lead folks right to Him/His Word. this is where i suggest all get close + comfortable as we all work out our salvation with fear + trembling. ( not like omgoodness i am literally afraid. but with awe. we serve an awesome Yah, after all;) those of US wise enough to know this is the way...

    for those that don't know yet, i pray that He will compel them to seek His Word/Him in Messiah's Name.


    ps. even when i finish the absurd statement, correctly...it STILL does not have the ring of Truth to it.

    white folks love + live for hating/experimenting on non whites in huge staggering #s.

    declaring folks subhuman allows them to REALLY get their pale devil on.

    why would the edomites expect others to cry because they devour themselves + everyone else? how does that work, exactly?

    others that devour themselves usually have direct edomite intervention. think rwanda + chicago/other american war torn areas. the gov't doesn't just arm both sides of conflicts abroad. nor do they just dump narcotics in the inner cities. violence, suffering, addiction, war = big profits.

    as His Word/He says...some of the first, shall be last. the rest of these uber racist violent bad boys + girls got the grand pluck/rooting out from the earth, on tap. as it is written;)



    Proverbs 2:22- But the wicked shall be cut off from the earth, and the transgressors shall be rooted out of it.

    Proverbs 28: 4-5

    4 They that forsake the Law praise the wicked: but such as keep the law contend with them.

    5 Evil men understand not judgment: but they that seek the Sovereign understand all things.


    excerpts from insightful link. emphasis on the gridlock result of left/right divide.

    political games that divide + distract the people;(

    @ Nat Turner- 'ole wild, worldly wise, smart as a whipcracka Bill= that guy. player of the political games designed to divide + distract the people.

    to his credit, he told folks this quite plainly, in english. he is consistent. he will put enough good sense around bull ish to keep folks...confused. + coming back for more.


    some of US already called it;)+ been real clear about the fact that HUMANITY loses as a result of such foolish practices.


    back to the excerpt:

    "In a candid moment after WW1, Kuhn Loeb partner Otto Kahn
    explained that the Cabalist bankers "remake" the world
    by creating artificial conflicts and determining the outcome.
    These include world wars, the Cold War, and the "war on terror"
    not to mention the phony "Left-Right" divide that holds America in gridlock ."


    THIS little nugget right here, cracked me up after the UN wig hat episode from earlier in the day:

    "The thesis of this violent little essay on international politics is that League of Nations*, created to prevent war, has done nothing but breed and foster it."

    * The League of Nations was resurrected with new branding in 1945 as the UNITED NATIONS."

    - See more at: http://www.henrymakow.com/#sthash.FIgIG1lX.dpuf


  76. Who knew such a religious person hide so much hate in her heart.

    Wow. Nevertheless,my statement is fact. Just check the history of medicine and cures. Check out military experiments.

    Stop the hate and do some learning.

  77. Republican freeing...

    i AM neither religious nor hiding hate in my heart.

    your "fact" statement is supported by the same "fact" finders that declared Blessed Blacks subhuman.

    i don't hate white folks.

    i have no interest in patty caking folk either. white folks lie to themselves...nonstop. then get label slapping happy with whoever won't just agree.

    yes...military + scientific experiments are run, financed, etc by white folks.

    you might find more documented white cases, simply because others have been declared subhuman so stats don't even get collected.

    come over here playing with your whitened info...you should expect some resistance.

    thought you were happy to see me over here? lol. is that only if we happen to agree?

    that's mighty white of you. no compliment intended. many of you are all jacked up with whitened nonsense through no fault of your own. it is your bold refusal to get clued up that puts you firmly in the no patty cake zone.

    i have tried to be clear:

    the enemy to our souls hates US all.

    white supremacy is bad for humanity. it is especially bad for white folk.

  78. "Purple Cow thinks someone pays for fraudulent voter registrations without ever having the thought of using those registrations to commit vote fraud."

    They did not pay for fraudulent registrations, as we have already established.


    "Well pc and px, there should have been massive arrests, lawsuits won, presidential elections overturned and changes in the way voters elect their president."

    In a just society there would have been. However the entire thrust of American society is to reward the rich of the white capitalist elite at the expense of the working class.

  79. helping folks...

    this is supposed to be a "Chr-tian" nation. built on Biblical principles.

    isn't THAT the oft repeated HUGE/little white lie?

    guess when folks point out all the refusing to Love neighbors white folks love to do globally, while pretending they are being victimized...those "facts = "hatred"?

    you tell me to learn something.


    i AM doing what my people have been doing since the beginning of time.

    teaching folks. fishing for folks...

    Blessed Blacks had civilizations before white folks had ever ventured outside of their caucus caves.

    that's not hatred. that is fact. folks will need to UNwhiten + get UNbrandnew with their info. that melanin deficiency induced superiority will evaporate right on up. lol. THIS is the reason behind the bold refusal to connect with non whitened clues. while simultaneously trying to dodge the sins folks' fathers have heaped on their heads through their savage wickedness.

    you know, M Scott Peck wrote a book about the white collective. the people of the lie. this not to say all devils are white. the black, brown, red, + yellow devils all seem to be in service + bowed down to the hidden white devils. so i just bottom line the problem. colored devils will get plucked out as well. trust + believe...this thought does not make me sad. those that refuse to Act Right...after MUCH Grace/Mercy need to go.


    Scriptures addresses these HUGE/little white lie loving gentiles as well:



    Jeremiah 16: 16-21

    16 Behold, I will send for many fishers, saith the Sovereign, and they shall fish them; and after will I send for many hunters, and they shall hunt them from every mountain, and from every hill, and out of the holes of the rocks.

    17 For mine eyes are upon all their ways: they are not hid from my face, neither is their iniquity hid from mine eyes.

    18 And first I will recompense their iniquity and their sin double; because they have defiled my land, they have filled mine inheritance with carcases of their detestable and abominable things.

    19 O Sovereign, my strength, and my fortress, and my refuge in the day of affliction, the Gentiles shall come unto thee from the ends of the earth, and shall say, Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity and things wherein there is no profit.

    20 Shall a man make g-ds unto himself, and they are no g-ds?

    21 Therefore, behold, I will this once cause them to know, I will cause them to know mine hand and my might; and they shall know that my name is The Sovereign.


    white folks love to talk about nonviolence, the golden rule + the Bible. yet...stay in violation.

    i AM not a slave.

    in time i pray to be more religious. visiting the elderly + widows.

    for now He leads me to the fields...

    those that think i AM a white liberal indoctrinated version of things = strong delusion crew, indeed.

    some of US walk humbly with Him/His Word. we don't scratch our heads nor grin when things are not funny. speaking the Truth is what america needs.

    white folks telling the Truth would do well to talk among themselves. only those worshiping Him in Truth + His Spirit, all colors, will make the cut. lying/whitening/exempting yourselves from UNIVERSAL LAW does not change it.

    it tickles me that folks REALLY believe they will hold a nation in bondage, in the most inhumane of ways...to this day...and there will be NO consequences. like a gov't program that is designed to further enslave = that's all.

    superior intelligence.


    folks stay accusing Almighty of being a lie. 'cause that it wasn't us, it was our fathers + we won't knock it off today= pure wicked tragecomedy + outside of what's written...

    it is Love that prompts the hey, you might want to double check your info...

    don't get mad because your need to instruct others got interrupted with inconvenient details.

    land of free, home of brave. lol.

  80. Who are they? What country is being held in bondage?

  81. "Well pc and px, there should have been massive arrests, lawsuits won, presidential elections overturned and changes in the way voters elect their president."

    I wholeheartedly agree.

  82. "No, the Acorn recruiters were paid an extra $5 bonus if they registered more than 20 voters in a day. That was a dumb idea, but it was actually Acorn who were being cheated, not the American electorate."

    PC, just give up. Colonel Corn went to the same special ed school as Bill. He believes ACORN was going to try to rig the election. Paranoia in such massive amounts may not be too good.

  83. Anonymous2:56 PM

    "When Affirmative Action was White" this is a must read...
