Monday, March 03, 2014

Different Jokes for different folks.

Chelsea Handler was all over twitter on behalf of the Huffington Post making fun of black folks during the Oscars.

Of course I didn't find her tweets amusing, but I am sure that her fans did.

Now, the thing is, black folks are offended and rightfully so. (Mandela jokes?! You done lost your mind.)But let's not kid ourselves, Handler had every right to crack her jokes to her audience and she had a license to do so from the Huffington Post.

Now she says she is sorry, but we all know the deal, this is how she feels about certain subjects, and she let it be known by way of her acerbic and biting tweets. But she is now also playing the hottest new game in America: How to say I am sorry in a sound bite or in a quickly drafted letter from a publicist. 

To be perfectly honest, I might have seen her show maybe once when I just stumbled on it one late night, and until this incident I had forgotten that she even existed. Honestly, if I were to run into her out on the street I wouldn't know who she is. So, to me, it's not like some A-List star or television personality was on twitter blasting my people. We probably should just ignore Ms. Handler and she will go away. Hopefully.

"In a statement to theGrio, Perri Dorset, Huffington Post Senior Executive Director for Communications said, “the views [expressed by Handler] are not ours.”

“The Huffington Post occasionally has celebrities take over our Twitter handle including  Bill Maher during the State of the Union,” she added.

Handler ended her Huffington Post Twitter takeover with a simple “I’m sorry.” However today many are saying her apology was too little, too late."

I'm not. In fact, nd apology was not really needed. We understand where Ms. Handler was coming from. And, sadly, so does her fans.

Speaking of the Oscars, apparently Rush Limbaugh things that the only reason 12 Years A Slave won best picture is because of the word "Slave" in the title.

"Rush Limbaugh has not seen 12 Years a Slave, but he opined anyway on Monday that the only reason it won Best Picture at the Oscars was because it had the “magic word” of “slave” in the title. Limbaugh mocked the “self-satisfaction” of the awards ceremony and said that unlike at past Oscars, there wasn’t any “demonstrable political preaching” from anyone.

But what Limbaugh did pick up on was Ellen DeGeneresjoke that either 12 Years a Slave would win the big prize or everyone’s a racist. And Limbaugh believed that to be more true than anyone realized.
“If it was the only thing that movie won, it was gonna win best picture. There was no way. It didn’t matter if it was good or bad. I haven’t seen it. It was going to win. It had the magic word in the title. Slave.”
Notice he has never seen the movie, so he can't tell if it's actually a well made movie or not. But he does know that the movie won because of reverse racism and white guilt.

Funny how that works with conservatives. Like the fact that they are all fawning over Matthew McConaughey because he said the word God in his acceptance speech.

And why is this so special? Athletes (especially black ones)praise and thank God after damn near every game, and yes, even big ones with large Oscar size audiences. So why isn't that a big deal to conservatives? Oh that's right....


  1. Fnarf (Steve Thornton)9:36 PM

    Long-time reader, first-time commenter!

    I hate that I'm about to defend Chelsea Handler, because I acknowledge that her tweets on the night were indefensible. But I watch her show, and I think she's getting a bad rap here, even if it's her own fault.

    Her show is ridiculously profane and free-ranges often into taboo territory, but it is also one of the best places to go if you want to see people of color, women, and gay people on TV, both as regular panelists and as guests. Virtually every episode has black or Asian or mixed-race people on it, and they take part in the trash-talking too. There's a GREAT DEAL of racially-themed banter, which comes off pretty funny on her show but is obviously not appropriate in a more straight-laced setting like HuffPo or Twitter.

    She's not the first comedian to overstep that boundary, what works in a comedy setting vs. a broader audience. But whatever her faults, she's no Michael Richards, and I hope she doesn't get tagged with that label.

    That said, she's screwed up big time and deserves the heat she's taking. It will be interesting to see how she deals with it. I hope Loni Lane (African-American comedian) in to blister her hide a little, which she does every time she's on. I wouldn't expect a serious discussion of what she said or what it meant, but she'll take the heat. She always does.

  2. Bad calculation on the part of Huff Po. Maybe a smarter or more urbane person should take over next time?

    I feel ya about the god stuff. Watch any track meet and you'd think the old guy was coaching LSU or something.

  3. Anonymous10:02 PM

    "And why is this so special? Athletes (especially black ones)praise and thank God after damn near every game, and yes, even big ones with large Oscar size audiences. So why isn't that a big deal to conservatives? Oh that's right..."

    It's special because it's hollywood. It's a famous Hollywood actor who has God in his life. He is a leftist who is letting many leftists in Hollywood that he not only 'believes' in God, but he truly 'relies' on God. That is the big difference between an athlete who 'claims' to believe but is violent and 'doesn't' respect himself like McConaughey.

    Everyone knows what some athlete is going to say: "I thank my Mom and I thank God." And it's always in that order. But we know the deal: he is told to say this by his agent, and coach.

  4. Anonymous10:10 PM

    Field, "Funny how that works with conservatives. Like the fact that they are all fawning over Matthew McConaughey because he said the word God in his acceptance speech."

    You are full of bs. You know damn well Matthew said more than just God...he explained his relation with God and HOW important God is in his life and success.

    To date, I have not heard any athlete, esp a brother explain a deep relationship with God. He just says, "I thank God." However, we all know God is NOT part of his life. He proves it off, and on the field.


  5. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Field, our folks are too sensitive...waaay to sensitive. Especially your FN regulars with ID's. I am waiting for Granny to show up talking about what was said and how racist it was. PC too.

    Here we are on the verge of WWIII and YOU are concerned what Chelsea Handler tweeted during the Oscars! Lord have mercy.

    There is nothing wrong with Chelsea. She is a straight up white girl and will stand behind many Blacks. In fact, she even had a relationship with one. YOU obviously have never followed her show. But she does have a large black following who knows her and feels close to her.

    Besides, it is rumored that she was drunk off of Red Stripe while tweeting. Her boyfriend from Jamaica gave it to her. Now, don't you feel silly?

  6. Anonymous10:31 PM

    from the previous thread:

    Blogger PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
    Two things stand out to me in this Ukraine situation. 1. Putin would have made this move no matter who occupied the WH. 2. Too many Americans, especially those on the right, think our opinion carries weight on other nations. This doesn't have anything to do with us. I know some want to use this to say the biracial guy in the WH is weak but your boy in the Kremlin cares about what Marco Rubio thinks as much as he does his shoe shine boy.
    That's bull. If a Republican President had been in the WH, Putin would NOT have invaded the Ukraine. Why? Because a Republican President would have put our military on alert and sent ships over there. You know it. and I know it.

    Obama has proven again and again that he is a wimp. Now he is downsizing our military...for what? So Putin and Al Quada can kick our ass? That is utterly ridiculous.

    We need a President fast!

  7. my big fat Greek penis10:41 PM

    And why is this so special? Athletes (especially black ones)praise and thank God after damn near every game, and yes, even big ones with large Oscar size audiences. So why isn't that a big deal to conservatives? Oh that's right....

    Who says it's not "a big deal" to conservatives? I think many appreciate athlete's humility.

    As far as any response to McConaughey's remarks, it's probably the rarity - thanking God is not very popular in Hollywood.

  8. My goodness but aren't black people a little thin-skinned?

    Ms. Handler's tweets were pretty mild stuff.

    The first pokes fun at Angelina Jolie and the whole white celebrity craze for adopting black kids. She is the butt of the joke, not Lupita Nyongo.

    I guess the Mandela joke was in reference to Morgan Freeman, who actually does look like Mandela. So does Uncle Ben for that matter.

    But in Black Run America, no one is allowed to have the slightest bit of humor at the expense of black people.

    What a bunch of babies.

  9. Winner's Circle11:15 PM

    Rush is probably right, race did factor into the awards given 12 Years a Slave.

    Shit, we elected a President just because he was black, why wouldn't we give out Oscars for the same reason?

    How can you ever tell if black achievement is real or not as long as Affirmative Action exists?

    You can't.

  10. White guy11:24 PM

    "How can you ever tell if black achievement is real or not as long as Affirmative Action exists?

    You can't."

    So for the decade and centuries white affirmative action we couldn't tell if white achievements were real? Babe Ruth isn't a great hitter because players of color were kept out of professional baseball? Interesting idea.

  11. the GOP11:26 PM

    "That's bull. If a Republican President had been in the WH, Putin would NOT have invaded the Ukraine. Why? Because a Republican President would have put our military on alert and sent ships over there. You know it. and I know it."

    like when Russia invaded Georgia? That didn't stop em then did it?

    "Obama has proven again and again that he is a wimp. Now he is downsizing our military...for what? So Putin and Al Quada can kick our ass? That is utterly ridiculous."

    And downsizing it much less than Dick Cheney suggested when he was defense secretary. Save the selected outrage.

  12. Winner's Circle11:49 PM

    "So for the decade and centuries white affirmative action we couldn't tell if white achievements were real?"

    What? White affirmative action? Who would have given whites affirmative action?

    It's not affirmative action if you do it yourself.

    Affirmative action is something whites give blacks (and everybody else).

    After years of living in the fantasy land America has become, you apparently can't tell the difference between real success and being handed success.

    It's called achievement. It's a white thing, you wouldn't understand.

  13. "like when Russia invaded Georgia? That didn't stop em then did it?"

    Russia did not invade Georgia.

    Georgia invaded Russian held South Ossetia:

    During the night of 7 to 8 August 2008, Georgia launched a large-scale military offensive against South Ossetia, in an attempt to reclaim the territory.[54] Georgia claimed that it was responding to attacks on its peacekeepers and villages in South Ossetia, and that Russia was moving non-peacekeeping units into the country. The Georgian attack caused casualties among Russian peacekeepers, who resisted the assault along with Ossetian militia. Georgia successfully captured most of Tskhinvali within hours. Russia reacted by deploying units of the Russian 58th Army and Russian Airborne Troops into South Ossetia one day later, and launched airstrikes against Georgian forces in South Ossetia and military and logistical targets in Georgia proper. Russia claimed these actions were a necessary humanitarian intervention and peace enforcement.[55][56][57]

    Russian and Ossetian forces battled Georgian forces throughout South Ossetia for four days, the heaviest fighting taking place in Tskhinvali. On 9 August, Russian naval forces allegedly blockaded a part of the Georgian coast and landed marines on the Abkhaz coast.[58] The Georgian Navy attempted to intervene, but was defeated in a naval skirmish. Russian and Abkhaz forces opened a second front by attacking the Kodori Gorge, held by Georgia.[59] Georgian forces put up only minimal resistance, and Russian forces subsequently raided military bases in western Georgia. After five days of heavy fighting in South Ossetia, the Georgian forces retreated, enabling the Russians to enter uncontested Georgia and temporarily occupy the cities of Poti, Gori, Senaki, and Zugdidi.[60]

    Through mediation by the French presidency of the European Union, the parties reached a preliminary ceasefire agreement on 12 August, signed by Georgia on 15 August in Tbilisi and by Russia on 16 August in Moscow. Several weeks after signing the ceasefire agreement, Russia began pulling most of its troops out of uncontested Georgia. Russia established buffer zones around Abkhazia and South Ossetia and created checkpoints in Georgia's interior. These forces were eventually withdrawn from uncontested Georgia. However some Western officials insist the troops did not return to the line where they were stationed prior to the beginning of hostilities as described in the peace plan.[61][62] Russian forces remain stationed in Abkhazia and South Ossetia under bilateral agreements with the corresponding governments.[63]

  14. The Real Winner12:43 AM

    "What? White affirmative action? Who would have given whites affirmative action?"

    They gave themselves affirmative action. They kept all other qualified folks out and pretended they achieved something. Is that really an achievement if you didn't compete against the best and brightest? But yet and still we hold white achievement as some kind of standard. Black achievement today is purer than past white achievement because at least now everyone has a fair chance. Babe Ruth couldn't hold Josh Gibson's jock strap but he's considered the best because white males were afraid to compete and now they use the excuse of affirmative action when they are outdone. Stay classy.

  15. Anonymous12:44 AM


    At least the standards are being raised with wikipedia. At least it's not youtube. The intellectual level is slowly increasing.

  16. Anonymous12:47 AM

    "Georgia invaded Russian held South Ossetia"

    And what did Bush do to stop it? Had he been less of a wimp it would have never happened. If only we had a strong leader at the time. Al Gore wouldn't have let it happen.

  17. Russia wouldn't have invaded the Ukraine because W. saw into his soul and knew he could trust him.


    By MICHAEL R. GORDON, Special to The New York Times
    Published: June 20, 1990

    Defense Secretary Dick Cheney today sent to Congress his promised plan for cutting the armed forces by 25 percent over the next five years, outlining a smaller Army, Air Force and Navy than proposed by the military services.

  19. Winner's Circle1:00 AM

    "They gave themselves affirmative action."

    You can't give yourself affirmative action.

    When you do it yourself, it's called achievement.

    You really can't understand it, can you? Good thing for you there is affirmative action.

    And good thing there are white people around to give it to you.

  20. Try some facts, Jack1:02 AM

    "At least the standards are being raised with wikipedia. At least it's not youtube."

    Don't believe your lyin' eyes, mouthbreather.

  21. Colon Bowell1:04 AM

    Georgia invaded Russian held South Ossetia"

    And what did Bush do to stop it?

    You're right, we should have attacked Georgia in order to save the Russians.

    What was Bush thinking?

  22. Anonymous W. said...


    Well gee Einstein, if you remember, in 1990 we had just won the Cold War, and it kind of made sense to cut back some on military spending.

    In contrast, Obama is not only cutting a much smaller military, but he destroying it from the inside by institutionalizing homosexuality, pushing women into combat positions they aren't qualified for, cutting pay, benefits and pensions to sap morale, and purging thousands of competent officers and replacing them with politically-motivated appointees.

  23. Anonymous1:34 AM

    "When you do it yourself, it's called achievement."

    Do what yourself? Exclude more qualified and better people of color? That's a weird definition of achievement. When unqualified white males were "given" airline pilot jobs over more qualified military trained people of color and women was that doing it yourself? That sounds like white male affirmative action to me bub. Ask your daddy and granddaddy about that, they received affirmative action but it looks like you still couldn't achieve. Sad.

  24. "So why isn't that a big deal to conservatives?"

    "Athletes (especially black ones)praise and thank God after damn near every game, and yes, even big ones with large Oscar size audiences."

    That is why....

    Religious people (mostly Christians and Catholics) are use to white liberals mocking God and them.

    So when one thanks God, it is noted.

  25. teh stupid1:40 AM

    "Well gee Einstein, if you remember, in 1990 we had just won the Cold War, and it kind of made sense to cut back some on military spending."

    Because Cheney had a crystal ball and could see future threats clearly huh?

    , "but he destroying it from the inside by institutionalizing homosexuality, pushing women into combat positions they aren't qualified for"

    Because there weren't any gays in the military before Barack huh? And those womens, how do you know they aren't qualified for the positions they are being chosen for? Have you tested each and every one and determined their fitness? Women have been serving quite handily in the Israeli military for years or is it just American womenfolk who are unqualified?

    "cutting pay, benefits and pensions to sap morale"

    Check to see who cut benefits previously. It may surprise you.

    "purging thousands of competent officers and replacing them with politically-motivated appointees."

    Proof of this or are you just pulling this one out of your ass? Officers are selected by completing training courses, graduating from an academy or joining ROTC not chosen by the PRESIDENT. You are a dumbass, you must be a wm AA beneficiary.

  26. Anonymous1:42 AM

    So you admit affirmative action"excludes more qualified and better people"?

  27. Anonymous1:45 AM

    "And those womens, how do you know they aren't qualified for the positions they are being chosen for?"

    Because they can't meet the same standards has their male counterparts.


  28. Home> ABC News
    Bush Defense Cuts Loom
    W A S H I N G T O N, Aug. 15

    Though President Bush campaigned for election by promising the military "help was on the way" after what he called years of neglect, his administration is now finalizing proposals this week for making big cuts in the armed forces.

    We already outspend the next eight militaries in the world combined. It's not realistic to expect Bush to put most of the rest of the remaining surplus into a defense buildup," said Michael O'Hanlon, senior fellow at the Brookings Institution.

    Though Bush came into office promising to help restore the military, economic reality has overtaken campaign rhetoric.

    "To keep this military, you'd have to increase the budget by $50 billion each and every year in the future," O'Hanlon said. "There is just no political way that's going to happen. Mr. Bush's tax cut makes it implausible."

  29. Anonymous1:47 AM

    "So you admit affirmative action"excludes more qualified and better people"?"

    So you admit to the existence of white male affirmative action?

  30. Anonymous1:48 AM

    "Because they can't meet the same standards has their male counterparts."

    What are the standards?

  31. Anonymous1:50 AM

    "So you admit to the existence of white male affirmative action?"

    Who gave this to white males? God?

  32. Anonymous1:51 AM

    "Religious people (mostly Christians and Catholics) are use to white liberals mocking God and them."

    : religious people are used to throwing their beliefs in others' face and when someone doesn't want to be forced to listen to their crap its persecution or mocking.

  33. Anonymous1:52 AM

    "Who gave this to white males? God?"

    Define affirmative action.

  34. ...'Just filed adoption papers..' With that Joke she could had inserted a number of names.. Jolie or Madonna would be easy targets.. it would have been more risque if she had said Bono ( or something!) They are racist jokes, but that one I kinda get.. that one's kinda satirical

  35. Bullshit detector1:54 AM

    "Because they can't meet the same standards has their male counterparts."

    Yes they can, they've been flying combat aircraft for years. They've also been serving well in the Israeli military.

    Still haven't given proof of political officer appointees. Can you find one?

  36. Anonymous1:55 AM

    " religious people are used to throwing their beliefs in others' face and when someone doesn't want to be forced to listen to their crap its persecution or mocking."

    You are probably the kind of douchebag who gets pissed when someone says "bless you" after you sneeze.

  37. "Still haven't given proof of political officer appointees. Can you find one?"

  38. Bullshit spewer said...

    "Because they can't meet the same standards has their male counterparts."



    Our review of the evidence indicates that there is consistent and relatively strong support for the general hypothesis that a specific set of social– cognitive motives are significantly related to political conservatism. Almost all of our specific hypotheses were corrob- orated. Effect sizes with absolute values of weighted mean rs ranging from .18 to .27 were obtained for variables of uncertainty avoidance; integrative complexity; needs for order, structure, and closure; and fear of threat in general. Stronger effect sizes were observed for dogmatism, intolerance of ambiguity, openness to experience, mortality salience, and system instability (with weighted mean rs ranging from .32 to .50). On the basis of this evidence, we conclude that a set of interrelated epistemic, existen- tial, and ideological motives successfully predict the holding of politically conservative attitudes. As illustrated in Figure 1, how people respond to threatening environmental stimuli, such as fear and uncertainty, plays a significant role in the development and expression of political beliefs concerning resistance to change, inequality, and other core aspects of conservative ideology.

  40. StillaPanther23:28 AM

    agree with several commenters in regard to my race being too easily slighted. Come on "made in America people"... ignore those slights. A people that has been "given" their civil rights will always be seen as less than.

    I could name all the groups that the majority don't call names and slight them. The top of the list will be the Jews. Can't talk about them because their strength lies in their control of America's wealth. Can't talk about the Orientals... they kicked our Government in Vietnam.(Noticed I said "Government"... we the troops have many situations where we were constantly held back [at least in my mind]from carrying our missions).Now the Vietnamese most likely caught the fish that you had at the Red Lobster. We dropped bombs on the Japanese.... they recouped and prospered even more. These are not people that would tolerate racial taunts.

    MY FEELINGS about Brother Mandela. I got to respect his personal fortitude to survive such a long period in jail and maintained what appeared to be sanity. He gets no respect from his oppressors because he allowed their brutality and humanity theft to remain after he took office. Remind me of our plight. Getting free and then saying "Master, what do I do now?. 50 years later and- to me- we are trying to be Black only when we can be perceived as aggrieved. If not, I must be in some twilight zone. I don't have to write who my Black brothers run to and to whom my Black sisters physically change to.... when they can.

    As a side note. Did any of the Brothers at the Oscars come with a Sister... other than Will Smith? Poor African sister came with her brother. So I would like my people that can't play in the majority (white world) to let those with power deal with the slights. I am sure those Brothers at the Oscars with their non Black choices did not say anything and this Chelsea is one of them. Crickets......

  41. More reading on the causes of conservatism here, if anyone is interested.

    Many different theoretical accounts of conservatism over the past 50 years have stressed motivational underpinnings, but they have identified different needs as critical. Our review brings these diverse accounts together for the first time. Variables significantly associated with conservatism, we now know, include fear and aggression (Adorno et al., 1950; Altemeyer, 1998; Lavine et al., 1999), dogmatism and intolerance of ambiguity (Fibert & Ressler, 1998; Frenkel-Brunswik, 1948; Rokeach, 1960; Sidanius, 1978), uncertainty avoidance (McGregor et al., 2001; Sorrentino & Roney, 1986; Wilson, 1973b), need for cognitive closure (Golec, 2001; Jost et al., 1999; Kemmelmeier, 1997; Kruglanski & Web- ster, 1996), personal need for structure (Altemeyer, 1998; Schaller et al., 1995; Smith & Gordon, 1998), terror management (Dechesne et al., 2000; Greenberg et al., 1990, 1992; Wilson, 1973d), group-based dominance (Pratto et al., 1994; Sidanius, 1993; Sidanius & Pratto, 1999), and system justification (Jost & Banaji, 1994; Jost et al., 2001; Jost & Thompson, 2000).

    From our perspective, these psychological factors are capable of contributing to the adoption of conservative ideological contents, either inde- pendently or in combination.

  42. Dogmatism

    A long-standing controversy within the psychological study of ideology has to do with whether intolerance, closed-mindedness, and cognitive simplicity are associated more with right-wing atti- tudes than with left-wing attitudes (e.g., Eysenck, 1954; Eysenck & Wilson, 1978; Sidanius, 1985, 1988; Tetlock, 1983, 1984; Wilson, 1973c). An early and persistent criticism of the work on authoritarianism, for example, has been that, in its zeal to identify right-wing dogmatism, it has failed to diagnose the dogmatism of the left (e.g., Rokeach, 1960; Shils, 1954). Over the years, there have been numerous backers of both the rigidity-of-the-right hy- pothesis (e.g., Altemeyer, 1981; Christie, 1956) and the more symmetrical extremist-as-ideologue hypothesis (e.g., Ray, 1973; Shils, 1954). W. F. Stone (1980) concluded that there was virtually no evidence for the syndrome of left-wing authoritarianism and that rigidity and closed-mindedness were consistently associated more with conservative thinking styles than with their alternatives. This position has been echoed by Altemeyer (1981, 1998) and Billig (1984), among others.


  43. Have some rice.......when did America become black run? And where are the black folks running it? Would love to hook up with them. I have some suggestions.:)

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Is that the best you can do, purple cow? Copy and paste agenda driven, liberal bullshit studies?

    'when did America become black run?'

    When Obama and Holder took over this b*tch?

    When black people started targeting and victimizing whites without fear of law enforcement or prosecution.

    When affirmative action excludes more qualified and better white people.

    When discrimination against whites became legal and the norm here in America.

    Black run America is here.

    Purple Cow is right about one thing-America is fucked.......

  46. agentX10:04 AM

    Looking at the tweets, they weren't as bad as I thought.
    The adoption papers one was funny, I didn't get #3 and #4, and #2 was the only one that crossed the line. If she slammed Tyler Perry, GOOD! As far as I'm concerned, when it comes to Tyler Perry, Rush Limbaugh, and Uncle Clarance, N-Word privileges are in-effect. There are worse things you can call them than the N-Word.

  47. Anonymous10:13 AM

    "When black people started targeting and victimizing whites without fear of law enforcement or prosecution."

    Bullshit, you mean like whites had been doing for centuries? If this were true it's payback but we know it ain't true.

    "When affirmative action excludes more qualified and better white people."

    But it was ok when whites did it?
    Just admit that sometimes white folks just ain't the best qualified believe it or not.

  48. Anonymous10:15 AM

    "You are probably the kind of douchebag who gets pissed when someone says "bless you" after you sneeze."

    You are probably the kind of moron who makes stupid assumptions about other people.

  49. Anonymous10:19 AM

    "The latest two to fall from grace, Navy Vice Adm. Ted “Twig” Branch, director of naval intelligence, and Rear Adm. Bruce Loveless, director of intelligence operations, were stripped of their security clearances last week, effectively ending their careers. They allegedly engaged in “inappropriate conduct” over a Navy contracting scandal related to scheduling port visits in Southeast Asia during the past decade.

    Read more:
    Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter"

    So these guys go fired for inappropriate behavior? Semms logical.
    BTW you offer as proof an opinion piece? Not a news report but an oped? You are a piece of work.

  50. Berekeley Fruit and Nut Company10:21 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    More reading on the causes of conservatism here, if anyone is interested.

    No one is interested in pre-packaged liberal bigotry masquerading as 'science' except liberal bigots.

  51. Anonymous10:22 AM

    "Personal indiscretions past and present notwithstanding, perhaps something even more sinister is going on today.

    Read more:
    Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter"

    Perhaps? This asshat doesn't even know what's going on he's speculating and you offer this as evidence? Weak man, weak.

  52. Anonymous10:24 AM

    J.D. Gordon is a retired Navy commander and former Pentagon spokesman who served in the Office of the Secretary of Defense from 2005 to 2009.

    Read more:
    Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

    Wow, an op ed from a former Bush administration official. Shocking he concludes his boss was better than the guy who didn't need his services.

  53. Anonymous10:28 AM

    "In 2011, Gordon became Vice President of Communications and Chief Foreign Policy and Security Adviser for the 2012 Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain.[14] Grace Wiler of Business Insider described Gordon's dual role as both campaign spokesman and foreign policy adviser as further evidence that Cain had "completely thrown out the conventional campaign playbook."[15] From its analysis of Gordon's columns and television appearances prior to the campaign, The Nation magazine wrote, "it would appear that Cain is getting the same national security advice he would from Dick Cheney."

    You mean you're getting your info from the guy who advised Mr. Ubekki bekki bekki bekkistan? Really? Ugh.

  54. Anonymous10:31 AM

    field negro said...

    Have some rice.......when did America become black run? And where are the black folks running it? Would love to hook up with them. I have some suggestions.:)

    Well, there is Barack Obama, Valerie Jarret, Eric Holder, Jeh Johnson, and Susan Rice (to name of few) out there pretty much running the executive branch of the US government.

    But the concept of Black Run America is not that America is run by blacks, but that it is run for Blacks.

  55. Bullshit detector10:32 AM

    "Indeed, numerous Navy women who are candidates at the Rescue Swimmer School at Pensacola Naval Air Station successfully met the requirement of four pull-ups to be admitted to the program and eight to graduate at the end of five weeks."

    Looks like given the training women can meet the same standards as men. Just ask the women who are rescue swimmers. I bet they can kick your ass in the pool and probably out of it. Can you meet the standards of rescue swimmers? My guess is no.

  56. teh stupid10:34 AM

    "But the concept of Black Run America is not that America is run by blacks, but that it is run for Blacks."

    Because history has shown white folks can't wait to run the country for our benefit.
    Oh the stupid in this one just hurts.

  57. teh stupid stupid10:43 AM

    History also shows us blacks can't wait to tell whites what to do.Think.Feel.

    "Looks like given the training women can meet the same standards as men."

    Why is the DOD lowing standards and training requirements? Why are women still having trouble meeting lower standards?

  58. "Looks like given the training women can meet the same standards as men."

    No, moron, that's not the case.

    The female requirement for Marines was three pullups. Over half of all women who completed their basic training could not do it:

    The Marine Corps found itself in such a predicament this week when it reported that 55 percent of female Marines in boot camp couldn’t perform the minimum three pull-ups. (The top score for male Marines is 20 pull-ups; for women, it’s eight pull-ups.)

    Women can do a lot of things, but they do not have the upper body strength of men. Upper body strength has been determined to be a requirement for combat duty. We are lowering our requirements for social engineering purposes so that women can fill combat positions.

    This is probably for show and for female career advancement, but if actually implemented will result in these women getting slaughtered, along with their make counterparts who have to try to protect them.

    We do this because as a culture we are insane.

  59. the smart11:17 AM

    Because history has shown white folks can't wait to run the country for our benefit.
    Oh the stupid in this one just hurts.

    Whether most white people want it or not, everything is being run for the benefit of black people.

    If your stupidity is hurting you, take an aspirin.

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. "No one is interested in pre-packaged liberal bigotry masquerading as 'science' except liberal bigots."

    Your boys dared me to provide a link to a cited, peer-reviwed journal - so I did.

    To demand that I provide a link and then complain when I do, is dim-sited by even your execrable standards.

  63. teh stupid2:05 PM

    "Whether most white people want it or not, everything is being run for the benefit of black people."

    You are dumber than Bill if that's even possible. You must be Legacy's kid.

  64. He-man woman hater2:08 PM

    "This is probably for show and for female career advancement, but if actually implemented will result in these women getting slaughtered, along with their make counterparts who have to try to protect them."

    Dummy, to be a Navy rescue diver you have to do more than three pull ups and women are rescue divers so that means what? With proper training they can improve upper body strength.
    Have you checked to see if female Israeli soldiers are getting their male counterparts killed? Let me know what you find out He-man.

  65. Anonymous2:11 PM

    "History also shows us blacks can't wait to tell whites what to do.Think.Feel."

    Can you please show us this history? From what I see white folks are the ones telling folks what's best for them. "We know what's best for our nigras, we don't need you outside agitators."
    Projection is strong in this one.

  66. Anonymous2:13 PM

    "Why is the DOD lowing standards and training requirements? Why are women still having trouble meeting lower standards?"

    Hasn't been done yet. The Marines have always had pretty high physical standards for females and males.
    Have you served Anonymous Gunny?

  67. Anonymous2:16 PM

    From the March 2014 Harper's Index:

    Number of Academy Award winners in the past twenty years who thanked God in their acceptance speeches: 7

    Who thanked Harvey Weinstein: 30

    Figures cited are the latest available as of January 2014.

  68. Anonymous2:31 PM

    "Number of Academy Award winners in the past twenty years who thanked God in their acceptance speeches: 7

    Who thanked Harvey Weinstein: 30"

    The number of people who give a fuck: 0

  69. Ace Freely2:52 PM

    Obama: All I'm Trying to Do is "Fix Things" Through Unconstitutional, Lawless Executive Power Grabs, and My Opponents Call Me a "Tyrant"

    He literally makes mockery of the Constitution.

    He is in fact trying to "fix things" -- elections, for example. His latest unilateral rewrite of American law is so transparently a purely political one that even left-leaning media says so. From the Hill:

    The Obama administration is set to announce another major delay in implementing the Affordable Care Act, easing election pressure on Democrats.

    As early as this week, according to two sources, the White House will announce a new directive allowing insurers to continue offering health plans that do not meet ObamaCare’s minimum coverage requirements.

    Prolonging the “keep your plan” fix will avoid another wave of health policy cancellations otherwise expected this fall.

    The cancellations would have created a firestorm for Democratic candidates in the last, crucial weeks before Election Day.

    He'd previously unilaterally, unconstitutionally delayed this mandate until January 15, 2015, in order to keep it from going into effect until after the November midterms. Only later did they realize that a January 15, 2014 date mean that notifications of cancelled plans would be going out October or so, just before the elections.

    Once again: If Obamacare is such a good deal for the American people, why do its effects have to be hidden from the electorate?

    How many times is Obama going to be allowed to unlawfully amend, delay and exempt allies from the provisions of his disastrous healthcare law?

  70. Anonymous3:35 PM

    "Obama: All I'm Trying to Do is "Fix Things" Through Unconstitutional, Lawless Executive Power Grabs, and My Opponents Call Me a "Tyrant"

    One minute he's weak and Putin's bitch then in the next breath he's a tyrant running amok pissing on the constitution. Which is it? I know conservatives are hypocrites and not very bright but damn, pick a meme and stick with it or is this the shit against the barn wall approach?

  71. The Great Destroyer4:01 PM

    Obama is a weak leader of America on the world stage, but this is because he hates America and wants it to be weak. You know this is true.

    He is a tyrant at home because all he cares about is implementing his agenda of destruction. This is self-evident.

    He is totally committed to the diminution of America by any and all means possible.

    Liberalism is the cancer and Obama is a tumor.

  72. Anonymous4:07 PM

    "Liberalism is the cancer and Obama is a tumor."

    I know, let's bring back W. and see if he can finish off the economy and start some more wars! Yeah Bush/Cheney 2016!
    Conservatism is the shit and Bush is the TP.

    Freedom! murica! Liberty! Sarah Palin!

  73. This must be a slow news day for you Field....

    Chelsea??? Really?? Shes been known to chase after 50 Cents.... Nuff said...

    Then it may have made a difference if she was talking about something other than that Torture Porn film "12 yrs a slave"

    Torture Porn..or Slave Porn whatever you wanna call it....

    Horrendus movie that we really didnt need right now...

    Just sayin....Gotta keep it 1,000

  74. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Bush was a liberal.

  75. Anonymous4:32 PM

    "Torture Porn..or Slave Porn whatever you wanna call it.... "

    This version had way more beatings in it than the earlier movie version or the original book for that matter.

    Gotta get the message across.

  76. As Russia invades the Ukraine, China menaces Japan, and Chuck Hagel cuts the Pentagon down to size, this is what some of our fundamentally transformed Armed Forces have been up to:

    Troops based at the Kadena Air Base in Japan know how to party. On Saturday, six gay and straight service members applied some of their finest makeup and lip synced to “I Wanna Dance with Somebody” in what is believed to be first drag queen and king show on an American military base. The show was thrown in support for the base’s recently formed OutServe-SLDN chapter, a nonprofit advocacy group for the army’s LGBT community.

    Just a few years ago, performances like these would have been grounds for a possible discharge. The repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell has made it possible for events like this to occur.

    Obama supporters must be so proud.

    I’m guessing Putin’s army doesn’t put on drag shows. Same for the ChiComs.

    When Obama et al. have finished reducing the greatest military in the history of the world to a depraved farce, no one with any integrity will be willing to take part in it. Reagan beat the Soviet Union without firing a shot; now America’s enemies are doing the same to the USA.

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. Seriously... When the movie first comes on....

    What is that ???

    If your over 25 and youve seen Roots this movie wasnt necessary....

    Keep doing the same stuff ...same themes with awards to Boot no doubt...

  79. Obama’s new racial preference initiative is called My Brother’s Keeper. Despite the massive wealth that has come Obama’s way, his own brother lives in a shack in Nairobi on a few dollars a month. When George Obama’s son became sick, Obama’s brother, having no one else to turn to, contacted Dinesh D’Souza, who wired him $1,000.

    D’Souza is now facing criminal charges that were apparently brought as a result of his criticism of Obama’s rule. My Brother’s Keeper? If D’Souza ends up in prison it will be more like My Brother’s Keeper’s Incarcerator.

  80. So D’Souza is Obama's brother's keeper?

  81. Obama promised Putin’s flunky Vladimir Medvedev that he would sell out the USA and its allies once he had been reelected.

    "After my election I have more flexibility"

    Looks like he's coming through for the Russians.

  82. "Number of Academy Award winners in the past twenty years who thanked God in their acceptance speeches: 7

    Who thanked Harvey Weinstein: 30"
    From a review of the the new action thriller Non-Stop:

    On an international flight over the Atlantic, burnt-out alcoholic flight marshal Bill Marks ([Liam] Neeson) is hoping for a nice easy flight in first class where after sneaking a smoke and drink he might even be able to catch a little shut-eye. A text message informing him that one person on the flight will die every twenty-minutes unless $150 million is wired to an account, ruins that plan.

    Counting pilots and crew, there are around 150 souls on board. Marks has 20 minutes to figure out which one is the bad guy. Red herrings abound. Is it one of the many actors whose faces we recognize but names we can’t remember? People start to die. Marks is fingered as the hijackert. Who’s doing this? Why are they doing this? What is their motive?

    Here’s the answer:

    It turns out that the villain is not a hijacker but a terrorist — someone who wants to murder everyone on the plane to further a political goal.

    You ready…?

    The terrorist is a 9/11 family member. Yes, you read that right; the terrorist is a 9/11 family-member who lost a loved-one in the World Trade Center on that terrible September morning.

    It gets worse…

    After 9/11, this 9/11 family member-turned-terrorist then joined the military but found himself disillusioned by the pointless wars.

    And now…

    The 9/11 family member-turned-terrorist is upset because America hasn’t done enough to ensure there will never be another 9/11. And so he figures that if he can get an air marshal blamed for a terrorist attack, America will wake up and anally probe us before we’re allowed on a plane, or something.

    It gets worse…

    The villain’s sidekick is a member of the American military willing to murder 150 innocent people for a payday.

    It gets worse…

    The one passenger on the plane who is forever helpful, kind, reasonable, noble, and never under suspicion is a Muslim doctor dressed in traditional Muslim garb including a full beard.

    Screw you, Hollywood.

    I lost six friends on 9-11.

    Muslims have perpetrated every terrorist attack in America since 9/11, yet Hollywood has never made a movie where the terrorists were Muslim.

    Instead, I'm the bad guy to Hollywood, I'm the guy the DHS considers the enemy in their training exercises.

    I have no country.

  83. I saw Non-Stop this weekend and I loved it. Shame on you Anon for spoiling the plot for folks who have not yet seen it.

  84. Anonymous8:28 PM

    "Bush was a liberal."

    You are an idiot.

  85. Anonymous8:34 PM

    The whole Bush family are liberals.

    Tax raising, entitlement expanding, interventionist nation building liberals.

  86. Barbbf3:59 PM

    For example, Martin's denunciation of Russia for "invading" Ukraine is based on Western propaganda that Russia sent 16,000 troops to occupy Crimea. The fact of the matter is that those 16,000 Russian troops have been in Crimea since the 1990s. Under the Russian-Ukrainian agreement, Russia has the right to base 25,000 troops in Crimea.

    Is this true?

    From Paul Craig Roberts website.

  87. Anonymous4:47 PM

    "The whole Bush family are liberals."

    Your entire family are idiots.
