Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Their hero.

Does Vladimir Putin have a show on FOX yet? Man they sure love that dude over there. More than their own president. In fact, conservatives in general have a love affair with the guy. He must remind them of their god: Sir Ronnie of Reagan.

Someone ought to tell them that the guy is nuts. But who am I kidding? That will only make them like him even more. I mean Ronnie had mental issues as well.

Honestly, they deserve each other.

Finally, it's time to attack black.

If you are a "man (or woman) of the cloth" who happens to truly believe in the word, what do you do with folks like Kenyan pastor, Rev. Njohi?

"Kenyan pastor Rev. Njohi has raised not only a few eyebrows but red flags with his unorthodox suggestion of having his female congregants remove their bras and underwear before coming to church, so that Christ can freely enter their bodies with his spirit, according to The Kenyan Daily Post.

Njohi, who is the pastor of the Lord’s Propeller Redemption Church in Kenya, reportedly refers to undergarments as “ungodly.” The bible-toting minister called together a meeting with church officials and allegedly discussed banning the under garments because people “need to be free in body and spirit in order to receive Christ.”

After warning his female congregants about the evils of skivvies, the God-fearing pastor spoke of the damnation they will suffer if they dare not to go bare underneath.

In true fashion, the church’s female population reportedly did come to church sans their undies, the Post reports, in order to prepare for their spiritual taking." [Source]

Just sick I tell you.

But as sick as these practices are, the actions of the folks running the Kentucky Baptist Convention might be just as disgusting.   

"In an effort its spokesman has described as "outreach to rednecks," the Kentucky Baptist Convention is leading "Second Amendment Celebrations," where churches around the state give away guns as door prizes to lure in the unchurched in hopes of converting them to Christ.

As many as 1,000 people are expected at the next one, on Thursday at Lone Oak Baptist Church in Paducah, where they will be given a free steak dinner and the chance to win one of 25 handguns, long guns and shotguns.

The goal is to "point people to Christ," the church says in a flier. Chuck McAlister, an ex-pastor, master storyteller and former Outdoor Channel hunting show host who presides at the events as the Kentucky Baptist Convention's team leader for evangelism, said 1,678 men made "professions of faith" at about 50 such events last year, most in Kentucky.

In Louisville, he said, more than 500 people showed up on a snowy January day for a gun giveaway at Highview Baptist Church, and 61 made decisions to seek salvation".[Source]



  1. McPain10:15 PM

    Those Christians are going to need those guns when the Obamunists come to put them in camps.

    And God knows, they're going to have them.

    You ready,commies? We are.

  2. Osama Lan Biden10:20 PM

    "Does Vladimir Putin have a show on FOX yet? Man they sure love that dude over there."

    Liberals loved Osama and Saddam Hussein so much they elected a guy named Barack Hussein Obama president.

  3. "In fact, conservatives in general have a love affair with the guy"

    Um, it was Obama who smirked at Romney during the debate when Romney suggested Russia was not our friend and Putin was a bad guy.

    And it was also Obama who told Putin's lackey “this is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.”

    He sure looks pretty flexible the way he keeps grabbing his ankles.

    No one is calling for war with Ukraine, but we are getting sick of Putin making our President look like a bitch. This is becoming a pattern.

  4. Anonymous10:53 PM

    "In an effort its spokesman has described as 'outreach to rednecks,' the Kentucky Baptist Convention is leading 'Second Amendment Celebrations,' where churches around the state give away guns as door prizes to lure in the unchurched in hopes of converting them to Christ."

    What was that old song? "Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition"

    Other suggestions for "redneck outreach":

    *Replace communion wine with Budweiser
    *Install flatscreen TVs playing NASCAR and the WWE in the foyer
    *Replace choir hymns with a selection of Skynyrd tunes
    *Ensure all sermons include lots of whining about Obama and "losing their country"

  5. Cletus McFetus11:28 PM

    We know no one would ever think of handing out guns to negroes, at Church or anywhere.

    Instant mayhem.

  6. Anonymous11:50 PM

    "No one is calling for war with Ukraine, but we are getting sick of Putin making our President look like a bitch. This is becoming a pattern."

    10:28 PM
    What all of you FN fans fail to realize is Russia is just as strong as America. And so, Putin can do whatever he damn well pleases and there is nothing America can do short of challenging Russia to a war which runs the risk of losing.

    But you are right about one thing: this is not a good time to have a Democratic President in the WH today. Dems are NOT warriors. Hence, Putin will do whatever the hell he wants without fear of consequences from the US.

    Let's face it. We aren't as strong as we think we are. Want to find out how strong we are? Try to fight Russia.

  7. I don't fault the preacher who tells the ladies to go commando I fault the ones who actually do it. What's next?

    As far as Putin goes of course he's winning the game of chicken just like he did with Bush. What did big bad Bush do when Russia invaded Georgia? You can't negotiate with an insane person, it never ends well. If you're dealing with a guy who would kill everybody you have to tread lightly. From my house on Chicago I have to ask why the hell should I care about the Ukraine anyway? Would we listen to Russia if they told us not to invade a country that we determined was a threat? Did we ask permission to invade Iraq? Afganistan? So why should Russia give a damn what we thin k and why the hell do I give a damn what they do? A billion dollars to Ukraine? how about a billion dollars to fix our infrastructure or for unemployment insurance? Sorry Ukraine but you need to handle your own business.

  8. Putin looks like he'd be most at home interrogating enemies with a cattle prod.

  9. This is a classic situation where conservative's total inability to understand complex situations in anything other than the most superficial terms gets in the way of proper debate.

    For conservatives every situation is simple and easy to understand, and that usually boils down to America being in a simple binary situation. Either they are kicking ass or they are getting their ass kicked.

    The real world is a good deal messier than that though, and solutions are frequently not simple or clear cut.

    This is not about a new cold war, this has little or nothing to do with the USA. Putin isn't winning, Obama isn't losing.

    Putin is operating from a position of weakness, not strength. His armed forces are only shells of what they were in the Soviet days, they no longer have the strength to tackle any NATO nation, and are keen therefor to build up buffer states between Russia and NATO countries.

    This foolhardy excursion into the Crimea has already caused the Rouble to crash and the Russian stock market to dive deep in the red, wiping billions of roubles off the value of companies owned by Putin's oligarch supporters.

    Having said all that, Putin is right to be concerned at access to his one and only warm water naval port in the Crimea. To which the previous administration had guaranteed access till at least the middle of this century. What government in the world would voluntarily give up such a vital strategic asset?

    He is also right to be concerned about the new Maidan regime in the Ukraine. This is a disparate group which contains politically far-right groupings who have seized power from a legitimately elected (albeit extremely corrupt) government. The new defence minister Andrij Parubly for instance, is a proper fascist who has his own paramilitary organisation complete with nazi-style lightening bolt insignia.

    One of the first laws passed by the Maidan regime was to ban Russian as an official language. Now this law is unlikely to be ratified, but it sent shock-waves through the ethnic Russian communities of the Crimea who feared that they would be victims of a new program.

    I think Putin misread the signals coming from the new regime (well he would, he's a conservative after all), and has massively overreached himself in response.

    The best thing Obama could do is what he is doing, give Ukraine the money it needs to stave off bankruptcy, and apply gentle but ever increasing pressure to Russia to accept a face-saving compromise and return to barracks.

  10. Yes PC, everything is pretty black and white (pun intended) with the wingnuts.

  11. Anon@10:53 PM, I love that list. :)

  12. Anonymous6:43 AM

    If that pastor had told women that pantyhose were ungodly and that they shouldn't wear them, I would have applauded him. Pantyhose are products of the devil, for sure. Hahaha!

  13. Kettle11:15 AM

    field negro said...

    Yes PC, everything is pretty black and white (pun intended) with the wingnuts

    So says the Chief Racism Chaser and Bottle Washer Field B. Negro, the man who sees black and white in everything.

  14. Perry Mason11:56 AM

    Question for Legal Eagle F. Negro, Esq.:

    Lois Lerner just pleaded the fifth again today in front of Congress.

    I though President Obama said there was not "a smidgeon of corruption" involved in this matter?

    Why then might Lois Lerner be pleading the fifth, again?

  15. Barbbf3:47 PM

    I don't know what FoxNews programs you've been watching. I have not seen one newscast on FoxNews praising Putkin. Attacking Obama..yes...but praising Putkin...No. All MSM TV programs seem to have forgotten that The US violated international law by attacking, Haiti, Somali, Grenada, Dominican Republic, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan., Libya....among others. Kerry and Obama are complete hypocrites. ...and the public is buying it. Pathetic!

  16. Agree with u Barbbg about those attacks. Wasn't it St. Ronnie who attacked Grenada?

    And Fox News is an oxymoron.

    Ms. Lerner is pleading the 5th because she has.every right to as an American. Just like all those people who got down with the Gov in New Jersey.

  17. "Ms. Lerner is pleading the 5th because she has.every right to as an American. Just like all those people who got down with the Gov in New Jersey."

    No Field, it's because Barack was using the IRS to personally attack his enemies just like Nixon and he will soon be impeached. Don't you watch "real" news? Geez

  18. "the man who sees black and white in everything."

    Oh the irony.

  19. "Oh the irony."

    That was point, EinsteinX

  20. Perry Mason5:02 PM

    "Ms. Lerner is pleading the 5th because she has.every right to as an American. Just like all those people who got down with the Gov in New Jersey.'

    Are you comparing a lane closure on a bridge in New Jersey to using the IRS to harass and intimidate your political opponents?

    My, my.

    And that must be an awfully big smidgeon if Ms. Lerner needs to plead the fifth in front of Congress for the second time.

    Democrats are pretty good at stalling and lying, but eventually all these smidgeons are going to turn into a big old smudge, don't you think?

  21. Anonymous5:36 PM

    "And Fox News is an oxymoron."

    can somebody explain what this means?

  22. It means liberals are trained to ignore information that does not conform to their narrative.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Poor Wayne. Obama is coming up small and he hates it.

    It must be hard being the Obama cult of personality these days.

  25. Barbbf6:48 PM

    You can search for William Blium online. His articles "Killng Hope" list the US interventions in other countries since 1945. Yes..RR did authorize the invasion of Grenada....Bush authorized the invasion of Iraq with that WMD lie...Jimmy Carter Provided funding to bin Laden to overthrow the new elected socialist government of Afghanistan. Unfortunately..these interventions cross party lines. Carter took the advice of Brezinski, who was his foreign affairs advisor. I think Mr. Blum lists interventions in nearly 30 countries...across party lines. Kennedy..Vietnam...LBJ..the Dominican Republic..and I think BushI..Panama. Did JFK attempt the overthrow of the Cuban government.With a small invasion force of Cubans who had been living in the US.



  26. The Britney Spears church.

  27. "Democrats are pretty good at stalling and lying, but eventually all these smidgeons are going to turn into a big old smudge, don't you think?"


    For a "big old smudge" -both literally and metaphorically- see the governor of New Jersey.

  28. "It means liberals are trained to ignore information that does not conform to their narrative."

    Pot meet kettle.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. "That was point, EinsteinX"

    Ugh, Grog say that was point. X say thank you. I see conservatives not only act like neanderthals but speak like them too huh?
