Saturday, March 22, 2014

Paul Ryan and the right wing poverty pimps.

Like most of you reading this (most of you) I have never experienced true poverty. Yes, there were a couple of Ramen Noodles stints in college, when I was too proud to call home for money, but nothing like I am sure that some poor folks are experiencing in America (and the world) as I write this.

Unlike most of you reading this, I have seen real poverty. To do that you have to travel the world and go to countries where poverty is a completely different animal. I understand that it's all somewhat relative, and you can't tell a poor person that his or her situation isn't as bad as it gets. I don't care what country he or she lives in. 

Here in America, thanks to cable television outlets like FOX Views, and certain republican politicians telling their base what they want to hear, it's become very popular to bash and demonize the poor these days. Particularly the urban poor. (See black people.) With Paul Ryan's recent pronouncements the right went public with their views in a very dramatic way. And citing Charles Murray as an authority on the subject crystallized Ryan's position even more.

This is an old republican trick of turning everyone else against urban black folks by demonizing them and portraying them as lazy and shiftless. From Reagan's welfare queen to Romney's 47%; it's always been those bad poor people with no power who have been scolded. Forgetting, of course, that seemingly wealthy white folks are the ones who are guilty of some of the most egregious instances of welfare fraud and trying to get over on the government. Or, for that matter, that most poor people--- and a much higher percentage of poor people than most people think, are white.

Cynthia Tucker's take on the subject is on point:

"Can we have an honest conversation about the nation's poor and near-poor? Can we discuss the subject as if we want to find solutions and not just pass judgment on the less fortunate?

If we were to have an honest conversation, one based on verifiable facts, hard data and empirical evidence, we wouldn't use the inartful term "inner city," as GOP star Paul Ryan did recently -- serving up a phrase that suggests that poverty is primarily a condition limited to darker-hued citizens. That's simply incorrect.

Getting it right matters if we care about policies that help people climb the ladder toward financial stability and if we want to fund programs that give folks a hand up. If we don't really understand the problem, it's hard to find the right solution. (If we only want to look down on the have-nots from our positions of superiority, making ill-informed judgments will suffice.)

As chairman of the House Budget Committee and an alleged GOP policy wonk, Ryan ought to know better; however, he is certainly not the only American to make wrong-headed assumptions about poverty and race. Since Lyndon Johnson's War on Poverty, which 50 years ago highlighted the abysmal living conditions of so many black Americans, many have assumed that poor equals black. That notion is woven through our politics.

But it's wrong. As American Prospect writer Paul Waldman noted recently, 41 percent of the nation's poor people are white. That's a substantial plurality. Drawing on government data, Waldman pointed out that blacks make up 23 percent of the nation's poor, while Latinos account for 28 percent. (Other ethnic groups account for the rest.) So, to recap, 41 percent of the poor -- close to half -- are white, not black or brown.

But that's not the public conversation we are having. The assumption -- whether revealed in phrases such as "inner city" or not -- is that poverty in America is a problem of black and brown "pathologies."  [Source]

Now let's not get it twisted, some folks in urban America are lazy and shiftless. And they would rather lead a life of crime than do an honest day's work. But this is also true of some folks on Wall Street and in Appalachia as well.

The majority of people in urban America work hard like everyone else. And they do it with fewer opportunities available to them and under tremendously trying conditions. If you think it's easy to get up at four in the morning and catch two buses to get to your job in the suburbs, where you have to bathe old people and clean their shit all day, well then go for it.

I think that we can all agree that the best way to guarantee that you won't live a life of poverty is to get a good education. That's where it all begins. The rest will depend on how hard you want to work and the kind of principles that you allow to guide your life.

But you won't hear politicians talking about better schools or proper funding for education. They would much rather talk about a "tailspin of culture in our inner cities". That's how they get votes, and that's how they turn those of you who think that you are not poor, against those who are.


  1. Cynthia Tucker is an idiot9:36 PM

    Why can't negroes, even ones with Law degrees, understand statistics?

    If 44% of the poor are white, and 70% of the country is white, whites are much less likely to be poor.

    If blacks make up 23% of the poor, yet are only 13% of the population, blacks are much more likely to be poor.

    Likewise, if Hispanics are only 15% of the population, yet 28% of the poor, they too are overrepresented in the ranks of the poor.

    So, the assumption -- whether revealed in phrases such as "inner city" or not -- that poverty in America is a problem of black and brown "pathologies", is correct.

    Come on, people. If you can't understand these numbers, please don't vote.

  2. Anonymous9:43 PM

    "But you won't hear politicians talking about better schools or proper funding for education."

    Inner city schools are already funded at astronomical levels. yet have the worst results. The spending per pupil for in Philadelphia is about twice that for a kid in Utah, yet the kids in Utah do better.

    It's not a matter of money.

    1. Anonymous4:06 PM

      Because inner city kids dont like rules, discipline, or learning. They would rather cause havoc towards teachers and administrators than follow the course work that is being taught.

      The excuses are ndless with the dysfunction of the black youth.

  3. Anonymous9:50 PM

    "Come on, people. If you can't understand these numbers, please don't vote."

    NO ONE here gives a damn about your racist cracka math.

    It's not about who's "more likely" to be a damn thing, IT'S ABOUT THE TOTAL MUTHA F*CKIN" NUMBERS, you statistical dumb ass!!

    FACT: There are FAR more poor Whites than poor Blacks simply because incestous a$$holes LIKE YOU, won't stop f*ckin' your siblings!


    1. Anonymous4:07 PM

      Wow, you sound very intelligent.

  4. Anonymous9:57 PM

    It goes to show you Bill is right. There is so much hypocrisy out there. Paul Ryan used Social Security benefits to help pay his waythrough college and has had a government job most of his entire adult life. Folks with government jobs railing against government should make most of our heads explode. Maybe the electorate will wake up but until some among us stop feeling better abbout themselves because at least they ain't a migger we will continue to have these problems. And it doesn't help that millionaires and billionaires control the messaging.

  5. Dr. Moe Faux10:21 PM

    Ms. Queen sputttered...
    It's not about who's "more likely" to be a damn thing, IT'S ABOUT THE TOTAL MUTHA F*CKIN" NUMBERS, you statistical dumb ass!!

    Once again demonstrating your unsuitability for the professional world, both by your demeanor as well as your obvious intellectual shortcomings.

    Think of it this way. Say there were 100 white students in a medical class, and 5 blacks. Four of the white students failed, as did 3 of the black students.

    Since is 4 is more than 3, would being unqualified be a "white problem", or since 60% is more than 4%, would it be a "black problem"?

    You will never be a doctor.


  6. Wesley R10:34 PM

    The problem we have with the poor and those trying to reach the middle class is lack of jobs which brings stability.


    You should do a post on the number of public sector jobs created during Republican Administrations like Reagan and The Bushes vs. Obama. Once Obama came into office the Right Wing Talkers began ranting how public sector jobs weren't 'real jobs'. But when they were in the White House that wasn't the case. Public sector employment went through the roof which kept the unemployment levels down.

  7. FN said...
    But you won't hear politicians talking about better schools or proper funding for education. They would much rather talk about a "tailspin of culture in our inner cities".

    You pointed out a couple threads ago your job experience with dysfunctional parents and the increased crime/poverty/etc their children suffer.

    With these dysfunctional parents you spoke about, how does increased school funding help?

  8. Anonymous10:58 PM

    "White non-Hispanics, who make up 42 percent of the poor, receive 69 percent of government benefits – again, much closer to their 64 percent population share."

    For emphasis, Whites receive 69% of Gov't benefits.

    Now suck on THAT a$$non!


  9. Anonymous11:01 PM

    All is lost for us. Come 2016 the House and the Senate will be Republican and so will be the WH. Hence, this argument is a waste of time.

    Furthermore, there are Blacks unconsciously and consciously who truly believe Blacks are inferior and agree with Paul Ryan. Those who do not are too weak to do anything about it.

    What's depressing is Blacks have to fight everyone, including a segment of their own race for human dignity. The forces against us are too great to overcome without some leader capable of moving the masses. We have none.

    1. Anonymous4:14 PM

      "We have none"

      Really? So Eric Holder, Obama, Sharpton, Jackson, and all of the black mayors etc. arent "leaders" for black americans?

      Please, its NEVER enough for black americans. I mean for god sakes its not rocket science. Dont commit crimes, raise your children right, get an education, respect authorit, treat people of ALL races with respect and look up to folks like Denzel Washington, Ben carson, Bill cosby, Clarence Thomas etc...not Rappers and professional athletes.

  10. Anonymous11:05 PM

    DQAE, why are you such an emotional childish moron? You sound like a blithering idiot whose mind is controlled by your raging emotions. Who is going to listen to you?

  11. Anonymous11:12 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    DQAE, why are you such an emotional childish moron? You sound like a blithering idiot whose mind is controlled by your raging emotions. Who is going to listen to you?"

    F*CK off assnon, NO ONE here gives a $hit what you think!

    And to the a$$non, posting that depressing crap about Black folks, NO ONE is listening to your depressing ass either.

    Now BOTH of you, grab an ambien, and a couple of stiff drinks, and hopefully, that'll knock your dumb asses out for a few days. Or permanently.


    1. Anonymous4:16 PM

      You are such a great representative for black americans.

  12. Anonymous11:27 PM

    Dear DQAE, then what is your solution to our 'problem', to curse everyone out? Is that your solution, to pretend like you don't give a F..K? Come on, you are in the medical profession.

    Any good Dr. will tell you that people who say, "I don't give a F#*K" really DO care. They are hurt so much by what others say, they lack the words to explain what they mean.

    It's ok. Go ahead and admit you are afraid. It's ok...You'll feel better...Anonymous did it.

    You know, DQAE, I want to thank you for expressing your feelings because you are helping me to understand brother PC and sister Granny better. Now I know his profanity is just a 'front' for fear and hurt feelings. Mercy, mercy, mercy.

  13. Anonymous11:37 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    Any good Dr. will tell you that people who say, "I don't give a F#*K" really DO care. They are hurt so much by what others say, they lack the words to explain what they mean."

    It's really unfortunate that I don't have ANY interest in the field of Psychiatry because I'd volunteer to help you after I completed my residency.

    So exactly how many identities DO you have on Field's blog? I'm counting at least 3.



  14. Anonymous11:41 PM

    Dear Mr Field, must Whites on your esteemed blog be subjected to verbal abuse issued forth by one of your crazies by the name of DQAE, aka Dr Queen, aka Dr Nuwang?

    We come to your blog out of sincerity and 'respect'. Yet, you allow DQAE to disrespect us as though we were dirt?

    Look at the Senate and the House, what do you see? Many Whites who are doing their best to life better and more comfortable for everyone on this blog. Is this the thanks we get from Dr Nuwang. Why, that is close to treason!

    Please, we implore you. Turn this ship with it's one lunatic aboard around before it's too late!

  15. White Privilege11:44 PM

    Ghetto Queen said...
    "White non-Hispanics, who make up 42 percent of the poor, receive 69 percent of government benefits"

    That figure (disingenuously) includes social security benefits.

    Social Security is not welfare, because you (not you, working people) pay into it.

    You will never be a doctor.

  16. Anonymous11:51 PM

    Brother Field, DQAE is so out of control she is imagining that there are more than one of me. Her psychiatrist down in the hood needs to either increase her meds or change them all together. Personally, I believe she is beyond help.

    Brother Field, I really don't think she is an AA, at least not mentally or by heart. I mean, don't get me wrong, she is definitely Black. But she is more along the lines of a Watusi jumping up and down screaming. Lord have mercy....Field, what are 'we' going to do?

  17. Anonymous12:00 AM

    Dear Mr Field, I am White and I encourage you to write a letter to please investigate "White Privilege"@11:44pm. I suspect he is trying to discourage DQAE from being a doctor. I mean, he has said it so many times that I think he's getting to DQAE.

    I mean, she should have her Med degree by now but White Privilege keeps messing with her causing major delays in her degrees. Some one has got to counter White Privilege to help move Dr Nuwang along. Is there anyone in the house willing to help a sister out on a Saturday night?

    Where's Granny?

  18. Anonymous12:35 AM

    @at Assnon, when are you going to stop posting as multiple people on this blog? I mean you spend ALL F*CKIN' DAY here, posting as multiple people when we ALL KNOW it's YOU.

    So that 69% of your people mooching off the gov't obviously includes your disability payments due to your mental illness.

    In fact, I'll bet you've NEVER worked a full year in your entire miserable existence. Yet you're getting a check every month.



  19. Anonymous1:17 AM

    "So that 69% of your people mooching off the gov't obviously includes your disability payments due to your mental illness."

    Actually, it was 44% by your own statistics; 69% was the bogus dollar allocation figure you gave.

    You are an idiot.

    An absolute idiot.

  20. GrannyStandingforTruth2:05 AM

    Hey Dr Nuwang,

    I've been looking for you. Yesterday I was tired, so I rested and watched movies. Today, I went shopping and just got back home 30 minutes ago.


    You're the one who needs help. You pick on Dr. Nuwang because she is a strong black woman who stands her ground. She's not mealy-mouthed, she does not mind letting you know where you stand with her. On top of that, she's an accomplished black woman and will be a doctor soon...a good one too. You hate that she is not into kissing ass and crawling on her knees to get along with you, but you started it, so I don't blame her for cussing you out. You deserve it.

    Nah, she's not hurt behind your comments, sick of your dung would be more accurate.

    If you didn't start any, it wouldn't be any.

  21. GrannyStandingforTruth2:11 AM

    @Dr Nuwang,

    Anyway, I was looking for you because it was something I wanted to tell you. I'll send you an email.

  22. Wesley, you hit the nail on the head. Thom Hartmann talks about the dual Santa Claus theory the gop uses to good success. They spend on government programs when they're in power while cutting taxes which blows up the deficit which they can complain about when a Dem is in the WH which justifies cutting programs AND raising taxes. The Dem in the WH then brings the deficit back under control but pissed off folks with higher taxes and fewer programs allowing the gop to promise lower taxes and the cycle repeats itself.

  23. Anonymous2:44 AM

    Jesus, but you are stupid PilotX.

    The sad thing is, you probably actually believed what you just wrote.

  24. carlos2:52 AM

    Wesley R said...
    The problem we have with the poor and those trying to reach the middle class is lack of jobs which brings stability.

    Maybe if our President wasn't hell-bent on bankrupting the coal industry and doing his damnedest to stifle the oil boom we might actually have some jobs to bring stability.

    But there will be no stability in an atmosphere where healthcare costs and regulatory uncertainties leave businesses with no way to plan for the future.

    Obama is killing us.

  25. GrannyStandingforTruth2:54 AM

    Hey PilotX,

    I hadn't seen your fonts and thought that you were out flying a plane.

  26. Anonymous GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    @Dr Nuwang,
    Anyway, I was looking for you because it was something I wanted to tell you. I'll send you an email.

    Hey Granny, thanks for the love, I hope to chat with you soon!

  27. Got a few days off Ms. Granny, they let me off the plantation every once in a while.
    Hey Doc.

  28. Anonymous12:02 PM

    What, they let you talk directly to Republicans? What if you hear something that contradict the Democrat party line? Do you have to be back by sundown?

  29. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "Anonymous said...
    DQAE, why are you such an emotional childish moron? You sound like a blithering idiot whose mind is controlled by your raging emotions. Who is going to listen to you?"

    DQAE SAID, "F*CK off assnon, NO ONE here gives a $hit what you think!"

    Then why are you replying to me-- if you don't give a $hit? Admit it, you DO care.

    DQAE SAID, "And to the a$$non, posting that depressing crap about Black folks, NO ONE is listening to your depressing ass either."


    DQAE SAID, "Now BOTH of you, grab an ambien, and a couple of stiff drinks, and hopefully, that'll knock your dumb asses out for a few days. Or permanently."

    Is that what you take to help you sleep? Whoa!

    Sleep tight, DQAE, aka Dr Nuwang, aka Dr Queen.

  30. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Blogger Dr.Nǚwáng said...
    Anonymous GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    @Dr Nuwang,
    Anyway, I was looking for you because it was something I wanted to tell you. I'll send you an email.

    "Hey Granny, thanks for the love, I hope to chat with you soon!"

    9:15 AM
    Anyone thanking Granny for 'love' is desperate for love. I always knew you didn't know anything about being a doctor. And now I know you don't even know what love is....How sad. You are sooo very hopeless... I'm beginning to feel sorry for you, and Granny too. Life must be very hard for the both of you. I hate to see Sisters suffering like you two do.

  31. The Dr. And Granny will be fine. What's wrong with asking for love? You trolls are really mean.

  32. The only problem with this ideology from the Hooverite perspective was that the Democrats always seemed like the bestowers of gifts, while the Republicans were seen by the American people as the stingy Scrooges, bent on making the lives of working people harder all the while making richer the very richest. This, Republican strategists since 1930 knew, was no way to win elections.

    Which was why the most successful Republican of the 20th century up to that time, Dwight D. Eisenhower, had been quite happy with a top income tax rate on millionaires of 91 percent. As he wrote to his brother Edgar Eisenhower in a personal letter on November 8, 1954:

    "[T]o attain any success it is quite clear that the Federal government cannot avoid or escape responsibilities which the mass of the people firmly believe should be undertaken by it. The political processes of our country are such that if a rule of reason is not applied in this effort, we will lose everything--even to a possible and drastic change in the Constitution. This is what I mean by my constant insistence upon 'moderation' in government.

    "Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you can do these things. Among them are H. L. Hunt [you possibly know his background], a few other Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or business man from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid."

    You can read the rest at

  33. Anonymous4:00 PM

    "Then why are you replying to me-- if you don't give a $hit? Admit it, you DO care."

    Sometimes I just feel like playing with the idiots on Field's blog. Like you. It's a fun change from reading journal articles, programming on R, and/or interacting with medical and scientific geniuses all day long.

    In other words, it's just nice sometimes to remember why God made Black folks FIRST.


    1. Anonymous4:42 PM

      "Why god made black folks first"

      Such a RACIST thing to say.

  34. "What, they let you talk directly to Republicans? What if you hear something that contradict the Democrat party line? Do you have to be back by sundown?"

    Nah, don't want to talk to Repubs, they are the slave masters. Most working slaves are Dems trying to make their working conditions better, at least the smart ones are. Like the old saying goes, to be a successful airlines pilot you should live like a Republican but you had better vote Democratic. Someone wiser than both of us said that years ago.
    Also don't need to be back by sunset but by Wednesday afternoon.

  35. Anonymous4:09 PM

    "Anyone thanking Granny for 'love' is desperate for love. I always knew you didn't know anything about being a doctor. And now I know you don't even know what love is....How sad. You are sooo very hopeless... I'm beginning to feel sorry for you, and Granny too. Life must be very hard for the both of you. I hate to see Sisters suffering like you two do."

    The person you should feel sorry for is yourself. You post here ALL DAY LONG, attack people you don't know which speaks to no one pitting you enough to love you, you have NO career or anything meaningful in your life.

    I'd really hate to think what would happen to you if Field stopped blogging. Actually, I think the deficit would decrease since the gov't wouldn't have to take care of your sorry ass anymore.



  36. Anonymous4:10 PM

    "interacting with medical and scientific geniuses all day long"

    "Dr.' Queen, the gift that keeps on giving.

    Lordy, Lordy.

  37. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Blogger field negro said...
    The Dr. And Granny will be fine. What's wrong with asking for love? You trolls are really mean.

    3:57 PM
    Oh! here comes Field to defend DQAE and Granny. Now isn't that somethin?

    Hey Field, I don't see YOU sending any love our way! People like Granny and DQAE ARE angry and mean. They curse out their fellow Negroes with the most profane of the profane.

    And you have the 'nerve' to call us mean? I know you know better.

    Furthermore, we Negroes don't send any love to Black uncle toms. They are just too hard to love. Even Christ has a hard time loving Granny and that foul-mouthed DQAE.

    Anyway, I'm glad Granny sent an email to DQAE about her profanity and the way she looks to the FN community and the world. Thanks Granny for helping us out.


  38. What did that wise man know about being a democrat he suggested living life like a republican?

    Besides the democrat double standard of living one way and voting another.

  39. 1980 links? You have to do better in explaining your hypocrisy.

    Half of the links i listed came from the time you were blogging-yet failed to post about....

    "But you won't hear politicians talking about better schools or proper funding for education"

    Politicians talk about education all the time- especially before election time. Proper funding? America spends more on education than ever before.

    You should be talking about fail liberal policies and failed social engineering.

    But you won't.

  40. Anonymous4:19 PM

    In other words, it's just nice sometimes to remember why God made Black folks FIRST.


    4:00 PM
    Yeah...Thanks, Sister, for setting up the thought that 'naturally follows:


    Yep. You are 'really' looking out for us. Thanks............You know, you should forget about that Medical Degree and just practice keeping your damn mouth shut.

  41. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "interacting with medical and scientific geniuses all day long"

    "Dr.' Queen, the gift that keeps on giving.

    Lordy, Lordy.

    4:10 PM
    LMBAO!...What would FN, a blog for us Negroes be without the likes of Dr Queen? It's the norm in our race and the rest of you Negroes, Dem or Rep, know it's true. Field, you KNOW it's true. That's why you are laughing...I know you are laughing, brother.

    I mean, what else can you do with the likes of Dr Queen, aks Flying in my Forties, aka DQAE, aka Dr Nuwang...LOL....This Sister doesn't even know who the hell she is...LOL..well, at least she knows how to

    The fun part is Whites don't know what the hell to do with her crazy ass. But neither do we...LOL

  42. parvenu4:46 PM

    Field, the white ruling power structure in America have strategically used RACISM to divide poor whites away from uniting with poor blacks. This unpublished methodology was adopted during colonial times (when there were a large number of white INDENTURED SERVANTS in colonial America,)and has been woven into the fabric of American society over 3 centuries. In colonial times the indentured whites and the African slaves outnumbered their wealthy white English masters, which was cause for concern among the ruling class at the time.

    Just as the wealthy slave owners were able to successfully brain wash their slaves into an abiding mistrust each other along with any other black African (slave or free), they also spread the idea of "white Privilege" among poor white Americans. This propaganda is simple and doesn't promise the recipient believer anything. All it says is "if you are white you are better than anyone else who is black". (As the old saying goes "if you're white you're right!") Hence if you ask the most poverty stricken white man or woman in rural America are they better off than the president (Barack Obama)? They will likely tell you "yes, because I'm white!"

    This phony idea of "white Privilege" for poor whites is the primary reason poor starving whites in this country will never rise up against the super wealthy class in America as did their ancestors back in their European homelands many centuries ago. Poor starving whites will just never reach that emotional breaking point as long as they believe that no matter what comes their way economically, they are still better than any black man in America.

    This is why poor white people vote over and over and over again for the same scoundrels who are exploiting them and literally taking food out their mouths and the mouths of their family members. This is also the reason why when any white southern politician is in trouble (in terms of getting elected) they will always introduce the need to crack down on black people taking advantage of government welfare. Racist statements concerning welfare often will get poor whites out to vote for the candidate making such statements (a vote by the way against their own pocketbook interests). This is the way politics works in America...

    1. Anonymous6:12 PM

      "Field, the white ruling power structure in America have strategically used RACISM to divide poor whites away from uniting with poor blacks."

      No, black crime and dysfunction has caused that.

  43. (a vote by the way against their own pocketbook interests)

    Really? How has Obama and the Democrat party helped the "pocketbook" of poor whites? Or hell, anyone poor?

  44. Kinky non-con5:03 PM

    "Please, its NEVER enough for black americans. I mean for god sakes its not rocket science. Dont commit crimes, raise your children right, get an education, respect authorit, treat people of ALL races with respect and look up to folks like Denzel Washington, Ben carson, Bill cosby, Clarence Thomas etc...not Rappers and professional athletes."

    Hmm, white folks still telling us darkies what to think. I wonder what Kinky Con thinks of this?

    1. Anonymous6:10 PM

      Not telling you what to think. Telling you how to be a productive, civilized human being.

      Im asian by the way. So quick to call everyone you dont agree with white arent you?

  45. Anonymous5:06 PM

    I'm a black women, born and raised in East Tn, and the majority of the poor here are white. All of the kids who were on free/reduced lunch when I was child were white. And yet many of them vote for policies that are against helping the poor.

    1. Anonymous5:58 PM

      Were the whites killing each other off at record pace like the poor blacks do? Serious question.

  46. Kinky non-con5:06 PM

    "Really? How has Obama and the Democrat party helped the "pocketbook" of poor whites? Or hell, anyone poor?"

    By ensuring they don't go broke by having a catastrophic injury or illness. Ya know medical insurance. Also protecting SS from repubs who want to privatize it such as a former gop prez and several gop congressmen. Protecting public schools from being religious laboratories for creationism and other forms of fooolishness. Making sure women get paid the same as men, which is important for families right?

    1. Anonymous6:07 PM

      Most of the poor have medicaid. Forcing his commie unaffordable medical care doesnt help anyone..maybe 5 % of the population at best?

      Kinky non con drinking that liberal koolaid just like the mastas want him/her to.

  47. Kinky non-con5:09 PM

    "the majority of the poor here are white. All of the kids who were on free/reduced lunch when I was child were white. And yet many of them vote for policies that are against helping the poor."

    That's the way it's always been. Dick Gregory told you about that back in the 60's. To paraphrase, the white man has two dollars in his pocket but has his own restroom that we can't use, it's his identity which is why they fight so hard to keep things the way they are. They've been dumb for a while why change now?

    1. Anonymous6:01 PM

      Nice reverse racism there.

  48. Anonymous5:50 PM

    "This is why poor white people vote over and over and over again for the same scoundrels who are exploiting them and literally taking food out their mouths and the mouths of their family members. "

    No, poor whites have to live with black people and thus know everything the democrats preach is a lie.

  49. Anonymous5:56 PM

    "The fun part is Whites don't know what the hell to do with her crazy ass. But neither do we...LOL"

    Too bad you're too much of a punk ass BITCH to get a username and profile.

    Thing is, I already KNOW plenty of Black B*tches like YOU, you're middle aged, overweight, and ain't sex in more than a year.

    You wanted to pledge AKA back in college, but they wouldn't take you Black ugly ass. Well here's a 15+ year old news flash far ya'. They rejected you not because of your ashey dark skin, but because you're a social misfit looking to belong.

    Now go dip your crusty ass in a vat of vasaline, and get da' hell on!


    1. Anonymous6:03 PM

      What a waste of a human being you are DQAE. Get out of the basement and get some fresh air once in a while.

  50. Poor people can afford medical insurance? Who knew?

    Hell, women in the Obama White House get paid far less than men. How about their families?

    The rest of what you posted is garbage.

    How has Obama and the Democrat party helped the "pocketbook" of poor whites? Or hell, anyone poor?

    Still waiting.....

  51. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Every race has an opportunity to make it in america...its not about white/black/brown etc.

    If there was all this racism that the paranoid folks who were indoctrinated to believe..we would never have seem a black, asian, latino etc EVER be successful.

    There wouldn't be a president Obama, Dr. Bill Cosby or Ben Carson, Will Smith or Denzel Washington, Lebron James or Jerry Rice.

    If blacks are only 13% of population. .wouldnt that mean that they would need alot of support from fellow whites to help make those people successful? I mean if whites are so evil and racist like many here claim..and "run everything"..explain all the successful black americans in this country.

    Whites fought for blacks, marched for blacks, and did everything possible to make sure that they can succeed in this country. Theres no "anti black conspiracy".

    - Black American from Dallas.

  52. "- Black American from Dallas."

    Oh do fuck off, white boy.

    1. Anonymous7:57 PM

      White boy?

      This is the problem with our people. I write something that you dont possibly agree with and im called a white boy and told to fuck off. Fight the power bruh.

  53. GrannyStandingforTruth7:22 PM

    Anonymous 4:13,

    In spite of what you try to make Dr. Nuwang out to be, she is a very sweet and nice person. I love her like a daughter.

    As for anyone reading this blog loving me, you'd be surprise. Nevertheless, I really didn't come here to earn or beg for love from anyone. I get enough love from my family,friends, and people I come in contact with in my personal life, so I'm not hurting for love.

    Btw, excuse me, but I haven't sent any email to Dr. Nuwang yet. When I do send her one it won't be about her cussing you out. It's a nice surprise for her.

    So, are you stooping around and hacking email accounts now or forging my name. I've always believe that you were an agitator. I guess I can add false hoods and forgery to the list.

    You remind me of elementary kids in school who are always picking on people, throwing a rock and hiding their hand. But, when they get their ass whooped, they're the first to holler that they didn't do anything and claiming innocence knowing all the time they started it. You're sneaky and messy! It sounds more like you're the one that's miserable because you're always starting mess and picking on certain ones on here.

  54. Anonymous7:27 PM

    I used to believe whites owed blacks a leg up until I gained a new perspective after taking a job as a science teacher at a high school in Lithonia (99.7% black student body, 98.6% black faculty and administration). I took the job to make a difference-to help these poor kids that just needed a chance, that one shot to become successful in a world pitted against the hallowed negro. Holy f×#!, was I misinformed! One year at this school very quickly destroyed the house of cards which white guilt built and replaced it with a harsh reality, namely that blacks as a group not only don't want your (YT's) help in learning how to better THEMSELVES, they are furious and resentful that you (again, YT) have somehow managed to figure out how to become educated and self sufficient. I have never worked so hard at a job in my life, desperately trying to figure out a way to get through to these kids, to find a way to make them learn, to gain some sort of interest in the world around them (I taught Biology and Physical Science). I have never seen such a complete and utter disinterest in ANYTHING of value as I witnessed in these kids.

    By the way, for those who don't know, Lithonia is a black suburban area, not the 'hood, filled with normal and productive black people. Oh, and also, the school I taught at-Miller Grove H.S., was 2-3 years old when I was there, with beautiful facilities, well equipped science labs, and a computer lab on every hall. I guess what I'm trying to say is that white people can't fix this situation - we have tried to solve their problems and have only made them worse - we can join together and help those people who value civilization, and let the rest of the blacks solve their own problems (they're so much smarter than whites so it shouldn't be hard, right?).

    1. Anonymous1:49 PM

      Your life experiences and truth dont want to be heard around these parts. They know the truth and want to live in denial.

      They would rather chase the evil white man then figure out why black kids cant act right in school without causing havoc around them.

  55. GrannyStandingforTruth7:32 PM

    You provokes Dr. Nuwang and then when she cusses you out, you cry like a baby. Leave her alone! That's they way you solve that, unless you're a glutton for getting cussed out.

  56. Anonymous8:07 PM

    When Nuwang stops calling herself a doctor before she has earned it, I'll stop giving her grief.

  57. Anonymous8:09 PM

    "Waldman pointed out that blacks make up 23 percent of the nation's poor, while Latinos account for 28 percent. (Other ethnic groups account for the rest.) So, to recap, 41 percent of the poor -- close to half -- are white, not black or brown."

    So, using the Leftist dogma, let us not consider the 41 percent white. Let us consider them, as the census does:

    Asian Indian
    Other Asian
    Native Hawaiian
    Guamanian or Chamorrow
    Other Pacific Islander

    ...and, as to be expected, "some other race."

    So...well....according to Leftist dogma...if not Latinon or Black....something else....

    ...not necessarily White.

    Try again!

  58. Anonymous8:09 PM

    "GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    In spite of what you try to make Dr. Nuwang out to be, she is a very sweet and nice person. I love her like a daughter."

    Awww, Granny, LOVE YOU TOO!! And as much as I appreciate it, you know you don't need to waste time addressing these hatin' ass trolls on my behalf.

    I had some time in between seeing clients for my STEM business this afternoon, so I thought I'd flex my cussing a sucker out muscles, and have a little fun! Teehehehehehehehe!

    Now I have to get back to business because I have a test tomorrow!

    Now that I think about it, I think assnon is jealous you aren't giving it any love, ROTFL!!!!


  59. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Granny, "You remind me of elementary kids in school who are always picking on people, throwing a rock and hiding their hand. But, when they get their ass whooped, they're the first to holler that they didn't do anything and claiming innocence knowing all the time they started it. You're sneaky and messy! It sounds more like you're the one that's miserable because you're always starting mess and picking on certain ones on here."

    7:22 PM
    Granny, why are you attacking me for defending myself from that sewer mouth DQAE? Don't I have the right to stand up for myself? You are always hollering about White injustices yet YOU are always participating in injustices that don't even concern you. Some of you Negroes don't have a clue to what's fair, and YOU are definitely ONE of them. Everybody, Black and White can see that.

    DQAE is a liar, irrational and profane. Any fool can see that. Yet you speak of her as an angel. If that's your idea of love then you are definitely beyond desperation for love if you have to go to her for love. Your family must be failing you miserably. But then again, Black families are lacking today anyway aren't they? I mean, they way they NEGLECT their kids is the reason we are in this mess in the first place, isn't it? It all boils down to NO LOVE for the kids and by extension NO LOVE for anybody.

  60. Healf Department8:15 PM

    "Now I have to get back to business because I have a test tomorrow!"

    They testing you for rabies again?

  61. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Now that I think about it, I think assnon is jealous you aren't giving it any love, ROTFL!!!!


    8:09 PM
    Your thinking has always been off since you were calling yourself "Flying in my Forties". Obviously, you think by changing your name every six to 12 months will improve your thinking. It won't and it hasn't. You and Granny are hanging on to each other because you have nobody else and you are desperate.

  62. "Furthermore, we Negroes don't send any love to Black uncle toms. They are just too hard to love."

    You are not black.

  63. Anonymous8:20 PM

    "Anonymous Anonymous said...
    When Nuwang stops calling herself a doctor before she has earned it, I'll stop giving her grief."

    Look Bitch. How many times you I have to tell your stalkin', big wide stankin' ass, YOU DON'T RUN JACK SHIT OVER HERE, got that heffa?

    What you need to do is buy yourself a dildo, and handle your business then maybe you'll feel like less of the royal bitch you really are.

    Until then, PLEASE proceed to post as you will Field's blog and I will CONTINUE to aggravate da' f*ck outta you by studying to join a profession NO ONE in your entire f*ckin' family had the brains, intellect, drive, or motivation to become. Victory for me will not only be sweet, it will be DOUBLY sweet, haha!!!

    BTW, Darwin demonstrated it best, inbreeding really only works if we're mating peas, your mother f*ckin' her brother didn't work out all that well for YOUR dumb stalking ass.



  64. GrannyStandingforTruth8:54 PM

    Anonymous 8:11,

    A right to stand up for one's self works two ways, not one way. You persistently provoke Dr Nuwang and then you expect her not to stand up for herself. See how that is not working out?

    You have a very creative imagination, but hey if you want to believe that we're desperate and whatever other negative connotation you can think up that's up to you even though it's a false perception.

    Why does it matter to you what she calls herself? What exactly does her calling herself Dr. take from you or stop you from doing?
    Her personal life or achievements or changing her screen name does not affect your life in any way, and she has the right to change her name whenever feels like it, so why should that bother you if it is not affecting or short stopping or blocking anything in your own life?

  65. Dr. Privilege8:56 PM

    Sometimes, Ms. Queen speaks for herself, and makes any further commentary just belaboring the obvious.

    If there is one thing I know about the future, it is that you will never be admitted to a medical school.

    You will never be a doctor.

  66. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Could you imagine being one of those medical or scientific geniuses that has to be around Queen at work?


  67. Anonymous9:04 PM

    DQAE SAID, "Look Bitch. How many times you I have to tell your stalkin', big wide stankin' ass, YOU DON'T RUN JACK SHIT OVER HERE, got that heffa?

    What you need to do is buy yourself a dildo, and handle your business then maybe you'll feel like less of the royal bitch you really are."

    Such sophication, intelligence and love for her people...But most of all, what SKILL in profanity!

    Everyone admires DQAE, esp Granny...Lord have

  68. GrannyStandingforTruth9:14 PM

    Btw, not ALL black families are lacking or are they kids neglected. It's SOME, NOT ALL! They have whites, Asians, Hispanics, and others with different racial makeups suffering those same things, it's not just a Black thing. Wake up! It's a human dyfunctional behavior thing! Not all humans are guilty of that dyfunction.

    @Anonymous 7:27,

    Oh really, anonymous 7:27, well how do you explain those black people that are successful in life, such as that Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas, and all the rest of those successful black folks that the right likes to brag on?

    Btw, my granddaughter sent me her report card. She made straight A's. Some of the subjects listed on her report card was Science, Computers, and Spanish. She finished Spanish and now she is getting ready to take Chinese. My granddaughter is only nine years old. One of my grandson is on the honor roll as well and another one was in that Gate program for gifted children when he attended school.

    So, why do you paint ALL blacks with such a broad brush, surely, you know that it is not ALL blacks just like it's not ALL whites, Asians, or Hispanics, or whatever other racial group.

    In my lifetime, I've observed some smart whites, Asians, Hispanics, and Blacks as well as some dumb ones too. The color of their skin or social economic background has nothing to do with it.

    Also, I've observed teachers going in with the attitude that Blacks are incapable of learning, so they don't try to teach them.

    I am asking a serious question, not attacking. I want to know with no ill will behind my question.

  69. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Could you imagine being one of those medical or scientific geniuses that has to be around Queen at work?


    9:02 PM
    Please, don't give me nightmares. I want to sleep.

    As a brother from DC, I my guess about what DQAE looks like: Blue-Black, big wide eyes with small pupils, 5'10'', 310lbs with thunder thighs and skinny calves and ankles, loud voice with a very limited vocabulary, and a red-and-purple afro with bed bugs in it, and tons of make-up on her face and lips.

    How does that sound to everybody? Do you believe that she would be hired by a scientist? How many patients do you think she would have IF she miraculously(and it would take a miracle beyond the capability of God) got a Med degree?

    Hmmmm. I wonder if Dr Ben Carson would consider hiring her? Please vote "yes" or "no".

    I have a feeling that DQAE, by her very existence, will bring Blacks and Whites together...AGAINST HER! LOL

  70. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Anonymous GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Btw, not ALL black families are lacking or are they kids neglected. It's SOME, NOT ALL! They have whites, Asians, Hispanics, and others with different racial makeups suffering those same things, it's not just a Black thing. Wake up! It's a human dyfunctional behavior thing! Not all humans are guilty of that dyfunction.
    Granny, you are always making excuses for our shortcomings by minimizing our crisis and talking about others. I am really sick of this. We have a major problem with killing each other and OOW children with no end in sight. I really don't give a damn about Asians, or Whites. They seem to have their families in tact with love while MOST of our race is sinking deeper into the gutter. WAKE UP!

  71. Anon@914, you seem sincere, so let me help you: do not ever feed a racist troll. It has nothing of value to offer.

    Its life is meaningless, and it is just here to mess with black folks because it cannot do it in the real world.

    Pretty simple, really. :)

  72. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Granny, "Oh really, anonymous 7:27, well how do you explain those black people that are successful in life, such as that Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas, and all the rest of those successful black folks that the right likes to brag on?"

    There are exceptions to the 'norm'. I am surprised that you would mention CT, considering he hates the shit out of us. Is that how you measure a successful black man? GET REAL.

  73. GrannyStandingforTruth9:29 PM

    Words don't make you classy, it's what in your heart and compassion you show for your fellow man. Anyone can put on an act, but it is still what is in your heart that counts. The way you like to go around putting folks down and acting like you're better than folks on here tells me a lot about you.

    But you know, at the end of the day, when you take a dump, it smells just like everyone elses, and you have wipe your ass just like everyone else on here. Stop acting like you're better than everyone on here because you're not! All human beings have flaws including YOU Miss prissy.

  74. Ok Field, I think I'm done feeding the trools for a few days. :)

  75. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Blogger field negro said...
    Anon@914, you seem sincere, so let me help you: do not ever feed a racist troll. It has nothing of value to offer.

    Field, it looks to me like Anon@914 is Granny?

  76. GrannyStandingforTruth9:42 PM

    Nah, to tell you truth, I think CT is not worth two dead flies, but you should try reading the whole sentence instead of picking out one word.

    @Anonymous 9:24,

    Nope, I'm not making excuses, but I am being fair and realistic because not ALL blacks are like that. When you say exception to the norm that's just another way of saying that ALL blacks are alike and maybe one or two are not like that.

    You tired, I'm tired too. Tired of you falling for those negative stereotypes and everything that's wrong with America's society is black folks that have been drilled in your head; that Black people being the only people on this planet that ails America's society. Black people are not the only people killing each other. People kill each other every day and they are not just BLACK. They're not the only ones receiving government benefits, etc. Stop blaming black people for everything that is wrong with America.

  77. GrannyStandingforTruth9:44 PM

    Anonymous 9:33,

    Stop lying!

  78. GrannyStandingforTruth9:46 PM

    Anonymous 9:44,

    I apologize, that is me. Sorry, I was looking at the wrong comment.

  79. GrannyStandingforTruth9:53 PM

    @Field, I'm gonna quit feeding them too.

    Btw, you remember what I talked to you about in email. A couple of my kinfolks are not in agreement with that deal.

  80. Anonymous11:23 PM

    "Oh really, anonymous 7:27, well how do you explain those black people that are successful in life, such as that Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas, and all the rest of those successful black folks that the right likes to brag on? "

    Of course there are black people who want to be part of white civilization and become very successful doing so. White people love black people like that. What makes the most difference in people is culture, not race. My point was that the bulk of black culture is so estranged form white culture that there is no helping them. It is impossible to keep trying to help people who despise you and who resent your (YT's) help, and resent you (YT) not helping. The longer we go like this, the worse it gets. Why don't the successful black people who post here point the way for the rest of your people? Instead you just repeat the same old nonsense about resentment and oppression that feeds this dysfunctional, spoiled, entitled mindset. By the time they get to high school, there is nothing we whites can do with them. You have to fix this.

  81. Anonymous1:17 PM

    The comment above is right on.
