Sunday, March 23, 2014

Love is in the air.

I could write about the evidence all around us of our country being divided, but I am trying to stay positive tonight. It is, after all, springtime. I mean they have Nazis in Minnesota now for crying out loud. So we could use some positive vibrations.

Tonight, I will post an article about all the "racial harmony" going down in Las Vegas, Nevada of all places.

"When Las Vegas comes to mind, it's usually accompanied by memories of throbbing hangovers and squandered paychecks.

Rarely do you think of racial integration. But that might change soon, according to Al Jazeera: Vegas and other fast growing metros in America's Sun Belt — encompassing much of the South and Southwest — are more likely to see people of different races and ethnicities living side by side.

"I have never lived some place that was so diverse," said Andrew Spivak, a west Vegas resident and sociology professor at the University of Nevada at Las Vegas. "Probably half the kids are black or Hispanic."

"Doesn't matter if you're black or white." There's a simple reason for this: Many older cities, especially in the Midwest and Northeast, remain starkly divided because of old segregationist policies — including redlining and discriminatory housing practices. The Fair Housing Act of 1968 was designed to combat these, but as ProPublica reports, the government did little to actually enforce it.

To worsen matters, the legacy of segregation, racial violence and hostility can stain a city's reputation for decades, swaying residents' housing decisions for years. The result is a country where "less segregated does not necessarily mean integrated."

But … The planned communities and residential subdivisions of Las Vegas are so new that this history doesn't apply. This is not to say bigotry doesn't exist: In the first half of the 20th century for instance, black residents were pushed to North Las Vegas and the area west of what's now I-15. Many rioted in response to the Rodney King verdict in 1992. Segregation maps still reflect this division:

But the real difference is seen more and more in the newer housing developments. The 2010 census found that Vegas is still pretty white in terms of sheer numbers — 62.1% of residents identify as Caucasian, followed by 31.5% Hispanic and 11.1% black. But the Population Reference Bureau ranks it second on its list of least black-white segregated cities in America, which is usually the starkest racial division, considering its history.

This is increasingly typical of such fast-growing metros, a list that includes Raleigh, NC and Riverside, Calif. On the other hand, shrinking or low-growth areas like Detroit and Chicago see more pronounced segregation:

Vegas experienced a 41.8% population growth rate between 2000 and 2010, one of the nation's fastest in that time span. People of different races and backgrounds are still drawn to the area's affordable housing, job prospects and increasingly family-friendly entertainment — even though the region led the U.S. in foreclosures for a long time after the financial crisis. This influx of new residents is bringing a more laissez-faire attitude toward who lives where — a difference that's especially apparent in the city's black-white segregation.

The takeaway: If you want to live in a "rainbow children of god"-level paradise where ebony and ivory live together in perfect harmony — well, it doesn't really exist in America. But Las Vegas and cities like it provide a promising glimpse into the future. If rapidly growing cities show higher levels of integration, it seems to speak well to our growing tolerance as a nation.

Not that there isn't work to be done. But it's a good start." [Source]

Ohhh, how sweet. I think this calls for a song:




  1. Klancy9:00 PM

    "I mean they have Nazis in Minnesota now"

    Finally, some good news on this blog.

    Thanks Field.

  2. Anonymous9:07 PM

    Mexicans and blacks dont get along. Blacks hate whites...why not just have segregated schools?

    That will solve all this bullshit, right field.

  3. Anonymous9:09 PM're more likely to get killed by one of your own then some nazi..they are the least of your problems.

  4. Ha! Good post. Just left some money in Vegas a week ago. That should help development.

  5. There goes the neighborhood9:12 PM

    "I have never lived some place that was so diverse," said Andrew Spivak, a west Vegas resident and sociology professor at the University of Nevada at Las Vegas. "Probably half the kids are black or Hispanic."

    Well Andrew, hope you're ready for car thefts and home invasions and paying to send your kids to a school that doesn't need metal detectors.

    And remember, 'diversity' doesn't mean variety, it means less whites. Embracing 'diversity', means embracing white exclusion.

    Roll them dice, baby!

    1. Anonymous9:17 PM

      Vegas will be a third world city in a few years..but hey there will be all those casinos and hotels!!

  6. Anonymous9:14 PM

    So blacks complain when whites move away ( white flight) and bitch and whine when they move in to the neighborhood ( gentrification).

    What the hell do you guys want?

  7. "You guys"? I thought this was a love post tonight. Man you white folks sure are a hateful bunch.

    Anon@9;09, I worry more about the Nazis. I am not in the drug game so I don't worry about some young punk taking me out. Nazis, on the other hand, will take me out just because.

    "There goes the neighborhood", my car was broken into once, and it was in a very white neighborhood far away from black folks. I was visiting a friend. Now go figure.

  8. Wesley R9:46 PM

    Nice try with your love post Field. Unfortunately Oprah said it best,' we just have to wait for the bigots to die off'. They will never change their stripes.

    Good news is my final four picks made through the first weekend unlike some of the haters posting here.

  9. Anonymous9:52 PM


    Dear Mr Field, the reason is very simple. The keyboards are not human.

  10. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Field, I can't believe after all the comments of the previous thread you have the gall to try to bring love to FN.

    You ought to know by now that we are deeply divided by race. Hell, even an Asian commented in the last thread about how he hates Blacks. Now we are fighting Whites and Asians.

    I am afraid to ask where the Latinos stand. Shit, we might have to move to Alaska...oh wait...Palin's there.

    Where can we go where we will be safe? Is there no security anywhere on this planet?

    And where is Focused Purpose? Why has she deserted us?

    1. Anonymous10:44 AM

      I never said I hate blacks. Jeez, some of you guys distort the truth just to fit your paranoia. I dont hate any race. Even some asians annoy the crap out of me.

      Not to make your day worse or anything. .but all the mexican kids I went to highschool with always hated the blacks..said the N word more than any white person did.

      " Negrito" was said all the time at my school. Its a shame that even mexicans look down on blacks. I dont like it, or agree with it..but its what I experienced.

  11. They can have Minnesota. Have you been there in the wintertime? I hope all nazis and klanners move there, one less reason to go there. Ha!

  12. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Field, it's hot as hell in Vegas. Who wants to live there unless you are a gambling addict?

    Why can't you find some place in America that is wholesome and doesn't feed off of people's weaknesses?

    What about Alaska? I hear there is 'complete' racial harmony there.

    Maybe we ought to move to PR and the VIs? We could hang out with Desert and Audiobooks.

    1. Anonymous10:49 AM

      LOL at all you folks trying to find somewhere to live to escape, what?...

      You guys have Detroit, Birmingham, Jackson, Baltimore, Newark, Camden, Gary...I could go on and on. Its majority "whitey to bring you down".

  13. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Blogger PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
    They can have Minnesota. Have you been there in the wintertime? I hope all nazis and klanners move there, one less reason to go there. Ha!

    9:59 PM
    Brother PilotX, Minnesota is a paradise for bm. Just ask Prince and Purple Cow. It just takes a little adjusting to the weather and you'll be fine.

  14. Frosty Biggette11:10 PM

    "They can have Minnesota. Have you been there in the wintertime?"

    You're telling me! I had to get a down hood and robe. You really learn to appreciate the warmth coming off those burning crosses.

  15. "Brother PilotX, Minnesota is a paradise for bm. Just ask Prince and Purple Cow. It just takes a little adjusting to the weather and you'll be fine."

    Shit, I'm from Chicago which ain't no garden spot in the winter and the Hawk up there ran my ass home.

  16. GrannyStandingforTruth11:36 PM

    ROFL! Smh!

  17. Anonymous11:49 PM

    Shit, I'm from Chicago which ain't no garden spot in the winter and the Hawk up there ran my ass home.

    11:35 PM

  18. Anonymous2:08 AM

    What happened to Granny? She's usually sputtering about something at this time of night. Welp. I'm going to bed.

    Bill, thanks for shutting down PC. FN is so much nicer when he's not around. Now, if only something could be done about DQAE, we would be in blog heaven.

  19. Everybody can look expensive without spending too much permanent lip augmentation gurgaon.

  20. Unfortunatly Mrs Field is a Lilly person. I wish there were some roses in the house to smell.

    It's such a wonderful morning here in America. I think I will hug the first white person I see. ....

    1. Anonymous7:34 AM

      Field just make sure it's an open minded White person with money. Other wise you'll come away smelling like wet dog and Sudofed.


  21. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Field just make sure it's an open minded White person with money. Other wise you'll come away smelling like wet dog and Sudofed.


    Stay classy, Queef.

  22. Anonymous12:15 PM

    "It's such a wonderful morning here in America. I think I will hug the first white person I see. ...."

    I hope it was Dick Cheney.

  23. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Blacks are the most racist people on earth. This is known amongst most people but it is down played and made to look like only white people are "evil racists"

    Most blacks also think only whites are racist against them..and in thier minds are their "enemies". Sorry to break it to you but most asians and Hispanics want nothing to do with blacks..this just simply isnt talked about or displayed in American media or entertainment.

  24. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Wesley R:

    Its amazing..if someone doesnt happen to like members of other races, they should "die off" according to you and Oprah?

    How is that being a better person then the bigots themsleves? If all black folks who hated white people(many here) "died off" like you guys want to happen ...probably 3/4 of the black population would dissappear.

    Bigotry and hatred is a two way street.

  25. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Anon @ 9:59 pm said..."where can we go will we will all be safe"

    Anywhere where the black population is low. Its quite simple really.

  26. whiteboy1:30 PM

    "Blacks are the most racist people on earth. This is known amongst most people but it is down played and made to look like only white people are "evil racists"

    Because so many blah folks burn crosses on white folks' lawns. That whole blah only drinking fountain thing is working out and preventing white folks from voting thing is going gangbusters as well. smdh.

    1. Anonymous2:00 PM

      Live in the past much? Oh thats right..blacks are known for living and thinking in the past.

      Be completely and all your fellow blacks never say anything negative or make fun of other races?

    2. Anonymous2:06 PM

      "Because so many blah folks burn crosses on peoples lawns" many of them are busy with home invasions, robbing, raping, beating, and killing whites.

      You keep harping on a few of those burnt lawns though many many years ago by some dumb fuck KKK'ers

  27. Teh stupid1:34 PM

    "Not to make your day worse or anything. .but all the mexican kids I went to highschool with always hated the blacks..said the N word more than any white person did."

    Boo hooo, our day just got worse because this asshat says "the Mexicans" he went to school with used the n-word! Oh lawd!!!!!!!!! The Mexicans he went to school with used the n-word!!!!!! We're doomed!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well "the Mexicans" I went to hs with didn't use the n-word so did that just make your day worse? No? See how that works?

  28. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Sure they didnt...not around you. Keep living in denial. Keep thinking every race loves you except evil whitey.

  29. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Noo, blacks arent racists.


    Black Enterrainment (B.E.T)
    Black Colleges
    FUBU (For us by us)
    Black Panthers
    Black only scholarships....

  30. Solo Mexicans use the N word. What, exactly, is your point? That Mexicans hate blacks as much as you do?

    Pretty sure most black.people could care less. They are used th the hateration. Personally, I find that it motivates me.

    1. Anonymous3:26 PM

      My "point" was that you seem to think only white peole use the N word and get all bent out of shape regarding anything YT does.

      Hawaiins, mexicans, asians etc talk bad about or dont like no big deal to Field, theyre not white.

  31. GrannyStandingforTruth3:55 PM

    Poor anonymous wants everyone to hate blacks. That's sad! Poor thing. If they only knew. Smh!

    Yep, those Hawaiians, Mexicans, and Asians hate us so much, until they married into our families. The hate is so strong until they're hanging out with us and our kids. The kids is walking to school together and playing outside with each other. Moving next door to us and inviting us to their festivities and attending ours. They're doing neighborly things with each other. Watching out for each others' kids. The men drinking beer with each other. That's some strong hate. With hate like that who needs love. LOL!

    1. Anonymous8:29 PM

      Yeah im sure thats going on all over america Granny. Would be nice to just have friendly, civil, respectful blacks in every neighborhood but unfortunately most of the time you get the opposite.

      There is a reason that cities with black populations over 30% are "avoided" by most people. To be clear though, not all black folks are bad. Just like any race.

  32. Don't mind it Granny, it wants company.

    Anon@2:31 PM, u cannot be serious. You do realize that blacks were forced to go out on our own because you would not let us join your organizations or create programming for us on television, right?

    Are u aware of the history of the country that u live in?

    1. Anonymous8:18 PM

      Forced to go out on your own because "I" didnt let you join "my" organizations?

      They arent mine FN and I didnt prevent you from shit. Whatever happened YEARS ago has nothing to do with today.

      Notice now how blacks are in everyother commercial. Why did you guys need "your own programming" on television? Arent we a people of one? Didnt blacks complain that they want everything to be equal?

      But here you are admitting that you guys want "your own" organizations and programming..basically segregating yourselves from everyone else.

      Its amazing how you never hear asians complain that they want their own colleges, clothing, and programming.

    2. Anonymous8:37 PM

      Field. Im aware of the history of the country. I know the injustices that African Americans faced. I think it was terrible and wish it never happened.

      Im also aware that whatever lynchings and other things that went on have been surely passed up by the amount of black on black well as black on white crime.

  33. This guy must be new. This has been a common thread on blah blogs and websites for years. I remember years ago on Black Planet there was a guy who spent all day trolling Asian and Latino sites to post about how much they hate us. And really? BET? Must be a teenager who thinks he discovered something new that we've heard since day one. Move along nothing to see. This is the perfect example of how the rich are using and have used poor ignorant whites to further their agenda. Paul Ryan and his ilk can't tell the poor whites that they are eliminating all taxes for the rich and establishing an oligarchy so they use racial language and dog whistles. SMH, as if I care if a few other folks from other ethnicities or races don't like blah folks. Like a fucking teenage girl who tells somebody that somebody else doesn't like them. Sad.

  34. White male5:14 PM

    "Are u aware of the history of the country that u live in?"

    Only the new conservative history in which blah folks were the real racists and white people have been the ones discriminated against. In other words the new modern dumbass.

  35. Yes, the BET and HBCU references was kind of lame. It's as if it just discovered how to be a racist. :)

  36. GrannyStandingforTruth5:35 PM

    Only in America! Smh!

    1. Anonymous8:39 PM

      Only in america..the white man has to pay and suffer for the black mans dysfunction.

  37. GrannyStandingforTruth5:54 PM

    It's nice and clear outside today, but with a slight chill. The last few days have been really nice.

    I hope the weather is nice this weekend because I'm supposed to take three of my grandchildren on a shopping spree for good grades and one is graduating. After they get through going through the mall, I'll probably be bankrupt. *sigh* Sometimes I think that they think I on the same economic standing with Warren Buffett. Oh Lawd help me! Granny-->still trying to figure out how I talked myself into that one.

    Anyone want to borrow some grandchildren for a day and take them shopping?

  38. "Yes, the BET and HBCU references was kind of lame. It's as if it just discovered how to be a racist. :)"

    You need to upgrade your trolls. This one is starting at racist troll 101. Must be the C team.

  39. GrannyStandingforTruth6:24 PM

    Police Shoot Homeless Man During Camping Arrest

    The Huffington Post | by Sebastian Murdock

    "A homeless New Mexico man who was illegally camping in the Albuquerque foothills was fatally shot by police."

    "New helmet camera video released by the Albuquerque Police Department on Friday shows the moment 38-year-old James Boyd turns his back to officers and then gets shot dead. Despite overwhelming criticism to the shooting, the department says its officers were justified, KRQE reported."

    "Boyd was shot on Sunday, March 16. Police Chief Gorden Eden said officers approached Boyd, who was sleeping, to speak to him about illegally camping in an open space, according to the Albuquerque Journal."


  40. GrannyStandingforTruth6:30 PM

    It's ashamed that a homeless person cannot even sleep out in an open camping space without being killed by the po-po.

    All humans have to sleep at some time during a 24 hr. period. What are the homeless supposed to do sleep standing up? This is a crazy world we live in. Smh!

  41. GrannyStandingforTruth6:33 PM

    Mateus Moore, Teen, Died Trying To Save Girlfriend Mickayla Friend From Oncoming Train

    Read this!

    1. Anonymous8:42 PM


      Quit posting articles from that liberal rag Huff post. Nothing but garbage left propaganda over there.

  42. Oh boy Field...

    You really have entrenched yourself in the two party system game...

    Must you constantly pontificate over the "No-Bodys" that make up the GOP....???

    By giving them attention you relinquish power.

    Now on to this cute patty cake post....about everybody all getting along....

    Would you expect the expect the descendants of colonialism to set the record str8, and level the playing field while at the same time striving for in your words..."A Rainbow children of god"-level paradise where ebony and ivory live together in perfect harmony — ???

    Hell you even said...

    "Well, it doesn't really exist in America...

    So WTF do you keep asking for something intangible that cannot be MEASSURED?.?.?.?.

    Pie in The Sky...

    Its the basic premise that the political power the "Civil Rights Movement" was squandered on...

    Fighting for inclusion into a structured society that was designed for the exact opposite.

    Our Focus as Black People needs to be creating Institutions we can Own, and Control,and creating our own businesses to pass own to the babies.....

    Enough of the whining and complaining about how UN-inclusive the White Folks are....

    Your post has Stephen written all over it...

    You need some Dr Claude Anderson in your life...

  43. Look up Black Is Clueless, that thing you see is the point flying over your head. Obviously you have a problem detecting Sarcasm.

    But I get it; you are still new here.

  44. "Its amazing how you never hear asians complain that they want their own colleges, clothing, and programming."

    Clearly you live in a small town.

    1. Anonymous12:51 PM

      No..NYC Field.

      Hey Field. Is it true Italians still run Philly?

    2. You have been watching Rocky again.

  45. Anonymous8:36 PM

    "Its amazing how you never hear asians complain that they want their own colleges, clothing, and programming."

    Why should they? 1) Whites have made them "honorary" members of the White race/ the "model minority"group and 2) They smoke Whites is ALL the things White folks value, plus MANY they don't.


    1. Anonymous12:49 PM

      Your ignorance is truly amazing.

  46. Anonymous9:51 PM

    "Im also aware that whatever lynchings and other things that went on have been surely passed up by the amount of black on black well as black on white crime."

    Surely passed up? Certainly not enough Black on Black crime to equate to all the Blacks killed during the slave trade and for the next 400 years in America.



  47. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Are you serious? Its all ready been passed up dipshit. 300 blacks get murdered a YEAR in big cities like Chicago and Detroit. Its been going on for decades!

    Wake up moron! Move on from whatever happened long long ago by people NOT EVEN ALIVE!!!

  48. Anonymous6:23 PM

    The black people on this site are some of the most clueless people on the internet.


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