Sunday, March 16, 2014

Strange tweets, and even DWW is getting dangerous.

The guy who found FOX Views took to twitter to give his two cents about the missing Malaysian jet.

He says that the jet may be stolen and might be hidden in Northern Pakistan somewhere. Now I suppose that this might be possible, but man it sure gives an interesting insight into the guy's world view.

"Rupert Murdoch          @rupertmurdoch
World seems transfixed by 777 disappearance. Maybe no crash but stolen, effectively hidden, perhaps in Northern Pakistan, like Bin Laden."

Yep,  now I see why FOX Views has the type of programming that they do.

And is he saying that Bin Laden is still alive and being hidden in Northern Pakistan?

For his sake I certainly hope not.

Finally, I just posted a story where the po po shot an old man after he pulled a cane on them. Now here comes a story out of Alabama about an unarmed 20 year old airman who was shot in the gut by the po po.
"Police shot a 20-year-old airman as he lay on the ground following a traffic accident along Interstate 85 in Alabama, the man’s family said.

Air Force Airman 1st Class Michael Davidson was traveling Thursday evening from Texas to Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, near Goldsboro, N.C., in a 2004 GMC Envoy when he changed lanes and clipped a semi-truck with his driver’s side mirror, according to police.

Davidson stopped and got out of his SUV to exchange insurance information with the semi’s driver, the airman’s father told the Opelika-Auburn News.   

He said he didn’t get that far,” said Billy Davidson. “When (he was walking) to the truck, he said he heard something but couldn’t tell what it was. There was a lot of noise, but (he) could see the reflection of the lights off the truck — the police lights. Then he did what I told him to do. I told my boys if you see police lights (to) stop, put your hands up and turn around.”

The elder Davidson said his son held up his arms, holding his wallet in one hand.

“The next thing I know I was on the ground,” Michael Davidson told his father. “That’s when they shot me. I didn’t realize he shot me. I didn’t know what happened. It was so fast. They couldn’t have been there three or four seconds when I was shot.”

Michael Davidson told his father that police immediately searched his vehicle, even before he received medical assistance.

“After being shot, the officer was yelling at Michael, asking where the ‘other person’ was,” his father told the Panola Watchman. “Michael was traveling alone, and has no idea who the ‘other person’ is.”

But police said officers and emergency medical personnel responded “as quickly as possible,” and even discussed sending a medical helicopter to assist." [Story]

Lord have mercy! It's getting just as bad to drive while white as it is to drive while black. You police officers have got to chill a little bit out here. You are way too quick on the trigger. If police departments have to pay a little bit more to better train their officers then so be it.


  1. I always though the term "public safety" was associated with law enforcement.

    I'm not so sure lately.

  2. Trollonymous Burgundy9:08 PM

    Everyone knows by now... If you were a bully growing up or was bullied as as child and now want to feel "relevant" and in charge, join the Police Force.

    Perhaps more of this driving/walking while white needs to happen to the 'regular' folks like the Davidson's. Ya know... I wonder what was the Davidson's take on all those cops vs driving while black shootings or the Trayvon Martin murder.

    Now they know...

  3. Anonymous9:16 PM

    "And is he saying that Bin Laden is still alive and being hidden in Northern Pakistan?"

    Um, no. Are you daft?

  4. Blas Gomez9:18 PM

    Trollonymous Burgundy said...
    "or the Trayvon Martin murder. "

    There was no Trayvon Martin murder, George Zimmerman stopped the attempted murder with one shot through the assailant's chest.

  5. "Finally, I just posted a story where the po po shot an old man after he pulled a cane on them. Now here comes a story out of Alabama about an unarmed 20 year old airman who was shot in the gut by the po po."

    Once again, there is nothing to see here. Absent a white shooter and a black victim, there will be no national media outcry. Only stories that advance the Narrative get told.

    No one care about some cracker getting shot. Crackers are on the way out. Don't you listen to the news?

  6. Wesley R9:28 PM

    It's bad when we leave the house people profile us. The problem is when they act on their own prejudices.

    I got Florida, Iowa State, Arizona, and Louisville for the final 4.

    1. Anonymous9:43 PM

      No ones profiling you if you look like Ben Carson or Bill Cosby.

      Stop leaving the house lookin like Lil weezy and Young Jeezy. Image is everything young buck.

  7. Dick Vitale10:06 PM

    "I got Florida, Iowa State, Arizona, and Louisville for the final 4."

    You are acting on your own prejudices.

  8. Anonymous10:14 PM

    "He says that the jet may be stolen and might be hidden in Northern Pakistan somewhere. Now I suppose that this might be possible, but man it sure gives an interesting insight into the guy's world view."

    It also gives an interesting insight into your world view, too. 'If' the jet was stolen, it could very well be in Pakistan or any other country in that region.

    Someone turned off the communications transponders. Why couldn't it have been a Muslim terrorist from Pakistan?

    If not, then that jet is at the bottom of the ocean, and finding it might not happen.

    In any case, aren't you tired of all the news speculation designed ONLY to increase their ratings? Must you contribute to it? Oh, that's are looking for hits, too.

    Btw, where is that baby dick PC?

  9. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Wesley R, NONE of those teams you have picked are going to be in the FINAL FOUR. Hell, I'll be surprised it they make it past the Sweet 16.

  10. Louisville and florida are solid choices. Gotta get home to watch my man Neil deGrasse spit knowledge.

  11. Anonymous10:52 PM

    "Lord have mercy! It's getting just as bad to drive while white as it is to drive while black."

    No it's not. It is not even close. Why are you wishing for it to be so? Well, America loves Whites and looks down on Blacks. There is no way you can conclude that Whites have it as bad because they don't.

    Field, it is becoming increasingly apparent that you are an undercover racist for Whites. It all makes sense why you think the world of PC. You two are against your own kind, you love ww, you wish you were White, and you religiously watch and listen to O'Reilly everyday. You are nothing but a HN.

  12. fl, tx, al...

    there is an atheist's comment with a spirit of Truth on that link that is worth checking out.

    there's a LOT going on. anybody should be able to see it at this point.

    when folk suggest a look on the spiritual side would only bring Good when rolling with Almighty; heathens hurl "crazy" labels.


    sometimes it all cracks me up.


    and hold up, 'cause you know we are moving to turned up chaos, get a load of this:

    as it relates to last post's topic.


    really, now?

    re: tonight's post- police state is being instated/activated in plain sight.

    yet, sleeping folk more concerned about an emotional outcry or color. divisions. distractions. rather than the fact, clearly americans got more in common than not. the common enemy is showing folk, in plain sight, that enslavement is end game for humanity. doesn't matter the color of the flesh the spirit is housed in. maybe folk aren't noticing...but what's done to one gets done to others. folk sitting back, hoping silence will save them- it won't- waiting their turn.


    full circle.


    in His Spirit and Truth.

    Standing Strong on Him/His Word.

    not fight with one another.

    by His Spirit the Victory is won.

    did folk NOT hear Dorner, rip, when he told folk how paramilitary, steroid hyped police officers get down, for Real? did folk think he was "crazy"?


    btw, i think without Him/His Word; Dorner is how the soldiers tend to clock in and go to work;( only Yah bridles THAT spirit;) i still feel sad for his family and pray that they know Peace + Healing.

    it does me zero Good to see what's written + the inevitable unfold. these are the stories that are hitting mainstream. the stories that get buried, world wide, are bananas.

  13. Anonymous11:48 PM

    Can you believe that the LGBT wanted to carry signs in the family St Patricks Day Parade in Boston and New York? Thank God they did not give in.

    But get this: The Mayors of Boston and New York City are refusing to march in the parade because the committees of the parade refused to allow LGBT signs in the parade.

    Stuff is getting crazy. Can't even have a St Patrick's family parade w/o gays demanding they carry signs letting Irish 'Catholic' people know they are now part of the landscape and Catholicism be damned.

    This is so scary.


  14. the below link is an example of how riding the "freedom train" unspoken law works. the law makers around the world are guilty of framing mischief using man's law. they take great, do what thou wilt liberties along the way, as well. folk think those patrolling the street are buckwild? get familiar with the "professional" thugs + gangstas:

    IF folk think this stuff only happens in other places and not here in the US. okey doke.

    free will.

    this is in red, ya'll. Messiah speaking.



    John 10: 1-5

    1 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.

    2 But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep.

    3 To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out.

    4 And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice.

    5 And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers.


    His People/my people did not understand so...



    John 10:7-11

    7 Then said Messiah unto them again, Verily, verily I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep.

    8 All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear them.

    9 I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.

    10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy; I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

    11 I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.


    as a side note: for those folk that think hating the Hebrews for killing Messiah make sense. these folk are the same ones that justify all types of hatred though. nevertheless, since i AM here in His Word. please get familiar with why that is faulty thinking. Messiah speaking. written in red.



    John 10: 17-18

    17 Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again.

    18 No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself, I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.


    sometimes i wonder if folk take these "news stories" as entertainment moreso than a sign of the times. His People/my people, it sure appears so...

    this is why we walk by faith;)


    @ must be one of those socially engineered "white" hispanics. 'cause most regular, people of color, hispanics ALREADY know following/pursuing folk when asked to cease/desist= Stand Strong/beat down if pursued responds in fight mode. flight wasn't quite working.

    young king Martin Stood His Ground. while being pursued by mr weak, packing heat, ball of confusion, stay in trouble, zimmerman.

    you're welcome for that clue.

    if you'd like to join the human circle now, folk will move around and make room for ya.

    many are called;)

  15. Anonymous12:31 AM

    PC, check this statement out.

    "Anonymous Bill said...

    PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
    create a fake scandal, acorn or Shirly Sherrod

    brietbart proved his point and nothing the left said disputed it.

    I find it odd that you didn't realize that.

    I guess that's the point of blind obedience."

    He believes Breitbart and doesn't think the tapes were doctored.

  16. GrannyStandingforTruth12:40 AM

    All I can say is that Billy is lucky he is not Black because they would have beat him, killed him and lied.

    It's ashamed a young man joins the military to fight in behalf of this country and comes home on leave to be shot like a dog in the street by some trigger happy police. Smh!

    Not that I'm surprise because the police are out of control. They've given up on catching murderers, bank robbers, rapist, and have become the bad guys. Reverse roles!

  17. GrannyStandingforTruth12:48 AM

    @Trollonymous Burgundy,

    That's the only time they'll take notice and begin to see that something needs to be done about trigger happy police. Only when it begins to happen to their own. Other than that, they consider it as the police was doing his job.

  18. Anonymous12:51 AM

    Granny, "Not that I'm surprise because the police are out of control. They've given up on catching murderers, bank robbers, rapist, and have become the bad guys. Reverse roles!"

    Oh Pleeeze! It's not that bad. Want to know what's bad? Our folks killing each other. That's REALLY bad. But it's become so common that it is normal.

    1. Anonymous9:50 PM


      Theres been more black on black murders in the cities of Baltimore and Chicago in the past 20 years then there has been black lynchings in americas history.

      Why is this not being addressed at full speed everyday?

  19. Anonymous12:56 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    @Trollonymous Burgundy,

    That's the only time they'll take notice and begin to see that something needs to be done about trigger happy police. Only when it begins to happen to their own. Other than that, they consider it as the police was doing his job.

    12:48 AM
    Not true. Bill O'Reilly has been fighting crime in the black community long before ANY shooting of a wm has happened. And you know it.

  20. GrannyStandingforTruth1:26 AM

    *Michael* not Billy.

    @Anony 12:56, where in my comment on this topic do you see Bill O'Reilly's name? But, since you want to bring him into it, okay. I'll bite.

    Bill O'Reilly couldn't even keep his wife from leaving him for Flavor Fav. Now, if Flavor Fav stole Bill's wife, do you really believe that Black people could ever take Bill serious?

    In addition, he let us know how he felt about Black folks when he insulted Sylvia's Restaurant with the "Pass the "mf"... And the silverware comment.

    Bill O'Reilly is a joke!

    @Anon 12:51,

    Do you really believe that it's just our people killing each other? Do you really believe that it's not common with all races?

    Last time I look, all human beings are killing each other, it's not just black people. Ours is highlighted more than others. That's the only difference.

    Btw, I don't like to hear about anyone killing another human being. I really hate to hear about our people killing each because they're probably related and don't know it. Our ancestors were sold and separated during slavery. The slave masters kept the identity of some those slaves' parents from them too.

    Cain killed Abel and people have been killing each other every since. That's where it all began. Unlike economics, sin trickles down and spreads like a cancer.

    If I had my hearts desire, they would burn every dangerous weapon on this earth. That day is coming though. It might not be in my time, but it is coming.

  21. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Granny, "Bill O'Reilly couldn't even keep his wife from leaving him for Flavor Fav. Now, if Flavor Fav stole Bill's wife, do you really believe that Black people could ever take Bill serious?"

    Is this your reason for not taking Bill O'Reilly seriously? You have got to be kidding. Flavor Fav? Lord have mercy.

    Fyi, Bill is doing just fine in his personal life. Much better than some of the other folks like JZ and Beyonce...that's a marriage that's going to crash.

  22. Anonymous5:49 AM

    anon, Granny is lying. Bill's wife never left him for Flavor Flav. That is a black lie.

    Now you know the ID, "GrannyStandingforTRUTH" is a joke.

  23. I believe Granny. I think that's why Bill O is obsessed with black folks.

    Love Florida and Michigan State. I am not sure about anybody else. I will go Wichita State and Syracuse as dark horses.

  24. Anonymous7:02 AM

  25. Anonymous11:03 AM

    This ass by the name of Bill Maher thinks so much of himself that he can not only trash people who have faith, he also trashes God and completely misunderstands the Bible. No question he is one of Satan's favorites.

    FP, what do you think of this beast?

  26. FN said...
    It's getting just as bad to drive while white as it is to drive while black.

    The only difference is now the "po po" are going after non-poor people.
    Poor people of all colors have always been screwed by the cops.

    In the day of Obama the police are getting "tanks" to keep the unruly masses in control.

    Can an Obama supporter explain why local police need armored vehicles?


  27. A plunge in U.S. preschool obesity? Not so fast, experts say
    First Lady Michelle Obama and others seized on the finding as a sign that efforts to combat the national obesity epidemic were paying off.
    In fact, based on the researchers' own data, the obesity rate may have even risen rather than declined.

    How bad are things going for Obama/democrats that reuters is now calling Michelle out for her less than honest statements.

  28. Anonymous11:41 AM

    From the previous thread:

    Anonymous GrannyStandingforTruth said...

    "FP, I'm not disputing the fact that some black men need to take responsibility for their children. :)

    My focus is on Bill O'Reilly<-- needs to stop trying dictate to Black folks about any aspect of their life or issues because he is not qualified to do that and is so full of dung."
    O'Reilly doesn't dictate, he gives facts. As far as qualifications are concerned, look at our folks and the desperate mess we are in. Are Blacks qualified to make things better? Hell no...From YOUR way of thinking, you have to be Black and a screw things up in our community to be qualified.

    Well, you should be thankful O'Reilly is getting involved in our community because black on black murders will diminish, OOW will decrease, and education will be available.

    In other words, educated Blacks with Bill O's morals and work ethics iwill rise. And that will be a good thing because it will bring R-E-S-P-E-C-T to the Black community.

    Granny, the only ones who want to keep denying us opportunities are folks like you. Why are you still denying our people opportunities to get ahead? You need to shut up about O'Reilly because YOU don't know what you are talking about.

    One more thing: O'Reilly's wife did not leave him for a crackhead like that brainless ugly disgusting Flavor Flav. Instead, she left Flavor Flav for Bill O'Reilly. She tried to do something with her life by marrying a true FAMILY MAN.

    1. Anonymous9:56 PM

      Speak that truth!

  29. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Blogger field negro said...

    "I believe Granny. I think that's why Bill O is obsessed with black folks."

    Yeah, yeah. That's why you live in a fantasy world. lol

  30. Trying their best to save Obama/democrats, msnbc went to Kenya ("But out in the wide world, there is one place he can always call home") to find people that support Obama.

    "just think, they don't even have Obamacare yet"

  31. "How bad are things going for Obama/democrats that reuters is now calling Michelle out for her less than honest statements."

    Wait... so you're saying Michelle wants American children to be slimmer, healthier. fitter and lead more productive lives??

    Jeeze, what a terrible woman.

  32. The Purple Cow said...

    "How bad are things going for Obama/democrats that reuters is now calling Michelle out for her less than honest statements."

    Wait... so you're saying Michelle wants American children to be slimmer, healthier. fitter and lead more productive lives??

    It's all good that she wants kids to be healthy.

    Why did she have to lie about the success her program had?

    Please explain why she had to lie PurpleCow.

  33. "She tried to do something with her life by marrying a true FAMILY MAN."

    The top-rated cable news host has said he was humiliated by the suit, which charged that he spoke to Mackris about sexual fantasies, masturbation and vibrators while sometimes seeming to pleasure himself.

  34. If there was a sting and only democrats took bribes, what to do?

    Cancel the investigation blaming racism.

    The Pennsylvania Attorney General's Office ran an undercover sting operation over three years that captured leading Philadelphia Democrats, including four members of the city's state House delegation, on tape accepting money,
    Sources with knowledge of the sting said the investigation made financial pitches to both Republicans and Democrats, but only Democrats accepted the payments.

    No surprise this happens under the nose of FN and he doesn't mention it. Anything to protect democrats.

  35. The Purple Cow said...
    "She tried to do something with her life by marrying a true FAMILY MAN."


    Nothing like living in the past.

    It does explain a lot about you.

  36. "Why did she have to lie about the success her program had?"

    She didn't lie sweetcheecks, she simply quoted the CDC's own press release, which as the post that you linked to said>>>

    "a CDC press release trumpeted in its first sentence "a significant decline in obesity among children aged 2 to 5 years," with obesity prevalence for this group showing "a decline of 43 percent."

    Now as we now know the sample size was a little too small to be making that assumption from the data, but that is an error of the CDC's press office not Michelle Obama.

    But Bill, Don't you think it's a sad reflection on your life that you are so obviously delighted that it's unclear if American kids are getting healthier??

    Time to get a life, Bill-oh

  37. 2004

    Nothing like living in the past.

    It does explain a lot about you."

    So when exactly di Bill O'Reily begin the process of becoming a "good family man"?




    Nothing like living in denial.

  38. The Purple Cow said...

    "Why did she have to lie about the success her program had?"

    She didn't lie sweetcheecks, she simply quoted the CDC's own press release, which as the post that you linked to said

    From my link...

    To be sure, the CDC scientists were aware of the statistical limitations of their data, and their paper clearly stated that the findings were imprecise.

    The paper clearly stated that the findings were imprecise.

    Would you quote something that said it's findings were imprecise?

    Oops, never mind. You posted a link from 2004 as if it proved something in 2014.

  39. The Purple Cow said...
    Now as we now know the sample size was a little too small

    STOP LYING PurpleCow.

    To be sure, the CDC scientists were aware of the statistical limitations of their data, and their paper clearly stated that the findings were imprecise.

    "Now as we know" is a lie.

    Your a terrible liar PurpleCow, why not try telling the truth even if it goes against your preconceived beliefs?

  40. " the paper clearly stated that the findings were imprecise.

    But the press release didn't you dimwitted twunt.

    Also imprecise, that does not necessarily mean WRONG.


    " You posted a link from 2004 as if it proved something in 2014."

    I did no such thing, cuntface.

    In 2004 he paid out a multimillion $ sum to a female co-worker who claimed that he told her about his sex fantasies while masturbating under his desk.

    Now, I don;t think that makes him a model dad. At what stage did he suddenly stop being a bad dad?

  41. "STOP LYING PurpleCow.

    Errrr, the quote you have attempted to edit out of context, was not a lie. Here it is IN FULL.

    "Now as we now know the sample size was a little too small to be making that assumption from the data, but that is an error of the CDC's press office not Michelle Obama."


  42. The Purple Cow said...

    "STOP LYING PurpleCow.

    Errrr, the quote you have attempted to edit out of context, was not a lie. Here it is IN FULL.

    "Now as we now know the sample size was a little too small to be making that assumption from the data, but that is an error of the CDC's press office not Michelle Obama."

    You are lame PurpleCow.

    14th paragraph.
    To be sure, the CDC scientists were aware of the statistical limitations of their data, and their paper clearly stated that the findings were imprecise.

    I quoted the whole paragraph. No edits. Why are you lying PurpleCow? Do you think no one else is able to visit the link and see my quote is an exact copy/paste?

    Here's the link again-

    Why didn't you point out that Michelle or her handlers only read the headline and didn't read anything else?

    Indeed, the CDC scientists' conclusion is that "there have been no significant changes in obesity prevalence in youth or adults between 2003-2004 and 2011-2012."

    Even so, a CDC press release trumpeted in its first sentence "a significant decline in obesity among children aged 2 to 5 years," with obesity prevalence for this group showing "a decline of 43 percent."

    When I do that you get all pissy and call me a cuntface.

    It appears Michelle did the same as I do, are you going to be a hypocrite?

    Double standard



    Thanks for making this so easy! :)

    Like usual, government employees take the fifth or refuse to do interviews when caught making shit up.

    A CDC spokeswoman said the lead author of the JAMA study, Cynthia Ogden, "is not doing any media interviews,"

    Cynthia or lois lerner, something they know has to be hidden from the pubic.

  43. StillaPanther22:03 PM

    My alma mater (NCCU) won the MEAC tournament to receive the auto bid to the NCAA 64 (now 68). This is bittersweet in that I would have liked for Central to play in the NIT. Why? Because I think we would have been more competitive in the opponents in the NIT. Also the venue more than likely would have been closer than San Antonio, TX and regionally we would have gone to support our team. And lastly I don't like that the MEAC gets thrown "a bone" each year.

    Morgan State had a taller front line (our tallest is 6-9) and I think would have been more physically adept than NCCU height challenged team.

    Growing up in the era of segregation, I only wish that some of the athletes that are "lottery picks" and "one and done" attend the HBCUs to bring some of that money (by fan support)to our legacies. All these HWCUs have all-Americans athletes sitting on the bench. So this week when we get all hoopla about the Iowa States and the Dukes- ask yourself how many Blacks are donning caps and gowns from these schools that have now 12-13 Blacks on the team. I want to know where are the white boys. We do need special concessions to keep them active because I don't know how long they will support these school teams that are only a minor league for the global professional Black athlete. Look at the graduation pictures from these schools. Until they mirror what I see on the fields and arenas.....

    And YES....four (4) HBCUs have beat the odds and won a game after more than 3,ooo game. So no I am not jumping up and down just to see my people once again be celebrating about a system that is designed for us to once again be "less than" and "just not good enough".

    Now for the good news. My wife (met her 42 years ago her freshman year at NCCU- married 40) and I went to both games of the MEAC tourney at the Scope, Norfolk, Va. that NCCU won. Was so blessed to see a stadium full of Black alums from all the schools of the MEAC. It was so refreshing just to fellowship with others of my youth. There were also many Vietnam vets that I shed some tears with. StillaPanther2 PS My wife said the only regrets she had was getting off sorority tract to marry me. She STILL can satisfy that craving to be a Delta doll.

  44. Anonymous2:16 PM

    FN Your articles are the most poorly written and researched on the internet. Using slang and filthy images don't pass for journalism.

    Oh, and you are a racist.

  45. James2:21 PM

    StillaPanther2 said...
    "I want to know where are the white boys. We do need special concessions to keep them active because I don't know how long they will support these school teams that are only a minor league for the global professional Black athlete"

    White people have remained fans of college and professional football and basketball for the past 50 years, even as long ago these became "black" sports. I don't see the white fan going anywhere.

    It seems like blacks have no interest in sports they don't dominate, however. I don't see many black hockey or even baseball fans anymore.

  46. BILL, when debating with someone as stupid as you, it can be quite difficult to explain even the simplest of concepts.

    Nevertheless, I must try. What follows is a detailed point-bypoint refutation of your latest nonsensical diatribe.

    "14th paragraph.
    To be sure, the CDC scientists were aware of the statistical limitations of their data, and their paper clearly stated that the findings were imprecise."

    Yep, and I have not disputed the point, I alluded to it in my first post.

    ""I quoted the whole paragraph. No edits. Why are you lying PurpleCow? Do you think no one else is able to visit the link and see my quote is an exact copy/paste? "

    Yes I Know you posted the whole paragraph without edits, I've never suggested any different. What's your point?

    You edited MY SENTENCE by cutting it in half in a lame assed effort to make it look as If I was saying something I wasn't. That's the dishonesty I aaas (rightly) accusing you of.

    Do you have trouble following these debates Bill? Are they too complex for you?

    "Why didn't you point out that Michelle or her handlers only read the headline and didn't read anything else?"

    I said she read the press release, the CDC's own press release. The headline was from the CDC's now press-release. What's your problem?

    Indeed, the CDC scientists' conclusion is that "there have been no significant changes in obesity prevalence in youth or adults between 2003-2004 and 2011-2012."

    Even so, a CDC press release trumpeted in its first sentence "a significant decline in obesity among children aged 2 to 5 years," with obesity prevalence for this group showing "a decline of 43 percent."

    Errrrrrrr, these two quotes back up my version of events and not yours.!?!?

    Ms. Obama probably gets a daily briefing that included the CDC's misleading P.R. release. That does;t make her a liar. Especially when you consider that other studies have shown a drop in obesity, including the 15.%% drop shown in the New York survey.

    "When I do that you get all pissy and call me a cuntface."

    Well it follows that a cunt is going to have a cunt's face. After all if it acts like a cunt, talks like a cunt, walks like a cunt and lies like a cunt, that means you are almost certainly a cunt bill-oh. And a nasty lying cunt at that.

    "It appears Michelle did the same as I do, are you going to be a hypocrite?"

    Well hang on, you were the one calling Michelle a liar, now you are saying she does the same as you do? So by your standards that makes you the liar right?

    "Double standard"

    Yep, it would appear so.




    I believe you are, yes.

    Thanks for making this so easy! :)

    "Like usual, government employees take the fifth or refuse to do interviews when caught making shit up.

    A CDC spokeswoman said the lead author of the JAMA study, Cynthia Ogden, "is not doing any media interviews,

    Cynthia or lois lerner, something they know has to be hidden from the pubic."

    Lead scientists don't right press releases, you total fucking moron". You were agreeing with her 30 seconds ago.

    Jeeze louise, give me strength....

  47. Congrats brotha Panther.

    PC, you are dealing with a guy who regularly uses misleading or partial information to attempt to make liberals or dems look bad and then has the gall to call others out about hypocrisy and double standards. Irony is lost on conservatives.

  48. BTW Bill, police forces have long been militarized. How long has the LAPD and other agencies been using armored vehicles?
    I have to ask, are you a humor troll or just really this dense? I mean really man, your act is getting old.

  49. The Nebulizer2:28 PM

    PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
    PC, you are dealing with a guy who regularly uses misleading or partial information

    So does PC. He and Bill are both idiots. Watching them trade comments is excruciating.

    They should get a room.

  50. GrannyStandingforTruth2:36 PM

    "One more thing: O'Reilly's wife did not leave him for a crackhead like that brainless ugly disgusting Flavor Flav. Instead, she left Flavor Flav for Bill O'Reilly."

    Okay, I may have gotten it backwards.

    So that means Bill married Flavor Flav's leftovers? Ughhhh. Give me a bucket, I think I'm gonna puke.

  51. Fifty Shades of Gray Hair2:42 PM

    Granny fantasizes about Bill O'Reilly.

  52. Oh by the way wingnuts, there's a spelling mistake in my last post, I couldn't be arsed to edit it, so I'm giving it you for free.

  53. Anonymous2:48 PM

    What, you and Bill aren't going to go back and forth about it for an hour?

  54. If she'd spend a little time with me, and Granny would forget all about Bill O'Reilly.

    What do you say Granny? Are you ready?

  55. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Granny, "So that means Bill married Flavor Flav's leftovers? Ughhhh. Give me a bucket, I think I'm gonna puke."

    2:36 PM
    Well, this is America. EVERYBODY is effing EVERYBODY...You ought to know that. We are ALL connected. Some of the people you would never screw have been screwed by others that lead to the one YOU yourself was lusting for, or wanted to marry.

    "There is no Saint without a past; and there is no sinner without a future."

  56. Whaaaaaaa? Bill uses selectively edited posts to prove his points? No wonder he hold Breitbart in such high esteem. Conservatives don't want truth, they're happy with whatever fits their narrative. I'm shocked!

  57. KettleX3:06 PM

    "Conservatives don't want truth, they're happy with whatever fits their narrative. I'm shocked!"

    Are you calling me black?

    You'd be shocked by the truth. You are the flip side of the coin from Bill in your partisanship.

  58. GrannyStandingforTruth3:10 PM

    Anony 11:41,

    "In other words, educated Blacks with Bill O's morals and work ethics will rise. And that will be a good thing because it will bring R-E-S-P-E-C-T to the Black community."

    Granny, the only ones who want to keep denying us opportunities are folks like you. Why are you still denying our people opportunities to get ahead?"

    What are you smoking or drinking? Whatever it is, you need to hurry up and leave it alone. Your brain is suffering from brain damage.

    Bill O'Reilly could care less about the Black community or Black people.

  59. GrannyStandingforTruth3:45 PM

    Well, I'm out. Bye bye.

  60. "You'd be shocked by the truth. You are the flip side of the coin from Bill in your partisanship."

    Bill is more than partisan, let's not compare anyone to that special ed case.

  61. KettleX4:08 PM

    Bill is in his twenties.

    You have no such excuse.

  62. Porter4:10 PM

    President Obama is threatening to veto a law that would allow Congress to sue him in federal courts for arbitrarily changing or refusing to enforce federal laws

    Well I can certainly see where the President would find such legislation off-putting. Though he must vaguely imagine that the crowd under that domed structure surely has some esoteric function. But what that is–neither of us can fathom. The President’s attorneys advise that forcing him to enforce laws with which he does not agree (such as those related to immigration) would encroach on the authority of his office. And Democrats agree.

    That’s why they would sit in principled silence when a President-of-Hate peremptorily ceased enforcing the civil rights act, fair lending & housing laws, and the Food Stamp Act. Perhaps the operative principle is power.

  63. "Bill is in his twenties."
    Are you sure? So he is THAT developmentally challenged? Wow. His parents are saints for caring for him.

  64. Bill is a psychological conservative without sufficient life experience to realize most of his opinions are based in liberal dogma. His constant appeals to rationalism in pointing out liberal hypocrisies assume incorrectly that liberals care about being hypocritical.

    Conservatives are disposed to conserve. Liberalism has been the dominant position for so long, so many psychological conservatives support it reflexively because of that. When every authority you had in life reinforces the same message, conservatives will believe it, especially the dumber ones. That’s why we get always “yesterday’s liberalism” from mainstream, respectable conservatives.

    I am neither mainstream, nor respectable. My conservatism is about being who instead of always whom.

  65. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Liberalism is two jews and a black voting on which white to have for lunch; Conservatism is a well-armed white enforcing the vote.

  66. Who? Whom? I see what you did there, you copied and pasted several different posters from the Kakisocracy blog and passed it off as your own work.

    What is it with you conservatives and intellectual dishonesty?

  67. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Whose own work? Who? Whom?

    Are you really a cow?

  68. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Blogger The Purple Cow said...
    Who? Whom? I see what you did there, you copied and pasted several different posters from the Kakisocracy blog and passed it off as your own work.
    PC is the FN policeman of comments AND race. He knows who is Black and who is not Black. He knows what people are thinking and saying...what a genius! and, he is Black to boot. That alone has got to place him in the Guinness book of Records.

    Before PC, there were no black geniuses of his caliber. FN should be proud.

    Oh wait...there is another brilliant genius by the name of Dr Nuwang with degrees up the wazoo. Sorry, my mistake...Wow, all these geniuses on FN. What an honor.

    Question: "What brings geniuses to FN?"

  69. The Purple Cow said...

    Who? Whom? I see what you did there, you copied and pasted several different posters from the Kakisocracy blog and passed it off as your own work.

    All the blogs on the internet and someone comes by to bash me and PurpleCow just happens to know the website it was copied/pasted from.

    Another sockpuppet PurpleCow?

  70. Hypocrisy! Double standard!6:26 PM

    "His constant appeals to rationalism in pointing out liberal hypocrisies assume incorrectly that liberals care about being hypocritical."

    While his apparent oblivious awareness of conservative hypocrisy makes him exactly what he attempts to accuse others of being. Irony is lost on conservatives.

  71. Dixiecrat6:27 PM

    "Conservatism is a well-armed white enforcing the vote."

    Bull Connor would be proud!

  72. Bullshit detector6:28 PM

    "Bill is a psychological conservative without sufficient life experience to realize most of his opinions are based in liberal dogma."

    Nah, he's just a dumbass.

  73. StillaPanther26:56 PM

    Brother James, you may be right about the exodus of fans from the sports dominated by Blacks. I have noticed in the last ten years there are few fans in the high school football games. Maybe it is a protection issue.

    In regards to college, many students go to the games for social contact like many alums do.

    So I guess if the other race has been entertained for the last 50 years,,,,, hmmm, I think they will stay with the game.

    I may have overdosed on seeing my people for one whole week come to Norfolk, VA to the MEAC tourney and act like the Black men and women I remembered from "the day"..

    Thank for the congratulations Brother Pilot.

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. "Before PC, there were no black geniuses of his caliber. FN should be proud."

    True dat.


    What's interesting is, that every single time that a far-right type posts something half-way literate on this website, when you copy and paste what they have written into Google it turns out they have stolen it from somewhere else.

    Every single time.

  76. Anonymous7:01 PM

    There is no one on this blog with sufficient life experience to know much of anything. If you think O'Reilly is a dumbass, what do you think of people who can't solve their own murder and oow problems that have been raging for decades? Not only that, they have the arrogance and ignorance to turn away people wanting to help because they don't like the help? That is about as 'dumb' as you can get. No wonder we are on the bottom, and no one likes us...We are just plain stupid with the arrogance to call others stupid, who are doing very well in life.

  77. ""All the blogs on the internet and someone comes by to bash me and PurpleCow just happens to know the website it was copied/pasted from.

    Another sockpuppet PurpleCow?"

    I didn't "just happen to know" you moronic twat, I googled a sentence in his diatribe, and what he had written was a melange of several posts by several posters on that website.

    But feel free to ask Field where that poster came from. Field will know where he is based, his ISP, and his software. I guarantee you he's not in Lancashire.

  78. Anonymous7:08 PM

    PC, "What's interesting is, that every single time that a far-right type posts something half-way literate on this website, when you copy and paste what they have written into Google it turns out they have stolen it from somewhere else.

    Every single time."

    6:59 PM
    Who cares? As long as it is true and makes literary sense, who cares?

    FYI: Field cuts and pastes EVERY POST. No one hears you complaining about the 'blatant' plagiarizing of that Negro. Why not?

    Because you are a purple racist with "DOUBLE STANDARDS". Brother PC, you make me sick and embarrassed to be Black.

  79. Anonymous7:08 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Every single time.


    Funny, I've yet to see anything half-way literate from far-left types such as yourself here. Not even when you cut and paste.

  80. Uh who is this we dude? I don't have a murder or oow problem. Neither do any of the people I know. WTF are you talking about?

  81. Anonymous7:15 PM

    PC is a typical leftist. When you can't deal with the message, attack the messenger.

  82. Anonymous7:17 PM

    PilotX, you don't know? With all the damning stats about OOW, lack of fathering in black families, black on black killing in the streets...

    Obama's "My Brother's Keeper" is an effort to help our black community. You need to extend your hand to other Blacks. It's because of Blacks like your selfish self-centered uncaring ass that we can't get ahead.

    Hell, even O'Reilly is a better brother than your sorry ignorant dis-connected black ass.

  83. MotherJones is now against Pot?

    For every pound of pot grown indoors, 4,600 pounds of CO2 goes into the atmosphere

    The production and distribution of pot in America emits as much carbon as 3 million cars.

    As indoor grow module accommodating 4 plants sucks as much electricity as 29 refrigerators.

    During California's growing season, outdoor grows consume roughly 60 million gallons of water a day, 50% more than is used by all the residents of San Francisco

    The Landscape-Scarring, Energy-Sucking, Wildlife-Killing Reality of Pot Farming

    Must be some anti-pot stuff coming from the Obama administration.

  84. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Where's that threadkiller Focused Purpose when you need her?

  85. In the old days, people had to go to to watch funny cat videos and people falling over while twerking.

    In 2014 that's called Obamacare.

  86. "FYI: Field cuts and pastes EVERY POST. No one hears you complaining about the 'blatant' plagiarizing of that Negro. Why not?"

    Ahhhhm, see these little things: [""], they are called quotation marks. You might want to study up on them before you go leaving comments on the internet and accusing Negroes of plagiarism.

    That's Rand Paul's schtick. ;)

  87. Part-time brotha9:02 PM

    "Hell, even O'Reilly is a better brother than your sorry ignorant dis-connected black ass."

    Just curious anon because you started your post with "they" and then it morphed into "we". Are you still pretending to be a blah person or just half of a post?

  88. Anonymous9:17 PM

    "FYI: Field cuts and pastes EVERY POST. No one hears you complaining about the 'blatant' plagiarizing of that Negro. Why not?"

    Ahhhhm, see these little things: [""], they are called quotation marks. You might want to study up on them before you go leaving comments on the internet and accusing Negroes of plagiarism.

    That's Rand Paul's schtick. ;)

    8:44 PM
    Sorry. I used you to get at PC. I shouldn't have done that. My conscience will keep me up tonight. Will you forgive me so that I can get a good night's sleep?

  89. teh stupid9:19 PM

    Field cites where he got his information while dimwits like Bill try to pass off other's work as their own. If you don't understand that you must have been home schooled by Bill's parents.

  90. Anonymous9:23 PM opposed to the quality Chicago public school education PilotX got passed along through, like shit through a pig.

  91. field negro said...
    Ahhhhm, see these little things: [""], they are called quotation marks. You might want to study up on them before you go leaving comments on the internet and accusing Negroes of plagiarism.

    Your just careful when citing sources.

    Mr. Biden insisted, however, that he had done nothing ''malevolent,'' that he had simply misunderstood the need to cite sources carefully

    FN, did you plagiarize in law school like the vice president did?

  92. Anonymous9:47 PM

    " opposed to the quality Chicago public school education PilotX got passed along through, like shit through a pig."

    I don't think Mr. X went to a Chicago public school. Anonymous misinformation must stop. Apologize anytime.

  93. "Sorry. I used you to get at PC. I shouldn't have done that. My conscience will keep me up tonight. Will you forgive me so that I can get a good night's sleep?"

    I will think about it. Maybe I will sleep on it as well. :)
