Monday, March 17, 2014

Those "hipster" republicans and when prosecutors choose not to prosecute.

*Hoping to get votes from people who are under fifty years old, republicans have launched a new ad. campaign (*not the pic*) targeting "minorities" and "hipsters". This will be running in fourteen states, and according to the RNC it is aimed at disenfranchised Obama voters.

My prediction: This ad. will not sway one single minority or so called "hipster" voter. Republicans are going to make gains in the senate and the House of Representatives this mid-term, but it will not be because of some silly ad. campaign that is trying to make them seem hip and tolerant. It will be because it is a mid-term election, and the people who support the Democratic Party do not traditionally vote in large numbers during mid-term elections. That, and the demonization of the Affordable Care Act, AKA Obamacare.

"To underscore the point that this is an actual “hipster” who willingly revealed that he votes Republican, National Journal found that Scott Greenberg is a real person who does PR director for the Washington Ballet..."

Good for him. I hope that there is more where he came from. Maybe enough of them will come out in 2016 and make that presidential election close.

Finally, there are two stories from my hometown that I feel compelled to write about.

They are both about prosecutors deciding not to bring criminal charges against elected officials.

The first one involves the democratic Attorney General here in Pistolvania and her decision not to go after a bunch of mostly democratic (not to mention black) politicians here in Philly.

"Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane defended her decision to close a corruption probe of Philly politicians and one judge that was begun under previous attorney generals at a press conference this morning.

The allegations made by several cowardly anonymous sources in today’s Philadelphia Inquirer paint an inaccurate and sensational version of the details and timeline of events related to Case File No. 36-622,” Kane said in a statement issued by her office on Sunday evening. “The real truth is that this investigation was not only deeply flawed, but unraveled long before I was elected and then took the oath of office.”

The Inquirer article, which quoted almost entirely from anonymous sources, alleged that State Rep. Louise Bishop, State Rep. Ronald G. Waters, State Rep. Michelle Brownlee, State Rep. Vanessa Brown, and former Traffic Court Judge Thomasine Tynes all received sizable donations which they did not report as required by law from a lobbyist named Tyrone Ali, who was in fact an undercover operative working on behalf of then-Attorney General Tom Corbett.

The piece reported that Kane “shut down” the sting.

But Kane said in her statement that the investigation itself was improper.

“The majority of the work, including more than 91 percent of the recordings by a confidential informant, took place 18 months prior to my inauguration, through three former Attorneys General,” Kane’s statement continued. “When prosecutors dismissed more than 2,000 serious charges of fraud that alleged their informant [Ali] stole $430,000 meant for poor children and seniors, they crippled the chance of this case succeeding in prosecution. Despite the case originating in 2010, this agreement to drop the charges was signed just 24 days after I was elected and weeks before I was sworn in.

The Inquirer reported anonymous sources stating that Kane took issue with the fact that the sting was directed at members of the Black Caucus, although other anonymous sources denied this claim." [Article]

I am familiar with the above mentioned Mr. Ali, and I can say with a clear conscience that he is not a good dude. Still, if there is corruption among elected politicians and the AG has enough evidence to bring charges against them, she should not shut it down because of politics or for fear of cries of racism.

The next case involves a republican official in the suburbs.
The Montgomery County District Attorney’s office on Monday abruptly dropped all charges against former county Republican Party Chairman Robert Kerns, whom it had accused of drugging and sexually assaulting an employee at his law firm.
Prosecutors said that the results of a drug test on which the case was built had been misinterpreted, and that Kerns’ accuser had not been drugged with the sleep aid Ambien.
District Attorney Risa Vetri Ferman is expected to say more later Monday.
The disclosure marked a stunning twist in the case, one that led Kerns to leave his law practice and resign from his prominent party position.

The Montgomery County District Attorney’s office on Monday abruptly dropped all charges against former county Republican Party Chairman Robert Kerns, whom it had accused of drugging and sexually assaulting an employee at his law firm.
Prosecutors said that the results of a drug test on which the case was built had been misinterpreted, and that Kerns’ accuser had not been drugged with the sleep aid Ambien.
District Attorney Risa Vetri Ferman is expected to say more later Monday.
The disclosure marked a stunning twist in the case, one that led Kerns to leave his law practice and resign from his prominent party position.

The Montgomery County District Attorney’s office on Monday abruptly dropped all charges against former county Republican Party Chairman Robert Kerns, whom it had accused of drugging and sexually assaulting an employee at his law firm.
Prosecutors said that the results of a drug test on which the case was built had been misinterpreted, and that Kerns’ accuser had not been drugged with the sleep aid Ambien.
District Attorney Risa Vetri Ferman is expected to say more later Monday.
The disclosure marked a stunning twist in the case, one that led Kerns to leave his law practice and resign from his prominent party position.


Republican party chairman, Robert Kerns, was charged with drugging and "sexually assaulting" an employee from his law office. (19 counts in all, including rape.)

The case was suddenly dropped by the republican District Attorney's office because of a lack of proper evidence.

Robert J. Kerns"A lab report “misinterpreted” by Montgomery County investigators prompted the district attorney’s office Monday to have rape and related charges dropped against former county Republican Committee Chairman Robert J. Kerns, according to District Attorney Risa Vetri Ferman.     

Investigators, whom she declined to name, incorrectly believed that the report showed there were trace amounts of Ambien, a drug commonly used in date rape situations, found in the alleged victim’s system “when in fact there was none,” said Ferman.

Because this misreading of the lab results “was so intertwined” with the evidence that the county presented to the grand jury, which recommended the filing of the charges against Kerns, and with the evidence presented at Kerns’ preliminary hearing, “we decided that the only appropriate thing to do in the interest of justice was withdraw the charges,” said Ferman.

Kerns had been accused of drugging, raping and sexually assaulting a female employee of his law practice. The reported incidents occurred in his Mercedes sedan and at the woman’s home, police said." [Source]

Hey I just report, and you can decide.




  1. Was it a good idea to drop the case because it was so tainted? Couldn't a halfway decent lawyer throw enough reasonable doubt as to get his clients off? Referring to the case against the Philly politicians.
    I also read a story about Philly not pursuing wanted felons once they cross the state line. Sounds like you have one interesting legal system up there.

  2. Winston Smith10:22 PM

    "That, and the demonization of the Affordable Care Act, AKA Obamacare."

    If by demonization, you mean abject failure, then yes, Obamacare is going to to torch the democrats.

    The only hope is that voters will be too clueless to notice that the affects of Obamacare keep getting pushed beyond the next election. In that, the Democrats show they have eternal faith in the stupidity of their voters.

  3. Eric Holder10:34 PM

    "Still, if there is corruption among elected politicians and the AG has enough evidence to bring charges against them, she should not shut it down because of politics or for fear of cries of racism."

    Why not? Is there anything more important than Black racial solidarity? Corruption and graft are the bedrock of black run city and county governments all over America. No pay, no play, man. Jury nullification and the "no snitch" culture illustrate just how much black people value race loyalty over justice.

    Holding blacks to the same ethical standards of whites would be racist.

  4. The gop also seems to be trying to attract younger voters by taking a more hands off approach to weed. Texas Governor "Uh, what's that third thing" and Cali rep Dana Rorbach (I think that's how you spell his name) seem to be pushing for legalization. Strange times indeed.

  5. John Ashcroft10:39 PM

    "Corruption and graft are the bedrock of black run city and county governments all over America."

    Because we all know white politicians are never corrupt.


  6. Congrats PilotX!

    FN said...
    launched a new ad. campaign (*not the pic*) targeting "minorities" and "hipsters".

    It seems like just yesterday you were complaining the right wasn't reaching out. Or is it just because they are targeting disenfranchised Obama voters?

    That pic reminded me of the Obamacare ads targeting young adults.

    she should not shut it down because of politics or for fear of cries of racism.

    How rush like.

    Cries of racism however empty ends careers. People will react without a logical thought crossing their mind. Ask Shirley Sherrod how the Obama administration reacted.

  7. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...

    The gop also seems to be trying to attract younger voters by taking a more hands off approach to weed.

    And governor moonbeam in California is against pot.

    He wants people in California to "stay alert."

  8. Anonymous1:26 AM

    This Cannabis project is spreading like wild fire across the USA. I am very concerned what it is doing to our people. It must be stopped.

    Field, please do a post on this. Let's start a 'strong' do or die movement against it.

    I have emailed O'Reilly requesting he stay on the Cannabis case to "STOP" it. With FOX and THE FACTOR on our side, we can't lose.

    Thank God for Bill O'Reilly...may Ireland live forever.

  9. Sorry Anon. I am from the Peter Tosh school when it comes to this subject: "LEGALIZE IT".

    1. Anonymous9:24 PM

      Of coarse you are. You are a black male. You like weed. You continue the stereotypes. Keep smoking your weed brah.

  10. "Who cares? As long as it is true and makes literary sense, who cares?"

    Because it's not true, it doesn't make sense and plagiarism is theft. Common, simple theft.

  11. There u go Field ...u tell em....

  12. tokes9:43 AM

    The fact that so many black people are struggling in society is due in part to the fact so many are stoned so much of the time. Legalizing pot is going to make this worse.

    Just sayin'.

  13. Awww...Tokes........

    Is that a tear I see rolling down ya cheek...? You better learn to love Cannabis...cause its not going anywhere .....So dry your tears..and stop pretending you care about Black people....

    1. Anonymous9:26 PM

      Its funny how black is ugly gets all defensive when you speak out against marijuana.

  14. Name the party...

    Edwin Edwards, the 86-year-old ex-con and former Louisiana governor, is seeking public office again.

    Today, Edwards announced he was running for the state's 6th Congressional District.

    No mention of his political p[arty.

    NPR does mention the party of the current congresscritter.

    Felons can't vote, but they can run/hold elected office.

    I wonder if politicians made those laws.

  15. One of those disfranchised Obama voters that FN is concerned the GOP is targeting.

    I don't believe a single democrat voter would be disfranchised to the point of voting for a right-winger.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. You've gotta feel sorry for Bill.

  18. Republican Outreach = "come call Obama a n***** with us"

    1. Anonymous9:28 PM

      Keep playing the race card and being a victim. Its worked for so many years...

  19. And I will advertise it!

  20. "You've gotta feel sorry for Bill."

    Why? He seems happy. Downright blissful.

  21. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Blogger The Purple Cow said...
    "Who cares? As long as it is true and makes literary sense, who cares?"

    Because it's not true, it doesn't make sense and plagiarism is theft. Common, simple theft.

    9:13 AM
    Field, did you hear what PC said? So stop plagiarizing. Btw, why doesn't PC attack you like he does others, esp if they are White?

    Let me answer that for you: He attacks Whites because he is a racist who cannot contain himself.

  22. Sins of the Mother4:11 PM

    "He attacks Whites because he is a racist who cannot contain himself."

    He even hates half of his kids because they're half white. He hates the white half, but loves the black half.

    Half of them is an oppressor who owes the other half for the sins of colonialism.

    To reinforce this lesson, he takes the white half's allowance and gives it to the black half. The white half has to do all the homework, and the black half is allowed to stay out all night.

    If the black half does something wrong, it's the white half's fault. Because Racism.

  23. But what about the part of me that is white?

    The Portuguese part, the Scottish part, the English part, the Romany part, where do they fit in your theory?

  24. Oh and there's Basque as well apparently.

    I forgot that bit.

  25. Sins of the Father6:28 PM

    Then you must hate part of yourself as well, and renounce that side of your heritage, as Barack Obama does.

    Hopefully, you are more than half black. That will be your redemption.

  26. Phew! 54% of my DNA is sub-Saharan African, so that makes me OK right?

  27. All People Come From Africa so...

    The latter part of the last few barbs back and forth would be quite pointless....

    Just sayin...

    1. Anonymous9:31 PM

      "All people come from Africa"

      Wow, the stupid in this statement if epic.

      Keep smoking that herb broda. Doing wonders for your cranium.

  28. Brother from another Mother8:40 PM

    The Purple Cow said...

    Phew! 54% of my DNA is sub-Saharan African, so that makes me OK right?

    Just barely.

  29. Anonymous9:59 PM

    dear God, don't let Cannabis become legal. My people won't be able to handle it. BIB, you know this is true but you just want the our folks expense.

    You ought to be ashamed of yourself. Field should also, but he is so dissociated from himself he has no shame.
