Friday, April 04, 2014

A sad anniversary.

On April 4, 1968, Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee.

Folks forget why Dr. King was in Memphis in the first place. It was to march with sanitation workers who were catching hell down in the land of Elvis from the powers that be.

"During a heavy rainstorm in Memphis on February 1, 1968, two black sanitation workers had been crushed to death when the compactor mechanism of the trash truck was accidentally triggered. On the same day in a separate incident also related to the inclement weather, 22 black sewer workers had been sent home without pay while their white supervisors were retained for the day with pay. About two weeks later, on February 12, more than 1,100 of a possible 1,300 black sanitation workers began a strike for job safety, better wages and benefits, and union recognition. Mayor Henry Loeb, unsympathetic to most of the workers' demands, was especially opposed to the union. Black and white civic groups in Memphis tried to resolve the conflict, but the mayor held fast to his position.

As the strike lengthened, support for the strikers within the black community of Memphis grew. Organizations such as COME (Community on the Move for Equality) established food and clothing banks in churches, took up collections for strikers to meet rent and mortgages, and recruited marchers for frequent demonstrations. King's participation in forming a city-wide boycott to support the striking workers was invited by the Reverend James Lawson, pastor of the Centenary Methodist Church in Memphis and an adviser to the strikers. Lawson was a seasoned veteran of the civil rights movement and an experienced trainer of activists in the philosophy and methods of nonviolent resistance."

It was in this environment that King found himself ready to march for economic justice in Memphis before losing his life to a sniper's bullet.

In light of the recent Supreme Court decision, and the growing wealth inequality  in this country, Americans would do well to remember what folks like Dr. King fought for. It wasn't only about civil rights and social justice; it was about economic justice as well.

There are quite a few poor Americans in this country who still don't get it. They really believe that the haves will look out for them, and that somehow, if they align themselves with the 1%, their wealth will miraculously find itself into their pockets. It will not. Wealthy people are greedy; it's how they became wealthy in the first place.

There is a political party in this country whose job it is to protect the wealthy and to maintain the status quo of wealth inequality. If you want to know the name of that party look at the budget being proposed by one Paul Ryan. That will tell you all you need to know about who is being protected by certain people in Washington. "Raise the minimum wage? Why should we? That's bad for business." "Let's cut food stamps and unemployment benefits. All that stuff just encourages laziness."

If MLK was around today he wouldn't be happy with what is going on in America. He would feel that all the hard work and organizing he did was for nothing. Because while people of color have achieved civil rights, poor people ---of all colors--- have gained little economic rights. We have moved backwards as a country when it comes to the issue of economic justice.

Sadly, this is just how some people want it.


  1. Anonymous10:11 PM

    "In light of the recent Supreme Court decision"

    Are you referring to the decision that upheld the constitutional right of freedom off speech? The one that threatens to cut into the Democrats monopoly on big money donors?

    You dad sack of shit. I wonder sometimes if you even understand the things they tell you to post.

  2. The 1% is the Democrat party.

    Most of the wealthy in this country donate to the Democrat party.

    Field doesn't mention Virginia Democrat Jim Moran claiming Congress is underpaid.

    No surprise field doesn't want to talk about the roll Obama's/Democrat policies have played in the widening of the wealth/income gaps.

    Don't let facts stop you from spreading manure throughout the fields.

  3. Anonymous10:33 PM

    "If MLK was around today he wouldn't be happy with what is going on in America. He would feel that all the hard work and organizing he did was for nothing."

    For sure he would not be happy. But he would see that his efforts to better his race was for nothing. And I have a feeling his biggest disappointment would be African Americans who did nothing after his assassination.

    It is WE who are at fault for being in such a crisis in education, oow, violence, black on black murders, corrupt black politicians, and even worse-voters who keep voting for those corrupt politicians.

    Yes, it is clear AAs don't care about themselves, but care about everyone else....amazing.

    Brother Field, why not do a post on our shortcomings as African Americans? You can't because you are not African American but love taking advantage of the benefits of the Civil Rights MLK worked so hard for.

  4. "Yes, it is clear AAs don't care about themselves, but care about everyone else....amazing. "

    Black people have so much love in their hearts. They are incapable of hate and racism.

    I wish my people were more like blacks. Hell, i wish i was black.

    RIP MLK.....

  5. wait...

    hold up.

    FN...was your blog hacked?

    if you just said THAT, stuff would make more sense.

    poor women should be sterilized.

    after THAT could just hit delete on the blog.

    but then you ALREADY know folk don't like nor trust professional, liability dodging, lying, crafty lawyers-not even other lawyers...

    so who cares, huh? folk expect ya'll to talk out both sides of the mouth on the regular.


    to your least you are consistent;) + back to caring about poor people.

    let's talk about what some other judges, politicians, attorneys,doctors and other power players/'paths STAY up is finally spilling over to out american puppets. you know, for Real though- the criminals folk REALLY need to watch out for wear suits and are well connected + credentialed.

    those towing the line- maybe could check with their master/handler(s) and see if they will let folk speak on the heat being given to the pope, queen et al behind the liberties they insist on taking with folks' children. like right now. to the sound of crickets from msm.

    as it relates to this post, i can't with the heavily manipulated + edited historical
    accounts- for the sole purpose of dividing + distracting the people political game playing.

    IF Black americans would stop worshiping MLK for a minute and REALLY look at the situation for what it was/is...

    quite a few lights would have no choice but to come on.

    may MLK rest in peace. what folk set out to do and what is made to happen as a result of the behind the scenes deals made, don't always correlate. he was heavily handled + manipulated it appears. or something...i don't know. it is not my place to know. reports of the night before his death = ?! say what, now?

    to his credit, he realized he was caught up...then stood + spoke up when it came time to tell it.

    i can't be mad at him for that. he was after all...simply a flawed, beautifully hued man;)

    as are we all- flawed + beautifully human.

    FN, i pray that you and others similarly positioned as you will see + find courage to call things what they are, point blank. sitting in a corrupt system playing along = all bad + won't save a soul.

    this story didn't make the msm either...

    i Love the souls that Stand. they inspire me;)

    @ BIB from last post-

    legalizing marijuana will cut into folks' profits big time, on many levels. imagine folks not being so reliant on big pharma? cutting into privatized prison populations, etc and so on?

    folks need scramble to corrupt + corner the market on the natural time...a way to stack the deck in their favor yet against the people-as per usual.

    whether folk want to acknowledge it or not- that's what the politicians + governments are quite busily up to. it's been that way- globally- for longer than a minute.

    @ Anon-

    Blessed Blacks suffer for our sins- mightily. i pray to see the day when we turn our hearts + behavior to Him/His Word. clearly...we are not humbled enough to get there yet. we REALLY seem to think the Ancients are supposed to be on a brand new flow;(

    it's all Good folk sang back in the day. we shall overcome- by the blood of the Lamb and our testimony;) as it is written. Good News indeed.

    i will come back...the convo reminds me of something i read...

  6. Anonymous11:28 PM

    Kinky, "Black people have so much love in their hearts. They are incapable of hate and racism.

    I wish my people were more like blacks. Hell, i wish i was black."

    Kinky, I am AA and I sure as hell don't see my peeps the way you see them.

    Love in our hearts? Have you been paying attention to DQAE? You call that love? I don't want to see what you consider hate because it must transcend anything Satan could think of.

    Btw, since you wish your peeps were more like Blacks, why not bring some into your race? Why not DQAE? If you could take OJ, then you should be 'honored' to have Dr Nuwang, a brilliant loving doctor.who is willing to do anything for Whites.

    This offer isn't going to be on the table forever. I have already made an offer in the previous thread. This is my second offer...get it while its hot!

  7. Anonymous12:37 AM

    "If MLK was around today he wouldn't be happy with what is going on in America. He would feel that all the hard work and organizing he did was for nothing."

    That is a very grim statement. I don't think that is true. In the area of racial discrimination, a significant amount of progress has been made, and I'm sure he would not feel his work was for nothing.

    But in the area of economic policy, you're right. Dr. King would be disappointed. We have moved backwards in so many respects.

  8. Good post. People often forget the social and economic justice the good doctor was fighting for. I had several people at Glenn beck's March on Washington that he stood for "equal justice" because Glenn was telling all his minions social justice was a bad word. I just chalked it up to those folks not knowing much about the man which they proved by not even being able to answer simple questions about him and his life.

  9. Another great post Field!!

    It's my belief that persistent and pervasive greed will eventually destroy thus country. I have no problem with profit, but greed is completely amoral.

    Hint to the Negros on this blog, don't just talk about "The Dream", BE about "The Dream"!!

  10. FN said...
    There are quite a few poor Americans in this country who still don't get it. They really believe that the haves will look out for them

    The haves meaning politicians?

    To believe the government is looking out for "we the people" is batshit crazy.

  11. First time poster. Reluctant because of the trolls but have to thank you for reminding us of the focus of MLK's efforts in organizing for social justice. Nearly fifty years have allowed the media servants of the plutocracy to water MLK down to a happy holiday mascot. He was a righteous fighter for justice and that's why he was killed. These idiot trolls drink the poison while the night draws nigh. It draws nigh on them too, soon enough.

  12. FN said...
    Wealthy people are greedy; it's how they became wealthy in the first place.


    Oprah is greedy?

    Lebron is greedy?

    Bill gates is greedy?

    All those rich white "journalists" on msnbc greedy? Never mind, bad example.

    I wonder if people think of lawyers as greedy?

    More than half of Americans polled during the past two decades have agreed with the following statements: "lawyers are greedy", "lawyers make too much money", "lawyers charge excessive fees", and "lawyers are more interested in making money than in serving their clients".

    What do you suggest we do to stop greedy lawyers?

  13. Stop committing crimes and breaking laws. Everyone says lawyers are greedy until the need one. What is your freedom worth to you?

    "Snowcap", never be afraid to let your voice heard because of the fear of trolls. They want to silence you, don't let them. Thanks for posting.

    Anon@10:33, you are not black. Stop with the "we" already.

  14. "The one that threatens to cut into the Democrats monopoly on big money donors?"

    I swear to god, you couldn't make it up.

  15. field negro said...
    Stop committing crimes and breaking laws. Everyone says lawyers are greedy until the need one. What is your freedom worth to you?

    The 3 professionals which are absolutely priceless: A good Doctor, a good Attorney, and now that I'm a Entrepreneur, a good Accountant.

  16. field negro said...

    Stop committing crimes and breaking laws. Everyone says lawyers are greedy until the need one. What is your freedom worth to you?

    One doesn't need to commit crimes and break laws to need a lawyer.

    How many times have you posted about an innocent black man being screwed by cops/courts.

    Does needing toilet paper cause democrats to not think the koch brothers aren't greedy?

    Please explain how needing a lawyer changes one's opinion of greedy lawyers?

  17. Dr.Nǚwáng said...
    and now that I'm a Entrepreneur, a good Accountant.

    To help you take advantage of all the loopholes to avoid paying your fair share to the government?

    Isn't that the same as what the koch brothers do?

  18. The Purple Cow said...
    "The one that threatens to cut into the Democrats monopoly on big money donors?"
    I swear to god, you couldn't make it up.

    Always wrong.

    How are you are so consistently wrong about everything? It must take a huge amount of effort to remain so obtuse.

    Of the top 25 biggest political donors over the past quarter century, precisely three lean Republican, and none in the top 15.

    I have come to the conclusion that you are not acting, you actually are that stupid. You have a compulsive need to express an opinion, whether or not you know anything about the subject.

    Get your act together Cow.

  19. Dr.Nǚwáng said...
    To help you take advantage of all the loopholes to avoid paying your fair share to the government?

    Isn't that the same as what the koch brothers do?

    Actually Billy Boy, it's to make sure we're square with the IRS. You see, Black folks haven't quite become the masters (pun INTENDED) of slithering past IRS tax requirements they way folks like the Koch brothers have.

    The Koch brothers and others like him OWE Blacks for the free labor our ancestors provided that created the economy which they take advantage of today.

  20. Ms.Nǚwáng said...
    The 3 professionals which are absolutely priceless: A good Doctor, a good Attorney, and now that I'm a Entrepreneur, a good Accountant.

    In your case, I'd throw in a reliable bail bondsman and a gynecologist with a strong stomach.

    And selling boxes of adult diapers you swipe from work does not make you an "entrepreneur".

    You will never be a doctor.

  21. Bill said...
    To help you take advantage of all the loopholes to avoid paying your fair share to the government?

    BTW Billy Boy, when are you going to come clean about your occupation? Or is commenting on Field's blog your occupation?

  22. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Dr.Jeantel said...
    The Koch brothers and others like him OWE Blacks for the free labor our ancestors provided that created the economy which they take advantage of today.

    The Kochs made their money in the oil business in the 20th century. In fact, slavery ended long before the oil business even existed.

    All the cotton that was picked before 1865 is gone. There isn't a usable factory, road or rail line left from before 1865.

    And slave labor wasn't free; slaves got food and shelter that in many cases was better than that of northern factory workers of the time.

    Whatever wealth that was generated for the few planting families of South has been cancelled out many times over by the trillions in transfer payments to black people that have occurred over the past 50 or more years.

    Throw in the ongoing cost of crime prevention, prisons, and desperate attempts to teach blacks anything useful and the deficit is astounding.

    On top of all that, there is the incalculable cost of the destruction of wide swaths of a majority of American cities, and it's painfully obvious that we should have picked our own damn cotton.

    White people owe black people nothing.

  23. Dr.Nǚwáng said...
    BTW Billy Boy, when are you going to come clean about your occupation? Or is commenting on Field's blog your occupation?

    You caught me. I work for the koch brothers. $100 per post, so you asking just made me another $100. Thanks. /sarcasm

    Don't take my snarky was of asking abut your desire to lower your tax bill as wrong. Rich people put those laws there to be used by their rich friends, no reason "we the people" can't use them like scraps from the table of our rulers.

  24. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Queen doesn't pay taxes, she just files to get the earned income tax credit.

    She is a sponge.

  25. Bill said...
    Don't take my snarky was of asking abut your desire to lower your tax bill as wrong.

    Point taken.

    But given all the free work many successful Blacks put in (i.e volunteer work in minority/disadvantaged communities) it would be impossible for us to owe anything to the gov't anyway.

    "To whom much is given, much is required."

    I'd say that most successful Blacks take this statement VERY seriously.

  26. One more thing, GO GATORS!!!!

  27. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Dr.Jeántel said...
    But given all the free work many successful Blacks put in (i.e volunteer work in minority/disadvantaged communities) it would be impossible for us to owe anything to the gov't anyway.


    Back in the real world, blacks seem to be less charitable than anyone, even the super-rich ones.

    Black people don't donate blood or organs, so they are less likely to have matched donors. They get white organs that have a higher rejection rate.

    Blacks don't even adopt black babies. Instead, they bitch that letting white couples adopt them is racist, so the kids grow up in foster homes and institutions instead.

    "To whom much is given, much is required."

    Actually, nothing is required of blacks in BRA. Being black means never having to say you're sorry.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Anonymous7:04 PM

    "The Koch brothers and others like him OWE Blacks for the free labor our ancestors provided that created the economy which they take advantage of today."

    The US Civil War: Over 300,000 dead white boys was payment enough.

    And the trillions of dollars in transfer payments since the Johnson Administration is payment enough.

    And the trillions of dollars in affirmative action initiatives is payment enough.


    Reverend King was a registered Republican.


    As President Johnson said: “I'll have those ni**ers voting Democratic for the next 200 years."


    President Johnson was a Democrat.

  30. "The Kochs made their money in the oil business in the 20th century. In fact, slavery ended long before the oil business even existed."

    The US oil industry began in August 1859, slavery continued until the first decade of the 20th century.


    "All the cotton that was picked before 1865 is gone. There isn't a usable factory, road or rail line left from before 1865."

    Not entirely true, but even if it was it's irrelevant. The profits from slavery built America. The cash value of slaves alone constituted more than 50% of America's GDP in 1860.

    "And slave labor wasn't free; slaves got food and shelter that in many cases was better than that of northern factory workers of the time."

    Not quite free, but pretty fucking close.The pitiful food and shelter got you 84 - 96 hours of hard labour from every slave every week.


    "Whatever wealth that was generated for the few planting families of South has been cancelled out many times over by the trillions in transfer payments to black people that have occurred over the past 50 or more years."

    Nonsense, capitalism owes its very existence to slavery. The modern industrial age began in Britain, with seed capita derived from the slave trade.

    "White people owe black people nothing."

    You owe them everything. The entire 21st century infrastructure around you, the military-industrial complex, and the wars you have won - given that since the start of the 20th century the American white man has always got the black man to do his fighting for him.

  31. "Reverend King was a registered Republican.

    Congratulations you are the 100,000th clueless Nazi that has posted this nonsense on Field's blog.

    You must be very proud.

  32. Anonymous8:17 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    slavery continued until the first decade of the 20th century.

    Slavery was outlawed in 1865.

    You are a moron.

  33. Anonymous8:19 PM

    "Nonsense, capitalism owes its very existence to slavery."

    There is nothing too idiotic for Cow to say.
