Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Confidential informant number seven, and another hypocrite is exposed.

"Where is Bagawire, he's nowhere to be found
He can't be found
First betrayer who gave away Marcus Garvey
Son of Satan, First prophesy,
Catch them, Garvey old
Catch them Garvey, catch them Woo -oo- oo"

Burning Spear was singing about a race traitor in the black community who betrayed Black Nationalist, Marcus Garvey.

This has been going for as long as there were people in the black community who would sell out others for their own personal gain.

The FBI under J. Edgar Hoover knew this, and they exploited it to their benefit. Under Hoover there were many Negro informants working for the FBI and getting paid handsomely do it. Google COINTELPRO when you get a chance, you will be find that this was a very effective tool in Hoover's arsenal.

Recently we found out that a famous photographer during the civil rights movement-- and a man with access to Dr. King ---was a "prolific informant" for the FBI. Sad but true.

This brings me to the latest revelations about Rev. Al Sharpton. I must confess that when I first heard that the Rev. was an informant for the FBI back in the day, the first person I thought of was Bagawire. And then I thought of Ernest Withers.

Could Rev. Sharpton have been taking money to spy on the black community for the FBI? I suppose that he could. But then I heard more about the story and I found out that Rev. Al was actually working as an informant for the FBI to bring down the New York Mob. 

"The Rev. Al Sharpton on Tuesday addressed his long-known role in assisting a joint FBI-NYPD investigation in the 1980s, CBS New York reported.
At a news conference, Sharpton said he was threatened by "music industry goons" years ago and went to the government for protection.

"They were threatening to kill me," Sharpton said. "I did the right thing and would do it again."

As WCBS 880′s Paul Murnane reported, Sharpton's paying a price with what he says is an old chapter in his life story being replayed across the front pages, with tabloid headlines including "Rev. Rat."

"I was not and am not a rat, because I wasn't with the rats. I'm a cat. I chased rats," Sharpton said Tuesday.

The Smoking Gun website said Monday that it obtained hundreds of pages of secret court filings and FBI memos providing new details about Sharpton's relationship with the feds.

The report shows Sharpton's work as "Confidential Informant #7″ helped develop cases on the Genovese crime family, including Vincent "The Chin" Giganti, the so-called "Odd Father," known for walking around in a bathrobe and pajamas, CBS 2′s Marcia Kramer reported.

The report said Sharpton acted as a confidential informant and secretly recorded conversations with the mob by using a bugged briefcase

When asked if he wore a wire to record the conversations, Sharpton replied, "The conversations were recorded."

Sharpton said he cooperated with the FBI, but didn't consider himself an informant." [Source]

I can hear some of my Italian friends now: " I always knew that fat Bingo-Bongo Moolie was no good. He is a rat! "

Hey, as long as I don't hear about Rev. Al passing on information to the FBI about what happened in New York's black community I will be fine with what he did. Sorry my mob friends, you all needed to be off the street. It might not be cool what Sharpton did, but he didn't do it to us.

Still, this is not a good look for the Rev. Was he cooperating with the FBI because he wanted to get bad guys off the street, or was he cooperating because he was caught up in some shady stuff himself?

"The FBI "came in 1982, '83, after Don King tried to entrap me in a drug deal that didn't work," Sharpton said. "Then seven months later, when I was threatened by members of the mob because I was saying that a lot of concerts should be going to black artists, and I went after them. I was threatened. I called these FBI guys back, since some of the guys were from California, and told them these are the kind of things they ought to be investigating."

He said of The Smoking Gun: "They know that President Obama is speaking at my convention this week and (U.S. Attorney General) Eric Holder is speaking, and they're just trying to get some attention, because at the end of the day, I'm not accused of committing a crime. So are you saying it's scandalous for me to help the good guys? It's crazy."

Sharpton said he's used to the attacks and the distortions, Murnane reported. His lawyers are now reviewing the documents posted on The Smoking Gun.
The revelations threaten to embarrass Sharpton ahead of his national convention. While the civil rights activist said he initiated the government cooperation, others have said he was pressured to cooperate after being ensnared in a drug sting, Kramer reported.

A video of the sting, which aired on HBO in 2002, appears to show Sharpton nod when an agent offers him a cut from future drug sales."

Watch that past Rev., it always comes back to haunt you.

Finally, speaking of stuff coming back to haunt you.

I am sure you all have heard by now about the congressman from Louisiana who was caught getting a little freaky with someone other than his wife. This wouldn't be a big deal if the guy wasn't such a hypocrite.

This is what happens when you profess to the world that you are a "family values Christian" while wearing your religion on your sleeve, and you act like a pig behind closed doors.

Yes, Bill Clinton was a pig, but he never pretended not to be. In fact, when he was being impeached for being a pig by all those self-righteous house republicans, some of them were doing exactly what Vance McAllister was caught doing, recently. (Remember Bob Livingston?)

Now, as is to be expected, Vance is asking for our forgiveness.

"Freshman U.S. Rep. Vance McAllister says he's asking his family and constituents for forgiveness after a West Monroe newspaper published a video that it says shows the congressman kissing a woman who wasn't his wife.

In a statement issued Monday, the Republican congressman said, "There's no doubt I've fallen short and I'm asking for forgiveness."

The Ouachita Citizen posted a video Monday of what it said was Dec. 23 surveillance video from inside McAllister's congressional office in Monroe, showing McAllister and a member of his staff.

"I promise to do everything I can to earn back the trust of everyone I've disappointed," McAllister said." [Source]

Vance, you might want to start with your wife.


  1. Hypocrite? Kinda like you(field)proclaiming to be THE chaser of racism while ignoring racism that doesn't fit your demagoguery?

    Epic pot-kettle-black moment in the fields.

  2. Speaking of hypocrites being exposed- no mention of liberal democrat Leland Yee?

    "Bill Clinton was a pig, but he never pretended not to be"

    He didn't?


  3. Anonymous9:32 PM

    "Watch that past Rev., it always comes back to haunt you."

    Yeah, so should you, Field.

  4. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Brother Field, I am so glad Kinky Con takes some of his precious time to visit FN to lay into your hypocritical ass. He brings a lot of color to FN.

    Now if only he would lay into that purple ass fool in the UK pretending to be pro-Black but married to a ww. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with interracial marriages, but PC hates Whites...HYPOCRITE!!.

  5. the GOP9:40 PM

    Whaaaaaaaat? A Republican being a hypocrite? I thought only democrats could be hypocrites. Say it isn't so Field, say it isn't so.

  6. the GOP9:41 PM

    BTW, we don't trust you anyway. We only trust Bill to point out hypocrisy and double standards.

  7. "Yeah, so should you, Field"

    What u talkin bout Willis?

  8. Anonymous9:50 PM

    "Freshman U.S. Rep. Vance McAllister says he's asking his family and constituents for forgiveness after a West Monroe newspaper published a video that it says shows the congressman kissing a woman who wasn't his wife.

    In a statement issued Monday, the Republican congressman said, "There's no doubt I've fallen short and I'm asking for forgiveness."

    Field, two years ago, I specifically told you about sex addiction and what this addiction does to people. It's as bad as alcoholism. At that time you said you had heard of it but you haven't posted about it.

    The Congressman needs to be forgiven much like Tiger Woods and President Clinton needed to be forgiven. This disease crosses all political lines and races.

    You really ought to CHASE this addiction instead of chasing the big R which is practically dead. Racism doesn't impact a large segment of our society, but sex addiction is rampart.

    As your brother whom you call White, you need to let go of trying to find fault with Whites who don't like us. If you must, try being more open to the Negroes who betray the black community.

    Start 'listing' them because there is a long line of them. THEY are the most dangerous ones to our well-being. And get rid of PC and DQAE...they are not to be trusted...

    Btw, what happened to Granny? She has never been consistent, has she? and she ALWAYS has some excuse why she disappeared. lol

  9. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Blogger field negro said...
    "Yeah, so should you, Field"

    What u talkin bout Willis?

    9:49 PM
    do you really want me to put it 'out there' for folks to see?

    What would Kinky and Bill say? They would be stunned.

  10. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Who is/was bagawire? Does anyone know?

  11. Anonymous10:24 PM

    Brother Field, why don't you post something wholesome like charities or support funds for wounded veterans like O'Reilly does? Instead, you post crap that does the human heart no good except make it darker and angrier.

    You really ought to start posting some hopeful stories like the Factor. Start watching O'Reilly and you will get some wholesome civic and spiritual ideas that will be good for your heart.

  12. "Sorry my mob friends, you all needed to be off the street. It might not be cool what Sharpton did, but he didn't do it to us."


    get familiar:


    + know that Rev. Hotcomb been souled/sold out + up to no Good for longer than a minute.

    he is not the first...nor will he be the last to be outed as an informant/paid asset/puppet. he is just the latest in my lifetime, frankly.


    FN, have you not noticed that the Yahless, heathen crew tends to harshly judge ALL?

    wassup with THAT?

    just curious...

  13. from last thread:

    Anon @12:28 PM-"But maybe their mothers are teaching them how to view bw?"


    folks that want to assign blame...like moving in circles. going nowhere...but down the toilet.

    IF folk need to lay ALL at the feet of BW...sobeit.

    these SAME ones will have NO idea WHY...

    NO ONE, at this point, respects them as men, either.


    the math is not that difficult + life is about choices.


    to the hateful queen on the board...

    keep coming for me;)

    you will need to cease and desist with the game of pretend in your head and get REAL Clear on the Truth, though...

    i can be a Real Bitch.

    you seem determined to get Righteously clowned.

    on your BEST day- with all your junk tucked + stuffed...you STILL...

    just pretending.

    hateful queen.

    but keep coming for me...if all your Good sense = as impacted + non properly functioning as your bowels.

    that's a heads up, for ya.

    you may want to find a seat, and go sit down.


    of course;)

    folk don't know who killed jfk...but will say with certainty what the Truth is re: a rape case. when saying something is "consensual" is the quickest route to shut it all down.

    i don't know what the Truth is in the Brawley case. i don't know what the Truth is in the Duke case. i DO know that Rodney King got his behind BEAT double time, on tape...for all the beaters to be acquitted.

    that folk are being shot in cold blood...only to be acquitted.

    that women are raped...daily...only to be shut down + out in court. even with videotapes...rapists walk among us free.

    i ALSO know that at the end of the day...white women...have a looooong history of lying about being raped. yet...

    despite them being the face of porn + sexually "liberated" like no other woman on earth...

    folk STILL try to believe when they start screaming 'bout rape. kobe- didn't listen to his momma- bryant's raped Becky had the semen of several other men on her...

    yet, folk can still believe. lol.

    white supremacy has deadened many lost sleeping Hebrew heads.


  14. ps. hateful queen:

    IF we have to keep the bandaged down breasts, saturday night live pat-like, wife having Black lesbians + treat them and all homosexuals like they are apart of the human circle...

    then yes...

    we will keep Karrine Steffans and other porn industry women as well;)

    sin is sin.

    those of US with Him/His Word are NOT called to judge folk. our testimonies just don't change 'cause folk don't like what's written.

    that's all.

    again...i would like to know just how the Yahless, do what thou wilt bunch, became SO judgmental?


    it boggles the mind, really.

    screeching sodomites judging porn stars = pure comedy.

    for Real.

  15. Anonymous11:50 PM

    Blogger focusedpurpose said...
    "Sorry my mob friends, you all needed to be off the street. It might not be cool what Sharpton did, but he didn't do it to us."


    FP, "get familiar:


    + know that Rev. Hotcomb been souled/sold out + up to no Good for longer than a minute.

    he is not the first...nor will he be the last to be outed as an informant/paid asset/puppet. he is just the latest in my lifetime, frankly."
    Thanks for the reminder about Dunbar Village. I am still pissed about what Al Sharpton and the NAACP did.

    Rev Inc will get his in due time, because he is corrupt. Amazingly, the black community supports and honors corrupt people like Sharpton.


    "To me belongeth vengeance, and recompence; their foot shall slide in due time: for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things that shall come upon them make haste."

    Al Sharpton's demise can't come fast enough for me.

  16. Anonymous12:05 AM

    FP, "those of US with Him/His Word are NOT called to judge folk. our testimonies just don't change 'cause folk don't like what's written."

    Spiritual Principles do not change for man made laws and polit,ics. In fact, it should be the other way around: man made laws should be according to Spiritual Principles.

    Unfortunately, the human ego wants what it wants and remains arrogant and defiant against God. Satan seems to be running the earth.

  17. GrannyStandingforTruth1:34 AM

    Anonymous 9:50 PM,

    "Btw, what happened to Granny? She has never been consistent, has she? and she ALWAYS has some excuse why she disappeared. lol"

    I'm sitting right here reading the comments as I normally do. I realize that you're obsessed with me. It's so obvious. Especially, when I choose not to make any comments. Did it ever occur to you that I might not have anything to say or that I have a life outside of blogging?

    You worry about me too much. Trust me, I sleep good at night. I don't know about you though. I bet you have bags as big as balloons under your eyes from lack of sleep worrying about me and my whereabouts.

    I'm an old woman, and I still look good. My skin is smooth and flawless.

    I'm not obligated to make any comments on here or anywhere else. You do know what it means to have a life don't you? On second thought, scratch that last sentence because it's obvious that you don't since you post on here 24/7.

    Gee whiz, do you ever sleep or are you on a surveillance assignment to spy on this blog and keep up with me? I mean it never fails, whenever I don't make a comment you're asking about my whereabouts. I know that missing me couldn't be the reason.

    All I can say is trying to keep up with me during a day is a lot of work. Whoever you work for should deduct some of your pay because unlike you I do sleep at night, sometimes I take naps during the day.

    Unlike you, I'm not chained to the computer nor is it my life, which makes me believe that you're a very lonely person.

    You really need to learn how to make some friends or spend time with your other half. But, I doubt if you have an other half. Most people don't like getting involved with antisocial folks like you that are hard to get along with.

    You need a hobby and to get some help for your antisocial personality.

  18. Why would music industry 'goons' be after Rev Al Sharpton!?.. that story sounds odd to me.. sry Al.

    Hmmm a cheating man, who spouts off about family values and being a Christian. My guess is.. he'll do it again... and seek forgiveness... again. well, if all else fails he could request 'counselling' for an 'addiction'

  19. Anonymous5:10 AM

    Granny, "I bet you have bags as big as balloons under your eyes from lack of sleep worrying about me and my whereabouts"

    Well, you're right about the bags under my eyes. But none of this comes from worrying about you. They come from ageing. I'm an old man, who is retired whose skin is starting to sag and have wrinkles on his face as well.

    You, of course, have 'flawless' skin, even at an old age. Wow. That's unbelievable! But you always speak the truth so I guess it's true. Is there anything that's NOT perfect about you?

    But why are you chewing me out? I mean, there have been posts and comments near and dear to your heart and you've said nothing? That's very unusual for you.

  20. "Who is/was bagawire? Does anyone know?"

    Bagawire was Marcus Garvey's personal driver who (allegedly) betrayed Garvey to the feds. As did Garvey's secretary Madda Muschette - again allegedly.

    I'm not really a Garvey scholar as such, and I've never seen hard evidence that either were guilty, so either or both could be innocent for all I know.

  21. Anonymous5:44 AM

    Granny, "All I can say is trying to keep up with me during a day is a lot of work. Whoever you work for should deduct some of your pay because unlike you I do sleep at night, sometimes I take naps during the day."

    I work for Field. I'm his self-appointed assistant. Part of my job is to keep folks like you commenting on FN. The other part of my job is to sound White while being Black. He is very pleased with my work on FN and has given me lots of raises.

    Granny, "Unlike you, I'm not chained to the computer nor is it my life, which makes me believe that you're a very lonely person."

    Yeah, you hit the nail on the head. Yes I am 'alone', but not 'lonely'. You see, living alone is a choice that millions make in America, esp among our peeps.

    Granny, "You really need to learn how to make some friends or spend time with your other half. But, I doubt if you have an other half. Most people don't like getting involved with antisocial folks like you that are hard to get along with."

    Well, I am divorced, not because I wanted to, but my ex-wife said I acted too white for her even though I am Black. Field even calls me White, which really hurts. It cuts to the bone and sometimes I cry. I hope one day he will accept me as part of the black race.

    Granny, "You need a hobby and to get some help for your antisocial personality."

    1:34 AM
    My main hobby is chess and FN. That's all I need. I do sing in a famous choir. Oh, and I'm involved with a ww. That alone keeps me busy.....not bad for an old man bags under his eyes waiting to die is it?

  22. Anonymous7:00 AM

    "I promise to do everything I can to earn back the trust of everyone I've disappointed," McAllister said."

    Mr Field, Mr McAllister needs therapeutic help. Like the alcoholic who swears off alcohol, but ends up drinking again, McAllister wiil end up in his addiction again. It won't be by his choice, but he hasn't been able to say "no" to his addiction. But that is what an addiction is, not being able to say "no".

    I am sure everyone on this blog can relate to what I'm saying and to what Mr McAllister is going through.

    I urge all of you FN fans to show "mercy" instead of unmerciful condemnation. Mr McAllister needs understanding, not criticisms.

    Now brother Sharpton is another matter. After all, he sold us out. Anybody involved with the mob and the corrupt music industry needs to be punished, esp for what he did re:Dunbar Village. This Negro is NOT to be trusted.

    Brother Field, I think you will agree?

  23. Hey Field and Granny !

  24. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Another one of Obamas sons kills a white italian man.


  25. Field, i know you are not one for fact and logic. I know you ignore realities that don't fit your agenda.

    I hope you will find it within your heart to honor Deborah Hughes with the FNOTD award.

    Who is Deborah Hughes?

    She's the brave african american woman who saved a white man from being killed by an angry racist black mob in Detroit.


  26. And God bless african american women.

  27. FN said...
    Yes, Bill Clinton was a pig, but he never pretended not to be.

    "I did not have sexual relations with that woman.

    So a outright lie is not an attempt at being something he's not?

    My how the democrat party has fallen, I remember the old days of the democrat party when they insisted sex was a private matter between people.
    At least that's what democrats say every time democrats are caught cheating.

    Double standard or liberal bias?

  28. I hope FN doesn't go crickets about a knife attack at a government school.

    About 20 teenagers and at least one adult were injured, some seriously,

    Is FN going to talk about outlawing knives in order to protect innocent little school children?

    I'm guessing unlike guns, FN uses knives on a daily basis and does not want his rights infringed about.

  29. Barbbf11:09 AM

    I still have the disquieting feeling that if he was an FBI informant..he probably did inform on members of other groups also. The FBI was known to recruit blacks to inform on members of black groups. I don't know. Maybe I just don't trust black men who are still straightening their hair.

  30. No doubt all those health insurance companies will be helping democrats win elections now that the democrats have helped them profit off the american people.

    Health insurance premiums are showing the sharpest increases perhaps ever according to a survey of brokers who sell coverage in the individual and small group market.

    I remember the old days when democrats were promising Obamacare was going to lower costs.

    If only the Obama administration would release the numbers of new insurance signups we could actually see if Obamacare is helping the uninsured to get insurance or helping the insurance companies increase their profits.

  31. Field:

    I have been in this profession for ever and lived in NY for almost half my life. Having said that, I have never really trusted Al and now i know why.. It was my YEMAYA or Afro cuban mother wit. Somehing gringos know NADA so stfu!

    Thinking back to Cuba yrs ago he asked an assoc for info about Assata, and when I learned about that i shared it with other former BPP members Trust me they already knew
    My colleague and friend " Chokwe Lumumnba RIP always said that " If you don't love the people you will betray the people"

    The same refrain can be heard in the Italian comm, Cuban, Caribbean Rastafarian and all conscious comm NO! all people do not think as i/we do, However the way in which Al is trying to spin this has nothing to do with GUNS in our communities. Rather, he has been bought.
    Remember the Twana Brawley fiasco? jail or snitch!

    Al has been bought and now we all know it, itb came from his mouth My thoughts now, Field are who else what other org has he snitched on OR made up stuff about? Those suits are awfully expensive!
    Is he working against O too???

    love u peace

    Trust me more is on the way!

  32. Bad news, they found the body of the medical student from Michigan. Taleka Patrick I think. At least the family has some closure.

  33. Anonymous12:44 PM

    ABC/KGOTV 7 NEWS in San Fran' covers a young man - Akintunde Ahmed, an Oakland teen with a 5.0 GPA + 2100 SAT score. There are thousands like him across a-merry-kkka. Sadly, Johnson Publishing; Essence, etc. will be slow to report, if they do at all.

    1. Anonymous3:55 PM

      Thousands!?!?!?!? Lmaoo, I wouldnt even say hundreds.

      Oh and trust me..any chance they get to glorify and kiss blackie's ass, they will.

  34. More of that right-wing anti-Obamacare propaganda.

    As a proud new beneficiary of the Affordable Health Care Act, I’d like to report that I am doctorless. Ninety-six. Ninety-six is the number of soul crushing rejections that greeted me as I attempted to find one. It’s the number of physicians whose secretaries feigned empathy while rehearsing the “I’m so sorry” line before curtly hanging up. You see, when the rush of the formerly uninsured came knocking, doctors in my New Jersey town began closing their doors and promptly telling insurance companies that they had no room for new patients.


    How bad are things going for the democrats when Ebony is pointing out the failures of Obamacare?

  35. LaCubanadeMatanzas said...
    "I have been in this profession for ever and lived in NY for almost half my life. Having said that, I have never really trusted Al and now i know why.. ".....

    I can clearly remember arguing with you about how Al was Rat when they came out and Re-offered a dam bounty on Assattas head two years ago...

    Everybody chucked it off as some WILD conspiracy , because my comments were not positive about Obama..
    I remember it like it was yesterday because I was incensed that a million dollar bounty Re-Offered was like a slap in the face with our FIRST Bi-Racial President...

    Sometimes things take a good hard looking into dont they ???

  36. Poor Bill. He works so hard for his party. I sure hope it's worth it. I don't think he is changing any minds here,though.

    Same old same old. :)

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. the GOP2:09 PM

    "Poor Bill. He works so hard for his party. I sure hope it's worth it. I don't think he is changing any minds here,though."

    Exactly, everytime somebody even breathes something he sees it as bad for democrats.
    Gee, how bad can it be for democrats when somebody gets a speeding ticket and blames Obama.
    Pretty sad.
    Things must be very bad for republicans when they need a mediocre poster on a blog to exaggerate any and all supposed negative stories as bad for democrats.

  39. field negro said...
    Poor Bill. He works so hard for his party. I sure hope it's worth it.

    Every vote for a non (R) or (D) is worth it.

    I'm hoping for a jeb hillary matchup. That will be the country's best chance at a third party candidate.

    I don't think he is changing any minds here,though.

    Do you think YOU have changed minds?

  40. the GOP2:13 PM

    "How bad are things going for the democrats when Ebony is pointing out the failures of Obamacare?"

    Well, how bad are things going for republicans when Rand Paul accuses the former administration of starting a war to profit his company? I'll take a negative magazine article over that any day. Et tu?

  41. Bullshit detector2:15 PM

    "Every vote for a non (R) or (D) is worth it.

    I'm hoping for a jeb hillary matchup. That will be the country's best chance at a third party candidate."

    Biggest bullshit pile of the day! Does ANYONE EVER remember a negative post about a republican from Bill????????????
    Delusional enough to think we buy his bullshit. Does he think everybody is as dumb as he is?

  42. Ross Perot2:17 PM

    . "That will be the country's best chance at a third party candidate."

    We've had third party candidates for years. Of course you are too dumb to know this.

  43. Dumb ass2:39 PM

    Things must be getting bad for the democrats, the wind just blew.

  44. Dumb ass2:40 PM

    Well, at least he got off his hypocrisy/double standards kick. Thank god for little favors.

  45. The FBI has always been more an intelligence than a law enforcement agency. Hoover set it up that way during the red-scare days of the '20s. Of course they've combined the mission seamlessly in their now signature entrapment con-games.

    I knew that Revvin Al was a complicated man; unfathomly efficient at navigating what should be hostile territory, and his having an FBI guardian angel sure goes a long way to explaining that efficiency. Complicated man indeed!

  46. Bill doesn't come here to change minds, Bill comes here to assert his manhood.

  47. GrannyStandingforTruth4:28 PM


    The bottom line is I get tired of going back and forth with you, especially since you think I'm so dishonest, which I'm not. I try to make it habit not to fool with people who think they're better than people, negative, or who just like to trade insults instead of civil discourse. Therefore, if I chewed you out, it's because of the way you come at me. In other words, I don't want to be bothered with you.

    I'm not perfect, I'm blessed.

    I guess we have good genes in our family and age slowly. My paternal grandmother's siblings lived to be over 100 years old, but they did not look their age, nor did anyone on my paternal side of the family. None of my siblings or I look our age, except one of my brothers, and that's because of the lifestyle he chose.

    I have no control over who my kinfolks are or our physical appearance. It is what it is. Are you jealous? That's the only reason that someone would be obsessed with telling a complete stranger that they don't know who their own family is. It makes me think something is seriously wrong with you mentally.

    I've shared with Field some of my families' history, pictures, and personal stuff because I trust his integrity. He knows how to keep it to himself and not go blabbing it all over the place, Internet or this blog to people who mean me no good like you.

    I took care of my skin when I young and exercised. Btw, chilled tea bags or cucumbers will remedy bags under your eyes. Bags under the eyes come from heavy alcohol drinking, stress, and lack of rest.

    You sing in a famous choir? Evidently, you sleep through the sermons because you have an extremely pessimistic spirit that sucks the air out of the room. I hope that spirit doesn't come through in your singing.

  48. GrannyStandingforTruth5:25 PM

    Granny waving hi @ Dr. Nuwang and LaCubanadeMatanzas.

  49. "At least the family has some closure."

    Hard to imagine there is such a thing with a tragedy like this.

    Sad to hear....

  50. Anonymous8:21 PM

    "I don't know. Maybe I just don't trust black men who are still straightening their hair."

    11:09 AM
    If you are referring to Rev Al Sharpton, he does not straighten his hair. That is his natural hair.

  51. Anonymous8:26 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...

    The bottom line is I get tired of going back and forth with you, especially since you think I'm so dishonest, which I'm not. I try to make it habit not to fool with people who think they're better than people, negative, or who just like to trade insults instead of civil discourse. Therefore, if I chewed you out, it's because of the way you come at me. In other words, I don't want to be bothered with you.

    Granny, I am hurt, terribly hurt. All I've wanted was to gain your approval and love. Instead, I got your rejection and anger. I even told you about my singing in a world famous choir in Oakland and you even slammed me on that.

    What do I have to do to earn your friendship?

  52. agentX9:07 PM

    Lotta weirdos in the comments section today. People must be drinking tainted West Virginia water again...

    I watched the Rev's Tuesday show in which he addressed working with the FBI. People on this site are always complaining about Rev not saying anything about "stop snitching" and the like. On Tuesday's show, he implored youngsters to help the police to bring dangerous criminals to justice. I've heard him make similar statements in the past. So when folks here bitch about the Rev. it's best to ignore them. They ain't paying attention, Field. They're working for the KOCH brothers.

  53. Anonymous11:48 PM

    No one here is working for the Koch brothers, unless it's you, agentx.

    And what makes you think Al Sharpton would admit doing any wrong anyway? He never has, and never will.
