Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Cyber bully.

True story: I actually met Shaquille O'Neal at an Omega Psi Phi pool party in Baton Rouge, Louisiana back in the day. He and his frat brothers were having a good time and just living the college life.

He was the big man on campus at LSU at the time (both literally and figuratively) and I thought that he was a pretty cool guy. He took some time to shoot the s*** with my buddy and I, and  basketball aside, I remember thinking to myself that he was going to be successful in life no matter what he chose to do.     

Now, sadly, I have to rip the big guy.

Shaquille O'Neal did a cruel and boneheaded thing by making fun of a disabled man on Instagram. That is definitely not cool, and as a celebrity in the public eye it sends the wrong message. He should know better.

How would Shaq like to be this poor guy getting cyber bullied by a celebrity and his thousands of online followers? Cyber bullying is a serious issue, and bullying in general is a growing problem in our society. And, like racism, it should not be tolerated.

It's ironic that the NBA is all over the old bigot who owns the Clippers but allowed Shaq to be a studio host during their playoff games while doing this ignorant kind of crap.

Hopefully they will get with Shaq and insist that he apologizes or go back to being a law enforcement officer which apparently he loves to do. 

Finally, here is a story that I am sure that folks like former VP, Dick Cheney, will love:

"Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin said she has tapped her public-safety commissioner to lead a state review of the botched execution of Clayton Lockett and an independent pathologist to declare a cause of death.

Fallin took no questions after delivering a brief statement on Wednesday afternoon, which began with a recitation of Lockett's crimes — he shot one woman and repeatedly raped another — and a summary of his failed appeals.
"I believe the legal process worked. I believe the death penalty is an appropriate response and punishment to those who commit heinous crimes," Fallin said.

But, she added, the state needs to be "certain" its execution protocols are proper and so authorized what she called "an independent review."

OK Governor, you call it a "botched execution", but I call it torture, and here is why.

"CNN) -- A vein on an Oklahoma inmate "exploded" in the middle of his execution Tuesday, prompting authorities to abruptly halt the process and call off another execution later in the day as they try to figure out what went wrong.
The inmate, Clayton Lockett, died 43 minutes after the first injection was administered -- according to reporter Courtney Francisco of CNN affiliate KFOR who witnessed the ordeal -- of an apparent heart attack, Oklahoma Department of Corrections Director Robert Patton said.

That first drug, midazolam, is supposed to render a person unconscious. Seven minutes later, Lockett was still conscious. About 16 minutes in, after his mouth and then his head moved, he seemingly tried to get up and tried to talk, saying "man" aloud, according to the KFOR account.

Other reporters -- including Cary Aspinwall of the Tulsa World newspaper -- similarly claimed that Lockett was "still alive," having lifted his head while prison officials lowered the blinds at that time so that onlookers couldn't see what was going on." [Source]

As most of you know, I am against the death penalty, but even if you were for state sponsored killing, you have to question how the state of Oklahoma tortured administered the death penalty to Clayton Lockett. 43 minutes! That is not how government should be administering the ultimate punishment in a "civilized" society.  


Apparently Shaq has apologized for making fun of the disabled person with a "genetic disorder" on his social network site.  


  1. Rooster6:13 PM

    Lest you get too torn up over Clayton Lockett's last minutes:

    A four-time felon, Lockett was convicted of shooting 19-year-old Stephanie Neiman with a sawed-off shotgun and watching as two accomplices buried her alive in rural Kay County in 1999 after Neiman and a friend arrived at a home the men were robbing.

    Karma is a mother-fucking bitch.

  2. Some will call it a botched execution. Some will call it torture.

    Most will call it karma.

  3. Anonymous6:58 PM

    A post on cyber bullying Field? Really?

    My FIRST experience with it occurred on THIS site and has been on going for about the last FIVE YEARS!!!

    This is 'bout some hypocritical BULLSHIT!!!!


  4. Shaq hates Queen too.

    She will never be a doctor.

  5. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    A post on cyber bullying Field? Really?

    My FIRST experience with it occurred on THIS site and has been on going for about the last FIVE YEARS!!!

    This is 'bout some hypocritical BULLSHIT!!!!


    6:58 PM

    He doesn't consider that constant foul name calling "bullying". In his mind it's "debate". lol!

  6. Cyber bullying is a serious issue. Young people have taken their own lives because of it.

    Love the tough guy wingnuts with all the karma talk.

    Yes, it is a "bitch". Just keep that in mind when you are squirming in pain on your death bed after a miserable life of hate and pettiness.

  7. LOL@ miserable life of hate and pettiness.

    I'm living a blessed life. Thanks for caring....

  8. Anonymous9:38 PM

    field negro said...

    Cyber bullying is a serious issue. Young people have taken their own lives because of it.
    8:36 PM

    Yes indeed my brother. Tell that to your two resident cyber bullies focused purpose and matanza cubana.
    lolol! They sure do enjoy badmouthing gays and women on here!

    Oops,forgot it's called "debating" far as your concerned right?

  9. Well Shaq is a Que afterall. Ha!

    Did you catch some of the speeches at the NRA convention? Oh dear god, listening to Sarah Palin is 10X worse than a botched execution. If you want to experience real torture check her out. Rick Santorum and Bobby Jindal kept the clown show going but I swear an angel dies whenever that moronic woman opens her mouth. And to think conservatives wanted her to be one lack of a heartbeat away from the football.

  10. Anon@9:38, comment sections on websites isn't for everyone.

  11. A post on cyber bullying Field? Really?

    My FIRST experience with it occurred on THIS site and has been on going for about the last FIVE YEARS!!!

    This is 'bout some hypocritical BULLSHIT!!!!


    DANG, looks like the "LOL" at the end of my earlier comment got cut off! That's what I get for tryiing to post on the smartphone that I HATE!!!


  12. Field Blanco10:17 PM

    "Yes, it is a "bitch". Just keep that in mind when you are squirming in pain on your death bed after a miserable life of hate and pettiness."

    So says the man obsessed with chasing imaginary racism and vilifying anyone who doesn't share his opinions.

  13. Field Blanco10:17 PM

    "Yes, it is a "bitch". Just keep that in mind when you are squirming in pain on your death bed after a miserable life of hate and pettiness."

    So says the man obsessed with chasing imaginary racism and vilifying anyone who doesn't share his opinions.

  14. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Brother Field, you have some nerve to be talking about cyberbullying on FN. Hell, for 10 years you have called me White; you have commented that you were surprised that I hadn't commtted suicide because I am depressed...I could go on, but I won't..

    The shit you have done to me in cyber space is damn depressing. It's enough to make a grown man cry. And like a bullied teen on a daily basis, I am frightened every time I comment on FN, and for 10 years, it's been daily.

    And like Shaq, you should apologize to me. Don't say, "I apologize". That is not enough. You must stop calling me White, and stop talking about suicide to me, and most important, send some cash for my mental and emotional health bills that you have been responsible for!

  15. Anonymous10:24 PM

    Field Negro said:
    Anon@9:38, comment sections on websites isn't for everyone.

    Now that's funny coming from a "Field Negro". Well maybe not since you're so busy out chasing racism, you seemed to overlook that its set up shop on your own doorstep. You need to go back and check your Field Negro Certification.

  16. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Karma is a mother-fucking bitch.

    6:13 PM
    Karma always comes back to the perpetrator. The sooner karma comes back on the perpetrator, the less severe the punishment.

    But when karma is taking a long time to show up, that means it out there picking up unbelievable speed before it boomerangs back on the perpetrator.

    Just think. It's been over 400 years since slavery, a century of Jim Crow, lynchings, and today blatant white racism...

    That's a long time. Karma hasn't shown up yet but when it does, it will be traveling on "blast".

    I would love to see Kinky's face and all his stormfront buddies when karma shows up.

  17. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Dear Mr Field, I KNOW you have read and heard about the emerging truth about Benghazi, which could implicate the President in not only lying to the public, but wrong doing. I am afraid that the "karma" fall-out from this could result in impeachment.

  18. "That's a long time. Karma hasn't shown up yet but when it does, it will be traveling on "blast". "

    Karma got here a long time ago, brother. Just look at Detroit.

  19. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Brother Field, here's a video from interviews by Watter's World on the streets of Harlem. O'Reilly tried to be very careful with what he said about black folks. lol

  20. Anonymous11:13 PM

    "Karma got here a long time ago, brother. Just look at Detroit."

    Oh no no. That's not karma. You'll know when it hits. Slavey and Jim Crow will be written all over it when it slams into folks like you, Palin, and Cheney.

  21. Anonymous11:20 PM

    Field, I have heard that the state of CA is looking into bringing Sterlings' gf to justice. Tape recordings are illegal in CA.

    I swear. You can't take a shit in racist CA without being sued. We need to give that state back to Mexico. Or better yet, sell it to Texas. Most of the Whites are racist Texans anyway.

    I have yet to meet a native CA. All these Californians are transplants.

  22. "Slavey and Jim Crow will be written all over it when it slams into folks like you, Palin, and Cheney."

    Is 'slavey' what black people put on their mashed potatoes?

    And my money is on old Jim makin' a comeback.

  23. One could argue karma has hit the black community. She wasn't a bitch-she was Obama.

  24. Anonymous12:01 AM

    "And my money is on old Jim makin' a comeback."

    You are nothing but a racist. I hope brother Field investigates your ass. And pray Dr Nuwang does not come after you. She has a lot of fire power. You will wish you were dead.

  25. Anonymous12:03 AM

    Blogger Kinky.Con said...
    One could argue karma has hit the black community. She wasn't a bitch-she was Obama.

    11:43 PM
    Now see. You are the kind of White racist that karma is going to do a big time number on.

  26. V. Stiviano, the woman at the center of the Donald Sterling scandal, has spoken to the press:

    “One day, I will become president of the United States of America and I will change the legislation and laws,” Stiviano said in one of several odd encounters with media camped outside her home. “Modern day history. Civil rights movement.”

    Karma IS a bitch.

    Pass the slavey.

  27. Jean Cocteausten12:25 AM

    We are witnessing the birth of a religion. Like most religions it contains seeds of truth (slavery, segregation, chauvinism) surrounded by a large amount of mythology (Trayvon, campus hate crime hoaxes, the “wage gap”, Paula Deen). It started as a set of principles (tolerance and fairness) that almost everyone values, but just like in other religions, the focus has shifted over time to draconian enforcement of belief in increasingly far-fetched myths. That enforcement consists of public humiliations and forced recantations, just like the Inquisition. God forbid these idiots get hold of some racks and thumbscrews.

    If you question whether Joshua made the sun stop, fundamentalist Christians will accuse you of being in league with the devil. If you question whether the races are genetically indistinguishable, the new fundamentalists accuse you of wanting to re-enslave blacks. And like most religions it is easily abused for personal gain.

    The MSM accounts of the Sterling affair read like a North Korean press release. Maybe this is just a mass hysteria that will soon pass. We can only hope.

  28. Anonymous12:39 AM

    I fear that V. Stiviano could very well be President one day.

    Comprehensive immigration reform and a burgeoning low information undertow could make it happen.

  29. GrannyStandingforTruth1:11 AM

    While everyone is still talking about the NBA racist, this is happening:

    Cliven Bundy Militia Set Up Checkpoints, Congressman Says

    The Huffington Post | by Sara Bondioli

    Armed militiamen around Cliven Bundy's ranch in Nevada have set up road checkpoints and are asking passersby for proof of residency, according to a letter Rep. Steven Horsford (D-Nev.) sent Sunday to a local sheriff.

    In the letter to Clark County Sheriff Doug Gillespie, Horsford, whose congressional district includes the area around the ranch, said recent events in Clark County have "caused many of my constituents to fear for their safety."

    Horsford continues:

    My constituents have expressed concern that members of these armed militia groups:

    1. Have set up checkpoints where residents are required to prove they live in the area before being allowed to pass;
    2. Have established a persistent presence along federal highways and state and county roads; and
    3. Have established an armed presence in or around community areas including local churches, school, and other community locations.

    Horsford's letter says "Residents have expressed their desire to see these groups leave their community." It asks Gillespie to investigate reports of the militia's actions and work with local leaders.

    The militiamen have been seen "carrying high-caliber weapons and keep a round-the-clock security detail on Bundy," the Las Vegas Sun reported. Many came from across the country to support Bundy after the Bureau of Land Management moved to seize his cattle, which had been grazing illegally on federal land.

    At one point, about 1,000 supporters and militiamen, were estimated to be in the vicinity, according to Reuters.

    Posted: 04/30/2014 9:54 am EDT Updated: 04/30/2014 10:59 am EDT

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Quote Bill-Oh

    "Still no answer?

    It looks like I stumped you.

    Or maybe the truth proves you wrong so I forced you to go crickets."

    Poor old Bill, he's so desperate to score points, he pretends to not notice that I have responded, in the hope others would believe he has won the argument.

    Anyway, Bill Oh, let me repeat myself, it's an independent think tank. Attacking the independent think tank because one of 84 analysts once worked for a Bill Clinton government entirely misses the point.

    Look at the information they provided, the statistics, the numbers. You have no answer to that facts, so you choose a lame-ass attack on the messenger. Which as I pointed out last time I responded is ironic given that you falsely accused me of doing just that a couple of days ago.

    Finally, don't get it into your stupid little single-celled brain that anything you ever say could silence me. I know more about any subject on earth than you could ever hope to know. You lack the intellectual capacity to debate me in any meaningful way.

  32. Anonymous4:06 AM

    field negro said...

    Yes, it is a "bitch". Just keep that in mind when you are squirming in pain on your death bed after a miserable life of hate and pettiness.

    So now your defending a brother who committed the atrocities he did? Just because he is black?

    he was a little uncomfortable at the end? Phuck him and anyone show supports him where you breath. The nice white 18 and 19 year old girls he brutalized, shot and buried alive while laughing at them went through more than his small bit of pain.

    Clayton Lockett, 23, his cousin, Alfonzo Lockett, 17 and Shawn Mathis, 26, were already there. While Boynt’s baby son slept in another room, they had tied up and were beating Boynt because he owed money to Clayton Lockett.
    When Neiman’s friend went inside the home they hit her with a shotgun then forced her to call Neiman into the home.
    They repeatedly raped Neiman’s 18-year-old friend, tied up the two women then used Neiman’s truck to take the adults and the baby to a rural part of Kay County. When Neiman refused to give Clayton Lockett the keys to her truck or provide him the alarm code, he ordered Stephanie to kneel while Mathis dug a grave.
    Lockett shot her and the gun jammed. While Neiman lay there screaming, the attackers cleared the jam and Lockett shot her a second time. Even though she was still breathing, he ordered the other two attackers to drag her into the grave and bury her.

    Clayton Lockett was found guilty of conspiracy, first-degree burglary, three counts of assault with a dangerous weapon, three counts of forcible oral sodomy, four counts of first-degree rape, four counts of kidnapping and two counts of robbery by force and fear. The charges were after former convictions of two or more felonies, according to the court clerk’s office.”
    Clayton Lockett was sentenced to death for first-degree murder, and more than 2,285 years in prison for his other convictions from that night. The 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the death sentence in April 2013 . . .

  33. For those of you who can approach this subject with an open mind, here is an interesting article about (slowly) changing attitudes to race in America over recent decades.

  34. Dear Anon@10:40, did u say Benghazi?!!!.
    Wait: glass up...drink drink, gulp. :)

    Depressed Faux Negro, I have the name of a wonderful counselor who might be able to help u.

    Would u settle for that in lieu of a lawsuit?

    America is such a litigious place, I would hate for it to come to that.

  35. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Field, you are the poster child for "hate and pettiness".

  36. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Poor purple cow. The definition of leftist insanity.Spends all day and night on a black supremacist blog trying to make facts out of lies.

    It is a liberal think tank. Simple bing search proves that.

    Stay stupid for the cause purple cow!!

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. "It is a liberal think tank. Simple bing search proves that."

    No. it. does. not.

    But supposing that were true (which it isn't) so what? You are still unable to counter the argument they made. They used government statistics. I note also that you are quiet on those facts gleaned from the CBO website.

    Don't you ever get tired of lying?

  39. Anonymous10:55 AM

    The Purple Cow said...


    Just in case anyone harbored any doubts that Purple Cow is an absolutely awful human being, he has dispelled them.

  40. Does everyone know that the old lethal drugs are hard to get because the countries that manufacture them refuse to sell to us because they don't believe in capital punishment?

    Maybe we should take the hint.


  41. Anonymous11:59 AM

    "Maybe we should take the hint."

    Maybe we should go back to hanging.

    Vermin like Clayton Lockett need to be put down.

  42. "Just in case anyone harbored any doubts that Purple Cow is an absolutely awful human being, he has dispelled them."

    Shucks thanks buddy, one does one's best.

  43. Wisconsin Reader12:09 PM

    I too oppose the death penalty - largely because too many innocent people have been executed and it is disproportionally used on people of color! . . . I agree it is not part of being a civilized society. . . Also being all too human, I cannot find sympathy that Mr. Lockett "suffered" for 43 minutes before dying - his actions in this case were also not consistent with being a civilized society member.

  44. "and it is disproportionally used on people of color!"

    Actually, this is not true. White murderers are more likely to receive the death penalty than black murderers:

  45. "you have to question how the state of Oklahoma administered the death penalty to Clayton Lockett. 43 minutes!"

    I wonder how long Stephanie Neiman suffered after Clayton Lockett shot her and then buried her alive?

    I sure hope it wasn't anywhere near 43 minutes.

    As for Lockett, those 43 minutes extra time he got before going to Hell were a blessing he didn't merit.

    Why do black people make heroes and martyrs out of the very worst among them?

  46. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Blogger The Purple Cow said...
    "Just in case anyone harbored any doubts that Purple Cow is an absolutely awful human being, he has dispelled them."

    Shucks thanks buddy, one does one's best.

    12:04 PM
    You have the mind and heart of a most base criminal. You are an ugly freak of nature.

    Btw, what are going to do now that your wife has left you?

  47. Mr.ignorant@1:31, were you related to the victim?

    Why do I get the feeling that your thoughts about the killer would be different if he was of a different hue?

  48. "Why do I get the feeling that your thoughts about the killer would be different if he was of a different hue?"

    Because you are a racist and that's how you think.

    In truth, I wouldn't have had the slightest bit more sympathy for Mr. Lockett if he were white.

    If that were my daughter and I got a hold of him, he would have died a much worse death, no matter what his color.

    People who kill like that aren't worth anyone's sympathy. Mythologizing them is sign of deep pathology.

  49. Mr. O'Neil's ignorance was correctable and corrected; Oklahoma's is institutional.

  50. Anonymous5:31 PM

    "One could argue karma has hit the black community. She wasn't a bitch-she was Obama."

    As long as we don't get anymore white karma in the way of imbeciles like W. or Sarah Palin. The REAL bitch would have been a McCain or Romney presidency or in the future whatever clown that doesn't believe in evolution or gravity the Rethuglicons throw at us.

  51. Anonymous5:33 PM

    "Finally, don't get it into your stupid little single-celled brain that anything you ever say could silence me. I know more about any subject on earth than you could ever hope to know. You lack the intellectual capacity to debate me in any meaningful way."

    Stop cyber bullying Bill. Shaq got in trouble for making fun of a mentally challenged man and so should you PC.

  52. Anonymous5:35 PM

    PilotX said...
    "the REAL bitch would have been a McCain or Romney presidency"

    McCain is pretty whack, but he probably could not have done as much damage as Obama.

    But, as unexciting as he was, there was no excuse for not electing Romney over Obama.

    Obama will go down as the most damaging President in US history.

  53. Anonymous5:59 PM

    A federal judge invalidated Wisconsin’s photo ID requirement Tuesday, in at least the third court ruling to strike down the law.

    The ruling is an overwhelming win for plaintiffs, who argued that the voter ID law suppresses ballot access in the state. And while the decision could be overturned on appeal before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, the law has also already been blocked by two state court decisions, one of which is still in effect. In March, Gov. Scott Walker (R) threatened to go so far as calling a special session to pass a modified law so that some ID provision is in place during the November election.

    U.S. District Judge Lynn Adelman found not just that the law disproportionately deters minorities and low-income individuals from voting; but also that purported instances of voter impersonation are so infrequent, if they exist at all, that “no rational person could be worried about it.”

    What do you think of this Field?

  54. Anonymous6:01 PM

    "McCain is pretty whack, but he probably could not have done as much damage as Obama.

    But, as unexciting as he was, there was no excuse for not electing Romney over Obama.

    Obama will go down as the most damaging President in US history."

    Oh, there were so many reasons to not elect the guy who wears magic underwear. I have yet to hear any real historian say Obama will go down as anything but a pretty good president. Of course trolls in comments sections have other ideas but there is a reason they are not taken seriously.

  55. "Btw, what are going to do now that your wife has left you?"

    She has?

    So who is the woman currently feeding tuna to the cats?

  56. "U.S. District Judge Lynn Adelman found not just that the law disproportionately deters minorities and low-income individuals from voting; but also that purported instances of voter impersonation are so infrequent, if they exist at all, that “no rational person could be worried about it.”

    Another Jew democrat working to keep electoral fraud in business.

  57. Anonymous6:12 PM

    PilotX said...
    "I have yet to hear any real historian say Obama will go down as anything but a pretty good president."

    You really need to get out of the house more.

  58. Anonymous6:12 PM

    "One could argue karma has hit the black community. She wasn't a bitch-she was Obama."

    It's White Karma that will destroy America and the world.

  59. Anonymous6:29 PM

  60. Anonymous6:30 PM

    "You really need to get out of the house more."

    Or you could provide a link? That might be easier no?

  61. Anonymous6:46 PM

    PC, "So who is the woman currently feeding tuna to the cats?"

    6:06 PM
    Stiviano? Or maybe the woman from the porn movie "Debby does Dallas?"

    I really don't know but we all know it's not your wife. She left you.

  62. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Please note: Field never apologized to depressed Negro for the following:

    -calling him White
    -Field said he thought depressed committed suicide
    -insinuating that depressed needed counseling
    -cyberbullying a very depressed Negro who could not defend himself

    There's more, but I'll just leave it at that. One thing for sure, Field has built up a shit load of karma.

  63. Anonymous8:02 PM

    "Or you could provide a link? That might be easier no?"

    Apparently, you'd need a link to find your ass.

  64. Anonymous8:21 PM

    who are you talking to?

  65. Anonymous8:24 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    While everyone is still talking about the NBA racist, this is happening:

    Cliven Bundy Militia Set Up Checkpoints, Congressman Says

    The Huffington Post | by Sara Bondioli

    Armed militiamen around Cliven Bundy's ranch in Nevada have set up road checkpoints and are asking passersby for proof of residency, according to a letter Rep. Steven Horsford (D-Nev.) sent Sunday to a local sheriff.

    In the letter to Clark County Sheriff Doug Gillespie, Horsford, whose congressional district includes the area around the ranch, said recent events in Clark County have "caused many of my constituents to fear for their safety."

    Horsford continues:

    My constituents have expressed concern that members of these armed militia groups:

    1. Have set up checkpoints where residents are required to prove they live in the area before being allowed to pass;
    2. Have established a persistent presence along federal highways and state and county roads; and
    3. Have established an armed presence in or around community areas including local churches, school, and other community locations.

    Horsford's letter says "Residents have expressed their desire to see these groups leave their community." It asks Gillespie to investigate reports of the militia's actions and work with local leaders.

    The militiamen have been seen "carrying high-caliber weapons and keep a round-the-clock security detail on Bundy," the Las Vegas Sun reported. Many came from across the country to support Bundy after the Bureau of Land Management moved to seize his cattle, which had been grazing illegally on federal land.

    At one point, about 1,000 supporters and militiamen, were estimated to be in the vicinity, according to Reuters.

    Posted: 04/30/2014 9:54 am EDT Updated: 04/30/2014 10:59 am EDT

    1:11 AM
    Thanks Granny. Now this is what we should be paying attention to. But FN folks always go for the irrelevant things. It's easier on their brains.

  66. "What do you think of this Field?"

    A wonderful step for democracy.

  67. Anonymous10:29 PM

    "who are you talking to?"

    Who are YOU talking to?

  68. Anonymous10:30 PM

    "who are you talking to?"

    Who are YOU talking to?

    "Apparently, you'd need a link to find your ass."

    Just as suspected, you just made some shit up. Typical conservative.

  69. Your style is unique compared to other people I've read stuff from. Thanks for posting when you've got the opportunity, Guess I will just bookmark this site.
