Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Mr. Goodell please pay attention. This is how a Commissioner should act.

Kudos to Adam Silver for acting decisively and relatively quickly to punish Donald Sterling. The NBA averted what could have been a very ugly situation.

Silver did what the previous owner, the gutless David Stern failed to do, and he should be commended.

Speaking of gutless, Roger Goodell should now confront the owner of the Washington D.C. football team about changing the disgraceful name of that franchise. 

This entire episode has been quite interesting. The public condemnation of an old racist caught being a racist has been unanimous (except for the usual racist suspects led by their television network), but I read two articles today which I thought were quite thought provoking.

The first one was from my twitter fam, Professor Rambo, writing on his fine blog, Question Authority.

Here is a snippet:

"Unlike all these morons working for and glued to the lamestream media, I’m not shocked, enraged, or horrified by the remarks made by Donald Sterling, the owner of the LA Clippers. This is the basic rundown:

Sterling calls girlfriend. Sterling tells girlfriend not to take pictures with Black men or bring them to the games. Girlfriend gets mad. Phone call is leaked. End of story.

What? Am I supposed to bitch and moan because of his racist opinions? This shit aint new to me. I live in this place called “The South”. You know, it’s interesting how the lamestream media works. Take something big, like affirmative action being banned in ANOTHER state for example. You know, the program that helps minorities with jobs and college admissions? Yeah, that thing. The media gave it a 30-minute segment before talking about that lost plane and its connection to UFOs. Think I’m lying? Check out last week’s headlines. Now, a fat slob who OWNS BLACK athletes telling his Kim Kardashien lookalike girlfriend not to take instagram pictures with black guys and WHAM!!!!!!!!!!!!! 24-hour air play, in depth analysis, interviews, CNN specials, Black in America documentaries, rallies, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton speeches, lamb sacrifices made to the Gods…well not that last one but you get the point. Why is it that racism that holds Black people back is taken lightly while someone’s comments are taken as the word of god? There is REAL racism and LIGHT racism. One stings and one kills. Our society was built upon the backs of slaughtered Africans and Natives. The definition of racism could pretty much be America. Racism has not gone anywhere, it simply hides in plain sight." [More]

The second one was from Mr. Skyhook himself:

"It's time to look at ourselves — and our collective moral outrage — in the mirror, says former NBA player Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.

Moral outrage is exhausting. And dangerous. The whole country has gotten a severe case of carpal tunnel syndrome from the newest popular sport of Extreme Finger Wagging. Not to mention the neck strain from Olympic tryouts for Morally Superior Head Shaking. All over the latest in a long line of rich white celebrities to come out of the racist closet. (Was it only a couple days ago that Cliven Bundy said blacks would be better off picking cotton as slaves?

And only last June Paula Deen admitted using the “N” word?)

Yes, I’m angry, too, but not just about the sins of Donald Sterling. I’ve got a list. But let’s start with Sterling. I used to work for him, back in 2000 when I coached for the Clippers for three months. He was congenial, even inviting me to his daughter’s wedding. Nothing happened or was said to indicate he suffered from IPMS (Irritable Plantation Master Syndrome). Since then, a lot has been revealed about Sterling’s business practices:
  • 2006: U.S. Dept. of Justice sued Sterling for housing discrimination. Allegedly, he said, “Black tenants smell and attract vermin.”
  • 2009: He reportedly paid $2.73 million in a Justice Dept. suit alleging he discriminated against blacks, Hispanics, and families with children in his rentals. (He also had to pay an additional nearly $5 million in attorneys fees and costs due to his counsel’s “sometimes outrageous conduct.”)
  • 2009: Clippers executive (and one of the greatest NBA players in history) sued for employment discrimination based on age and race.

  • And now the poor guy’s girlfriend (undoubtedly ex-girlfriend now) is on tape cajoling him into revealing his racism. Man, what a winding road she led him down to get all of that out. She was like a sexy nanny playing “pin the fried chicken on the Sambo.” She blindfolded him and spun him around until he was just blathering all sorts of incoherent racist sound bites that had the news media peeing themselves with glee.

    They caught big game on a slow news day, so they put his head on a pike, dubbed him Lord of the Flies, and danced around him whooping.

    I don’t blame them. I’m doing some whooping right now. Racists deserve to be paraded around the modern town square of the television screen so that the rest of us who believe in the American ideals of equality can be reminded that racism is still a disease that we haven’t yet licked.

    What bothers me about this whole Donald Sterling affair isn’t just his racism. I’m bothered that everyone acts as if it’s a huge surprise. Now there’s all this dramatic and very public rending of clothing about whether they should keep their expensive Clippers season tickets. Really? All this other stuff I listed above has been going on for years and this ridiculous conversation with his girlfriend is what puts you over the edge? That’s the smoking gun?" [More]
  • Two articles from two men. One a talented blogger, and the other a Hall Of Fame basketball player. Both writing what we are all thinking: Why were we all surprised?


    1. Neither a talented blogger or hof bb player is talking about the 9 killed/47 shot in Chiraq this past Easter weekend.

      Words matter more in the fields than dead or shot blahs.

      Go figure.


    2. FN said...
      Why were we all surprised?

      Because the NAACP was giving him lifetime achievement awards.


      A lifetime achievement award from the NAACP was supposed to mean something positive for black people.

      Should bill maher lose his ownership in the mets for calling palin a cunt? Or is this another one of those democrat double standards?

    3. Kinky has run out of things to talk about.

      But he comes here because he has nowhere else to go.

      Poor bloke.


      "Oh my Lord, you are saying the Congressional Budget Office has been renamed the "Centre on Budget and Policy Priorities"?

      Twat indeed....

      Stupid for the cause is purple cow!!!!"

      Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.

      1. The CBO provided one of the statements that destroyed your argument.

      2. You have provided precisely zero evidence that the other organisation is a "left wing front"

      Provide the evidence or shut the fuck up and accept that the idiotic assertion you have based your entire self-image and manhood upon is entirely false.

      Your call little man.

    4. "Should bill maher lose his ownership in the mets for calling palin a cunt? Or is this another one of those democrat double standards"

      As usual Bill-oh, you have entirely missed the point.

      Sarah Palin IS demonstrably a cunt. This isn't an opinion, it's a scientific fact. She is sub-human scum who has gotten rich by failing to do the job she was elected to do and instead earned millions pandering to dumb, helpless, knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing, lips-moving-as-they-read, drones like you.

      Sarah knows you are an idiot, sadly, you do not.

    5. The Purple Cow said...
      Sarah Palin IS demonstrably a cunt.

      ding ding said pavlov.

      I've noticed the word cunt gets you to reply 100% of the time.

      ding ding PurpleCow.

    6. The Purple Cow said...
      2. You have provided precisely zero evidence that the other organisation is a "left wing front"

      If your talking about that 'Centre on Budget and Policy Priorities' group, I noticed you didn't reply in the last thread about my asking if the founder was the guy appointed by both jimmy carter and bill clinton.


      ding ding PurpleCow

    7. Anonymous7:29 PM

      Ohhh the poor boy...Mental illness is a bitch. Isn't purple cow?

    8. The Blacks8:29 PM

      "She is sub-human scum "

      Pot meet kettle.

    9. Do the Wrong Thing8:31 PM

      Spike Lee has said more racist things than Sterling. Do you think he'll keep on getting to sit in the front row of NBA games?

    10. Anonymous8:34 PM

      This could be a teaching moment for President Obama. Oh, wait. He said every now and then racism percolates to the top. I guess racism is rare in America.

      It sure feels like racism is all over America. Must be my imagination.

    11. Spike Lee doesn't own the Knicks.

    12. Sarah Palin knows all about black NBA players.

      Just sayin.......

    13. Anonymous8:43 PM

      Follow the money .... all too convenient that this known "racist" was outed. Girlfriend was going to have her sugar supply cut off by the ex, and more than a few jackals have wanted the franchise-with-potential for a while now.

      So, the NAACP multi-award winner is suddenly an irredeemable racist and shouldn't be allowed to own a team?

      What about the outrageous racism and conduct of others in and around the NBA, and their supporters, such as the virulent racist hater Spike Lee.

      The double standards employed by the Progs does make ones head spin.

      This is America, and Sterling has the right to say what he thinks and feels - even if that "offends" some people. The proper response is to exercise personal choice on whether or not to support him, his franchise, etc.

      However, the professional grievance class was worried that people WOULDN'T rally/march in faux-umbrage so they had to once again, gin up the "controversy".

      Sterling isn't going away quietly, and Silver and the NBA may have bit off more (legally) than they can chew this time.

      I hope Discovery unravels the whole sordid mess of the invisible hands of mischief behind the scenes.


    14. field negro said...

      Spike Lee doesn't own the Knicks.

      Bill Maher and the Mets, or is this basketball only?

      8:41 PM
      Blogger field negro said...

      Sarah Palin knows all about black NBA players.

      Just sayin.......

      Is that a shot at glen rice or palin?

    15. Anonymous9:03 PM

      Thanks for the link to the blog "Question Authority". A good read - have bookmarked it, and hope the blogger continues to keep up with current topics.
      He and BIB make similar comments about what is needed for the black community to stop worrying about what others say/think but move forward by supporting and empowering each other.

      His comments about Racism and Racists ... made me think of how some here lash out at the trolls. It doesn't help and only give the trolls what they seek. Responding to a nasty comment that the writer is from the "trailer park" doesn't require much thought or effort - the pool of talent here is cleverer than that and should use these opportunities to foil the trolls rather than give in to their baiting. (Eat the banana and mock the thrower, don't get angry because the banana was thrown....)

      Sadly, he is correct that any time black leadership has gotten close to trying to heal the racial divide and develop consensus on issues that are common to all, they get kilt. Hmmm.

    16. Anonymous9:08 PM

      Blogger field negro said...
      Sarah Palin knows all about black NBA players.

      Just sayin.......

      8:42 PM
      Brother Field, that was a racist and sexist thing to say...very hurtful about a politician who doing her best to serve our country. You ought to be ashamed.

      What the hell is wrong with you? SERIOUSLY, you need to pray and go to church. This time go listen to Rev Farrakhan. I think his message might get through to you.

    17. Anonymous9:10 PM

      PilotX stated that he didn't believe that some people would openly call black folk "N" to their face.

      I disagree. The very rich and the very entitled to and worse, all the time, and no one stops them or says anything. They may shake their heads in silent disgust, but the remarks just float on by.

      I remember once a middle aged rich white lady making some over the top remarks about not wanting her son to marry someone not white. One of the men in the group, a well educated black man reacted in astonishment at her overt racism and tried to challenge her... but she just laughed and actually enjoyed that she had gotten a rise out of him, and gotten him to respond.

      I was watching CNN today and one of the commenters said the same thing - Sterling's racism wasn't a "surprise" and he has heard the rich and entitled openly say far worse in the presence of black folk.

      As I have found raising my own sometimes raucous teens, acknowledging it (outrageous behavior/remarks) is often the losing answer, because it immediately gives the behavior/language validation.

    18. Wayne Gretzky9:32 PM

      Prediction: This nonsense starts a downward spiral for the NBA, as white fans tired of the racialist bullshit find something else to do with their disposable income.

      The NBA just jumped the shark.

      We are past Peak Negro. You overreached. Badly.

    19. Anonymous9:32 PM

      The president's numbers continue to fall and the Dems are genuinely worried about the 2014 election and control over the Senate and the progressive platform.

      The real unemployment numbers are far higher than the fake numbers massaged and put out by the govt, and the masses are beginning to catch on.

      "Food Insecurity" is on the rise - and not just in the "poor" communities - even working class families with skills and education are finding there isn't enough to keep it together. A new documentary about "food insecurity" in America (black and white) doesn't even get mention in the press.


      The grim statistics for many, especially in the black communities, isn't something the press is really interested in.

      This is one, that if I read it correctly, should be consuming the ink on the pages of the press but... crickets. Almost 25% of black family households in the US have NO family member employed, and the majority have at least one family member unemployed.


      Activists in Chicago have taken to the streets to protest the hiring of outside the state labor to work on projects in their own neighborhoods ... peaceful, reasonable, protest but outside of the local news, nothing.

      But hey .... getting Obama involved in pontificating on "Racism in America" and oh boy! are we off the races.

      As if Obama is any different from any other politician. He knows how to play the race game to divide and distract just as well as his lighter skin colleagues.

      Yeah, let's continue to burn time and energy debating a pathetic dirty old man and his pay-for-play whore girlfriend. That's what's important.

    20. Anonymous9:40 PM

      Please, stop calling her a whore. She is not. She has helped to break this story wide open. We, as Blacks, should be grateful to her.

    21. Spontaneous reaction to a video9:42 PM

      Enjoy your state propaganda brainwashing biznotch.

    22. Anonymous9:43 PM

      dear brother Field, what has happened to FP and Granny? Have they fallen of the planet?

    23. Benjamin Halfwhite9:47 PM

      Do you think the NAACP will forgive Sterling if he gibs more gibs?

      I sure hope so. We are running low on Courvoisier here at the Colored People's Club.

    24. “I ain’t taking no pictures with no niggers”

      - Michael Jordan


    25. So if Obama gave Zimmerman his 007 license, he finishes off Sterling, the scale is adjusted even, and Zimmerman can be rehabilitated. Have Spike Lee give his butt a hicky, and he can get on with life.....works for me.

    26. Prindle10:16 PM

      I don't even know where to start. In the first place this is a put up job. If one listens to the 'fight' between Sterling and his whore it is clear that she is reading from a script. You can hear the rustle of the paper as the girl turns page one and stutters beginning page two. The acting is stilted. Wasn't it...honey? I mean, g--d g-d.

      All he asks her to do is to not bring other men to his games embarrassing him. She's his mistress, why should he tolerate being affronted by his mistress bringing her other lays to parade before him and the world? It's a put up job.

      The phony righteous indignation of this Jew Silver? Who can believe it? Sterling is denied his right to attend NBA games? Banned for life and fined two million dollars? How stupid can Silver be? These two guys are supposed to members of the smartest race, religion, group, whatever designation they're using today. If one bans someone for life how can you fine them? What incentive do they have to pay since they can't even attend an NBA game?

      This is the crappiest script I ever read. At 81 what does banned for life mean? One year? Two?

      I mean, this is incredible, stupid, down below its roots. All you Anons out there who think they don't know who you are start shaking in your boots. Look out for drones. They know who you are.

      This is a Jewish/Negro show and both Sterling and Silver (Sterling Silver don't you just love it), are both on the team.

      Nothing to worry about, Sterling isn't going to be fined and kicked out of the synagogue. They're all going to sit around and have a good laugh.

      Meanwhile, with what's happening in the world, this joke is just a disguise. Has the war in the Ukraine begun?

    27. Sterling a plantation owner because he discriminates against white players

      Through the years, [Sterling's] racism has been sometimes subtle and often overt. For those failing to understand why a racist like Sterling never preferred white players, it cut to the heart of his stereotypical stances on athleticism and strength and talent.

      Mostly, he's never loved paying white players. In that way, he has an absolute plantation prism with which he sees players: He always preferred long, strong, physical players. To him, that's a basketball player: Big, black and strong.

      When Sterling became reluctant to honor Rivers' sign-and-trade agreement for J.J. Redick, there was a belief race played a factor. As one league source said, "He thought it was too much to pay for a white player."

      Yes, Sterling didn't want to so easily part with Eric Bledsoe, despite Rivers telling him they could never afford to pay Bledsoe in restricted free agency next summer. That was part of it, yes, but those who knew Sterling – who had history with him – believed largely that his disdain for paying $7 million per year for a white player caused him pause.

      Nevertheless, those days could be soon gone.


      To Slate, discriminating against white players means Sterling is a plantation owner. Whatever.

    28. Anonymous10:50 PM

      A lot of Jews in sports, music, and entertainment industry make tons of money from black talent. I mean just look at the NBA (Negroes Be Athletes).

      So, Jews have to send a message that they are shocked, shocked, and shocked with someone like Sterlowitz, the LONE BAD Jew.

      Jews cannot stick with this fellow Jew if they are too keep black talent. Also, as blacks have been made to bend over to homos, Jews better show that they are 'tolerant' too.

      Of course, if not for Ms. V., no Jew who heard what Sterling said in private would have spilled the beans on him. But the genie is out of the bottle, and Jews must do damage control.

      Also, the Jewish-black moral alliance--holocaust and slavery--is the main guilt-bait instrument for browbeating whitey, so Jews must show that they, in no shape or form, agree with anything Sterling said.

      And by making Sterling a LONE BAD Jew--as well as a honorary southerner--, Jews hope that what he said won't reflect on Israel either.

      Hey, it's a living!

    29. Anonymous11:03 PM

      Did you miss his remarks about how blacks in Israel are treated like dogs? That in itself is a hanging offense in modern America. Thou shalt not speak ill of the light unto the nations!

      But yeah, his remarks about blacks, as opposed to Israel, were remarkably innocuous.

    30. Magic Johnson will use his power of AIDS and general numinosity to cure the NBA and the Clippers of the evil virus of racism.

    31. "If your talking about that 'Centre on Budget and Policy Priorities' group, I noticed you didn't reply in the last thread about my asking if the founder was the guy appointed by both jimmy carter and bill clinton."

      Just a few days ago Bill was one of several far-Reich posters who criticised me for allegedly attacking the source of information when I didn't have answer to the point raised.

      ...and now here is Bill-Oh doing exactly that.

      Typical conservative double standards.

    32. Anonymous3:51 AM

      A $2.5 million fine when you are worth about 1.9 billion? (not much) Remember...That's the NBA's highest fine possible...hmmm

      So how much is Sterling going to make when and (if) he sells the team?... hmmm (He bought it for $12 million now it's reportedly worth about $1 billion)

      C'mon Field..this is a nice cash out plan for an 80 year old man who might live another 10 years max?!! Smoke and mirror pat on the butt to give the perception that the NBA really is standing up to racism.

      What they should have did was require the sale of the team. (because that is still iffy at this point) and include a class action law suite in the name of all past workers of the clippers who have been discriminated against, ticket purchasers and Tax payers who have been footing the bill of the Clippers arena. Divide that cash up as evenly as possible and send his ass packing. (40 acres and a mule likeish) Call it the 'Clipperations Class Action Law suite'!!

    33. Anonymous7:26 AM

      Whites and Blacks detest each other. Whatever either member if the races has to say should not be a surprise at this stage of the game. Today it's Sterling; tomorrow, it'll be another butt protrusion. After 500 years all this mess gets older than dirt. We don't like each other; we'll NEVER like each other and here we all are!!!! WTF?????

    34. The members of the MSM and LSM are all supposedluy outraged by the racist comments of the owner of a basketball team. Why is it the same outrage was not expressed by a president keeping his personal kill list, and targeting American citizens for assassination. Why no MSM outrage over a reported 277 babies murdered In Africa and the Middle East by Obama approved US predatory drones.

    35. Stormfronters are pissed. Can't say that I blame them. One of their racist brothers have been taken down.

      Don't worry my hood wearing friends, maybe Uncle Donald will give you some of his millions when he sells his team. Not!

    36. "After 500 years all this mess gets older than dirt. We don't like each other; we'll NEVER like each other and here we all are!!!! WTF?????"

      Well fuck off back to the Russian Steppes then, what's the problem?

    37. John McKlan9:44 AM

      He ain't my brother, or my uncle either. His millions have been going to the NAACP. Guess it wasn't enough for y'all.

    38. Anonymous9:53 AM

      "Also, as blacks have been made to bend over to homos, Jews better show that they are 'tolerant' too."

      What does this even mean?

    39. Anonymous9:57 AM

      I'm not telling you how to run your website, but you may want to catch Brother Bomani's comments about D. Sterling (he could be a good candidate for your feild negro of the day (for a whole week)

    40. Anonymous10:00 AM

      FN said:
      "Stormfronters are pissed. Can't say that I blame them. One of their racist brothers have been taken down."

      The Stormfronters probably are pissed but old style racists (KKKers, etc.) tend to hate Jews more ,in some cases, than they hate blacks.

    41. Healthcare spending the first quarter of 2014 grew at a faster rate at anytime since the third quarter of 1980. Coincidentally I'm sure, this was also the first quarter in which ObamaCare was in full effect.

      With millions of Americans gaining coverage through President Obama's health care law, health care spending spiked by a staggering 9.9 percent in the first quarter of 2014 — the fastest rate since 1980 — according to data released Wednesday by the Bureau of Economic Analysis.

      Obamacare was pitched as a plan to reduce health care spending, and formally titled the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act." In 2009, Obama called the status quo — in which health care spending was accelerating toward becoming one-fifth of the economy — "unsustainable."

      Quick! Find another racist to burn!

    42. Doesn't it seem a little strange that the league should react in such an over-the-top manner to an illegally-recorded conversation that clearly won't be admissible in any court? Mr. Tokowitz has long been considered the worst owner in basketball and an embarrassment to the league. The league wanted him out long ago and it is unlikely that they would treat any other owners or players this way for a similar faux pas. For example, they have completely ignored Larry Johnson's much more extremist call for a racially segregated league.

      The league is overreaching legally, and being not only a longtime owner, but a lawyer as well, Tokowitz will be aware of that. He may well be in possession of dirty laundry that the new commissioner doesn't even know exists; basketball is FAR from the cleanest sport in the world. On the plus side, we may finally learn the real reason for Michael Jordan's first retirement.

      The NBA is in a lot of trouble if Tokowitz, who is old, rich, and apparently shameless, decides on the Samson option. He can probably single-handedly reduce the value of every franchise by 30 percent simply by monkey-wrenching the league through a series of "unfortunate" management and coaching decisions. And that's without even getting into the ramifications of potential revelations concerning David Stern's fixing of various drafts and playoff series.

      It would be entertaining to see what happens when all the owners and many of the major players are repeatedly set up in bugged honey traps and recorded, since I can't imagine it would be hard to produce a series of equally offensive recordings proving various PC offenses committed by a broad spectrum of NBA figures.

      It seems most likely to me that all of this is nothing more than a league-approved coup d'etat attempt by Magic Johnson and the investors behind him. In the present hypersensitive PC environment, it's not terribly difficult to whistle up a witch hunt in pursuit of your personal objectives.

    43. We're all surprised because we can't have an honest conversation about prejudice and race in this country.

      Roughly half the population is invested in the idea that racism is no longer a problem, and if it is, it's white people who are the victims. And NO, they are NOT racists themselves.

      The other half of the problem recognizes racism is a problem, but doesn't think they have any racial prejudices (Google 'aversive racism'). We call them liberals.

      There is, of course, a solid core of flat out racists. White nationalists, Black nationalists, hard core Zionists. Many if not most of them freely admit their willingness to discriminate based on race or religion.

      Finally, there is a small group of us who admit we have racial prejudices, recognize that it's a problem, and are looking for ways to deal with it.

    44. PC, enjoyed your country. Not to insult you but London was very much like a major US city. A bit pricy but would love to go back. I noticed that I didn't get the what's up nod from Black folks, maybe they knew I was a Yank. All in all a good trip.

    45. Anonymous11:06 AM

      How, in today's climate, does white racism affect anyone in a meaningful way?

      We have just seen what happens to someone who expresses fairly mild opinions in a private conversation.

      There is nothing less accepted than white racism in American society. As a society, we are obsessed with every iota uncovered by roving search parties. Every expression of such is punished. Every other group is granted special privileges enforced by the government.

      How, pray tell, can such a completely marginalized and prohibited belief have any real impact on the lives on non-whites?


    46. "This is terrible. This is terrible. This is gonna be a (expletive) (N-word) town,"


      The article doesn't list the person's political party, which means she is a democrat.

      I wonder if the left is going to hold her to the same standard as sterling.

      It appears some recorded conversations aren't as equal as others.

    47. "PilotX stated that he didn't believe that some people would openly call black folk "N" to their face."

      No, I believe it just not the person who claimed to do it.

      "I remember once a middle aged rich white lady making some over the top remarks about not wanting her son to marry someone not white. One of the men in the group, a well educated black man reacted in astonishment at her overt racism and tried to challenge her... but she just laughed and actually enjoyed that she had gotten a rise out of him, and gotten him to respond."

      Most of us wouldn't be surprised at all but just sometimes feel disappointed in some people. I'm glad she got a rise but the thing is we also have the same feelings but just don't air them in polite company. How many brothas got the "don't bring me any bunnies home" speech? I know I didn't before I went off to college, "if she don't use our comb don't bring her home". We just have the social grace not to say it in public.

    48. The Purple Cow said...

      "If your talking about that 'Centre on Budget and Policy Priorities' group, I noticed you didn't reply in the last thread about my asking if the founder was the guy appointed by both jimmy carter and bill clinton."

      Just a few days ago Bill was one of several far-Reich posters who criticised me for allegedly attacking the source of information when I didn't have answer to the point raised.

      Still no answer?

      It looks like I stumped you.

      Or maybe the truth proves you wrong so I forced you to go crickets.

    49. "How, in today's climate, does white racism affect anyone in a meaningful way?"

      Blacks: Earn roughly 75 cents on the dollar compared to Whites, die about 10 years younger, have higher unemployment rates across the board, have the infant mortality rate found in third world countries, are vastly underrepresented in seats of power (political, business, etc.). The list goes on and on and has been deeply and broadly measured.

      Unless you think that Blacks are somehow genetically predisposed to suffer these consequences (i.e. lazy, weak, stupid, or whatever---hence nature), then you have to look at nurture/society for the causes of these deficits--what is commonly termed institutional racism.

      The fact that you're not aware of this is indicative of something, I'm not sure what.

    50. "I wonder if the left is going to hold her to the same standard as sterling."

      The left? The billionaires in the NBA are who held Sterling accountable. It was a business decision.

    51. How do my prejudices and biases adversely affect Blacks? After all, I'm a liberal who is dedicated to minimizing the effects of racism. Surely I wouldn't be involved in causing the problem:

      First, Project Implicit at Harvard tells me that I have a preference for white people over black people. I am more comfortable associating with whites. This is something I already know, but now I have confirmation of this BIAS.

      This BIAS shows up in a large variety of DISCRIMINATORY ways, mostly subtle, but imagine the cumulative impact of 200 million white Americans, who hold most of the levers of power--large and small--who have largely unrecognized biases favoring associating with White people. Hopefully, the cumulative effect of this doesn't have to be explained.

    52. Anonymous12:00 PM

      Anonymous Barb said...
      The members of the MSM and LSM are all supposedluy outraged by the racist comments of the owner of a basketball team. Why is it the same outrage was not expressed by a president keeping his personal kill list, and targeting American citizens for assassination. Why no MSM outrage over a reported 277 babies murdered In Africa and the Middle East by Obama approved US predatory drones.

      7:35 AM
      Barb, can't you see that these are two different issues? jeeze, Barb.

      What in the world has the NBA got to do with Obama? There is NO connection here whatsoever. But don't worry, Obama will be gone by 2016. Then you'll have an opportunity to vote in the 'next' President who will make all of the changes you want to see. lol...

    53. Anon@11:06 calls his uncle's comments "mild opinions". O kaay then.

      Just keep hitting that bigot pipe.

    54. Anon@11:0612:18 PM

      Nick said...
      "Unless you think that Blacks are somehow genetically predisposed to suffer these consequences (i.e. lazy, weak, stupid, or whatever---hence nature), then you have to look at nurture/society for the causes of these deficits--what is commonly termed institutional racism."

      We have looked at nurture under a microscope; looking at nature has been forbidden for quite some time. Both are of course factors.

      I don't think blacks are "anything". Blacks and everyone else are just individual people, each with individual talents, backgrounds and proclivities. Different groups may have different ratios of various attributes, but this means nothing when evaluating an individual.

      People are different, and if you sort them into various groupings, the groups will exhibit differences. Different racial groups will have different life expectancies, infant mortalities, and different success rates in various pursuits. What matters is the extent to which these outcomes are due to unfair or unjust treatment.

      Chinese-Americans will probably never dominate in the NBA. I don't think you can reasonably argue that their lack of proportional representation is due to institutional racism.

      That being said, the relative distribution of talent among various groups should be meaningless when it comes to the career paths of Yao Ming or Neil deGrasse Tyson.

      "Institutional racism" is what's left over from the nurture argument once every reasonable thing has been done to address real racism. It is mostly nonsense.

      I support the elimination of all obstacles faced by people because of race. If any person can show how they have been harmed by racism, he or she deserves a remedy.

      However looking at group outcomes is the wrong way to achieve justice. There is no legitimacy to the concept of "social justice". Justice rightly applies only to individuals; applying it to groups necessarily means injustice for some individuals.

      Does Sasha Obama deserve preferential admittance into Harvard over some poor white kid from Appalachia?

      For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. For each privileged oppressed person upon whom “fair treatment” is bestowed by the authorities, there will be another person who is denied because he isn’t sufficiently "diverse".

      It is the left that views everyone according to their group identities. The central contradiction of modern liberalism is that in order to eliminate racial discrimination, the government must mandate racial discrimination. If you cannot see how wrong that is, you must be a liberal.

    55. Anon@11:0612:23 PM

      field negro said...
      "Anon@11:06 calls his uncle's comments "mild opinions". O kaay then."

      He's more your uncle than mine, Field, a Lifetime Achievement Award winner from the NAACP.

      And what exactly did he say that defines him an inveterate racist? The part where he said he loved black people? Or the part where he told his girlfriend to posting pictures of Magic Johnson on Instagram?

    56. Anon@11:0612:43 PM

      Nick said...
      "First, Project Implicit at Harvard tells me that I have a preference for white people over black people. I am more comfortable associating with whites. This is something I already know, but now I have confirmation of this BIAS."

      You needed Harvard to tell you that? You really must be a liberal.

      The reason you feel that way Nick is that you are a HUMAN. People prefer to be with others like themselves. Black people have a preference for black people over white people. Spanish-speakers want to live in Spanish speaking neighborhoods. Observant Muslims don't want to live in the Castro district. Old people do not want to live with college students.

      There is nothing wrong with this.

      The fact is, the majority will always feel more comfortable in a society that conforms to majority norms. Because they are the majority. This is what you call "institutional racism" (aka "reality".) No matter how sensitive the majority is to various minorities, the minorities will still find themselves more often negotiating other people's cultural norms.

      Once liberals achieve their goal of a non-white majority society, your confirmation bias will no longer grant you much comfort. I sincerely doubt the new majority will care much about how "institutional racism" bums you out, but you will need to accept reality, just like everyone else.

      The goal should be to be as cool with other people as you can, respect differences, and let people live their lives as much possible to their own personal choices. Tyrannical liberal equalitarianism is not the answer.

    57. Fact Checker2:17 PM

      "Or maybe the truth proves you wrong so I forced you to go crickets."

      Too bad the truth that you made up Sterling being a Democrat didn't make you go crickets Bill. You're wrong so much The Cow gave up fact checking you because that would be a full time job.

    58. The Straw Man2:18 PM

      "The goal should be to be as cool with other people as you can, respect differences, and let people live their lives as much possible to their own personal choices. Tyrannical liberal equalitarianism is not the answer."

      Nobody wants that. Straw man alert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You must be a conservative with that kind of logic.

    59. I see a Scare Crow. :)

    60. From the last thread:
      Anonymous@8:41 AM said...

      A tornado is the most wonderful occurrence for a RACIST. It will send the racist and his racism straight to the GREAT BEYOND!!

      This should warm your heart:


    61. Anon@11:064:09 PM

      PilotX said...
      "Nobody wants that."

      No, nobody at all:




      You have turned into a completely disingenuous douchebag. You should change your handle to uptownX.

    62. BS!!..Adam Silver should have resigned!! He was on watch during the Sterling Era!!!!!

    63. Hey Field:

      Look sun i am not going to disagree with you even a tiny bit However, you know that he had no choice, who the heck will vote against his own interest unless he /she is a kook?

      Also he sat his bojangles in that office for 22 yrs and said nothing..nada ! OKAY OKAY Field that was then and this is now Having said that, there is a decorum that must be upheld by people in power positions and that is irregardless of race, ethnicity religion or lack thereof. Mr Silver has like Goddell, and Stern an obligation to open his mouth and shame "Mr changed his name from Tokowitz to Sterling" He has/they had that respsonsibility from the moment they knew about his arrogance WAY WAY back then.

      Hold it! Suffice that, we all know that the ole boy network is never going to go against their own that is why "WE HAD TO DO IT FOR THEM" I am proud of those Afrikans
      Kudos to Stephen A (whom i would like to crush sometimes) Kevin J Lebron, Magic J and even SNOOP...But none to any ghosts because i know that apologies only come from the wallet in most cases.. Moreover, He does not get all credit!
      See, i can say what i say to anyone because i do not rep an org I am self employed doing well and do not make a good employee.. So i do not have to worry about anyone dropping me duh!
      Having said that, i also realize that i even do better when i walk light and tote a big stick..And as such a person i never have to back down or allow anyone to make me feel bad about Milagros EVER! Nooone has that power Wanna try?

      Anyone play chess?

    64. Anonymous11:06 AM

      "i...do not make a good employee."


