Thursday, April 17, 2014

Get your mind right.

I am going to try and post about Andre Johnson (AKA Christ Bearer) and the unfortunate situation with his...ahhm.... johnson, but it is going to be hard.

First, let me say that depression is a serious and growing problem in America.

Too many people focus on their physical and neglect their mental health. This is a mistake. And folks should recognize when someone they love is suffering from mental problems.

Mr. Johnson survived, but we just lost a beautiful young blogger due to her struggles with depression.

One can only wonder why someone in Andre Johnson's life didn't see the signs that led him to do the unthinkable.

"The Wu-Tang Clan-affiliated rapper who cut off his penis before leaping off the second-floor balcony of his North Hollywood apartment has lost the appendage for good, according to a report.

Andre Johnson — who raps under the name Christ Bearer — was rushed to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center after he apparently flayed himself during the bizarre suicide bid early Wednesday, TMZ reported.

But doctors were unable to reattach the severed penis, the website reported." [Source]

Lord have mercy! I am trying but I can't do this. I am in pain just thinking about it.

Anyway, the young man is in stable condition, and even though he won't get his johnson back, at least he will live. Living being a relative term at this point.

You Negroes in America need to take note:

"Studies done by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) show that African Americans and whites experience depression differently. Black Americans are less likely than whites to have a major depressive disorder (MDD), said NIMH, but when they do, it’s more severe and less likely to be treated. Add to that the stigma around mental illness, and you have a recipe for tragedy. Among blacks who experienced MDD, the rate of chronic depression was 56.5 percent, compared with whites with MDD, who experienced chronic depression at a rate of 38.6 percent.

According to a recent Washington Post report by Tara Bahrampour, more African Americans are seeking help for mental illness. Said Bahrampour:
Many people, regardless of race, have a hard time talking about mental illness. But for many African Americans, the topic has carried particularly negative connotations — to the point where it’s easier to talk about drug or alcohol addiction than depression or anxiety. In 2008, whites received mental health treatment or counseling at nearly twice the rate of blacks, and whites received prescription medication for mental health-related issues at more than twice the rate of blacks, according to the 2010 National Healthcare Disparities Report. 
But African Americans’ acceptance of therapy has been rising in the past decade, providers say, particularly among the young and those with more education and in those urban areas with large black populations.  
There have been no large-scale studies about the recent shift, but providers interviewed said they have seen it in their work and in their communities.
Still, barriers of stigma and distrust aren’t easily overcome.

“There’s some shame and embarrassment,” Damian Waters, a marriage and family therapist whose clients are predominantly African American, told Bahrampour. “You’ll tell someone that you went to the doctor, but you won’t tell that you went to the counselor or psychiatrist. Also, there is the idea that their faith should carry them through, though often their problems are larger than that.”

Yes, always remember, "Faith alone without works is dead".


  1. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Seriously? You're peeing on my leg, right? You blog/post about a dude - a black dude, at that who dismembers himself?
    You have to use this macabre account to raise our awareness about depression? Not very creative. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Shame on you.

  2. Trollonymous Burgundy10:53 PM

    Growing up I've always heard white people talk about popping Xanax and Valium as if they were breath mints. Nothing shameful or taboo, it seemed to be a social norm.

    But mention anxiety or depression to most black folks and you might as well curse someone's mother or get thrown out with the lepers. Hell, mention you suffer from anxiety on facebook and expect to be unfriended from a black friend or two. (Just trust me on that one, ok).

    Oh, and years ago in many parts of the Caribbean, instead of admitting a loved one suffers from Schizophrenia etc, some people rather believe that someone "put something on them" (obeah etc).

    Field, you know what I'm talking 'bout right?

  3. Man Hes gonna finish the job Im sure later on down the line .. No man can live a meaningful life like that...

    Its one thing to never have had it but otherwise you may as well Jump off the highest building you know...

  4. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Brother Field, many thanks for posting about depression and the stigma attached to it, esp in the black community. Blacks are ashamed to talk about it, because there is a lot of shaming if it is mentioned. For instance, anon gave a moving story on a couple of threads back about his experience with depression and what he was doing about it.

    Here's what he got back:

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    "Evidently, that spiritual therapy did not help you with that depression too much. You're still that same old person that loves to spit out vitriol towards folks. If it was helping you any, you wouldn't sound so BITTER or be so vindictive or attack folks without reason.

    I always did think something was wrong with you mentally. Now, I'm convinced, thanks to confirmation out of your own words. Smh!"

    Not only was the comment mean-spirited and heartless, but displayed complete ignorance of depression.

    However, that's a big part of depression=depressed feelings. That is, not being able to 'feel' anything for the suffering of others and oneself due to suppressed feelings. It is understandable because from slavery to Jim Crow to the pain of being Black in America, many Blacks are prey for depression.

    I am glad there is a change coming, a change in attitude in our community toward depression, even though it has been slow.

    Thanks again for this post. It is very much appreciated.

  5. Jumped from a 2nd floor balcony after a self imposed penisectomy? I don't doubt dude was serious, but that's broken-leg at most height unless you go headfirst.

  6. Anonymous11:10 PM

    Blogger BLACKISBEAUTIFUL said...
    Man Hes gonna finish the job Im sure later on down the line .. No man can live a meaningful life like that...

    Its one thing to never have had it but otherwise you may as well Jump off the highest building you know...

    10:56 PM
    I hope he turns his misfortune into a blessing for many folks with depression.

    Sex isn't everything. Many people go without sex...did you know that. And, IF you are depressed, the chances are you don't want sex anyway.

    Yep. Depression is quite foreign among many Blacks. Even though it probably holds many of us in its grip.

  7. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Blogger Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Jumped from a 2nd floor balcony after a self imposed penisectomy? I don't doubt dude was serious, but that's broken-leg at most height unless you go headfirst.

    11:08 PM
    It depends how high up the second floor is. Besides, when you are in great psychic pain you are desperate to end it all...

    I can't tell you the many ways people try to kill themselves. Just here in the bay area people try committing suicide from jumping off bridges to jumping in front of trains.

    There is a train crossing in San Leandro where depressed people go to end their mentally painful lives....EVERY YEAR!

  8. Anonymous11:33 PM

    "Get your mind right."

    What a great title for our peeps. There is so much adversity against us it's hard to be Black and not be depressed. Of course, many Negroes deny it. It's too shameful. But the real reason for Blacks being depressed is knowing they are Black and will be looked down on. Add the other bs that goes on in the black community and society, you are caught in a mental/emotional racial trap.

    And unfortunately, there aren't that many therapists, psychologists or psychiatrists who can effectively treat the mental and emotional "black malaise" that permeates the black race.

    Most white therapists don't even talk about it because they can't 'relate' to discrimination because they have never experienced it. Hence the 'real' problem goes untreated.

  9. Yeah, a lot of folks believe they can pray away anything. Too much religion IMHO.

  10. StillaPanther211:36 PM

    Brother Field... I am aware that many so called professionals affix numbers to the amount of Blacks with mental health issues. There are no mental maladies that I know of that one race holds the trophy for.

    African Americans are seldom diagnosed with mental health diagnosis due to that would humanize their behaviors in line with whites. The MAJORITY of prisoners can be diagnosed with a mental health defect. Many staes with large minority populations will have a prison system that use incarceration as a means to take care (sic) of the sick.

    The number one diagnosed disease nationally is depression. White males and females get this diagnosis more than any other demographics, as well as the disability assistance.

    Blacks tend to not seek treatment due to long held belief that depression diagnosis will be "one more strike" against them in seeking jobs and benefits in America.

    Also, we (African Americans) have less than 1% of psychiatric professionals. There are many more Middle Easterners doctors... and patients tend to feel more comfortable with professionals that look like them. As a sidebar.... when I returned from Vietnam in 1970, the first mental health doctor I saw was a Korean, being 19 years old and having had minimal social/professional contact with other races, I did not return to the VA for 25 years due to my refusal to discuss my PTSD symptoms with doctors I felt was foreign to my situation. During this period of time I continued to work in the psych field thereby avoiding my issues while providing care that I felt I HAD to do for others.

    It is hard for society to see past my color when there is so many misdiagnosed people of the Black race that are designated as criminals instead of a person in need of psychiatric care. Now a brief point about the Sister that committed suicide. There are few psychiatrist that specialize in the depression related to skin color. The majority race in America dictate the norms of society and depression due to dark skin is not on anybody radad. Not even Blacks are talking about skin color unless they are glad that they are not dark. Why do you think these dark skin brothers (with a small 'b') are impregnating the first white women they can. They know the hardship of being Black and "dark" to boot in American and they don't want their child to feel that pain. Again I wish the Blacks had embraced the people who had unconditional love from the 60s.

  11. Trollonymous Burgundy12:15 AM

    StillaPanther2, that was well appreciated.

    Anon 11:04 pm, I love Granny, but I too noticed she went for the "that's why you crazy" jugular. LOL

    Reminds me, I once went to see a therapist and told a close friend. When fall out day came, my friend told me to "go run tell your therapist what I just said". You see...

    On a side note, ever notice how most blacks avoid acknowledging real mental health issues... but the minute you fall out with them, they are quick to bring out the "you sick and crazy" talk. LOL

    My mother is famous for this. She becomes an overnight self-licensed psychiatrists, who often urges others to take "meds".

  12. Anonymous12:33 AM

    Blogger PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
    Yeah, a lot of folks believe they can pray away anything. Too much religion IMHO.

    11:34 PM
    Yeah. Negroes need to see psychiatrists and stay out of those mega churches like Trinity. total rip off, imho.

  13. Anonymous12:45 AM

    Trollonymous Burgundy said...
    StillaPanther2, that was well appreciated.

    Anon 11:04 pm, I love Granny, but I too noticed she went for the "that's why you crazy" jugular. LOL

    Reminds me, I once went to see a therapist and told a close friend. When fall out day came, my friend told me to "go run tell your therapist what I just said". You see...

    On a side note, ever notice how most blacks avoid acknowledging real mental health issues... but the minute you fall out with them, they are quick to bring out the "you sick and crazy" talk. LOL

    My mother is famous for this. She becomes an overnight self-licensed psychiatrists, who often urges others to take "meds".

    12:15 AM
    You hit the nail on the head. When it comes to mental health and getting support from the community, Negroes are their own worst enemies.

    Whites don't have that problem. They don't have to hide. They can talk about mental health issues and get support from their communities...Not Blacks. They call you crazy and give you shit for it. That in itself is a crazy unhealthy environment.

    Negroes are their own worst enemies.

  14. GrannyStandingforTruth12:47 AM

    Anony 11:04,

    I'll say. So, correct me if I'm wrong. It's okay for folks to spit out mean-spirited comments at me, but I'm supposed to suck it up. Turn the other cheek. Right?

    I've had an anon person to make fun of my deceased loved ones death. I've anon to imply that I was responsible for my own cousins death. I've had an anon person to tell me, "Don't you have another funeral to go to." Being nasty about the succession of deaths I had to deal with in my family. Joking about death of my loved ones is not funny to me. I don't play that. Even granny gets tired of B.S. No one spoke up then and told anon that those comments to me were mean-spirited and uncalled for.

    That's kinda one-sided fairness don't you think.

    So, y'all can put the blame on granny if you want to, but know this, I wouldn't have said what anons have said to me, to my worst enemy.

    I'm so sick of the B.S. on here.

  15. GrannyStandingforTruth12:54 AM

    "I bet you a fish sandwich from the Muslim Bakery" An anon said that to me know full well that my cousin was murdered by the Muslims.

    No one on here spoke up told anon that was a mean-spirited, heartless comment though.

  16. GrannyStandingforTruth12:57 AM

    Ahhh...but granny is the villain on here. She's the cause of all the mean-spirited comments written on here. Okay.

  17. Granny, I really feel that the best thing to do is just ignore these fools.

  18. And great topic Field!!

  19. GrannyStandingforTruth1:09 AM

    I've been posting on here a long,long time. I've read across this screen the "B"word, "H" word, "P" word, "F" word, the "N" word, and the "M" word. It's all good.

    When Dr. let out a bunch of expletives to those who nitpicked with her, she's is labeled uneducated, but all those words I mentioned above came from many of the intellectual, professional folks on here.

    I don't understand that.

    Nevertheless, I'll take all the blame. No problem.

  20. GrannyStandingforTruth1:13 AM

    Dr Nuwang,

    "Granny, I really feel that the best thing to do is just ignore these fools."

    That's some good advice and I plan to do just that.

  21. Anonymous3:23 AM

    Thank God granny is going to STFU. My prayers have been answered!..

    It's a miracle!

  22. TooSweet4:32 AM

    Leave Granny alone dammit! I know her personally. She’s a nice, soft-spoken woman. Granny has a heart of gold, compassion for others. Uneducated? LOL! Don’t let granny fool you.

    She is a down-to-earth people loving person and keeps it real. Granny doesn’t need anyone to fight her battles, not the granny I know. She stands her ground at the same time points out the obvious. Granny may be opinionated, but she means well.

    A coward hiding behind anonymous is where the problems lies.

  23. Granny keep speaking your mind. We love and appreciate you. That's what this blogging thing is all about: just writing and sharing your feelings with each other.

    Don't worry about what some folks say about you, it just shows that you are in their heads.
    Dr, is a perfect example of that.

    I see where they try to disrespect you from time to time, but we all see and know what's going on.

    Burgundy, I know al about the obeah. *laughing*
    Sadly what you said is true.

  24. "Whites don't have that problem. They don't have to hide. They can talk about mental health issues and get support from their communities...Not Blacks

    I'm sorry white boy, but that's total bollocks.

  25. Anonymous8:14 AM

    TooSweet said...
    Leave Granny alone dammit! I know her personally. She’s a nice, soft-spoken woman. Granny has a heart of gold, compassion for others. Uneducated? LOL! Don’t let granny fool you.

    She is a down-to-earth people loving person and keeps it real. "Granny doesn’t need anyone to fight her battles, not the granny I know. She stands her ground at the same time points out the obvious. Granny may be opinionated, but she means well.

    A coward hiding behind anonymous is where the problems lies."

    4:32 AM
    If Granny doesn't need people to fight her battles, then why are you trying to defend her?

    I won't. And I am sure there are others who won't either. Especially when she is disrespecting them. If she attacks I don't see a sweet Granny. I see a "B".

    There is shit Granny often leaves behind, and refuses to clean it up. She does not own up to her own shit. As long as you go behind her, cleaning up her shit, and claiming how 'sweet' and 'nice' she is, she will keep shitting on the people who will let her.

    I'm too old for that shit. I DON'T see Granny as so damn nice. That is a figment of your imagination. I KNOW FROM DIRECT EXPERIENCE.

    I will leave Granny alone when she leaves me alone. However, when she comes at me I will defend myself and respond in kind.... Count on it.

  26. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Field said, "I see where they try to disrespect you from time to time, but we all see and know what's going on."

    No you don't know what's going on.

    You can make Granny out to be faultless and sweet, but that is pure "Bullshit". Granny can be a mean hurtful self-centered condescending old ass. I know from direct experience.

    And I am much too old to put up with that kind of crap from anyone.

  27. Anonymous8:56 AM

    anon, "Whites don't have that problem. They don't have to hide. They can talk about mental health issues and get support from their communities...Not Blacks

    PC said, "I'm sorry white boy, but that's total bollocks."

    7:12 AM
    An excerpt from NPR on Depression in the African American community:

    Dr. POUSSAINT: "Well, I think she's right that there's a wall of silence about depression and suicide in the black community, but I think it goes beyond stigma. I think stigma--that is letting people know you have a mental problem--is something that makes people feel ashamed, and they think of the possibility of being rejected, but it's also because many African-Americans, perhaps more than white Americans, see being depressed as a personal weakness. And then many of them don't see it as a health problem at all. They see it as something that occurs in life. After all, black people invented the blues, which is now a substitute term or synonym for depression among many people."

    Here's the link to the entire program. It's speaks to the heart of the matter:

  28. Anonymous9:57 AM

    What white doctor would be concerned
    In re-attaching a black man's cock?

    The lady that cock off her husband's cock, threw in the grass somewhere, police found it and was re-attach but the big black cock?!?? Oh hell no!

  29. Making it plain:

    Good piece Field well done When i heard this while in beantown i thought "DAYUM what happened.. My son said Mom he lost his mind and now his dick. I said At least he had one unlike little bone anonymous? LMAO rothfl
    Now for those small dicks who get mad Whatcha gonna do? NADA!! get over it

    Ps Now anon you cannot possibly get angry or have much to say first, look down !!! ! Yours is not there to lose

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Field:

    I'M back!!

    Look at the way anaon describes a penis "A COCK" Typical stupid crakka LOL We always knew he was a dumb crakka now we all know Afrikans do not call their PENIS cocks Its my Johnson my dick or my bone

    i wish that i had the time like before to sit here and muck with anon but i don't. The best i can get is about once every 10 days Oh well

    Small i means no big U's! ;)

  32. Burgundy said:
    "they are quick to bring out the "you sick and crazy" talk. LOL"

    Posting as different people on a blog IS CRAZY!!! So why would YOU think someone wouldn't call your crazy a$$ out about it?

    Obviously one of your personalities thinks you're behavior is normal, which really just further highlights how much mental health you and your "partners in idioticy" need help.

    And isn't it ironic that once Granny and I became friends, you and "Sybil's" drawz are now in HUGE bunch?

    Sick Heffa!!!

  33. Field

    Makiong it plin

    Harry Reid stole NADA anon is a liar with a little COCK LOL (white peeps word for a penis) That bitch never left South Carolina that is why he lives here low life wanna be smh !

  34. FN said...

    One can only wonder why someone in Andre Johnson's life didn't see the signs that led him to do the unthinkable.

    Why are you assuming no one didn't?

    I know people with mental illness, can you explain to me what I can do to fix them? I'm under the impression that they need to fix themselves and until they are ready to take that journey no one can do a thing to help them.


  35. House committee OKs $100 million for Obama library,0,1319032.story

    Clinton and bush build their libraries with private donations.

    Obama builds his with taxpayer money.

    Madigan said it's appropriate for Illinois to commit public funds for the library even though the state is grappling with serious financial problems.

    Why should taxpayer money be used to help poor people when it could be used to help Obama?

    Seriously, what poor kid has ever donated big money to Obama?

    Democrat priorities.

  36. Once again Bill has proven to be a cherry picking fraud.

  37. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    What white doctor would be concerned
    In re-attaching a black man's cock?

    The lady that cock off her husband's cock, threw in the grass somewhere, police found it and was re-attach but the big black cock?!?? Oh hell no!

    9:57 AM
    More proof the health field is prejudiced against Blacks. This why Blacks don't trust.

    NAACP should demand an explanation 'why' it could not be re-attached?

    And where is Rev Al?

    And why hasn't Field chased the big R as well as the P in all this? please tell me.

  38. Why stop with depression being racist?

    Proof That Typos Are Racist

    Why Air Pollution Is A Racial Issue

  39. field negro said...

    Once again Bill has proven to be a cherry picking fraud.

    Bush did it too.

    I like that excuse.

    How bad are things going for democrats?

    Obama was once held up as "Change" from the bush administration and campaigned on not being like bush. Calling mccain bushIII to make their point.

    And now Obama supporters are reduced to saying "bush did it too."

    No comment on the poor children in Chicago going without?

  40. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Anonymous Bill said...

    House committee OKs $100 million for Obama library,0,1319032.story

    Clinton and bush build their libraries with private donations.

    Obama builds his with taxpayer money.
    Don't you get it? It's the "people" who wanted to do this for Obama because he is the 'first' black President of the USA.

    Why do you complain about this?

    Besides, 100Mil won't build the kind of library Clinton and Bush are building.

  41. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Dear Mr Bill, I am curious 'why' you aren't surprised the WHITE doctors could not reattach this young bm's penis?

    Please advise.

  42. Anonymous12:05 PM

    It's Good Friday. Anyone going to mass today or to contemplate the mystery of The Stations of the Cross?

    Mr Field, how about you?

  43. Quote anonymous 10:56

    "An excerpt from NPR on Depression in the African American community:

    Dr. POUSSAINT: "Well, I think she's right that there's a wall of silence about depression and suicide in the black community, but I think it goes beyond stigma. I think stigma--that is letting people know you have a mental problem--is something that makes people feel ashamed, and they think of the possibility of being rejected, but it's also because many African-Americans, perhaps more than white Americans, see being depressed as a personal weakness. And then many of them don't see it as a health problem at all. They see it as something that occurs in life. After all, black people invented the blues, which is now a substitute term or synonym for depression among many people."

    Here's the link to the entire program. It's speaks to the heart of the matter:"

    As a matter of interest, do you realise that your response is totally irrelevant to the point I was making?

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. "Clinton and bush build their libraries with private donations.

    Obama builds his with taxpayer money."

    Bush's library was built with tens of millions of dollars of public money.

    Clinton's was built with million of dollars from the governments of Kuwait and Taiwan and $10 million from Saudi Arabia.

    He also accepted $1 million from the wife of a convicted fraudster who Clinton pardoned on his last day in office.

    Even so, using a $100 million of public investment would be a good deal. Clinton's Library has brought more than $2 Billion worth of investment into the surrounding area.

  46. It's Easter, all I want is my bun and cheese.
    All you yawdies can relate. :)

  47. Anonymous12:30 PM

    PC, "As a matter of interest, do you realise that your response is totally irrelevant to the point I was making?"

    12:11 PM
    No I do not. Please clarify.

  48. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Mr Field, this is off topic but everytime I see that picture of Britt Hume here, I am disturbed. I actually cry because you unfair to him.

    Why? Why, Mr Field, must you treat him like this? Is he not a good man?

    Where is your heart?

  49. Not only Bush, Bill. Quit while you are ahead. You are really making yourself look bad.

  50. Trollonymous Burgundy12:55 PM

    Dr. Nuwang said: "Posting as different people on a blog IS CRAZY!!! So why would YOU think someone wouldn't call your crazy a$$ out about it?"

    (pot meet kettle)

    No one was calling "me" crazy, I simply brought up something I observed from another thread. It wasn't just about Granny or the anon, it was about many black people in general. I'm guilty as well. I still have love for Granny. And stop looking for company by trying to drag Granny into your miserable unpopular corner... with the "me and Granny". LOL

    Btw, I am not the anon/s, and I'm not posting as different people (although I do have a "resident" ID that I'm often locked out of and I like this one better, for now). I keep it consistent. Certain people who pay attention to the nuances of the comment section might figure who I am.

    But you won't, not without someone helping you. You don't seem to pick up on basic clues. You seem to think most anons are the same (or a "white bitch"), and most comments are made to get you. Your usual feelings of irrelevancy has now escalated to "feelings of persecution". Do you know what that is? Serious stuff.

  51. i just want to Ancient flow onto the plantation today and say Right quick:

    cue the she-devils.

    let's take this next level.

    'cause i thought about + cried it out and ALL i got =

    i STILL can't feign a solid fcuk.

    so bring it bishes!!!

    as it relates to this souled/sold out bish azz, on script post:


    fcuk "the man", his souled/sold out slaves + his mf'ing momma, too.

    defeated, rebel devil bishes- THAT'S who i AM talking to;)

  52. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Poor desperate Dr Nuwang, You really like 'negative' attention, don't you?

    Since you can't get positive attention, you go for negative ones.

    You are like the person who consistently has bad breath. He/she reasons that having bad breath is better than having NO breath at all.

    Dr Nuwang... aka DQAE... aka Dr Queen... aka 'Flyin n my 40s'... and (God knows what other aka's)....

    Did you know that having multiple names will signify to a doctor in the mental health field that you have multiple personalities?

    No wonder you think folks are making comments to you under different names...You are projecting your Sybil personalities on damn near everybody on this blog. You are sick with paranoia.

  53. GrannyStandingforTruth3:10 PM

    Whoa, hold up.

    First, I didn't say I'm gonna stop blogging on here. When I have free time, I'm still gonna say what I have to say when I have something to say.

    Second, Dr. Nuwang, I know who TrollyBurgundy is and they're not that anonymous person. That I know for sure. I gave them their other nick. I know who Trolly is and they're not my enemy or attacking me. I love them like a daughter too. That's someone else trying to cause division. They've sat back and took notes. I kinda have a feeling, but just don't want to say at this time.

    Third, I don't know what makes the anonymous person think that I'm incapable of defending myself because people spoke up in my behalf. Or that because I don't post a comment 24/7 that I'm running or scared or that I should clock in and clock out with them. Smh! In my opinion, that is a childish assessment and silly on their behalf. If they only knew. Smh! It's also mighty delusional on their behalf. Nevertheless, whatever floats their boat. `

    I choose to ignore them because I'm trying to keep my blood pressure down. I haven't been feeling well here lately. When folks start playing the dozens with family, that's where I draw the line. I don't play that. They can say whatever they want about me, I could less because I won't miss any bacon and eggs on my table, clothes on my back or a roof over my head behind it.

  54. Anonymous3:21 PM

    focusedpurpose said...

    cue the she-devils.

    i STILL can't feign a solid fcuk.

    so bring it bishes!!!

    as it relates to this souled/sold out bish azz,

    fcuk "the man", his souled/sold out slaves + his mf'ing momma, too.

    defeated, rebel devil bishes-
    2:00 PM

    Yeah! you go man/Bi***! Ain't nobody do that "Godly life" like you! LOL!

    Yo momma sure taught you good! :))) Good Fridays just the day for that too!

    Blessings yeah :)

  55. Trollonymous Burgundy said...
    And stop looking for company by trying to drag Granny into your miserable unpopular corner... with the "me and Granny". LOL

    Things work a LOT better when I know EXACTLY who to direct my comments to.

    So what exactly IS your beef with me anyway? That I look fabulous in my 40's, with the body of 30 something and you do not? That a man "put a ring on my finger" and no man has EVER done that for you? That I have a kid that is fluent in Chinese, plays the violin in an award winning orchestra, AND studying to be an Engineer beginning next month? Or is it my future Dr. title that irks you so?

    What I DO know is Black folks like you with your ad hominum attacks on me for NO DAMN GOOD REASON are the problem with the Black race.

    I'm just sooo BLESSED that my circle of CONFIDENT and HAPPY sista' friends with their MDs, PhDs, and NO degress, have my back in my REAL life in ways that you could NEVER imagine. And NEVER will.

    So in the words of my alter ego WHICH I CLAIM, DQAE, PLUCK YOU WITCH!! should you desire to discuss further and this is my LAST public post to you and the other the hatin' ass "sistas" on this blog.

    Now if you don't mind, I've got to get back to reading articles/analysing data in an attempt to figure out you so many of YOUR wide asses keep stroking out and showing up in the ED affiliated with my school.

  56. It's REAL interesting to talk about mental illness on this blog when there are at least two regular posters engaging in behavior, namely stalking, which is KNOWN sign of mental illness.

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. PC, "As a matter of interest, do you realise that your response is totally irrelevant to the point I was making?"

    "No I do not. Please clarify."

    I will clarify.

    The phrase I was taking issue with is the one in bold here...

    "Whites don't have that problem. They don't have to hide. They can talk about mental health issues and get support from their communities...Not Blacks"

    The stigma attached to mental illness attaches to all communities. There are millions of white folks out there who feel unable to 'come out' as depressives.

  59. GrannyStandingforTruth8:12 PM

    Here lately, I've read several articles about sexual predators of children. One man raped his own toddler daughter and infant, a young man raped a 4 year old, and teachers having sex with students.

    That's very disturbing to me. I haven't been able to shake those stories out of my mind yet. It bothers me when I hear about adults sexually abusing children or taking advantage of them in any type of way that is abusive. Those children's minds will be damaged for years to come and they might end of mimicking a their abusers' pattern. We live in a sick world.

  60. Anonymous8:28 PM

    PC, "The stigma attached to mental illness attaches to all communities. There are millions of white folks out there who feel unable to 'come out' as depressives."

    6:52 PM
    Millions? Can you provide information that support your statement?

    I work in the mental health field as a psychologist, and have not seen any research about this, or even heard about it.

    It would be of great help if you could provide such information.

  61. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Blogger Dr.Nǚwáng said...
    It's REAL interesting to talk about mental illness on this blog when there are at least two regular posters engaging in behavior, namely stalking, which is KNOWN sign of mental illness.

    4:57 PM
    It's YOU and your other personality who is doing the stalking. too bad you can't see that. It's Negroes like you who give Blacks a bad name.

  62. I can't tell you the many ways people try to kill themselves. Just here in the bay area people try committing suicide from jumping off bridges to jumping in front of trains.

    There is a train crossing in San Leandro where depressed people go to end their mentally painful lives....EVERY YEAR!

    A-non at 11:22 PM

    Like I said, I don't doubt dude was serious (see self penisectomy) but even at 3 real stories (lobby+1+2) you're still under 50 ft (broken leg territory) still about 25 ft short of normal organ-dislodging terminal force.

    I'm BA too (707) and worked my way through college as an EMT. I've seen suicides by train (an almost daily occurrence when I lived in Japan), cop, truck, bus, bridge, cliff, tall building, rifle (in the Marine Corps), shotgun and car exhaust in addition to the ever popular pills and pistols. Like here, there's usually little confusion about whether it's an actual try or a cry for help.

  63. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Does anyone know how Karyn W killed herself?

    Is there anything in the Scriptures about suicide? Where do you go in the afterlife?

  64. Anonymous8:54 PM

    WC, EMT work looks interesting and exciting. Is it strenuous?

    Do you think older people could work in that field part time or even full time?

  65. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Field, could you continue posting about depression and mental illness in black communities? it seems that 'some folks still aren't getting it.

  66. Anonymous9:50 PM

    "Bill. Quit while you are ahead. You are really making yourself look bad."

    Too late. Much too late.

  67. Anonymous9:53 PM

    "Once again Bill has proven to be a cherry picking fraud."

    No! Say it ain't so Field. Say it ain't so!

  68. Just like I thought, A COWARD!!!

  69. Anonymous6:50 PM

    dr nuwang, what do u know about courage? let anwer for u....NOTHING!!!

  70. 2 facts:

    1) He has admitted he was on PCP
    2) It was a 2-story balcony

    What all the above comments about "depression" equal?

    Exactly ZERO.
