Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The second time around for Hank.

Hank Aaron hits home run 715, breaking Babe Ruth's record, on April 8, 1974. (Credit: Herb Scharfman/Sports Imagery/Getty Images)Hank, I told you that this was going to happen. If you think you got the business from the racists in America when you were chasing the Babe's record, wait until you hear from this new crop of bigots.

"The Atlanta Braves received a bevy of angry, racist letters this week after an interview baseball Hall of Famer Hank Aaron did with USA Today.

A few days ago, Aaron, the senior vice president of the Braves, told USA Today:

 “Sure, this country has a black president, but when you look at a black president, President Obama is left with his foot stuck in the mud from all of the Republicans with the way he’s treated. We have moved in the right direction, and there have been improvements, but we still have a long ways to go in the country. The bigger difference is that back then they had hoods. Now they have neckties and starched shirts.”

That set off a firestorm of mail to the Braves, including a letter from someone named Edward. (USA Today only referred to those who sent letters by their first names.) The letter, which included racial epithets, said: “Hank Aaron is a scumbag piece of s—.”

“The Braves have been besieged by hundreds of letters, e-mails and phone calls deriding Aaron for comments he made to USA TODAY Sports,” the newspaper said. Sportswriter Bob Nightengale continued: 
Marion calls Aaron a “racist scumbag.” Ronald won’t attend another Braves game until Aaron is fired. Mark calls Aaron a “classless racist.” David says that he will burn Aaron’s I Had A Hammer autobiography.
Sheer racism, exposed in vile letters directed to Hall of Famer Hank Aaron, have poured into the Atlanta Braves offices over the past week."  [Source]
The irony is, of course, that *buy(by) showing their ignorance and bigotry they are confirming everything that Aaron said in his interview. "Racism? There is no racism. That is a thing of the past in America you trouble making, Nigger."

I give Aaron credit; he had to have known that he was going to open Pandora's box by going down this road. Telling the truth about racism is never going to be popular with certain people. My inbox reminds me of that fact every day.

Finally, I rarely do this, but I am going to try and give my right-wing friends some advice:

If you are serious about reaching out to African American, stop treating the same recycled black leaders who have been propped up by the main stream media as our official spokespeople.

Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson stopped being relevant to most black folks years ago. Yet you people on the right just won't let them go as your racial bogeymen.

Unfortunately Don Lemon took the bait, hopefully he learned his lesson.



  1. "Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson stopped being relevant to most black folks years ago."

    Which is a good way to tell you're talking to a racist is that they bring up one of these two names.

  2. Oooo boo-hoo.. Mr. Hankey trolls and the left's selective outrage begins..

    Of course, you will never see Bob Nightengale or FN write about the hate that brown and black skin Republicans get from people who vote and think like them.

    "The irony is, of course, that buy showing their ignorance and bigotry they are confirming everything that Aaron said in his interview.'

    "buy showing" Oh my, did field just out himself?

  3. Anonymous9:50 PM

    Kinky, you have deep resentments against Mr Field.

    Field has no animosity against racists. He merely observes and writes about their behaviors.

    You should be ashamed of yourself Accusing Field of racism is wrong, and an absolute lie. Field loves ALL people: Black, White and Brown.

    So lay off of him. He is innocent...UNLIKE YOU.

  4. Anonymous9:57 PM

    From the previous thread.

    Blogger Dr.Nǚwáng said...
    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Wow. the stories about penises just keep on coming! Some of you FN resident ids might consider entering the contest...esp PC:

    Hell, that ain't nuthin' but another Klan meeting.


    9:19 PM
    Dr Nuwang, your comments are totally uncalled for. They are intended to insult. You are a racist ass. Mr Field, I URGE you to consider removing DQAE from your blog! The woman is nothing but trouble.

  5. I'm not racist-I just post on a racist blog.10:15 PM

    Since dr.nuwang spends most of her nights on the bottom of a klan circle jerk-dr. nuwang is an expert on klan penis. Just like purple cow is the bottom to many a white penis.

    They're not racists-just experts in their fields of study....

  6. Anonymous10:17 PM

    "That set off a firestorm of mail to the Braves, including a letter from someone named Edward. (USA Today only referred to those who sent letters by their first names.) The letter, which included racial epithets, said: “Hank Aaron is a scumbag piece of s—.”

    In post-racial America, any mention of racism hurts the Whites more than the Blacks. It is apparent by their words and actions.

    "Racism? There is no racism. That is a thing of the past in America you trouble making, Nigger."

    That says it all. Some Whites are profoundly in denial as well as deeply hurt when face to face with racism.

    It's tough to handle the truth.

  7. Anonymous10:24 PM

    Frm the previous thread. This story has yet to be addressed on FN. Can someone tell me 'why?'

    Anonymous said...
    BIB, AND FIELDS, You two ought to find more "important" stories like this one-- Plus, You both should be concerned this story doesn't become 'common' among us.:(

    "News of a bizarre tragedy is emerging out of Los Angeles today, with TMZ, CNN and other media outlets reporting that a rapper named Andre Johnson of Northstar cut off his penis and jumped off a building, and survived.

    Johnson, also known as Andre Roxx and Christ Bearer, according to TMZ, was with other members of Northstar in a second-floor apartment of a building in North Hollywood early this morning when suddenly and without warning, he mutilated himself and jumped from the balcony.

    When they raced downstairs to find him, he was up and running around, screaming, TMZ said.

    CNN quoted Los Angeles Police Sgt. William Mann as confirming that Johnson survived the fall and was taken, along with his recovered penis, to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, where he was being treated.

    No word yet on what might have triggered this but the people who were with him told TMZ that at the time they were not doing "the kind of drugs" that might cause such an act."

    Could it be that smoking weed which Field loves so much and BIB loves too(for different reasons of course) is the reason for bizarre acts such as this? I bet Bill O'Reilly thinks so.

  8. Tough crowd. Kinky Conman you got me on that one. I deserved it.

    Now this penis story. Sad on many levels.

    But Anon, why are you even posting this? This is painful to even read. There are men here for crying out loud!

  9. Hank should've wrapped up his comments in the correct context. He spoke in way too broad of terms , and pretty much brought on the firestorm of hate mail on himself.

    If Hank had said " There are a Lot of Republicans that hate O just because hes Black..." Or even to foster the conversation about the preponderance of racist characters within the GOP.

    Nope .. didnt do that ...

    He could've put his comments in context , and in comparison with several prominent Black Figures that have OPENLY been in Opposition to Obama;strictly because of Policy. He could've made that comparison , but he didnt, and now hes getting Hate Mail...

    He couldve mentioned several Black Figures that have spoken out AGAINST O..

    Dr. Cornel West
    Dr. Claude Anderson
    Former Senator Cynthia Mckinney
    Tavis Smiley
    Dr. Umar Johnson

    I Love Hank , but he brought it on himself.

  10. Well Kinky, if you ever hear and read what some of these blah and Brown Republicans say about the rest of us you have to admit many of them bring harsh words on themselves. How many times do we have to hear from the likes of dimwits like Allen West and Mia Love that somehow we've been tricked and are too dumb to make good poilitical choices and are on some sort of mythical plantation. When you attack blah and defend those that do you deserve every bit of criticism and shaming you get. Like you they ignore the vitriol thrown at all of us and are just as selective of their outrage. If they would man the fuck up and admit they have racists in their ranks and call them out for that shit they may get some respect but like you they have on blinders and blame liburuls for everything. Boo fucking hoo for those sell outs. If white racists like you are on their side it's obvious something is wrong with them.

  11. Anonymous12:02 AM

    Dear BIB, re: ERBB, looking at the volume it's off the chart! And this stock doesn't have a one year chart.

    What makes you think it's going to make money? I see VAPE has thoroughly tanked. what gives?

  12. last post note.

    i post it this thread because i AM moving with focus. no time to wade through alter programmed whack smack just now.

    the link is directly related to the last post though.

    souled out/sold out...another example of what it looks like.


    Anon that asked:

    cannabis- unless it is laced- will NOT make you self mutilate in that way. there is something else, bigger + more sinister @ play.


    TMZ is a synagogue of satan/cia/nwo operation.

    Believe that.

    when folk speak of demonic possession...then the brand new crew comes through.

    what does His Word say? what's the Ancient scoop?

    the first thing that popped into my mind + spirit.

    the following is in red which means it is what Messiah said:



    Matthew 18:8-9

    8 Wherefore if thy hand or thy foot offend thee, cut them off, and cast them from thee; it is better for thee to enter into life halt or maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet to be cast into everlasting fire.

    9 And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee; it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire.


    having been Real close to h-llyweird game for a minute...i can tell you that the rituals to play ball are no joke. neither is the term selling one's soul- which some ensnared souls will point blank speak on it.

    homo thug rappers need beards on purpose. the folk running "the industry" treat the boys like the het boys love to treat the girls.

    breaking the boys, i call it. seen it with my own eyes. h-llyweird feeds on the young...

    and dumb to how the world is really run. ALL Praises to Yah that He saw fit to redeem me.

    though SSSHHH!!!

    folk will take it to the grave + NEVER tell it. which is why the "stars" look so spoiled + miserable.

    cedars sinai is one of the places they take folk that need additional programming...there is MUCH going on in the "hospitals".

    THIS fact could be why the no/low level, Rock- in the Biblical sense- hit bitch in the pack of dogs, earlier, was hollering;)

    not playin' + just sayin'

    think about it.

    ps. i use the b word above appropriately;) NO inappropriate today;)


    gotta go for now.

    blessings all!

  13. Real quick:

    peep the visuals.

    know that what you see is by design. folks get "styled" this way.



    Wiz TOLD folk straight up that's why he pushes molly in his records...

    below is how it is being reported elsewhere.

    seems synagogue of satan owned msm on your tell a lie vision wants folk to think homie took the passage i shared...


    'cause THAT happens ALL the time.


    believe it if you want to.

    free will.

    other folks' free will gots NOTHING to do with me.

    wonder IF he knows he is Hebrew?

    i hope so.

    of the wu tang clan, huh?

    r.i.p ODB - who founded the group.


    for those who can't just yet...

    get familiar:

    notice his doctor took him out, too. just like MJ. Ye's momma and some mo' whose names folk don't know.


    much is NOT being properly reported.

    i AM keeping it durty, too ODB. r.i.p. Blessed Black man. Much Love.

    keeping it durty 'cause we came from the dust...catch that clue, haters, if you can;)

    for Real, for Real this time.

    i AM out for now.

    blessings all!


  14. moving too fast. let me slow it down and get it Right.

    i am NOT saying that anyone is gay in the castration story.

    don't know.

    don't care.

    it doesn't matter.

    for Real.

    i AM saying that there are behind the scenes factors+ deals at play that a LOT of folk know nothing about. talking 'bout it gets folk "suicided" or "overdosed" or "found dead in a hotel room"- google the rapper that called himself Pimp C. rip.

    also rip in Donny Hathaway. this madness is across the board. he told folk that they were manipulating him trying to take the music from his head back in the day. i see we back to folk hopping out windows, if msm is to be believed.

    which it is NOT.

    now...i just posted on 'ole Dubya's msm black out on the Blessed Black lady who accused him of rape while he was potus. in my long Karyn W piece.

    here's what will NOT be happening for my speaking:

    no apologies nor back pedal- unless i am wrong. Ye had no reason to apologize, 'cause he told no lies.



    wanna stir it up- hear Bob Marley- and REALLY next level?

    suggest folk go snatch the bush women and fix 'em. they come from a looooooooong line of wicked- on BOTH sides.

    THEY don't need no children.


    then get rumsfeld, cheney, wolvervitz or whateva his name is, soros, murdoch, kissinger, zbrinkski something or another. you know BO's brain +mentor, koch and the list goes on and on...fix their womenfolk so we can make this stop.

    you don't do the Bible you say. so menfolk must fix the mess. right?

    i double dog dare ya;)


    speaking makes it worse. that's what the scary slaves say.

    worse than what is my question. His People/my people are suffering + dying daily in large numbers.

    i promise i cannot pretend to care 'bout folk seeking silence. 'bout to follow Him/His Word like one woman army 'til i say EVERYthing He told me to say.

    gag orders.

    devils got jokes all day.


    forgive any typos.

  15. Anonymous2:01 AM

    these murdering fools are terrorist STOP CALLING THEM MILITIAS*/WHITE SUPREMACIST they are terrorist. If you join Al Qaeda you will be arrested immediately as a terrorist. The KKK * Nazi -Timothy McVeigh type have murdered more American people then Al Qaeda, but because most of them are non-white the larger population ignore their terrorist acts!

  16. Anonymous3:03 AM

    "If you are serious about reaching out to African American, stop treating the same recycled black leaders who have been propped up by the main stream media as our official spokespeople."

    See, Republicans would have learned all about this if only they'd watched one of the more hilarious episodes of the "South Park" cartoon show:

    Token Black: Jesse Jackson is not the emperor of black people!

    Stan Marsh: He told my dad he was.

  17. Dear BIB, re: ERBB, looking at the volume it's off the chart! And this stock doesn't have a one year chart.

    They make an age verifying vending machine (facial recognition biometrics) ....

    Its going in all the shops in CO , and WA.

    Snoop is trying to get his face on the machine...
    Watch the volume in the next few days....

  18. the real jews are black9:57 AM

    every time a black man bring up the wrong thats still going on in america, he gest called race battier, racist, why? because they don't want you nigga's too wake up. they know it's a rap when you nigga's wake up.

  19. Anonymous10:21 AM

    I prefer Dr. Manning.

  20. Anon says: "every time a black man bring up the wrong thats still going on in america, he gest called race battier, racist, why?"

    Didnt we JUST go over this???

    You cannot just make BLANKET statements about Racism without quantifying them in the correct context.

    Hank is gonna get some blacklash over this...

    He probably wasnt the CORRECT person to have a dialouge about the political aspect of the subject anyway... The

    Hes accomplished, but the nuances of this particular subject have to be brought up and discussed correctly or you turn everyone off.

  21. Mr. Aaron is right. 100% right.


    folk don't want the church. and i can Understand since it has been loooong ago corrupted/infiltrated by the same folk that have corrupted/infiltrated everything else.

    science = folks' new religion.

    this one world order/one world government/global police state comes with one religion as well.

    the link above has an article that better articulates the control so that all have one official voice.

    those trying to tell anything other than what is "official" as sanctioned by the ruling elites- get shut down/out.

    there is no waking up 'til He/His Word wake folk up.

    that's what's written.

    folk got preferences and free will though.

    this is Good.

    as long as folk's preferences and free will do NOT impede mine...i AM fine;) i could not care less what non thinking sheep being herded by the hidden hand think they think.

    for Real.

  23. BiB, c'mon man. No matter what the brotha said there was going to be a backlash. If a blah man says "it's a nice day outside" the stbpdl and stormfront crew are going to fill the comment section with n word BS. Don't believe me? Go to any site that has any story about any blah person and read a few comments. Racists don't need rhyme or reason.

  24. Anonymous3:09 PM

    FP, "folk don't want the church. and i can Understand since it has been loooong ago corrupted/infiltrated by the same folk that have corrupted/infiltrated everything else.

    science = folks' new religion."

    Albert Einstein once said: "Science without Religion is lame and Religion without Science is blind."

    Science is 'limited'. It also can be, and is, just as corruptible as Religion. It is run by humans who seek power and play politics to get that power.

    Bottom line, Science and Religion are corrupt because there are humans involved.

    However, the Bible still stands as HIS INCORRUPTIBLE WORD. It is the ineffable single pure Spirit that permeates everything....imho

    AAs haven't had such a good experience with science, either. IMO, it just might be worse.

    Remember the Tuskegee syphillis experiment on bm?

    Even today, it is well known that Blacks are not treated equally as Whites in the Medical Profession for their illnesses....

    I bet many Blacks don't fully trust doctors.

  25. Anonymous3:15 PM

    BIB, "They make an age verifying vending machine (facial recognition biometrics) ....

    Its going in all the shops in CO , and WA.

    Snoop is trying to get his face on the machine...
    Watch the volume in the next few days...."

    9:45 AM
    What's your opinion on where this company is going? What is it short and long term future?

  26. BiB, c'mon man. No matter what the brotha said there was going to be a backlash.

    The other problem is if you KNOW that to be TRUE ....

    What purpose does it serve to attempt to shame the Racists out of that political party??
    His attempt while courageous did nothing but enflame without getting to the core of the issue.

    Anon says :
    What's your opinion on where this company is going? What is it short and long term future?

    Well you heard of Red Box Right???

    This is the same thing but tiny baby steps to get to Red Box status...

    Do some research for Yourself then get back at me...

  27. Anon-

    it is about Him/His Word.

    full stop.

    IF folk let defeated devils and their dupes shake 'em loose from their Strength + Salvation...

    free will.

    it is my prayer that folk will be vigilant, watchful and prayerful- that they might endure to the end.

    it is IMPOSSIBLE to please Him/His Word without Faith- which is NEVER blind.

    Faith sees what the flesh eye/ear NEVER see/hear.

    those of US with Him/His Word suffer no sneak attacks + there is exactly NO weapon formed against US that may prosper.

    could go on for longer than a minute but it feels like i have the work of an army to accomplish before end of business + day;)

    so let me keep it as brief as possible.

    as it relates to the witch doctors / big pharma + why ALL must be militarized- including the police department. get familiar:

    call me whatever is clever, lying devils.


    your left eye ball + show me what ssshhh! look like;)


    while DOCTORS stay all up in the mix.

    so no.

    sane Blessed Black folk DO NOT trust doctors with historical perspective. exactly NOTHING is like it used to be. no house calls for average citizen, true care, or anything else.

    these devils been murdering folk, chop shopping the organs for profit and some mo' for longer than a minute.

    yet devils STAY lying + denying the Truth that is hidden in plain sight all up in folk faces.



    for the Anon that posted re: Andre Johnson aka Messiah Bearer of Northstar.

    thank you for that link.

    i rebuke and bind all devils that would come against His Kingdom. Father show these fools! in your Time of course. i wait for You/Your Word.

    Heavenly Father, i pray for my brother in Messiah's Mighty Name. Heal him Father and bring him out + closer than ever to you.

    i pray that You will provide a protective hedge around his whole family, all sides, that the gates of hell cannot penetrate.

    i pray that you will give him a sound mind that is stayed on You/Your Word and triple portions

    take this and turn it for Andre's Good, Father. as you say in Your Word you will do.

    there IS a Balm in it is written + through Your stripes we are healed!


    + amein.


    Andre, thank you. i heard you Blessed Black man.

    quote attributed to king Andre Johnson that seems appropriate here:

    "be mindful of what you throw away.

    be careful of what you push away.

    think hard before you walk away."

    simple yet requires inner Strength ONLY He/His Word can provide. folk being only human.

    i AM a witness to His Goodness.

    He Loves US all and wants that none of US be lost.

    blessings all!

  28. I'm going to get an R.S.I. through rapidly scrawling through F.P.'s posts as fast as I do.

  29. Like I said BiB, he could have commented on the stitching on a baseball and caused a firestorm. He's 80 years old and from the south, give him a break.

    PC, are you anywhere near London? I will be there weekend after next.

  30. Anonymous5:39 PM

    focusedpurpose said...

    re: Andre Johnson aka Messiah Bearer of Northstar.

    i rebuke and bind all devils that would come against His Kingdom. Father show these fools! in your Time of course. i wait for You/Your Word.

    Heavenly Father, i pray for my brother in Messiah's Mighty Name. Heal him Father and bring him out + closer than ever to you.

    i pray that You will provide a protective hedge around his whole family, all sides, that the gates of hell cannot penetrate.

    i pray that you will give him a sound mind that is stayed on You/Your Word and triple portions

    take this and turn it for Andre's Good, Father. as you say in Your Word you will do.

    there IS a Balm in it is written + through Your stripes we are healed!


    + amein.

    Andre, thank you. i heard you Blessed Black man.

    4:03 PM

    Holy Chet! This man/bitch FP sure loves her/him some black man!!!

    I sure didn't hear none o this "Amen and Halleluya" for Karyn Washington May She Rest In Peace!!!

    FP now I know you gay!!!!! LOLOLOL!

  31. The Purple Cow said...
    I'm going to get an R.S.I. through rapidly scrawling through F.P.'s posts as fast as I do.

    It's easier to just click on the word "said" next to that username's post, which minimizes it, eliminating the need to scroll through.

    Trust me, I HAD to come up with a way to do the same thing to the SAME poster, LOL!!!

  32. Anonymous6:49 PM

    FP said, "sane Blessed Black folk DO NOT trust doctors with historical perspective. exactly NOTHING is like it used to be. no house calls for average citizen, true care, or anything else.

    these devils been murdering folk, chop shopping the organs for profit and some mo' for longer than a minute.

    yet devils STAY lying + denying the Truth that is hidden in plain sight all up in folk faces.


    Such is the way of medical 'Science' that so many of our peeps worship. Like lemmerings, many of our folks follow, and one-by-one as well as en mass, go over the cliff to the dictates of devils....smh

  33. Anonymous6:55 PM

    DQAE, "Trust me, I HAD to come up with a way to do the same thing to the SAME poster, LOL!!!"

    6:39 PM


  34. Trollonymous Burgundy7:21 PM

    OMG, I've just read the previous thread comments, I've been away for too long. What is going on, I'm confused.

    Why are some folks getting Granny upset?

    Why would Dr. Nuwang/Queen/Flying in 50's by now, thinks the anon (who actually sticks up for FP) is a white woman? A "white" woman? Of all people.. Really? LOL

    Why does that hateful gay black man go into such a vulgar tizzy when he types the letters FP, then tries to laugh it off in the same sentence? Having FP on the mind can play some serious hysterics on some folks.

    And why does he hate black women so much? I'll bet he would rather come back in another life as a Cockroach or purple cow than to come back as a black woman. Lawd have mercy.

    My uncle Aesop always says... "It is easy to despise what you cannot [be]".

  35. Hank doesn't understand:Obama is a fraud,a regular Fred Demara.None of his available id is legitimate.How can anyone respect him?

  36. Anonymous Trollonymous Burgundy said...
    OMG, I've just read the previous thread comments, I've been away for too long. What is going on, I'm confused.

    Your confusion lies in the fcat that you can't keep your comments as different people straight.

    But we ALL KNOW it's the SAME psychopathic YOU!!


  37. Like I said BiB, he could have commented on the stitching on a baseball and caused a firestorm. He's 80 years old and from the south, give him a break.

    Which further emphasizes my earlier point...

    We as Black Folks have love for Hank...

    You cant expect the White Folks to show him as much respect as we would. Its foolish thinking if you do. Furthermore he shouldve KNOWN that his presence would envoke the hatred of some of the older folks in the GOP... They never really got over Babe Ruth.

    Its a good commentary on the state of the GOP right now , but dont expect any meaningful change from shaming them to death. It just doesnt work.

    We have to coalesce on common issues if you ever want a valid discussion on Race. The shaming of the GOP or the Racists within that party DOES NOT WORK...

  38. Anonymous8:59 PM

    The shaming of the GOP or the Racists within that party DOES NOT WORK...
    8:42 PM

    So true, you can't shame people that have no shame to begin with.

  39. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Dr.Nǚwáng said...
    Your confusion lies in the fcat that you can't keep your comments as different people straight.

    But we ALL KNOW it's the SAME psychopathic YOU!!

    8:40 PM


    Yep! You got it Dr Nuwang!
    Now watch anon,trolly,man/b**** etc., come on out with the ole "no, we're all different people" spiel! Lol

    In a 1...2...3...

  40. Anonymous9:34 PM

    BIB, "Its a good commentary on the state of the GOP right now , but dont expect any meaningful change from shaming them to death. It just doesnt work.

    We have to coalesce on common issues if you ever want a valid discussion on Race. The shaming of the GOP or the Racists within that party DOES NOT WORK..."

    8:42 PM
    U r exactly right! However, your comment implies a different way of communicating with Whites. Which means a higher level of thinking and a higher level of self-respect and respect to them.

    Shaming people never works and Blacks of all people should know that. Our people have been shamed for centuries. However, a tit for tac doesn't solve or resolve anything. In fact, it keeps everyone stuck, spinning their wheels. That frustrates everyone.

    The question is, 'how' do we begin to determine a 'new' way of communication, and 'how' do we 'skillfully' apply it?

  41. Anonymous10:49 PM

    "the homosexual agenda is NOT looking for acceptance and the right for homosexuals to be unpersecuted...and live freely. WHO could take issue with that?"

    WHO could take issue with that? Obviously you do FP.

    Be honest, FP. If you were a dictator, you would do to LGBT people the exact same thing that the dictators in black run African countries like Nigeria and Uganda are doing to gay people today: and that is putting them in jail for being gay and KILLING them just for being gay. Admit it, FP.

    Why else are you so concerned about "boy pussies" and "strap-ons", etc, as if anything consenting adults do is any of your business.

    "it appears that ANYONE not accepting + advocating homosexality has become the enemy. subject to be bullied- straight synagogue of satan, "anti-semite" style.

    in the effort to create order out of chaos...folking pretending their anus is a vagina = no longer a mental disorder.

    folk pretending women take wives = normal.

    EVERYTHING re-classified + re defined."

    What world does FP, and the right wing homohaters she follows, live in?

    LGBT people cannot marry in MOST of the 50 states but homophobic straight people (like FP) are the ones being bullied!! What a world we live in. smdh

    And there is no "homosexual agenda" - another right wing buzz word and/or talking point. Unless trying to get the same rights as everyone else is an "agenda". There's nothing sinister about it for sure.

  42. "They still haven't gotten over the Babe Ruth thing", ha! Good one BiB.

  43. Anonymous1:33 AM

    focusedpurpose said...

    i pray for my brother...

    i pray that You will provide a protective hedge...

    i pray that you will give him a sound mind...

    take this and turn it for Andre's Good...

    quote attributed to king Andre Johnson that seems appropriate here:

    "be mindful of what you throw away.

    be careful of what you push away.

    think hard before you walk away."
    4:03 PM

    Well FP, rumor has it that he "threw away" his dick.
    He "pushed away" his dick.
    and he "walked away" from his dick! lol!

    So maybe you should also pray that he can grow him a new one! lolol!

  44. Anonymous3:08 AM

    anon, "So maybe you should also pray that he can grow him a new one! lolol!"

    1:33 AM
    There is nothing funny about that, you prick.

  45. Diversity doesn't work. It doesn't matter what form (religious, ethnic, cultural, linguistic) or what groups are involved. Diversity itself is an unworkable idea.

    When you analyze it, diversity means one of two things: (a) we all give up our cultures and become generic among the groups around us; or (b) we each remain in our own cultural groups, balkanized and isolated.

    People prefer to be with people who are like them. This is not just in race (white) but ethnicity (German, Italian) and in social caste and values system, which is more complex than political orientation. We choose our culture for a reason and value our heritage for a related reason, and being with people like us lets us perpetuate that and avoid being broadsided by attacks.

    This is the process by which civilizations have been formed since the dawn of time. Most people on earth recognize that it has wisdom. Only delusional Westerners think diversity can be overcome as a disadvantage and made into a positive result.
