Saturday, April 19, 2014

Negroes (and other minorities) wanted.

I am genuinely curious to know more about the republican strategy to lure minorities into their tent. Apparently they feel that their strategy has been having the desired effect of late.

I just read an article with anecdotal incident after incident of minorities choosing (or considering) the republican party over the other one. It's all, of course, very interesting, and it makes for good political debate and dickering back and forth.

But, at the end of the day, we all know the deal: Negroes will support the other party in overwhelming numbers.

"We been drinking the Democratic Kool-Aid for 40 years and I don’t see no change,” African-American Republican “convert” Bob Israel told a local ABC News outlet.

Not merely African-American voters but officeholders are backing off traditional Democratic support.

“'I am sure we will hear the moans and groans from our Democrat friends regarding our decision in this endorsement and support of a Republican,' said former four-term East St. Louis Mayor Carl Officer after announcing that he has formed a SuperPAC backing the GOP candidate for Illinois governor.

'However, we ask them to consider whether we do not need a totally different approach for all Illinoisans to have a chance to carve out their share of that American dream.'

Good governance is good politics, and the Republican effort to chip away at the Democratic Party’s monolithic minority support will require a shift in the party’s political priorities. But if they are successfully able to appeal to minority voters, expect the Democratic Party’s loyalists to react rather strongly, although not disproportionately, to the scope of the threat to their party’s electoral viability."

I am all for changing the flavors of my "Kool-Aid"; I just don't want my new drink to have poison in it.


  1. it's silly for anyone worth less than $10M to be in GOP. race really isn't a factor. i suppose if you are working in politics, being a house negro for the GOP might pay well. that's about the only reason i can think a black person would get involved.

    but Folks should remember why JC Watts left. he was all 'family values' and conservative and willing to be their black face on the news shows. until some republican at one of their gatherings treated him, not recognizing him as a fellow republican, like they all treat most negros most of the time.

    but anyway, it's just a dumb idea all around.

  2. Anonymous11:10 PM

    "but Folks should remember why JC Watts left. he was all 'family values' and conservative and willing to be their black face on the news shows. until some republican at one of their gatherings treated him, not recognizing him as a fellow republican, like they all treat most negros most of the time."

    Can you provide a link to back up your statement?

    J C Watts left because he was ready to retire, that's all.

  3. "I am all for changing the flavors of my "Kool-Aid"; I just don't want my new drink to have poison in it."

    Pick your own flavor, if you like the taste of race-obsessed cultural Balkanization funded by unsustainable spending, vote Democrat.

    The Republicans can't out pander the Democrats when it come to group favoritism. Anyone who comes to the party will have to do so motivated by a sense of common cause and/or personal interest.

    Perhaps an influx of blacks can help the Republicans break from their excessive catering to business interests, something they persist in even though big business increasingly leans Democratic.

    Democratic crony capitalism and demographic replacement policies definitely do not line up with the interests of black America.

    As the Democrats have become the party of the ruling elite and the dependent classes, the Republicans are, by default, the party of the middle class. They just don't know it yet. Or at least they don't act like it.

    Somebody has to pick up the interests of the middle class. Things are going down the toilet now. Maybe blacks can save America and the Republican party before it goes the way of the Whigs.

  4. Anonymous11:19 PM

    chicago dyke said...

    it's silly for anyone worth less than $10M to be in GOP. race really isn't a factor.

    Big money, for the most part, is behind the Democrats. 80% of individual donations from Wall Steet go the Democrats. There are many more billionaires giving to the Dems than to the GOP. 22 of the 25 largest donors over the past 25 years have leaned democrat.

  5. GrannyStandingforTruth12:12 AM

    Hi Chicago Dyke,
    Long time no see. Hope all is well with ya.

  6. GrannyStandingforTruth12:42 AM

    Nice sign, but I dunno, it's just their attitudes towards people of color, the elderly, poor, women and unemployed. They've made some extremely racist statements that did not set too well with me either. It's their policies and way of thinking that totally turns me off.

    Just thinking about it is making me pull out my checkbook again to write another check and send it off to the Democratic party asap.

    The Republican party has changed so much since President Eisenhower. After President Johnson signed the Civil Rights Bill they lost their way because of the invasion. I tell ya, when those confederate southerners invaded the Republican party, it just went downhill into a racist cesspool.

  7. GrannyStandingforTruth2:31 AM

    Lord Jesus, you some people have lost their mind. A preschooler went on an Easter egg hunt at her school. When she came home, her mother checked her basket to see what she had. Her mother found Xanax pills in the plastic eggs. Smh!

  8. There may be something more to this as James Meeks a prominent Chicago pastor and Illinois state senator is endorsing the gop candidate in the upcoming election. Thing is historically Republicans in Illinois are a bit different that their fellow travelers in other places. Jim Edgar, Jim Thompson and Jim Ryan had lots of statewide support and the gop controlled the Illinois governor's mansion for years because they were old school Republicans. They were fiscally conservative but didn't get into the social issues and we appreciated that. I think the guy running now is somewhat of a moderate but he is a millionaire so maybe he is putting his money where his mouth is because if he can't siphon off votes in Chicago he is done. We got rid of loudmouth tea party types like John Walsh, how he won in the first place is beyond me. In essence a blah person in Illinois supporting a Republican isn't that unusual at least as far as voting for governor. The Dems have a total lock in both the house and the senate so even if the gop dude wins he will have to work across the aisle to do anything.

  9. GrannyStandingforTruth4:31 AM


    I was reading about the frozen lakes. Is that near you?

  10. GrannyStandingforTruth4:41 AM

    I'm going get in my bed and lay down. Not feeling well.


  11. Anon@11:10, can you provide a link to show us why you allege Watts retired?

    Norm, you cannot be serious.

    The republicans are the party of the Middle Class?

    Okaaaaay then. :)


  12. The Truth About Chicago’s Crime Rates

    If you can change how crimes are classified, you can lower the crime rate. That's the democrat way of lowering crime.
    Sure, poor people are still screwed but the rich democrats that make political contributions are pleased with the lower crime rate.

    Now if only Obama could alter the census process he too can claim success with Obamacare.

  13. field negro said...

    Anon@11:10, can you provide a link to show us why you allege Watts retired?

    An easy google.

    NPR, not a fox or rush link.

    "I did get out because of my family. I'm the only Republican leader in the top 4 who still has kids at home... I can't be so concerned about saving America's families that you mess around and lose your own family... There has to be a balance."

    If you believe otherwise, where's your link?


  14. Another one of those liberal California early-release success stories.

    Early-Release Felon Charged with Kidnapping, Rape, Torture

    A man on probation as a “non-violent offender” under California’s prison realignment program has been charged with kidnapping, raping, and torturing a 16-year-old girl in South Los Angeles, and detectives suspect he may be connected to three other recent murders.

    I remember the old days when democrats were against rape. Now democrats call it rape-rape to be funny.

  15. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Dear Mr Field, I hope the link AND quote by J C Watts, provided to you by Mr Bill is sufficient?

    Mr Field, do you know how to google?

  16. field negro said...
    Norm, you cannot be serious. The republicans are the party of the Middle Class?

    Yes. Certainly the Upper Middle Class, but by default the entire Middle Class.

    The Republicans are the party of small business and millionaires. The Democrats are the party of big business and billionaires.

    The Democrats are explicitly not the party of the middle class. They pursue policies that favor their super-rich backers and the dependent poor, and they tax the middle class to pay for it all. Their policies are shrinking the middle class, which is why you see the income gap accelerating dramatically over the past five years.

    When real unemployment is stuck around 13% and labor force participation is at historic lows, how does importing 50 million more low skilled workers help Americans?

    The answer is it does not. It helps both Democrat constituencies by growing the ranks of the poor and by providing the rich with ever cheaper labor and ever more consumers.

    The Republicans are being pushed by their business backers to go along with this, despite the fact it means electoral doom forever. Conservatism has faltered because it has confused defending freedom and opportunity with serving the rich. They have not yet gotten it through their heads that the rich hate them.

    How many more jobs must they export? How many more aliens must they import? How many more bailouts must they demand? How many attacks on traditional culture must they stage?

    The Democrats embody the desires of the rich, while popularizing them by meagerly subsidizing the lives of the poor.

    There is a huge opportunity out there for the Republicans to be the party of the working class, but they are prevented from seizing it by their loyalty to an elite that despises them.

    The Democrats are committed to crushing the Middle Class. If the Republican Party cannot be woken up, there will eventually be no Middle Class.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. It's funny how christian festivals always seem to revolve around giving presents and chocolate. It's almost like they are trying to lure children in.

    You can see where all those catholic priests got their ideas...

  19. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Stay classy, Cow.

  20. "Stay classy, Cow."

    Oh I do, I do.

    Unlike those catholic kiddy-fiddlers.

  21. Bill, I don't need a link or Google, I have common sense. No way Watts gives all that up for his "family".

    Methinks he was forced out.

  22. But since we are looking for JC Watts links, here is one that fits the theme of my post:

  23. Yep, sure looks like he was pushed out to me

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. field negro said...
    Bill, I don't need a link or Google, I have common sense. No way Watts gives all that up for his "family".

    I agree, once your one of the ruling class why would you want to give it up and all the perk$ that go along with it.

    If he didn't want to give up all that why didn't he switch parties instead of retire.
    Isn't he still a conservative?

    But since we are looking for JC Watts links, here is one that fits the theme of my post:

    I like cherry-picked links.

    The first line from your link...
    Republicans don’t treat blacks any better than Democrats.
    Nice source.

    Your link is 10 years after he retired?
    Did your link mention the reason for him retiring?

    Your link might have been better included in your post and not a reply about why Watts retired.

  26. GrannyStandingforTruth3:46 PM

    BREAKING NEWS Sunday, April 20, 2014 11:03 AM EDT

    Rubin (Hurricane) Carter, Fearsome Boxer Wrongly Convicted of Murder, Dies at 76 Rubin (Hurricane) Carter, a star prizefighter whose career was cut short by a murder conviction in New Jersey and who became an international cause célèbre while imprisoned for 19 years before the charges against him were dismissed, died on Sunday morning at his home in Toronto, his friend and onetime co-defendant, John Artis, confirmed. He was 76.
    The cause of death was prostate cancer, Mr. Artis said. Mr. Carter was being treated in Toronto, where he founded a nonprofit organization, Innocence International, to work to free prisoners it considered wrongly convicted.

  27. We all know that the only (racial) minorities that the GOP/KKK is reaching out to are those few who hear their racist dog-whistles as a welcome invitation to come join them in calling the president an N. and disenfranchising, defaming & scapegoating their fellow minorities for political advantage with old/racist whites.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. GrannyStandingforTruth4:31 PM

    Yep, that about sums it up.

  30. Kemosabe5:04 PM

    Whitey's Klanspiracy said...
    We all know that the only (racial) minorities that the GOP/KKK is reaching out to are those few who hear their racist dog-whistles

    Whatcha mean we, white man?

    You can get off your knees boy, no more black dick for you today.

  31. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Blogger field negro said...
    Bill, I don't need a link or Google, I have common sense. No way Watts gives all that up for his "family".

    Methinks he was forced out.

    2:59 PM
    I always knew you were selfish and self-centered and FAR from being a a family man.

    Even with the quote and link, THE FACTS, you still go on what you 'think' happened to J C. No amount of data and proof is going change your imagined theory.

    You are a lawyer? get real.

  32. GrannyStandingforTruth9:01 PM

    Happy Easter Whitey!

    And Happy Easter to Field and all you good people that post on here.

  33. Happy Easter everyone!

    @Granny, I sent you an email earlier today.

  34. agentX9:30 PM

    The GOP can have our nutbars. Like this guy from Florida.

    At a town hall meeting in Gainesville, Florida (motto: "The ugly part of the Sunshine State"), good, faithful Congressman Ted Yoho proudly announced that he's a fucking idiot. Yoho was answering a question on whether or not the severe weather that has affected Florida, which, despite its beaches, bars, and boobs, has a robust agriculture industry, might be related to climate change and, if so, "are scientists right" about its causes.

    Yoho responded,"I think there’s an agenda-driven science. I can read stuff that says that the information was skewed. It’s not right. I’m a guy that’s worked out in the weather since I was 16. I can tell there’s climate change. The cause? I’m not smart enough for that." On one level, it's good to know that Yoho trusts his senses when it comes to the existence of climate change. However, if one is not "smart enough" to understand something, perhaps one should rely on the advice of people who, oh, fuck, what do you call it, study it, like, you know, scientists. (Let's not even get into the idea that climatologists might have an agenda but oil companies apparently don't, according to Yoho's "logic." Or the fact that, in this day of internet rubes crapping out whatever they want, you read pretty much any "stuff" you want, from climate change denialism to slash fiction involving Harry Potter, Severus Snape, and a sexy black griffin with a huge cock.)

    That was Yoho's response to a lot of questions: shit's just hard. "Our tax system is so complicated and convoluted," he told the crowd during his 90 minute confession of his mental disabilities. But, hell, he knows Obamacare is bad. Probably because the bill is so long.

    Most stunning was his confession that he's unsure about the constitutionality of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Asked about by an African-American constituent, Yoho babbled, "Is it constitutional, the Civil Rights Act? I wish I could answer that 100 percent. I know a lot of things that were passed are not constitutional, but I know it’s the law of the land." It's too bad that the United States doesn't have a body that decides the constitutionality of the laws passed by Congress, like a court or something. For 50 years, we've lived under a law that might not even be legal.

    Well, except for that unanimous 1964 Supreme Court decision that specifically said that the Civil Rights Act was constitutional. You excise Heart of Atlanta Motel, Inc. v. United States from the historical record, and you've got an argument. So Yoho would be right to be doubtful if he wasn't entirely wrong.

    But wisdom rests, as it always does, with the electorate. Let's conclude with the words of Evelyn Suznovich, retired, who said of her representative to DC, "I’m glad that we have somebody in Congress (who) uses his brain...He’s a critical thinker, (who) thinks things out well." Well, for Florida, Yoho might be as smart as it gets. That chill you just felt is a dumbass tripping on your gravestone.

    By the way, Yoho spoke at Kanapaha Middle School. "Kanapaha" is a word for houses made of palm leaves in the language of the Timucua Indians. Yeah, they're extinct now, thanks to the diseases that white Europeans brought to the New (to them) World. The missionaries were more successful in spreading infections than spreading the word of God. Yeah, between that and forcing the natives into slave-like labor, it was the perfect setting for Yoho to say that we shouldn't treat people of different races as equals.
    - See more at:


  36. The Nizard1:12 AM

    Hey agentX, that Yoho fellow is at least twice as smart as you.

    If you weren't so fucking dumb, you'd know that.

  37. Hey Granny, Lake Michigan is thawed but Superior and Erie are still iced over about 30 percent or so. Lake Michigan is too deep and is oriented north/south so the north winds churn up the water and push any ice that forms to the southern edge of the lake. I took some good pictures when we were flying over Erie a few months ago, it was almost completely frozen over.
