Sunday, April 20, 2014

No more Hurricane, and some folks need an image makeover.

Let me start this post by saying R.I.P. to Rubin "Hurricane" Carter. My man had some skills in the ring, but lost 19 years of his life due to racism and an unjust system of justice at the time.

Anyway, speaking of racism, apparently there are some folks in the media who are concerned about the klan rebranding themselves and changing their image.

KKK Flyers"Somebody had to ask it: can the Ku Klux Klan rebrand itself as a civic organization to make its message more palatable to a subsection of the American public that digs racism but rejects violence?

Whoops, that was a typo. Nobody had to ask it.

Nonetheless, in the wake of last Sunday’s shooting at a Jewish Community Center by a KKK member, some organizational brethren attempted to distance themselves from alleged shooter Frazier Glenn Miller, insisting he had “gone rogue” and did not represent the modern KKK that eschews violence and bills itself as sort of racist Elks Lodge. Apparently taking these tools at face value, CNN actually asked marketing experts if the KKK could shed its cross-burning past.

To the marketing experts’ credit, their answer was a resounding no. And to the article’s credit, further down it becomes an informative piece on the splintering of hate groups that often as not spend their time fighting each other as they do their various race wars.

Nonetheless, the world could have done without these insights:
From a sheer marketing perspective, the lack of central leadership poses more problems for the KKK if it’s serious about revamping its image. Just look at the Catholic Church, Ries said. 
“The KKK doesn’t have a Pope. Look at what that guy has done. You have to have a leader like that to make people believe a change has happened,” she said.   
Without a clear leader, marketing experts said, crafting and conveying a spin-friendly message is impossible.
The point is that the KKK doesn’t have a spin-friendly message. Isn’t it?" [Source]

Unbelievable! You know that cable news is running out of s*** to talk about if they are throwing out topics about how the klan can change their image.

Speaking of changing their image, the right-wing should consider doing that as well.

Although when you have folks like Antonin Scalia calling for "revolt"  against the government if you don't like paying taxes, and conservative media declaring that the Clintons are so powerful that they can make babies at will to score political points, it might be pretty hard for them to seem normal.


  1. "but lost 19 years of his life due to racism and an unjust system of justice at the time'

    Um no.. Rubin lost 19 years of his life because he is a psychopathic killer. Not to mention rapist.

    "can the Ku Klux Klan rebrand itself as a civic organization to make its message more palatable to a subsection of the American public that digs racism but rejects violence?"

    Worked for La Raza....So anything is possible.

  2. "Scalia was answering a student’s question about the constitutionality of the income tax when he said that the government has the right to impose the tax, “but if it reaches a certain point, perhaps you should revolt.”"

    Field claims this is calling for a revolt if you don't like paying taxes?

    This is the type of dishonesty we get from the left everyday..

  3. Yeah, none of Prince Rebus' rebranding has done the klan any good yet.

  4. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Why would "Prince Rebus'" want to help the Democrat party.

    You kooks make no sense.

  5. GrannyStandingforTruth10:26 PM

    "(CNN) -- Rubin "Hurricane" Carter, the middleweight boxing contender who spent 19 years in prison after being wrongly convicted of a triple murder, has died in Toronto, according to Win Wahrer, the director of client services for the Association in Defence of the Wrongly Convicted."

    "Carter, 76, died of complications from prostate cancer, Wahrer said."

    "I always remember spending hours and hours with Rubin talking about the wrongful convictions," she told CNN. "He was a great mentor and teacher. I felt very fortunate to have those times with him. ... He lived a very full life."

    "Carter spent 19 years in prison for a triple killing in New Jersey before a federal judge ruled in 1985 that he and John Artis, who was with Carter on the night of the shootings, did not receive fair trials and released them."

    'Hurricane' Carter Dies; Boxer Was Wrongfully Convicted Of ...

    8 hours ago - Rubin "Hurricane" Carter, the former boxing champion who served nearly 20 years in prison, has died of prostate cancer. Carter's story inspired ..."

    Boxer Rubin 'Hurricane' Carter dies at 76
    Fox News‎
    Fox News Channel
    5 hours ago - Rubin Hurricane Carter, the boxer whose wrongful murder conviction became an international symbol of racial injustice, died Sunday. He was ...

    Boxer Rubin 'Hurricane' Carter dies - › ... › Chicago Breaking Sports‎
    Chicago Tribune
    8 hours ago - Former professional boxer Rubin "Hurricane" Carter, who spent 19 years in prison for murder and then was released after it was determined he ...

    BBC News - US boxer Rubin 'Hurricane' Carter dies‎
    11 hours ago - US former boxer Rubin "Hurricane" Carter, whose wrongful conviction for murder caused an international outcry, has died at the age of 76.

    Rubin Carter Biography - Facts, Birthday, Life Story ...‎
    The Biography Channel
    Rubin Carter was born on May 6, 1937, in Clifton, New Jersey. In 1966, at the height of his boxing career, Carter was twice wrongfully convicted of a triple ...

    Rubin 'Hurricane' Carter Dead -- Boxer Dies at Age 76 | TMZ ...‎
    10 hours ago - Boxer Rubin "Hurricane" Carter -- whose wrongful murder conviction in the '60s became an international symbol for racial injustice -- has died.

    Rubin 'Hurricane' Carter dies - Boxing - Al Jazeera English‎
    Al Jazeera
    10 hours ago - Former boxer Rubin Carter, whose wrongful conviction for murder caused an international outcry, dies aged 76.

  6. Understood;)



    to the Anons that have my back, many thanks.

    i AM aware that i AM under surveillance with a full on stalker.

    that is fine.

    started to tmi on the period talk...decided not to. but since folk mentioning it threads back;)

    no excuses as i head on into meekness as His People/my people move forward to inherit the earth.

    please know i read the vulgar disrespect and decided to keep myself in check- at least over here in the fields;)

    time for next level.

    the viciousness of the accusations + hate = hitting a nerve + encouragement.

    cause to dance and Praise really.

    but folk know this being Right next door and all;)

    chalking it all up to experience and moving forward...powerfully.

    ps. i am no spring chicken. i AM Ancient. been that way since i was at least 8 years old.

    blessings all!

  7. GrannyStandingforTruth10:32 PM

    "Rubin "Hurricane" Carter (May 6, 1937 – April 20, 2014) was an American middleweight boxer who was wrongfully convicted of murder and later freed via a petition of habeas corpus after spending almost 20 years in prison."

    "In 1966, police arrested Carter for a triple-homicide in the Lafayette Bar and Grill in Paterson, New Jersey. Police stopped Carter's car and brought him and another occupant, John Artis, to the scene of the crime. There was little physical evidence. Police took no fingerprints at the crime scene and lacked the facilities to conduct a paraffin test for gunshot residue. None of the eyewitnesses identified Carter or Artis as the shooters. Carter and Artis were tried and convicted twice (1967 and 1976) for the murders, but after the second conviction was overturned in 1985, prosecutors chose not to try the case for a third time."

    "Carter's autobiography, titled The Sixteenth Round, was published in 1975 by Warner Books. The story inspired the 1975 Bob Dylan song "Hurricane" and the 1999 film The Hurricane (with Denzel Washington playing Carter)."

    "From 1993 to 2005, Carter served as executive director of the Association in Defence of the Wrongly Convicted."

  8. Stay strong FP. The left can be so crazed and intolerant when confronted with facts that don't fit their reality..


  9. by way of clarication:

    the link i shared above is an example of the switching of information and the times- with the regular leavening that appears to be everywhere and in most things.

    it is being done deliberately.

    it is my Understanding that Saturday is the Sabbath. not Sunday.

    it is my Understanding that we are to follow the solar not the lunar calendar.

    most importantly, Scriptures teaches that there has been a switching of the times and festivals.

    so...since the information = warring. i tend to do the opposite of what the world is doing.

    i don't know everything.

    nor am i perfect.

    as i seek His Face...this is what He has shown me:

    Be Love.

    the Meek shall inherit the earth.

    He has also shown me something else that He would like me to focus on and do. so i won't post as much here. wanted to make that clear...lest folk think the hateful Anons ran me away. they did not/could not.

    @ Granny there is something you said that stuck with me. thank you. i will leave it at that.

    @ FN you struck a serious nerve with me with the sterilize poor women.

    honestly haven't been able to process much you've written since then. your posts appear to hold a different meaning when one looks closer. as i die daily...i am hopeful to be able to listen closer + look deeper without my flesh getting in the way. my task is to do this while at the same time challenging my natural inclination to get heated.

    blessings to all Good souls over here.

  10. Rebranding of the KKK? Done, happened around 2008, they're now called the Tea Party.

  11. @ KC-

    i AM Standing Strong determined to be me in Him/His Word. and in a world that is determined to strip that from folk...please know it is no small feat;) He built me for it though.

    not sure 'bout the left and right business nor why it is so important to folk to argue about it.

    coming over here puts me in amped up mode. this is not Good, when the task is to learn meekness aka bridled strength.

    this is a humanity project.

    humans beings comprise the left and right.

    what i learned this week= it's about Love and trusting Him over all else.

    with this experience...

    ALL i can do is Stand Strong with Him/His Word and it is written that those of US doing that=can't.lose;)

    the stalker next door needs to know this and keep the fixation next door. hopefully folk are being compensated for their troubles- seeing as it does not frighten me nor do i care either way;)

    for Real.

    blessings to all!

  12. Anonymous11:29 PM

    According to the late, and very knowledgeable boxing expert, Bert Sugar, "Hurricane" Carter was a murderer. According to the mass media Carter was an innocent man wrongly convicted for being black. I'll go with Sugar despite what Bob Dylan said.

  13. Dr.Jeántel said...
    Rebranding of the KKK? Done, happened around 2008, they're now called the Tea Party.

    It never ceases to amaze when you show just what kind of drooling idiot you really are.

    You should try to remember that whenever you hear a dog whistle, it's proof you are the dog.

    You will never be a doctor.

  14. Chicago11:37 PM

    Another race fraud story of an "innocent" man framed up by the system. Celebrity idiots like Dylan helped spring a triple murderer and turned him into a celebrity. More info available at:

  15. Anonymous11:42 PM

    Normally, a Wikipedia would suffice but it, being a liberal kingdom, the story has already been sterilized. Here is what's there now about Rubin's character:

    "He acquired a criminal record and was sentenced to a juvenile reformatory for assault shortly after his 14th birthday. Carter escaped from the reformatory in 1954 and joined the Army. A few months after completing infantry basic training at Fort Jackson, South Carolina, he was sent to West Germany. While in Germany Carter began to box for the United States Army."

    Here are few more details that were dropped:

    "In May 1956, he received an "Undesirable" discharge, having served 21 months of his three-year term of enlistment.

    Carter was discharged from the Army on May 29, 1956, and was arrested less than a month later for his escape from Jamesburg Home for Boys. After his return to New Jersey, Carter was picked up by authorities and sentenced to an additional 9 months for escaping from the reformatory. He went to Annandale prison for five months. Shortly after being released, Carter committed a series of muggings, including assault and robbery of a middle-aged black woman. He plead guilty to the charges and was imprisoned in East Jersey State Prison in Avenel, New Jersey, a maximum-security facility, where he would remain for the next four years and spent time in the Rahway and Trenton state prisons until his release in September 1961."

    That's when he started his professional career...

    If there were any justice in this country, Hurricane Carter would have been swinging from the end of a rope 50 years ago.

  16. Anonymous11:58 PM

    My family lived north of Paterson (North Haledon) at that time and it was well known what really happened.

    We are sick society to make a hero out of a man like Rubin Carter.

  17. Anonymous11:58 PM

    FP, "coming over here puts me in amped up mode. this is not Good, when the task is to learn meekness aka bridled strength."

    My dear FP, I hope you know FN blog has no substance to it. It's ALL Bullshit....Mainly because Field has no substance. the man is total bs.


    In any case, know that you are loved here by many on FN. You bring a breath of fresh air to FN.

    There are some ignorant 'jealous' Negroes here, no doubt about it. They are like crabs in a bucket...totally evil, and total COMPULSIVE LIARS. They can't be helped.

  18. Fascinating analysis of the Hurricane Carter story based on the source material:

    "Carter was clearly a psychopath and a pathological liar. In his own words, he tells us this."

  19. Anonymous12:05 AM

    A violent career criminal and overrated boxer, Rubin “Hurricane” Carter was beloved by sleazy journalists, Hollywood hacks, mush-brained liberal judges and croaky folk singers because he murdered three white people.

  20. Anonymous12:12 AM

    Anonymous Dr. Kleagle said...
    Dr.Jeántel said...
    Rebranding of the KKK? Done, happened around 2008, they're now called the Tea Party.

    It never ceases to amaze when you show just what kind of drooling idiot you really are.

    You should try to remember that whenever you hear a dog whistle, it's proof you are the dog.

    You will never be a doctor.

    11:35 PM

    This is best description of DQAE I have ever heard.

    I'm going to urge Mr Field to put this in his side bar for the remainder of the year to serve as a reminder who this wind-bag lying fool really is.

    I hope you don't mind my request to Mr Field?

    A little fn support from Granny would be helpful in persuading Mr Field. It also could do a lot for your image on FN. You would receive a LOT of positive comments.:)

  21. Anonymous12:21 AM

    just received a voodoo doll of Dr Nuwang from N.O. I'm going to stick the shit out of this doll...EVERYDAY!

  22. Old country negroes sure got some serious shit to deal with:

  23. Anonymous12:30 AM

    Rubin “Hurricane” Carter was guilty:

  24. Anonymous1:06 AM

    "Carter was clearly a psychopath and a pathological liar. In his own words, he tells us this."

    Carter went to Jamesburg reformatory at age 14 for assault. In an interview in 1964, he boasted of stabbing a man. By the 1970's, he started describing the incident as self-defense from a pedophile.

  25. Anonymous1:54 AM

    Anon1:06am, there is nothing inconsistent with Carter's statement. He was not a psychopath and he clearly was an honest man. Of course, in NJ, ALL bm are liars and psychopaths.

  26. Anonymous1:59 AM

    anon, it's not only in NJ, bm are guilty all across the USA, as far as Whites are concerned. Hence, the justice system is biased. There is no justice for bm.

    This so-called justice system has a habit of wrongly incarcerating bm and stealing 19-30 years of their lives. It's a damn shame, but like the days of slavery, the Whites get to control the lives of Blacks.

    Kinky Con should be ashamed.

  27. Anonymous2:00 AM

    Hey, the hatemongers are trying so very hard to "rebrand." That's what that epically silly White Man March is all about.

    Everyone needs to understand that they don't hate anybody, no siree Bob. It's only about white pride -- they double pinky swear.

  28. Anon @ 11:58pm-

    i AM with Him/His Word with instructions to Obey only His Voice.

    at the same time i AM Called to give ear to all.

    so, i do.

    there is nothing but Love in my heart for the souls i encounter. even the ones that challenge me. like the hateful homo. when he gets done with his defeated antics...i still Love him and pray for him to clue up soon.

    Love FN, too.

    we are called to pray for folk. i pray especially for those folk that come against me- not that FN does. to his credit, he ignores me;) i prefer that to smack talk actually so he is alright by me.

    folk that come against me don't have any idea how much they bless me in the process. if they did...

    they'd grab a seat + zip it;)

    there are several levels at play at all times in all convos.

    i get it + got what i needed in my visit here today.

    it is my prayer that FN folk will know that i got nothing but Love for all ya'll. we all do what we know to do at the time. compassion informs my belief.

    Blessings in Abundance.

  29. Anonymous2:08 AM

    Field, "Although when you have folks like Antonin Scalia calling for "revolt" against the government if you don't like paying taxes,...."

    This is an amazing statement made by Field, A LAWYER! Scalia said nothing of the sort. Either your reading comprehension is exceptionally low, or you are just a compulsive liar.

    What makes you lie so much? Ever hear of honesty and integrity? Guess not.

  30. Anonymous2:15 AM

    Lawd have mercy, can't we all get along even if lefties lie? just accept them as givers of wrong info..that's all. Just know they have received wrong info all of their lives and can't give anything but wrong info...garbage in, garbage out.

  31. Anonymous2:17 AM

    Field, why haven't you given Hurricane, an INNOCENT man, a "R.I.P." in your side bar?

  32. StillaPanther22:22 AM

    Rebranding image..., very possible. An example I will offer is the sanitizing of the history of lynching. You will fing it hard to tell our youth of today that one of the main ways to get lynched was for a Black man to have any social contact with a white women.

    As I now have time to "see" TV,(not "watch") I see a constant image of the Black man and white women. Even a TV show called the "Heart of Dixie" have several Black males in love affairs. As well, many, many commercials show the same social dynamic. This constant barrage of showing this relationship has effectively erased the act of lynching from America's history.

    I am aware that some of us by virtue of age still have a sense that it is so easy for the African American history and mistreatment has been de facto erased. ATTN: Save the racism accusations. When the America television start showing more "loving Black love" I will maybe say, let's move on. Act imitating life or life imitating act.

    So yes... television has been used as one tool to effectively allowed the minority races in America to fall in love with white moonshiners, white rednecks (their term.. not mine) hillbillies, and other groups that before now did not have a love affair with the Blacks... but I guess now that we have the "New Blacks" we can finally do one thing Martin Luther King espoused. I will try to remember his mantra- "little black boys and girls holding hands with little white boys and girls".. I also guess the "little Black girls' have not been fully written in the script.

    When I think my memory is fading about a group of people that has not shown any contriteness I go into my "Black Room" and pull out the old Jets and Ebonys and put my world into focous. To think that I would live to see a TV show with Rebel references and see these strapping Bucks with Miss Anne liplocking... oh I am sorry to offend anyone. Apologies accepted? They (apologies) are so easily given. So do me like we did the Imus(s) of the world.

    I used an example that would readily be understood. I know TV and ads have no interest in showing Black love... it so easy not to because there are few instances where I I I see it. Now I was curtly informed by some boy in a big ten-gallon hat that I am the old Black. Poor boy. if he only knew history he would know that he is not the first one to be "loved- for the moment" by the majority. Uncle Remus(s) have been with the Black people since the first butler put on his starched uniform. Oh I know he felt so above the "old darkies" cuz da luv me.You New Darkie

  33. StillaPanther22:44 AM

    Sister Granny... I be seeing/reading u. You still carry the cause near and dear. That (Blue Crew) is another crew that got sanitized when it comes to the Blacks history with the police and the (il)legal system. We are constantly hearing about what "heroes" they are that the truth of what happened with so many negative and DEADLY interactions with them would not be believable. We could tell some tales about "Office Friendly", but why bother. No one would believe me/us. Enjoyed the many years of what's on your mind. Keep the West Coast history live.

  34. StillaPanther22:45 AM

    Sister Granny... I be seeing/reading u. You still carry the cause near and dear. That (Blue Crew) is another crew that got sanitized when it comes to the Blacks history with the police and the (il)legal system. We are constantly hearing about what "heroes" they are that the truth of what happened with so many negative and DEADLY interactions with them would not be believable. We could tell some tales about "Office Friendly", but why bother. No one would believe me/us. Enjoyed the many years of what's on your mind. Keep the West Coast history live.

  35. StillaPanther22:46 AM

    Sister Granny... I be seeing/reading u. You still carry the cause near and dear. That (Blue Crew) is another crew that got sanitized when it comes to the Blacks history with the police and the (il)legal system. We are constantly hearing about what "heroes" they are that the truth of what happened with so many negative and DEADLY interactions with them would not be believable. We could tell some tales about "Office Friendly", but why bother. No one would believe me/us. Enjoyed the many years of what's on your mind. Keep the West Coast history live.

  36. Anonymous2:55 AM

    StillaPanther, you must surrender to the "new Black". That's what you see on TV today. Black on Black love is just not interesting enought. I think you will agree?

    But Black and White love will get the attention(ratings) by both Whites and Blacks. You see, even during Jim Crow everybody was fantasizing about black and white relations and hot sex. Now it's finally here.

    I mean, even Kinky Con admitted he had jungle fever. He must have lost it along the way someplace. Probably his parents threatened to disown his ass.

    Hell, I bet Bill sneaked around at night too with that one black Repub girl.

    ...Free at last...

    Now if we could only shut down FN we could fully enjoy the post-racial era.

  37. Anonymous3:04 AM

    I know I said I was leaving FN for good. But I noticed Granny was back. That made me reconsider my position with FN.

    So, here I am! (applause...standing ovation)

  38. Anonymous3:05 AM

    focusedpurpose said...
    Anon @ 11:58pm-

    i AM with Him/His Word with instructions to Obey only His Voice.

    there is nothing but Love in my heart for the souls i encounter. even the ones that challenge me. like the hateful homo.

    2:01 AM
    Then I take it you will zip your no home training foul mouth. Or does He/Him whisper those in your ear too?

    Your loving Homo

  39. Kinky Con-man maybe u and your idiot storm front friends should try to help the klan with their makeover. Judging from your clueless comments about Carter you seem to be trying to change historical facts.

    BTW, is Laura Bush a murderer?

  40. Anonymous9:54 AM

    "changing historical facts" is what the book/movie/song did for Rubin Carter, who was a lifelong sociopathic thug who got away with murder.

    Burn in hell, Hurricane. Burn in hell.

  41. Anonymous10:01 AM

    From a previous thread Focused Purpose said the following to me:

    "to the hateful queen on the board...

    keep coming for me;)

    you will need to cease and desist with the game of pretend in your head and get REAL Clear on the Truth, though...

    i can be a Real Bitch.

    you seem determined to get Righteously clowned.

    on your BEST day- with all your junk tucked + STILL...

    just pretending.

    hateful queen.

    but keep coming for me...if all your Good sense = as impacted + non properly functioning as your bowels.

    that's a heads up, for ya.

    you may want to find a seat, and go sit down.


    of course;)"

    How dare you speak about "vulgar disrespect" when you fixed your fingers to type the aforementioned quote. I suppose you think that LGBT people have no feelings. Or at least no feelings that YOU have to respect. If there was vulgarity, you started it my dear.

  42. Poor OJ. He would have had a movie made about him and a Bob Dylan song too if he had been found guilty. Black people worship the worst among them as long as it can be used to hit whitey up for some cash. He'd have been a real black hero for killing his white wife and her boyfriend.

    But he was let off so nobody cares.

    Hurricane Carter has all the luck.

  43. "Fascinating analysis of the Hurricane Carter story based on the source material:

    "Carter was clearly a psychopath and a pathological liar. In his own words, he tells us this.""

    ahhh yes, Pat Brown, the terminal dimwit's favourite criminal profiler.

    Why don't you guys tell us about her life experience? If she's so good she must have a long and distinguished history as a police and/or FBI profiler, mustn't she?

    Mustn't she?


    How about her analysis of the Madeline McCann case, where she "proved" that Madeline was murdered by her Mother Kate?

    How has that case worked out for her?


  44. Brother Anon,,, thank you for the first smile of my day. You mean to tell me the white women was also fantasizing about the jungle?

  45. Anonymous11:15 AM

    anon10:01AM, You are obsessed. That is not good. You will never find peace. Of course, you probably aren't looking for peace.... Take a look. You're becoming 'exactly' what you are 'perceiving'. And it's not 'outside' of you, it's 'inside' of you....That's not good.


  46. Trollonymous Burgundy11:17 AM

    FP, I love ya too... keep throwing down your wisdom.

    (Group Hug)

    Although, the hateful gay black guy might rather hug a lightning bolt, than to hug a Christian anon, a black woman and a troll. But that's ok, the jolts might clue him in good anyway.

  47. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Blogger The Purple Cow said...
    "Fascinating analysis of the Hurricane Carter story based on the source material:

    "Carter was clearly a psychopath and a pathological liar. In his own words, he tells us this.""

    PC comments, "ahhh yes, Pat Brown, the terminal dimwit's favourite criminal profiler.

    Why don't you guys tell us about her life experience? If she's so good she must have a long and distinguished history as a police and/or FBI profiler, mustn't she?

    Mustn't she?"
    This is not how the penal system works in America. Is that what you Brits do, put the investigative lawyer on trial, condemn her/him, then declare the murderer innocent?

    You Sir, have no idea what a penal system is about, let alone a justice system. You sir, are an idiot.

  48. Anonymous11:36 AM

    PC is a typical leftist, attacking the messenger when he cannot refute the message.

  49. 61% say President Obama lies either "most of the time" or "some of the time," with a plurality of 37% opting for "most of the time."

  50. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Trollonymous Burgundy said...
    "FP, I love ya too... keep throwing down your wisdom.

    (Group Hug)"

    Ditto for me. Furthermore, you have taught me more about HIS WORD than anyone. All of the Scriptures you have spoken from have deepened my understanding of HIM and The Word...I am truly grateful for that.

    You have enriched my life. Please continue to stay here. As it has been said earlier, you bring a breath of fresh air to FN. Thank you and much love.


  51. @Liar, BENGHAZI! Drink drink, gulp. *eye-roll*

  52. Hey Field, do you think defending your Master over starting an illegal war in Libya, running guns to Al Qaeda in Syria out of the consulate in Benghazi, getting an ambassador and his staff tortured death, and lying about what happened to protect his political future will get you a nice place in the House?


    I'll see you in Hell, Stephen.

  53. Dead Ambassador, why didn't you make it to heaven?

    I went to Hell once (RNC Convention in New Orleans) at least I know what to expect. ;)

  54. "This is not how the penal system works in America. Is that what you Brits do, put the investigative lawyer on trial, condemn her/him, then declare the murderer innocent?

    You Sir, have no idea what a penal system is about, let alone a justice system. You sir, are an idiot.

    No penisbreath, that would be you.

    Is this woman the official "investigative lawyer" (whatever that means) on this case?

    Is she experienced as a police or FBI profiler?

    Is there any other "profiler" out there (experienced or not - self-taught or not) who thinks Ruben Carter was a psychopath?

    Also on this woman's record, you don;t think it's possible that she is as wrong on this case as she was catastrophically wrong in the Madeline McCann case?

    Or was that case a strictly one-off fuck-up on her part?


  55. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "PC is a typical leftist, attacking the messenger when he cannot refute the message."

    There is a giant hole in your logic here, let me know when you've worked it out.

  56. RIP brother Hurricane! (Whisper to white folks: You may hold your heads high now, the Hurricane is no longer here to jab you in the face for saying stupid sh#t!)

  57. Anonymous12:55 PM

    "I'll see you in Hell, Stephen."

    Is that the place for people with no conscience, no sense of right and wrong?

    Is it a place for people who cover up deaths and wrongs for their own selfish purposes?

    If that's the case, business is very very good down in Hell....the devil is quite busy. Can anyone explain this phenomena?

    Why is it that the Creator, who gave life to every human being, has very few souls who come back to Him?

    There is a saying: "Of all the 'infinite classes' of beings in the Universe, there are only 'two' classes that fail to glorify God. One is fallen Angels...better known as demons; and the other is humans. Looks like humans and demons have something in common:

    "Ingratitude and Arrogance."

    Yep....can't find any Love of God in those qualities.


  58. Anonymous1:04 PM

    PilotX and PC, always standing together, 'right or wrong'. U are to be commended. it's sticking together that counts. all the other stuff is bullshit.

    how many times a day do u two coordinate your comments by email?

  59. FN said...
    Unbelievable! You know that cable news is running out of s*** to talk about if they are throwing out topics about how the klan can change their image.

    Silly FN.

    It's about keeping black people scared of the KKK and voting for democrats.

  60. field negro said...

    BTW, is Laura Bush a murderer?

    As a lawyer you should know, tell us why she wasn't convicted for murder.

    Or go crickets if you can't think of enough legal sounding phrases to bluff.

  61. The Purple Cow said...
    "PC is a typical leftist, attacking the messenger when he cannot refute the message."

    There is a giant hole in your logic here, let me know when you've worked it out.

    Looking at your last post...
    1 Is this woman
    2 Is she
    3 Is there any other "profiler"
    4 Also on this woman's record
    5 ...on her part?

    Sounds like you spent your time attacking the messenger.

    Have you ever heard of the psych term Projection? Check it out.

  62. The only undeniable truths about Mr. Carter and the triple-murders in Patterson are that he was twice convicted by all-white Passaic County juries; that he was ultimately freed when a federal judge vacated his conviction as "wrongful," and that the prosecutor declined to prosecute him a 3rd time.

    Our law has always held such a man to be innocent. Those who continue to label him guilty, without even a civil finding of liability on which to rely, are merely stating unsupported opinions, and we know what they're worth.

  63. Anonymous2:29 PM

    From a previous thread, FP said the following:

    "Real quick:
    peep the visuals.

    know that what you see is by design. folks get "styled" this way.



    Kid Cudi means nothing to me but I have to ask: how is this young black man wearing a tank top anybody's business?

    So anything a black man does (or wears) which self-hating black lesbian gossip blogger Sandra Rose, and her groupie FP, doesn't approve of is labeled "gay", which is supposed to be bad. Does anyone besides me see a pattern here with FP?

    Lesson to FP: A grown black man should be able to wear what he he wants to wear without desperate black women looking for "signs" of homosexuality. Sounds like a "sign" of homophobia to me.

    Stop trying to police what black men do, FP. You are not going to stop black men from doing what they want to do, FP. The only thing you will do is wear yourself out trying.

    Btw, if Kid Cudi actually is gay there is nothing FP, Sandra Rose or anyone else (including Kid Cudi himself) can do about it.

  64. Anonymous3:41 PM

    The "holy woman", Focused Purpose, said the following to me on a previous thread yet she accuses ME of disrespect:

    "to the hateful queen on the board...

    keep coming for me;)

    you will need to cease and desist with the game of pretend in your head and get REAL Clear on the Truth, though...

    i can be a Real Bitch.

    you seem determined to get Righteously clowned.

    on your BEST day- with all your junk tucked + STILL...

    just pretending.

    hateful queen.

    but keep coming for me...if all your Good sense = as impacted + non properly functioning as your bowels.

    that's a heads up, for ya.

    you may want to find a seat, and go sit down.


    of course;)"

    I am not letting this go.

    FP accuses ME of "vulgar disrespect", after she made the aforementioned comment to ME. I responded IN KIND.

    FP should have kept her "vulgar" comment to herself. And she knows this, whether she admits it or not. The fact is that you FP don't know how to speak to LGBT people respectfully because you don't believe they "deserve" respect. Which makes you a bigot, FP.

    How can YOU accuse ME of "vulgar disrespect" when YOU came at ME with the HOMOPHOBIC filth quoted above? Hateful witch, you got it all twisted.

  65. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Trollonymous Burgundy said...
    "FP, I love ya too... keep throwing down your wisdom.

    (Group Hug)"

    Ditto for me. Furthermore, you have taught me more about HIS WORD than anyone. All of the Scriptures you have spoken from have deepened my understanding of HIM and The Word...I am truly grateful for that.

    You have enriched my life. Please continue to stay here. As it has been said earlier, you bring a breath of fresh air to FN. Thank you and much love.


    11:38 AM
    Yes! I too am enriched! Oh please Fictitous Prophet, Sacred One, Direct Voice from Heaven and God, Gods Favorite Newly Minted Prophet. PLEASE do keep posting those foul,learnt from home training by yo momma words,...oops...I mean those saintly words of wisdom here!

    We do love them so!

    Your friendly enriched and loving homo pal :)

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. "Sounds like you spent your time attacking the messenger."

    But she wasn't the messenger was she? You dimwitted Drongo.

    Your anonymous posting buddy was the messenger.

    I was attacking the credibility of your alleged expert who has never worked in law enforcement, got her one famous case spectacularly wrong, and has set herself up as an expert to separate the gullible from their cash. She also, oddly, appears to be the only profiler who has come to the conclusion that he was a psychopath. Nobody else in the field seems to be backing her up.

    "Have you ever heard of the psych term Projection? Check it out."

    Yes I have, and what's more (unlike you) I actually know what the word means. You clearly don't as you throw the word around with gay abandon at every opportunity, whether it's appropriate to the situation or not.

    I know you're just a kid Bill, but if you want to run with the big boys, you are going to have to learn to debate from a point of view that has some internal coherence. At the moment you just throw faeces at the wall in the hope that some of it sticks.

  68. "Our law has always held such a man to be innocent. Those who continue to label him guilty, without even a civil finding of liability on which to rely, are merely stating unsupported opinions, and we know what they're worth."

    George Zimmerman, anyone? Duke Lacrosse team, anyone?

    Gotta love the left and their hypocrisy.

  69. Attack the poster. Attack the source. Posters typical do that when they can't challenge substance.

  70. Anonymous8:09 PM

    PC--"I know you're just a kid Bill, but if you want to run with the big boys, you are going to have to learn to debate from a point of view that has some internal coherence. At the moment you just throw faeces at the wall in the hope that some of it sticks."

    Pot calling kettle black. This is "projection" at a profound unconscious level.

  71. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Blogger Kinky.Con said...
    Attack the poster. Attack the source. Posters typical do that when they can't challenge substance.

    7:40 PM
    Sounds like Purple Cow in the UK. Those Brits are totally messed up...esp the "purple" ones.

  72. agentX8:17 PM

    KKK trying to rebrand, huh? Field, they're going to need to hire that PR firm that the dictators hire. What was it called? Berstrum and Hollister? Something like that.

    Kerry Washington from Scandal wouldn't be able to help them.

  73. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Anonymous...just received a voodoo doll of Dr Nuwang from N.O. I'm going to stick the shit out of this doll...EVERYDAY!

    Lemme know how the funeral goes for the loved one YOU just killed.

    Real talk, my voodoo practising Haitian nanny ALWAYS told me that only a fool plays with such things.


  74. Seeker and Trollonymous Burgundy- thanks for the Love, cyberhugs and encouragement. back atcha!!!

    Trollonymous...seems i recognize your voice;)

    to my quite fixated fan/stan Loving Homosexual man...


    THAT'S my effort at kind.

    how did i do?

    meant it, too.

    my new friend, that cannot find a single comment that released the Wrath that has him so bent...

    here's what's so:

    i AM moving forward...Powerfully.

    next level.

    checking my seems bickering with you did not make my list of things to do.

    i even told you why before. so find THAT comment and Believe it.


    for your own sake.

    that said, i would like to share the answer to your query as to whether i planned to be silenced by your based on not a single fact antics;)?

    i will let you wait for the it.

    if you would may come next door, knock and get it. i AM NOT keyboard gangsta with mine+ i AM focused on project meek. you will knock at a Good time;)

    next level.

    run with me.

    let me practice applying meekness looking you square in the eye..


    you may relish this and the next comment. after that...

    we may agree to disagree.

    your agenda is clear. facts are casualties.

    free will.

  75. "Pot calling kettle black. This is "projection" at a profound unconscious level."

    "Sounds like Purple Cow in the UK. Those Brits are totally messed up...esp the "purple" ones."

    Lame-ass sock-puppeting from Bill, there.

    Try as he likes, he never quite gets the hang of this internet debating thing.

  76. Uh Kinky, Zimmerman actually did kill a kid and no one I know has any animosity towards the Duke lacross kids. I see you want to take Bill's title as king of false equivalences.

  77. Yo Cow, imma have to get at you. I'm going to be in your country for a few days.

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. Yeah Pilot, you're in London on Saturday right? Good luck with that. The problem with London is that it's full of Londoners. A bit like France, beautiful country but full of the French.

  80. Friday through Tuesday. Buddy of mine wants to hit a Rick Wakeman concert on Monday nite and I just wanna hang out. I think I'll try to hit a reggae club. Any suggestions would be helpful. If you're around we gotta grab a pint.

  81. Londoners can't be any worse than New Yorkers can they?

  82. "Attack the poster. Attack the source. Posters typical do that when they can't challenge substance."

    We haven't seen any substance from you guys yet, that was exactly my point.

    Carter was convicted on the evidence of two white career criminals who were offered deals (deals that the defence were not fully appraised of) in exchange for their evidence. Meanwhile the testimony of multiple African-American citizens that Carter was at another nearby venue at the time of the shooting was ignored.

    So that's your alleged "substance" is it? The testimony of two career criminals who were offered deals, and this story by an alleged "profiler" with a history of getting major cases dead wrong and whose theory isn't backed by any serious profiling professional.

    And you ender why we don't take your arguments seriously?

  83. "Londoners can't be any worse than New Yorkers can they?"

    Oh god, yeah they can.

    I'm opposite end of the country Pilot, (which is kind of how I like it) and I'm in the middle of a mad week.

    I'm coaching the U9's Friday night, taking son S. to his game on Saturday, son D to his game on Sunday, I'm managing the U9 first league game Monday night, and I've got an indoor coaching session Tuesday.

    If you want Reggae clubs you are probably better off in paris than London. London music scene is all Drum-&-Base, Trans, Old Skool, and Jungle these days. But I've got some buddies who live down in The Smoke, so I'll ask them for some addresses for you.

    I'll get back to you.

  84. Kool and the gang.
    Old Skool huh? That might work because my musical tastes are stuck in the 80's and 90's.

  85. Anonymous9:47 AM

    PilotX, London is a great city with lots of things to do. It's an international city, like New York.

    PC lives in the UK but doesn't know a damn thing about London. It's good that you are trying to make connect with PC. I'm sure you can sense that he is waffling on you....he's just starting.

    London is great. Enjoy it.

  86. Carter was convicted on more than that you silly boob. In typical leftist fashion, you ignore evidence that that doesn't fit your narrative.

    Sorry PX, purple cow only likes white penis. The odds of you two hooking up is slim to none.

  87. Please reread PilotX.

    "Our law has always held such a man to be innocent. Those who continue to label him guilty, without even a civil finding of liability on which to rely, are merely stating unsupported opinions, and we know what they're worth."

    George Zimmerman, anyone? Duke Lacrosse team, anyone?

    Gotta love the left and their hypocrisy.

    What WC is pointing out is exactly what FN, the NAACP, white liberals and many on the left did to Zimmerman and the Duke Lacrosse team.

    False equivalences? Not so much.

  88. "George Zimmerman, anyone? "

    Guilty as shit.

    "Duke Lacrosse team, anyone?"

    "We asked for whites, not niggers." - yeah, nice wholesome middle-class boys.


    "arter was convicted on more than that you silly boob."


  89. Weak purple cow. Even by your standards..

  90. Sorry you can't understand the difference between the Cane and Zimmermann. Carry on. And nobody gives a shit about the duke kids.

  91. "Weak purple cow. Even by your standards."

    Kinky throws in the towel easily theses days, his morale is cracking.

  92. "Weak purple cow. Even by your standards."

    Kinky throws in the towel easily theses days, his morale is cracking.

  93. Anonymous10:46 PM

    FP said:
    "to my quite fixated fan/stan Loving Homosexual man...


    THAT'S my effort at kind.

    how did i do?

    meant it, too.

    my new friend, that cannot find a single comment that released the Wrath that has him so bent...

    here's what's so:

    i AM moving forward...Powerfully.

    next level.

    checking my seems bickering with you did not make my list of things to do.

    i even told you why before. so find THAT comment and Believe it.


    for your own sake.

    that said, i would like to share the answer to your query as to whether i planned to be silenced by your based on not a single fact antics;)?

    i will let you wait for the it.

    if you would may come next door, knock and get it. i AM NOT keyboard gangsta with mine+ i AM focused on project meek. you will knock at a Good time;)

    next level.

    run with me.

    let me practice applying meekness looking you square in the eye..


    you may relish this and the next comment. after that...

    we may agree to disagree.

    your agenda is clear. facts are casualties.

    free will."

    So we go from "hateful homo queen" to homophobic snickering about bowel movements and having to gingerly sit down (from a "holy woman" no less) to "loving homosexual man". lol

    More snickering from FP, if you ask me. Thanks but no thanks.

    Btw, I will NEVER be a fan/stan of yours FP. Never.
