Monday, May 26, 2014

Blaming others for your misery, and when so called Christians do unchistianlike things.

I thought I knew a lot about popular culture and what's on the Internet. But then this creep goes on a shooting rampage out in Cali, and now I am learning about a website called PuaHate . This is a site where losers who can't pick up women or find dates go to vent about how cruel the world is to them, and how the evil Negro and insert anyone or anything, here:_____ is making it hard for them to pick up women. (I bet Benito is a regular on PuaHate.)

Elliot Rodgers left misogynist and racist rants on PuaHate, which left clues of what he was about to do. Sadly, because there are so many guys like Elliot Rodgers out there, we just weren't paying attention.

"So what exactly is PuaHate, the place where Rodger posted about his “race-inducing” jealousy over seeing a “black guy chilling with 4 hot white girls”? In May of 2012, Jezebel published a a profile of the underground movement, which as the image above states, aims to reveal “the scams, deception, and misleading marketing techniques used by dating gurus and the seduction community to deceive men and profit from them.” Essentially, it’s a place where man can go to commiserate with other man who have been left disillusioned by the supposed “art” of “picking up” women." [Source]

Soooo, in other words, it's a website for losers (kind of like Stormfront, American Thinker, and SBPDL) who blame others for their misery. Got it.

Memo to PuaHate guys out there: If you are having trouble picking up women, it has nothing to do with your looks; instead, it just might be that women can sense a creep from miles away.

Finally, I have to rip a (so called) Christian.

Someone should remind Reginald Wayne Miller that forced labor camps are not cool, even if you do it under the guise of Christianity.

"A South Carolina pastor has been accused of turning his Bible College into a forced labor camp for foreign students.

Reginald Wayne Miller, 65, allegedly made the teens toil for no or little pay for more than 50 hours a week while housing them in rooms without hot water, heating or air-conditioning.

He is also alleged to have threatened to revoke their student visas if they complained or failed to comply with his demands.

Miller, who runs the Cathedral Bible College in Marion, was arrested 2 a.m. Thursday.

Federal prosecutors had filed a criminal complaint accusing him of forced labor." [Source]

I think a quote from the bible is apropos:

"We know that the judgment of God rightly falls on those who practice such things. " ~Romans 2:2~

Hopefully the judgment of the federal government will fall on him as well.

*Let's remember our Veterans who gave the ultimate sacrifice today. 


  1. Anonymous3:59 PM

    "This is a site where losers who can't pick up women or find dates go to vent about how cruel the world is to them, and how the evil Negro and insert anyone or anything, here:_____ is making it hard for them to pick up women."

    I don't think the "evil Negro" is generally the topic of discussion on PUAHate (even if it was in Elliot Rodgers case). I think that is more of a "blame the evil woman" site than a "blame the evil Negro" site.

    The beef I have with the feminist framing of this story is their implication that misogynist subculture was the root cause of this tragedy, whereas I'd say it was just a contributing factor. What you have in Elliot Rodgers is a dangerously mentally ill person. The woman-haters over on PUAHate didn't make him that way -- he was already severely screwed-up. But they probably did negatively contribute to his psychological issues.

    When Rodgers said, "Everybody is out to get me!" the bozos on this website responded with, "Yeah, dude, everyone IS out to get you." When Rodgers said, "Women want to destroy me," they helpfully told him, "You're totally right -- women DO want to destroy you."

    The last thing a crazy person needs is other people confirming that their wacky delusions and persecution fantasies are completely real.

  2. KettleX5:02 PM

    "Soooo, in other words, it's a website for losers"

    PuaHate sounds a lot like Field Negro. Just substitute "women" for "whites".

  3. Anonymous6:06 PM

    KettleX said:
    PuaHate sounds a lot like Field Negro. Just substitute "women" for "whites".

    Oops. (Me taking my popcorn and tipping out the door.)

  4. Whatever. We all know that a lot of men who say they hate women don't really hate women. I mean, just because they state that they hate women they can't really mean that they hate women!
    That kid looked like such a creep.

  5. GrannyStandingforTruth8:48 PM


    Thank you. Happy Holiday to you too.

    I woke up with a headache today thinking about all the hate in this world.

    In a way, I'll be glad when the world ends, maybe, then there will be love, peace and harmony.

    Nah, on second thought, too many hateful folks would raise too much hell in hell and change the devil's mind about keeping them in hell.

    Oh dagnabit, my head is starting to hurt again.

  6. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Granny hates Republicans.

  7. Anonymous9:39 PM

    Field, "Soooo, in other words, it's a website for losers (kind of like Stormfront, American Thinker, and SBPDL) who blame others for their misery. Got it."

    You forgot to include the New Black Panthers and gang bangers.

  8. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Granny said, "I woke up with a headache today thinking about all the hate in this world."

    Granny, the world is 'exactly' the way it's suppose to be. It's been that way since the beginning.

    Just think. Satan has owned humanity since the beginning! And what makes you think the world is going to end soon?

    Maybe it's just beginning?

  9. Anonymous9:53 PM

    This world is so dangerous I am thinking about buying a gun.

    Granny, I know you live in the Oakland/Richmond area. How many guns do you own in order to protect yourself?

  10. Wesley R9:56 PM

    This Miller guy reminds me of some 'Pastors' in the hood. They don't want a regular job so they start a church so they can get rich. Free house, luxury cars etc.

    Then we have others using their church as political organizations and we don't tax them. It must be a nice gig for some.

  11. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Wesley R, "Then we have others using their church as political organizations and we don't tax them. It must be a nice gig for some."

    9:56 PM
    Wow. I had no idea being a pastor in the hood could be so lucrative. I need a job! I might as well become a pastor to hold me over until I can get a 'real' job.

    Thanks for the tip, Wesley. You are a good soul brother. Do you think a White pastor in the hood could make more money than a brother?

    I mean, in Africa, they worship Whites. Why not in the hood here?

  12. Anonymous10:06 PM

    Field, ""We know that the judgment of God rightly falls on those who practice such things. " ~Romans 2:2~

    Field, is that all there is to your bible quote? There seems to be a lot missing in it. I mean, what is that verse talking about when it says "such things"? What does that mean?

  13. Trollonymous Burgundy11:20 PM

    Wesley, you forgot to mention free housekeeping, cooking and lots of (free) sex from all those single desperate black women in the church.

    How come you always forget to mention any type injustice towards black women, including when it's being done by black men (even the pastors)???

    Just asking...

  14. Anonymous11:34 PM

    "So what exactly is PuaHate, the place where Rodger posted about his “race-inducing” jealousy over seeing a “black guy chilling with 4 hot white girls”?"

    Field, I've been thinking. Rodger might not have done what he did if he had not encountered some bm.

    Haven't you noticed during your lifetime that all troubles seem to begin with a brother? I mean, somehow and someway it seems as though whenever there is a bm involved, things go wrong. I keep asking myself, "Why is that?"

    I mean, Rodger might still be alive today if he hadn't seen that brother messing around with FOUR WHITE CHICKS. That's obscene and I bet the police will be talking to him.

    I personally googled UC Santa Barbara, and discovered that there are no Negroes on campus. In other words there are no Blacks attending UC Santa Barbara. So, I question who that Negro was with those ww?

  15. Don't get me started with "so called Christians". I'm suspect of anyone that vehemently cosigns faith faith faith, God God God, and fear no man and any other verse from the Bible they can pull to make themselves feel holier than thou YET they're scared as hell of the very serpent God chastised to crawling on the ground..the snake. "So called Christians" are capable of any surprises.

  16. Anonymous12:58 AM

    Christians are followers of Christ who died on the cross for our sins. That includes people like Field, PX, and Soup 2 Nuts Media.

    I pity those who don't believe in the Creator of the Universe. They are very sick people.

  17. I would never call war criminal/republiklan-hero Mr. Allen West a douchebag. That would be an insult to douchebags everywhere. Allen West is a colostomy bag.

  18. Been on a trip for a few days with a serious goofball so haven't been keeping up in the fields. Good posts on some good topics. I see your buddy No Slappz is back, didn't you tell him he's been replaced? I'm sure QLB and Legacy need as much attention as they can muster and NS might steal some of their shine.

  19. GrannyStandingforTruth1:12 AM


    Can you add "full" or "overflowing" to that colostomy bag?

  20. GrannyStandingforTruth1:22 AM

    Hey PilotX, good to see your fonts back again.

  21. Anonymous1:29 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...


    Can you add "full" or "overflowing" to that colostomy bag?

    Granny is hateful person.

    I hope you never have to have a colostomy bag.

  22. Anonymous1:48 AM

    Soooo, in other words, it's a website for losers (kind of like Stormfront, American Thinker, and SBPDL) who blame others for their misery. Got it.

    People who blame others for their misery .

    People who blame others for their misery.

    People who blame others for their misery.

    LOL. Science is right about the Negro intellect.

  23. Hey Granny!

    Guys, check this out.

  24. GrannyStandingforTruth3:08 AM

    I finished reading that article. Wow! That's sad.

    The world would be a more nicer place to live in if they'd just let go of that notion of entitlement and realize that the end results is self-destructive. The world doesn't just revolve around them and their selfish desires. Other people live in this world too.

    No group of people are more superior than other groups, PEOPLE ARE PEOPLE. No group is better than any others. All humans have flaws, the majority of human beings desire to live in peace and harmony with each other, and all groups have their good and bad element.

    White people are not gods, they're are human beings like everyone else. Superman died.

    I wish that they would relax, live, and let live. Stop trying to control everybody and learn to treat others like they want to be treated instead of trying to dehumanize others to make themselves feel better about themselves. Or thinking that they're the only ones entitled to all of the material wealth. It's not that hard.

  25. KettleX, and yet u are here.

    Maybe we should start doing some serious self-evaluation.

  26. Anon@1:48, please read your comments again. (Very slowly)

    See how dumb you look? And u are leaving a comment about the inferior "Negro intellect?

    We can have so much fun with the racists in America. :)

  27. Race of beggars10:59 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    The world would be a more nicer place to live in if they'd just let go of that notion of entitlement and realize that the end results is self-destructive. The world doesn't just revolve around them and their selfish desires

    So says a representative member of the race who does nothing but spend their lives saying other people owe them, that nothing is more important than their wants, and that enough is never enough.

    Hands out, mouth open, mind closed and full of hate.

    Self-awareness is not your people's strong point.

  28. "white-male entitlement syndrome"

    So a 22 year-old, BMW driving half-Asian half-Jew who has been in psychotherapy since the age of 8 is the "typical white male"?

    I thought you had to be at least half Peruvian.


  29. the median pay package for a CEO rose above eight figures for the first time last year.

    The gap between the rich and poor under Obama widens even more.

    It appears poor people thought "redistribution" was going to be in their favor when Obama said he wanted to "spread the wealth around" to joe the plumber.

    Silly democrat voters.

  30. "It appears poor people thought "redistribution" was going to be in their favor when Obama said he wanted to "spread the wealth around" to joe the plumber."

    Your moronic comment presumes that the redistribution of wealth from the poor to the rich would not have been considerably worse under a Republican administration.

    This process of soaking the poor to make the rich much richer began under a Republican President and has continued ever since.

  31. Trollonymous Burgundy12:26 PM

    To the Fake ID at: 11:35,

    In America, Jews and Italians have always been considered "white", just ask any Jew or Italian and dare tell them different. Cut your shit already. That "half Jew and half Asian" lived a privileged life as a young WHITE male due to his half white heritage/influences and his white environment. He went through life as a white male and thought no different of himself. To hell with being "mentally ill" as an excuse. His false white superiority from emulating "daddy" was no doubt the initial driver for his misogynistic entitled bullshit mindset. Claim him and deal with it. Just as you people would have been quick to do so if he had invented the moon, the son and the holy ghost.

    Fake ID at 10:59 said about black people: "Hands out, mouth open, mind closed and full of hate."

    You watch too much porn, your nasty habit is showing. You dropped my IQ a few notches and you ruined my lunch.

    Field, I refuse to take responsibility for these low IQ Anons pretending to be "trolls". You need to contact Anon Inc and hurry pay them to handle their business.

  32. Socialism always benefits the rich elite who run it.

    Socialism always destroys the middle class.

    Socialism always expands the poor.

    In Obamerikka, big corporations who play ball get big rewards.

    Bourgeoisie Republican small business owners get audited by the IRS.

    That's how socialism rolls.

    Pay up, suckers.

  33. Anonymous Fakenonymous Burgundy said...

    "lived a privileged life as a young WHITE male due to his half white heritage/influences and his white environment."

    Are you referring perhaps to Barack Obama?

  34. Trollonymous Burgundy1:10 PM

    "Are you referring perhaps to Barack Obama?"

    With President Barack Obama's outward appearance alone, he could have never lived his life growing up or passing as a "white" male. He knew better.

    Like I said cut your shit. Claim your half white and half "model" minority sociopathic mass murdering white boy and deal with it. His victims would have been safer in Iraq that day.

  35. Good comment Granny, that is the part that disturbs me. Some folks think that we are inhuman and beneath them. Reading the article some folks just hated the idea of us being equal to them, drove them so crazy they would torture and kill. Never been able to understand that. Oh well, just gotta do the best we can and keep our kids away from such non-sense. My guess is eventually this has to stop.

  36. Anonymous Foolonymous Burgundy said...
    "Claim your half white and half "model" minority sociopathic mass murdering white boy "
    So, let me get this straight: Anyone with half-white ancestry who does something bad is "typically white", and anyone with half-white ancestry who hasn't is not white at all.

    Furthermore, the actions of any such person can be generalized to impugn all white people. Of course, any of the innumerable examples of heinous black crimes never say anything at all about the typical black person.

    I believe your IQ has dropped too many notches already. You do know your audience though.

  37. Anonymous1:44 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    No group of people are more superior than other groups, PEOPLE ARE PEOPLE. No group is better than any others

    No individuals are 'better'; all people have equal value as human beings, and equal responsibility towards others. Every one of us is in this together.

    But as a group, white males have clearly outperformed other groups.

  38. "Socialism always benefits the rich elite who run it.

    Of course it does Hugo, of course it does.

    Now why don't you go for a nice lie down in the quite room, and calm down.

    Have you remembered to take your medicines today? Those voices in your head won't go away on their own you know.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    But as a group, white males have clearly outperformed other groups.

    Yeah that "performance" in Santa Barbara will be extremely difficult to ANYONE to top.


  41. Dr. Whitprivilege1:56 PM

    Ms.Nǚwáng said...

    1. Dude wasn't white.
    2. Worse things happen somewhere in the world every day.
    3. You will never be a doctor.

  42. "But as a group, white males have clearly outperformed other groups."

    Some do some don't, just like any other group. Those that have have done so with alot of help. Babe Ruth would not have been homerun king if Josh Gibson was allowed to play in the major leagues. Many have the perception that white males are somehow superior but that undercuts the fact people are people.

  43. The Purple Cow said...

    "Socialism always benefits the rich elite who run it.

    Of course it does Hugo, of course it does.

    Thanks for conceding so quickly. I wouldn't want to have to spend as much time as I had to before you admitted Hitler was a socialist.

    No need to thank me for the lesson, I just hope this makes you a little wiser and little less miserable.

  44. Anonymous2:23 PM

    PilotX said...

    "But as a group, white males have clearly outperformed other groups."

    Some do some don't, just like any other group.

    The fact that Werner Von Braun, Neil Armstrong, and a bunch of other white dudes went to the moon does not mean I had anything to with it, or even could have.

    Likewise, the fact that Usain Bolt is Jamaican doesn't make Field any faster.

    I'd love to know who would have been a better home run hitter between Babe Ruth or Josh Gibson, and it's unfortunate that we'll never know.

    But today, we can have lot more confidence about who the best basketball player, theoretical physicist, and software developers are. Not completely, but better.

    Just as there was nothing good that came from denying individuals opportunity based on preconceptions about group abilities, there is nothing good that comes from denying group differences and trying to impose false equality of outcomes across groups.

    The fact that Asians are better at math and Africans are better at basketball should not mean Yao Ming should have been a physicist and Neil DeGrasse Tyson should have played in the NBA.

    However, it should mean that one should accept the fact that Asians will be overrepresented on science faculties and Africans will be overrepresented in the NBA, and the DOJ should not be suing selected institutions to try to impose some arbitrary racial quotas.

    'Social Justice' is an illegitimate concept, as justice can only apply to individuals. Every time you apply it across groups, you will necessarily create injustice for some individuals.

    We should stop measuring the 'fairness' of our society by group outcomes, and start by focusing on the sanctity of individual rights. Everybody's individual rights. Everybody's.

  45. "The fact that Asians are better at math and Africans are better at basketball"

    Really? All Asians? All Africans? Huge stereotype of millions/billions of people. Bad start.

    "'Social Justice' is an illegitimate concept, as justice can only apply to individuals. Every time you apply it across groups, you will necessarily create injustice for some individuals."

    Disagree, some people didn't seem to have a problem when things were done for whites and against blah folks but when we try to mitigate the effects of those institutions we get riled up. As Dr. King said, I have to paraphrase no time to look up quote "if something was done TO the negro we also have to do something FOR the negro".

    Bottom line is why are you trying so hard to elevate certain groups over others? That was the problem in the first place. Just admit people are people and be done with it. Damn dude.

  46. "We should stop measuring the 'fairness' of our society by group outcomes, and start by focusing on the sanctity of individual rights. Everybody's individual rights. Everybody's."

    I agree, you first.

  47. Trollonymous Burgundy2:57 PM

    Fake ID anon 1:43,

    You were the one sifting straws, and brought up Obama's half white heritage trying to compare it with Elliot's in terms of societal acceptance.

    The thing is, if Elliot was half black and raised within a white environment, you would have contributed his behavior to the black race/black side.

    Obama and Elliot (both half white) lived in your "white" environment, but only one of them experienced life with the privileges and the visual benefits of being "white/whiter". That one committed mass murder in the streets of Santa Barbara. (A place you folks would swear to be much safer due to the lesser presence of blacks).

    Yet the blackish one who was never afforded such white privileges and who was constantly reminded of his "blackness" turned out to be the POTUS. Obama knew he was not white from day one and was never treated as such among your kind. Due to his appearance alone, his experiences were different from Elliot, that should have been obvious to you. However, these experiences may have helped shaped him into the BETTER man, a more grounded man... and now the PUTOS.

    We all know the notion of him beating you at your own racist rules have you eating your racist hearts out. Even you, so obsessed with him you can't stop posting under variations of his name. Talk about ironic homage.

  48. Anonymous3:33 PM

    PilotX said...

    "The fact that Asians are better at math and Africans are better at basketball"

    Are you familiar with the concepts of averages?

    As in, on average, Asians are better at math than Africans.

    The other point I made was that group averages mean nothing when looking at any one individual. As in Neil DeGrasse Tyson is better at math than Yao Ming.

    "Disagree, some people didn't seem to have a problem when things were done for whites and against blah folks but when we try to mitigate the effects of those institutions we get riled up"

    So, bias against blacks in the name of group differences was wrong, but bias against whites in the denial of group differences is okay.

    "I agree, you first."

    We did, 50 years ago.

  49. The fact that Asians are better at math and Africans are better at basketball should not mean Yao Ming should have been a physicist and Neil DeGrasse Tyson should have played in the NBA.

    Racists LOVE to leave out the fact that the top students at ALL of the top educational institutions are Asian and are better in math than YOU people too.

    In fact, the ONLY reason you people lead in ANYTHING requiring half a brain is because you are BY FAR, the most deceitful people to have EVER walked the planet.

    Asian culture is based on honor and dignity which racists CLEARLY lack.

  50. Anonymous Confusable Burgundy said...
    Yet the blackish one who was never afforded such white privileges and who was constantly reminded of his "blackness" turned out to be the POTUS. Obama knew he was not white from day one and was never treated as such among your kind

    Barry Soetoro was abandoned by his Kenyan aristocrat father, and raised by his white mother and white grandparents, plus a few years with an Indonesian man who adopted him. He went to the most exclusive high school in Hawaii. All his friends were rich white kids. Nobody ever excluded him form anything. Nobody ever called him a nigger.

    Despite, by his own admission, spending his time getting high and hanging out, he got into an expensive private college (Occidental), where, by his own admission, he hung out with Marxists and foreign students, mostly rich Pakistanis.

    After two years he (somehow) transferred to Ivy League Columbia, where lived, by his own admission, with a white (and gay) roommate.

    Despite no one remembering him being there, two years later he got into Harvard Law School. Here he finally started associating with some black people (mostly Marxist professors).

    Finally, when he moved to Chicago, he decided blackness was a political asset, married Michelle, and became 'black'.

    Not exactly "Black Like Me", was it?

    Barack Obama is just as white as Eliot Rodgers.

    Your illogical conclusions aren't even supported by the misunderstood facts you cite to back them.

    Honestly dude, you appear to be getting dumber by the day. If you haven't been dumped into Obamacare yet, you should really try to see a doctor.

  51. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Ms.Nǚwáng said...
    Racists LOVE to leave out the fact that the top students at ALL of the top educational institutions are Asian and are better in math than YOU people too.

    That fact was implicit in "Asians will be overrepresented on science faculties".

    But of course you didn't get it.

    Idiots will always be underrepresented on science faculties.

    You will never be a doctor.

  52. "As in, on average, Asians are better at math than Africans."

    Really? The entire continent of Asia? You've done or seen this research?

    "The other point I made was that group averages mean nothing when looking at any one individual. As in Neil DeGrasse Tyson is better at math than Yao Ming."

    Thank you captain obvious. Any other pearls of wisdom you'd like to share?

    "So, bias against blacks in the name of group differences was wrong, but bias against whites in the denial of group differences is okay."

    Nope, but you can't use stereotypes against a group and then turn around and claim you are free of such vice.

    "We did, 50 years ago."

    You just proved my point, you use the noun "we" as opposed to "I". Interesting. I still don't believe it, you can say in 1964 all bias against blah folks ended but anyone who is sane knows that is a lie. You are either too naive to understand or a liar, neither is a good thing except for internet trolls.
    Good discussion but it must end now, I've been breaking my no communicating with anons too much lately anyway.

  53. Anonymous4:21 PM

    "Asian culture is based on honor and dignity which racists CLEARLY lack."

    Asian culture teaches one that honor belongs to one's family, while Western culture ascribes honor more to the individual.

    Asian culture is based on shame, while Western culture is based on guilt.

    Western people feel bad about doing something wrong. This is called guilt.

    Asian feel bad about doing something wrong only if they get caught and dishonor their family. This is called shame.

    Big difference.

  54. "Nobody ever excluded him form anything. Nobody ever called him a nigger."

    You have no proof of this. Most of us aren't called it to our faces anyway.

    "Here he finally started associating with some black people (mostly Marxist professors)."

    Really? Did Michelle Malkin tell you that? Marxists ha!

    "Finally, when he moved to Chicago, he decided blackness was a political asset, married Michelle, and became 'black'."

    Nah man, he was always blah. You can hang around white people your entire life and even join the klan but trust me, you will always be a blah person. No getting around that one. Didn't his grandmother have some biases

  55. Trollonymous Burgundy4:23 PM

    "Asian culture is based on honor and dignity which racists CLEARLY lack".

    Asians are just as racist towards blacks. As for honor and integrity, for decades now they too have been trying to plunder and exploit black people/Communities in Africa and in the Caribbean.

    American whites and their model minority Asians deserve each other. The "half white, half Asian" killed exactly 3 Asians and 3 whites. How ironic this thing called math/equations could be.

    (Verbatim mathematical Stats on black crime and Out-of-wedlock coming up. 4,3,2...)

  56. Captain Obvious4:32 PM

    PilotX said...

    "Really? The entire continent of Asia? You've done or seen this research?"

    Yes. On average. What matters to this discussion would be the populations here in the United States.

    "Thank you captain obvious. Any other pearls of wisdom you'd like to share?"

    You seemed to be having trouble with the concept.

    "Nope, but you can't use stereotypes against a group and then turn around and claim you are free of such vice."

    Stereotypes can have a basis in fact, and I never claimed to be free of vice.

    "I still don't believe it, you can say in 1964 all bias against blah folks ended but anyone who is sane knows that is a lie."

    All legal bias against blahs ended then; all bias enforced or sanctioned by the government. Legal bias against whites still exists in the form of AA etc.

  57. Asians are just as racist towards blacks.

    This hasn't been anywhere close to my experience with Asians and I deal with them everyday in both my business (they're my primary clients BY FAR) and academically.

    But then I've found that very little trumps persistent excellence and when you're at the top of your academic and professional game, they're your biggest allies.

    As an example, my research group this summer has 14 members, and I'm the ONLY American in the group. There's ONE European and EVERYONE else is Asian. But in a group of primarily computer programmers, they have NO CHOICE but to listen to me because I'm the only one with my specific scientific and now clinical training in the group.

    That said, I'm keenly aware that my expertise/experience in multiple research and clinical areas meant that my "overpreparation" was the ONLY way my Black ass could have gotten a shot to even be in this group (and yeah, they tested me before brining me on board, a "hoop" I'll bet NO ONE else had to jump through). Yes, the "Black tax" is in full effect.

    Now with all that said, it should be quite clear that I will be a Physician Scientist in the future. And if you still doubt it, then feel free to join my racist stalker in kissing both cheeks of my buttocks.

  58. "Yes. On average. What matters to this discussion would be the populations here in the United States."

    Says you. I never agreed to that stipulation.

    "All legal bias against blahs ended then; all bias enforced or sanctioned by the government. Legal bias against whites still exists in the form of AA etc."

    Sure, legal bias but do you think all of the harm and advantages afforded whites ended when legal discrimination ended? That would be a very naive belief. Surely you know that right? Besides, why do you think programs that attempted to aid victims of discrimination were created? Not to punish whites but to assist those who were harmed by past discrimination. That being said if you look at white wealth as compared to blahs in this country there doesn't seem to be much harm done to white. What harm have programs to assist those harmed by discrimination caused you personally? I don't believe whites have been harmed in any substantial manner. I could be wrong but we have a long way to go to get to the point where whites are harmed in the same manner blah people were. Not saying that would be a good thing but we all know it will never happen anyway.

  59. Trollonymous Burgundy4:49 PM

    "Your illogical conclusions aren't even supported by the misunderstood facts you cite to back them."

    Some of your claims are supported based on what? It seems you are accusing me of the very thing you're doing. You are boring me, i was going to ignore you.

    "If you haven't been dumped into Obamacare yet, you should really try to see a doctor."

    When all else fails...

    Well, you have proven to be flawless in your thought process. Therefore, until I see a doctor based on your obviously keen diagnosis, I promise I won't gun down innocent people in the streets of Santa Barbara.

  60. "Asians are just as racist towards blacks."

    That's kind of a blanket stereotype. Sure some are but I'm sure many aren't. I'm sure some Asians don't like white people so what's the point?

  61. PilotX said...

    "You have no proof of this. Most of us aren't called it to our faces anyway."

    If he had been, you can be sure he would have told us.

    " Really? Did Michelle Malkin tell you that? Marxists ha!"

    No, Obama did, in his 'autobiograpghy'.

    "Nah man, he was always blah. You can hang around white people your entire life and even join the klan but trust me, you will always be a blah person".

    So you are a genetic determinist? Culture counts for nothing, it's all in the genes?

    Is Allen West blah?

  62. Captain Obvious4:55 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Sure, legal bias but do you think all of the harm and advantages afforded whites ended when legal discrimination ended?"

    No, but that's not the government's business, except where it breaks the law. Government should enforce the law to uphold the rights of individuals, not use the power of the government to impose group outcomes.

  63. Trollonymous Burgundy5:07 PM

    Pilot X said: "That's kind of a blanket stereotype. Sure some are but I'm sure many aren't. I'm sure some Asians don't like white people so what's the point? "

    I'm not surprised that came from you. You are the same negro who thinks Cubans, Mexicans and various other non-black South Americans (non-black Latinos in general) are allies with black people.

    Black people like you (especially black men) enjoy flirting with the concept of blacks having Asians/Latinos etc as "friends", only because it brings hope to your own personal assimilating agenda.

  64. Trollonymous Burgundy5:46 PM

    Pilot X said: "I'm sure some Asians don't like white people so what's the point?"

    (I just read that sentence again)

    And what does that have to do with most Asians STILL not liking black people. I can tell you this much, even those who dislike whites, dislike black people even more. So what was your point?

    No wonder Bill and Kinky whop you all over this blog.

  65. Tell me again when asians males became white males?

    "Soooo, in other words, it's a website for losers (kind of like Stormfront, American Thinker, and SBPDL) who blame others for their misery"

    So says the owner of this blog who' posters daily blame whites for their miseries.

  66. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Trollonymous Burgundy, "Asians are just as racist towards blacks. As for honor and integrity, for decades now they too have been trying to plunder and exploit black people/Communities in Africa and in the Caribbean.

    American whites and their model minority Asians deserve each other. The "half white, half Asian" killed exactly 3 Asians and 3 whites. How ironic this thing called math/equations could be."

    I agree with you 100%. I live in the bay area and 'most' Asians are so prejudiced against Blacks that they seem even more racist than Whites.

    As far as exploitation of Africans in Africa, I was listening to a special on NPR about China's interest in Africa over the past several decades. I won't go into all the specifics why the Chinese are moving there but China is seen as exploiting the Africans 'exactly' the way the Europeans did.

    The Chinese are by far one the most racist group of people on the planet. They don' t like ANYBODY, especially Blacks.

    So I co-sign with what you have said, including your remarks to that negro who would sell his own race down the river simply because he would rather bend reality to fit his theory instead of altering and adapting his warped theory to match reality.

    PX is a dangerous Negro because he is deluded. His state of mind is worse than that an uncle tom. An uncle tom KNOWS when he is selling his race, but PX is totally 'ignorant'.

    "Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."
    ----Martin Luther King, Jr.

  67. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Blogger Kinky.Con said...
    Tell me again when asians males became white males?

    "Soooo, in other words, it's a website for losers (kind of like Stormfront, American Thinker, and SBPDL) who blame others for their misery"

    So says the owner of this blog who' posters daily blame whites for their miseries.

    6:42 PM
    Asians become White when they are half White. Get it?

    KC, You completely misunderstand Field. He is a great guy with a big heart. He really is. Why can't you see that?

    I have been following your interaction with Field and the two of you are a match made in heaven. I mean, there is a lot of love and respect between the two of you.

    Not once has Field called you a cracka and not once have you called Field the N-word. Now that is about as good as it gets when it comes to racial harmony. You two have done that.

    If we could get everyone to model themselves after the two of you, America could be saved!

    God bless you. Btw, are you a Christian?

  68. Blogger PilotX said...
    That's kind of a blanket stereotype. Sure some are but I'm sure many aren't. I'm sure some Asians don't like white people so what's the point?

    Of course it's a blanket stereotype and an ignorant one at that!

    But then what should we expect from someone in a career that obviously doesn't include going toe-to-toe with the best of the best.

    If I were intimidated by the Chinese and other Asians, I'd probably hate and call them racist too.

  69. "No wonder Bill and Kinky whop you all over this blog."

    Here's the thing cuntface, the fact that you have to repeat this mantra over and over again demonstrates that it isn't true.

    If you genuinely thought that Bill-oh and kinky regularly kicked PilotX (or anyone else's) intellectual ass, you would not feel the urge to constantly repeat the news. It would be self-evidently true.

  70. Dr. Kung Pao8:13 PM

    Ms.Nǚwáng said...
    But then what should we expect from someone in a career that obviously doesn't include going toe-to-toe with the best of the best.

    You couldn't go toe-to-toe with most cafeteria staff.

    You will never be a doctor.

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. If you genuinely thought that Bill-oh and kinky regularly kicked PilotX (or anyone else's) intellectual ass, you would not feel the urge to constantly repeat the news. It would be self-evidently true.

    ANY Black *itch that would side with a racist over sista's success can't be trusted to say anything that makes ANY sense.

    Damn shame it took Aunt Jemima going after PilotX for ya'll to realize that.

  73. "Is Allen West blah?"

    If you have to ask..........

    "Black people like you (especially black men) enjoy flirting with the concept of blacks having Asians/Latinos etc as "friends", only because it brings hope to your own personal assimilating agenda."

    Well, seeing as I live in a city with large Latino and Asian populations I better get over myself fast. And no, I just went to school and work with such and decided to judge folks as individuals. Silly me huh?

    "No wonder Bill and Kinky whop you all over this blog."

    Ah, fantasies of whip the negro huh? You might want to seek help for that.

  74. Trollonymous Burgundy8:33 PM

    Anon said: "The Chinese are by far one the most racist group of people on the planet. They don' t like ANYBODY, especially Blacks".

    I agree 100% with that too, I always appreciate your presence and insight when it comes to this topic (PX and Cow might call us sock pockets). It's obvious I am not speaking about every single Asian person (it seems you have to say that). However, Asian cultures tend to be very insular and discriminative especially towards darker skinned societies/people. I don't know why some black people in America think they are are prone allies. Most of them are not. Period. The only thing blacks can do for them is help line their pockets. And that's why Asians milk and enjoy their model minority status in America, it's upward and beneficial to them and their children for obvious reasons. The Latinos are right behind them. Only some blacks can't see this.

    Right now the Chinese are making "deals" with a few poor Carib islands particularly Grenada, Dominica, St. Lucia. They go bearing "gifts" in their covert attempt to get a foot hold in the "Caribbean". And you know some black people/leaders can't help but to sell out their people and land for little "gifts".

    The internet doctor said: "If I were intimidated by the Chinese and other Asians, I'd probably hate and call them racist too".

    No matter the professional environment, most Asians tend to be very competitive. However, I really think they would like you too. You will never be an intellectual threat to them whatsoever.

    Carry on.

  75. Purple cow said: "Here's the thing cuntface"....

    Calling someone a "cuntface" will never hide the fact that you have a cunt of your own. You lost your manhood and respect the day you started calling yourself a castrated man cow, and in purple color at that. The irony...

    If you were smart you would have called yourself a "bull" or a "ram" or something to help bring a little more dignity to half the crap you say... but of course, that's why Bill and Kinky whoop your ass all over the blog too.

  76. Anonymous Trollonymous Burgundy said...
    You will never be an intellectual threat to them whatsoever.

    And that's why they hire me to help them prepare for exams like the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT) and for help in classes like Biochemistry.

    Sure AJ, whatever you say, LOL!!!

  77. Btw Anon, (I'm Trolly too)

    I often tell people, the day America cannot pay back China, don't think they won't set their eyes on the USVI (America's so called paradise).

  78. Trollonymous Burgundy said...
    No matter the professional environment, most Asians tend to be very competitive

    As are Africans and Blacks with Caribbean ancestors.

    Truth be told, it's American born Blacks like YOU with NO sense of the value of an education, pulling up the rear in EVERY measurable academic category.

  79. The Nebulizer8:55 PM

    The Purple Cow said...

    "No wonder Bill and Kinky whop you all over this blog."

    Here's the thing cuntface, the fact that you have to repeat this mantra over and over again demonstrates that it isn't true.

    If it wasn't true, you wouldn't feel the need to respond.

    Your spittle-flecked post just proves you feel humiliated by the way you are slapped around on this comment board.

    Go back to some safe, moderated liberal circle jerk site where your shopworn cliches and juvenile insults are better appreciated.

  80. Dr.Nuwang = Dr.Queen = DQAE, Nnd I've been crystal clear on that point for YEARS.

    But the ONLY thing worse than a *itch, is a deceitful *itch!

  81. Dr. Jemima Maple9:01 PM

    Ms.Nǚwáng said...
    And that's why they hire me to help them prepare for exams like the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT) and for help in classes like Biochemistry

    That would be like hiring Kathleen Sebellius to help you prepare for a healthcare program roll-out, or Hillary Clinton to advise you on embassy security.

    You, or anyone you tutor, will never be a doctor.

  82. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Dr.Nǚwáng said...

    Trollonymous Burgundy said...
    No matter the professional environment, most Asians tend to be very competitive

    As are Africans and Blacks with Caribbean ancestors.

    Truth be told, it's American born Blacks like YOU with NO sense of the value of an education, pulling up the rear in EVERY measurable academic category.

    My experience is that American born blacks tend to be much smarter than Caribbeans.

  83. Me thinks dr. queen's crown is missing some jewels.

    She's a racist who reads medical blogs online and thinkerates she's a doctor.

    La♥audiobooks, don't let the stupid get to you.

  84. Anonymous9:19 PM

    I served in Vietnam and even the Vietnamese were racist against Blacks. And we were there fighting for them!

    I lived in Thailand and the Thais were racist too. Of course, they've always had that reputation. In fact, Thai women who married bm were immediately disowned by her family...just like many white families do! You see, American White racism has influenced the world. Still, there are Negroes in Chicago and D.C. who still believe Asians and Latinos will side with them...LOL

    I also lived in Japan, in Yokohoma and Tokyo in the 60's. The same prejudicial crap against Blacks was there too.

    I lived in Chicago and can tell you that:

    1. Chinese don't like Blacks, and they certainly would not live next to those wild ass Blacks on the South Side. As a matter of fact, there are Blacks who won't live on the South Side...I was one of them.

    2. Latinos, esp. Mexicans can't stand Blacks. But you don't have to go to Chicago to experience that. Just go ANYWHERE in Mexico, Los Angeles, the bay area...any place where there are Mexicans and you WILL feel their prejudice against you an AA.

    From my experience in this world, ALL races have been influenced in their negative attitudes toward Blacks-- because of White American racism....Our greatest country on earth continues to reign supreme in that area.

    If Still a Panther 2 served in Vietnam, I am sure he can validate what I have said about the Vietnamese and probably other Asian countries.

    I haven't read any comment where he hasn't shown his prejudice and distrust of Whites. Yet, PX trusts Asians and Latinos who don't give a damn about us?

    Well, that says it all about his 'state of mind', doesn't it? Totally deluded.

    Like I said before, PX is the most dangerous kind of Negro in America.

  85. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Blogger Kinky.Con said...
    "Me thinks dr. queen's crown is missing some jewels."

    ROFL...Sometimes you are an absolute riot the way you lay out the

  86. Porter9:24 PM

    A racially mixed man sets out to explicitly slaughter white women…and does so. The story: “white privilege.”

    White leftists are playing as cavalierly with their own lives as those of their kind they despise. To think that the anti-white enmity they have assiduously helped foment will somehow never come to sting their own loved ones is quite a leap of faith.

  87. Internet doctor said: "But the ONLY thing worse than a *itch, is a deceitful *itch!"

    I suppose you are referring to me, considering how many times I've dropped hints as to who I am. Several people caught on, but as to be expected, you did not.

  88. La♥audiobooks said...
    II suppose you are referring to me, considering how many times I've dropped hints as to who I am. Several people caught on, but as to be expected, you did not.

    The ONLY "hint" I need in my life these days are about these cancer drugs I'm working with.

    In other words, tricks are for kids and as someone I once respected, I expected you to act like an adult.

    So pardon me for having so much more going on in my personal and professional life that I just don't have time to waste, playing asinine games with people who should have outgrown that type of behavior after adolescence.

    But it works for you, so if YOU like it, then I LOVE IT!!!

  89. Kinky.Cockoosaid...
    She's a racist who reads medical blogs online and thinkerates she's a doctor.

    You know you're MUCH more fun when your pontificating about my future, lol!!!

  90. "From my experience in this world, ALL races have been influenced in their negative attitudes toward Blacks-- because of White American racism..."


    Anon 9:19, thanks for sharing your story. My uncle served in Vietnam and while he was conditioned to think only whites were "evil" and racist, Vietnam proved to be rude awakening for him in more ways than one.

    I have a military cousin who is one stripe away from being a Colonel. He is married to a woman from the Philippines. Her family disowned her, up until he started to send them a significant amount of money every month for the past 19 years.

    She has never worked a day in America. But with his money her racist family now own homes and property in the Philippines, and they have made it clear HE is never allowed to step foot in any of them. May I add his own mother is wheel chair bound and living in a housing project to this day.

    Some black people are twisted.

  91. Oh boy, guess we get to start the race war again. LA, as we had this debate years ago there are more Latinos who are Black than there are Blacks in America. Just curious, am I supposed to hate Black Latinos? When we go to Brasil if I don't open my mouth I fit right in. Same thing in Puerto Rico. Hell, I would have a serious problem with my job as I often travel to Latin and Asian countries. The "they don't like us" bullshit may fly with those who never get out of their trailer park but when you actually go to other countries and mingle you find new appreciation for humanity. But hey, carry on. Not looking to assimilate or find an ally just treating folks how I want to be treated. A hippy western Asian dude talked about that about 2,000 years ago.

  92. Anonymous9:48 PM

    "From my experience in this world, ALL races have been influenced in their negative attitudes toward Blacks-- because of White American racism....Our greatest country on earth continues to reign supreme in that area."

    Everything is the white man's fault, even other people's racism.

    Doesn't that shit ever get old?

    And you obviously have not been out of the country. America is the LEAST racist country on earth.

  93. Wow LA, my experiences have been 180 degrees from yours. Weird. In college I met many Philipinos who were down with Black folks, even joining Black sororities and fraternities. One of my best friends in college with whom I played on the basketball team was from Chicago and we started hanging out and I learned why many of them were down, they told me about their Black roots "negrizo" I think was the term he used. I never knew about this but they were proud of this heritage and then it made sense why so many of them were cool with sistas and brothas. Maybe we find what we're looking for.

  94. "America is the LEAST racist country on earth."

    Like to see some real data on that.

  95. Captain Obvious10:02 PM

    PilotX said...
    Just curious, am I supposed to hate Black Latinos?

    No, just White Latinos.

    You can't always tell by looking though. For example, Hispanics turn into White Hispanics when they shoot a black person. Before that, you can't tell.

    It is getting somewhat confusing. As the white majority continues to fade away, it seems in some instances there’s not enough of them to blame. Sometimes, you have to make do with a half white person. Oppressed minorities are having to take up the slack to oppress other minorities.

    And this is where America will actually grow amusing. Violence, tribalism, and racial conflict, all without whites. Who could have ever predicted that?


    "And this is where America will actually grow amusing. Violence, tribalism, and racial conflict, all without whites. Who could have ever predicted that?"

    America without whites? Nah, it would be more like Disney World but with better music.

  97. There's no Disney World without whites.

    America without whites will be like the bus station but with more stabbings.

  98. Anonymous10:26 PM

    "America without whites will be like the bus station but with more stabbings."

    Yeah, we would have to get used to fewer mass shootings and no country music. Shame.

  99. "America without whites will be like the bus station but with more stabbings."

    And no NASCAR, monster truck rallies and meth.

  100. Come on PilotX, read what I said... I specifically listed non-black Latinos, although there are black Latinos who also practice racism/colorism towards other blacks (just like a lot of blacks practice towards each other). It's not always the culture they use to separate themselves but the actual skin tone, (black Latinos) have issues too.

    In Brazil they are VERY racist and colorism is even whacked over there, there are dark skinned Brazilians who don't even think they are BLACK. We have been through this before. Cuba... watch your back if it's black. The Cuban/South American women in Miami tend to treat black women in particular like crap, it's not just me. In the Dominican Rep. forget it, let the Haitians who cross their borders tell you what's up.

    As for Puerto Rico, I go there several times a year to shop and maybe visit family. It only takes me minutes to get there. They culturally practice racism and colorism, even towards their own. I'm telling you, it can be blatant and in your face. Perhaps you don't understand what they are saying behind your back. I do.

    And again, back to MOST non-black Latinos (Mexican/South America etc) they DO NOT like black people. Period. It's a crying shame, but Black skin has been denigrated world wide for a long time.

  101. PilotX I am not telling you to "hate" anyone and I'm not speaking about all but I feel it's most unfortunately, just be cognizant and realistic.

    And yes, Filipinos are colorist even among their own. You must be referring to the 'nice' Filipino women giving you play. Don't let that fool you.

    And just because they joined a black sorority/fraternity doesn't mean shit. Asians, Latinos, Indians etc are known to use blacks as stepping stones when there is need.

  102. "Asians, Latinos, Indians etc are known to use blacks as stepping stones when there is need."

    Blacks are going to be very disappointed in the lack of promptness from Mexicans, Asians, and muslims to leap into a supine position upon hearing the designated trigger word (Rayciss!). Only whites are sufficiently conditioned for that response, and it might be more felicitous to keep them as a well-trained majority. But, alas, that is becoming less and less of an option.

    The boys of La Raza just don’t seem as interested in the searing pain of Ta Nahesi Coats.

    Fundamental Change is barreling down the tracks. Step lively!

  103. This comment has been removed by the author.

  104. "Only whites are sufficiently conditioned for that response"

    Because they are guilty?

  105. Boy LA, you are just a bundle of happiness. Sure a lot of folks dislike us because of our skin color but that is ignorant. There is ignorance in all cultures but why dwell on that? I prefer to deal with folks a bit more evolved. There is a large contingent of Black folk in Brasil who accept and celebrate their Blackness. One of the names chosen for our kids was Querino for Manual Querino the father of Brasillian Black history. We choose who we associate with and I prefer those with a bit of culture and awareness. For every negative example of certain groups you list I can list a positive. I am neither naive nor an idealist, I just know how to vibe in other lands. Just as I avoid the people who tell me all of the people in the motherland hate "us", I had a great time there and was told to tell more of us to come "home". I guess we get the experience we expect.


  107. Anonymous12:03 AM

    "For every negative example of certain groups you list I can list a positive."

    Except white people.

    Keep on hatin'

  108. Anonymous12:05 AM

    La♥audiobooks said...
    It's a crying shame, but Black skin has been denigrated world wide for a long time.

    10:37 PM

    Well lookeee here! Look who's back. The one and only LA audio books! AKA Focused Purpose,Burgundy,Sage, BIB! Among others! LOLOL!

    B**** you could man this blog all by your lonely, ugly azz self!!

    What happened, lose your E-bible privileges at the library?

    and since when is a library clerk so knowledgeable about world wide culture and sentiments towards Black people???

    Oh that's right, you got all those books to read, hehehe :D or is that the way YOU feel ;)

    You are so full of shit!

  109. Anonymous12:14 AM

    What's the matter, Queen? Afraid LAA will put you in your place and make you look more foolish than usual again?


  110. Anonymous12:20 AM

    Blogger PilotX said...
    Wow LA, my experiences have been 180 degrees from yours. Weird. In college I met many Philipinos who were down with Black folks, even joining Black sororities and fraternities. One of my best friends in college with whom I played on the basketball team was from Chicago and we started hanging out and I learned why many of them were down, they told me about their Black roots "negrizo" I think was the term he used. I never knew about this but they were proud of this heritage and then it made sense why so many of them were cool with sistas and brothas. Maybe we find what we're looking for.

    9:56 PM
    Dear PilotX, for a man who claims to travel a lot to Latin and Asian countries I am surprised that you don't know how to properly spell the ethnic name of people from the Philipines. It's spelled "Filipinos", not 'Philipinos'. What an insult to all your Filipino friends in college and in Chicago.

    However, I understand, I truly do. You are from the South Side of Chicago where dodging bullets is the most important thing. And to make matters worse, you are severely deluded. just kidding...well, maybe not.

    Trollonymous, LA, Anons, and Vietnam Vets, have pretty much laid our stories and experiences to you. STILL, it hasn't even dented your thinking. You STILL think Asians and Latinos are down with the brothers and sisters for 'cause'.

    PX, Apparently you have shifted your 'desperation' to be loved by the massa to wanting to be loved by Asians and Latinos. When will this need-to-be-loved-by-others-self-esteem-issue end for you?

    Me thinks you are one dumb Negro. Asians and Latinos are NOT going to love you. Furthermore, they could give a shit about you.

    So why go through all that shit, brother PX when you can just keep hoping the wm will love you?

    At least Whites like KC and Bill and occasionally Frank will give you some negative attention and some false hope of being loved someday.

    But Asians and Latinos? Forget it. Hell, they won't even bother to post on FN to say "I'm down for the cause." And FN has been around for some time.

    Hell, at least the Whites will drop by if nothing else just to call you the N-word and tell their little 'white lies'.

    Brother PX, you think like 'exactly' like STEPHEN when it comes to Asians and Latinos. But go ahead and dream. Believe Asians and Latinos will join us.

    Btw, why aren't there Asians and Latinos on FN? Got any good STEPHEN rationale for that?

    Anyway, don't forget: It's "Filipino", not "Philipinos". Brother PX, for someone who flies a lot to Asia, you sure don't know much.

  111. Anonymous12:20 AM

    What's the matter, Queen? Afraid LAA will put you in your place and make you look more foolish than usual again?

    I was thinking the same thing, that's why she posted as anon 12:05am. Her hand print was all over that comment.


  112. PilotX said...

    In the studio today mixing a Partido Alto version of Nothing Will Be As It Was.

    Small Brazilian world.

  113. Anonymous1:01 AM

    LA, I hope you know that DQAE, aka Dr Nuwang, aka Dr Queen, aka Flyingnmy40's is the same fool at 12:05am.

    You see, these are dead give-aways:

    1. "...AKA Focused Purpose,Burgundy,Sage, BIB! Among others! LOLOL!"
    --The esteemed Doctor can't stand FP, Black Sage, BIB. That's because they shoot her down. And, she likes to use loud-ass exclamation points! that's to let everyone she is from the hood in D.C.

    2. "and since when is a library clerk so knowledgeable about world wide culture and sentiments towards Black people???"

    ---this statement nails her for who she is: Queen is always claiming to be sooo smart, and everyone against her as having lower level jobs and ignorant.

    The amazing thing is she actually thinks she is fooling everyone while the only one she is fooling is herself.

    How dumb can she be? It's pretty profound stupidity.

    dear Dr Nuwang, please don't try to fake being an anon, you aren't smart enough.


  114. "Anyway, don't forget: It's "Filipino", not "Philipinos".

    Thanks, learn something new everyday.

    "Brother PX, you think like 'exactly' like STEPHEN when it comes to Asians and Latinos. But go ahead and dream. Believe Asians and Latinos will join us."

    Join "us" where exactly? Hell, I don't want to join you kid. You're all alone in your imaginary revolution. Don't hurt yourself.

  115. hi La!

    cyberwave and big hug, sis. brush your shoulders off of all the hateration;)

    good to see you over here in the fields.

    i KNEW you were TrollyAnon. lol! i recognized your voice.

    to whoever thinks we are the same soul...

    i take THAT as a compliment;)

    for Real.

    it appears folk are discussing Psalm 83 folk in the comment section. i don't think this can be laid solely at the feet of white folk/edomites though. Scriptures gives a run down of what time it is on that front. names the tribes by name, no less.

    don't take my word for it...

    read it for yourself:


    Anon that asked awhile back about the different versions of Scriptures.

    my friend, i see nothing wrong with that in the least. in fact, before i understood the King James version, i did the same thing. that's the short version response;) as time permits i will revisit the convo.

    wrestling currently with a bad case of writer's block that i am working to overcome. so i won't distract myself too long over in the fields. popped in to see what's up and was happy to see La holding it down;)

    blessings all!

  116. just want to say real quick, too, IF folk think the whale hunting they see going down with Sterling is due to his racist comments, i would invite folk to take another look.

    those tapes let the cat out of the bag- when he CLEARLY identifies the Blessed Black as the "enemy"...

    when folk put it in perspective, they won't be amazed at the mistreatment heaped on our heads. mk beta sex kitten programming is Real also. most don't know when they witness the unfortunate caught up souls, which the Sterling mistress bears all the signs.

    so Pilot X there is no imaginary revolution my friend. the hatred folk are speaking of is very Real + based in Scriptures.

    this brother (and i don't agree with all he says, nor do i have to in order for me to hear him) is breaking it down in a major way.

    though i should say...

    i will be doing my very best to stay (failing miserably it feels like most days- but that is just a feeling and i am shaking it off- daily) close to the Almighty of Abraham, Isaac and Yacob.

    the brother that does the blog linked below doesn't appear to be on an Almighty of Abraham flow.

    free will.

    + i don't know and it is not for me to know. i'll pray for him.

    but he DOES break down much of what folk miss. gotta give him props on that.

    it is important to pay attention to the fact that Blessed Blacks are the "enemy"...Psalm 83 style.

    our history in new egypt, the land of bondage for ALL now, bears witness to this Truth. worldwide, in fact, where ever we have been scattered, as it is written.

    found this article to be fascinating:

    IF they were going to start taking folks' stuff because they have racist tendencies...edomites and semites would be THE brokest folk on planet earth. lol. the semites cornered the slave market + stole the identity/birthright of the Genesis 15:13-14 Abram descendants identified in Torah. while scapegoating the bit slower "goy" edomites. how 'bout THAT?!

    gotta give it to 'em...

    that's wicked genius.

    there is something MUCH bigger at play with the Sterling whale hunt the world is witnessing. his issue with MJ seems to come with a great deal of history also. don't know anything for sure other than i pray for all parties involved. may none of us be lost.


    back to writing my way through writer's block.

    peace and blessings all!

  117. Anonymous2:17 AM

    focusedpurpose said...

    hi La!

    cyberwave and big hug, sis. brush your shoulders off of all the hateration;)

    good to see you over here in the fields.

    i KNEW you were TrollyAnon. lol! i recognized your voice.

    to whoever thinks we are the same soul...

    i take THAT as a compliment;)

    1:15 AM

    How ridiculous can anybody get?LOL

  118. Trollonymous Burgundy9:33 AM

    Hey FP (doing a cyber dance),

    I'm always glad to see you (even though you knew I came back months ago after a year hiatus). I still take compliment when folks think I'm you. I know I'm doing something right when that happens.

    Now sis, wasn't it you who first advised that person about that man-cow business? I saw you shut, lock and seal that barn yourself, what happened? LOL. Now the cow got loose and got it in their heads to go around calling people cunts. smh

    Girl... all that hatred was brushed off, vacuumed and dumped. Please continue to drop your insight and wisdom, much appreciated.

    Internet doctor, I am not playing games. I rarely post as an anon, and I'm either La or Trolly, no other tags (I don't like the hassle of signing in these days). This is the online world where adults can enjoy themselves after a hard days work, stop taking it so seriously. Just as you enjoy pretending to be a doctor, I now enjoy pretending to be a Troll.

    Wise Anon/s, I saw that comment and I'm hoping it was a fellow troll playing tricks. Please let that be a troll. No one could be that foolish, then again... LOL. You too keep bringing your wisdom, the younger generation (myself included) need all we can get.


  119. Anonymous said...
    LA, I hope you know that DQAE, aka Dr Nuwang, aka Dr Queen, aka Flyingnmy40's is the same fool at 12:05am.

    I know it NEVER occurs to you STUPID BITCHES to think that there's more than one person that posts on this blog that finds your childish and immature behavior IDIOTIC, but trust that this IS the case!!!

    Field can CONFIRM that who ever posted that comment at 12:05 was NOT me but you simply minded hateful, DICKLESS AND BARREN heffas continue to think everyone is as simpleminded as YOU are.

    So far as I know, FP, stalking assnon, AND La are ALL the same idiot!!

    DQAE, who ALWAYS claims her comments

    Maybe if you didn't spend so much time being jealous of me you could find a man to put a ring on it. Actually, that's too ambitious, lol!!!

  120. @12:05, I think I know who you are and yeah, I think you got it right, that bitch is nothing more than an internet multi personality psycho!!

    And don't forget her persona as stalking assnon,ROTFL!!!!


  121. Anonymous10:44 AM

    12:05 was Queen.

    No doubt about it.

  122. Anonymous11:06 AM

    @ DQAE: Yes indeed Dr. Nu!
    But dayum! this mofo has a serious obsession with you! Not that I can blame it, the good doctor is quite the woman! As well as being honest and forthright with her commentary on here. (I'm not that noble) hehehehe

    Just because Sybil's got the one man show here on the Fields, 'it' thinks everyone else does the same

    Get the popcorn, it's show time:)

  123. @11:06, I just caught the BIB reference. So, you think it's a hermaphrodite too?? No wonder it's batshit crazy!!!


  124. "Get the popcorn, it's show time:)"



    not so much. who has time?


    La, i can't get down with the bickering these days. wrestling with Wrath + bickering = all bad and too much of a distraction.

    i pray for all the folk that keep my name in their mouths. seeing me where i am NOT. lol. then flipping it in their little minds to fp being obsessed with them.

    that is hilarity + pure comedy.


    i will say women running around talking 'bout they got a man, like a man or a husband are hard to come by- need to stop it already.

    like folk don't borrow their man on the regular, in all likelihood. lol! THAT'S why bw with a man STAY on guard and treat all other attractive women like THE enemy. the bulk of these women are anything but secure + peaceful, as married women should be.

    i have personally asked some of these women to remember that he put a ring on it. calm down!

    + grab a seat with that played out game. i will call it out each and every time it gets on the last nerve. 'cause the ones running the game on other women already know what time it is for the most part. agatha christie/nancy drew+ murder she wrote with the where he at, most days. lol!

    womenfolk might want to get hip to what's written and KNOW we are in that time Right now. then do themselves a favor and cut it out with the "i got a man" schtick. NO one is "jealous" of folk having a man. the fact these women have one= it ain't hard.

    i will leave it at that. lol. i could really break this down, but i don't have the time nor inclination right now. + my conference call is about done.

    though it could end up a blog post for the messed up BW (all classes) running 'round acting like having a man = some prize. like man sharing isn't on the menu all day for women of all colors and classes.

    and only women can make it stop. but so many of US have been programmed to believe that other women are the competition + the enemy.

    married folk clutter up the dating scene- men AND women hellbent on acting like men. those that come right out with it and those that lie + deny to the bitter end.


  125. chances are if he has a Black wife- he has a pale skin harem on the side.

    married to a ww, he has a colored woman harem like no one's business. it's tradition. lol.

    he got ends? he got a woman in different colors and cities worldwide.

    so let me just be about my Father's business and give His Law, like the Law Giver i AM Called to be.



    Isaiah 4:1- And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach.


    the ones functioning like men are the FIRST to holla 'bout having a man. folk writing songs 'bout putting rings on it...

    like their man doesn't STAY busy with other women.

    those women that get with Yah and themselves= ahead of the game, frankly. wish i was hip sooner;)

    newsflash: unless that man is flowing with Almighty...

    folk ain't got no man. they got a piece of a man and a turn + sometimes a ring. and if folk married to him, they got the heavy lifting job of dealing with all his mess, too. 'cause the women folk taking turns can't.wait. for him to go home.



    sorry to be the one to share THAT newsflash. 'cause it must be a newsflash, otherwise women with men would go somewhere and zip it.


    some folk that have been married 20-40 years don't bother sharing the Truth that there have been so many other folk in the relationship they lost count. this is on the men and the women side of things.

    disclaimer for the sensitive menfolk:

    not ALL men fit this description. not ALL men cheat. i am NOT speaking of ALL men.

    that said, i AM fp...

    not LA, BIB, Black Sage, nor anybody else...though the mistake is a compliment. all the sane folk i get accused of being;)

    Blessings and Good day to all!

    especially to the haters/motivators;) thanks for growing me and making me Spiritually Strong.

  126. Anonymous1:50 PM

    DQAE, "I know it NEVER occurs to you STUPID BITCHES to think that there's more than one person that posts on this blog that finds your childish and immature behavior IDIOTIC, but trust that this IS the case!!!"

    Calling people the B word won't change the fact and truth that YOU are the only one who goes around cussing and using vile profanity at people. You are a very unstable emotional nut. And LOTS of people on FN find you childish and immature.

    DQAE said, "So far as I know, FP, stalking assnon, AND La are ALL the same idiot!!"

    YOU have accused FP often of using an anon name. Go back and read your vile disrespectful comments to her on past threads. NO ONE has ever accused FP of using another anon name--EXCEPT YOU.

    However, you are known for accusing others of using other names. No one thinks like you. The way you think is distinct. Everyone can pick your comments out of a pack of comments. It's YOU who is accusing and using anon names...EVERYBODY KNOWS IT. You've fooled no one. IDIOT!!!

    DQAE said, "Maybe if you didn't spend so much time being jealous of me you could find a man to put a ring on it. Actually, that's too ambitious, lol!!!"

    Well, there you go again with your distinct repetitions 'everybody-is-jealous-of-me' bullshit. NOBODY, and I mean NOBODY, gives a damn about you or how you live your life, or even what you are doing with it.

    Bottom line: NOBODY WANTS TO BE LIKE YOU OR EVEN CLOSE TO BEING LIKE YOU.... YOU are a total LOSER, trying to look successful at 50+ years old.... It's not working.

  127. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Dr.Nǚwáng said...
    @11:06, I just caught the BIB reference. So, you think it's a hermaphrodite too?? No wonder it's batshit crazy!!!


    12:35 PM

    Yup Doc! That's why one day it's a he, the next it's a she! Depends on which organ it manages to catch sight of when it picks up the folds of belly flesh! hahaha!

    Or maybe that ratchet azz dog it keeps in the basement gives it a clue? oops......;)))

  128. Anonymous2:44 PM

    FP, "La, i can't get down with the bickering these days. wrestling with Wrath + bickering = all bad and too much of a distraction."

    I agree 100%. Thanks for the reminder.:)

  129. Anonymous2:45 PM

    focusedpurpose said...
    chances are if he has a Black wife- he has a pale skin harem on the side.

    married to a ww, he has a colored woman harem like no one's business. it's tradition. lol.

    he got ends? he got a woman in different colors and cities worldwide.

    so let me just be about my Father's business and give His Law, like the Law Giver i AM Called to be.
    1:35 PM

    Oh Lawd! Get the popcorn and the hotdogs!

    Now it's the expert and ultimate voice on men and marital relations too!
    Yes, please go back to that E Bible you use at the LA public library audio books, and go back to just playing at being a cut and paste pastor (of sorts, among other things)Lol!

  130. "so Pilot X there is no imaginary revolution my friend. the hatred folk are speaking of is very Real + based in Scriptures."

    We'll have to agree to disagree. I don't accept your source as authoritative. I guess I'm in the half that don't follow that book. Ha! I could be wrong but I'm in good company.

  131. Trollonymous Burgundy7:05 PM

    "i will say women running around talking 'bout they got a man...

    like folk don't borrow their man on the regular, in all likelihood. lol! THAT'S why bw with a man STAY on guard and treat all other attractive women like THE enemy. the bulk of these women are anything but secure + peaceful, as married women should be."

    Sis, this was very profound. I appreciate mine, but I don't go around beating my chest for none.

    I usually get a chuckle when one of these type "I got a man" begin to super-upload a dozen pics of themselves along with their community-property man on FB. I suspect that's when they started seeing the writings on the wall, then they try to upset and ward off the harem. LOL. Much love.

    Just in case, I am not Anon 1:50, but I completely approve of that message. LOL! Total comedy.

  132. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Trollonymous Burgundy said...
    Just in case, I am not Anon 1:50, but I completely approve of that message. LOL! Total comedy.
    7:05 PM

    You're only about 10-15 other aliases on here
    All batshit crazy, and all of which you deny! LOL!

    You a crazy mofo! lol

    But always good for a laugh though,you so stupid!
