"A judge in central Mississippi slapped a young black man in the back of the head and yelled 'Run, n----r, run,' the teen’s parents claim in a police report.
The allegations against Madison County Justice Court judge Bill Weisenberger, who is white, will be weighed by a grand jury.
'“This is 2014,' said former Canton mayor William Truly, who now heads the local NAACP, according to The Clarion-Ledger. (It’s) 'not 1960, where someone could slap a young man and call out “run n-----, run.'
Weisenberger was moonlighting as a security officer at the Canton Flea Market when the incident allegedly occurred two weeks ago.
Eric Rivers, 20, was asking for work at the open-air market when Weisenberger accosted him, the young man’s parents said in their complaint.
Truly demanded that Weisenberger step down at a news conference on Friday.
'No citizen should have to face justice before a judge who holds such a high degree of racial animus and hatred,' he said.
Flea market vendor Cathy Hendrix told the newspaper she and others routinely rely on locals who help unload goods."
My first thought is that they don't pay judges too well in Mississippi if the guy is moonlighting as a security guard at a flea market.
My second thought is that this poor young man was actually looking for work which is what we always encourage young people to do in this country.
A young black man can't win for losing in Mississippi.
Finally, I will stay in the state of Mississippi for my next story.
There is dirty politics and there is really dirty and low down politics. It looks like in Mississippi the Tea Party folks like their politics really low down and really dirty. This one has even the folks in Chicago and Louisiana shaking their heads.
"Three more people have arrested in connection with the photographing of U.S. Sen. Thad Cochran's (R-MS) wife, Rose, who is a patient in a Madison, Mississippi nursing home.
Mark Mayfield (pictured right), a member of the board of directors for the Central Mississippi Tea Party, was arrested Thursday, according to the Clarion Ledger of Mississippi.
At around 2:34 PM EDT Clarion-Ledger editor Sam Hall tweeted that the second arrest on Thursday in connection to the "Constitutional Clayton" photographing case was Richard Sager of Laurel.
A little more than an hour later The Clarion Ledger reported that a third suspect, John Mary (pictured above) was charged for conspiracy in connection to Kelly. Police confirmed later in the day that Mary had been arrested but then "his own recognizance due to extensive medical conditions after consulting with his attorney and the Madison/Rankin County District Attorney’s Office."
...Kelly supports state Sen. Chris McDaniel, Cochran's tea party primary challenger. Mayfield appears to be a McDaniel supporter as well and, according to the Clarion Ledger's Sam Hall, contributed $500 to McDaniel and served as an active volunteer on his campaign.
Authorities claim Kelly photographed Rose Cochran at St. Catherine's nursing home in Madison, where she is bedridden and suffering from progressive dementia. Kelly, a political blogger and McDaniel supporter, allegedly used the photo in a video he posted online." [Source]
So three people are arrested for going into a nursing home and taking pictures of a political opponent's bed ridden and dying wife and later posting her pictures on the Internet. The story is as sick and twisted as it sounds.
Then, to make it worse, the person who is the center of this entire mess did a horrible job of trying to explain himself and his campaign's ignorance of the whole matter.
Mississippi isn't burning, but sometimes we sure wish that it would.
"Tonight my racism chase takes me to Mississippi. It is a state whose history is steeped in bigotry and racism, and a place where they obviously have a long way to go before they can say that they have arrived in the 21st Century."
ReplyDeleteField, the bay area is right up there with MS.
I hear ya Anon @ 7:56, its just that these crackas here in the SF Bay Area are a lot more sophisticated.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 7:56 and 8:13PM said and agreed... "The (SF)Bay Area is like Mississippi; only more sophisticated.." Similar to MS; really??
ReplyDeleteTo both of you, and others:
Exactly what would you have the "crackers" of the SF/Bay Area do or say?
The San Francisco Bay Area is heaven-on-earth, a breath of fresh air compared to the hereditary entrenched ignorance and bigotry here in the deep South - the belly of the bible-belt beast. Trust me; these people - black and white - do love their ignorance. We need hundreds of SF/Bay Areas.
"Racism is conscious or unconscious desire manifesting itself in whites to destroy, castrate and exploit black people both psychologically and physically due to inherent feelings of white superiority."
ReplyDeleteExamples of this are:
"Defining "black" as inferior, subordinate and negative, and tranferring the definition to black people."
"Defining "white: in a positive, favorable and superior manner and transferrig such definitions to white people"
"Perpetuating a world-view through the language which denotes all of the characteristics of black culture and way of life as inferior."
"Expressing a world-view through the language which defines all of the culture and way of life of white America a being superior."
white = good, angelic
black = bad, evil
Oops, I forgot
ReplyDelete~~Dr. Burgest~~
"A judge in central Mississippi slapped a young black man in the back of the head and yelled 'Run, n----r, run,' the teen’s parents claim in a police report."
ReplyDeleteThis never happened.
The people who photographed that man's mother are not associated with the Tea Party.
ReplyDeleteField is lying to you again.
He is a complete hack.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
ReplyDeletewhite = good, angelic
black = bad, evil
That's a bit of an exaggeration, don't you think Granny? I mean I guess black people are less honest and commit a lot more violent crime than whites, but there are some decent black people.
You should try being less judgmental.
Field, nothing from your post is surprising. People were brought to believe that they are better than other people based upon their race.
ReplyDeleteThat's why we have this freakout by some folks since we have a African American President.
I loved watching the relay track meet today and yesterday. The USA needs to hire a new sprint relay coach. The men's handoff's were once again shameful.
Hey Reality, here's the link for your lazy ass. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/mississippi-judge-accused-slapping-mentally-challenged-black-man-yelling-run-n-r-run-article-1.1804601 or just GOOGLE judge slapping mentally challenged black man.
ReplyDeleteSay want. The young man was mentally challenged?
ReplyDeleteThat judge needs his ass whooped and he probably thought what he did was funny in his sick twisted mind. He does not need to be on the bench and is a disgrace and stain on the judicial system. The best alternative is for him to resign.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 7:56 and 8:13PM said and agreed... "The (SF)Bay Area is like Mississippi; only more sophisticated.." Similar to MS; really??
Yes, really.
"To both of you, and others:
Exactly what would you have the "crackers" of the SF/Bay Area do or say?"
What is there TO say or do when you are like MS? No amount of talking or education will change the plantation mentality of the bay area, nor stop police brutality nor prevent the forcing of Blacks out of SF and Oakland.
"The San Francisco Bay Area is heaven-on-earth, a breath of fresh air compared to the hereditary entrenched ignorance and bigotry here in the deep South - the belly of the bible-belt beast. Trust me; these people - black and white - do love their ignorance. We need hundreds of SF/Bay Areas."
That's bullshit....You must be White. Of course you are. Otherwise, you wouldn't be making such a statement. Typical White person using their white privilege to tell a couple of Negroes from the South that their experience is wrong...and what's happening to them in the SF/Oakland isn't what's happening.
Reality is the conscience of Whites are of the same plantation mentality as Whites in MS or Alabama. You just don't have that deep southern twang. But make no mistake about it, you think and behave just like them when it comes to racism.
I must say that the weather in the Bay Area is more like heaven on earth, but the people aren't. A bm taking BART puts his life at risk with the police. You remember Oscar Grant, don't you? Probably not. He was Black.
Dear Granny, In the previous thread, I provided you a link to the Bill Moyers interview of Ta-Nehisi Coates "Facing the Truth: The Case forReparations".
ReplyDeleteHowever, you just ignored me. Why?
An excerpt from the Moyers/Ta-Nehisi interview:
ReplyDelete“What we want is a kind of colorblindness,’ Coates told Moyers. “We think that’s the answer. But colorblindness isn’t the answer. Color isn’t the problem. Racism is the problem. And being conscious of racism is the solution.”
Coates explains in his latest piece for The Atlantic, “The Cost of Reparations,” that white supremacy did not end with the abolition of slavery, but was instead adapted for later generations through waves of socioeconomic policy that consistently left African-American communities having to catch up even when the policies were hailed by progressives.
For example, he told Moyers, the implementation of Social Security originally excluded domestic workers, the majority of whom were African-American. Though Black workers were later allowed to join the Social Security system, Coates said, that delay “injured” thousands of them in a way similar to that caused after many Southern states refused to expand their Medicare programs as part of the Affordable Care Act.
“The fact that it gets fixed will not close the gap,” Coates said. “So the question becomes: why do we keep doing that? Why do we look at a map of ‘Obamacare,’ as they say, where Medicare expansion has gone through and where it hasn’t and why do we see this swath of the country that’s identical to where we had plantation slavery?”
Well, I see Granny is not interested. My mistake. For AAs who might be interested, Ta-Nehisis offers a new bold way of dealing with racism. This gives me hope for the future generations to come because we have certainly failed.
ReplyDelete"There are plenty of African-Americans in this country — and I would say this goes right up to the White House — who are not by any means poor, but are very much afflicted by white supremacy,” Coates says.
By white supremacy Coates says he refers to an age-old system in America which holds that whites “should always be ensured that they will not sink to a certain level. And that level is the level occupied by black people.”
Coates explains to Moyers: “I am not asking you as a white person to see yourself as an enslaver. I’m asking you as an American to see all of the freedoms that you enjoy and see how they are rooted in things that the country you belong to condoned or actively participated in the past.”
Ta-Nehisi, excerpt from Bill Moyers
I can't even understand what was the point of this "dirty trick" of photographing another politician's sick, invalid wife. How would that even hurt Thad Cochran? Would people somehow not vote for a man because he has a sick wife? There's no logic behind it.
ReplyDeleteHowever, you mentioned my home town of Chicago, and we do know from dirty tricks. The politics have gotten a lot less ugly in recent years, but the city's bad reputation lingers. We are still trying to live down the Capone days and the era of dead people voting. And still, occasionally, the brass knuckles come out.
One of the more humorous episodes happened to Jesse Jackson Jr. (back before he got greedy and went to jail). His Republican opponent attempted to win dirty by paying another dude named Jesse Jackson (a truck driver) to put his name on the ballot as an independent candidate. The plan was that the real Jesse Jackson supporters would get confused and split their vote between him and the "fake" Jesse Jackson, allowing the Republican to win.
Now, that's your classic dirty trick, right there.
Bill Moyers' part in Lyndon Johnson and J. Edgar Hoover's bugging of Martin Luther King's private life, the leaks to the press and diplomatic corps, the surveillance of civil rights groups at the 1964 Democratic Convention, and his request for damaging information from Hoover on members of the Goldwater campaign suggest he was not only a good soldier but a gleeful retainer feeding the appetites of Lyndon Johnson.
You know, I'm not saying slavery was a good thing; but I can't help but reluctantly recognize the silver lining that at least I got to grow up in mid-20th-century Detroit instead of that hell-hole.
ReplyDeleteSlavery was bad. There are plenty of people in the South that will NEVER get over the Civil War, but I have never heard them say that slavery was a good idea. The entire 'Lost Cause' argument is that the Civil War WASN'T about slavery.
ReplyDeleteIn the US, the slavery issue is front and center almost all the time, an apology would seem almost silly at this point. As an outsider I've become convinced that Blacks and Whites just *can't* live together. Some individuals certainly, but as groups it doesn't seem to work, particularly in the US given its history and mythology of equality.
ReplyDeleteAt one time I thought it was just a matter of whites not being nasty toward blacks - everything would eventually work out, but I've started to think the real problem lies with blacks themselves....there is no apology that will help...any payment would be counter productive because blacks are already far too dependent on white largess.
I've thought about a 'Marshall plan' for black education, but I get the sense that blacks don't have much interest or aptitude for education, and those who are capable already have ample opportunities.
The fact is whites don't dislike blacks because of their skin color...there's just an unbridgeable difference in culture. Black attitudes towards sexuality and family are at the heart the issue. White heterosexuals want a society based on a degree of sexual restraint, with stable 2 parent families, blacks seem unable or unwilling to conform to this European norm.
The absence of black fathers creates a self perpetuating cycle of dysfunction, particularly for black males. You see the same thing in US and Africa... An almost Clownish desire to show off and be the 'Big Man'. It's a child screaming out for the non existing daddy.
It's the nature of African people, I don't think whites can help even with the best of intentions, so I'm very pessimistic.
I think this issue will be the downfall of America.
t's kind of ironic that anyone should think so highly of Barack Obama. He's only president because liberals thought a black president would be a nifty idea for 2008. His sole qualification was the fact that he was a black man who could be taken more seriously than someone such as Jesse "stay out the Bushes" Jackson or Al "them Greek homos" Sharpton.
ReplyDeleteHe is not a particularly good president at all. The principal reason he isn't the disaster Bush was is that he isn't allowed to be. Bush had a free pass for Afghanistan and Iraq. Obama would have led the country into Syria, but the American people had grown wise by that point. Of course, he still has the remainder of his second term to go, so watch out.
It's true that the Civil War wasn't about slavery. It was Lincoln's way of letting the South know they had lost the war and he did so by freeing the slaves. It was a "in your face" move by the North. But make no mistake about it, if the South hadn't been so hard-headed in their stubborness to secede, we would still have slavery in America.
ReplyDeleteBlack Americans asking for reparations is kind of like when the Blues Brothers go to collect their pay after a gig and find their bar tab has burnt right through it.
ReplyDeleteThe absence of black fathers creates a self perpetuating cycle of dysfunction, particularly for black males. You see the same thing in US and Africa... An almost Clownish desire to show off and be the 'Big Man'. It's a child screaming out for the non existing daddy.
ReplyDeleteIt's the nature of African people, I don't think whites can help even with the best of intentions, so I'm very pessimistic.
I think this issue will be the downfall of America.
2:19 AM
domingo, you depress me. But you are probably right. However, it's because of slavery and the continuation of racism and discrimination against Blacks that will be the downfall of America.
What you reap, you sow. NOBODY can enslave and brutalize a group of people and 'continue' to discriminate against them in society and EXPECT a good outcome. It just is NOT POSSIBLE.
Slavery and Jim Crow insured a divided America and an untrustworthy unfair justice system.
You cannot blame this on the underclass Blacks. They have no power, the power structure lies with Whites. America began with slavery, an evil that rests squarely on the shoulders of Whites. There is no doubt that the evil of slavery is heavy, heavy karma. It goes against anyone's conscience, law of karma and God's Law. Who knows? Maybe it can never be rectified? Then maybe it can. However, it takes confession, restitution and making things right. I doubt if Whites have the moral courage or capacity for it.
Blacks are the results of YOUR evil shit. So don't try to be so moral in your judgment of Blacks, descendants of slaves, for which YOU are responsible. YOU have no idea what slavery does to people, its descendants and how it reverberates through generations that follow.
You want to make things right? Then end racism, make amends for your wrongs, and make reparations to show you are really sorry....THAT is the right thing to do.
However, like you, I don't think that will happen....it is literally impossible for descendants of slave owners to do that. You judge Blacks but throughout American history you lack morals yourself.
You blame black fathers not being present in black families. But that is NOTHING compared to what Whites did to black families during slavery. Whites broke up black families without one bit of consideration for the unity of the black family. It was strictly "business" to you...Blacks weren't considered human anyway by you.
I am constantly amazed that hundreds of years later Whites are still grazing in the immoral fields of inhumanity. Your ancestors were evil during slavery and you are still evil now.
"The fruit never falls far from the tree."
And you have the audacity to have moral judgment on people of color today. You are crazy and YOU are a big big part of the problem, but YOU lack the courage and integrity to own up to your profound wrongs. YOU have proven that throughout American history.
Until you do, however, change in America is not possible. And America will die because it could not turn evil into good....That is what history will record about America.
Anonymous 12:49:
ReplyDeleteI am not ignoring anyone and that includes you. Sometimes I'm tired and don't have much to say.
I had viewed the video before you gave me the link.
domingo, you amuse me. That was total bullshit.
ReplyDeleteBut nice try.
Now head back to stormfront.
depressed [fake] Negro, if being on a black blog pretending to be black all day depresses you, may I suggest that you find a good shrink.
Granny, you don't engage these clowns if you don't want to.
ReplyDeleteThey are in your world. Just ignore them.
Hope you are having a happy holiday.:)
If slavery's over the European immigrants haven't received the message.
ReplyDelete"You want to make things right? Then end racism, make amends for your wrongs, and make reparations to show you are really sorry....THAT is the right thing to do.
ReplyDeleteHowever, like you, I don't think that will happen....it is literally impossible for descendants of slave owners to do that. You judge Blacks but throughout American history you lack morals yourself.
You blame black fathers not being present in black families. But that is NOTHING compared to what Whites did to black families during slavery. Whites broke up black families without one bit of consideration for the unity of the black family. It was strictly "business" to you...Blacks weren't considered human anyway by you.
I am constantly amazed that hundreds of years later Whites are still grazing in the immoral fields of inhumanity. Your ancestors were evil during slavery and you are still evil now.
"The fruit never falls far from the tree."
And you have the audacity to have moral judgment on people of color today. You are crazy and YOU are a big big part of the problem, but YOU lack the courage and integrity to own up to your profound wrongs. YOU have proven that throughout American history."
depressed negro, I co-sign with what you said. You hit the nail on the head. They are not to be trusted. They have shown that over and over again. "Evil" is an interesting description. I just think they are dumb.
Btw, Field is either messing with you, or his black detector is totally messed up. Just about any brother or sister can tell you are Black....and depressed, of course....lol
Another FAKE JEW huh, what do you expect from creatures that held more BLACK SLAVES than ANYBODY. These
ReplyDeleteCREATURES are truly Pathetic,Thats why i NEVER believed in that so -
called holocaust ( HOLO - HOAX.) It is impossible & a total waste of time to argue with MOST FAKE JEWS on this. The FAKE JEW loves to CRY & SCREAM about what ALLEGEDLY happened to them in Germany & how THEY were depicted in the media during WW 2, it turns out that the FAKE JEWS did FAR WORSE to Black People right here in the u.s.a BEFORE & AFTER Hitler, therefore, be on your guard against the
FAKE JEWS, knowing that whenever they have their SYNAGOGUES, nothing is found but a DEN of DEVILS in which sheer SELF GLORY, CONCEIT, LIES, BLASPHEMY, & the De-Faming of Black People & God are practiced most MALICIOUSLY, & Black people, DO NOT permit the BLIND FAKE JEWS to MISLEAD you. They are nothing but THRIVES & ROBBERS who daily eat no MORSEL & wears no thread CLOTHING which THEY have not STOLEN & PILFERED from US by means of their DECEITFUL PRACTICES &'ACCURSED USURY.
Jews participated in the Civil Rights Movement for Blacks. Some even died for the cause.
ReplyDeleteYou Whites talk about the Jews but YOU started the most evil inhumane and brutal acts toward Blacks in America: SLAVERY AND JIM CROW.
Even today, you are busy denying Blacks their dignity and right to vote.
So you need to STFU, evil ones.
Slavery has been over for 150 years.
ReplyDeleteIt is no longer a valid excuse. Every other people on the planet has gone through the same or worse.
Black people make or break black families. African culture does not value high paternal investment. Africans who cling to African culture in a European society naturally do not succeed. Africans who can adopt the cultural norms of the majority society typically do very well.
The solution is obvious: Stop listening to those who equate assimilation with submission. Stop calling Africans who live their lives as Americans first, following their individual dreams and dealing with other people regardless of race, Uncle Toms and House Negroes. Graduate at least High School, take the best job you can get, and don't have children out of wedlock.
If keeping African culture is the most important thing, then you must separate from the majority culture. Carve out your own homeland here, or migrate to a place where African culture predominates.
The alternative is perpetual failure and misery.
There are people profiting from your failure and misery, and people who are being punished for your failure and misery. Which group has the incentive for perpetuating your failure and misery?
Stop being a prisoner of the past. The future is unwritten.
The FAKE JEW lives from day to day, together with wife & kids by THEFT & ROBBERY, as ARCH-THIEVES & ROBBERS in the most IMPEDIMENT security. They LIE so CLUMSILY V& INEPTLY that ANYONE who is just a LITTLE OBSERVANT can EASILY detect it. Their very NATURE compels them to LIE & to BLASPHEME Sooooooo MONSTROUSLY, in VIOLATION of their OWN CONSCIENCE, they have their REWARD for CONSTANTLY giving God the LIE.
ReplyDeleteLiberals have a new word for what normal people call “success.” They call it “privilege,” as if a happy, prosperous life is the result of some magic process related to where your great-great-great-grandfather came from. …
ReplyDeleteIt’s easy to see that this notion that accomplishment comes not from hard work but from some mysterious force, operating out there in the ether, is essential to liberal thought. To excuse the dole-devouring layabouts who form so much of the Democrat voting base, it is critical that they undermine the achievements of those who support themselves. We can’t have the American people thinking that hard work leads to success; people might start asking why liberal constituencies don’t just work harder instead of demanding more money from those who actually produce something. …
The plain fact is that what they understand to be “privilege” is really just what regular people understand is a “consequence.” It is a consequence of hard work, of delaying gratification and of sacrifice. No one came and bestowed this country upon us. We built it. Some of us died doing so. If we have privilege, it was earned at Bunker Hill, Gettysburg and Normandy. It’s not a function of skin tone or the number of vowels in your name; it’s a function of character. …
What they say is privilege is what we say is a reward for doing more with our lives than waiting for Uncle Sucker to refill our EBT cards.
R. Right said...
ReplyDelete"Slavery has been over for 150 years."
It's now, and has been called "racism".
Of course, a white privileged person like you wouldn't know a damn thing about that. In fact, it has no relevance whatsoever to you because you are not on the receiving end.
When a white judge can slap a bm upside the head and say, "run nigger run" ....well, you get the 'present' picture. It's not much different from the 'past'.
So the FAKE JEW helped Black People's struggles huh, well , we see how that turned out. Here's the deal; RACISM is a CONSTRUCT that FAKE JEWS BENEFIT from, OK, the FAKE JEW has the AUDACITY to call THEIR VICTIMS RACIST, You are EVIL as H/LL & thats why i want NO PART of YOU. You know that the FAKE JEW are the REAL MONSTERS of this Planet, BAR NONE, YOU KNOW THIS. How can you strip a WHOLE PEOPLE of their CULTURE, RAPE their WOMEN WHOLESALE, cut the Babies from their STOMACHS, HANG & BURN Black People for YOUR OWN SICK, TWISTED, SATANIC, & PERVERTED FANTASY, is that the help you are referring to ? Nothing has changed with your thinking & this is PROVEN EVERY DAY & if you want Black People to move on, why can't you CREATURES leave US the H/LL ALONE ? the way you CREATURES talk, one would think that it was Black People that committed the ATROCITY on YOU instead of the other way around. Every Thing Black People do is JUDGE by YOUR STANDARDS.Every where Black People
ReplyDeletego is SCRUTINIZED by YOU. Most Black People could care less about a RACIST FAKE JEW, just leave US the H/LL ALONE. GOT IT.
This is an interesting video re: 'color-blind' vs 'color brave':
You don't make up for sins of the past by making the present pay for them. You only breed hatred and resentment. Look how affirmative action - like forty acres and a mule after the Civil War - has worked out. It is a form of reparations from the Civil Rights Acts of the sixties.
ReplyDeleteI know, I know, money speaks louder than actions. Pay reparations? More than a century and a half after the fact. How absurd! How unnecessary and kowtowing to a vocal minority - a mere minority of less that 15% of the population that sucks the oxygen from any room. Preposterous.
If we fall for this boondoggle, then we will fall for the next and the next and the next, for enough is never enough to the greedy.
I mean, today, the most a man convicted of a serious crime in this country has to suffer is measured in years, not centuries.
Oh, I almost forgot, We could call it another 'stimulus' package with a few black leaders and organizations reaping the windfall.
"Of course, a white privileged person like you wouldn't know a damn thing about that. In fact, it has no relevance whatsoever to you because you are not on the receiving end."
ReplyDeleteNo, white people are just on the paying end.
And that story about a judge slapping some delinquent on the head and saying "run nigger run" NEVER HAPPENED.
You people will believe anything they tell you to.
And you have the audacity to have moral judgment on people of color today. You are crazy and YOU are a big big part of the problem, but YOU lack the courage and integrity to own up to your profound wrongs. YOU have proven that throughout American history.
ReplyDeleteUntil you do, however, change in America is not possible. And America will die because it could not turn evil into good....That is what history will record about America.
I would like to borrow the above two paragraphs, if I may.
AND.Rahmbo, you stupid cunt. Like I said above, GOOGLE: judge slaps mentally challenged black man.
Whats the matter? Too good to use a damn search engine?
Never. Happened.
ReplyDelete"YOU lack the courage and integrity to own up to your profound wrongs."
ReplyDeleteI have done nothing wrong.
Stop whining.
Arnold said, "I have done nothing wrong."
ReplyDeleteLike I said, "YOU lack the courage and integrity to own up to your profound wrongs." The lineage you come from is so evil you MUST deny your wrongs. Your conscience must be screaming.
I rest my case.
Rahmbo said, "You people will believe anything they tell you to."
ReplyDelete1:20 PM
Yeah right. One thing for sure, we won't believe your stupid lying racist ass under any circumstances.
You will if I tell you the lies you want to hear.
ReplyDeleteWhat a hoot! White people in Mississippi could care less what you think of them. You are more racist than any white I have ever met in Mississippi.
ReplyDeleteTo the guy calling the bay area white folks "Crackas" is that not as racist as calling black folks "Nigger"??
ReplyDeleteThe door swings both ways....I live in the town where the slapping incident took place. I see racism on both sides everyday. Black and white. In public offices, eat establishments, and churches. Yes, I said churches.
I know that judge personally. His time has come. He is going to answer for what he's done.